1 minute read
Heritage Alliance (The
Lasting Impressions
I definitely enjoyed the experience and valued the opportunity to apply some of my academic
knowledge and context to a more 'real-world' cause. I learned a fair amount of practical
knowledge, mostly about REGO schemes and carbon reporting loopholes, and always value the
opportunity experience a new workplace and understand its standards and culture. I also loved
the opportunity to spend the month in London, which I wouldn't have been able to do
otherwise and was an interesting insight when considering whether to live work in London
post-graduation, as many grad schemes are based there.
MPhil Traditional East Asia, a mixture of in-person and remote working
Work Projects
This internship was in the Policy and Communications department of The
Heritage Alliance (THA). This was a small team of two permanent workers
and another intern. I would have a meeting with them weekly and a
meeting with the whole permanent staff (approx. 10 people) weekly. I
was also invited to sit in other meetings to learn about other projects and
how the organisation is structured. I further had two or three meetings a
week with my direct manager, to discuss work done and ask any questions. I met the Policy and Comms
team twice in person over the internship, for an in-person working day. The team were very warm and
welcoming, and I immediately felt quite comfortable in my position. My main tasks were researching
Ministerial backgrounds and heritage attractions in their areas, going through two months of
parliamentary business to look for heritage projects, doing research and analysis on heritage
stakeholders, building a contact list, and working on a heritage newsletter. I also did assorted research
and other minor tasks, such as choosing the Christmas card image!
Daily Life
I only met THA staff in person twice; one on the first week and once on the last. This was due to an
unexpected problem with the offices. When we met, everyone was supportive and generous,
particularly my manager and the Policy and Comms team. I stayed in London and travelled to work by