PS=0 Installation Manual

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Product Data & Installation Manual ___________________________________________________________________________

192 West Ninth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 800.355.8414

192 West Ninth Street


St. Paul, MN 55102


Tel. (800) 355-8414


Fax (651) 292-9565

Table of Contents 1.0

Information sheets


ICC Certification LABC


Debonding Agent 3.1 Product Data Sheet 3.2 Safety Data Sheet


High-Precision non-shrink metallic grout 4.1 Technical Data Guide 4.2 Safety Data Sheet 4.3 LEED® 2009 Credit Documentation


PS=Ø LEED® 2009 Credit Documentation


PS=Ø Installation Manual


PS=Ø Grouting Procedures Manual


PS=Ø Specifications

192 West Ninth Street


St. Paul, MN 55102


Tel. (800) 355-8414


Fax (651) 292-9565

Eliminate pour strips, wall restraint, and expansion joints with the PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcement Splice System Pour strips are often specified to control shrinkage, creep, and elastic shortening in post-tensioned and cast-in-place concrete. The PS=Ø® System elminates pour strips, wall restraint, and expansion joints while allowing for volume change in the slab and providing structural integrity. Reduce Costs Accelerate construction Improve safety Higher quality concrete No backshoring

No leave-outs No redesign ACI-permitted ICC-approved Made in the USA

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Eliminate Pour Strip Delays Now you can eliminate pour strips, wall restraint, and expansion joints - and the extra costs, construction delays and safety issues they bring - with the PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcement Splice System. Using proven coupler technologies recognized worldwide, PS=Ø® features a thread on one end and grout-filled sleeve on the other. This patented system is an ACI-permitted method of splicing rebar, is ICC-approved, and made in the USA. REDUCE COSTS. Filling in leave-outs is the most expensive concrete poured on a job. Formwork, shoring, and backshoring must stay in place for weeks or months, then crews must reassemble for small pours. The PS=Ø® System removes this costly and time-consuming step.

ACCELERATE CONSTRUCTION. Pour strips delay construction schedules. They not only require pouring back the leave-out, but also restrict worker access. By eliminating pour strips, the PS=Ø® system cuts months off construction schedules.

IMPROVE SAFETY. An open leave-out in a floor is a major safety hazard. Pour strips are particularly hazardous because they run the entire width of the slab and are impossible to avoid. The PS=Ø® system replaces dangerous leave-outs with a narrow, grouted joint.

QUALITY CONCRETE. Without needing an open pour strip leave-out, engineers can now achieve higher quality concrete by specifying longer leave-out times, releasing stiff elements without causing delays or increasing cost.

PS=Ø® Applications:

Slab to Slab

Temporary stressing strip

Slab to Wall

Completed joint

Completed joint at temporary stressing strip

Completed joint at wall

Available sizes and specifications: #6 rebar (60ksi) #7 rebar (60ksi) #8 rebar (60ksi, 80ksi) Type 1 and Type 2 ASTM A536 (65ksi) Epoxy coating available

PS=Ø® packaging contains all necessary items for a complete installation including: BASF 885 grout Shop drawings Technical support On-site installation support Threaded and continuation rebar (upon request)

Eliminate pour strips on your next job with the PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcement Splice System. Call 800-355-8414 for more information.

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Tech Sales, LLC

192 West Ninth St., St. Paul, MN 55102


©2021 PS=Ø®

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P R O D U C T New generation, chemically active cure and bondbreaker for tilt-up, lift slab and precast construction.







HOW IT WORKS _____________________________________

conventional bondbreakers which often leave a difficult-toremove residue on wall panel and casting slab surfaces. When this residue is not properly removed, it often causes floor and exterior wall panel paint and coating adhesion problems.

X Meets the moisture retention properties of ASTM C309 when applied to a steel troweled surface prepared in accordance with CEN/TS 14754.

X SILCOSEAL SELECT dries faster than all other previous versions of SILCOSEAL due to a special blend of fastdrying solvents.

X Improved formulation eliminates the need for a Hazardous Material label, reducing delivery costs and increasing job site safety.

X Improved emulsion stability means SILCOSEAL SELECT stays mixed for longer than all other previous Silcoseal versions.

X Excellent resistance to washoff from normal rain showers

APPLICATIONS _____________________________________

and dew when applied directly to previously uncoated concrete surfaces.

X Use as a cure and bondbreaker in tilt-up, lift slab and precast

X Dust, dirt and mud can be easily removed from casting

concrete construction.

slab floor surfaces by washing with low pressure water when SILCOSEAL SELECT is used as both the cure and bondbreaker.

X Use to cure the top side of tilt wall panels to prevent the formation of shrinkage cracks.

X Use as a cure only on all types of interior, smooth troweled

X Resistant to sunlight induced oxidation damage that can

ADVANTAGES _____________________________________

X Green Engineered™ – better for health and the

necessitate the reapplication of competitive bondbreakers even when panel concrete placement is delayed a few days.

concrete flatwork where the use of conventional resin based curing compounds is impractical.

X SILCOSEAL SELECT is more effective than all other previous versions of SILCOSEAL.


X Meets all current federal and state VOC requirements for tilt-up bondbreakers and curing compounds.

PRECAUTIONS _____________________________________ X Not recommended for use as a bondbreaker on broom finished or rough finished concrete surfaces.

X Not recommended for application over any other

manufacturer’s inorganic silicate based floor sealer, hardener or organic resin based curing, sealing or combination cure and seal product. Failure to follow this recommendation can result in panel surface defects or panel sticking.

X Achieves exceptional wall panel surface appearance. X Leaves no residue or resulting staining on wall panel or casting slab floor surfaces when properly applied.

X Achieves a crisp, positive release that minimizes panel

surface defects and reduces panel resurfacing/patching costs.

X If a delay of more than 2 weeks occurs between the

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final bondbreaker application coat and panel concrete

Cure & Bondbreaker

X Provides improved resistance to the “osmotic effect” by restricting the natural tendency for water to migrate from freshly placed panel concrete through the bondbreaker film and into the less moist casting slab. Reducing the “osmotic effect” greatly improves panel concrete surface appearance resulting in a smooth, uniform surface profile, color and appearance.


SILCOSEAL SELECT is a new generation cure and tilt-up bondbreaker. In contrast to most conventional cure and bondbreakers, SILCOSEAL SELECT does not contain any wax or hydrocarbon resins and, as a result, does not depend on a physical barrier deposited on top of the casting slab to prevent bonding. Instead, SILCOSEAL SELECT consists of a special formulation of chemically reactive organic compounds in a predominately water based solvent system which chemically react with calcium hydroxide, a byproduct of the cement hydration reaction, present in the concrete surface pores. The reaction products are amorphous gels which, in conjunction with other combined special organic compounds in SILCOSEAL SELECT, effectively seal concrete surface pores. Moisture entry or exit is restricted, allowing good retention of concrete mixing water to assist in providing proper cement hydration and concrete curing and also minimizes concrete surface cracking and crazing. Properly applied, SILCOSEAL SELECT positively prevents the bonding of tilt wall panels to casting slab floor surfaces.

X Does not contain any wax or hydrocarbon resins like many

USE INSTRUCTIONS _____________________________________

placement, it will be necessary to check for a sufficient bondbreaker film on the casting slab. If the bondbreaker film is insufficient, the bondbreaker must be reapplied as necessary before concrete placement.

X Request current product literature, labels and safety data sheets from manufacturer and read thoroughly before product use.

X Protect from freezing. If allowed to freeze, product

packaging may rupture and the emulsion stability of this product may be affected, making it difficult to keep product mixed during application. Product which is suspected of freezing should not be used.

X Verify that product is within the “USE BY” date stated on

product packaging. Do not use expired product. The use of expired product may result in poor product performance or failure.

X In some instances, Nox-Crete may approve the application of CURE & SEAL 1200 E, DURO-NOX or RES-CURE DS prior to the application of Silcoseal Select. If so, the resistance to rain washoff is greatly reduced. Carefully inspect all casting slab surfaces prior to panel concrete placement to ensure an adequate film of bondbreaker is uniformly present. The use of CURE & SEAL 1200 E or RES-CURE DS will result in the formation of a membrane on the casting slab surface that may require removal prior to the application of some surface coatings or adhesives.

X Not recommended for application over or in conjunction with any other manufacturer’s tilt-up bondbreaker.

X Not recommended for application in the rain or if rain

is anticipated within 12 hours of application. Surfaces exposed to rain or running water within this time period will require reapplication.

construction have a major effect on product selection, application methods, procedures and rates, appearance and performance. Product literature provides general information applicable to some conditions. However, an adequate site test application by the purchaser or installer in advance of field scale use is mandatory (irrespective of any other verbal or written representations) to verify that product and quantities purchased can be satisfactorily applied and will achieve desired appearance and performance under intended use conditions.

X Use the Nox-Crete DRUM AGITATOR or other suitable mechanical agitator to adequately mix product before withdrawing from container and before each use.

X Recommended spray tip sizes are 8003-LP, 8004-LP

and 8005-LP. The coarser (8005-LP) spray tip should be used on porous casting slab surfaces where additional bondbreaker is necessary to ensure sufficient film holdout. Use the less coarse (8003-LP) spray tip for application on less porous casting slab surfaces. The use of an improper sprayer and/or incorrect spray tip generally results in either over or under application.

X SILCOSEAL SELECT should be applied in accordance with recommended procedures to achieve even and uniform coverage. Equipment should be clean and dry prior to use.

X It is not recommended to use a pressure washer to

clean the casting/floor slab surface after the application of Silcoseal and prior to the wall panel concrete being placed. If necessary, a low pressure garden hose with a non-aggressive spray nozzle may be used to remove contamination and debris prior to placing wall panel concrete.

X Typical drying time is 30 minutes to 3 hours, but varies

X Not recommended for bondbreaker application to casting

slab surfaces previously cured with polyethylene or curing blankets without first removing all salt deposits. Failure to remove all salt deposits can result in panel surface blemishes or defects.

X Not recommended for application to casting slab surfaces

which are frozen or when ambient temperatures are below 40° F (4° C) or expected to drop below 40° F (4° C) within 12 hours following application.

X Not recommended for application without the proper

sprayer and correct spray tip. See USE INSTRUCTIONS for specific sprayer and tip size recommendations.

with the presence or absence of a moisture barrier beneath the casting slab, climatic conditions and application rate. Extended drying times in excess of 24 hours are possible in cure coat applications when product is applied heavily during cool weather and a moisture barrier is present. Reducing the application rate and applying in multiple thin coats in lieu of one heavy coat will greatly reduce drying time.

X Avoid scouring the casting slab surface during panel concrete placement by using a deflection board.

CURE COAT APPLICATION _____________________________________ X Apply to the point of rejection and uniform surface film

accumulation immediately after final finishing and joint saw cutting.

X Not recommended for cure coat application prior to saw

cutting crack control joints. Best results are obtained when SILCOSEAL SELECT cure coat is applied immediately after final finishing and joint saw cutting has been completed.

X Not recommended for use in tilt-up applications where

X Site environmental conditions, substrate conditions and

casting slab or panel concrete mix design incorporates pozzolans such as fly ash without first contacting NoxCrete for specific recommendations regarding application procedures and rates. Failure to do so may result in panel surface blemishes and/or panel sticking.

X The typical application range is 200-400 sf / gal (5-

10 sm / L) but can vary widely depending upon the specific conditions such as concrete mix design, type of finish and ambient weather conditions. For example, concrete floors which are cast during cool and humid conditions require less SILCOSEAL SELECT to achieve optimum curing than do concrete floors cast during hot, dry and windy conditions.

X Over application can result in delays due to slow drying. Under application can result in shrinkage cracking or crazing and excessively porous and weakened slab surfaces.

SILCOSEAL SELECT p. 2 Page 13 of 95




X Rain occurring prior to product drying will necessitate



BONDBREAKER APPLICATION _____________________________________

reapplication of bondbreaker.

X Do not apply to reinforcing steel or lifting inserts. X Avoid spray drifts, runs or puddles. Promptly wipe up any

material excesses which can lead to subsequent adhesive failure of floor coatings and wall paints.

X When using SILCOSEAL SELECT for sand bed casting, contact Nox-Crete for specific written recommendations.

X To avoid wood sugar related concrete retardation and

dusting at panel edges and feature strip locations, use Nox-Crete’s CLEAR PRE-FORM to seal all wood that may contact panel concrete, including edge forms, blockout forms and chamfer and feature strips prior to bondbreaker application.

X Casting slab areas should be well cured, smooth and dense.

X Remove all dust, dirt, saw cut residue, standing water and

other contaminants prior to applying bondbreaker coats with a broom, leaf/air blower or low pressure garden hose. Do not pressure wash the surface.

Casting Slabs Cured with SILCOSEAL SELECT

X Apply successive coats of SILCOSEAL SELECT until the

casting slab surface appears uniformly dark in appearance for at least 2-3 hours following the last coat. If the treated slab appears light in color either generally or in spots within 2-3 hours of last application, excessive slab porosity is indicated. Reapply SILCOSEAL SELECT to all lightcolored areas. If areas of light color or dry appearance persist, thoroughly wet affected areas with water to fill concrete surface pores, squeegee off excess water and then immediately re-apply SILCOSEAL SELECT.

X The number of bondbreaker coats and related application rate required to achieve complete, uniform coverage of casting slab varies with concrete mix design, placing and finishing procedures, weather conditions, etc. Because of this, it is not possible to prescribe application rates or procedures inclusive of all site variables.

X Best results are obtained when successive coats

of SILCOSEAL SELECT are applied at right angles (perpendicular) to each other.

X An adequate application is indicated by the presence

of a dry, soap-like feel, uniformly apparent to touch, over the entire treated area with no indication of greater accumulations in low spots or depressions. Following bondbreaker application and immediately prior to panel concrete placement, be certain casting slab surfaces evidence the dry soap-like feel, but do not evidence over application of SILCOSEAL SELECT as indicated by a slippery or grease-like feel to the touch. Over application may result in retardation of panel skin or dusting, surface irregularities and/or discoloration as well as unreacted bondbreaker residue on panel and floor surfaces.

X The typical effective coverage rate for all combined

bondbreaker coats applied to new casting slabs previously cured with SILCOSEAL SELECT is 200-400 sf / gal (5-10 sm / L). The application rate can vary widely depending upon the specific conditions. Do not over or under apply.

Casting Slabs Previously Cured and Sealed with CURE & SEAL 1200 E, DURO-NOX or RES-CURE DS

X Casting slabs previously cured or sealed with CURE &

SEAL 1200 E, DURO-NOX or RES-CURE DS will require a lesser amount of SILCOSEAL SELECT to perform the bondbreaker function. Over application of SILCOSEAL SELECT can result in panel surface dusting, surface irregularities and/or discoloration.

X Typically, casting slab surfaces which are more porous

resulting from such conditions as improper curing, the addition of pozzolans such as fly ash or which received a more open or less tight finish will require more Silcoseal Select than slab surfaces which are less porous.



1200 E, DURO-NOX or RES-CURE DS sealed casting slab surfaces interferes with the normal chemical reaction of SILCOSEAL SELECT and the casting slab surface. As a result, under these circumstances, SILCOSEAL SELECT may be subject to removal by rainfall or contact with water. Verify the presence of an adequate bondbreaker film as indicated by a dry, soap-like feel, uniformly apparent to the touch, over the entire treated area with no indication of greater accumulations in low spots or depressions as described above before placing panel concrete.

SILCOSEAL SELECT p. 3 Page 14 of 95

X The typical effective coverage rate for all combined

bondbreaker coats of SILCOSEAL SELECT applied to casting slabs sealed with CURE & SEAL 1200 E, DURO-NOX or RES-CURE DS is 300-500 sf/gal (10-12.5 sm/L). The application rate can vary widely depending upon the specific conditions. Do not over or under apply.

Existing Casting Slabs

X Verify concrete surface is free of substances that could adversely affect product performance.

X If a curing or sealing compound other than CURE & SEAL 1200 E, DURO-NOX or RES-CURE DS was used, it will be necessary to remove the coating from the casting slab surface prior to applying bondbreaker. Use Nox-Crete’s BIO-CLEAN PLUS to chemically remove all coating residue.

X Apply successive coats of SILCOSEAL SELECT until the casting slab surface appears uniformly dark in appearance for at least 2-3 hours following the last coat. If the treated slab appears light in color either generally or in spots within 2-3 hours of last application, excessive slab porosity is indicated. Reapply SILCOSEAL SELECT to all lightcolored areas. If areas of light color or dry appearance persist, thoroughly wet affected areas with water to fill concrete surface pores, squeegee off excess water and then immediately re-apply SILCOSEAL SELECT. X The typical effective coverage rate for all combined

bondbreaker coats applied to an existing, clean and unsealed casting slab is 200-400 sf / gal (5-10 sm / L). The application rate can vary widely depending upon the specific conditions. Do not over or under apply.

STRIPPING _____________________________________ X To remove residual bondbreaker from casting slab floor surfaces resulting from over application of the bondbreaker, pretreat the areas to be stripped with NoxCrete’s BIO-CLEAN PLUS. Scrub the treated surfaces using a floor scrubbing machine equipped with nylogrit scrub brushes. Squeegee off the excess BIO-CLEAN PLUS residue, rinse thoroughly with water and squeegee dry. X To clean panel surfaces, pretreat the areas to be cleaned

with a detergent solution consisting of 0.5 lbs (225 gms) of trisodium phosphate in 1 gal (3.8 L) of water. Rinse the detergent solution off with water using a minimum 4,000 psi power washer.

X Determine adequacy of the surface preparation of panels and casting slabs with appropriate site test to verify acceptable adhesion, appearance and performance of paints, coatings, adhesives, sealers, sealants, grouts, etc. prior to application. See ACI 551 for specific recommendations.

TECHNICAL DATA _____________________________________ Color Clarity Bulk Density VOC Viscosity Flash Point, ASTM D-93

White Liquid Opaque Emulsion 8.1 lbs./gal. (970 g/L) Meets All Federal & State VOC Reqs. 3 cps @ 25° C (77° F) 102° F PMCC (39° C)

TEST DATA _____________________________________ Meets the moisture retention properties of ASTM C309 when applied to a steel troweled surface prepared in accordance with CEN/TS 14754.

PACKAGING _____________________________________ Product is packaged in lined steel 5 gal (19 L) pails, 55 gal (208 L) drums and 275 gal (1,047 L) totes. Drums are equipped with a 2-inch center port opening for use with Nox-Crete’s DRUM AGITATOR.

SHELF LIFE _____________________________________ Shelf life is one year. Use before the “USE BY” date stated on product packaging.

HANDLING/STORAGE _____________________________________ Product is a combustible liquid. Store in a dry location within a temperature range between 40° F (4° C) and 100° F (38° C). Following each liquid removal, tightly reseal all container bungs or caps to include mixer port cap that seals opening for drum agitator handle promptly to prevent loss of necessary volatile solvents. CAUTION: FAILURE TO PROPERLY STORE PRODUCT CAN RENDER IT UNSUITABLE FOR USE.

AVAILABILITY & TECHNICAL SERVICES _____________________________________ In addition to corporate offices in Omaha, Nebraska, Nox-Crete Inc. maintains regional offices and distribution centers in principal markets throughout the world. For source or technical information, call 800-6692738 or 402-341-2080.

LIMITED WARRANTY _____________________________________ NOTICE-READ CAREFULLY CONDITIONS OF SALE Nox-Crete offers this product for sale subject to, and Buyer and all users are deemed to have accepted, the following conditions of sale and limited warranty which may only be varied by written agreement of a duly authorized corporate officer of Nox-Crete. No other representative of or for Nox-Crete is authorized to grant any warranty or to waive limitation of liability set forth below. WARRANTY LIMITATION Nox-Crete warrants this product to be free of manufacturing defects. If the product when purchased was defective and was within use period indicated on container or carton, when used, Nox-Crete will replace the defective product with new product without charge to the purchaser. Nox-Crete makes NO OTHER WARRANTY, either express or implied, concerning this product. There is NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY. In no case shall Nox-Crete be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or handling of the product and no claim of any kind shall be greater in amount than the purchase price of the product in respect of which damages are claimed. INHERENT RISKS Nox-Crete MAKES NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT AFTER IT IS APPLIED BY THE PURCHASER, AND PURCHASER ASSUMES ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OR APPLICATION OF THE PRODUCT.

Updated 06/26/20. This version supersedes all previous versions.

SILCOSEAL SELECT p. 4 Page 15 of 95

Nox-Crete Inc. • 1444 S. 20th St. • P.O. Box 8102 • Omaha, Nebraska 68108 USA PHONE: (800) Nox-Crete (669-2738) or (402) 341-2080 • FAX: (800) FAX-ORDER (329-6733)


Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

Section 1.

Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1 Product identifier Product Form Mixture Trade Name SILCOSEAL SELECT Product Code SSSEL 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use Industrial. For professional use only. 1.2.2 Uses Advised Against No additional information available 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer NOX-CRETE, INC. 1444 SOUTH 20TH STREET OMAHA, NE 68108 Tel: 402-341-2080 Fax: 402-341-9752 E-Mail: Web Site: 1.4 Emergency telephone number Emergency Number

Section 2. 2.1

Chemtrec (800) 424-9300 Chemtrec Outside of U.S. 703-527-3887

Hazards identification

Classification of the substance or mixture

Flam. Liq. 3 Asp. Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 4 (dermal) Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Acute Tox. 4 (inhalation) STOT SE 3 STOT SE 3 Carc. 2 STOT RE 2

H226 H304 H312 H315 H318 H332 H335 H336 H351 H373

Full text of H phrases see section 16 Adverse physiochemical, human health and environmental effects No additional information available 2.2 Label elements Hazard pictograms

Signal word EN (English)

Warning Page 16 of 95

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Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

Hazard statements

Precautionary statements Prevention:


Storage: Disposal: 2.3

Other hazards

H226 - Flammable liquid and vapor H304 - May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways H312 - Harmful in contact with skin H315 - Causes skin irritation H318 - Causes serious eye damage H332 - Harmful if inhaled H335 - May cause respiratory irritation H336 - May cause drowsiness or dizziness H351 - Suspected of causing cancer (inhalation) H373 - May cause damage to organs (CNS) P201- Obtain special instructions before use P202- Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood P210 - Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces-No smoking P233- Keep container tightly closed P240 - Ground/bond container and receiving equipment P241 - Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating/light/…/equipment P242 - Use only non-sparking tools P243 - Take precautionary measures against static discharge P261 - Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray P264 - Wash exposed area's thoroughly after handling. P270 - Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. P280 - Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection P301+P310 - IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician P304+P340 - IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. P305+P351+P338 -IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do so - continue rinsing P312 - Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. P330 - Rinse mouth. P331 - Do NOT induce vomiting P333+P313 - If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention P362 - Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. P337+P313 - If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention P403+P235 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. P405 - Store locked up. P501 - Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. None known

Full text of H and P phrases: see section 16

Section 3. EN (English)

Composition / information on ingredients Page 17 of 95

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Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

3.1 Substances Not applicable 3.2 Mixture Name Xylene

Product identifier 1330-20-7

% < 3.0

Organic Solvent #1

Trade Secret

Trade Secret

Organic Solvent #2

Trade Secret

Trade Secret



< 4.0



< 0.4

Pursuant to 29CFR 1910.1200(i) the specific chemical identity (and / or) concentration may be withheld as Trade Secret, while all health and safety properties and effects are included in the SDS. Balance of other ingredients are nonhazardous or less than 1% in concentration (or 0.1% for carcinogens, reproductive toxins, or respiratory sensitizers).

Section 4.

First aid measures

4.1 Description of first aid measures First-aid measures general

Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. First-aid measures after inhalation If the individual experiences nausea, dizziness, has difficulty in breathing seek a healthcare professional immediately. In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical advice. Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a Poison Center or doctor/physician. First-aid measures after skin contact If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. Remove or take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water or shower. Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water. First-aid measure after eye contact When contact lenses are worn, remove if possible. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes while holding eyelids apart. Get medical attention immediately. First-aid measures after ingestion Rinse mouth. DO NOT induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, acute and delayed Symptoms/injuries after inhalation May cause irritation to the respiratory tract. Overexposure to vapors may result in headache, nausea, drowsiness or dizziness. Symptoms/injuries after skin contact May cause skin irritation or burning sensation Symptoms/injuries after eye contact May cause eye irritation or injury Symptoms/injuries after ingestion May cause severe irritation or burns to the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach. 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed No additional information available

Section 5.

Firefighting measures

5.1 Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing media Dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide Unsuitable extinguishing media Do not use heavy water stream 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture EN (English)

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Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

Reactivity 5.3 Advice for firefighters Firefighting instructions Protective equipment for firefighters Other information

Thermal decomposition products may cause a health hazard. This material releases vapors when heated above ambient temperatures. Vapors can cause a flash fire. Use water spray or fog to cool exposed containers. Firefighters should always wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full protective gear when fighting any chemical fire. On heating or burning harmful gasses/vapors may be released. This product may cause the floor to become slippery.

Section 6. Accidental release measures 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures General measures Eliminate any ignition sources. Dike or impound spilled material. Take proper precautions to ensure your own health and safety before attempting spill control or cleanup. 6.11 Protective Equipment Equip cleanup crew with proper protective equipment. 6.2 Environmental precautions Prevent entry to sewers and public waters. Notify authorities if liquid enters sewers or public waters. 6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Methods for cleaning up Soak up spills with inert solids, such as clay or diatomaceous earth. Collect into vapor tight containers and dispose of properly.

Section 7. Handling and storage 7.1 Precautions for safe handling Protective measures

Wash hands and other exposed areas with soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking and when leaving work. Provide good ventilation in work areas to prevent formation of vapor. When not in use keep containers tightly closed. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Hygiene measures Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage conditions Store in accordance with local regulations. Store in original container in a cool well-ventilated place away from heat, sparks and open flame. Keep containers tightly closed until ready for use. Keep from freezing. Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents Storage temperature Store in a cool dry environment away from sources of ignition.

Section 8. Exposure controls/personal protection 8.1 Control parameters Occupational exposure limits Ingredient name Xylene

Occupational exposure limits ACGIH TLV (United States) TWA: 100 ppm 8 hours

Organic Solvent #1

TWA: 100 ppm 8 hours

Organic Solvent #2

TWA: 100 ppm 8 hours


TWA: 100 ppm 8 hours


TWA: 100 ppm 8 hours

8.2 Exposure controls Appropriate engineering controls EN (English)

Use with adequate ventilation to keep product vapor concentrations below specified TLV Page 19 of 95

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Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

Eye and face protection Skin protection

Respiratory protection

Chemical goggles and/or face shields are recommended to prevent potential eye contact, irritation or injury. Wear chemical resistant gloves and appropriate protective clothing and boots as required to prevent skin contact. Wash exposed skin frequently with soap and water. Soiled clothing should be laundered before reuse. General room ventilation is normally adequate. Avoid breathing the product mist or vapors. The use of an appropriate respirator is recommended whenever the airborne concentrations exceed the TLV.

Section 9. Physical and chemical properties 9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance Milky liquid Odor Mild Odor Odor Threshold No data available PH No data available Melting point No data available Freezing point No data available Boiling point 94 C (200 F) Flash point 39 C 102 F PMCC ASTM D-93 71 C 160 F COC ASTM D-92 Relative evaporation rate (butyl acetate=1) No data available Flammability (solid, gas) 49 CFR Appendix H test confirms product is a non-sustained burning material. Upper/lower explosive limits No data available Vapor pressure No data available Vapor density No data available Relative density (Specific gravity) 0.97 Kg per Liter 8.1 Lbs per Gallon Solubility Water: Miscible Partition coefficient n-octanol/water No data available Auto-ignition temperature Not applicable Viscosity No data available VOC content Regulatory VOC: Less than 700 g/l Actual VOC : Less than 120 g/l

Section 10. Stability and reactivity 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6

Reactivity Chemical stability Possibility of hazardous reactions Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Hazardous decomposition products

No additional information available Stable under normal conditions Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Extreme high or low temperatures. Avoid freezing. Strong acids and oxidizers carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, various hydrocarbon derivatives

Section 11. Toxicology information 11.1 Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Irritation/Corrosion Skin Eyes Respiration or skin sensitization Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity IARC EN (English)

No adverse effects expected under intended use. May cause skin irritation May causes serious eye irritation and damage. May cause respiratory irritation No data available Page 20 of 95

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Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

Xylene Ethylbenzene

3 2B

2B - Limited evidence in humans and less than sufficient evidence in animals. 3 - Inadequate in humans and inadequate or limited in animals. Reproductive toxicity Specific target organ toxicity Single exposure Repeated exposure Aspiration hazard

No data available No data available No data available No data available

Section 12. Ecological information 12.1 Ecotoxicity 12.2 Persistence and degradability 12.3 Bio accumulative potential 12.4 Mobility in soil 12.5 Other adverse effects


Disposal Considerations

13.1 Waste treatment methods


No data available No data available No data available No data available Avoid release to the environment

The user of this material has the responsibility to dispose of unused material, residues and containers in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding treatment, storage and disposal for hazardous and nonhazardous wastes.

Transport information

In accordance with ADR / RID / ADNR / IMDG / ICAO / IATA 49 CFR Appendix H test confirms product is a non-sustained burning material. 14.1 UN number 14.2 UN proper shipping name 14.3 Transport hazard class(es) 14.4 Packing group 14.5 Environmental hazards 14.6 Special precautions for user 14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code 14.8 Transport in bulk according to CFR 49 173.15


Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable No additional information available No additional information available No additional information available Not applicable

Regulatory information

15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture 15.1.2 USA Regulations Section 313 Contains the following ingredients at or above the reporting level requirements of Section 313. This information must be included in all SDS's copied or distributed for this material. EN (English)

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Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

CHEMICAL Xylene Ethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Butanol

CAS # 1330-20-7 100-41-4 95-63-6 71-36-3


All ingredients are listed or exempted


WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Benzene, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, go to”

15.1.3 Canada Regulations

This SDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015) and the SDS contains all of the information required by the HPR. All ingredients are listed or exempted A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out.

DSL 15.2 Chemical safety assessment

Section 16.

MAX WEIGHT % 3.0 0.4 2.0 4.0

Other information

Date of issue Version Number Date of previous issue Preparer Reference Documentation

4-26-2023 3.0 490 11-24-2020 Nox-Crete, Inc.

The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of Nox-Crete, Inc.’s knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued. You can contact Nox-Crete, Inc. to ensure that this document is the most current available from Nox-Crete, Inc. The information and recommendations are offered for the buyer’s/user’s consideration and examination. It is the buyer’s/user’s responsibility to satisfy themselves that the product is suitable for the intended use. Appropriate warnings and safe-handling procedures should be provided to all handlers and users. Since conditions for use of the product are not under the control of the manufacturer, it is the buyer’s/user’s duty to determine the conditions necessary for the safe use of this product. Since the information provided herein may have been obtained in part from independent laboratories or other sources not under our direct supervision, no representation is made that the information is accurate, reliable, complete or representative and buyer/user may rely thereon only at their risk. We have made no effort to censor or to conceal deleterious aspects of this product. Further, since we cannot anticipate or control the many different conditions under which this information or our products may be used, we make no guarantee that the health and/or safety precautions we have suggested will be adequate for all individuals and /or situations involving its handling or use. Likewise, we make no guarantee or warranty of any kind that the use or disposal of this product is in compliance with all federal, state or local laws. It is the obligation of each buyer/user of the product mentioned herein to determine and comply with the requirements of all applicable statutes. If buyer/user repackages this product, it is the buyer’s/user’s responsibility to ensure proper health, safety and other necessary information is included with and/or on the container. Nox-Crete, Inc. urges each customer or recipient of this SDS to study it carefully and consult appropriate expertise, as necessary or appropriate, to become aware of and understand the data contained in this SDS and any hazards associated with this product. Alteration of this document is strictly prohibited. Except to the extent required by law, re-publication or retransmission of this document, in whole or in part is not permitted. Full text of H and P phrases Flam. Liq. 3 EN (English)

H226 Page 22 of 95

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Safety Data Sheet

According to Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)(GHS), Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR) (WHMIS 2015)

Asp. Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 4 (dermal) Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Acute Tox. 4 (inhalation) STOT SE 3 STOT SE 3 Carc. 2 STOT RE 2

H304 H312 H315 H318 H332 H335 H336 H351 H373

H226 - Flammable liquid and vapor H304 - May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways H312 - Harmful in contact with skin H315 - Causes skin irritation H318 - Causes serious eye damage H332 - Harmful if inhaled H335 - May cause respiratory irritation H336 - May cause drowsiness or dizziness H351 - Suspected of causing cancer (inhalation) H373 - May cause damage to organs (CNS) P201- Obtain special instructions before use P202- Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood P210 - Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces-No smoking P233- Keep container tightly closed P240 - Ground/bond container and receiving equipment P241 - Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating/light/…/equipment P242 - Use only non-sparking tools P243 - Take precautionary measures against static discharge P261 - Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray P264 - Wash exposed area's thoroughly after handling. P270 - Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. P280 - Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection P301+P310 - IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician P304+P340 - IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. P305+P351+P338 -IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do so - continue rinsing P312 - Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. P330 - Rinse mouth. P331 - Do NOT induce vomiting P333+P313 - If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention P362 - Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. P337+P313 - If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention P403+P235 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. P405 - Store locked up. P501 - Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.

EN (English)

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Technical Data Guide


03 62 16 Metallic Non-Shrink Grouting

MasterFlow 885 ®

Low-dust*, high-precision, non-shrink metallic aggregate grout with extended working time FORMERLY EMBECO® 885 PACKAGING 55 lb (25 kg) polyethylene-lined bags 3,300 lb (1,500 kg) bulk bags YIELD One 55 lb (25 kg) bag of MasterFlow 885 grout mixed with approximately 10 lbs (4.5 kg) or 1.2 gallons (4.5 L) of water yields approximately 0.43 ft3 (0.012 m3) of grout. Note: The water requirement may vary due to mixing efficiency, temperature, and other variables. STORAGE Store in unopened containers in cool, clean, dry conditions SHELF LIFE 55 LB BAG: 1 year when properly stored 3,300 LB BULK BAG: 3 months when properly stored VOC CONTENT 0 g/L less water and exempt solvents

* Only material manufactured April 2020 or later is low dust. Please contact sales representative with any questions.


MasterFlow 885 is a cement-based metallic aggregate grout with extended working time. It is ideally suited for grouting machines or plates requiring optimum toughness and precision loadbearing support, including machine bases subject to thermal movement.

PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS • High strength and impact resistance • High fluidity for ease of placement;

APPLICATIONS • Compressors, turbines and generators • Pump bases and drive motors self-consolidating • Pulverizers • Extended 30 minute working time ensures • Tank bases proper placement under a variety of conditions • Conveyors • Low-dusting for added worker comfort and • Roller mills and crushers safety • Stamping and grinding equipment • Pumpable • Grouting anchor bolts, rebar and dowel rods • High tolerance for wetting and drying cycles • Non-shrink • Hardens free of bleeding, segregation, or SUBSTRATES • Concrete settlement shrinkage to provide maximum

effective bearing area for optimum load transfer • High tolerance to thermal movement, effects of heating and cooling making MasterFlow 885 ideal for harsh manufacturing environments • High quality well-graded blend of metallic and quartz aggregate provides high strength, impact resistance; handles dynamic and repetitive loads • Sulfate resistant for use in marine, wastewater, and sulfate-containing soil environments • MasterFlow 885 grout meets the requirements of ASTM C 1107 and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers CRD C 621, Grades B and C. • Freeze/thaw resistant making it suitable for exterior applications

A brand of

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Technical Data Guide MasterFlow® 885

Technical Data Composition MasterFlow 885 is a hydraulic cement-based metallic-aggregate grout. Compliances • CRD C 621, Grades B and C • ASTM C 1107




Compressive strengths, psi (MPa) ASTM C 942, according to ASTM C 1107 Consistency Plastic1 Flowable2 Fluid3 1 day 5,000 (34) 5,000 (34) 4,000 (28) 3 days 7.000 (48) 6,000 (41) 5,000 (34) 7 days 9,000 (62) 8,000 (55) 7,000 (48) 28 days 11,000 (76) 10,000 (69) 9,000 (62) Volume change % Change % Requirement of ASTM C 1107 1 day >0 0.0 –­ 0.30 3 days 0.05 0.0 – 0.30 14 days 0.07 0.0 – 0.30 28 days 0.08 0.0 – 0.30

ASTM C 1090

Setting time, hr:min Consistency Plastic1 Flowable2 Fluid3 Initial set 3:30 5:00 5:30 Final set 4:30 6:00 8:00

ASTM C 191

Flexural strength,* psi (MPa) 3 days 880 (6.1) 7 days 1,050 (7.2) 28 days 1,150 (7.9)


Modulus of elasticity,* psi (MPa) 3 days 3.16 x 106 (2.18 x 104) 7 days 3.50 x 106 (2.41 x 104) 28 days 3.69 x 106 (2.54 x 104)

ASTM C 469, modified

Coefficient of thermal expansion,* in/in/° F (cm/cm/° C)

6.5 x 10-6 (11.7 x 10-6)

ASTM C 531

Punching shear strength,* psi (MPa), 3 by 3 by 11" (76 by 76 by 279 mm) beam 3 days 1,600 (11.0) 7 days 1,800 (12.4) 28 days 2,600 (17.9)

Master Builders Solutions Method

Splitting tensile and tensile strength,* psi (MPa) Splitting Tensile Tensile 3 days 350 (2.4) 300 (2.1) 7 days 490 (3.4) 400 (2.8) 28 days 520 (3.6) 500 (3.4)

ASTM C 496 (splitting tensile) ASTM C 190 (tensile)

Dust Reduction, % MasterFlow 885 vs. Control 65%


100–125% flow on flow table per ASTM C 230 125–145% flow on flow table per ASTM C 230 3 25 to 30 seconds through flow cone per ASTM C 939 *Test conducted at a fluid consistency This data was developed under controlled laboratory conditions. Expect reasonable variations 1 2

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Master Builders Solutions

Test Data (continued) PROPERTY



Ultimate tensile strength and bond stress ASTM E 488 Tests* Diameter (in) Depth (in) Tensile strength (lbs) Bond stress (psi) 5/8 4 29,200 3,718 3/4 5 33,200 2,815 1 7 58,500 2,660 * Average of 5 tests in ≥ 4,000 psi (27.6 MPa) concrete, using 125 ksi threaded rod in 2" diameter, damp, core-drilled holes. Notes 1. Grout was mixed to a fluid consistency. 2. Recommended design stress: 1,750 psi. 3. For more detailed information regarding anchor bolt applications, contact Technical Service. 4. Tensile tests with headed fasteners were governed by concrete failure. Jobsite Testing If strength tests must be made at the jobsite, use 2" (51 mm) metal cube molds as specified by ASTM C 942 and the ASTM C 1107 modification of ASTM C 109. DO NOT use cylinder molds. Control testing on the basis of the desired placing consistency rather than strictly on the water content.


equipment to be grouted to permit expulsion of air and any remaining saturation water as the 1. Steel surfaces must be free of dirt, oil, grease, grout is placed. or other contaminants. 4. Leave a minimum of 2" between the bearing 2. The surface to be grouted must be clean, plate and the form to allow for ease of placement. SSD, strong, and roughened to a CSP of 5. A minimum of 1" (51 mm) clearance is required 5–10 following ICRI Guideline 310.2 to permit where the grout will be placed. proper bond. 6. Eliminate large, non-supported grout areas 3. When dynamic, shear or tensile forces are wherever possible. anticipated, concrete surfaces should be 7. Extend forms a minimum of 1" (25 mm) higher chipped with a “chisel-point” hammer, to a than the bottom of the equipment being grouted. roughness of (plus or minus) 3⁄8" (10 mm). 8. Expansion joints may be necessary. Consult Verify the absence of bruising following ICRI your local Master Builders Solutions Guideline 210.3. field representative for suggestions and 4. Concrete surfaces should be saturated recommendations. (ponded) with clean water for 24 hours just before grouting. TEMPERATURE 5. All freestanding water must be removed from 1. The ambient and initial temperature of the grout the foundation and bolt holes immediately should be in the range of 45 to 90° F (7 to 32° C) before grouting. for both mixing and placing. For precision grouting, 6. Anchor bolt holes must be grouted and store and mix grout to produce the desired mixedsufficiently set before the major portion of the grout temperature. If bagged material is hot, use grout is placed. cold water, and if bagged material is cold, use warm 7. Shade the foundation from sunlight 24 hours water to achieve a mixed-product temperature as before and 24 hours after grouting.

Recommended Temperature Guidelines for Precision Grouting MINIMUM °F (°C)


Foundation and plates

45 (7)

50–80 (10–27)

90 (32)

Mixing water

45 (7)

50–80 (10–27)

90 (32)

Grout at mixed 45 and placed temp. (7)

50–90 (10–32)

90 (32)


By using the minimum amount of water to provide the desired workability, maximum strength will be achieved. Whenever possible, mix the grout with a mortar mixer or an electric drill with a paddle such as ICRI 320.5 type A, D, E, F, G or H. Put the measured amount of potable water into the mixer, add grout, then mix till a uniform consistency is attained. Do not use water in an amount or a temperature that will cause bleeding or segregation. Note: The water requirement may vary due to mixing efficiency, temperature, and other variables. close to 70° F (21° C) as possible. 1. Place estimated water (use potable water only) FORMING 2. If temperature extremes are anticipated or special into the mixer, then slowly add the grout. For a 1. Forms should be liquid tight and nonabsorbent. placement procedures are planned, contact your fluid consistency, start with 9 lbs (4 kg) (1.1 gal Seal forms with putty, sealant, caulk or local Master Builders Solutions representative for [4.2 L]) per 55 lb bag. polyurethane foam. Use sufficient bracing to assistance. 2. The water demand will depend on prevent the grout from leaking or moving. 3. When grouting at minimum temperatures, see that mixing efficiency, material, and ambient2. Moderately sized equipment should utilize a the foundation, plate, and grout temperatures do not temperature conditions. Adjust the water to head box to enhance the grout placement. fall below 40° F (7° C) until after final set. Protect achieve the desired flow. Recommended 3. Side and end forms should be a minimum the grout from freezing (32° F or 0° C) until it has flow is 25–30 seconds using the ASTM C 1" (25 mm) distant horizontally from the attained a compressive strength of 3,000 psi (21 939 Flow-Cone Method. Use the minimum MPa) in accordance with ASTM C 109. amount of water required to achieve the necessary placement consistency. Page 26 of 95

Technical Data Guide MasterFlow® 885

3. Moderately sized batches of grout are best

mixed in one or more clean mortar mixers. For large batches, use ready-mix trucks and 3,300 lb (1,500 kg) bags for maximum efficiency and economy. 4. Mix grout a minimum of 5 minutes after all material and water is in the mixer. Use mechanical mixer only. 5. Do not mix more grout than can be placed in approximately 30 minutes. 6. Transport by wheelbarrow or buckets or pump to the equipment being grouted. Minimize the transporting distance. 7. Do not retemper grout by adding water and remixing after it stiffens. 8. Do not add plasticizers, accelerators, retarders, or other additives. PLACEMENT

1. Always place grout from only one side of the

equipment to prevent air or water entrapment beneath the equipment. Place Masterflow 885 in a continuous pour. Discard grout that becomes unworkable. Make sure that the material fills the entire space being grouted and that it remains in contact with plate throughout the grouting process. 2. Immediately after placement, trim the surfaces with a trowel and cover the exposed grout with clean wet rags (not burlap). Keep rags moist until grout surface is ready for finishing or until final set. 3. The grout should offer stiff resistance to penetration with a pointed mason’s trowel before the grout forms are removed or excessive grout is cut back. After removing the damp rags, immediately coat with a recommended curing compound compliant with ASTM C 309 or preferably ASTM C 1315. 4. Do not vibrate grout. Use steel straps inserted under the plate to help move the grout. 5. Minimum placement thickness is 1" (25 mm). Consult your Master Builders Solutions representative before placing lifts more than 6" (152 mm) in depth. CURING

Cure all exposed grout with an approved membrane curing compound compliant with ASTM C 309 or preferably ASTM C 1315. Apply curing compound immediately after the wet rags are removed to minimize potential moisture loss.

APPLICATION • Contact your local representative for a pre-job

conference to plan the installation. • Always place grout from only one side of the equipment to prevent air or water entrapment beneath the equipment. Place Masterflow 885 in a continuous pour. • Minimum placement thickness is 1" (25 mm). Consult your Master Builders Solutions representative before placing lifts more than 6” (152 mm) in depth. • The water requirement may vary with mixing efficiency, temperature and other variables • Should not be used as a floor topping. • Large, exposed areas of grout should be avoided. • Structural integrity of the grout is not affected by superficial, hairline cracks occasionally observed in shoulders, near base plate edges and around anchor bolts. • The ambient and initial material temperature of the grout should be in the range of 45 to 90° F (7 to 32° C) for both mixing and placing. Ideally, use the amount of mixing water that is necessary to achieve a 25–30 second flow specified by ASTM C 939 (CRD C 611). For placement outside of 45 to 90° F (7 to 32° C), contact your local Master Builders Solutions representative. • Surfaces may discolor in certain environments; it is not an indication of product performance. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL

Read, understand and follow all Safety Data Sheets and product label information for this product prior to use. The SDS can be obtained by visiting en-us, e-mailing your request to mbsbscst@ or calling 1(800)433-9517. Use only as directed. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Call CHEMTEL +1 (800) 255-3924 or if outside the US or Canada, +1 (813) 248-0585.


This product when discarded or disposed of, is not listed as a hazardous waste in federal regulations. Dispose of in a landfill in accordance with local regulations. For additional information on personal protective equipment, first aid, and emergency procedures, refer to the product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) on the job site or contact the company at the address or phone numbers given below.

Master Builders Solutions Construction Systems US, LLC © MBCC Group, Form No.1019298 rev 04/2021 ® registered trademark of a MBCC Group member in many countries of the world

889 Valley Park Drive, Shakopee, MN 55379 Page 27 of 95


Master Builders Solutions Construction Systems US, LLC (“Master Builders”) warrants this product to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Technical Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life. Satisfactory results depend not only on quality products but also upon many factors beyond our control. MASTER BUILDERS MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for any claim concerning this product, including but not limited to, claims alleging breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, is shipment to purchaser of product equal to the amount of product that fails to meet this warranty or refund of the original purchase price of product that fails to meet this warranty, at the sole option of Master Builders. Any claims concerning this product must be received in writing within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser. MASTER BUILDERS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith. This information and all further technical advice are based on Master Builders’ present knowledge and experience. However, Master Builders assumes no liability for providing such information and advice including the extent to which such information and advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information and advice. Master Builders reserves the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing and carried out by qualified experts. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE TO OR USE BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC.

Customer Service +1 (800) 433-9517 Technical Service +1 (800) 243-6739


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name Product code

: :

MasterFlow 885 000000000050102227 000000000050102227

Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier : Master Builders-Construction Systems US, LLC Address : 23700 CHAGRIN BLVD Beachwood OH 44122 Emergency telephone : ChemTel: +1-813-248-0585 USA: +1-800-255-3924 Contract Number MIS9240420 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended use : Product for construction chemicals Restrictions on use : Reserved for industrial and professional use. SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION GHS classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200 Skin corrosion/irritation : Category 2 Serious eye damage/eye irritation


Category 1

Carcinogenicity (Inhalation)


Category 1A (Lung)

Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure


Category 3 (Respiratory system)

Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure (Inhalation)


Category 2 (Kidney, Immune system)

Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure (Inhalation)


Category 1 (Lung)

GHS label elements Hazard pictograms


Signal Word



Hazard Statements


H318 Causes serious eye damage. H315 Causes skin irritation. H335 May cause respiratory irritation. H350 May cause cancer. H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated 1 / 16 Page 28 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

exposure if inhaled. Precautionary Statements


Prevention: P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection. P201 Obtain special instructions before use. P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. P260 Do not breathe dust or mist. P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. P264 Wash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handling. Response: P305 + P351 + P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. P304 + P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. P302 + P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water. P362 + P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/ physician. Storage: P403 + P233 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. P405 Store locked up. Disposal: P501 Dispose of contents/container to appropriate hazardous waste collection point.

Other hazards In combination with water, repeated or prolonged dermal exposure can cause moderate to severe alkali burns. SECTION 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemical nature


modified cement mortar

Components Chemical name Cement, portland, chemicals crystalline silica Silicon dioxide calcium oxide Gypsum (Ca(SO4).2H2O) Limestone carbon lead

CAS-No. 65997-15-1 14808-60-7 7631-86-9 1305-78-8 13397-24-5 1317-65-3 7440-44-0 7439-92-1

2 / 16 Page 29 of 95

Concentration (% w/w) >= 20 - < 50 >= 20 - < 50 >= 1 - < 5 >= 1 - < 3 >= 0.3 - < 3 >= 0 - < 3 >= 0 - < 3 >= 0 - < 0.1


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020



Move out of dangerous area. Consult a physician. Show this material safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. Do not leave the victim unattended.

If inhaled


In case of skin contact


In case of eye contact


If swallowed


Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed


Notes to physician


Consult a physician after significant exposure. If unconscious, place in recovery position and seek medical advice. If skin irritation persists, call a physician. If on skin, rinse well with water. If on clothes, remove clothes. Small amounts splashed into eyes can cause irreversible tissue damage and blindness. In the case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Continue rinsing eyes during transport to hospital. Remove contact lenses. Protect unharmed eye. Keep eye wide open while rinsing. If eye irritation persists, consult a specialist. Keep respiratory tract clear. Do NOT induce vomiting. Do not give milk or alcoholic beverages. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If symptoms persist, call a physician. Take victim immediately to hospital. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye damage. May cause respiratory irritation. May cause cancer. Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure if inhaled. May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Treat symptomatically.

SECTION 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable extinguishing media


Foam Water spray Dry powder Carbon dioxide (CO2) Product itself is non-combustible. Only the packaging materials can catch fire. The extinguishing agents normally used are sufficient. water jet

Unsuitable extinguishing media Specific hazards during fire fighting

: :

Do not allow run-off from fire fighting to enter drains or water courses.

Further information


Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. This must not be discharged into drains. 3 / 16 Page 30 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

Special protective equipment for fire-fighters

SDS Number: 000000259982


Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

Fire residues and contaminated fire extinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.

SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions, protec- : tive equipment and emergency procedures

Use personal protective equipment. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing dust. Ensure adequate ventilation.

Environmental precautions


Prevent product from entering drains. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform respective authorities.

Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up


Neutralize with acid. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.

SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Advice on protection against fire and explosion


Avoid dust formation. Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed.

Advice on safe handling


Conditions for safe storage


Further information on storage conditions


Avoid formation of respirable particles. Do not breathe vapors/dust. Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. For personal protection see section 8. Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in the application area. Provide sufficient air exchange and/or exhaust in work rooms. Dispose of rinse water in accordance with local and national regulations. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Observe label precautions. Electrical installations / working materials must comply with the technological safety standards. Containers should be stored tightly sealed in a dry place.

Materials to avoid


Segregate from metals. Segregate from acids and bases. Segregate from oxidants. Segregate from foods and animal feeds.

Further information on storage stability


No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.

4 / 16 Page 31 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Ingredients with workplace control parameters Components


calcium oxide




Value type (Form of exposure) TWA value REL value PEL

Control parameters / Permissible concentration 2 mg/m3 2 mg/m3 5 mg/m3

TWA value

5 mg/m3

TWA TWA TWA TWA REL value (Respirable) REL value (Total) PEL (Respirable fraction)

2 mg/m3 2 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 5 mg/m3

ACGIHTLV NIOSH 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) ACGIH NIOSH REL OSHA Z-1 OSHA P0 NIOSH

10 mg/m3


5 mg/m3

PEL (Total dust)

15 mg/m3

TWA value (Respirable fraction) TWA value (Total dust)

5 mg/m3

TWA (total dust) TWA (respirable fraction) TWA (Total dust) TWA (respirable dust fraction) TWA (Respirable)

15 mg/m3

29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) OSHA Z-1

5 mg/m3


15 mg/m3


5 mg/m3


5 mg/m3 (Calcium carbonate) 10 mg/m3 (Calcium carbonate) 0.05 mg/m3 (lead (Pb)) 0.05 mg/m3


TWA (total)



TWA value TWA

5 / 16 Page 32 of 95

15 mg/m3





MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

PEL TWA carbon

Silicon dioxide



TWA value (Respirable fraction) TWA value (Respirable particles) TWA value (Inhalable particles) REL value (Respirable) PEL (Total dust)

(lead) 0.05 mg/m3 (lead) 0.05 mg/m3 (lead) 2 mg/m3

10 mg/m3


2.5 mg/m3


15 mg/m3

29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-3) NIOSH 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-3) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-3) OSHA Z-3

TWA value (Respirable fraction) TWA value (Total dust)

5 mg/m3

TWA value (Respirable dust) TWA value

2.5 mg/m3

TWA value

TWA (Dust)

TWA (Dust)

TWA (Respirable dust) TWA

6 / 16 Page 33 of 95



5 mg/m3

TWA value


3 mg/m3

PEL (Respirable fraction)

REL value TWA value


10 mg/m3

15 millions of particles per cubic foot of air 6 mg/m3 6 mg/m3

20 millions of particles per cubic foot of air 0.8 mg/m3

20 Million particles per cubic foot (Silica) 80 mg/m3 / %SiO2 (Silica) 0.05 mg/m3 (Silica) 6 mg/m3 (Silica)




MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

Gypsum (Ca(SO4).2H2O)

Cement, portland, chemicals

SDS Number: 000000259982 13397-24-5


Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020 TWA value (Inhalable fraction) REL value (Respirable) REL value (Total) PEL (Total dust)

10 mg/m3


5 mg/m3


10 mg/m3


15 mg/m3

PEL (Respirable fraction)

5 mg/m3

TWA value (Total dust)

15 mg/m3

TWA value (Respirable fraction) TWA (Respirable) TWA (total) TWA (total dust) TWA (respirable fraction) TWA (Total dust) TWA (respirable dust fraction) TWA (Inhalable particulate matter) TWA value (Respirable fraction) REL value (Total) REL value (Respirable) PEL (Total dust)

5 mg/m3

5 mg/m3

29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) NIOSH REL

10 mg/m3 15 mg/m3


5 mg/m3


15 mg/m3


5 mg/m3


10 mg/m3 (Calcium)


1 mg/m3


10 mg/m3


5 mg/m3


15 mg/m3

PEL (Respirable fraction)

5 mg/m3

TWA value (Total dust)

10 mg/m3

TWA value (Respirable fraction) TWA value

5 mg/m3

29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z-1-A) 29 CFR

7 / 16 Page 34 of 95

50 millions of


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

TWA (Respirable particulate matter) TWA (Respirable) TWA (total) TWA (total dust) TWA (respirable fraction) TWA (Total dust) TWA (respirable dust fraction) TWA (Dust) crystalline silica

Engineering measures



TWA value (Respirable fraction) REL value (Respirable dust) TWA value

particles per cubic foot of air 1 mg/m3

1910.1000 (Table Z-3) ACGIH

5 mg/m3


10 mg/m3 15 mg/m3


5 mg/m3


10 mg/m3


5 mg/m3


50 Million particles per cubic foot 0.025 mg/m3


0.05 mg/m3


0.05 mg/m3 (Respirable dust)

29 CFR 1910.10011050 29 CFR 1910.10011050 OSHA Z-1

OSHA Action level

0.025 mg/m3 (Respirable dust)

TWA (Respirable dust) TWA (respirable) TWA (respirable) TWA (respirable dust fraction) TWA (Respirable particulate matter) PEL (respirable) TWA (Respirable dust)

0.05 mg/m3


10 mg/m3 / %SiO2+2 250 mppcf / %SiO2+5 0.1 mg/m3


0.025 mg/m3 (Silica)


0.05 mg/m3


0.05 mg/m3 (Silica)



Provide local exhaust ventilation to maintain recommended P.E.L.

Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection : Breathing protection if dusts are formed. 8 / 16 Page 35 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

Wear a NIOSH-certified (or equivalent) particulate respirator. Hand protection Remarks


Eye protection


Skin and body protection


Protective measures


Hygiene measures


The suitability for a specific workplace should be discussed with the producers of the protective gloves. Eye wash bottle with pure water Tightly fitting safety goggles Wear face-shield and protective suit for abnormal processing problems. Choose body protection according to the amount and concentration of the dangerous substance at the work place. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid inhalation of dusts. In order to prevent contamination while handling, closed working clothes and working gloves should be used. Handle in accordance with good building materials hygiene and safety practice. When using do not eat or drink. When using do not smoke. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.









faint odour

Odor Threshold


Not determined due to potential health hazard by inhalation.



approx. 12 (68 °F / 20 °C) (as aqueous suspension)

Melting point


No applicable information available.

Boiling point/boiling range


Not applicable

Flash point


does not flash

Evaporation rate


Not applicable

Flammability (solid, gas)


not flammable

Upper explosion limit / Upper flammability limit


As a result of our experience with this product and our knowledge of its composition we do not expect any hazard as long as the product is used appropriately and in accordance with the intended use.

Lower explosion limit / Lower flammability limit


As a result of our experience with this product and our knowledge of its composition we do not expect any hazard as long as the product is used appropriately and in accordance with the intended use.

Vapor pressure


Not applicable 9 / 16 Page 36 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

Relative vapor density


Not applicable

Relative density


No applicable information available.

Bulk density Solubility(ies) Water solubility


approx. 1,500 kg/m3


dispersible (68 °F / 20 °C)


No applicable information available.

Partition coefficient: noctanol/water Autoignition temperature


No applicable information available.


No applicable information available.

Decomposition temperature


No decomposition if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated.

Viscosity Viscosity, dynamic


Not applicable

Viscosity, kinematic


Not applicable

Explosive properties


Not explosive Not explosive

Oxidizing properties


Based on its structural properties the product is not classified as oxidizing.

Self-heating substances


No data available

Sublimation point


No applicable information available.

Molecular weight


No data available

Solubility in other solvents



Chemical stability


Possibility of hazardous reactions Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials


Hazardous decomposition products


: :

No hazardous reactions if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated. The product is stable if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated. No decomposition if stored and applied as directed. See SDS section 7 - Handling and storage. Strong bases Strong acids formaldehyde Traces of the substances/groups of substances mentioned can be released at elevated temperatures. The substances/substance groups mentioned are formed by hydrolysis. The substances/groups of substances mentioned may be released during processing. 10 / 16 Page 37 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity Not classified based on available information. Product: Acute oral toxicity


Remarks: No applicable information available.

Acute inhalation toxicity


Remarks: No applicable information available.

Acute dermal toxicity


Remarks: No applicable information available.

Skin corrosion/irritation Causes skin irritation. Serious eye damage/eye irritation Causes serious eye damage. Respiratory or skin sensitization Skin sensitization Not classified based on available information. Respiratory sensitization Not classified based on available information. Product: Remarks


Chromate in this product has been reduced. Sensitization due to chromate within stated shelf-live is unlikely.

Germ cell mutagenicity Not classified based on available information. Carcinogenicity May cause cancer. Reproductive toxicity Not classified based on available information. STOT-single exposure May cause respiratory irritation. STOT-repeated exposure Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure if inhaled. May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Aspiration toxicity Not classified based on available information. Further information Product: Remarks


Health injuries are not known or expected under normal use. The product has not been tested. The statements on toxicology have been derived from the properties of the individual 11 / 16 Page 38 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

components. SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity Product: Ecotoxicology Assessment Acute aquatic toxicity :

This product has no known ecotoxicological effects.

Chronic aquatic toxicity

This product has no known ecotoxicological effects.


Persistence and degradability Product: Biodegradability


Remarks: Not applicable for inorganic substances.


Remarks: Not applicable


Remarks: The product will not be readily bioavailable due to its consistency and insolubility in water.

carbon: Partition coefficient: noctanol/water


Remarks: The value has not been determined because the substance is inorganic.

lead: Partition coefficient: noctanol/water


Remarks: Not applicable


Remarks: Following exposure to soil, adsorption to solid soil particles is probable, therefore contamination of groundwater is not expected. The substance will not evaporate into the atmosphere from the water surface.

Components: lead: Biodegradability Bioaccumulative potential Product: Bioaccumulation


Mobility in soil Product: Distribution among environmental compartments

Other adverse effects Product: 12 / 16 Page 39 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Additional ecological information


Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

There is a high probability that the product is not acutely harmful to aquatic organisms. The product has not been tested. The statements on ecotoxicology have been derived from the properties of the individual components.

SECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal methods Waste from residues


Contaminated packaging


Dispose of in accordance with national, state and local regulations. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Do not discharge into drains/surface waters/groundwater. Contaminated packaging should be emptied as far as possible and disposed of in the same manner as the substance/product.

SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION International Regulations UNRTDG Not regulated as a dangerous good IATA-DGR Not regulated as a dangerous good IMDG-Code Not regulated as a dangerous good Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable for product as supplied. Domestic regulation 49 CFR Not regulated as a dangerous good SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION EPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know CERCLA Reportable Quantity Components




Component RQ (lbs) 1

Calculated product RQ (lbs) 8928

US State Regulations Pennsylvania Right To Know calcium oxide Limestone carbon Silicon dioxide

1305-78-8 1317-65-3 7440-44-0 7631-86-9 13 / 16 Page 40 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

Gypsum (Ca(SO4).2H2O) Quartz (SiO2) Cement, portland, chemicals nickel arsenic chromium

13397-24-5 14808-60-7 65997-15-1 7440-02-0 7440-38-2 7440-47-3

New Jersey Right To Know calcium oxide Limestone carbon Silicon dioxide Gypsum (Ca(SO4).2H2O) Quartz (SiO2) Cement, portland, chemicals

1305-78-8 1317-65-3 7440-44-0 7631-86-9 13397-24-5 14808-60-7 65997-15-1

California Prop. 65 WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is/are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to The ingredients of this product are reported in the following inventories: TSCA : All chemical substances in this product are either listed as active on the TSCA Inventory or are in compliance with a TSCA Inventory exemption. DSL : All components of this product are on the Canadian DSL

SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION Further information NFPA 704:

HMIS® IV: Flammability


0 Health




Special hazard



HMIS® ratings are based on a 0-4 rating scale, with 0 representing minimal hazards or risks, and 4 representing significant hazards or risks. The "*" represents a chronic hazard, while the "/" represents the absence of a chronic hazard.

Full text of other abbreviations 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z- : OSHA - Table Z-1-A (29 CFR 1910.1000) 14 / 16 Page 41 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

1-A) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z1) 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z3) 29 CFR 1910.1001-1050

SDS Number: 000000259982

: : :

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

OSHA - Table Z-1 (Limits for Air Contaminants) 29 CFR 1910.1000 OSHA Table Z-3 (Mineral Dusts) 29 CFR 1910.1000


: :


: : : :





29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z1-A) / TWA value 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z1) / PEL 29 CFR 1910.1000 (Table Z3) / TWA value 29 CFR 1910.1001-1050 / OSHA Action level 29 CFR 1910.1001-1050 / TWA value ACGIH / TWA ACGIHTLV / TWA value NIOSH / REL value NIOSH REL / TWA


OSHA - Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) USA. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLV) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists threshold limit values (US) NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (US) USA. NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits OSHA Specifically Regulated Chemicals/Carcinogens USA. OSHA - TABLE Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants 1910.1000 USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-3 Mineral Dusts Time Weighted Average (TWA):


Permissible exposure limit


Time Weighted Average (TWA):


OSHA Action level:


Time Weighted Average (TWA):

: : : :


: : : :

8-hour, time-weighted average Time Weighted Average (TWA): Recommended exposure limit (REL): Time-weighted average concentration for up to a 10-hour workday during a 40-hour workweek Permissible exposure limit (PEL) 8-hour time weighted average 8-hour time weighted average 8-hour time weighted average

AICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances; ASTM - American Society for the Testing of Materials; bw - Body weight; CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; CMR - Carcinogen, Mutagen or Reproductive Toxicant; DIN - Standard of the German Institute for Standardisation; DOT - Department of Transportation; DSL - Domestic Substances List (Canada); ECx - Concentration associated with x% response; EHS - Extremely Hazardous Substance; ELx - Loading rate associated with x% response; EmS - Emergency Schedule; ENCS - Existing and New Chemical Substances (Japan); ErCx - Concentration associated with x% growth rate response; ERG - Emergency Response Guide; GHS - Globally Harmonized System; GLP - Good Laboratory Practice; HMIS - Hazardous Materials Identification System; IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer; IATA - International Air Transport Association; IBC - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk; IC50 - Half maximal inhibitory concentration; ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization; IECSC - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China; IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods; IMO - International Maritime Organization; ISHL - Industrial Safety and Health Law (Japan); ISO - International Organisation for Standardization; KECI Korea Existing Chemicals Inventory; LC50 - Lethal Concentration to 50 % of a test population; 15 / 16 Page 42 of 95


MasterFlow 885 Version 1.1

Revision Date: 01/05/2021

SDS Number: 000000259982

Date of last issue: 06/03/2020 Date of first issue: 06/03/2020

LD50 - Lethal Dose to 50% of a test population (Median Lethal Dose); MARPOL - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration; n.o.s. - Not Otherwise Specified; NFPA - National Fire Protection Association; NO(A)EC - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Concentration; NO(A)EL - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level; NOELR - No Observable Effect Loading Rate; NTP - National Toxicology Program; NZIoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals; OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; OPPTS - Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention; PBT - Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic substance; PICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances; (Q)SAR - (Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationship; RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals; RQ Reportable Quantity; SADT - Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature; SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act; SDS - Safety Data Sheet; TCSI - Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory; TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act (United States); UN - United Nations; UNRTDG - United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; vPvB Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative

Revision Date





16 / 16 Page 43 of 95

January 1, 2014

MasterFlow® 885 (Formerly Embeco 885) Product Information Statement for LEED® 2009 Credit Documentation MasterFlow® 885 is a nonshrink metallic-aggregate grout for interior or exterior use. BASF Corporation certifies the following information about MasterFlow® 885: Regional Materials The extraction/harvesting location of the raw materials is not available at this time. Recycled Content MasterFlow® 885 contains 23% by weight pre-consumer recycled material. Regional Materials MasterFlow® 885 is manufactured in Houston, TX and Streetsboro, OH. Raw material extraction and processing location is not available at this time. VOC Content MasterFlow® 885 has a V.O.C. (volatile organic compound) content of 0 g/L. Based upon this information, MasterFlow® 885 could contribute to the following LEED credits: MR Credit 4.1: Recycled Content: 10% (post-consumer + ½ pre-consumer) MR Credit 4.2: Recycled Content: 20% (post-consumer + ½ pre-consumer) Respectfully, LEED Administrator BASF Corporation Tel: 800-243-6739

“LEED” is a trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council

BASF Corporation Construction Systems 889 Valley Park Drive Shakopee, MN 55379

Page 44 of 95

January 1, 2023

Tech Sales, LLC. 192 West 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55102

PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcing Splice System Product Information Statement for LEED® 2009 Credit Documentation PS=Ø® is a mechanical reinforcing splice system used for splicing steel reinforcement (rebar) in concrete. Tech Sales, LLC. certifies the following information about PS=Ø®: Regional Materials All raw materials are sourced in the United States. Recycled Content PS=Ø® contains 75% by weight pre-consumer recycled material. Based upon this information, PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcing Splice System could contribute to your projects LEED credits. Sincerely, Tech Sales, LLC.

192 West Ninth Street


St. Paul, MN 55102


Tel. (800) 355-8414

Page 45 of 95


Fax (651) 292-9565


PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System Installa on Manual Tech Sales, LLC.

Page 46 of 95

1 Page 47 of 95

Table of Contents FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................................4 SUPPLEMENTAL PRODUCT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................5 COMPONENTS TYPICALLY INCLUDED WITH THE PS=Ø® REINFORCEMENT SPLICE SYSTEM .............5 IMPORTANT – GENERAL & SAFETY INFORMATION ...........................................................................6 OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................................................8 PS=Ø® APPLICATIONS ......................................................................................................................11 Figure 1.1 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at Mid-span ................................................................................11 Figure 1.3 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at 1/5-span .................................................................................13 Figure 1.4 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at 1/5-span with Stressing Strip .................................................14 Figure 1.5 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at Wall.........................................................................................15 Figure 1.6 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at Wall with Stressing Strip ........................................................16 Figure 2 PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System – Body Details ..........................................17 Figure 3 PS=Ø® Coupler Overall Dimensions.............................................................................18 Figure 4.1 Threaded Bar Installa>on Procedure........................................................................19 Figure 4.2 Torque for Tapered Threads PS=Ø® ..........................................................................19 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................21 Figure 5 PS=Ø® Coupler Installa>on in Pour #1.........................................................................22 Figure 6.1 PS=Ø® Rear coupler plas>c centering disc ...............................................................23 PS=Ø® STEEL REINFORCEMENT SPLICE SYSTEM COUPLER GROUTING PROCEDURE .....................26 FINAL JOINT GROUTING PROCEDURE .............................................................................................29 Figure 7.1.....................................................................................................................................30 Figure 7.2.....................................................................................................................................31 Figure 7.3.....................................................................................................................................32 Figure 7.4.....................................................................................................................................33 Appendix A ......................................................................................................................................34 Reinforcing Bar Threads ..............................................................................................................34 Tapered Thread (TT) PS=Ø® and TT Rebar ..............................................................................34 Tapered Thread (TT) PS=Ø® and TT Rebar ..............................................................................35 Tapered Thread (TT) PS=Ø® and ST Rebar ..............................................................................36 Straight Thread (ST) PS=Ø® and ST Rebar ...............................................................................37 Straight Thread (ST) PS=Ø® and TT Rebar ...............................................................................38 2 Page 48 of 95

Appendix B ......................................................................................................................................39 Rigid Chain Vice .......................................................................................................................39

3 Page 49 of 95

FOREWORD The Tech Sales, LLC. PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System is a duc>le cast iron mechanical reinforcement coupler designed to exceed the ACI 318 Building Code Type 1 and Type 2 requirements for developing mechanical reinforcing steel bar splices, in both tension and compression, a minimum of 125% of the specified yield strength and the minimum of the specified ul>mate tensile strength (90 ksi for grade 60 ksi) for ASTM A615 grade 60 and A706 grade 60 reinforcing steel specifica>ons. To achieve the design capacity of the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System, it is impera>ve that all procedures shown in this manual are followed. All references to ACI as part of the IBC are the approved ACI year associated with the year of the approved IBC. Before beginning any project, the user must read the en>re manual and must have a thorough understanding of the installa>on process. For technical assistance with Tech Sales, LLC. PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System please contact Tech Sales, LLC. representa>ves.

4 Page 50 of 95

SUPPLEMENTAL PRODUCT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. MasterFlow® 885 is a grout produced by MASTER BUILDER SOLUTIONS of BASF. 2. MasterFlow® 4316 is a grout produced by MASTER BUILDER SOLUTIONS of BASF. 3. Silcoseal Select ® is a liquid bond breaker produced by Nox-Crete®. 4. PVC grout tube/port pipes ¾” diameter (standard) or 1” diameter depending on the applica>on. 5. Plas>c caps for grout tube/port pipes and later used to cap port holes un>l grouted. 6. Plas>c rear centering disc for sealing rear opening and rebar. 7. Op>onal plas>c V-joint, sheet metal angle, plas>c angle or ethafoam closed cell rod for joint grout stop.

COMPONENTS TYPICALLY INCLUDED WITH THE PS=Ø® REINFORCEMENT SPLICE SYSTEM 1. PS=Ø® coupler standard or sloMed. 2. PVC pipe ¾” diameter (standard) or 1” diameter depending on the applica>on. 3. Plas>c caps for grout tube/port pipes and later used to cap port holes un>l grouted. 4. Op>onal aMachment screws (short and longer) or nails. 5. Plas>c rear centering disc for sealing rear opening and rebar of PS=Ø® opening. 6. Op>onal boMom joint closure, plas>c V-joint. (On order request). 7. Silcoseal Select® is a liquid bond breaker produced by Nox-Crete®. 8. Hand sprayer for bond breaker. 9. MasterFlow® 885 or 4316 are grouts produced by MASTER BUILDER SOLUTIONS of BASF for PS=Ø® and joint fill. 10. Plas>c mixing bucket (5 gal). 11. Plas>c measuring container. 12. Mixing paddle. 13. 2-inch diameter by 4-inch slump tube. 14. Slump sheet with 6 to 10-inch circles. 15. Funnel or grout bag (for gravity feed). 16. Op>onal rebar threaded and/or non-threaded. (On order request).

5 Page 51 of 95

IMPORTANT – GENERAL & SAFETY INFORMATION 1. Only Tech Sales, LLC. authorized materials should be used to complete the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System. 1.1

Do not install PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System, except as detailed in the procedures outlined in this manual or PS=Ø® approved shop drawings.


Do not alter materials without wriMen Tech Sales, LLC. authoriza>on.


Do not subs>tute materials without wriMen Tech Sales, LLC. authoriza>on.


Use personal protec>ve equipment (PPE) (including masking, gloves etc.) when handling grout material or debonder.

Failure to comply with the above may result in hazards to the workers, improper splices or damaged items being connected. 2. Install the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System in accordance with described procedures. 2.1

Personnel should be properly trained and knowledgeable of the approved installa>on procedures.

3. Unusual applica>ons or condi>ons may exist which require special considera>on. 3.1

Consult with Tech Sales, LLC. personnel if field condi>ons prevent the installa>on of the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System per the approved installa>on procedures.


Provide adequate ven>la>on and PPE where natural airflow is insufficient, this will reduce risk to personnel from breathing concentra>ons of dust or fumes.

4. MasterFlow® 885 is the required high strength, performance precision grout for use with the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System (in the coupler cavity). Unauthorized use of other grout will void all warran>es whether express or implied. Refer to BASF 885 Installa>on Guide and related documents including safety prior to beginning the work with the grout. 4.1

Avoid breathing concentra>ons of grout dust as it may be hazardous to health. Provide adequate ven>la>on where natural airflow is insufficient and PPE including protec>ve mask, this will reduce risk to personnel from breathing concentra>ons of dust. Refer to MasterFlow® 885 product informa>on, including safety informa>on for addi>onal health hazards. 6 Page 52 of 95


Avoid skin and eye contact with grout. Refer to MasterFlow® 885 product informa>on, including safety informa>on for care procedures in the event of skin and eye contact with grout.


Avoid inges>on of grout. Refer to MasterFlow® 885 product informa>on, including safety informa>on for care procedures in the event of inges>on of grout. Storage of MasterFlow® 885 grout should be in a clean, dry, secure area and should be restricted to access by authorized personnel only. Refer to MasterFlow® 885 product informa>on, including safety informa>on for addi>onal storage requirements.



Discard any torn, wet, or otherwise damaged bags. Discard any bags which may have become wet or where material clumping is observed. Material consistency should be that of free-flowing fine powder.


Determine the expira>on date of each bag of MasterFlow® 885. Refer to lot numbers at the end panel of each bag. Do not use and discard bags of MasterFlow® 885 that have exceeded the manufacture expira>on date of 1 year.


4.6.1 2J21751179 4.6.2 GREEN “2” = YEAR (2022) 4.6.3 YELLOW “175TH DAY OF THE YEAR” = JUNE 4.6.4 Third number is the year. 4.6.5 The following 3 numbers are the day of the year. 4.6.6 Expira>on date is a year from that date. 4.6.7 The expira>on date of the bag in the picture is June of 2023. Refer to grout mixing direc>ons located on the bag for proper mixing guidelines or contact Tech Sales, LLC.


Refer to pump fill or gravity fill installa>on instruc>ons located in this manual for proper installa>on guidelines.


The recommended temperature range for the MasterFlow® 885 is 45° to 90°F (7° to 32°C). Refer to MasterFlow® 885 product informa>on, including safety informa>on for addi>onal requirements.


Do not use more than 16.7% water by weight of dry grout. Do not add any addi>ves or admixtures to the MasterFlow® 885.


Yield-one 55-lbs. bag (25 kg) of MasterFlow® 885 grout mixed with approximately 9.2-lbs. (4.17 kg) or 1.11 gallons (4.20 L) of potable water provides approximately 0.43 S.³ (0.012 m³) of grout. For 4316 see bag instruc>ons.


5. While working on the job site, observe all federal, state, and local safety regula>ons. A. Wear a hard hat, reflec>ve vest, and safety glasses. B. Wear cut gloves. C. Use respiratory protec>on. 7 Page 53 of 95

D. Prior to installa>on of MasterFlow® 885, understand all opera>ng, mixing and safety instruc>ons found this on the MasterFlow® 885 grout bag and in BASF product informa>on, including safety informa>on. 6. Devia>ons from the specified recommenda>ons outlined in this manual will void the Tech Sales, LLC. PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System and MasterFlow® 885 warranty. It is the responsibility of the user or users to observe proper grou>ng condi>ons (e.g., temperature, water to cement ra>o, placing consistency, etc.) and u>lize quality workmanship. 7. Tech Sales, LLC. reserves the right to revise these documents contained herein for any reason including but not limited to conformity with standard established by various agencies, u>liza>on of advances in the state of the technical arts, or reflec>on of changes in the design of any component, techniques, or procedures described or referred to herein. 8. To ensure you have the most recent edi>on of this manual contact Tech Sales, LLC.

OVERVIEW The PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System is designed to connect rebar conforming to ASTM A615 grade 60 and ASTM A706 grade 60. The connec>on incorporates a duc>le cast iron coupler with a taper threaded mild reinforcement bar on one end and mild reinforcement bar with a special high early non-shrink cemen>>ous grout, securing the bar in the PS=Ø® coupler cavity. The coupler is produced as a steel cas>ng, tapered threads are machined using the specified threader equipment. Pre-threaded bars can be provided by most reinforcing bar fabricators. The threads are right hand and tapered to match the accompanying coupler when assembled and in accordance with the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System recommended procedure, this splice will meet or exceed the ACI 318 and IBC building codes. The basic installa>on is for post-tensioned or mild reinforced cast-in-place concrete slabs, where conven>onal pour-strips are normally used to reduce slab cracking caused by volume change and structural restraints. The pour-strip is typically a four-foot to eight-foot open space (i.e., gap) between and first cast slab and a second cast slab. The two slab cas>ngs are structurally joined when the pour-strip is cast with concrete, aSer about 28 to 56 days. The PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System is meant to reduce the open space between the slab cas>ngs to ¼” to 1” aSer the volume change (i.e., shortening) has occurred. The following descrip>on is for the basic installa>on where slab #2 is cast directly to the previously cast slab #1, elimina>ng the tradi>onal pour strip. Similar procedures/installa>ons also apply to

8 Page 54 of 95

other applica>ons including 1) a stressing strip applica>on and 2) a wall applica>on or any other similar applica>ons approved by Tech Sales, LLC. The couplers are typically installed in the first cast slab. The op>onal plas>c V-joint is also installed in the first cast slab. If other joint closures are used, they should be installed, as necessary. Using the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System, the second cast slab is cast directly to the first cast slab (i.e., no end form/bulkhead for the second cast slab only a de-bonding/bond breaker agent (Silcoseal Select) on the first cast slab). Assembly of the connec>on is normally done in two separate stages for installa>on (i.e., threaded rebar in the first cast slab and grouted rebar in second cast slab). NOTE: THE SHORING SUPPORTING THE FIRST AND SECOND CAST SLAB EDGES SHALL NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD (EOR). IF SLABS ARE SELFSUPPOTING THERE MAY BE AN OPPORTUNITY TO REMOVE SHORES BEFORE PS=Ø® STEEL REINFORCEMENT SPLICE SYSTEM COUPLERS HAVE BEEN GROUTED. AFTER THE SPECIFIED OPEN TIME, THE PS=Ø® CAN BE GROUTED AS WELL AS THE INCLUDED JOINT WITH MasterFlow® 885 AND ONCE THE GROUT HAS ACHIEVED A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 8,000 PSI THE SYSTEM IS COMPLETED. ALL FORMING AND SHORING REMOVAL IS THE RESPOSIBILITY STATED IN THE CONSTRUCTION CONCRACT DOCUMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR AND THE EOR. SEE PAGE 21 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. The PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System coupler is installed in the first cast slab. The PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System coupler’s threaded end is fastened to the threaded reinforcing steel bar’s male end and is turned into the coupler’s female threads to the specified torque, if using a tapered thread. The PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System coupler is installed with the rear of the coupler body, (the open end) for the con>nua>on rebar, buMed and sealed to the slab form bulkhead using the supplied rear centering disc (Figure 6.1). This seals the coupler open end to prevent concrete cement paste/slurry from entering the coupler body. The threaded rebar is in the direc>on away from the second slab cas>ng. The PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System approved shop drawings will clearly show complete posi>oning details. The coupler body is held in posi>on by the coupler aMachment to the bulkhead and the chaired rebar, which is threaded into the front of the PS=Ø® coupler prior to installa>on. All reinforcement bars and post-tension tendons shall be fully stabilized prior to cas>ng to prevent any movement during concrete placement. The PS=Ø® coupler shall be installed in a horizontal posi>on. Prior to the second slab (#2) cas>ng, the debonding agent shall be applied to the edge of the concrete of the first slab (#1). The con>nua>on rebar from slab #2 shall be fully inserted into the rear of the PS=Ø® coupler, installed in slab #1. 9 Page 55 of 95

Following the second slab (#2) concrete cas>ng and aSer a wai>ng period of 28 days or as specified by the Engineer of Record (EOR), the coupler body shall be filled with MasterFlow® 885. The MasterFlow® 885 is designed to maintain fluidity for an extended period while achieving high early strength. MasterFlow® 885, at 72°F (22°C), can develop a compressive strength up to 5,000 PSI (34 MPa) aSer 1 day, 6,000 PSI (41 MPa) aSer 3 days, 8,000 PSI (55 MPa) aSer 7 days, and 10,000 PSI (69 MPa) aSer 28 days. These >mes may vary based on field temperature condi>ons. Refer to the MasterFlow® 885 temperature charts for addi>onal informa>on. To ensure a proper connec>on, the addi>on of water must be maintained in strict accordance with MasterFlow® 885 recommended procedures. The temperature of the grout during placing and curing must be maintained within the recommended guidelines. The applica>on or use of grout other than MasterFlow® 885 without wriMen approval by Tech Sales, LLC., voids all warran>es both expressed and implied. Following the grou>ng the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System couplers, the construc>on joint shall be grouted with an approved grout of the same or greater strength than the slab concrete. The joint must be formed and supported from below with appropriate flat forming material and appropriately supported by shoring posts or another method (i.e., plas>c angle). There is an op>onal plas>c V-joint available on request. This plas>c joint does provide for a joint grout stop without the need of forming from below. This joint is shown in figure 5.

10 Page 56 of 95


Figure 1.1 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at Mid-span

11 Page 57 of 95

Figure 1.2 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at Mid-span with Stressing Strip

12 Page 58 of 95

Figure 1.3 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at 1/5-span

In this applica on care should be taken when placing the con nua on rebar to ensure the rebar rests on the boCom of coupler rear hole where the coupler is located is the short can lever. In case where the coupler is on the opposite side the rebar should be located at the top of the rear opening.

13 Page 59 of 95

Figure 1.4 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at 1/5-span with Stressing Strip

In this applica on care should be taken when placing the con nua on rebar to ensure the rebar rests on the boCom of coupler rear hole where the coupler is located is the short can lever. In case where the coupler is on the opposite side the rebar should be located at the top of the rear opening.

14 Page 60 of 95

Figure 1.5 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at Wall

In this applica on care should be taken when placing the coupler in the wall rebar to ensure the coupler rests on the top of the rebar and if any rebar is visible between the wall and the coupler that length should be debonded with tape or similar.

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Figure 1.6 PS=Ø® Relief Joint at Wall with Stressing Strip In this applica on care should be taken when placing the con nua on rebar to ensure the rebar rests on the top of coupler rear hole.

16 Page 62 of 95

Figure 2 PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System – Body Details

17 Page 63 of 95

Figure 3 PS=Ø® Coupler Overall Dimensions

18 Page 64 of 95

Figure 4.1 Threaded Bar Installa on Procedure Bars Size



130 S-lbs.


160 S-lbs.


200 S-lbs.

Figure 4.2 Torque for Tapered Threads PS=Ø® Confirm which coupler thread you received on the job site. The rebar thread must be matched to the appropriate coupler thread.

19 Page 65 of 95

Taper Threaded Rebar: The above torque table shall be used to set the appropriate torque for taper threaded rebar. The taper thread is 6°. The hole at the boMom of the threads is smaller than the top (i.e., end of coupler). When >ght the end of the rebar threads is even with the end of the coupler with no perimeter gap. Parallel Threaded Rebar: The parallel threaded rebar uses the Na>onal Course Thread. The #1 item above shall be used regarding cleaning or damaged threads. The parallel thread simply must be hand >ghtened. It is recommended that a pair of 2-foot handle pipe wrenches be used to snug the rebar to the coupler with a reasonable effort as the last rebar threads engage the coupler threads. Iden fying the threads: Tapered #8

Tapered #7


Tapered #6



Straight #6


Figure 4.3 PS=Ø® Threads Including Rebar 20 Page 66 of 95

INSTALLATION PROCEDURE First Cast Slab (#1): The coupler shall be secured, torqued if tapered thread, to the threaded rebar to be installed in the first cast slab (#1). The posi>oning of the couplers shall be in accordance with the approved PS=Ø® shop drawings. The coupler, with grout ports up, is to be securely aMached to the bulkhead by 2 screws or nails and the threaded rebar chaired to prevent any movement during concrete placement. If the rear centering disc is not installed/aMached to the PS=Ø® in the box, it should be field aMached (remove paper to expose adhesive side press to s>ck on the rear of the coupler) prior to securing the PS=Ø® coupler to the bulkhead. The supplied PVC pipes, either threaded or unthreaded PVC with threaded adapters are then installed. These PVC pipes either ¾ “ (standard) 1” matching the PS=Ø® coupler threads are then capped with the supplied plas>c caps to prevent concrete from entering the grout ports during the concrete slab cas>ng. The two PVC port pipes shall protrude above the top of concrete slab level or be cut to top of slab. This is a contractor’s choice.

21 Page 67 of 95

Figure 5 PS=Ø® Coupler Installa on in Pour #1 Low Slab Loca on (mid-span)

22 Page 68 of 95

Figure 6.1 PS=Ø® Rear coupler plas c centering disc

Figure 6.2 SloCed PS=Ø® Installa on Con nua on End Taped centering plas c cover or duct tape with X-cuts

Install all the reinforcement bars and post-tension tendons (if a PT slab) per the Contract Documents for the first cast slab (#1). To avoid intrusion of cement slurry/paste into the coupler, it is important that the following areas be inspected prior to the slab that contains couplers: 1. Check to see that the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System threaded rebar is properly installed and sufficiently >ght. 2. Make sure the inlet and outlet ports are sealed to the coupler. Make sure the tubes are capped to prevent entry of concrete or concrete slurry during the slab cas>ng. 3. Check to see that the PS=Ø® coupler is sufficiently sealed to prevent entry of concrete slurry. OSen duct tape is adhered over the rear hole of the PS=Ø® couple prior to aMaching the PS=Ø® coupler to the tag aMached to the form. 4. Check that the PS=Ø® coupler is perpendicular to the form and PVC tubes are near ver>cal and perpendicular to the boMom of the slab form. 23 Page 69 of 95

5. Make sure that the dimensions meet those defined in this instruc>on manual or project plans or PS=Ø® approved shop drawings. Also, if any PS=Ø® couplers are installed in the second cast slab (#2) be sure any exposed rebar between the first cast slab (#1) and the coupler is de-bonded. NOTE: When cas ng the concrete into the slab which contains the coupler, make sure not to disturb the coupler and/or any of the PVC port pipes as this may cause the pipe(s) to slip out of the inlet ports. If concrete or concrete slurry enters the assembly, the coupler may be rendered useless and require replacement. When all other requirements of the Contract Documents and the suppor>ng placement drawings are complete and inspected, the cas>ng of concrete can be completed for the first cast slab (#1). Once enough hardening/curing of the first slab (#1) occurs such that bulkhead form removal can be achieved without damage to the concrete. Remove the form and visually inspect all the rear coupler openings. If the plas>c centering disc is not present, replace it before the rebar for the second cas>ng slab (#2) is installed into the coupler cavity. During this process make sure that the rebar remains clean without concrete slurry or debris. Second Cast Slab (#2): The con>nua>on rebar is installed fully into the coupler installed in the first cast slab (#1) and secured with the second cast slab (#2) rebar. Be sure the plas>c centering disc, sealing the rebar to the coupler is installed. Install all the reinforcement bars and post-tension tendons per the Contract Documents for the second slab (#2) cas>ng. Apply the bond breaker to the face of the first cast slab (#1) within two (2) to four (4) hours prior to cas>ng the second slab (#2). Follow Nox-Crete instruc>ons. ASer all other requirements of the placing drawings are complete and inspected the cas>ng of concrete can be completed for the second cast slab (#2). Prevent contaminants from entering the clean PS=Ø® coupler during slab cas>ng. Check that the tubes are sealed by capping. The following note is for the contractor and the EOR to fully resolve form removal >me and a safe shoring requirement both during construc>on and final plan to improve the final concrete product and schedule. Note: PS=Ø® used as temporary dowel at the point of inflec on (about a 1/5 span). In case where the PS=Ø® is used as a dowel and the PS=Ø® is in the short can>lever part of the span (i.e., normally about 1/5 span), care should be taken to be sure the con>nua>on rebar is posi>on at the boMom of the rear open of the PS=Ø® (i.e., rebar should be in direct contact with the boMom of the rear hole of the PS=Ø®). 24 Page 70 of 95

Further, the next adjacent full span to the approximate 1/5 span can>lever should be sufficiently shored for dead/self and construc>on loads to minimize the shorter span can>lever from deflec>ng upward prior to the load of the approximate 4/5 span being applied to short approximate 1/5 span can>lever. Once approximate 4/5 span is supported by the approximate 1/5 span, the final dead/self-load equilibrium is achieved. Once the second slab (#2) is stressed (i.e., no stressing strip) dowel ac>on of PS=Ø® is available, strength should be checked by the EOR before form removal. This is to minimize any free differen>al ver>cal movement between the slab of slab #1 and slab #2.

25 Page 71 of 95

PS=Ø® STEEL REINFORCEMENT SPLICE SYSTEM COUPLER GROUTING PROCEDURE The es>mated number of splices per 55 lb. (25 kg) bag is about 20 each. This can vary due to slab depth. 1. Prepara>on 1.1 Materials and equipment needed for proper use and installa>on: To permit rapid and con>nuous work with MasterFlow® 885 it is recommended that all necessary tools and materials be as near to the work area as possible. See addi>onal equipment list for pump fill installa>on. •

Potable water

Flow monitoring use either of the following: o Flow monitoring equipment per ASTM C939 o 2” diameter by 4” plas>c pipe with an 8” diameter template

Paddle/propeller mixing blade

Mixing bucket (5 gallon)

Appropriate measuring containers



Thermometer, preferably digital for hot and cold weather

Commercial/hand grout pump or funnel for gravity feed

2” (55 mm) cube test molds per ASTM C109

1.2 Prepara>on for grout: Before working with MasterFlow® 885, remove all debris, oil, dirt, and moisture from the slab areas and sleeves/couplers to be filled with grout. If for any reason water fills a coupler use high pressure compressed air to remove. Further, use a water absorbent material (i.e., coMon cloth) inserted into the ports down to the boMom of the coupler to verify the coupler’s body is dry. The flowable grout will force any remaining minor water from the coupler body. To help ensure a quality structural connec>on, it is important to provide a rou>ne quality control process during the mixing and installa>on of the grout. Refer to relevant sec>ons of this instruc>on manual or contact Tech Sales, LLC. and observe all warnings and cau>ons noted. Note: For a list of suitable equipment and accessories see the manual or contact Tech Sales, LLC. 26 Page 72 of 95

1.3 Grout temperatures: The standard (ambient temperature of the grout) working temperature range for installa>on of the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System sleeve reinforcing bar and MasterFlow® 885 is 45°F to 90°F (7°C to 32°C). Do not let the grout temperature fall below 45°F (7°C) un>l aSer the final set. Precau>ons must be taken to keep MasterFlow® 885 from freezing (32°F; 0°C) during ini>al se[ng as it will result in insufficient strength. Refer to cold-weather instruc>ons in this manual or contact BASF. 1.4 MasterFlow® 885 has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture as noted on each bag. The grout is to be stored in a cool, dry, indoor environment to ensure shelf life and physical proper>es. All products that are damaged, exposed to wet condi>ons, or with a manufacturers date exceeding 12 months should be discarded. The manufacturing date can be referenced on each bag of MasterFlow® 885. 2. MasterFlow® 885 mixing instruc>ons 2.1 Mixing standard temperatures, 45°F to 90°F (7°C to 32°C) 2.2 By using the minimum amount of water to provide the desired workability, maximum strength will be achieved. Whenever possible mix the grout with a mortar mixer or an electric drill with paddles such as ICRI 320.5 type A, D, E, S, G, or H. Put the measured amount of potable water into the mixer bucket and grout then mix un>l uniform consistency is obtained. Note: The water required may vary due to mixing efficiency, temperature, and other variables. •

Place es>mated water (use potable water only) into the mixer/bucket then slowly add the grout for a fluid consistency. Start with 9.2-lbs. (4 kg) or 1.1 gallons (4.2 L) of potable water in the mixer/bucket, add 55-lbs. bag (25 kg) of MasterFlow® 885 grout mix, then add 4 ounces of water at a >me, checking the grout fluidity un>l proper fluidity is achieved.

Flow monitoring use either of the following: o The water demand will depend on mixing efficiency, material, and ambient temperature condi>ons. Adjust the water to achieve the desired flow. Recommended flow is 25–30 seconds using the ASTMC 939 flow common method. Use a minimum amount of water required to achieve the necessary placement consistency. o 2” diameter by 4” plas>c pipe with a 10” diameter template. Fill 4” high pipe in the middle of the 10” 27 Page 73 of 95

diameter circle template. Ensure the grout flow does not exceed the 6” circle for good flow and acceptable compressive strength. Mix grout for minimum of five (5) minutes aSer all material and water is in the mixer. Use mechanical mixers only.

Do not mix more grout than can be placed in approximately 30 minutes.

Transport by bucket to the couplers being grouted, minimize the transpor>ng distance.

Do not re-temper grout by adding water and mixing aSer it s>ffens.

Do not add plas>cizers, accelerators, retarders, or other addi>ves.

3. Hot and cold weather/winter grou>ng instruc>ons 3.1 MasterFlow® 885 is designed to be used with Tech Sales, LLC. PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System. Unauthorized use of other grout will void the warranty, whether expressed or implied. The ambient ini>al temperature of the grout should be in the range of 45° to 90°F (7° to 32°C) for both mixing and placing. For precision grou>ng, mix grout to produce the desired mix and grout temperature. If bag material is hot, use cold water, and if material is cold, use warm water to achieve a mixing product temperature as close to 70°F (21°C) as possible. If temperature extremes are an>cipated or a special place and procedures are planned, contact your local Tech Sales, LLC. representa>ve for assistance. 3.2 Cold weather/winter concre>ng/grou>ng: When grou>ng below 55°F (13°C), Tech Sales, LLC. recommends following ACI 306 cold weather instruc>ons. This involves hea>ng the slabs 1) to be sure any ice in the PS=Ø® has melted and 2) maintain a 55°F (13°C) to allow the grout to cure and gain strength. Slab temperature should be verified by thermometer placed on top surface and on the boMom surfaces of the slab, to confirm that the temperatures are adequate for grou>ng (i.e., mel>ng any ice) and curing of the grout in the coupler and joint. Only the slab surrounding the coupler and the joint needs to be at the curing temperature. Typically, blankets can be applied to the top surface and the curtain off area to contain the heat from the boMom surface will suffice. 3.3 Hot weather concre>ng/grou>ng: When grou>ng above 90°F (32°C) refer to IBC in use and referenced ACI 318, ACI 305R and ACI 301. Slab temperature should be verified by thermometer placed on top surface and on the boMom surfaces of the slab, to confirm that the temperatures are adequate for curing of the grout in the coupler. Water or ice may be used to reduce the temperature of the slab containing the coupler to achieve a desired temperature. Use cold water to mix with the grout, also keep the dry grout in cooler temperatures.

28 Page 74 of 95

FINAL JOINT GROUTING PROCEDURE Joint Grou>ng: The final joint is grouted is with MasterFlow® 885. The mixing instruc>ons outlined and detailed in the previous sec>on apply. Other BASF grouts may be used for the joint provided the strength is equal to or greater than the concrete slabs adjacent to the joint and approved by the EOR.

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Figure 7.1 Op on 2

30 Page 76 of 95


Figure 7.2 Op on 3

31 Page 77 of 95


Figure 7.3 Op on 4

32 Page 78 of 95


Figure 7.4

33 Page 79 of 95

Appendix A Reinforcing Bar Threads

Tapered Thread (TT) PS=Ø® and TT Rebar Correct Installa on #6 TT PS=Ø® #6 TT Rebar

#7 TT PS=Ø® and #7 TT Rebar

#8 TT PS=Ø® and #8 TT Rebar

Approx. 1 inch of rebar thread

Approx. 1-¼ inch of rebar thread

Approx. 1-½ inch of rebar thread

Only par>al thread showing Approx. 1/8-1/4 inch of rebar par>al thread

Only par>al thread showing Approx. 1/8-1/4 inch of rebar par>al thread

Only par>al thread showing Approx. 1/8-3/8 inch of rebar par>al thread

34 Page 80 of 95

Tapered Thread (TT) PS=Ø® and TT Rebar Incorrect Installa on #6 TT PS=Ø® and #7 TT Rebar Rebar too big

#6 TT PS=Ø® and #8 TT Rebar Rebar too big

Thread showing ¼ “- ½ “ 2-4 full threads showing

Thread showing ½ “- ¾ “ Many full threads showing

#8 TT PS=Ø® and #6 Rebar Rebar too small

#8 TT PS=Ø® and #7 Rebar Rebar too small

No thread or par>al showing

No thread or par>al showing

35 Page 81 of 95

Tapered Thread (TT) PS=Ø® and ST Rebar Incorrect Installa on #6 TT PS=Ø® and #6 ST Rebar

#7 or #8 TT PS=Ø® and #6 ST Rebar

Approx. 5/8 inch of full rebar thread

No thread or par>al showing

36 Page 82 of 95

Straight Thread (ST) PS=Ø® and ST Rebar Correct Installa on #6 ST PS=Ø® and #6 ST Rebar

Approx. 1 inch of rebar thread

Only par>al thread showing approx. 1/8-1/4 inch of rebar par>al thread

37 Page 83 of 95

Straight Thread (ST) PS=Ø® and TT Rebar Incorrect Installa on

#6 ST PS=Ø® and #6 TT Rebar

#6 ST PS=Ø® and #7 TT Rebar

Approx. 5/8 inch of full rebar thread

Approx. 1 inch of full rebar thread

The #8 taper thread rebar does not fit in the #6 straight thread PS=Ø®

38 Page 84 of 95

Appendix B

Rigid Chain Vice

39 Page 85 of 95

PS=Ø® STEEL REINFORCEMENT SPLICE SYSTEM COUPLER GROUTING PROCEDURE The es>mated number of splices per 55 lb. (25 kg) bag is about 20 each. This can vary due to slab depth. 1. Prepara>on 1.1 Materials and equipment needed for proper use and installa>on: To permit rapid and con>nuous work with MasterFlow® 885 it is recommended that all necessary tools and materials be as near to the work area as possible. See addi>onal equipment list for pump fill installa>on. •

Potable water

Flow monitoring use either of the following: o Flow monitoring equipment per ASTM C939 o 2” diameter by 4” plas>c pipe with an 8” diameter template

Paddle/propeller mixing blade

Mixing bucket (5 gallon)

Appropriate measuring containers



Thermometer, preferably digital for hot and cold weather

Commercial/hand grout pump or funnel for gravity feed

2” (55 mm) cube test molds per ASTM C109

1.2 Prepara>on for grout: Before working with MasterFlow® 885, remove all debris, oil, dirt, and moisture from the slab areas and sleeves/couplers to be filled with grout. If for any reason water fills a coupler use high pressure compressed air to remove. Further, use a water absorbent material (i.e., coMon cloth) inserted into the ports down to the boMom of the coupler to verify the coupler’s body is dry. The flowable grout will force any remaining minor water from the coupler body. To help ensure a quality structural connec>on, it is important to provide a rou>ne quality control process during the mixing and installa>on of the grout. Refer to relevant sec>ons of this instruc>on manual or contact Tech Sales, LLC. and observe all warnings and cau>ons noted. Note: For a list of suitable equipment and accessories see the manual or contact Tech Sales, LLC. 26 Page 86 of 95

1.3 Grout temperatures: The standard (ambient temperature of the grout) working temperature range for installa>on of the PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System sleeve reinforcing bar and MasterFlow® 885 is 45°F to 90°F (7°C to 32°C). Do not let the grout temperature fall below 45°F (7°C) un>l aSer the final set. Precau>ons must be taken to keep MasterFlow® 885 from freezing (32°F; 0°C) during ini>al se[ng as it will result in insufficient strength. Refer to cold-weather instruc>ons in this manual or contact BASF. 1.4 MasterFlow® 885 has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture as noted on each bag. The grout is to be stored in a cool, dry, indoor environment to ensure shelf life and physical proper>es. All products that are damaged, exposed to wet condi>ons, or with a manufacturers date exceeding 12 months should be discarded. The manufacturing date can be referenced on each bag of MasterFlow® 885. 2. MasterFlow® 885 mixing instruc>ons 2.1 Mixing standard temperatures, 45°F to 90°F (7°C to 32°C) 2.2 By using the minimum amount of water to provide the desired workability, maximum strength will be achieved. Whenever possible mix the grout with a mortar mixer or an electric drill with paddles such as ICRI 320.5 type A, D, E, S, G, or H. Put the measured amount of potable water into the mixer bucket and grout then mix un>l uniform consistency is obtained. Note: The water required may vary due to mixing efficiency, temperature, and other variables. •

Place es>mated water (use potable water only) into the mixer/bucket then slowly add the grout for a fluid consistency. Start with 9.2-lbs. (4 kg) or 1.1 gallons (4.2 L) of potable water in the mixer/bucket, add 55-lbs. bag (25 kg) of MasterFlow® 885 grout mix, then add 4 ounces of water at a >me, checking the grout fluidity un>l proper fluidity is achieved.

Flow monitoring use either of the following: o The water demand will depend on mixing efficiency, material, and ambient temperature condi>ons. Adjust the water to achieve the desired flow. Recommended flow is 25–30 seconds using the ASTMC 939 flow common method. Use a minimum amount of water required to achieve the necessary placement consistency. o 2” diameter by 4” plas>c pipe with a 10” diameter template. Fill 4” high pipe in the middle of the 10” 27 Page 87 of 95

diameter circle template. Ensure the grout flow does not exceed the 6” circle for good flow and acceptable compressive strength. Mix grout for minimum of five (5) minutes aSer all material and water is in the mixer. Use mechanical mixers only.

Do not mix more grout than can be placed in approximately 30 minutes.

Transport by bucket to the couplers being grouted, minimize the transpor>ng distance.

Do not re-temper grout by adding water and mixing aSer it s>ffens.

Do not add plas>cizers, accelerators, retarders, or other addi>ves.

3. Hot and cold weather/winter grou>ng instruc>ons 3.1 MasterFlow® 885 is designed to be used with Tech Sales, LLC. PS=Ø® Steel Reinforcement Splice System. Unauthorized use of other grout will void the warranty, whether expressed or implied. The ambient ini>al temperature of the grout should be in the range of 45° to 90°F (7° to 32°C) for both mixing and placing. For precision grou>ng, mix grout to produce the desired mix and grout temperature. If bag material is hot, use cold water, and if material is cold, use warm water to achieve a mixing product temperature as close to 70°F (21°C) as possible. If temperature extremes are an>cipated or a special place and procedures are planned, contact your local Tech Sales, LLC. representa>ve for assistance. 3.2 Cold weather/winter concre>ng/grou>ng: When grou>ng below 55°F (13°C), Tech Sales, LLC. recommends following ACI 306 cold weather instruc>ons. This involves hea>ng the slabs 1) to be sure any ice in the PS=Ø® has melted and 2) maintain a 55°F (13°C) to allow the grout to cure and gain strength. Slab temperature should be verified by thermometer placed on top surface and on the boMom surfaces of the slab, to confirm that the temperatures are adequate for grou>ng (i.e., mel>ng any ice) and curing of the grout in the coupler and joint. Only the slab surrounding the coupler and the joint needs to be at the curing temperature. Typically, blankets can be applied to the top surface and the curtain off area to contain the heat from the boMom surface will suffice. 3.3 Hot weather concre>ng/grou>ng: When grou>ng above 90°F (32°C) refer to IBC in use and referenced ACI 318, ACI 305R and ACI 301. Slab temperature should be verified by thermometer placed on top surface and on the boMom surfaces of the slab, to confirm that the temperatures are adequate for curing of the grout in the coupler. Water or ice may be used to reduce the temperature of the slab containing the coupler to achieve a desired temperature. Use cold water to mix with the grout, also keep the dry grout in cooler temperatures.

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FINAL JOINT GROUTING PROCEDURE Joint Grou>ng: The final joint is grouted is with MasterFlow® 885. The mixing instruc>ons outlined and detailed in the previous sec>on apply. Other BASF grouts may be used for the joint provided the strength is equal to or greater than the concrete slabs adjacent to the joint and approved by the EOR.

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Figure 7.1 Op on 2

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Figure 7.2 Op on 3

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Figure 7.3 Op on 4

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Figure 7.4

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Codes and Standards: Comply with the latest edition of the following codes, specifications, and standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: 1.



American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), latest edition: 1. 2. 3.


ACI 439.3R Mechanical Connection of Reinforcing Bars.

ACI 301 (latest code applicable) ACI 318 (latest code applicable) A536-84 (2004) Specification for Ductile Iron Castings Grade 65-45-12


General: 1.

Submit shop drawings for placement of PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcement Splicing System, in accordance with ACI 439-3R.


Mechanical Splicing Systems: A.

Comply with ACI 301. B, ACI 318, and ACI 439. 1. 2. 3.

Mechanical tension and compression splicing systems shall be used where indicated on Drawings or at contractor’s option. For seismic design categories D, E and F, in plastic hinge regions, only Type 2 mechanical splices are permitted. Splices shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. Acceptable Products: a.

PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcing Splice System by Tech Development LLC. /Tech Sales LLC. Either non-epoxy coated or epoxy coated see plans. tel 800-355-8414


The PS=Ø® System includes all accessory items (i.e., form placers, grout tubes, etc.) required for installation and the BASF MasterFlow 885 grout.


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PLACING PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcing Splice System: A.

Install PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcing Splice System in accordance with PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcing Splice System Installation manual or latest website information


Report any deviation to the A/E or shop drawings for correction before placing concrete. Place PS=Ø® coupler to obtain at least minimum coverages for concrete protection per plan or per IBC Table 721.1.


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