Oxford Union Trinity Term 2021

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Adam Roble President Dear Members, Welcome to a new term with the re-opening of your Union. At a time when everywhere is starting to open up again, and we are all gaining greater hope for a brighter future, it is a great honour to present your termcard for Trinity Term 2021. In 2007, the President of the Republic of Ghana visited the Oxford Union and presented us with a section of traditional Ghanaian robes. The cover of your termcard is inspired by a combination of this and the colours of the Somali flag with regard to my own heritage. The Union is a place that was founded almost 200 years ago to challenge the nature of education, as well as place meaningful conversation at the core of it. It is a privilege to be part of that conversation with such a fantastic team of people around me. Following on from the incredibly successful Smashing The Silos series from HT21, this term we will undoubtedly continue to tackle some of the conversations that have truly impacted our society in recent years. This includes panels on topics ranging from cryptocurrency to conversion therapy, and big pharma to civil liberties. In addition to this we will be hosting a range of in-person speaker events with figures such as Dick and Dom, Jeremy Corbyn,

Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, and Eva Schloss to name a few. Concurrently, we have and will continue to host online speaker events with individuals like David Miliband, Jackie Weaver and Dr Philip Zimbardo. The debates this term will explore questions of decolonising the curriculum, the nature of veganism today and whether or not the monarchy should be abolished, as well as so much more. The Union is a place for important conversations, but also ultimately a place for enjoyment. This is why it is a pleasure to say that this term has more socials planned than any other term. I look forward to seeing you all in our inaugural courtyard beer garden, as well as our socials that include a drag night, live music, various pub quizzes, and collaborations with almost a dozen Oxford student societies. Enjoy your Trinity Term at the Oxford Union!

Adam Roble President, Trinity Term 2021 St Edmund Hall



Molly Mantle Librarian

Last term, I hosted our gender inequality panel and listened in awe as four strong women discussed their stories and found common ground in their struggles. “I know it’s worth the fight” one said “because I know I’m on the right side of history and silence never changed the world”. For nearly 200 years, the Oxford Union has given students like us the chance to host the conversations that matter to us, and challenge some of the most influential people in the world in our own space, on our own terms. That is why I am so proud to work as your Librarian, and have played a part in bringing you this termcard. This Trinity term we welcome a line up of speakers to challenge and be challenged by. Mainstream political leaders like Jeremy Corbyn, Valerie Jarrett (and Jackie Weaver!) stand alongside the grassroots campaigners who question them, from Soma Sara at Everyone’s Invited and Alyssa Milano to Nadezhda Tolokonnikava and Bernard Lafayette Jr. Our library has also reopened, thanks to the hard work of our Library staff; Although things might not be totally normal yet, it’s a relief to see our much-loved facilities open to welcome us again. If you would like to join library committee and have a say on how the library is run, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me. With our return to in-person events, a thought-provoking panel line-up (including our special event with Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai), I hope this term gives you moments to remember, whether they be good jokes or life lessons. And, wherever you are in the world, I wish you a very happy and meaningful Trinity. Molly Mantle St Hugh’s librarian@oxford-union.org


Viren Shetty Treasurer

As society finally starts to open up, I’m incredibly proud to share with you what the Union has to add to our ‘new normal’. While it’s been incredible to see both public figures and our members continue to make their voice heard online throughout this pandemic, I think I can safely say that we’re all ready to get back in our buildings and wave goodbye to Zoom. I’m excited to share our series of debates this term. From our online debate on the success of the benefits of immortality to our show-stopping and highly topical final in-person debate on whether history urgently ought to be rewritten, on Thursday nights we will welcome an exciting and diverse range of speakers to our both our virtual and real chambers. I am particularly excited to announce the launch of the Tuesday Night Debate, where members themselves will be able to take to the dispatch box in a meaningful way. The Treasurer’s Office has also been working to provide those of you returning to Oxford with several new Treasurer’s Treats. Members can indulge with new discounts on both protein shakes at Fit Cookie and late-night kebabs at Ahmed’s, supporting our local businesses as they get back on their feet. I’m particularly pleased to announce our partnership with The Economist, as members can now get 20% off an annual subscription at economist.com/oxfordunion/offer. I wish all of you a safe and enjoyable term, wherever you are in the world. As always, if you’re interested in learning more about the finances of the Union or have any sponsorship or debate-related concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Viren Shetty Christ Church treasurer@oxford-union.org




Larissa P. Sidarto Secretary

Hi everyone, welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and you are looking forward to the fantastic social events we have lined up for you. As your Secretary (and self-proclaimed Chief of Fun), my role is to ensure that our beloved Oxford Union remains the exciting social hub that we all know. I’m proud to be the first Indonesian and the first MBA Officer of the Oxford Union, and I am committed to hosting a diverse set of socials. Our team has worked hard over the vacation to ensure we have activities with safety in mind that adheres to the latest government guidelines. To kick things off, we have transformed our Courtyard into the ‘Union Beer Garden’! If you secretly love to belt out tunes, you should join our Karaoke Night. This event is held in partnership with Oxford’s Pink Week and many Oxford women organizations to raise money for Breast Cancer charities. We also will have events ranging from Drag Show, Comedy Night, Jazz & Cocktail, Vino & Vinyasa, Charity Badminton, Night of the Arts, Tuesday Tunes to Pinot and Picasso! To top it off, we will have our ever-popular pub quizzes. I sincerely hope everyone sees something for themselves in this term card.




The members make the Union an extraordinary institution. Whether through floor speeches at debates, questions at speaker events, and positive energy at socials, the members bring the Union to life. If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to get involved with the Union, please feel free to contact me! Larissa P. Sidarto St. Cross secretary@oxford-union.org




The Oxford Union was established to protect and uphold the principle of free speech, and debate remains at the heart of the society today. Debates are held on Thursday evenings during term, with timings as follows: 19:00 - Main Debate start time for online debates from Weeks 1-4 20:00 - Main Debate start time for in-person debates from Weeks 5-8


A ballot will be released each week via email and on our Facebook page for members to attend the pre-debate dinner with our guest speakers from Week 5 onwards.




1. This House Would Introduce Universal Basic Income


2. This House Would Live Forever


3. This House Believes The Right Cannot Represent The Interests Of The Working Class


4. This House Believes The European Project Is Doomed To Fail


5. This House Believes All Art is Propaganda


6. This House Would Abolish the Monarchy


7. This House Believes Veganism is the Only Ethical Choice


8. This House Believes We Must Urgently Rewrite History




This House Would Introduce Universal Basic Income 6







Supporters of UBI argue an unconditional cash payment to all will protect those left behind by global growth. Sceptics are concerned about cost effectiveness, work incentives and the political risks of such significant change. Is UBI the answer to the economic hit from the Covid-19 pandemic? Or is it an expensive experiment doomed to fail? Professor Guy Standing

Professor of Development studies at SOAS. As co-founder of the Basic Income Earth Network, he advocated for UBI as a means of combating political extremism.

Anthony Painter

Director of the Royal Society of Arts, and co-author of “Creative Citizen, Creative State: the principled and pragmatic case for a Universal Basic Income”.

Professor Hilmar Schneider

Director of the Institute of Labor Economics in Bonn. He is an outspoken critic of UBI in Germany and has authored numerous articles on this subject.


Marco Annunziata

Former Chief Economist at General Electric Co. He now works as a consultant and writes about about economic policy including UBI.

Rt Hon Jon Cruddas MP

Labour MP for Dagenham and Rainham and former Policy Co-ordinator of the Labour Party. He argues UBI would discourage work and perpetuate inequality.



This House Would Live Forever








From stem cell research, to CRISPR’s triumphs in genetic engineering, to cryonics, some view scientists as edging towards eternal life. Should we let research and progress take its course towards preservation of life without limits? Or, in a world of finite resources and widening inequality, should we resist the suggestion that we could one day live forever?

Kevin Surace

American technology innovator. He is the CTO of Appvance, an AI-based software QA platform.

Liviu Babitz

CEO and co-founder of Cyborg Nest, which builds noninvasive devices that empower people with new senses. He is the former COO of Videre est Credere.

Dr Max More

Co-founder of Extropianism and CEO of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Alcor freezes clients upon death with the hope of resurrecting them in the future.

Professor Nancy Katherine Hayles

Postmodern literary critic and author of “How We Became Posthuman”, now a core text in the transhumanist movement.


Professor Bryan Turner

Professor of Sociology of Religion at the Australian Catholic University, and author of “Can We Live Forever? A Sociological and Moral Inquiry”.



This House Believes The Right Cannot Represent The Interests Of The Working Class 10







From the collapse of the Red Wall in the UK, to the support for the Republican Party along the Rust Belt, there has been a notable exodus of working-class voters from left-wing parties. Should the working class still look to the redistributive policies of the left? Or have the working class found their ally in conservative values? Rt Hon Lord Monks of Blackley

Labour Co-operative Peer who previously served as General Secretary of the Trade Union Conference and the European Trade Union Conference.

Rt Hon Baroness Clark of Kilwinning

Labour Peer and former MP for North Ayrshire and Arran. She was a member of the Socialist Campaign Group and spoke out against austerity.

Darren “Loki” McGarvey

Scottish rapper and social commentator known by the stage name “Loki”. He won the Orwell Prize in 2018 for his book “Poverty Safari”.

Rt Hon John Redwood MP

Conservative MP for Wokingham and former Secretary of State for Wales. He defended library closures under the Coalition Government, arguing that they pander to the middle classes.


Rt Hon Lord Kirkhope of Harrogate

Conservative Peer, lawyer, and former MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber. He fought to make European funds available to small businesses and rural communities.

Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe

Former Brexit Party MEP and Conservative MP for Maidstone and the Weald. She is an advocate of grammar schools as a vehicle of social mobility.



This House Believes The European Project Is Doomed To Fail 12







In the run-up to the fifth anniversary of the Brexit vote, euroscepticism, populism, and nationalism are on the rise, undermining decades-long efforts to unify Europe. Can the ideals of the European Project be saved? Or, in the aftermath of a botched vaccine roll out and rising criticism, is the project doomed to fail? Dia Chakravarty

Former Political Director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance and Brexit editor of the Daily Telegraph. She was a prominent Leave campaigner during the EU referendum.

Lucy Harris

Former Brexit Party and Conservative MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber. She founded Leavers of Britain, a social club “safe space” for Leavers.

Dr Petr Mach

Former Czech MEP and economist. He founded the Party of Free Citizens to campaign for the Czech Republic to reject the Treaty of Lisbon.

Professor Lucia Serena Rossi

An Italian Jurist; in 2017 she became the first Italian woman to serve as a judge in the Court of Justice of the European Union.


Gabriele Bischoff MEP

German MEP. She previously represented Germany’s largest trade union, IG Metall, before the European Trade Union Confederation.

Vicky Pryce

Greek-born, former joint head of the UK’s Government Economic Service. In 2012, her book “Greekonomics” was published, a discussion of Eurozone crises.



This House Believes All Art is Propaganda 14







Over history we have collected and displayed art as a means of expression, and a signifier of wealth and status. Can art exist purely to entertain and decorate, free from the ideas of its creator and the issues of the day? Or, is Orwell right that “there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics’”?

Katy Hessel

Art historian, curator and broadcaster. She runs @thegreatwomenartists on Instagram and hosts The Great Women Artists Podcast.

Charles Thomson

An artist, poet and photographer, he is known for co-founding the Stuckism movement, and his famous satirical painting, “Sir Nicholas Serota Makes an Acquisitions Decision”.

Professor Julian Stallabrass

Professor at the Courtauld Institute of Art. He has written extensively on modern art and the history of 20th century British art.


Sir Charles Saumarez Smith CBE

British cultural historian. He is a former Chief Executive of the Royal Academy of Arts and former Director of the National Portrait Gallery.

Andrew Graham-Dixon

Art historian and Broadcaster. He was an early supporter of the Young British Artists.



This House Would Abolish the Monarchy 16







The British monarchy is beloved by many and watched from around the world. However, as scandal after scandal shakes the family, from “Megxit” to Prince Andrew’s alleged links with Epstein, its legitimacy hangs in the balance. Does this hereditary institution warrant preserving in the 21st Century? Or, are its faults too great for Britain to bear? Dr Ken Ritchie

Founder of Labour for a Republic, a Labouraffiliated pressure group which campaigns for the abolition of the UK monarchy.

Graham Smith

CEO of Republic, a republican pressure group which campaigns for the abolition of the UK monarchy.

Kelechi Okafor

Black-British actress, director and public speaker who argues that the Royal Family is institutionally racist

Former Director-General of the European Military Staff and Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.

Peter Hitchens

Prominent journalist, author, and Mail on Sunday columnist. He considers himself “a monarchist who doesn’t much like the Royal Family”.


Lieutenant General David Leakey CMG CVO CBE

Anna Pasternak

Royal biographer whose works have included “Princess in Love”, the story of Princess Diana, and “The American Duchess”, the story of Wallis Simpson.



This House Believes Veganism is the Only Ethical Choice 18







Over 79 million people across the world are now vegan, and plant-based meals have become more accessible than ever. Is veganism the natural solution to the looming environmental crisis, and a way to avoid the cruelty of raising animals for slaughter? Or does it remain an elitist movement that demonises the natural human diet and personal choice? Heather Mills

Former model, businesswoman, and vegan activist. She is a patron of Viva! and the Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation.

Dr Leila Dehghan

Board member of Plant-based Health Professionals UK and founder of the ‘Food and Diversity’ project, which seeks to introduce people to a plant-based diet.

Chris Williamson

Former Labour MP for Derby North and member of the League Against Animal Sports. He has been vegan since the 1970s.

Louise Gray

Author, journalist, and author of ‘The Ethical Carnivore’, in which she describes how she kills her own meat.


Rt Hon James Gray MP

Conservative MP for North Wiltshire and former Vice-Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Agriculture and Food for Development.

James Bailey

CEO of Waitrose, he has campaigned extensively for post-Brexit food standards protection.



THURSDAY 17TH JUNE 20:00 From the toppling of Edward Colston, to the National Trust publishing their properties’ links to slavery, many have been accused of attempting to rewrite British history. Do challenges to current historical narratives denigrate British heritage and culture? Or do we need to rewrite our history books to include forgotten voices and unmask uncomfortable truths?


This House Believes We Must Urgently Rewrite History 20





Sir Richard J Evans

British historian of 19th and 20th Century Europe, focusing on Nazi Germany. He is a former Regius Professor of History at the University of Cambridge.

Rt Hon Lord Woolley of Woodford

Political activist and founder of Operation Black Vote. He chaired the Race Disparity Unit Advisory Group until 2020.

Bonnie Greer OBE

Playwright, novelist, and critic. She has served on the boards of the British Museum and the Royal Opera House.

Marika Sherwood

Historian, researcher, and survivor of the Budapest ghetto. She co-founded the Black and Asian Studies Association.

Ruth Dudley Edwards

Irish revisionist historian and writer, and former Telegraph columnist.


Rt Hon Lord Taylor of Warwick

Former tax barrister, and the third person of Afro-Caribbean heritage to enter the House of Lords.

Patrick Vernon OBE

Former MP for Hackney, social commentator, activist. He is an expert on UK African and Caribbean genealogy, and founded the ‘100 Great Black Britons’ campaign.

Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Soames

Grandson of Sir Winston Churchill and former Conservative MP for Mid Sussex and Crawley.




The Inaugural Tuesday Open Debate TUESDAY 25TH MAY (5TH WEEK) | 20:30

Drinks, debating, and no external speakers: a novel approach to debates in the Union, but one that commemorates the history of the Society as a student debating society. 5th week will see us open the Chamber for all members (and their guests) to speak, time permitting, on topical motions to be announced closer to the time. Alcohol will be served from the Union bar inside the chamber, guests are more than welcome, and we encourage as much involvement as possible from the floor. The application form for the opening speeches will be publicised early in the term and we hope to see plenty of members entering; after brief arguments from the opening speakers, all members will be able to take their place at the dispatch box, so come with an argument ready (or wing it on the night!). The event will run as long as the bar can stay open and members still want to speak, so if you’ve always wanted to air your views at the dispatch box, or find the hole in an opponent’s argument, the Open debate is your moment! Members and non-members alike will be welcome for this event, which will be free of charge. The opening speakers for both debates will be in black tie and we warmly encourage you to dress in the spirit of this. The following prizes will be awarded for the best opening speech and floor speeches: Burrows & Hare Mamma Mia (Summertown) Happy Cakes


£100 Voucher Meal for Two 12 Cupcakes







WEEK 5 Art

Mamma Mia (Jericho) Meal for Two

Pizza Pilgrims 2 Free Pizzas

WEEK 6 Monarchy

Victors Meal for Two and 2 Cocktails

Ned’s Noodle Box £40 Voucher

WEEK 7 Veganism

Jo Malone £50 Gift Set

Common Ground Free Drink n Cake

WEEK 8 History

The Perch Meal for Two

Skogen £25 Meal for Two










The Union strives to platform the most interesting and important conversations. From Malcolm X’s argument for extremism in defence of liberty, to stories told by the “Mothers of the Movement” during our recent panel on Black Lives Matter, we are committed to discussions of significance, from voices not often heard. In this tradition, we are extremely proud to be hosting these special events. From the leaders of the March for our Lives movement, to the voices of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, this term we welcome those aggrieved by injustice, struck by tragedy, and with their eyes firmly set on the future. 26

Civil Liberties, 7th May, Week 2


Big Pharma, 12th May, Week 3


Cryptocurrency, 14th May, Week 3


Difficult Women, 18th May, Week 4


Conversion Therapy, 21st May, Week 4


Prostitution, 2nd June, Week 6


African Union, TBC







FRIDAY 7TH MAY | 20:00

Civil Liberties and Protest: freedom from, or freedom to? How far do we have the right to air grievances without fear of retribution or censorship? Protests have usually been a catalyst for significant change. Nonetheless, the question of how far we have the right to protest is seen as a contentious one. Some protests have been counterproductive with violence which begs the question of what the limits to protest should be. The discussion of legislation in Parliament makes this an increasingly more poignant issue. Through this panel, we aim to understand whether the right to protest ever an alienable right and how far it is so. We will explore if there is a correct and effective way to publicly speak out against perceived injustices and urge action. Ana Kasparian

Ana Kasparian is an American progressive political commentator, media host, university instructor, and journalist. She is the main host and a producer of the online news show The Young Turks. Tim Crosland

Tim is a former barrister with expertise in international human rights and the director of the climate litigation charity PlanB.earth. He is currently expecting to be prosecuted by the Attorney General before the Supreme Court for an act of protest against the expansion of Heathrow Aiport. Tom Brake

Tom Brake is a British Liberal Democrat politician. He was the Member of Parliament for Carshalton and Wallington in London from 1997 to 2019. He was appointed Director of the cross-party pressure group Unlock Democracy in October 2020.






Has Big Pharma turned a new leaf? In 2019, the words ‘big pharmaceutical corporation’ and evil were seen as synonymous. However, as we emerge from the pandemic, their popularity has skyrocketed. Tasked with tackling an extraordinary challenge, Big Pharma have developed a variety of successful vaccines. But recurring scandals around false advertising, bribery and eight-figure settlements still cast long shadows over the industry. Through this panel, we will explore the extent to which the public perception of Big Pharma has been, permanently changed by the pandemic. Have they justified their independence from government control or do their profit driven ideals still make Big Pharma an evil threat to public health? Jeremy Levin

Jeremy Levin is a South African-born businessman, medical doctor and research scientist. He is the former CEO of Teva Pharmaceuticals and current chair of Ovid Therapeutics. Anthony McDonnell

As a senior policy analyst at the Global Centre for Development, Anthony worked a lot dealing with the supply and distribution of COVID vaccines. Nick Dearden

Nick is Directoer at Global Justice UK and has been one of the most outspoken activists calling for global vaccine equality. Robin Feldman

As a Law professor and author, Robin has written on countless influential papers on intellectual property and drug pricing.







FRIDAY 14TH MAY | 17:00

Cryptocurrency - The Future of Money? Cryptocurrency is everywhere, it dominates the news and its proponents promise it will revolutionise the way we interact with one other. It seems as if everyone’s heard of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin yet, key figures in the global economy refuse to accept it as more than a fad, highlighting its role in ‘funny business’. Questions remain as to whether it’s the future or simply a bubble waiting to burst but one thing’s for sure – it’s going to continue to surprise. Charlie Lee

Charlie Lee is the creator of Litecoin, one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies, and is the current Managing Director at the Litecoin Foundation. He is therefore one of the eminent names in cryptocurrency with over 900k followers. Sheila Warren

Sheila Warren is the Head of Data, Blockchain, and Digital Assets, and a member of the Executive Committee at the World Economic Forum. Her pioneering policy work is helping shape the future of blockchain. Michael del Castillo

Michael del Castillo is an associate editor at Forbes, where he covers cryptocurrencies and other blockchain applications. As one of the most prominent journalists his writing influences many opinions, educating readers about the ever-changing market. Sam Kopelman

Sam Kopelman is the UK manager of Luno, a cryptocurrency company with over 6 million users, Sam is a driving force in cryptocurrency, allowing everyone to invest in the revolution especially here in the UK





TUESDAY 18TH MAY | 20:00

“Difficult Women’’ When Ken Clarke called Theresa May ‘a bloody difficult woman’, he set off a wave of discussions about what it really meant to a be a successful woman in British politics across the political spectrum today. Inspired by Rachel Johnson’s new podcast on LBC, in this panel we will to hear from women who have faced the height of scrutiny in the British Press and really understand what is means to be deemed a ‘difficult woman’ in British public life today.

Gina Miller

Guyanese-British Businesswoman who initiated court proceedings against the government over its authority to implement Brexit without Parliamentary approval and successfully prevented the prorogation of Parliament in 2019 Rachel Johnson

Journalst, Author and Politician who left the Conservative Party for the Liberal Democrats in the run up to the 2017 General Election and ran as the Change UK candidate in the 2019 European Parliament elections Julia Langdon

Former Political Editor of the Daily Mirror, the first woman to ever hold the position in a national newspaper and author, currently writing a biography of Gordon Brown





Can we get you something to think?

Enjoy 20% off an annual subscription to The Economist Visit: economist.com/oxfordunion/offer 31




FRIDAY 21ST MAY | 20:00

Conversion Therapy: Fighting for a Ban Conversion therapy, also known as LGBTQ+ ‘cure’ therapy is legal and unregulated in the UK and was funded by the NHS until 2015. Over the last four years, since our Librarian, Molly Mantle, started a petition to ban the practice, the public have demanded a ban from the Government, but they have yet to implement one. This panel brings together some of the key campaigners who have fought for a ban, to reflect on their work so far and what still needs to be done. Jayne Ozanne

Jayne Ozanne campaigns for gay equality within the Church of England and wider community, having come out as gay in 2015. In 2017, she led a debate on the dangers of Conversion Therapy, and, most recently, resigned from the government’s LGBT Advisory Panel, calling for a ban. Jeremy Marks

Jeremy Marks is the founder of Courage, which started as an ‘ex-gay’ ministry. However, 12 years after its foundation, Jeremy startled the evangelical Christian world by publicly repudiating the ex-gay approach, proclaiming that it did more harm than good, and unequivocally embracing a new approach that is fundamentally gay-affirming. Bisi Alimi

Bisi Alimi is a Nigerian gay rights activist and HIV/LGBT advocate who gained international attention when he became the first Nigerian to come out on television. He is the co-founder of the Kaleidoscope Trust, The Raibow Intersection and Executive Director of the Bisi Alimi Foundation and works tirelessly to advocate for the rights of LGBTQ+ people.








Prostitution in the UK: Beyond the Law There is a confusing contradiction when it comes to the legality of sex work in the UK. While the act of prostitution itself is not illegal, a variety of activities fundamental to the industry, such as prostitutes working together or attempting to advertise themselves, are listed criminal offences. Although prostitution are often greatly removed from the real experiences of sex workers, in this panel, we aim to understand what changes and protections are needed by listening to those who know the industry best. Miranda Kane

Writer, Performer, Comedian, Raconteuse and former sex worker Helena Croft

Director of Streetlight UK and Former Local Parliament Politician and Parliamentary Candidate for the Conservative Party Hayley Speed

Assistant Director of Services at akt, an LGBTQ Youth Homelessness support charity and former Head of Social Care at ‘The Men’s Room’ Bea Piper

Spokeswoman for the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP): an organisation of sex workers working on the street and in premises with a national network throughout the UK, who campaign for the decriminalisation of prostitution and for sex workers’ rights and safety





The Future of the African Union The African Union aims to help the continent to rebuild and recover from colonization and drive the growth of member countries. Is the African Union still beneficial going forward and can we really expect to see progress on the goals when member countries are not always held accountable? The African Union could potentially have a significant impact on the development in Africa. What needs to change about the Union and can it truly be beneficial for all countries involved?

Dr Mo Ibrahim

Mohammed Ibrahim is a Sudanese-British billionaire businessman. He founded the Mo Ibrahim foundation which focuses on building African leadership and better governance throughout Africa. Dr Donald Kaberuka

Dr Donald Kaberuka is a Rwandan economist and was the president of the African Development Bank for 10 years and is chair of a Pan-African investment firm. Ms Aya Chebbi

Ms. Aya Chebbi, a multi award-winning Pan-African feminist. She rose to prominence as a voice for democracy and as a political blogger during Tunisia’s Revolution.








In Conversation with Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai It is an honour to welcome Greta and Malala for one of their first-ever joint discussions. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. She is known for human rights advocacy, especially the education of women and children in her native Swat Valley, northwest Pakistan, where the local Pakistani Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. Her advocacy has grown into an inspirational international movement. Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who is internationally known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation. Greta initially gained notice for her youth and her straightforward speaking manner, both in public and to political leaders and assemblies, in which she criticises world leaders for their failure to take what she considers sufficient action to address the climate crisis.




Each term, we aim to bring to the Union a plethora of unique and influential speakers. We hope that there will be something for everyone in a term that brings together pioneers and leaders in almost every field. The committee will be working hard throughout the term to add new speakers to this line-up - check the website, Facebook page, or the mailing list which you can join via the website or through emailing enquiries@oxford-union.org for the most up to date list of events. Make sure to look for our Facebook events, where you can find the ballot to join the meet and greets with the speakers.


Please note that one of the challenges inherent in hosting high calibre speakers is that their schedules can change at short notice. In the rare situation in which this occurs, we will do everything we can to rearrange the event for a different date, and ensure that members are given adequate notice of changes or cancellations.























Dambisa Moyo

Dr Dambisa Moyo is renowned Zambian economist, author and public speaker. She has authored three bestselling books, including New York Times bestseller “Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa”. She was named by TIME as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World”, and was named as one of Oprah Winfrey’s “20 remarkable visionaries”. She holds degrees from Harvard University and Oxford University, and is a board member of 3M and Chevron. Her upcoming book, “How Boards Work: And How They Can Work Better in a Chaotic World”, draws upon her experience to examine how boards must adapt to survive the challenges of coming years, in light of the recent malpractice scandals that have rocked companies like GE and WeWork. 38






Sean Joyce Joyce was the 14th Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A key figure in the transformation of the FBI into a national intelligence organisation, Joyce gave over 26 years of service and established himself as an accomplished leader. Within the field of technology, Joyce has worked as the Global Cybersecurity, Privacy and Forensics Leader and led the US and Global Financial Crimes Unit for PwC.




Valerie Jarrett Valerie Jarrett was the senior advisor to U.S. president Barack Obama from 2009-2017. Jarrett also served as assistant to the president for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs and acted as co-chair of the Obama–Biden Transition Project. Since leaving the White House, Jarrett has accumulated an impressive list of accomplishments, such as volunteering as senior advisor to the Obama Foundation and serving as co-Chair for the United State of Women. In 2019, Jarrett published her book ‘Finding My Voice: My Journey to the West Wing and the Path Forward’.



MONDAY 3RD MAY | 17:00

Dr Michio Kaku


Kaku is a theoretical physicist and leading science communicator. He has over 70 published articles in notable physics journals, and rose to notoriety for his books, which include Physics of the Future and The Future of the Mind, as well as numerous TV programs for the BBC, Discovery Channel, and others.






MONDAY 3RD MAY | 20:00


Diane Von Furstenberg Von Furstenberg is a fashion designer and philanthropist. Her fashion company, Diane von Furstenberg, is prominent in over 70 countries worldwide. She has been listed amount the most powerful women in the world by Forbes, and was included in the Time 100 in 2015. In 2019, she was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Her foundation is active in many areas of philanthropy, from the environment to community-building and human rights.



TUESDAY 4 MAY | 20:00 TH

Sir John Key GNZM AC John Key served as the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand from his election in 2008 to the end of his third term in 2016. During this time, Key led many initiatives to transform domestic politics and foreign policy. He formed the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority following Christchurch’s major 6.2 magnitude natural disaster, and implemented partial privatisation of many state-owned enterprises. He withdrew New Zealand’s forced from Afghanistan, and pushed for more nations to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership.





Dr Philip Zimbardo Dr Philip Zimbardo is an American psychologist best known for his infamous 1971 Stanford Prison Study. He has had an illustrious career in psychology, teaching at Yale, NYU, Columbia and Stanford, where he is now Professor Emeritus. The Stanford Prison Study that propelled him to fame assigned college students as prisoners or guards, in an attempt to understand the psychological effects of perceived power, but has been subject to much ethical criticism. Since the Study, he has gone on to write numerous influential academic texts in the field of psychology, and in 2012 received the American Psychological Foundation Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement in the Science of Psychology.




The Right Honourable Lord Giddens MAE Lord Giddens currently sits as a Labour Peer in the House of Lords. He was an adviser to former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and notably guided him in the implementation of his “Third Way” centrist policy. He is also one of the most renowned modern sociologists. Giddens was formerly Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.







FRIDAY 7 MAY | 17:00 TH

Andrew McCollum Andrew McCollum is an American entrepreneur, businessman, and angel investor, who co-founded Facebook. His contributions to early Facebook included designing Facebook’s first logo and set of user interface icons. After Facebook, McCollum worked at various venture capital firms including New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and Flybridge Partners. In 2014, he joined Philo, an American internet television company, as its CEO.



MONDAY 10TH MAY | 17:00

Magnus Carlsen


Carlsen is a chess grandmaster, and one of the best players in the world. Currently World chess champion, World Rapid Chess Champion and World Blitz Class Champion, Carlsen holds the record for the longest unbeaten run in classical chess and the highest ever peak classical chess rating. After earning the title of chess grandmaster at just 13, he is also the subject of many films, books and a modelling campaign.







MONDAY 10 MAY | 20:00 TH

Nadezhda Tolokonnikava Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is a political activist, musician, and conceptual artist. As a member of Pussy Riot and controversial art group, Voina, Tolokonnikova has been involved in many famous anti-Government protests, from Operation Kiss Garbage to the Punk Prayer. She has served two years in prison for “hooliganism” and was named a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. Most recently, she published her book How to Start a Revolution and toured with the musical production Riot Days.



TUESDAY 11TH MAY | 20:00


Dr Mari Pangestu Dr. Mari Pangestu is the World Bank Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnerships. She is highly regarded as an expert on global issues and has broken many barriers in her career, such as being the first female Indonesian of Chinese descent to hold a government cabinet position in Indonesia. For a decade, she was Indonesia’s Minister of Trade and then the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. Dr. Pangestu is the recipient of Bintang Mahaputra (the highest public service award by the President of Indonesia), the “Lifetime Achievement in Leadership” award by the World Chinese Enterprise Forum and the “Distinguished Fellow Award” from the Eisenhower Fellowships.





FRIDAY 14TH MAY | 20:00

Bernard Lafayette, Jr. Lafayette is an American civil rights activist, who worked with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in Selma to bring about the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965. He has since been recognised as a leading authority on and proponent of nonviolent direct action and authored The Leaders Manual: A Structured Guide and Introduction to Kingian Nonviolence.


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MONDAY 17TH MAY | 17:00


Martin Keown

Martin Keown is an English football pundit and former English professional footballer. He played as a defender from 1984 to 2000, most notably for Arsenal, where made over 400 appearances for the club. He made his England debut in 1992 against France and went on to achieve 43 caps for the side. He is now a part-time scout and coach for Arsenal, as well as an iconic voice of English football, regularly appearing on the BBC’s football coverage as a pundit and often on Match of the Day.



MONDAY 17 MAY | 20:00 TH

Richard “Dick” McCourt & Dominic “Dom” Wood

Richard McCourt and Dominic Wood, otherwise known as Dick and Dom, are a comedy double act best known for presenting CBBC’s BAFTA Award-winning “Dick & Dom in Da Bungalow”. The programme aired live on weekend mornings from 2002 to 2006, and ran successfully for five seasons. Following their time in the Bungalow, Dick and Dom went on to present a number of spin-off series, alongside Sky 1’s “Are You Smarter than a 10 Year Old?”. Alongside their TV appearances, they have also authored multiple books and starred in the West End revival of Spamalot. They now present the game show “Cash from Chaos” and the podcast “the Dick and Dom Debate”, intended as a lighthearted version of Question Time. 47


TUESDAY 18TH MAY | 17:00


Rachel Parris Rachel Parris is a comedian and presenter best known for her role in BBC Two’s former news show “The Mash Report”. She studied BA Music at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, where she began her foray into improv comedy with the Oxford Imps. Since leaving Oxford, she has pursued an illustrious career in comedy, including notable appearances on “Live at the Apollo”, “QI”, “Would I Lie to You?” and “Mock the Week”. Her comedy performances have been met with critical acclaim; she was nominated for a BAFTA in 2019 for her work on the “Mash Report”, and has toured nationally with her Chortle Award winning show “Austentatious”. An ardent feminist, she is also a regular guest co-host on “The Guilty Feminist” podcast, and her BBC Radio standup performance “Austensibly Feminist” was commended.




Soma Sara Soma Sara is the founder of Everyone’s Invited, a viral campaign which invites people to share their experiences of rape culture. The platform has since seen hundreds of reports of sexual harassment, abuse and assault. Sara has since used these testimonies to raise awareness about misogyny in schools and to lobby for institutional change. Most recently, she has appeared in Vogue, in most major newspapers, and spoken to the Department for Education about the pervasiveness of these problems.








Jeremy Corbyn Jeremy Corbyn is a British politician, who served as the Leader of the Opposition for Labour between 2015 and 2020. He was a Member of Parliament from 1983, during which he campaigned on a number of issues, including opposing the Iraq War and advocating for a unified Ireland. He has now launched the ‘Project for Peace and Justice’, where he is working on social equality, conflict resolution and environmental issues.



FRIDAY 21 MAY | 17:00 ST

Anne Boden MBE Anne Boden MBE is a tech entrepreneur and founder of Starling Bank, Britain’s Best Bank 2018, 2019 and 2020. Before founding Starling, Boden was chief operating officer of Allied Irish Banks for two years. She is now a member of the board of the trade association for the UK’s banks and financial services companies, UK Finance, and also an advisor to the UK government’s Board of Trade and has received an MBE for services to financial technology.



MONDAY 24TH MAY | 17:00

Michael Rosen Rosen is a British children’s author and poet, who served as children’s laureate from June 2007 to June 2009. He was awarded an Exceptional Award for the Best Children’s Illustrated Books of its year in the 4–11 age range for Michael Rosen’s Sad Book. He has also been involved in campaigning increased welfare, education and the Palestinian cause. Most recently, in March 2021, he has written about his experience with the NHS, while suffering from COVID-19.



MONDAY 24TH MAY | 20:00

The Right Honourable Lord Heseltine CH PC Heseltine has been a dominant feature of British politics for over five decades, from opposing Thatcherite economic policies to being a staunch opponent of Brexit. Notoriously having challenged Thatcher for the Conservative leadership, he rose to the position of Deputy Prime Minister under Major. He has sought to modernise the Conservative Party throughout his career, resulting in him most recently having had the whip suspended after declaring his lack of support for Johnson.










Mandu Reid Reid is Leader of the Women’s Equality Party (WEP) and candidate for the 2021 London Mayoral Election. She is the first black and bisexual UK national party leader, and has used her position to direct the WEP’s focus towards racial injustice and support for the Black Lives Matter movement. Before going into politics, she founded the Cup Effect in 2015, a period poverty charity which donates menstrual cups to women and girls struggling with period poverty in the UK and across East Africa.




Alyssa Milano Alyssa Milano is a prominent actress, author and activist. She began her career as a child star in ABC Sitcom “Who’s the Boss”, before continuing her rise to fame as Phoebe Halliwell in hit fantasy drama “Charmed” and Savannah Davis in “Mistresses”. Alongside her acting career, she has campaigned tirelessly for multiple causes, including HIV/AIDs awareness, animal welfare, and women’s rights. She is widely credited with popularising Tarana Burke’s #MeToo movement in 2017. Her tweets started an outpouring of stories from women who have withstood harassment and abuse, and since then she has worked consistently to raise awareness of sexual assault against women.



FRIDAY 28TH MAY | 17:00


Kerry Katona

Kerry Katona is an English singer-songwriter, television personality and a member of girl group Atomic Kitten. Katona has become a national staple of reality TV after winning the third series of I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! in 2004, making her the first queen of the jungle, and coming runner up in Celebrity Big Brother 8 in 2011. Most recently, she starred in Celebs On The Farm and Celebs Go Dating. She has also inspired many by campaigning to increase awareness of mental health problems and speaking about her own experiences.




FRIDAY 28 MAY | 20:00 TH

Eva Schloss Eva Schloss is a survivor of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, and stepdaughter of Otto Frank, father of diarist Anne Frank. Her family was captured by the Nazis in May 1944, and transported to Auschwitz; only she and her mother survived. She has since dedicated her life to ensuring that the Holocaust is remembered and never repeated. In pursuit of this, she co-founded the Anne Frank Trust, which seeks to rid society of discrimination and prejudice. Her experiences also inspired James Still’s play “And Then They Came For Me - Remembering the World of Anne Frank”. More recently, she participated in the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive project, creating interactive holograms to preserve the memories of Holocaust survivors for future generations.



MONDAY 31ST MAY | 17:00


The Right Honourable Sir Vince Cable

The Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable was leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2017-2019, the culmination of a career in politics spanning over 20 years. Having served as Member of Parliament for Twickenham since 1997, he spent five years in the coalition cabinet as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills from 2010-2015. He narrowly lost his seat in the 2015 UK General Election, but returned to Parliament in 2017, where he replaced Tim Farron as leader of the Liberal Democrats. He holds a PhD in Economics, and prior to his career in politics worked as Economic Adviser to the Government of Kenya, and later as Chief Economist for Shell. He became the Liberal Democrat party’s leading voice on finance and economics matters, championing greater state capital spending and stronger trade ties with the United States. He has published multiple books, and his most recent release, “Money and Power: The World Leaders Who Changed Economics”, presents a fascinating account of the economic legacy of sixteen world leaders. 55




Katie Porter Katie Porter serves as the U.S. Representative for California’s 45th congressional district. In just 2 years, Representative Porter has become deputy chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and gained a national profile for her analytical and original questioning in congressional hearings. Her meteoric rise, flipping of a competitive seat, and position on prestigious congressional committees has driven widespread speculation of her future as a potential leader of her party. Before entering politics, Representative Porter served as an independent monitor of banks for California and taught as a law professor at the University of California.



FRIDAY 4 JUNE | 17:00 TH

Jed Mercurio Gerald “Jed” Mercurio OBE is a British television writer, producer, director, and novelist. A former hospital doctor and Royal Air Force officer, Mercurio has been ranked among UK television’s leading writers. His works include Line of Duty (ranked among the best BBC shows of all time), Bodies (ranked as Shows of the Decade by The Times), and Cardiac Arrest (voted as favourite medical TV series of all time by medical doctors). In 2017, Mercurio was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Television Society (RTS) and the Baird Medal by RTS Midlands.





Roula Khalaf

Roula Khalaf is Editor of the Financial Times. She made history as the first female editor in the 131-year history of the Financial Times of London, after a decorated 25-year career that included overseeing a range of newsroom initiatives and award-winning editorial projects and leading a global network of over 100 foreign correspondents. Khalaf was named foreign commentator of the year at the Editorial Intelligence Comment Awards in 2016, and her series on Qatar won the Foreign Press Association’s Feature story of the year in 2013.








Blair Imani Ms Blair Imani is an American historian, author and activist known for her work on intersectionalism and for the Black Lives Matter movement. Ms Imani studied at Louisiana State University, graduating in 2015. Whilst a student, she founded an organisation called ‘Equality for HER’ (Health Education Resources), a charity that provides empowerment resources for women and non-binary individuals. Ms Imani is currently the Civic Action and Campaign Leader at DoSomething.org, a large technology company aimed at inspiring young people to strive for social change. She is also the author of ‘Modern HERstory: Stories of Women and Nonbinary People Rewriting History’, and ‘Making Our Way Home: The Great Migration and the Black American Dream’ .




David Dunning David Dunning is an experimental social psychologist, professor, and author. His research focuses on the psychology underlying human misbelief. In his most widely-cited work, the “Dunning-Kruger Effect”, he showed that people tend to hold favorable opinions of their competence that cannot be justified from objective evidence. This phenomenon carries many implications for health, education, the workplace, and economic exchange.



MONDAY 14TH JUNE | 17:00

Jackie Weaver Jackie Weaver shot to fame after appearing in a viral recording of a Handforth Parish Council zoom meeting. The meeting clerk from the Cheshire Association of Local Councils, Weaver was famously accused of having “no authority” and told to “read the standing orders”. Since then, Weaver has spoken about her experience of ‘going viral’, being a woman in politics, and lobbied for the continuation of local Government.



MONDAY 14TH JUNE | 20:00

David Miliband President and Chief executive officer of the International Rescue Committee. From 2007 and 2010, he served as Foreign Secretary, the youngest person to hold the role for 30 years, while MP for South Shields. In 2010, he stood against and narrowly lost to his brother Ed for the leadership of the Labour Party. In his current role, he oversees humanitarian aid and development programs in 40 countries, with an annual budget of $450 million (£320 million).








Han Jin Won Han Jin Won made his screenwriting debut as the co-writer of award-winning Parasite. The first South Korean film to be nominated for six Oscars (including Best Picture, Best International Feature and Best Director), Parasite has been internationally celebrated. Han Jin Won is largely credited for the incredible character profiles, which have led Parasite to such critical acclaim.




Aneeta Prem Aneeta Prem is a British author, human rights campaigner and magistrate. In 2010 she established the Freedom Charity, which protects the lives of young people in the face of FGM, arranged marriages and dishonour-based violence by raising awareness of these key issues - she remains the lifetime President. She has written two novels, been awarded an Honour Doctorate from the University of Winchester and has been recognised as one of London’s most influential people on multiple occasions.



Lily Cole Cole is a British model, actress and philanthropist. She has worked with high-profile brands like Louis Vuitton and Chanel, and took the lead role in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Her other roles have led to to work in films alongside notable actors and actresses such as Colin Firth, Rupert Everett, Jodie Whittaker, and Russell Brand. Her charity work has also been a prominent part of her public life, and she has worked on humanitarian and environmental causes from WaterAid to the Environmental Justice Foundation.


Lily James Lily James is an English Actress and Model, famed for her roles in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Darkest Hour, Baby Driver and, most recently, The Dig. Having studied acting at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, she made broke through with her notable roles in Downton Abbey (2012-2015) and as the title role in the 2015 film, Cinderella. She is currently thought to be one of the be one of the most in-demand actresses in the film industry.






Brandon Marshall Brandon Marshall is a retired American football player and a current TV sports personality. He began his career in college football at the University of Central Florida, and has since played for the NFL for the Denver Broncos, the Miami Dolphins, the Chicago Bears, the New York Jets, the New York Giants and the Seattle Seahawks. He’s broken several records including when he caught 21 passes in just a single game in 2000, and being the first to have “1000 receiving yard” seasons with four different teams. He now co-hosts Fox Sport’s morning show “First Things First” and Showtime’s “Inside the NFL”. Since being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder in 2011 he has been a tireless campaigner for awareness of the illness.


The Right Honourable Lord Bilimoria CBE DL FCA The Right Honourable The Lord Bilimoria of Chelsea CBE DL is a leading businessman, crossbench peer in the House of Lords and the Chancellor of the University of Birmingham. Lord Bilimoria emigrated to the UK on a scholarship and became a chartered accountant before studying law at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Lord Bilimoria is most well known for being the Chairman of Cobra beer which he founded with some friends in 1989. Cobra now has a revenue of over $250 million per annum, a success which enabled Lord Bilimoria to establish The Cobra Foundation, a charity supporting young people in South Asia.



Chris Voss Mr Chris Voss was the FBI’s chief international hostage negotiator and is now CEO of the Black Swan Group. Mr Voss studied for a BSc at Iowa State University before going on to read for a Masters in Public Administration at Harvard’s JFK School of Government. Voss worked for New York City’s joint terrorist task force and was responsible for monitoring and investigating several terrorist attacks in the 1990s. After receiving extensive hostage negotiation training at the FBI academy, he went on to serve as one of the world’s leading hostage negotiators for over 15 years. Retiring from the FBI in 2007, Voss founded Black Swan Group, a consultancy and training firm in communication. In 2016 he published a book, ‘Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It’


Giles Coren

Giles Coren is a prominent food writer, restaurant critic and columnist, having spent 28 years as a restaurant critic for the Times. He studied English BA at Keble College, Oxford, and since graduating has risen to prominence in the food writing sphere. Notably, he was named “Food And Drink Writer of the Year” at the 2005 British Press Awards and “Restaurant Writer of the Year” at the 2016 Fortnum and Mason Awards. Alongside his journalism, he has published multiple books, and has presented TV shows across the BBC and Channel 4, including “Our Food”, “The Supersizers” and the BAFTA nominated “Back in Time for Dinner”. He also presents a popular weekly radio show on Times Radio.






Michael Eavis Michael Eavis is both an English Dairy Farmer and the co-creator of the Glastonbury Festival, which takes place on his farm in Pilton, Somerset. Inspired by seeing a performance of Led Zeppelin in Bath in 1969, he hosted the Pilton Pop Folk and Blues Festival in 1970, which later developed into the Glastonbury Festival we know today. He is also a staunch supporter of the Labour Party, having stood as a candidate MP in 1997. He continues to support anti-nuclear and anti-austerity measures today.



Adebayo Akinfenwa Adebayo Akinfenwa is an English Professional footballer, who plays as a striker for the League One Club, the Wycombe Wanderers. He has previously played with Torquay United, Swansea City, Millwall and AFC Wimbledon and has been a figure of English football for the past two decades, known in particular for his strength. He has also had a challenging time as a figure in public life and with the media, combatting prejudice at the highest level.






Virgil van Dijk Virgil van Dijk is a Dutch professional footballer, who currently plays as a centre-back for Liverpool. He is also captain of the Netherlands national team, having captained them to the inaugural UEFA Nations League, where they finished runner up. He is currently considered one of the best defenders in the world: the only defender to win UEFA Men’s Player of the Year. Known for his strength, leadership and aerial ability, he also finished runner-up in the Ballon d’Or.




In addition to our exciting speaker and debate events, our members are cordially invited to participate in the Union’s extensive social scene. The Union will host many socials to liven up your Trinity term, from drag to karaoke night, jazz to acoustic performances, yoga to badminton, and of course, our perennially popular pub quizzes. You will be sure to find an event that catches your eye. For any queries, please contact the Secretary, Larissa Sidarto, at secretary@oxford-union.org.


Jazz and Cocktail Tuesday Tunes Comedy Night Pinot and Picasso Pink Week Karaoke Night The Union Chess Tournament Night of the Arts Drag Show Vino and Vinyasa Chamber Charity Badminton Pub Quiz

69 69 70 70 71 72 72 73 74 74 75

Jazz & Cocktails Friday, 30th April////19:00 20:00 Tuesday, 4th May

Join us to celebrate International Jazz Day in our Union Beer Garden! With live Jazz and a wonderful selection of cocktails - whether you’re a music enthusiast or just want to have fun with friends, this is the place for you to be. Guest Performer: TSJ

Tuesday Tunes

Tuesday,4th 4thMay and //11th May // 19:00 Tuesday, 19:00 Watch Oxford’s incredible musical talents on our Tuesday Tunes night! With the dulcet tones of Oxford musicians to accompany your evening, this is an acoustic evening you should not miss! In joint collaboration with the Oxford Recording Society.



Comedy Night

Monday, Monday,10th 10thMay May////20:00 20:00 Do you take yourself too seriously? If the answer is yes or no or anywhere between, we invite you to join us at Oxford Union’s premier Comedy Night to enjoy some shots and more giggles (or vice versa depending on how that essay/problem sheet is going). As if your degree isn’t enough of a joke already, come and watch Oxford’s friendliest and funniest say exactly that to your face! Guest comedian:


Pinot and Picasso

Wednesday, // 16:00 Tuesday, 11th26th MayMay // 16:00 Take a break and unleash your inner Picasso! Join us for a creative night of drinking and painting in our very own Beer Garden. No artistic experience necessary. With a wine glass in one hand, paintbrush in the other: get your creative juices flowing and your brush strokes going!





Pink Week Karaoke Night Wednesday, 12th May // 20:00

It’s been too long since you hollered your favourite hits - fret not, this evening answers your calls! Shakira and Emeli Sandé have both graced the Union, and now it is your time to shine! Along with the societies supporting Oxford’s women, come together for a night of sipping, singing, and sisterhood. Rain or shine, let’s make some noise and show support for our sisters in need. Whether you are a bathroom Beyonce or a kitchen Kylie, warm up your vocal chords and prepare to sing the night away!

In joint collaboration with: - Oxford Pink Week - Oxford Women in Business (OxWIB) - Oxford Women in Engineering, Science, & Technology (OxWEST) - Oxford Women in Law Student Society (OWLSS) - Oxford Women in Finance (OxWIF) - Oxford Women in Computer Science (OxWoCS)



The Union Chess Tournament Week 2

Did Queen’s Gambit have you polishing up your chess skills over lockdown? Or have you been a keen player for years? Magnus Carlsen, current World Chess Champion, has agreed to play a Blitz game with one player during his speech! Join our tournament to determine who will play against the grandmaster! To participate, you are required to donate a minimum of £5 to a charity of your choice and provide evidence during registration. Good luck!

Night of the Arts Friday, 7th 13th May //May 20:00 Thursday, // 20:45

We welcome you to a night of splendour, showcasing Oxford’s sparkling talent; actors, artists, and poets. From the Trinity Players, ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ to ‘Em Poncia’s dulcet tones’, the night promises to please. The works of the University’s finest artists will take pride in our curated gallery space. Inscribe the date in your diary, and prepare for your artistic hunger to be more than satiated. 72




Drag Show Friday, Friday,14th 14thMay May////20:00 20:00 The school bell has rung and it’s time to get in class! Miss Take has a lesson for you all. Glammed up in makeup, sequins and fabulous hair, this irreverent teacher is going to educate you on the topics that matter… herself. Please be on your best behaviour, though you can guarantee she won’t be. Anybody arriving late will receive a big red mark



Vino and Vinyasa Tuesday,1st 1stJune June////17:00 17:00 Tuesday,

Whether you are an avid yoga guru or just want to be able to touch your toes before you graduate, bring along a mat, smiles and a willingness to learn and join us in some Vinyasa in the Union’s historic chambers! It is not often you can say you have done a sun salutation in tribute to William Gladstone...

Chamber Charity Badminton Thursday, Thursday,20th 20thMay May

Play to make the world a better place? The Union will be hosting a Charity Badminton tournament in our very own debating chamber! The Union strongly believes in the betterment of the wider community and therefore will be donating all the profits gained from this tournament to a local charity. Come along to flex your badminton skills and help an incredible cause. 74




Pub Quiz

The Union’s pub quizzes always offer a highly entertaining – and potentially lucrative – evening. Bring along your friends and best knowledge, to compete for fun or for the grand prize of the evening. It’s guaranteed to make for a great night!

Wednesday, 28th April // 20:00 Wednesday, 5th May // 20:00

Tuesday, 25th May // 19:00 (with Oxford African & Caribbean Society) Wednesday, 2nd June// 20:00 Tuesday, 8th June // 20:00

Win a combination of £50 and the local business prize of the day. List of local business prizes: Gift Happy Cakes (12 Cupcakes) Ned’s Noodle Box (£40 Voucher) Burrows & Hare (£100 Voucher) Barefoot Café (£45 Voucher) Victors (Cocktail Making Class)




Guest Policy

Treasurer’s Treats


Competitive Debating




How To Get Involved


3. All members who wish to attend the event have already taken their seats.



Events will be made exclusive to members when there is a security risk. Given (3) above, it is very unlikely that there will be space for guests at an extremely popular event.

The Oxford Union Committee

Members are allowed to bring up to three guests to an event, as long as: 1. The guest is not themselves eligible for membership of the Oxford Union. 2. The guest pays a £10 fee on the door.


The Members’ Bar 81 82




Treasurer’s Treats

Make the most of your membership: enjoy these exclusive offers by presenting your membership card. If you experience any issues in using the discounts, please contact Viren Shetty by sending an email to treasurer@oxford-union.org. All discounts can be found on the Oxford Union app. Restaurants Ahmed’s Bar B-Q Alchemist Artisan Café Ask Italian Bamboo Barefoot Bella Italia Benito’s Hat Café Rouge Cinnamon Kitchen Oxford Common Ground Côte Brasserie Dirty Bones Fanteastea Formosan Tea Bar Fusion House iScream Gelataria Le Pain Quotidien Mamma Mia (Jericho) Modern Art Oxford Café Moo-Moo’s Moshi Ned’s Noodle Box Ole and Steen Opera Café Organic Deli Oxford Sandwich Company Oxford Wine Café Paul Pho Pieminster Pizza Pilgrims Queen’s Lane Coffee House Raouls Rickety Press Rusty Bicycle Salt ‘n’ Sauce Skogen Kitchen Sofi de France Tandem Taste of China Thaikhun The White Horse Tick Tock Café Tommi’s Burger Joint Tree Artisan Café Turl Street Kitchen Up in Arms Vaults and Garden Café Victors

10% discount 10% Discount on food 10% Discount 25% discount (Mon-Thu any time, Fri before 16:00) 10% Discount 15% off cakes & hot drinks (exc. Mon-Fri, 14:00-18:00) 30% Discount (Mon-Wed) 20% discount (Sun-Fri) 40% discount (a la carte menu only) 30% discount (Sun-Thu) 2 classic cocktails for £10 (Sun-Thu) 15% discount Complimentary Kir Royale when dining 25% off food, £5 signature cocktails all day/night (Sun-Thur) 20% discount 10% discount 10% discount (over £20, cash only) 10% discount 10% discount 15% discount 10% discount 10% discount 15% discount (after 15:00) £8.25 Box & Drink (£7.30 Vegetarian Box & Drink) 10% discount 5% discount 15% discount 5% discount 10% discount 20% discount 15% discount off Food (2 people max) 10% discount £10 pizza & a drink (Mon-Fri) 20% Discount over £5 30% discount (16:00–20:00 10% discount 10% off Food (Mon-Friday) 20% discount £4.50 for a Takeaway Coffee and Bun 15% discount, 20% if over £20 (excl Sat) 50% off on food before 6pm, 20% off food after 10% discount (Mon-Fri 14:00-16:00) 20% Discount (Sun-Thu) 50% off on food before 6pm, 20% off food after 10% discount 25% DIscount 10% discount 15% Discount (after 12:00) 10% off Food (Mon-Friday) 10% discount (excl. 12:00–14:00), 20% food discount (Mon-Fri, after 14:00)) 20% discount (Sun-Fri)

Bars and Pubs Angels Be at One Duke of Cambridge Duke of MonMouth Freud Happy Cakes Jude the Obscure Oxford Wine Company Royal Standard The House

20% Discount £5 Cocktails (Sun-Thu) Oxford Union Cocktail Menu, Happy Hour prices (Sun–Thu) 10% Discount on purchases up to £20 Oxford Union Secret Cocktail Menu 15% discount 10% Discount on purchases up to £20 10% discount 10% Discount on purchases up to £20 Happy Hour available at all times

Shops & Others Cornish Bakehouse Ede & Ravenscroft

20% discount 15% off full price mens & Womens wear (excl academic/legal dress) Oxford branch until end of term 20% off an annual subscription at The Economist economist.com/oxfordunion/offer 10% discount The Fragrance SHop 15% discount T M Lewin 15% discount with stylist, Monday-Friday Popham Haiodressing 5% discount food/soft drinks Morse Bar, Randolph Restaurant & afternoon tea room (Mon-Thu) 2 for 1 on Tuesday Ultimate Picture Palace 20% discount on books, stationery, cards WHSmith Western Computer Group 10% Discount on Mac, 5% discount on iPad 10% discount Fit Cookie 10% discount Burrows & Hare



Competitive Debating Debating at the Union isn’t reserved for Thursday nights. The Union’s competitive debating squad is one of the largest and most successful in the world. Last year, an Oxford term won the World Universities Debating Championships, with one speaker claiming the Top Speaker prize and multiple teams qualifying for the semi-finals. Oxford Debating offers something for every level, from total novices to world champions, and will continue to take place online using Zoom this Trinity. For those new to debating, our Beginners’ Workshops run every Sunday evening online using Zoom and are open to all members. These workshops consist of a presentation designed to target specific debating skills, and practice debaters judged by some of Oxford’s most experienced and successful debaters. If you haven’t debated before, they’re the perfect place to start. For those with a bit more experience, our Intermediate and Advanced squads run every week online, also using Zoom, where our coaches provide a one-on-one development and strengthening programme.


We don’t just practice debating at Oxford; we also fully fund teams of both novices and experienced debaters to attend competitions nationally and internationally, many of which will take place online this term. Finally, we host the Oxford IV, one of the largest debating competitions in Europe, the Oxford Wom*n’s and Gender Minorites Open, and organise a schools’ competition that takes place across the country and beyond. If you have any questions, or want to sign up for workshops or squads, please contact the Chair of Debate Selection Committee, Andrew Chen, at cdsc@oxford-union.org. To sign up to the mailing list for weekly updates – including information on weekly trainings and how to attend tournaments – send a blank email to debate-announce-subscribe@maillist. ox.ac.uk. You may also want to like the Oxford Debating Facebook Page and join the oxford Debaters Facebook Group.




Committees The affairs of the Society are managed by a number of committees, each of which will continue to meet online throughout the term. These committees work for you, so please don’t hesitate to email the respective chairs for information on how to join these meetings virtually.

You can join these meetings virtually through checking the website for the respective email addresses of the committee chairs. STANDING COMMITTEE

Chair – Adam Roble, President The society’s governing body, the Standing Committee makes the society’s most important decisions, and recommends rules changes to the House. FINANCE COMMITTEE

Chair – Viren Shetty, Treasurer The Finance Committee scrutinises the Union’s finances and reports its findings to the Standing Committee. CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE

Laura Smith


Chair – Molly Mantle, Librarian The Library Committee is responsible for the Library’s overall management, and decides which new books the Library purchases. DEBATE SELECTION COMMITTEE

Chair – Parth Gosalia, CCC The Consultative Committee gives you the opportunity to ask questions to the sitting officials of the Union, and stay up to date on the running of the society’s events. ACCESS COMMITTEE


Chair – Andrew Chen, CDSC Debate Selection Committee manages the Union’s competitive debating wing, arranging training and competitions. BAR STRATEGY COMMITTEE

Chair – Larissa Sidarto, Secretary The Bar Strategy Committee oversees the management of the Bar, and makes decisions regarding its stocks, budgets, and furnishings.

Chairs – Theo Sergiou, Senior Access Officer The Access Committee is responsible for promoting the inclusion of underrepresented groups, by planning events and suggesting changes.





oxford-union.org 79


How To Get Involved APPLY TO BE ON APPOINTED COMMITTEE A number of positions on Oxford Union Committees are appointed, including Press, Logistics, Sponsorship, and Liberation Officers. All appointees also assist in inviting speakers and arranging debaters over the vacation, typically completing ‘vacation days’ in Oxford (depending on the status of COVID-19). No applicant will be at a disadvantage for being unable to be resident in Oxford over Trinity, or the vacation.

SUBMIT QUESTIONS The Union remains resolute in its commitment to giving members the opportunity to engage with, and challenge its speakers. For each of our online talks, members will still have the opportunity to submit questions during the event. We encourage you to take advantage of this, to join the conversation this Trinity. RUN FOR ELECTION Each term, elections are held for Committee and Officer positions on Friday of 7th Week. Candidates who are successful in these elections assist in inviting speakers and arranging debates for the following term, and undertake a range of other responsibilities. This term’s election will be subject to a significantly altered procedure, both for candidates and voting members. All voting will be undertaken electronically, and more information will be released nearer the time on how to register to vote. There will be significant changes to the usual rules for candidates. If you intend to run in this election, please email the Returning Officer at ro@oxford-union.org for more comprehensive details.


Applications for Michaelmas Term’s appointed positions will open in 5th Week, and will be advertised on the Oxford Union Facebook page and mailing list. Interviews will be held on a rolling basis, likely remotely. Please contact the President-Elect, Chengkai Xie, at president-elect@oxford-union. org if you have any questions, or would like to get involved. JOIN A COMMITTEE All committee meetings are open to members to attend and observe. If you are interested in attending or becoming a member of any of these committees, simply email the relevant committee chair (detailed overleaf), to find out more. THE UNION BAR, LIBRARY, AND BUILDINGS We are delighted to announce the re-opening of our buildings. The Union’s courtyard has been turned into a socially-distanced beer garden, temporarily replacing the bar, with capacity of up to 200 people. We are still able to serve our high-quality drinks and cocktails at low prices for our members. The Library and main building are now open to members, but are subject to social distancing measures. Be sure to book your library slots in advance to avoid disappointment.






The Members’ Bar

The Old Library, which is well-stocked and spacious, is open to all members. It is adorned with some of the world’s most famous Pre-Raphaelite murals, painted by artists including William Morris and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The adjoining Poetry Room is a true hidden gem, tucked away and perfectly quiet for independent study. There are a number of other study spaces, from the Gladstone Room to the Macmillan Room, Morris and TV Rooms. If you have any comments about them or the libraries, a suggestions book can be found in the Old Library.

Few places in Oxford boast the comfort and affordability of our Members’ Bar. Perfect for a quiet coffee, a light lunch, or an evening drink, it is a place where members and their guests can enjoy highquality food and beverages at student prices, with a 25% members’ only discount.

Due to the current social distancing measures in-place, the capacity of the library has decreased. Members should book slots online in advance to avoid disappointment. However, we do have walkins as and when those who have booked are unable to attend or forfeit their booking. Term time hours are Monday to Friday, 9.45am to 4.30pm. This includes the Old Library, the Macmillan Room and the Gladstone Room. Please email Molly or the library at library@oxford-union.org

The Members’ Bar is decorated with memorabilia from past guests, and you never know which of our speakers might choose to drop by whilst visiting the Union. Following each Main Debate, after everyone has left the Chamber, the President will read out the result of the vote in the Bar. Our House Manager, would be happy to hear from members with questions and suggestions and can be reached at housemanager@oxford-union.org. Term time opening hours (subject to demand): Mon-Wed: 10:00 – 00:00 Thurs-Sat: 10:00 – 02:00 Our lunch menu is served: Mon-Fri: 11:30 – 14:30



The Oxford Union Committee

President Adam Roble St Edmund Hall

Librarian Molly Mantle St Hugh’s

Treasurer Viren Shetty Christ Church

Secretary Larissa Sidarto St Cross College

President-Elect Chengkai Xie Brasenose College

Librarian-Elect Michael Akolade- Ayodeji University College

Treasurer-Elect Arjun Bhardwaj Corpus Christi College

CCC Parth Gosalia Christ Church

Standing Committee

William Feasey St Hilda’s College

Eu Ro Wang Christ Church

Ahmad Nawaz Lady Margaret Hall

Rachel Ojo University College

Charlie Mackintosh New College

Naman Gupta Merton College

Ayesha Khan The Queen’s College

Secretary’s Committee

Ambika Sehgal Lincoln College

Eliza Dean Christ Church 82

Shariq Haidery St Hugh’s

Olga Kotova Exeter College

Gracie Oddie-James Christ Church

Alfred Dry St John’s

Kate Zhu Regent’s Park College

Declan Nelson Merton College

Arpan De Green Templeton College




Appointed Committee & Staff

Chief of Staff Ananya Chowdhury Pembroke College

Director of Digital Operations Daniel-Paul Osahon Balliol College

Director of Operations Adam Shewry Balliol College

Director of Press Patrick Cole Lady Margaret Hall

Director of Sponsorship Manuel Fieber St Hugh’s

CDSC Andrew Chen Returning Officer Daniel Dalland Development Officer Amy Gregg Director of Strategy Amber Warner-Warr Director of Communications Bea Jonite Secretary’s to The Equality and Diversity Review Otto Barrow, Lachlann Hinley The Nominated Member of the President Lachlann Hinley CCS Sharon Chau Logistics Officers Liam Patell, Otto Barrow, Jen Jackson and Oliver Bater Press Officers Jamie Bowden, Kaya Gadhia, Darian Murray-Griffiths, Nic Roffey and Sharon Chau Sponsorship Officers Hari Solomonides, Noah Wilson, Diego Mata, Tarushi Garg, Kabir Mehta and William Greve Senior Access Officer Theo Sergiou Junior Access Officer Laura Smith Disabilities Officer Daniel Dipper Ethnic Minorities Officer Sanya Rajpal International Officer Ali Arsalan Pasha LGBTQIA+ Officer Maddy Colbourn Socioeconomic Officer Ethan Dodd Temporary Membership Officer Sebastian Jones Chief Student Chef James Bromfield Head Student Chef Lewis Ebert Fiffley aka ‘The Rocks’ Anjali Depala, April Dublin-Beeton, Hannah Riches, Rachel Trippier, Beyza Akgun and Max Hess Graphic Design www.graphicsbymaria.co.uk


Bursar House Manager Librarian-in-Charge Events Manager Accounts Manager

Michèle Smith Bridget Gaughan Thomas Corrick Joanne Morgan Rob Phillips


Stephen Dixon Dr. Jeya Wilson Hon. Peter Jay Sean Power, Senior Librarian Dr. Tim Myatt, Senior Treasurer



PRESIDENT’S THANKS “Aim for the moon, and if you miss then you’ll land among stars” My journey throughout the Union hasn’t been entirely straight-forward. Like many I am incredibly fortunate to be where I am, but like everyone knows (perhaps better than I) it truly takes a village to get there. It’s been an honour to meet some of the best people in my life in this place, people who I know have its best interests at heart and are passionate about one another. To you all I say that you’re the brightest stars in my life. Thank you to all the amazing staff, SP, TM, and MS for all the times you’ve been there for me, and the Union as a whole. The existence of this place depends on you, and I hope you never lose faith in possibility. Thank you to everyone who ran with me and voted for me, on the ONE, Hope and Create Campaigns. Thank you to MNO and M-AA for keeping me level and teaching me self-care, as well as teaching me that it takes so much more than just myself (and that the path is forged by those before you in so many unfathomable ways). OB and AB for their organisation, attention-to-detail, graphics skills (and friendship above all), despite over 25 Courtyard misunderstandings. MM, VS and LS for putting up with me during the vac and beyond, but also for their undying work ethic. CX for the letters in cryptic envelopes that have set me on the right track time and time again in getting me where I am now, but also for telling me the truth (as much as I might not want to hear it in that moment). JS and JB for your advice, friendship, and infallible ability to tell me where I’ve gone ‘wrong’. JS, JW and TL for your support, the journey to where I am now, as well as everything in-between. SvT for the introduction to this place, and JM & CB for guidance on it initially. SJH and BW for your friendship, honesty and dedication to the Union and my conscience, this world is lucky to have you. AS for his enthusiasm for the better part of 5 years, as well as his consistently heartening chat (irrespective of whatever the part of the buildings we are in or this exercise I’m told is called rowing). AW-W and PG for their dedication and undeniably thoroughly strategic prowess’. PC and AG for your loyalty and unrelenting support. JEP for your belief in me, I’ll try to not let you down and will try to channel your non-stop work ethic. LP for your much more frightfully clever brain and beautiful’ artistic work. WFFF for being a human alarm clock and your dedication to our friendship. EJD for being my rock in more ways than you can ever imagine, and for teaching me what lifelong friendship looks like – may your (ultra) light’s beam. AD, AD-B, HR, RT, BA and MH for all the late dinners, dishes in disarray and so much more. I couldn’t have done this without Fiffley and you all. To AA for being my oldest and most wise friend. DW and EA-T for giving me the ‘range’ to do anything close to this. To Teddy Hall for being the best college and never making me feel as awful as I could have felt in the midst of all the campaigning to get to the Presidency. As the first black president in almost a quarter of a century and as someone who has been incredibly fortunate throughout my life, I am privileged to have so many fantastic people around me. People who have not just worked hard out of a love for the Union, but worked hard for me and the rest of this fabulous TT21 team. This termcard, my sanity and my character growth belong to you all and so many others – committee members, ex-committee members and people who couldn’t care less about the Union – that I haven’t been able to name here. Lastly, my family for the sacrifices made for me. Your love and support is what got me through, and for that I am eternally grateful. “Aqoonla`aani waa iftiinla’aan” (A Somali proverb meaning “the absence of knowledge is the absence of light”). I can only hope to strive to continue to gain knowledge and be within the light.

Adam Roble St Edmund Hall 84





Events Subject to Change Without Notice


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 86

Monday Dr Dambisa Moyo 17:00

Tuesday Sean Joyce 17:00

Pub Qui

Valerie J

APR 25



MAY 16

MAY 23

APR 26 Dr Michio Kaku 17:00 Diane Von Furstenberg 20:00

Tuesday Tunes #1 19:00 Sir John Key GNZM AC 20:00

Pub Qui Dr Philip Lord Gid

Stand up Comedy 20:00 Magnus Carlsen 17:00 Nadezhda Tolokonnikava 20:00 MAY 10

Tuesday Tunes #2 19:00 Dr Mari Pangesu 20:00

Pink We 20:00 Big Pha

Martin Keown 17:00

Rachel Parris 17:00 Difficult Women 20:00


Richard “Dick” McCourt and Dominic “Dom” Wood 20:00 MAY 17

MAY 11

Soma Sa

MAY 18 Pub Quiz #3 with ACS 19:00 Tuesday Open Debate 20:30

Pinot & P Mandu R

Sir Vince Cable 17:00

Vino & Vinyasa 17:00

Pub Qui Katie Po Prostitut

MAY 24

MAY 31

MAY 25

JUNE 1 Pub Quiz #5 20:00

Blair Imani 20:00

JUNE 7 Jackie Weaver 17:00 David Miliband 20:00



Michael Rosen 17:00 Lord Heseltine CH PC 20:00

MAY 30


APR 27


Alyssa M

David D

JUNE 8 Han Jin Won 17:00


Aneeta P




iz #1 20:00

Jarrett 20:00

APR 28


APR 29 Immortality 19:00 (Online)

eek Karaoke Night

Class 19:00 (Online) Night of the Arts 20:45

arma 17:00

MAY 12

ara 20:00

MAY 19

Picasso 16:00 Reid 17:00

Milano 20:00

MAY 26


MAY 13

Drag Show 20:00 Bernard Lafayette, Jr. 20:00 Cryptocurrency 17:00

MAY 14

Kerry Katona 17:00 Eva Schloss 20:00

MAY 27

Veganism 20:00 (In-Person)



Art 20:00 (In-Person)

MAY 20

Dunning 20:00

Preem 20:00

Andrew McCollum 17:00 Civil Liberties 20:00

Anne Boden MBE 17:00 Conversion Therapy 20:00

Monarchy 20:00 (In-Person)


APR 30

Badminton Chamber 17:00 Europe 19:00 (Online) Jeremy Corbyn 15:00

iz #4 20:00 orter 20:00 tion 17:00







Jazz & Cocktail 20:00

UBI 19:00 (Online)

iz #2 20:00 p Zimbardo 17:00 ddens MAE 20:00






MAY 21

MAY 28

MAY 1 Union Chess Tournament 16:00


MAY 15

MAY 22

MAY 29

Jed Mercurio 17:00 Roula Khalaf 20:00







History 20:00 (In-Person)





Trinity Term 21 UNION

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