Factsheet 8 Carers - Oxfordshire Mind

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CARERS Rethink Oxfordshire Carers Support Service Support for the family and friends supporting somebody with a mental health problem. The service offers a range of support depending on a person’s needs including: (1) One to one emotional support at a time and place convenient to the carer (2) Monthly support groups throughout Oxfordshire (3) Carers Education and Training Programme (4) Information, Advice and Advocacy (5) Support with carers assessments. (6) Funding for respite and 'time out' activities. For further information or to access support please contact the service. Manzil Way Resource Centre, Manzil Way Oxford OX4 1GH Tel: 01865 904499 Email: oxfordshirecarers@rethink.org https://www.rethink.org/services-groups/services/oxford-carers-support-service RETHINK CARER SUPPORT GROUPS Banbury Rethink Support Group The group aim to provide carers with emotional and practical support. Speakers will be invited. Contact: Deborah Smart Tel: 01865 904831, (M) 07436 830799 Venue: The Ash Room, The Elm Centre, Oxford Road, Banbury OX16 9AL Meet: the group meet on the first Tuesday of the month, from 7.00pm until 9.00pm Bicester Rethink Support Meetings can change please call before attending Contact: Mike Wyatt/Deborah Smart Telephone: 01869 246853/ 01865 904499 Venue: Sainsbury, Bure Place OX26 6FA Meets: First Monday of the month, from 7pm Henley Rethink Friends Family Empowerment Group The group aims to provide members with a safe understanding forum in a confidential setting where help & support can be obtained together with an opportunity to make positive changes to their lives. Contact: Frank King Tel: 07802 709290 Venue: Function Room, The Catherine Wheel Hotel, 7-15 Hart Street, Henley on Thames, RG9 2AR Meets: the group meets on the first Thursday of each month, from 5.30pm until 7.30pm Oxford City Carers Support Group The intended activities of the group are to provide peer support for carers, invite speakers to the group and provide information. The group provides a social outlet to break isolation of being a Carer. Contact: Alice Young Tel: 01865 904499 Email: alice.young@rethink.org Venue: Wesley Memorial Church, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford OX1 2DH Meeting times: the group meets on the last Thursday of the month, from 7.00pm until 8.30pm Vale Relatives Support Group The aim of the group is to provide peer support and training. Carers are able to self-refer either by contacting the Group Co-ordinator or can 'just turn up' and visit the group. Contact: Rosamund Forbes Tel: 01865 455884, (M) 07918 133671 Venue: Tonkins/Pendarris Room, Abington Baptist Church, Abingdon OX14 5AG

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Meeting times: The group meet on the third Thursday of the month (not August or December), from 2.30pm until 4.30pm. Wallingford Carers Group Contact: Claudia Holliday Telephone: 07927 634477 Venue: Friends' Meeting House, 13 Castle Street, Wallingford OX10 8DL Meeting time: First Monday of the month, 10am-12noon - please call before first visit Wantage Carers Group The aim of the group is to provide a supportive environment where family and friends and anyone affected by mental health issues can come together Contact Kathy Baker Tel: 01865 904499 Email: kathy.baker@rethink.org Venue: Wantage Methodist Church, Newbury Street, Wantage OX12 8DA Meeting times: meets the last Tuesday of the month between 6.30pm and 8.30pm Oxford Mental Health Campaigners for Change A group of people affected by mental health issues, either directly, or as family/friends, or working in the field who believe the voice of lived experience should be heard. They aim to act as a forum for the exchange of innovative ideas around areas of mental health & inclusion, to network & take positive action to change perceptions & improve people’s lives. They listen to a range of speakers, discuss ideas & plan campaigns. We meet monthly; please contact us for more information. Contact: Frances Ashworth, Restore, Manzil Way, Oxford OX4 1YH Tel: 01865 904499 Email: oxfordcampaigners@rethink.org Meeting times: meets monthly, contact Coordinator for further information For further information nationally about Rethink’s groups and services Telephone: 0121 522 7007 Email info@rethink.org Website: https://www.rethink.org/services-groups CARERS OXFORDSHIRE Based on a partnership between Action for Carers Oxfordshire, Rethink and Oxfordshire County Council, Carers Oxfordshire is a free service which offers information, advice and support to someone aged 18 and over, who is looking after someone aged 18 and over, living in Oxfordshire, who could not manage without this help. The Carers Oxfordshire service aims to make it easier for carers, whatever their situation, to access information and support. The service has four elements: •a telephone and web-based information service - providing information about benefits and entitlements, support services, carer’s breaks, emergency back-up, employment, helping carers to look after themselves, training opportunities to support carers in their caring roles and much more •an outreach support service – providing advice and support over the phone and face-to-face •a network of carers support groups •training and wellbeing opportunities. Telephone: 0345 050 7666 Page 2 of 6


Email: carersoxfordshire@oxfordshire.gov.uk Sign up for e Newsletter - http://www.carersoxfordshire.org.uk/cms/content/our-newsletter CARER SUPPORT GROUPS (GENERAL – OPEN TO CARERS CARING FOR PEOPLE WITH ANY TYPE OF CONDITION OR DISABILITY, INCLUDING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES) Abingdon Carers Support group Please contact us to check meeting is on Contact: Cath Evans Telephone: 07557 430877 Venue: Level 2, The Charter, Abingdon OX14 3LZ Meets: First Tuesday of the month, 2-4pm Benson: Carers coffee morning Contact: Hilary Rust (librarian) Telephone: 01491 838474 or email hilary.rust@oxfordshire.gov.uk Venue: Benson Library, Castle Square OX10 6SD Meets: First Friday of the month, 10.30am-12 noon Bicester Carers Group Contact: Christine Stanbridge Telephone: 07827 235456 Venue: Bicester Health and Wellbeing Centre, Launton Road OX26 6DJ Meets: Second and fourth Thursday of the month, 10.30am-12noon Chalgrove: Carers support group Please ring for dates/details. Contact: Audrey Mannering Telephone: 01865 890531 Venue: Brook Surgery, High Street, Chalgrove OX44 7AF Meets: Third Thursday of the month, 2.303.30pm Chipping Norton Carers Coffee Club Please ring before first visit. Contact: Anney Harris Telephone: 07557 430874 Venue: Bitter and Twisted, 1 Middle Row, town centre OX7 5NH Meets: Fourth Thursday of the month, 10.45am-12noon

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Didcot Carers Support Venue may change in summer for trips. Please contact Cath. Contact: Cath Evans 07557 430877 Venue: Park Room, Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot OX11 7JN Meets: Third Wednesday of the month, 10.30am-12.30pm Tackley Carers Coffee Please ring before first visit. Contact: Christine Stanbridge Telephone: 07827 235456 Venue: Village shop cafe, Tackley Meets: First Wednesday of the month, 10.3012noon Witney Carers Support Please telephone before first visit. Contact: Anney Harris Telephone: 07557 430874 Venue: Garden Room, Witney Congregational Church, 4 Welch Way OX28 6JF Meets: Last Wednesday of the month, 2-4pm Witney Sainsbury Coffee Club Please ring before first visit. Contact: Anney Harris Telephone: 07557 430874 Venue: Sainsbury, Witan Way OX28 4FF Meets: Third Tuesday of the month, 10.30am12noon Woodstock Carers Group Please contact Anney for details Contact: Anney Harris 07557 430874 Venue: Woodstock Bowls and Tennis Club, Cadogan Park OX20 1UW Meets: First Wednesday of the month, 10.30am-12noon


SUPPORT GROUPS (CONDITION SPECIFIC) Abingdon: Multiple Sclerosis group Open days include entertainment or talks, lunch, information and therapies. Carer and cared for welcome. Contact: John Chipperfield - 01865 374877 or email mjpchipperfield@yahoo.co.uk Venue: Northcourt Road, Abingdon OX14 1NS Meets: Open days - first Friday of the month (except January) Banbury: Breath Easy group (first Mon) For people with lung problems and breathing difficulties. Their families, carers and friends Contact: British Lung Foundation 01295 259912 or jeni@breatheeasybanbury.info Venue: Territorial Army Centre, Oxford Road, Banbury OX169AN Meets: 1st & 3rd Monday of the month, 2-4pm Banbury: Dementia and Alzheimer's Support For people who care for someone with dementia or Alzheimer's. Contact: Carolyn/Phil 01295 267068/01295 250939 Venue: Stanbridge House, Ruskin Road, Banbury OX16 9FZ Meets: Second and fourth Friday, 10.30-12 Banbury: MS Society A group for Multiple Sclerosis sufferers and those whose lives are affected, including carers and family members. Contact: Robina Kelland Telephone: 01295 270308 Venue: Banbury Methodist Church, Marlborough Road, Banbury OX16 5BZ Meets: First Thursday of the month, 1-3pm Banbury: Stroke support group (first Mon) Not just for carers, but cared for and family too Contact: Helen Braisby Telephone: 01295 267595 Email: helenbraisby@live.co.uk Venue: General Foods Social Club, Spiceball Park Road, Banbury OX16 2PA Meets: First and third Monday of the month, 12-2.30pm Page 4 of 6

Bicester: Greenfields Care and Support For people with life limiting conditions and their carers. Christine Stanbridge of Carers Oxfordshire will be there on the first Tuesday of each month,10am-1pm. Come along for coffee, cake and conversation. Complementary therapies at reduced cost. For further details call Christine or Becky Contacts: Christine Stanbridge 07827 235456 or Becky 01869 233444 Venue: Wyevale Garden Centre, Bicester Avenue, Bicester. Meets: Every Tuesday, 10am-3pm (general drop-in), 3-5.50pm ( 16-30 drop-in) Chipping Norton Dementia Carers Support Group Contact: Brenda Green Telephone: 07827 235449 Venue: Highlands Day centre, Burford Road, Chipping Norton OX7 5EE Meets: First Tuesday of the month, 1011.30am Didcot Dementia Support All carers welcome. Please ring for dates and details. Contact: Alzheimer's Society 01235 531989 Venue: Didcot Health Centre, Britwell Road, Didcot OX11 7JH Meets: First Thursday of the month, 1011.30am Oxford: Oasis Partnership Carers' Support Group For family and carers of those with drug or alcohol problems Contact: Gail Corcoran 01865 455601 or 07799 413761 Venue: Rectory Centre Rectory Road, Cowley OX4 1UB Meets: Weekly Saturday, 2-4pm


Oxford: Barton Young at Heart (third Wed) Friendly club for people with memory difficulties or dementia and their carers Contact: 01451 810637 or email enquiries@memoryclubs.co.uk Venue: Meadowbrook, 59 Stowford Road, Oxford OX3 9PP Meets: First and third Wednesday of the month, 10.30am-12.30pm

Oxford Parkinson's Society Support Group For those affected by Parkinson's and their carers. Please contact Campbell before attending first meeting. Can help with transport Contact: Dr Campbell Ferguson Telephone: 01865 331704 Email: campbellferguson@btinternet.com Venue: WI Hall North Hinksey, North Hinksey Lane OX2 0LT Meets: First Wednesday of the month, 7-9pm

Oxford: Isis Dementia Carers Support Group Regular speakers. Please contact Joyce before attending first session. Contact: Joyce Coveley Telephone: 01865 872176 Venue: Oxford Options Resource Centre Horspath Driftway, Cowley OX3 7JQ Meets: Oxford (Cowley) Weekly Fridays, 10:30am-12:00pm

Witney: Dementia Carers Support Group All carers welcome. Please ring for dates and details. Contact Alzheimer's Society 01235 531989 Venue: The Elms Wellbeing Centre 2-4 Moorland Road OX28 6LF Meets: monthly on 1st, 1.30-3pm

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Parent carers - Support to disabled children and their families in Oxfordshire In Oxfordshire there is a team of social workers and support staff working with disabled children and their families. Carers Oxfordshire work in partnership with agencies to provide services which: •give priority to those most in need •support children to live safely in their own families and communities •are responsive to their needs, culture and disability •ensure they are supported as they grow into adults You can find information about families with disabled children on Oxfordshire County Council's website - https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/disabled-children Carers Allowance Carer’s Allowance is the main benefit for carers. If you are looking after someone for 35 hours a week or more, you may be eligible. Click here to apply online or download a claim form https://www.gov.uk/carers-allowance/how-toclaim Request a claim pack DS700 (or DS700(SP) if you are getting a State Pension) by calling the Carer’s Allowance Unit on 0800 731 0297 (text phone 0800 731 0317, calls from typetalk are also welcome) Benefits for Better Mental Health If you have mental health problems and benefits trouble then we can help you. Oxfordshire Mind’s Benefits Advice workers are here to help you. We can advise on any aspect of welfare benefits whatever your circumstances. The Benefits for Better Mental Health (BBMH) Team are based out of Manzil Way, Oxford. To see one of the advisors, please call the Information Line on 01865 247788 (Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 4.30pm, and 9.30am – 4pm on Friday) to make an appointment.

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