make plans. Tenille Weir and baby Hamish delve into the toy-box treasure at the Faulconbridge Tuesday Tots playgroup.
JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT Kids tumbling over each other like puppies. Parents and grandparents nattering over cups of tea. Isn’t this what life with children was supposed to be like? Fun. Relaxed. Tidy! It’s all waiting for you (and your kids) at your local playgroup. PHOTOS: MICHAEL WEE WORDS: TATYANA LEONOV IT’S 10AM ON A TUESDAY in the little town of Faulconbridge, in the lower Blue Mountains to the west of Sydney. Babies in prams, teetering toddlers and galloping preschoolers are heading up the ramp of Faulconbridge Community Hall, with parents, grandmas and carers in tow. For the
next couple of hours they’ll be playing, snacking and chatting to each other at Tuesday Tots. “Playgroup isn’t just for kids,” insists Bronwyn Duffy, 35. “It’s for the mums. We have grandparents as well and we have two dads that work shiftwork and they come alternate weeks.” >