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Celestia UK
I worked with the University Partnerships
Team of The Brilliant Club. I worked
mostly remotely but also travelled to in-
person events as support. Since it was
summer graduation season for The
Scholars Programme, I created ceremony PowerPoints and acted as tech lead for online
graduations. At in-person events, I supported the Delivery Lead and delivered a student
ambassador Q&A. I also wrote a blog post detailing my time with the organisation, and I
created a briefing document on the Tech Lead role.
Daily Life
I worked mostly remotely, and was given flexible hours. I would usually log on at 9 am and
finish around 4 pm-5 pm. I gave myself a 30 min lunch. I usually had two or three Teams
meetings a day, and I was able to talk to a range of people across the organisation. After work,
I’d take a long walk to stretch out my legs.
Lasting Impressions
The internship was an enriching experience and the team I worked with were so welcoming and
constructive. I feel like I’ve gained skills in communication and leadership. My line manager helped me understand how exactly the skills I gained working there would appear on my CV. It
has cemented my ambition to work for a non-profit.
Irem Kaki, Brasenose College, MEng Engineering Science, Third Year
Work Projects
My project was to research and develop different
methods of cross-correlation for the digital
project team at CelestiaUK. This involved
reading, reviewing and summarizing published
literature on different cross-correlation
algorithms, and then implementing these in software using MATLAB. The initial task was to aim
for a breadth of research, meaning reviewing many different methods of cross-correlation
without worrying too much about the implementation. However, due to my capabilities and the
state of the academic research on this, it became apparent that depth of research
(understanding and implementing fewer approaches properly) was more desirable. This is what
I achieved in the end.
My supervisor was incredibly helpful. He never hesitated to take time out of his own tasks to
help answer my questions about the theory or help me debug the code. The engineers I worked
with in the office were always very inclusive when it came to describing what they were
working on, and they did their absolute best to make sure I understood what was going on with
the project. They also took time to show me how to work with the lab equipment, which was a
very useful and enjoyable experience.
Daily Life
The internship was a hybrid of in-person and remote, with flexibility of which days to be in the
office. The usual was 3 days in the office (Monday, Tuesday and Friday) and 2 days remote
(Wednesday and Thursday.) I felt that this was a very balanced model that gave us a good, social start and end to the week to get things going/wrap things up, while also allowing for days
to focus at home. I was allowed to change things around according to my own schedule as long
as I let the office know in advance, and as long as no one was alone in the office (for safety