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Budget Breakdown Parks and Open Spaces
Budget Breakdown Invest - Renew - Manage
Maintaining our technology, fleet, and equipment, as well as conducting studies ensures our staff are able to work efficiently and get the most out of the City’s assets.
See Appendix D: Invest - Renew - Manage Capital Detail Sheets on page 511 for more information on upcoming projects.
Strategic Plans, Studies & Consultations
2% | $320,000
Strategic plans, studies and consultations help guide City decision- making through research and public consultation. Plans and studies are essential to align goals, reduce risk, and deliver the best possible services.
Transit, Fleet & Equipment
3% | $460,000
The City uses a wide variety of fleet vehicles and equipment to deliver services to the community. Whether it’s trucks, tools or transit, maintaining our fleet and equipment reduces service disruptions and downtime.
Software & Technology
2% | $337,400
In an increasingly digital world, technology is essential to working efficiently. This funding supports the software and hardware needs of the organization, and enhances our ability to provide digital services to the community.