Leaving A Footprint Issue 03 | 2020

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Leaving aFootprint

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f e a t u r i n g

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a r e

m a k i n g


d i f f e r e n c e



A Heartfelt

T han k You

contents Footprints of Faith Conference proudly presents the third annual issue of Leaving a Footprint Magazine. This beautiful publication would not have been possible without the collaboration and creativity of our magazine team:, contributors, sponsors, vendors, and most especially: Our Editor

EILEEN BAGGS our public relations



Our Publisher



3 ........................... A Heartfelt Thank You to All 4 .................................... Living with Diabetes 5 ................. A Letter from Diabetes Canada 9 ......... Message from our Diamond Sponsor

Sponsors Thanks to all of our Supporters, Sponsors, Vendors & Others (including all who donated door prizes) for their generous contributions in helping us with our initiative in raising funds for Diabetes Canada's Camp Huronda.

Diamond Sponsor F r anc esc a M aiol o L M P RI VA T E W E A LT H , MANUL IF E SEC UR ITIES

10 ............ The Power of Love & Laughter

Platinum Sponsor M ar ia Onil l a I n Ca reof, M ic ol i Gr oup

12........ Keynote Speaker, Susan Stewart 18................................ Kindred Spirit 21.............. 2021 Footprints of Faith Nominations 22............ Community Footprints 24..................... Canadian Icons

ed! Stay Tun for our upcoming 6 th annual conference



…But we RISE by LIFTING each other up! wo m e nw ith p as s io nand p u r p o s e .c o m

O u r


Barbara Anie, School of Dreams | Carol Donaghy, U Wear It Well | Claudette Williams, Author, Shame is Bondage | Dr. B. Kemp Hospice. Community Palliative Care Support | Elaine Hamstra, Primerica Financial | Emily O’Brien, Cons & Kernels | Franca Hoda, Lips2Legs | Francesca Maiolo, LM Private Wealth | Janet Trost, Janet Trost Photography | Katie McClelland, De La Sol Yoga | Kathryn Crooks, Natural Mistics | Lorie Tokola, Park Lane Jewellery & Fashions | Nana Bonsu, Fashions By Nakos | Nicole Hanson, Audrey Cole Studio | Mary Anne Grant, With A Little Curl | Michelle Moore, FashionFaith78 Boutique | Native Women’s Centre Hamilton | Rachel Balon, Hair Hugs | Raeanne Greene, Good Dreams Only | Ruth Webster, Ruth’s Handmade Cards | Sandra Cronk/Anita Isaac, Zonta Club of Ham 1 | Sarah Snider, Diabetes Canada: Diabetic Camp for Children | Sil Septyarini, Batavia by Sil | Susanne Jakubowski, Yoga with Susanne | Tanya Dryden, Liberty For Youth | Tanya Zboril, TBT Medical & Aesthetic Clinic | Theresa Balon, Reclaimed Charm Canada | Stephanie Taylor, Thrive: Child & Youth Trauma Services | Mary Ann Boateng, Up! Tutoring

Special Thanks

O u r

to all our Kindred Spirits, thank you for all your help. Kim Lupals, for our social media coverage and our website maintenance. Tatiana Starchevskaya, for joining us today and providing a beautiful musical prelude.

Gold Sponsors L Q Co n s u lt i n g & M anagem ent Inc.

Silver Sponsors B a re s a Ki t c hens & M il lw or k Ca rd i C onstr uc tion Ltd. D r. J u l i u s L o s o n ci | E a s tm ount Dentistry S t u a rt B u t l e r | S co t i a W e alth M anagem ent J o s e p h Ro s at i | H o me l i f e P ro f e s s i o n a l s R ealty Inc. Br ok B o g o ro ch & Assoc iates L L P Royal C onnaught Inc. Ru by H u d e cki , Ci n dy B o u ra s s a | T D Co mm er c ial Bank ing Z a h ra Ka ra my | H o me l i f e P ro f e s s i o n a l s R ealty Inc. Br ok

Bronze Sponsors C.H. W or l d Design D e mi k Constr uc tion Inc. L e g gat Anc aster Toyota S t e p h an F r ank el L aw Ta n ya Z b o ri l | T B T Me d i ca l & Aesthetic C l inic

Business Card Sponsors Cl a u d e t t e W il l iam s, Author D r. Pa u l Ro b i n s o n | G ra n d Ri v e r V e t er inary Hospital J i m Mi n e r | A ct i o n P e s t Co n tr ol Serv ic es Inc. J u l i e McTag ga rt | L i f e ma rk Physiother apy Kri s t i e J o rd o n | N i n a - B ri e Fashion C l othing V i cky T o o n | Y e l l ow Dog Gr oom ing

media support

MIKE PEARSON Ancaster, Dundas & Mountain News



Graphic Designer

ANNETTE HAMM Host, Morning Live

STEVE RUDDICK Weather Forecaster

Leaving aFootprint

JEFFREY MAHONEY Hamilton Spectator

3 MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

diabetes Living With

Every year we feature a particular charity. This year we chose Diabetes Canada: Diabetic Camp for Children. The following three stories reflect love, courage and a quiet determination. Eva (14) developed diabetes at age 7, Jenny (36) at the age of 11 and Dianne (70) at the age of 12. Their positive outlook and grateful attitude helps them get through the everyday challenges of living with diabetes since childhood.


On December 21, 2011, my life took a dramatic turn. I was only seven years old, but I was diagnosed with type one diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease that stops the production of insulin, which is a hormone used to break down carbohydrates and glucose in my pancreas. My family and I were living in Toronto, Canada, and it was a significant change for us. My mom had to learn all about diabetes, how to treat me, target blood sugars, and so much more. I will forever be grateful to her for always willing to take care of me.


As technology advanced, I became older and am now able to manage my diabetes by myself. I am now fourteen, and now Leaving aFootprint

instead of using needles and doing finger pokes, I use the OmniPod and Dexcom G6. And while a cure still hasn’t been discovered, I have lots of hope for a cure in the future. Every year, my family drives up to Canada, a long and tiring 17-hour drive from where we live, to go to camp. My sisters always go to the same all-girls camp each year, and every year I go to a separate camp. I go to Camp Huronda for two weeks, which is an all-diabetic, overnight camp, meaning every camper that attends the camp is diabetic. As well as the campers being diabetic, most of the counselors also have diabetes. This camp has changed my life for the better. I am always so excited when I think about returning to camp. I have made so many friends there, some of which are my best friends. I still keep in touch with them, even though I live in America, and they all live in Canada.

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

My best friend at camp is Megan, who I call Meg or Nutmeg. She is probably one of my best friends outside of camp. We always request to be in the same cabin, and we always sign up for the same activities, which usually include Mountain Biking and Pottery. Besides from Meg, I have so many close friends from camp who I still keep in touch with, including Ben, Liam, Audrey, Ella, Nicole, and Paris. I think the reason I’m still such great friends with them is that I can relate to them. They

“I have to live with the fact that it is going to take a while for a cure to be found... ”


know the struggles of having diabetes and having to deal with it every day. I can’t wait to see them all again when I return to camp next year in the summer. It’s a struggle to live with diabetes. Having always to explain what it is and how it works whenever I meet new people, all the pain that comes along with it, and not to mention all the scars and wounds I have due to applying my pods and pricking my finger. It’s also hard to go to a school where only one other girl has diabetes, and she’s not even in my grade. Even my own family doesn’t understand the constant battle, although my mom tries very hard to help me overcome any pains or troubles that come along with it. And it’s more than just physical pain; it is emotionally painful to have diabetes too. I have to live with the fact that it is going to take a while for a cure to be found, and while there have been many technological advancements, it doesn’t quite compare to being diabetic free. This thought used to upset me a lot, and after my mom had tucked me into bed, I would cry myself to sleep. I have outgrown this trend, and I have accepted the fact that, for most of my life, I will live with diabetes and have to deal with it. There are a few perks to being diabetic, though. For example, if I wasn’t diabetic, I would never have met my friends at my camp. Another perk is that whenever my family and I go to an amusement park, we will get fast passes for my diabetes, which is always lovely, especially when you have a family of six. Being diabetic has also taught me multiple lessons, such as responsibility, to always be careful, and not to take life for granted. I value these lessons every day, and they have helped me through my life. I now know how to be responsible with my diabetes and with other aspects of my life, to always come prepared, and to have fun as I grow older and make new memories with my friends and family. I know to always be cautious but also to not let diabetes be the center of my life at all times.

Dear Women with Passion and Purpose, Thank you for volunteering your time and energy to raise funds in support of Diabetes Canada D-Camps. Every dollar you raise helps to make an authentic camp experience possible for children and youth with type 1 diabetes. For many families who are struggling with the cost of diabetes care, sending their kids to camp would be out of reach without funding support from caring community partners like you. Your contributions also help to ensure doctors, nurses and dieticians are on-site around the clock to keep campers healthy and safe. And you enable camps to replenish equipment such as canoes, ping pong balls, and arts and crafts supplies, to make the camp experience the best it can be. Children with type 1 diabetes can sometimes feel isolated in their day-to-day lives. At D-Camps, they are surrounded by other kids as well as many camp counsellors who have type 1 diabetes – creating a sense of belonging. Meeting and connecting with other kids who share the same experiences they do is incredibly empowering. D-Camps also give campers the opportunity to develop confidence in their diabetes management. Your generous support makes it all possible. On behalf of families in your community affected by diabetes and all of us at Diabetes Canada, thank you again for all that you do to help give kids with type 1 diabetes an unforgettable camp experience. Sincerely,

Mary Ann Azzarello VP Fund Development

Eva 1300 – 522 University Avenue Toronto, ON, M5G 2R5 Call us: 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) Diabetes.ca Charitable Number: 11883 0744 RR0001

Living With Diabetes

Jenny Yemen Barrett

I celebrated my 36th birthday this year. That marks 27 birthdays with Type 1 Diabetes. Twenty-seven years of finger pokes, insulin shots, countless doctors appointments with countless types of doctors, anger management, counselling, carbohydrate counting, pregnancy battles, depression, anxiety, feeling left out, struggling to find ways to wear bathing suits and dresses with an insulin pump, too many highs and lows to count, ketoacidosis, hospital stays, emergency room visits, and almost becoming completely blind in one eye. Tears, fear and disappointment.

But you know what else I’ve done in those 27 years? I’ve made lifelong friendships both at school and with other diabetic kids at Camp Huronda. I earned my driver’s license. I went to university where I lived in residence and graduated with honours. I moved across the country on my own. I’ve travelled the world. I started a career and then my own business. I fell in love, got married, and birthed two of the most adorable little girls in this world. Technology over the last 27 years has made insulin pumps smaller and more powerful making it easier to be more accurate with our insulin doses and carbohydrate ratios. We’re less than two years away from a truly artificial pancreas. Glucose sensors have advanced to the point where finger poking is almost obsolete. Surgical technology


Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

has become so advanced that an excellent surgeon saved me from going completely blind. I have hope that through genetic testing, doctors may be able to prevent my daughters from ever getting diabetes not to mention the hope I have that diabetes may actually be cured in my lifetime. Twenty-seven years ago that hope didn’t seem realistic. I spent most of my youth being told that my Type 1 Diabetic father had a life expectancy of 50. Now at 60 and in excellent health, I get to watch him play with his granddaughters. After more than 30 years of working as a doctor, something he accomplished despite his diabetes, he now struggles to decide what to do with the retirement years he never thought he’d have the gift of.

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As a motivational quote reminded me “You may see me struggle, but you will never see me quit”.

Jenny Yemen Barrett Tanya Zboril NP, MN

Turn Back Time Medical & Aesthetics 1415 Huron Rd | Kitchener | On W: (519) 741-5933 C: (519) 505-5838


Leaving aFootprint

7 MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

Living With Diabetes

Dianne Ridge

I was asked to tell you about my journey through my life as a Type 1 Diabetic. “Well so far at least.” I was diagnosed at age 12 years and have had many challenges throughout my 58 years of diabetes management. Early on in this challenge I had to learn how to give myself insulin after being in the hospital for three weeks to learn about diet and insulin relationship, exercise but most of all attitude to care for my disease. My journey of 58 years as a diabetic, this far has had many opportunities to learn how to be as healthy as I could be. My approach when I was 12 was to be like my friends in school and not become a child with a lifelong disease. I was taught about Type 1 diabetes from my endocrinologist who was instrumental in adjusting my outlook and what I could achieve in my life. I finished high school and university and then was employed as a Pharmaceutical Representative and eventually as a manager with the company. Life was busy when I was in my 20 & 30s and at times had to make sure

my diet, exercise and insulin all worked in harmony. Depending on my working day I was always aware that I must take care of myself in order to fulfill my health regime. I was very fortunate to have the support of my endocrinologist, dietician and diabetes nurse practitioner for any advice that I needed to do my job and enjoy life. I am now 70 years old and still keeping exercise as a daily objective to regulate my blood sugar levels, the invention of insulin pumps and peripherals helps to keep blood sugars in the best range as we can. There is no cure as of now but there are many tools to help us. As insulin therapy evolves and makes our diabetes management easier, we can feel well, be healthy and live a good productive life.

Dianne Ridge










Community Engagement Coordinator Hamilton & District Branch P: 905-540-2515 E: sarah.snider@diabetes.ca

Leading the fight to end diabetes Follow us @DiabetesCanadaON


Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

Message from our Diamond Sponsor

FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE What are the most unique challenges that face women looking for financial security?


In my experience, I have found that a level of confidence is the greatest challenge. With 60% of women between the ages of 45 and 54 not having a financial plan 1, their comfort level in starting a financial conversation is hard. Women often share that an intermittent work history, typically caused by motherhood and caring for a family, is one of the primary reasons why women express they feel insecure about their financial stability. Other women have shared that their spouses have handled the finances for so long that they are unsure how to approach the conversations later in life.

87% of women reported that they struggled to find someone they can connect with.”

It is so important for women to have an advisor they are comfortable with, and 87% of women reported that they struggled to find someone they can connect with 2. When spouses work with an advisor that they are both comfortable with, it allows for both parties to engage openly in the planning.

Since a woman can expect to outlive her spouse by an average of 10-15 years 3, it means more women need to be getting involved in their household finances at an earlier stage than what has traditionally occurred.

Article previously published in Reveal Niagara Business Magazine Resources: 1 IPC: Women and Wealth – The Changing Face of Wealth in Canada and its Implications for Advisors, 2017 2 Investors Economics Household Balance Sheet Report, 2017 3 Financial Planning Standards Council. LegerWeb online survey, Feb 21, 2018

Francesca Maiolo has over 25 years of finance and investment experience and continually commits herself to ongoing professional development. She facilitates educational symposiums and seminars that are geared toward educating women in all aspects of their finances which includes the Financial Planning for Women course she taught for over 10 years. She is passionate about women and children’s issues and contributes regularly to charities that support them.

Follow Fran Maiolo on Social Media - Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn

Eastmount Family Dentistry

Dr. Julius Losonci D.D.S.

10-788 Upper Ottawa St, Hamilton ON, L8T 3V2 • Tel: 905-383-5664 • Emerg: 905-537-2162 Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020



5th A N N U A L F O O T P R I N T S O F F A I T H C O N F E R E N C E

p hoto c r e dit to: Jan e t Tr ost


Love & Laughter THE POWER OF


Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

Women With Passion & Purpose’s fifth-annual Footprints of Faith Conference “The Power of Love and Laughter” is sure to inspire you to Love a little deeper and Laugh a little harder – An opportunity for women of all faiths to introduce themselves, network, and be inspired on how they can leave a positive footprint in their local communities, while raising funds for our 2020 Charity of Choice.

Join us for a morning of fun, inspiration and empowerment on

Saturday March 28 th 2020

Keynote Speaker

Mistress of Ceremonies

Woman w/ Passion & Purpose

Author & Professional Speaker

Author & Professional Speaker


Rosita Hall

You Gotta Laugh:


ntrepreneur extraordinaire, Speaker, Coach & Canadian best-selling author Rosita Hall is a force to be reckoned with.

‘Rays of Light-Love, Life & Laughter”

She’s bold and she’s fierce. However those who know her best describe her as the Motivation Sensation with a BIG heart. She inspires others to walk unapologetically in their authentic truth each day, to care deeply for their hearts and souls and to seize the opportunities with their name on it.


Comedian, Author & Inspirational Speaker

Healing Stress With Humour


omedian Susan Stewart blends the wit and wisdom she’s known for with powerful messages about not taking life too seriously – especially in times of adversity and uncertainty. In her stand-up comedy style, Susan shares ways to see the lighter side of life leaving everyone more uplifted and inspired to meet their challenges with a positive outlook, and of course, a sense of humour. Susan is the author of “Reaching The Laugh Resort: Why The Journey To Remembering Who You (Really) Are Is Worth”. “The Jet Lag, Your New Lenses Are Ready For Pick Up: A Guide To Seeing The Lighter Side Of Life”, and “You Gotta Laugh: Wit And Wisdom About Not Taking Life (Or Yourself) Too Seriously”.

Eileen Baggs

Rosita holds a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Windsor. She spent over 26 years in various leadership positions. She completed her Professional Speakers Designation from the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. For the past 20 years, she has been operating her own speaking and consulting business – Motivated Minds. Rosita Hall RositaHall.com

ileen is a Registered Nurse (Non-Practicing) and a graduate of the University of Western Ontario with a B.A. in Sociology. She is also one of the founding members of Women with Passion and Purpose. Eileen has completed her Professional Speakers Designation from the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. For over twenty years, as a counselor and speaker, Eileen built a reputation for bringing her audiences inspiring messages with warmth, sincerity and clarity. She has written two books; ‘From My Mother’s Garden’ and ‘The Light that Shines Within’. Eileen has been blessed with a happy marriage; three great sons and daughters-in-law; and ten enchanting grandchildren. She resides in Ancaster with her husband Doug.

Leaving aFootprint

11 MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020


The Power of


Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

Being a comedian, I’m in the business of helping people see the lighter side of life. I’m passionate about my work because given all the adversity we face and how often things don’t go according to plan, a sense of humour is crucial. Yeah, you gotta laugh because life is no fairy tale - if you lose your shoe at midnight, that just means you’re drunk. Even though I’m a comedian, I know how easy it is to take things too seriously. What I mean by that is that I know how easy it is to take your negative thoughts too seriously. And what I mean by that is that I know how easy it is to get drawn into your negative thoughts and allow them to take over your brain and tip you into that downward spiral. Sure, there are many things in life that dare us to go down the rabbit hole. I don’t know about you, but I have thought about running away way more as an adult than I did as a kid. Considering how easy it is to end up in the rabbit hole, the good news is that laughter can quickly change your trajectory and send you on an upward spiral. Laughter releases tension and triggers what’s called the “relaxation response” - your brain is flooded with endorphins which are naturally occurring hormones that leads you to feeling chilled out - think of it as a really cheap high. It’s true - science has proven that anytime you laugh or smile, your body releases these good feeling chemicals into your bloodstream that are normally very expensive and highly illegal. Science has also proven that after the “relaxation response” has been triggered, your outlook and mindset follow suit which

changes how you perceive and interpret your circumstances - things don’t appear as difficult or daunting as they once did. That’s the power of laughter - it can literally change your mind about the world around you. I think it’s fair to say that resiliency is a hot topic these days and I strongly believe our level of resiliency (bouncing back after adversity) is profoundly determined by our willingness to recharge by simply doing

Susan presenting Keynote for the Healthy Families Division of Halton Region. Photo: Instagram @ susanistewart

quinoa and kale for your mind. Something else that science has proven is a relaxed, positive mindset improves the overall function of your brain, enhances creativity, and improves your ability to learn while tension decreases all those things. There is also a great deal of talk about balance in our lives and there is healing power in balancing the heaviness of life with levity. When facing adversity or uncertainty, that is an important time to watch comedies, do things that bring you joy, and surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Did you know there are female penguins who trade sex for nice rocks? The next time you’re stressed out, just remember hooker penguins exist. Now, that’s funny. Susan Stewart is a comedian, speaker, and author of Reaching The Laugh Resort: Why The Journey To Remembering Who You (Really) Are Is Worth The Jet Lag, Your New Lenses Are Ready For Pick Up: A Guide To Seeing The Lighter Side Of Life, and You Gotta Laugh: Wit And Wisdom About Not Taking Life (Or Yourself) Too Seriously.

things that lift our spirits. After life knocks you down, getting back up happens easier and faster by engaging in things that boost your mood and in turn, change your mind. Bouncing back from adversity can also be a matter of being mindful of what you are consuming. I don’t think our diet just consists of what we eat - it consists of what we watch, what we read, and what we listen to. Consuming things that are funny are like

You can learn more about Susan at

susanstewart.ca Leaving aFootprint

13 MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020



Nicole Odelle Morrison

Zahra Karamy


Inspirational Speaker


ahra is a long-time resident of both Hamilton and Ancaster.

“I Crack Me Up!”.

Zahra’s entrepreneurial spirit and a strong background in business has led her to a rewarding career in real estate.


icole is a Teacher of Love. As a Social Worker, Master Hypnotherapist, and Energy Practitioner Nicole has helped many, with a special focus on adolescents, to recognize the truth of who they are – love, whole, and good enough. One of Nicole’s greatest passions is being on stage and teaching others to trust themselves and to recognize the wisdom that is present within them. Nicole recognizes that self-love is the ultimate healer and that humour is one of the easiest ways to return to the Love Frequency.

She is an award winner of Homelife Professional Realty Inc. As the owner of several businesses over the past 20 years, Zahra has developed the expertise in sales and marketing. This along with her ability for developing strong relationships with her clients has now led her to a successful career as a real estate professional. Zahra has the essential skills in helping customers and clients achieve their real estate goals. She believes firmly in giving back to the community.

Nicole has written part of her journey of moving from fear to love in an anthology of women’s stories. She is currently writing a book that expands upon these teachings.

Zahra Karamy HomeLife.ca/Zahra-Karamy

Inspired Counselling InspiredCounselling.ca

ed! Stay Tun

for our upcoming 6 th annual conference



…But we RISE by LIFTING each other up! wo m e nw i t h p a s s i o n a n d p u r p o s e .c o m

Our annual conference grows each year, attracting and bringing together an incredibly inspiring community of Women with Passion and Purpose. It is with great anticipation that we look forward to sharing our theme for 2021, so please stay tuned... further details about date and our fabulous lineup of speakers coming soon !

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MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020




ON TIME. ON BUDGET. Get experts that can handle the demands and challenges of any project

JEssica Opoku

Carolyne Rashford

” Love: To Be Determined!”


Inspirational Dynamic Speaker


essica Opoku is the Spokesperson and a Founder of Women with Passion and Purpose. She is the 2018 Inspirational Speaker of the year for Speaker Slam - Canada’s Premier Inspirational Speaking Competition. As a dynamic speaker and speaking coach, she’s known to many as “Jess with the dynamic voice”. She captivates and inspires people to ignite and restore that ‘never give up attitude...it’s in you! as you face change. She understands her 9 to 5 enables her to live out her after 5 passion; and that is to speak and to inspire.

Professional Speaker & Coach

ifteen years ago, Carolyne recognized that she wanted to pursue her dream to motivate and inspire others. She understood that her experiences as a police officer, working mother and first-generation immigrant afforded her a unique perspective. It is this diverse viewpoint that Carolyne calls upon to connect with her audience. Carolyne’s passion lies in sharing lessons of selfempowerment and self-care. She credits her mother with providing everyday examples of strength, perseverance and a faith-based life.

By faith she’s leaving footprints in community and impacting lives, one connection at a time.

Carolyne believes that each of us possess unique gifts which in turn create our ‘inner genius’. Our life’s journey is to discover these gifts, master them and share them with the world.

JesSpeaks JessicaOpoku.com

Carolyne encourages participants to ‘Learn, live and share.’ Carolyne Rashford StrengthInMe.com 1250 Stone Church Rd East Hamilton, Ontario



Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

Leaving aFootprint

17 MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

The Kindred Spirits, part of the Women with Passion and Purpose’s community outreach program, takes part in community service activities throughout the year.

K i nd red

Spirits Positive Image


Spa Days

Child and Youth Trauma Service

Women with Passion and Purpose are pleased to have been able to raise $8,000 for THRIVE Child and Youth Traume Services in 2019 as our Charity of Choice. We believe thriving children create thriving communities. To that end, we focus on a community-wide response to childhood trauma that combines excellence in treatment, state-of-the-art education, and community oriented prevention initiatives aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of child maltreatment and promoting the safe and healthy development of children. An ongoing project, we collect snacks for children who access THRIVE for their services , such as fruit, drink boxes, crackers, cheese, and easily consumed foods. If you are interested in volunteering, or would like to contributee to this great cause, please visit THRIVE online. P: (905) 523-1020 E:info@thrivechildandyouth.ca (ext. 210)

An evening spa day for women who are less fortunate at the Native Women’s Centre and Honoring the Circle.

Blessing bags & Travel Mugs

A continuing project from Spring to Fall, Kindred Spirits collects donations to fill mugs or blessing bags for the homeless & less fortunate of downtown Hamilton. Blessing bags may contain hygiene products, snacks, travel-size toiletries, socks, bottle of water, grooming supplies, gift cards and other items that people who live on the street find useful. They are delivered to people on the street and to shelters. If you would like to contribute items, reach out to Cathy Tweedle. ca t hey t weedle@ gm a il. com

t h rivec h i l d a n d yo u t h .c a


Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

Spa days may include facials, nails, eyebrow waxing, hair care/cuts and clothing suggestions to enhance their body. Through donations we provide them with stylish, classy tops, sweaters, dresses, scarves and jewelry. For more information or to volunteer, contact Elaine Hamstra: e hamstra2 7 @gmail. com

Tyme4dinner Mark Preece Family House Meals

The Mark Preece Family house is a caring place to call home for families of patients in Hamilton area hospitals. The Mark Preece Family house is a caring place to call home for families of patients in Hamilton area hospitals. The Kindred Spirits volunteer their time to prepare and serve home-cooked meals for those families in residence. If you would like to join us, dates are now being considered for the next meal preparation – at least 4-5 volunteers are needed . Our goal is to volunteer for creating these meals at least four times per year. To learn more or to apply, please contact: Francesca Maiolo

france sca. maiolo@ manulife se curitie s .c a


Footprints of faith award


Proud to support Women with Passion and Purpose

2019 Award Winners

Claire Freeman

Kathy Wrench

Cindy Bourassa Senior Private Banker cindy.bourassa@td.com


Ruby Hudecki Senior Account Manager ruby.hudecki@td.com

VESTIBULAR CO N C U S S I O N 875 Main St. West #4, Hamilton L8S 4P9

T: 905.577.0098 E: hamilton-main@lifemark.ca W W W. L I F E M A R K . C A

100 King Street West, 4th Floor Hamilton, Ontario A very special thank you to Ancaster Jewellers for their amazing contribution of a ladies T1 Sento sterling silver, & cubic fashion ring. This kind donation is for our raffle ticket draw and will go to some happy woman who buys the lucky ticket at our conference, all in support of raising funds for Diabetes Canada: Diabetic Camp for Children.

Thank you,

Ancaster Jewellers, for your generosity! 88 Wilson St. West, Ancaster (905) 648-6011



Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020


Do you know someone who you would like to nominate for the 2021 Footprints of Faith Award?

If so, please submit a brief summary of 400 words or less, and using the four criteria questions listed below, communicate why your nominee should be considered for this award.

1 2 3 4

Does the individual have the characteristics of a person of faith? Compassionate Courageous Respect for others Forgiving Generosity Perseverance Positive self-regard

LQ Consulting and Management is a Canadian based project management services company.

Has the person left a positive footprint in their community, home or at work? Has the person encouraged others to make a difference? Do they embody a servant’s heart, passion and purpose for a cause greater than themselves?

Please submit your responses to Carolyne Rashford at carolynerashford@gmail.com By November 30, 2020

The winner will only be announced the day of the 2021 conference.

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Leaving aFootprint

MagazinE • issue 03 • 2020

Canadian Ic ons Who Left A Footprint

Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and to change the world. ~Harriet Tubman

“a country that respects the rule of law and of openness, in which a young woman of no particular note could become a lawyer and a judge and a chief justice”

Harriet Tubman

~ Beverley McLachlin

Born in 1820 Dorchester County, Maryland Died on March 10 1913 in Auburn New York.

Beverley Marian McLachlin, PC CC CStJ Born September 7, 1943 Pincher Creek, Alberta Beverley McLachlin is a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, who served as the 17th Chief Justice of Canada from 2000 to 2017, the first woman to hold that position and the longest serving Chief Justice in Canadian history. She simultaneously served as Deputy Governor General of Canada. She is the Chairperson of the Canadian Judicial Council, on the Board of Governors of the National Judicial Institute, and on the Advisory Council of the Order of Canada. She is a Member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. She was made a Commander of the Legion of Honour by the Government of France in 2007. On December 15, 2006, she was appointed Commander of the Order of St. John (2006). She has written a number of articles and books. Her latest book is Truth Be Told—"My journey Through Life and the Law.” Source: Canadian Encyclopedia

Harriet Tubman escaped from enslavement in the southern United States and went on to become a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War. She led numerous enslaved persons to freedom in the “free” Northern states and Canada through the Underground Railroad — a secret network of routes and safe houses that helped people escape enslavement. She forged her own routes through the swamps and forests of various states, using the North Star to navigate her path. She travelled only during the night and safely hid her passengers during the day in inconspicuous locations. She devoted her life to serving others and fighting for freedom and equality. In honour of her courage, humanitarian efforts, heroism, and her life of service, 10 March was declared Harriet Tubman Day in the US, as well as in St. Catharines, in 1990. In 2005, she was designated a Person of National Significance by the Government of Canada. She remains a notable international icon of freedom. Source: Canadian Encyclopedia

Francesca Maiolo, CFP, CIM, FCSI

Senior Investment Advisor, Manulife Securities Incorporated | Life Insurance Advisor, Manulife Securities Insurance Inc.

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LM Private Wealth | Manulife Securities 1266 South Service Road, Suite C2-3, Stoney Creek, ON, L8E 5R9 P: 905-538-0202 ext. 222 | E: francesca.maiolo@manulifesecurities.ca Stocks, bonds and mutual funds are offered through Manulife Securities Incorporated. Insurance products and services are offered through Manulife Securities Insurance Inc. Banking products and services are offered through referral. LM Private Wealth is a trade name used to carry on business related to stocks, bonds and mutual fund products only. Please confirm with your Advisor which company you are dealing with for each of your products and services. Manulife Securities related companies are 100% owned by The Manufactures Life Insurance Company (MLI) which is 100% owned by the Manulife Financial Corporation a publically traded company. Details regarding all affiliated companies of MLI can be found on the Manulife Securities website www.manulifesecurities.ca. Please confirm with your advisor which company you are dealing with for each of your products and services. Š 2020 Manulife Securities, all rights reserved. Manulife, Manulife & Stylized M Design, Stylized M Design and Manulife Securities are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license.












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