1 minute read
Sexual Health Clinic for Oxford community
by Emily Chapman
Oxford has a new regular Sexual Health clinic. SHAG (Sexual Health Advise & Guidance) is a free clinic outreach from the Sexual Health Centre Christchurch, an Outpatient clinic at Christchurch Hospital.
Oxford Local Kerstin Reimann will be operating the clinic from the Oxford Community Trust office, 37 Main Street, Oxford from 3.30-5pm fornightly on a Tuesday starting on the 28th of March.
Kerstin says “I realised that people find it difficult to get into Christchurch, or cannot afford to go to their GP, and wanted to start a clinic in Oxford to extend accessibility of sexual health”.
Currently there are 3 other outreaches in Christchurch.
The clinic is for anyone from the age of 16 and up. Appointments are not necessary. You can just pop into the Trust when the clinic is open. Testing for sexually transmitted infections is available, and some medication can be prescribed and accessed through the Oxford Pharmacy.
Sometimes a person will need to be either referred back to their GP or to go to the Sexual Health Centre in Christchurch. Oxford Community Trust Manager Jo Ealam says “We have options to support transport into Christchurch for medical appointments”, and contact details of the Trust service will be given to anyone needing assistance with this.
The clinic is for anyone to chat about anything sexual related, and to discuss options for contraception.
Condoms will be able to be accessed through the service. Kerstin has extensive experience in the Sexual Health field and says “It is a totally normal thing, and people don’t need to feel awkward about accessing the service”.
The service is completely private and confidential, and any positive test results can be coded so it doesn’t show up on their medical records for other providers to see.

April Clinic
There is one clinic in April as the second date falls on ANZAC Day. 11th April 3.30-5pm at Oxford Community Trust, 37 Main Street Oxford.