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Eye on Agribusiness features Mo-Kan Trailer Sales
from OFN November 2, 2020
by Eric Tietze
eye on agri-business meeting the needs of farmers

Mo-Kan 1 in 12 children in Missouri will experience the death of a parent or sibling by age 18.*
Trailer Sales How we help By Julie Turner-Crawford Therapeutic Grief Support Groups Led by a professional with a master’s degree in counseling Location: Asbury, Mo. Owner: James Crow or related field. • Children ages 4-18 grieving the loss of a parent, caregiver, or sibling w/ concurrent groups for parent/ caregivers History: James Crow started Mo-Kan Trailer Sales 22 years ago in Asbury, Mo. • Young adults ages 18-30 grieving the loss of a family
With a background in agriculture, owner James Crow saw a need for trailer sales and service member in the community. It also presented him with the opportunity to remain involved in the • Adults grieving the loss of a child under 18 living in agriculture industry. the home, young adult child, or spouse of many years Products and Services: Mo-Kan Trailer Sales offers various livestock and horse Individual Grief Counseling trailers, hay trailers, flatbed, dump, utility and cargo trailers in multiple sizes, made from alu- Offered for ages four and older grieving the death of a minum, steel or galvanized metal. Both new and used trailers are available. loved one, for a fee.
James, who is a one-man show at Mo-Kan Trailer Sales, offers trailers from H&H Trailers for flatbed, enclosed and aluminum trailers, and Wilson for aluminum livestock trailers. H&H *Judi’s House. (2020). Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model: Understanding Childhood Grief in the U.S. Retrieved from www.judishouse.org/CBEM. and Wilson offer what James considers well-made, top-of-the-line trailers.
If a style or size is not on the lot, James can order it, or Mo-Kan Trailers can also have a trailer custom built to the customer’s specifications.
In addition to trailers, customers can also select from Crownline steel truck beds by Ground Zero from Perry, Okla., as well as other agriculture products from the Crownline, including feed boxes and arm beds. Following his dedication to offering quality products, James also offers the sale and installa- No one should grieve alonetion of B&W fifth wheel, Gooseneck, and drawbar and adjustable mount hitches, which are made in neighboring Kansas. Mo-Kan Trailer Sales also offers service after the sale on all products. Service and repairs are also available to owners of trailers not purchased at Mo-Kan, including, but not limited 417.865.9998 to, axle replacement and repair, electrical wiring, metal repair or replacement, brakes and lostandfoundozarks.com other services. info@lostandfoundozarks.com 1555 S. Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO Business Philosophy: Giving the customer the best service possible is the top priority for James and Mo-Kan Trailer Sales. NOVEMBER 2, 2020 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com 11