OBR 2017 - Winter Newsletter

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D E R U T A E F WI N G I N GI T Al o o kb e h i n dt h es c e n e so f O B R ’ s a e r o d y n a mi c st e a m

r o c k&R O L L h o wt h ev e h i c l ed y n a mi c s d e p a r t me n th a ss p r u n gi n t oa c t i o n

t h en u mb e r sg a me t h es t a t i c st e a mo nma k i n g t h eb u s i n e s se v e n t sc o u n t

. k r o w t a d r a h . d e k o o b s n o i t i t e p m o c . r a e y w e n

. 7 1 0 2 O T E M O C L E W

O X F O R DB R O O K E SA TA U T O S P O R TI N T E R N A T I O N A L/2 0 1 7C O MP E T I T I O NF A C T F I L E

i nt hene ws . . . E A MU P D A T E S o B Ra tt h eA u t o s p o r ti n t e r n a t i o n a ls h o w! T Aer odynami cs

I nJ anuar y,Oxf or dBr ookesRaci ngwer e i nvi t edt oappearatt heAut os por t I nt er na onalShow aspar toft heOxf or d Br ookess t and, wher et her ewaspl ent yof i nt er es ti nBe y,our‘ 16car . Thes ear eour bes tbi t s !

TheAer ot eam ar ec on nui ngt omake goodpr ogr es sont hedevel opmentofal l par t s ,andar ec on nui ngt oevol vet hei r des i gnst oens ur et hatt heover al l packagei saseffici entaspos s i bl e.

Chas s i s

EddChi naofWheel erDeal er sf amedr ops by . Notpi c t ur edi sMi keBr ewermaki ngan offerf orBe y;wewoul dn’ tpar twi t hher !

Havi ngmadegood meonal loft hei r par t s ,t hechas s i st eam ar eal mos tr eady t oputt hemonoc oquet oget her !The t eam havec ompl et edpl ent yofdr awi ngs r eadyf ort hebui l dandf abr i ca onphas e, ands omer equi r eonl yafinals i gnoff.

Cont r olSys t ems Thefinaldes i gnoft hewi r i ngl oom i s bec omi ngcl os ert oc ompl e on,andt he t eam ar enow wor ki ngonafinal das hboar dl ayoutands peci fica on,as wel lass our ci ngabr andnew ba er y.

Power t r ai n A ert aki ngdel i ver yofourbr andnew engi nes ,t hePower t r ai nt eam havebegun t hei rwor kwi t ht hem ont hedyno. A numberoft hei rdes i gnsar eal s or eachi ng c ompl e on,i ncl udi ngt hel ayoutf ort he f uels ys t em.

Sus pens i on Thes us pens i ont eam havec ompl et ed des i gnsf oranumberoft hei rnew c omponent s ,andhaves entanumberof t hem offf ormanuf act ur e.Ot herdes i gns s i mpl yr equi r efinalver i fica onf r om ot herdepar t ment s .

Vehi cl eDynami cs Ma Neal andGor donSheddenpondert hei rBTCC c ont r ac t sa ers eei ngourc ar .

A erge ngac c es st oBe y,t he2016 car ,t heVehi cl eDynami cst eam wer eabl e t oputheront hef our pos tt es tr i gt or un anumberofs i mul a ons , whi chwi l las s i s t t hem i nt hepr oc es sofop mi s i ngRachel , t henew car .

OffTr ackandSt a cs TheOffTr ackt eam ar ec on nui ngt ofind new par t ner sf ort het eam andcr ea ng pl ansf orf ut ur ec ompanyvi s i t s . The St a cst eam ar ec on nui ngt hei rwor kon c ompe ondel i ver abl es .


Augus t . Thi si snotonl ydonet okeept he t eam s pendi ngwi t hi nt hei rmeans ,butal s o t oens ur et hatt hedes i gni sc os t effec ve, andf ort henew s eas ont het eam have changedt hei rappr oacht omanagi ngt he budget .Ever e expl ai nst hatt het eam i snow abl et obr eaki t sbudgetupi nt o di ffer ents ec ons ,gi vi ngt heamount s uppl i edbyOxf or dBr ookesUni ver s i t yand f r om ot herar eass uchass pons or s hi p. “ Theor i gi nalbudgetf ocus edont he act uali nves t mentf r om Oxf or dBr ookes Uni ver s i t yi nt oOBR.Whi l ei mpor t ant ,i ti s al s ocr icalt or ec ogni s et echni cals pons or s , wor kdonei nhous eandval uecr eat edi n pr evi ousyear s . ” “ Theot hert hi ngwe’ vet r i edt odoi s s t ar twor ki ng[ t hebudget s ]mont hl yt oo. Some mesyoudon’ tgets t r es s edaboutt he budgetun lt heendoft heyear ,becaus e t hat ’ swhent hemoneys t ar t sr unni ngout ! Wi t hmont hl ypl anni ngyouhaveyoureart o t hegr oundandcangetaheadofchal l enges qui cker . ” Ever e pul l soutanot hers pr eads heetf or whi chhei nt endst ol ogal lc os t s ,i ncl udi ng over headss uchass hi ppi ngf oranypar t s pur chas edel s ewher e. “ Thi snew s heetI ’ m wor ki ngons houl dgi ve acl earunder s t andi ngoft hec os t s .Ever y mont hgi vesanupdat edf or ecas t ,andwhen your ol lupal lyournumber sonamont hl y char tyous how yourbudgetandwhat you’ r ef or ecas ng.Forexampl e,i fyou di dn’ tbudgets omet hi ngl i kes hi ppi ng, you mi ghthavet ocutoneofyourpar t st opay f ori t . ” Theamountofdet ai li nvol vedi neach s pr eads heeti sc ommendabl e,andt hef ul l c os ngdocumenti sdes i gnedt oas s i s tt he t eam wi t ht heCos tRepor tevent .For mul a St udentT eamsar er equi r edt ol ogal mos t ever ypounds pent ,andf r om t hi st he c ompe onj udgeswi l las s es swhet hera cari sac os t effec vedes i gn. Fur t her mor e,t heas s oci at ed“ val ue”f or eachpar thasnow beenbr okendowni nt o fivedi ffer entt ypes :“ f ul lmar ketval ue” ( FMV) ,“ r educedr at eval ue”( RRV) , “ compl et edona onofval ue”( CDV) , “ i nt er nal l ymadepar tval ue”( I MV)and “ par tpul l edf r om l as tyear s ’ car ”( PPL) .Each

val uei sc ons i der edi nt heCos tRepor t ,and eachi sexpl ai nedi nt hepi nkboxbel ow. Wi t has i gni ficantover hauli nt heover al l or gani s a onofbudget sand mes cal es , OBRi sc onfidentt hati tcanper f or m wel l bot honandofft r ack. Thegr eat eremphas i s ofi nt r at eam management ,Ever e hopes , s houl dl ayt hef ounda onsf orf ut ur et eams t obui l don.

“ Hopef ul l yi nfiveyear s ,t heyt hi nkwhat we’ vedonei sbas i cbecaus et hey’ ve expandedoni t !I t ’ st hefir s tf ooti nt he s now ofamor e“ gener alt eam”pr oj ect management . ”

Ane x ampl eoft her e de fine dmanag e me nts t r uc t ur ede v e l ope dbyt heSt ac st e am. Thi si nt e gr at e st hepr oj e c tmanag e me ntoft het e am ( gr e e n)wi t ht hemanag e me ntofs ubmi s s i onde adl i ne sf orc ompe on( pi nk ) .

A D D I N GV A L U E Li kemanyFor mul aSt udentt eams ,Oxf or dBr ookesRaci ngi sabl et oac qui r epar t si na numberofdi ffer entways . Thes ear et hefivec ons i der a onsi naddi ngval uet ot hecar . Ful lMar ketVal ue( FMV) Par t spur chas edatf ul lmar ketpr i c e. Reduc edRat eVal ue( RRV) Par t spur chas edwi t hanagr eeddi s c ountf r om s pons or s . Compl et eDona onofVal ue( CDV) Par t sdonat edt ot het eam bys pons or s . I nt er nal l yMadePar t( I MV) Par t sdes i gnedandmadewi t hi nt heuni ver s i t y. Par tPul l ed( PPL) Par t sr eus edf r om l as tyear ’ scar . Addi ngval uec omeswhent heact uali t em c os texc eedst heamountpai d.Forexampl e, par t spr oduc edi nhous eordi s c ount edpur c has eswi l l addmor eval uet ot hec ompl et ec ar .

L a s ty e a r . . . I nFor mul aSt udentUKl as tyear ,Oxf or dBr ookesRaci ng pl ac ed15t hover al li nt heCos tEventbutonl y51s ti nt he Bus i nes sPr es ent a ons . I nt heCombus oncl as sofFor mul aSt udentGer many, OBRcame44t hi nCos tand33r di nBus i nes s ,t henj oi nt 5t hf orBus i nes sandj oi nt 11t hf orCos ti nHungar y. Thet eam i shopi ngt hatwi t hadi ffer entappr oach,t he 2017r es ul t swi l lbef ars t r ongeracr os st heboar d. Thi si sas ni ppe toft hec arbui l ds c he dul e . Thi sf ol l owsonf r om t hec ompl e onofpar t s f r om e ac hs ubs e c on, whi c hhasi t sown me s c al e sont hi ss c he dul e .


OBR ON TOUR WE ’ v ed o n et h er e g i s t r a t i o n , t h er u l e sq u i z z e sa n dt h ep a p e r wo r k . e u r o p eb e c k o n s .

Oxf or dBr ookesRaci ngi spl eas edt o announc et het hr eeFor mul aSt udentevent s t hati twi l lbepar ci pa ngi nf or2017. I nJ ul y,OBRwi l lbemaki ngt hes hor t j our neyt oSi l ver s t onet opar ci pat ei ni t s fir s tc ompe onoft hes eas on,For mul a St udentUK. Thet eam wi l lt henr et ur n t oOxf or dt opr epar ef oraqui ckfir e c on nent all egofc ompe ons ,bef or e cr os s i ngt heChannelt omaket hej our ney t ot hewor l df amousHockenhei mr i ngf or For mul aSt udentGer many. Thenfinal l y, OBRmar cheseas ti nt oGyőrt oj oi nt he For mul aSt udentHungar yc ompe on. Ofc our s e,t het eam i sai mi ngf ors uc c es s i never ys i ngl ec ompe on,andt het eam member shavec er t ai nl ynotwor kedl ong hour sf oranyt hi ngel s e.Wi t ht hec or r ect pr epar a ons ,OBRi sc onfidentofa s uc c es s f ult r i oofc ompe ons , wi t ht he c on nuedt ar getofemer gi ngast hebes t UKuni ver s i t yateach. I nmaki ngs ur et hatt het eam i sas pr epar edaspos s i bl e,i t ’ sal waysgoodt o know abi taboutt hec ompe onswe’ r e ent er i ng.We’ vepr epar edaqui ckgui de, i ncl udi ngapo edhi s t or yofeach. Hopef ul l ynextyear ’ sgui dewi l li ncl udea f ew OBRvi ct or i es . . . 9|OXFORD BROOKESRACI NG

F O R MU L AS T U D E N TU K Loca on:Si l ver s t one,Nor t hant s ,UK Fi r s thel d:1998 Or gani s er :I Mec hE 2017Dat es :20t h23r dJ ul y

OBR2016:30t h OBRBes t :3r d( 2006) Mos twi ns :Uni ver s i t yofSt u gar t( 4) 2016wi nner :Uni ver s i t yofSt u gar t

F O R MU L AS T U D E N TG E R MA N Y Loca on:Hoc kenhei mr i ng,Ger many Fi r s thel d:2006 Or gani s er :For mul aSt udentGer manye. V. 2017Dat es :8t h13t hAugus t

OBR2016:32nd OBRBes t :4t h( 2006) Mos twi ns( FSC) :TUDel ( 5) 2016wi nner( FSC) :TUMünc hen

F O R MU L AS T U D E N TH u n g a r y Loca on:Győr GönyűHar bor ,Hungar y Fi r s thel d:2010 Or gani s er :For mul aSt udentGer manye. V. 2017Dat es :17t h20t hAugus t

OBR2016:10t h OBRBes t :10t h( 2016) Mos twi ns :OTHAmber gWei den( 2) 2016wi nner :OTHAmber gWei den

ME E TT HET E A M! R o b i nB a i l e s O B RT e a mL e a d e r

HiRobi n, t hanksf orhavi ngme!Fi r s toff, what ar eyourr es pons i bi l ieswi t hi nt het eam? Myr es pons i bi l iesi nvol vedgener al l y keepi ngupwi t ht hedayt odayr unni ng oft het eam andmaki ngs ur eal lt he engi neer shaveever yt hi ngt heyneed,l i ke al lt her es our c es ,par t sandmat er i al s ,and maki ngs ur eever yone’ shappy.Imanaget he budget ,s or toutl ogi s csandhel por gani s e s pons orevent s .Ial s omanaget heover al l r el a ons hi psbet weent hef acul t ymember s andt het eam.Some mesi tcangetabi t di fficul tbet weent het wo,buti t ’ smaki ng s ur ewe’ r eal lont hes amepageonwhatwe wantt ogetoutoft hepr oj ect . Howl onghaveyoubeenpar toft het eam f or ? Thi si smyf our t hyearont het eam,Is t ar t ed i nSept ember2013, wentt omyfir s t c ompe oni n2014andhavebeengoi ng t ot hem s i nc e,s oI ’ m qui t eexper i enc edi n t er msofFS.Nor mal l yt hr eeyear si syour maxi mum,butI ’ vegotanot heryeara er t hi soneaswel l .

Thr ought hat , youl ear ns omuchmor ei n addiont owhatyougett aughti nl ect ur es . Andwhatar et hebes tbi t s ? Thebes tbi taboutFSi st hec onnec ons youmake;notj us tt hec onnec onst o i ndus t r y,butal s ot hef r i ends hi psyoumake i nt er na onal l y,s oyoumakef r i endswi t h peopl ef r om Aus t r al i a,Ger many, Aus t r i a, Swedenandal lovert heUKaswel l .I t ’ sa r eal l yf r i endl yc ompe on, whenyou’ r eat t heevent s ,ever yone’ st r yi ngt odot he bes tt heycanbutever yoneal s owant st o hel pever yoneel s eoutaswel l ,t hat ’ st he r eal l yawes omeas pectt ot hat . Thei ndus t r y c onnec onsi swhatever yone’ st r yi ngt oget outofi t ,r eal l y,s ot heycangoont odowel l i nt hef ut ur e.

Thebes tbi taboutbei ngi nOBRs peci fical l y i st heopennes soft het eam,andt heabi l i t y t oc omei ndowhatyouwantt odo.I t ’ snot s omet hi ngt hatal otoft heUKt eamsdo, andt hey’ r ever yr es t r i c veonwhocanj oi n t het eam andwhatcanbedonewi t hi nt he eam,buther ewe’ r ever yopenonwhocan You’ vebeenher equi t eal ong me, t hen!Over t j oi n;anyonef r om anyyearoranyc our s ei f t hatper i od, whatl es s onshaveyoul ear ned t hey’ r ei nt er es t edandc ommiedi smor e f r omyour mei nt het eam? t hanwel c omet oj oi n.Ever yone’ st r eat ed It hi nkt hatt hemai nt hi ngI ’ vel ear ned– t hes ame;i t ’ snotl i kej us tMas t er s ’ s t udent s andIknow i t ’ ski ndofacl i ché–butyou ar et heonesal l owedt odes i gnal lt he canwor konpr e ymuchanyt hi ngyou c omponent s ;wehavepl ent yoffir s t year s want .WhenIcameher e,I ’ dneverus ed nganddes i gni ngpar t soft hecarby CAD bef or eoranyt hi ngl i ket hat ,butbymy managi t hems el ves . s ec ondyearIwasdes i gni ngpar t sand managi ngt hewhol emai nas s embl yont he si sabi tmor eofagener al ques on, but car ,andt hes ear et hes ki l l sI ’ vel ear nedover Thi howdi dyougeti nt omot or s por t ? t hes pac eofayear .Not hi ng’ si mpos s i bl e; dIgeti nt omot or s por t ?It hi nki t ’ sj us t eveni fyout hi nkyouknow not hi ng, youcan How’ t hecl i chéofgr owi ngupwat chi ngF1wi t h s i tdown, wor ki toutandyour eal i s eyou mydad-It hi nkpr e ymuchever yones ays cans l ldoi t .I nl ect ur es , yougett aught t hat !Ir ememberbei ngfiveyear sol d,s i ng how t os i tdownandc opywhatt hey’ ve ont hes of aatl i ke,3o’ cl ocki nt hemor ni ng as kedyout odo,butyoudon’ tgett aught t hmydadwat chi ngt heAus t r al i anGr and how t os peci fical l ydes i gnormanuf act ur ea wi Pr i x. That ’ swhatgotmei nt oi tevent ual l y, par t .I nFS,i t ’ sc ompl et el ydi ffer ent , you andi t ’ ss omuchc ool ert hanwat chi ng don’ tgett ol dwhatt odo,s oyous or tof peopl er unar oundafiel d! makei tupasyougoal ong. Spec i al t hankst o: Geor geHi ne Robi nBai l es Ever e Di amond Andr eiDr agos Chr i sWar bur t on Rodr i godaSi l va J os eLas s al ea Al exNi c ol aou J amesGander t on andmanymor e!

A erat r i c kyendur anc ei nFSUKl as tyear , wes awaver yr edRobi n.

Whenyou’ r eyoung, youwantt obea dr i ver ,andIdi dkar ngf r om t heageof t enonwar ds .Iwas n’ tt oobadati t ,but obvi ous l yyou’ r enevergonnamakei tt oF1 wi t houtanymoney. Thet echnol ogys i dei s al wayss omet hi ngI ’ vebeeni nt er es t edi n, andIt hi nkwhenIs t ar t edc ol l egebef or eI camet ouni ,andonc eIr eal i s edIc oul ddoa degr eei nMot or s por tEngi neer i ngIr eal l y s t ar t edge ngi nt ot het echnol ogi cals i de. That ’ show Igother e,r eal l y. Out s i deofuni , howdoyous pendyour me ? Igetki ndaner dyaboutc omput er s !I t ki ndofhappenedt odayact ual l y, AMD j us t announc edanew pr oc es s orl i neandIgot mas s i vel yner dyaboutt hat !Si mr aci ngi sa bi gone,I ’ vegotmyowns i mr aci ngs et upi n myr oom;i t ’ snotgr eatbecaus eIcan’ tr eal l y affor danyt hi nggood,buti tdoest hej ob. Iqui t el i kewat chi ngr ugbyandI ’ vebeen wat chi ngt heSi xNa onsl at el y,butIl ove wat chi ngmot or s por tevent saswel l ,F1 andevens omeendur anc er aci ngaswel l ; Is atupal lni ghtwat chi ngt he12Hour sof Bat hur s tt heot herweek,i t ’ sf unbutt hen youwakeupt henextdayt hi nki ng“ whydi d Idot hat ,t hatwasar eal l ybadi dea” ! Wor dsanddes i gn: J akeBoxal l Legge OBRs pons or s hi poppor t unies : Geor ge:14052901@br ookes . ac . uk Oxf or dBr ookes Rac i ng @OxBr ookes Rac i ng www. obr . br ookes . ac . uk


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