The Oxford Union is the largest and most prestigious student society in the world. Founded in 1823 to provide students with a space to freely discuss ideas, the Union has honoured and protected the principles of free speech for two centuries. The society continues to give students the chance to host the conversations that excite us and challenge some of the most influential people in the world.
The Oxford Union is proud not only to have played host to eminent leaders from politics to industry to the arts, but also trained many of them six former officers have gone on to serve as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Gladstone, Salisbury, Asquith, MacMillan, Heath, and Johnson) and one of Pakistan (Bhutto).
Throughout the term, we host popular social events, from pub quizzes to yoga classes to gin tasting nights. Our termly balls are a key feature of the Oxford social calendar, with tickets highly sought after in recent times, tickets have sold out in less than ten minutes. This term will see the long awaited return of our summer garden party.
Librarian Treasurer Secretary
President Elect Librarian Elect Treasurer Elect Committee
Six Elected Members of Standing Committee
Eleven Elected Members of Secretary's Committee
Senior Appointed
Chief of Staff Director of Press Director of Communications Junior Appointed
Senior Access Officer
8 Equalities Officers
Up to 14 Press & Sponsorship and Guest Liaison Officers Communities Officer
Junior Access Officer
Senior & Junior Welfare ROfficers O, DROs, and ROAs
Appointed by President (permanent)
Appointed by President (temporary)
Organising and running a varied and interesting term of events.
Maintaining and building upon the Society's rich tradition of hosting critical debate and the world's most eminent figures. Running and governing the Society in both the short and long term.
Responsibility: Overall running of the Society.
Vac Day Requirement: 30/40
Contact: president@oxford union.org
Responsibility: Speaker events and upkeep of the Library
Vac Day Requirement: 30/40
Contact: librarian@oxford union.org
Responsibility: The Union's finances and buildings.
Vac Day Requirement: 30/40
Contact: treasurer@oxford union.org
Responsibility: The Society's minute books and social events.
Vac Day Requirement: 30/40
Contact: secretary@oxford union.org
Chair of Consultative Committee
Responsibility: Chairing the Consultative Committee and overseeing events.
Vac Day Requirement: N/A
Contact: ccc@oxford union.org
Chief of Staff
Responsibility: Assisting the Officers and CCC with the logistics of events.
Vac Day Requirement: 15/20
Contact: chief.staff@oxford union.org
Director of Press
Responsibility: Managing the Society's relationship with the Press.
Vac Day Requirement: 15/20
Contact: press@oxford union org
Director of Communications
Responsibility: Managing the Society's Social Media presence.
Vac Day Requirement: 15/20
Contact: communications@oxford union.org
Development Officer
Responsibility: Connecting with the Union's alumni and working on long term plans.
Vac Day Requirement: 15/20
Contact: development@oxford union.org
Senior Access Officer
Responsibility: Coordinating the Society's access and equality work.
Vac Day Requirement: 15/20
Contact: access@oxford union.org
Standing Committee: governing the Society.
Delegation: acting as delegate to a Committee, minuting and advising.
Speaker invitations: for interviews debates, and other event formats.
Vac Day Requirements: 15/20
Contact: firstname.lastname@oxford union.org
Speaker invitations: for interviews, debates, and other event formats.
Event facilitation: setting up and helping run events, preparing questions for speakers etc.
Vac Day Requirements: 10/15
Contact: firstname.lastname@oxford union.org
Press: Assisting the Director of Press and Director of Communications, e.g. producing social media graphics, press releases, videos, etc.
Sponsorship: Assisting the Treasurer in sourcing and negotiating sponsorship deals.
Vac Day Requirements: 10/15
Contact: firstname.lastname@oxford union.org
Hosting and entertaining speakers and facilitating the running of events.
Vac Day Requirements: 10/15
Contact: firstname.lastname@oxford union.org
See 'Senior Appointed' section.
Junior Access Officer
Supporting the Senior Access Officer in their role.
Vac Day Requirement: 10/15
Contact: access@oxford union.org
Increasing the accessibility of the Union to those within their remit.
Leadership: organising at least one special event (e.g. a social, panel, etc)
Vac Day Requirement: 10/15
Disabilities Ethnic GMinoritiesIraduate nternational
LGBTQIA+ Socioeconomic Permanent & Temporary Women's
Communities Officer
Responsibility: Working with Oxford based charities and organisations
Vac Day Requirement: 10/15
Contact: communities.officer@oxford union.org
Responsibilities Suggesting improvements to the Society to improve Members' welfare and signposting members to appropriate welfare support.
Senior Welfare Officer
Vac Day Requirement: N/A
Junior Welfare Officer
Vac Day Requirement: N/A
Appointed by President (permanent)
Elected by Consultative Committee
Elected by members Appointed by President (temporary)
Appointed by Standing Committee Appointed by other process
Purpose: The Union's Governing Body. Oversees and passes changes to the rules, standing orders and budgets. All other committees report to the Standing Committee
Voting members:
Non-voting members:
Oversees the Society's finances and its termly and annual budgets.
Recommends expenditure to the Standing Committee.
Voting members:
President Librarian Treasurer Secretary Pres Elect Lib Elect Senior TOfficers res Elect 3 Elected Members
Supervises and advises on all access related matters.
Aids Liberation Officers in delivering access related events and projects, such as visits by secondary school students
Voting members:
President Senior Access Officer Junior Access Officer
International Officer Socioeconomic Officer
Ethnic Minorities Officer Disabilities Officer
Communities Officer
LGBTQIA+ Officer Women's Officer
Graduate Officer Permanent & Temporary Officer
Standing Delegate 5 Elected Members
Oversees the operation of the Union's library
Discusses and approves suggested book lists compiled by members of the committee.
Discusses and approves members' suggestions of new books, and the removal of unused books.
Voting members:
Librarian Librarian
Elect Senior Librarian Librarian In Charge Standing Committee Delegate
Up to 12 Senior Members Up to 12 Junior Members
Responsible for the purcahsing and supplying of alcohol for the Society and monitoring the upkeep of the Bar.
Alongside the House Manager, it determines the pricing strategy of the bar.
Voting members:
The Licensee(s) of the Bar 5 Voting Members
Bursar House Manager Standing Committee Delegate
Debate Selection Committee Mondays 12pm
Responsible for the competitive debating side of the Union.
Selects students to represent the Society in external competitions. Organises workshops and debate coaching.
Voting members:
President 4 8 Other Members
Standing Committee Delegate
Consulatative Committee Mondays 1:15pm
Communication between elected committee members during term.
All members of the Society are able to question any committee member at these meetings
Decides Emergency Debate motion for each week
Voting members:
All Members of the Society
Whether its getting your dream speaker to visit, running your own social, or passing an important rules change, it is a powerful feeling when you achieve something in the Union. With its rich history, iconic status in British discourse, and central role in Oxford life, the Oxford Union offers you an opportunity to have an impact far beyond any other student society.
As many committee members will attest, lifelong friendships are often made in the society's buildings inviting speakers over vacation days or running events together. Add to that guaranteed entry to any event you volunteer to help out with, and free ball tickets, there are many material benefits of getting involved!
More than any other student society in Oxford, the Oxford Union operates like a professional workplace. Whether as an RO, Access Officer, or Librarian, you will gain valuable experience building relationships with those of diverse ideas and backgrounds, navigating complex problems and interests, and persuading others to your point of view.
Reputed for its high achieving alumni and connections to some of the world's most influential people, the Oxford Union attracts the town's most outward looking, ambitious, and driven students.
Committee members are well rewarded for their contributions to improving the society. From paper speeches, to three course black tie dinners, to meet and greets with our esteemed guests, a range of exciting perks are on offer for those who work hard to improve everyone ' s experience.
Responsibility: Running the Society's elections, advising Members about the Society's Rules and Standing Orders, and overseeing disciplinary and membership processes Vac Day Requirement: N/A
Contact: ro@oxford union org
The Returning Officer is assisted by Deputy Returning Officers (DROs) and Returning Officer's Assistants (ROAs), who help run the Society's elections and learn about the processes so that they can become RO themselves. For the elections, the RO team organises nominations, scrutinises manifestos, sets up the poll, helps the members vote, and counts the ballots. The RO also maintains the Rules and Standing Orders and makes sure they're being followed around the Society, by helping members fulfil their duties and arranging disciplinary hearings when the Rules are broken
If you ' re interested in becoming a DRO or ROA, email the Returning Officer for more information ROAs can be appointed by the RO, but DROs must have their selection agreed by Standing Committee. The Returning Officer is always happy to talk to Members who are interested in standing for election and to answer any questions about the Society's Rules
Positions are advertised by the President Elect. Submit an application form.
Shortlisted candidates are selected for interview
Permanent appointed positions exist every term. Temporary appointed positions are up to the discretion of each term's President. The role titles and scope may thus change.
Elected by Standing Committee and Consultative Committee (typically in Week 8 of each term)
Candidates must notify the Returning Officer at least 48 hours before the Close of Poll of the Member's Election held that term.
To be eligible to vote for a CCC candidate in Consultative Committee, you must attend 4 of the previous 8 meetings of Consultative Committee.
Elected by Consultative Committee (typically in Week 8 of each term).
Candidates must notify the Returning Officer before 12pm Monday, 8th week.
To be eligble to vote, you must either be a Liberation Officer, Access Officer or voting member of Standing Committee, or have attended at least 2 of the last 8 meetings of Consultative Committee.
Elected Member of Finance Committee
Elected by Consultative Committee (typically in Week 2 of each term).
To stand, candidates must have been members for at least 2 terms, have attended at least one meeting of Finance Committee, and notify the Returning Officer before 12pm Monday, 2nd week.
Applications must be made to the Debate Selection Committee. Available positions will be advertised in the Debate Announce mailing list.
Candidates must submit a nomination pack.
Candidates' manifesto undergo 'scrutiny' (giving evidence for manifesto claims) Candidates must attend one of two Candidates' Meetings with the RO (one is held on Friday of 6th Week, the other on Saturday). Elections are held on Friday of 7th Week. Results are typically announced that evening or the day after.
Standing Committee: You must have been a member of at least one term. President: You must have been on Standing Committee.
Most candidates choose to be a part of an electoral pact, called a 'slate'. They organise their electoral campaigns together, encouraging members to vote for others on their slate as well as themselves.
To stand for election, you must completion a nomination pack. Nominations open 9:30am Friday, Week 5, and close at 3pm Friday, Week 6. Nomination fees are listed below. Those on Access Membership, or eligible for a full Maintenance Loan, may pay a reduced fee.
During the election, candidates typically receive votes by asking members to vote for them by message and in person. They may use scrutinised manifesto claims when doing this.
Elected Member of Secretary's Committee (11)
Elected Member of Standing Committee (6)
A key part of being on committee is putting together the term card over the vacation. All elected and appointed committee members are required to complete a certain number of ‘ vac days’, usually in 9th and 10th week.
The vac day requirements are as follows:
HILARY 30 15 10
TRINITY 30 15 10
The aim of vac days is to arrange all the events for the following term. This primarily inviting speakers for debates and individual events. This requires a combination of making phone calls, writing emails and finding good contacts to send invites to!
The President sets the requirement for the quantity and quality of work which must be completed to earn a vac day. This is usually sending around 10 15 good invites. Most presidents also encourage vac days to be completed towards the start of the vacation, so that the term can be organised well in advance.
The first day of the vac is ‘Debate Day’, on which all members of Committee discuss and decide the motions of the term’s debates.
The content of vac days also depends on your specific role; Sponsorship and Press Officers will also work on contacting prospective sponsors. However, the bulk of vac day work revolves around invitations.
For many, vac days are the highlight of their time on committee. From contacting huge names, to meeting students across subjects and colleges, they are a great part of being involved.
For almost all of committee, vacation days take place in person in the Union's buildings. We work a normal working day (normally 9:30am 5:30pm) but have plenty of breaks. There are always prizes for the best playlist on committee...
International committee members and those who are not able to work in Oxford, should contact the President prior to the vac to discuss their vac day arrangement.
You will not be able to enjoy committee benefits, or may even get removed from the committee if you do not meet your vac day requirement.
The Union is able to reimburse certain costs incurred for staying at Oxford to work vacation days. This is £8 per vac day completed (£12 per vac day for Access members). Crankstart Scholars may be able to apply to the University for extra bursary to cover living costs during vacation stay. Feel free to get in touch with the President if you have any queries.
CC: Consultative Committee
Committee: Everyone who has a role in the Union in a particular term (whether appointed or elected)
Emergency, Main, and After Debates: There are three debates every Thursday evening. The Main Debate features external guest speakers and is advertised on the term card. This is preceded by a topical Emergency Debate this is an opportunity for any member to speak in the Chamber. Finally, there is an After Debate, the motion of which is the same as the main debate, for members to continue their discussion once the guest speakers leave.
Debate dinner: The dinner that the Union hosts before each debate for the guest speakers. Also attended by some members of the committee as a reward for hard work.
GO: The General Office. Where members go to buy their membership or with queries.
Gladstone/ Goodman/ Macmillan/ Morris/ TV Room: Rooms in the Union buildings. Look at the signs on the doors or just ask for directions!
Junior Officers: Usually known just as Officers: The President, Librarian, Treasurer, Secretary and Officers Elect.
OOs: Officers’ offices.
PO: The President’s office.
Pressies: The President’s drinks held in the Gladstone Room after debates, for speakers, members of the committee, and floor speakers.
PBM: Public Business Meetings. Thursday night debates at the Union are officially called Public Business Meetings, meaning sometimes important rules changes will arise.
Scrutiny: Where the Returning Officer checks that election candidates’ manifesto claims are accurate. Takes place the weekend before an election.
Seccies: Members of the Secretary’s Committee.
Senior Officers: The Senior Treasurer and Senior Librarian, long term posts held by non student professionals.
Slate: A team of people who run together in an election campaign. Typically consists of candidates for Officers, Standing Committee, and Secretary's Committee. Each slate usually has a name, logo, and set of goals. Slates change every term.