Mc16 ec studysingles

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y d u t s o h w mums Now that you’ve settled in with your baby, you may be wondering what’s next. Well, have you considered hitting the books? Here we explore the growing options for mums keen to study


o you’ve had a baby, got settled into

course. Each university and faculty may have

accommodation, learning support, medical and

your new routine and have a bit more

different restrictions, so it is important to do your

health services, and counselling are just some of

time on your hands. What now? Do

research and work out exactly how long you have.

the resources a university might offer.

you go back to work? Look for another job? Find

With Open Universities Australia, a person

In addition, studying may seem impossible

a hobby? Start a business? After the birth of a

has access to online and distance education

for some because of fi nancial constraints but it

child your perspective on life can change, and

courses that are taught by leading universities

is worth looking into all of the options available.

your plans may too. Many mothers may decide

and higher education providers located around

Centrelink offers additional benefits such as

that they want to study – to get a fi rst or second

the country. Established in 1993, it provides

Jobs, Education and Training (JET) assistance

degree, or to pursue a new interest.

over 1,000 units and 90 qualifications taught by

which further subsidises childcare fees, as well

18 different universities; its mission being to

as the Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) to

available, study is an entirely possible option.

offer people the opportunity to access higher

help pay for things like books.

This is due to the growth of the Australian

education anytime and anywhere.

With the broad range of choices that are now

university sector, the introduction of more

For Laura Jane Lambert, 26, mum to Jackson,

A mother’s life is always busy but having such

22 months, and Maddox, four months, it’s all

learning options and the support choices offered

a diverse range of study options available means

about fi nding a balance in life. Both Lambert and

(such as childcare and counselling).

that it’s much more realistic to study and get a

her husband, Jason, 31, are studying nursing at

Since Australia’s fi rst university, The University Of Sydney, was established in 1851,

qualification today. ‘A large portion of our

the number of universities has grown and there

student cohort at the

are now over 40 Australia-wide. The development

University Of Southern

of the study sector is partly due to the many

Queensland (USQ) are

long-established colleges becoming accredited

mature-aged students, with

universities and to new universities emerging

children themselves and,

to service our expanding population.

like me, many are the fi rst

There are also other learning facilities. People

Mothers study to pursue an old dream or a new one, to earn more money or to change careers

people in their families to

have the option of going to TAFEs, business

undertake tertiary education,’ says Jo-Ann

USQ full-time. ‘Neither of us work. Instead we

colleges, institutes that specialise in certain areas

Sparrow, 38, who is a part-time communications

live on child payments and Austudy. Money is

such as drama or dance, or private colleges.

officer at the USQ Springfield campus. Mum to

tight at times but we just make sure we live on

nine-year-old Matt and nine-month-old Sam, she

a budget,’ she explains.

Gone also are the days when you had to physically be present in class. You can study on

is also studying a Masters Of Public Relations at

campus or via distance education (which can

the university part-time.

Having people around to lend a hand can often make things easier. ‘Jason’s and my parents often

Sparrow can spend anywhere from 10 to 20

help; we have an amazingly supportive family

you), and either full-time or part-time. Or there

hours per week on her studies depending on her

network. I just make sure that I have expressed

are options where you are able to combine a

workload. ‘It is a big commitment as any time

some milk for our youngest,’ Lambert says. ‘It’s

variety of learning methods to suit your life and

I spend studying or working directly impacts

possible to do. You just need to have an organised

budget, which means you can study at a university

on my other roles of wife, mother and friend, so

life. It’s hard at times but I just keep remembering

in another state or while working full-time.

I have to be confident that it is for a purpose and

what’s at the end.’

As a general guide, you can take up to 10 years

worth that time away from my family,’ she says.

to complete a university degree, which is perfect

Many universities now also provide a range

for busy mums as you can take time to do your

of services to help students “do it all”. Childcare,


my child

Mothers study to pursue an old dream or a new one, to earn more money or to change careers. Alison Nordling, 36, mum to four-year-old Emma,


be online or you can get the information sent to


early childhood WoRDs TATYANA LEONOV

my child 109

wanted to pursue another interest. She is

was just a matter of gaining confidence. Cooper

studying part-time to become a counsellor,

started studying music 10 years ago but after

specialising in intercultural relationships at

18 months decided she was not ready to ‘know

the Australian College Of Applied Psychology,

everything yet, let alone to teach high-school

Sydney. She is also working part-time as My

students about it.’

Child’s Art Director. Going back to study (or studying for the first time) is not always an easy choice. There may

that it was my past and motherhood was my

can be tight.

future. However, I now realise that you can do

when it comes to the end of the semester and

something you love and make a career out of it!’ Cooper is now studying music at USQ and will

you have to write really intense papers that

later decide whether she will be a private singing

require a lot of research and thinking, all the

teacher, or pursue another year of studies and

while trying to juggle deadlines at work, as

become a high-school music teacher. ‘I just love

well as long commuting times between home,

rediscovering my creative outlet and redefining

daycare, work, school... not to mention still

my sense of self,’ she says.

having to look after an energetic child.’ Of course, Nordling, like every other mum,

If you’re keen to find out more about studying there are a wealth of books available and the

needs to also find time to go shopping, cook,

internet is a great resource. Start by searching

clean and have some semblance of a social life!

for courses that you might be interested in,

Emma attends childcare five days a week

and talk to other people who have had similar

and Nordling studies during the days she is not

experiences – they may have some great advice

at work, when Emma is asleep at night or when

to offer.

Emma is with her father (they have a shared custody arrangement). Studying is not necessarily just about shifting


careers or earning more money; it can be about

useful contacts

pursuing an old interest, meeting people, gaining

• Centrelink provides financial assistance to those in need and has options for people who are studying. • An Australian Government website that provides news, a course finder, information on fees, loans and scholarships, and a number of other resources. • Offers access to online courses and distance education through 18 different universities. • An education group that offers a range of online courses allowing students to tailor their study times according to their lifestyle. • The University Of Southern Queensland provides flexible options for students, as well as a range of services including medical and health services, learning support, and assistance with gaining employment and finding accommodation.

new experiences and building connections. Plus for mums who don’t want to work so that they can be around for their kids, study is a great option. They can keep their brain active, and fit study around time spent with their children. For Sparrow it was just a matter of finding out study was possible with a family and a job: ‘After I started working, I considered studying journalism but that was before the rise of distance education and I really couldn’t fit my studies around my full-time work.’ She went to a clairvoyant for a laugh and was told she should study journalism. Sparrow did a search and found out that journalism had been opened up for distance education through Monash University that year and that she was one day from the closing date. ‘I quickly submitted my application, got my books and was underway in less than two weeks. It was one of those weird coincidences or perhaps fate,’ she says. For Sarah Cooper, 28, mum to nine-year-old Ella, five-year-old Jenna, and Jameson, three, it

my child

‘I had decided that I was done with music,

be less time spent with the children and money ‘It’s very tricky,’ Nordling explains. ‘Especially


Answering Ella’s questions over time about music inspired Cooper to get back to study.

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