4 minute read
Twins can be problematic for some producers
from OFN November 2, 2020
by Eric Tietze
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Got Twins?

Fall Into Savings! The Builder’s Choice! CALL TODAY FOR NEXT DAY SERVICE! Call for Details Twins can cause added stress to the mother and producer By Klaire Howerton While twins are not overly com- worth it in some instances,” McCorkill saidl mon in the cattle world, it does For cows that struggle to rear twins, prohappen. It can be exciting to have a “two ducers might need to be prepared for bottle HEAVY 29 Ga. for one” situation, but it can also be a little feeding, as well as keeping in mind additionMETAL #1 Limited LIFETIME WARRANTY 29 Ga. & 26 Ga. Painted more work for both the producer and the cow. “Twin calves are relatively uncommon. Estimates of somewhere between .5 percent and al feed requirements for the cow, regardless of how well she maintains twins. “If the cow appears to be accepting both calves, and raising them both on her own, I CUT TO LENGTH PANELS GALVALUME METAL UNPAINTED 25 YEAR WARRANTY #1 Standard Panels, 29 Ga. $4475 2 percent of births each year come as twins. That calculates out to being about a 1 in 50 to 1 in 200 chance of having twins,” Andy would tend to let her,” McCorkill said. “On the other hand, if she or one of the calves appears to be suffering, it is probably a good idea McCorkill, livestock field specialist with the to pull one, or both, of the calves off and raise
Ask About Our University of Missouri Extension, explained. on the bottle or a nurse cow. Even if she is
Quick Service. Conditions such as improved cow body condition between calving and breeding can raising both calve without issue, you may find the need to wean the calves early to keep her
Over 20 Colors and increase the likelihood of multiple ovulations and resulting twins, he said, and breeds in acceptable condition to breed back for the next calving season. Available feed resources
Several Styles To Choose! noted for higher fertility have also been re- should be considered. The additional milk ported to have higher rates of twinning. requirement will add 10 to 15 percent to the Twin calves, in some situations, can drain cow’s overall energy requirements.” CALL US the cow and result in less than efficient calves, McCorkill said. Record keeping is imperative for all aspects of an operation, but if a cow gives birth to twins, FOR “It is often said that one good calf is better than two poor ones, and many times that producers should be certain to take notes. These records will aid in making appropriCURRENT is the case,” he explained. “Twins are more ate culling decisions – especially if the set of PRICING likely to experience calving difficulty. It will be harder on the cow, raising multiple calves twins is a bull and a heifer. “Heifers born twin to a bull should be instead of just one, and it can take its toll on suspected of being a freemartin, a case that
Reg. Pole Frame Buildings Are Heavy 29 Ga. Metal, Three 2”x6” T&G Splashboards, All Poles 5”x5” her getting bred back in a timely manner.” results in the heifer being born without a
Or Larger, CCA Treated, Fully Trimmed With One 3’x6’ Walk-Through Door & One Large Sliding Door. There are cases, however, where an excep- complete reproductive tract,” McCorkill ex-
BYLER BUILDING SUPPLY, LLC tional cow can raise twins without issue, and breed back without trouble. plained. “This occurs in about 90 percent of cases of bull/heifer twins as a result of mixing 2 1/2 MILES EAST OF SEYMOUR ON 60, 1/4 MILE NORTH AT AUTO SALVAGE WWW.BYLERSUPPLY.COM 877-573-9314 MON.-FRI. 7:30-5 SAT. 8-12 FAX NO. 417-935-2995 417-771-3104 VISIT US AT WWW.BYLERSUPPLY.COM “Provided both calves survive until weaning, that cow will likely have a greater weaning weight in the combined calves than any single birth will, which makes the hassle of embryonic fluids and their hormones between the two calves.” The twin bull can also have reduced fertility. Producers might consider culling both twins. 26 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com NOVEMBER 2, 2020