Culinary trends come and go in Taipei, but one craze that looks to be here to stay is food – and restaurants – with a dash of quirkiness
WORDS Tatyana Leonov
Hello Kitty Sweets
Amuse Bouche
無論潮流美食如何變換更新,以奇特 創意取勝的料理永遠最吸睛
位於台北故宮博物院院區內的「故宮晶華」,給人的第一印 象一點也不酷炫奇特。餐廳以紅木、黑檀及米色為主色調, 裝潢高雅出眾,服務員都殷勤有禮。但更引人興趣的是,這 餐廳精心呈獻的國寶宴——九道美味佳餚被設計成故宮博物 院舉世聞名的稀世珍藏。「翠玉白菜」是精選產自台灣的娃 娃菜,並以櫻花蝦替代螽斯和蝗蟲。選用蹄膀肉,臨摹國寶 精切而成的「肉形石」及以蘋果苦瓜 為食材的「白玉錦荔枝」,不但維妙 維肖,而且味道極佳。 「伍角船板」是西港藝術家謝麗 香徒手打造的餐廳。建築外觀採用拼 貼加裝設計,有幾分西班牙建築大師 Gaudi的味道。材料大多是撿自海邊的 漂流木,主體雕像是兩個跳舞的長髮 原住民女人。室內佈置同樣散發濃厚 的藝術氣息,到處可見造型奇特的藝 術品及雕像。食物水平相對普通,但 藝術和味蕾體驗相結合就是其賣點。 如果您喜歡幽默、搞怪的主題餐 廳,台北的便所主題餐廳絕對不容錯 過(全球加盟店超過23間)。座椅 全採用馬桶設計,以迷你馬桶、洗手 台、浴缸造型的碗碟裝食物,用塑膠 尿盆裝茶飲還須額外收費。巧克力冰 淇淋及香草冰淇淋則以迷你蹲式馬桶 奉上,樣子像極了一坨⋯ 您就自己想 像吧。
At first glance, the five-floor eatery on the grounds of the National Palace Museum doesn’t look as if it fits the quirky-cool bill. Striking furnishings and a mahogany-ebonycrème color scheme define the interior space at Silks Palace. But order the nine-course imperial treasures feast and you’ll soon be digging in to dishes much like those highlighted in the National Palace Museum’s collections. The jadeite cabbage with insects is artfully created from bok choy sum – not to worry, though, the “insects” in the updated dish are just tiny shrimp. Visually, all nine dishes are exceedingly impressive. The meat-shaped stone, made from intricately carved dongpo pork knuckle, and white jade branch of elegant lychee – the apple bitter melon used for the jade looks too real to eat – seem especially authentic and taste great, too. Elsewhere, Five Dime Driftwood House all but embodies eccentricity. Designed by artist Hsieh Li-shiang, its elaborate, one-of-a-kind exterior is almost Gaudi-like in its appearance. As the name suggests, the restaurant was built primarily of driftwood and incorporates two outlandish sculptures of Aboriginal dancers, which tend to leave passers-by gawking in awe. The interior is just as eye-popping, with works of art displayed throughout. Though the food isn’t likely to win any culinary awards, Five Dime Driftwood House is worth a visit simply to bask in the arty ambience. If it’s feasts for both the taste buds and the eyes you’re after, head to one of the two Modern Toilet Restaurants in Taipei. Seats here are, in fact, glorified bathroom thrones, meals are served in dishes resembling mini toilets, basins and baths and – for a modest premium – drinks arrive in plastic urinal-shaped containers. The chocolate and vanilla ice cream for dessert is served in a mini squat toilet – and looks just like… well, we won’t spoil it for you. www.silkspalace.com.tw www.five-dime.com.tw www.moderntoilet.com.tw
--------------• 如果您喜歡甜蜜 可愛的Hello Kitty, 就到Hello Kitty Sweets餐廳,在粉 紅色系的純真、浪 漫空間裡,快樂品 嚐各式精緻美味的 餐點吧。
Barbie Café
A380 Sky Kitchen
--------------• 全球首家Barbie Café剛於1月 開幕。由美泰兒 (Mattel)授權, 超級夢幻甜美的芭 比餐廳已成為台北 人和遊客的最新熱 點。快來享受最粉 紅的奇妙體驗!
空中廚房 --------------• 喜歡豪華客機的 美食,又不想離開 地面嗎?以A380客 機為主題的這家餐 廳讓您一嘗所願, 在經濟艙或商務艙 盡情享用各式中西 餐或無國界料理。
--------------• If you prefer tutus
to toilets, Hello Kitty Sweets is ever so cute – lots of pink and white, plenty of bows, and a sweets menu that will entice even the most hardcore dieter.
--------------• The world’s only
--------------• Love in-flight dining
Mattel-licensed Barbie Café is outrageously girly. Open since January, it has quickly become a hit with novelty-seekers. Be prepared for oodles of pink!
but don’t want to leave the ground? Select your seat – economy or business-class - and choose from dishes that go well beyond the standard beef-orchicken options.