His voice gets louder and the others slowly being to join in. A few from the group begin to smile, others start to tap their feet, the youngest begins clapping, then joins in. The girl in the corner begins to sing. Her voice is soft at first but soon she gains confidence and surpasses the leader as the loudest singer, taking everyone by surprise. They finish and laugh, clap, and pat each other on the back. And then they begin another song. The Ami is Taiwan’s largest indigenous group, making up around 40 per cent of Taiwan’s total indigenous population (there are 14 officially recognised Aboriginal tribes all up in Taiwan). They are spread throughout the country, with many still residing between the central and coastal mountains, the eastern Pacific coastal plain to the coastal mountains and the Hengchun Peninsula. The Ami people are also renowned for being great singers. Their singing was made internationally famous when one of their songs formed the chorus for Enigma’s Return to Innocence. The song made such an impression it was also used as the theme music for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. You wouldn’t know that this talented group are Amis if it wasn’t for their distinctive singing. Like everyone else, they’re dressed in jeans and T-shirts, enjoying a meal at a restaurant that specialises in traditional Ami tribal hot pots. I can’t help myself and approach the group asking what they were singing about. They explain the song is about nature and love, and since they are celebrating a birthday they share the birthday cake with me. This kind gesture is the first of many where I am impressed with the kindness and thoughtfulness of the Taiwanese people. They don’t hesitate to share their cake, or their story, and an hour later I find myself still sitting in the same spot mesmerised, listening to their beautiful voices scale a wide tonal range (a distinctive feature of traditional Ami singing). I soon learn that Taiwan is all about sharing. The people of Taiwan are happy to share pretty much everything – not just cake and stories, but also their vibrant culture and rich history.
A journey through tantalising Stunning scenery, exemplary cuisine, a rich history,
a captivating culture… and markers?
Tatyana Leonov finds that Taiwan really does have it all
Taipei for food The central hub of Taiwan is the lively, quirky-cool capital that is Taipei. Suburbs like Ximen remind me of bustling Tokyo – kids clad in the latest gear, flashy shops selling all kinds of ephemera, rambunctiously-furnished eateries playing pumping music, and suave-looking locals spilling out of sophisticated bars onto the street. There’s a certain intoxicating buzz about Taiwan’s stylish capital, and it’s easy to catch. Night markets are a delight to explore. Narrow alleys filled with all kinds of culinary delicacies (like stinky tofu, turtle soup and snake cocktails), as well as clothing stores, massage parlours and everything else under the sun will keep you busy for hours – and getting lost amongst exotic food and all kinds of bric-a-brac will make for the ultimate night market experience. A recent Taipei City Government survey found that Taipei’s night markets were one of the five most popular attractions for foreign visitors. The other four? Taipei is also a paradise for cultural connoisseurs looking to tap into Taiwan’s rich history, and understandably so, the other four attractions include Taipei 101, the National Palace Museum, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.