4 minute read
Jerry Crownover – New neighbors
by Eric Tietze

What’s On Your Mind, Ozarks? just a thoughtStart the New Year with a Chisholm Trail Haybed! Toll Free: 1-866-532-1960 417-532-1960 • Fax: 417-532-4721 PO Box 1319, Lebanon, MO 65536 E-mail: editor@ozarksfn.com The Only Bale Bed That Dumps!
Eric Tietze
The Only Be Prepared for Winter Early! President/Publisher Pete Boaz Life Is Simple By Jerry Crownover Life is Simple By Jerry CrownoverAs a result of the current pandemic, there have been some interesting side effects happening in my world of farming and ranching. Firstly, the desire of many consumers to purchase fresh and/or locally-grown food has led to many producers being able to either begin or expand their niche market of bypassing grocery stores and restau- Jerry Crownover farms The Only Bale Bed That Dumps! Bale Bed That Dumps! Vice President Administrative Amanda Newell, Marketing Manager Eric Tietze, Accounting Advertising Amanda Newell, Display & Production Sales Amanda Newell, Classified Sales Circulation Eric Tietze, Circulation Editorial Julie Turner-Crawford, Managing Editor Jerry Crownover, Columnist Frank Farmer, Editorial Page Editor Emeritus Production Amanda Newell, Production rants and offer food products directly to the people who will consume that food. Whether that demand is fueled by some in Lawrence County. He is a former professor of Contributors Erin Harvey, Jordan Gloor, Neoma Foreman, Klaire shortages (real or perceived) of food, or a wish to eat healthier and more nutritious meals, I don’t know, but no one can argue that it hasn’t brought about massive change. Agriculture Education at Missouri State University, and is an author and Howerton, Neoma Foreman, Rachel Harper and Laura L. Valenti About the Cover Drew and Charlotte Montague have grown their For years, I’ve wanted to be able to buy the locally produced raw milk that I’ve missed for the 50 years that have passed since we sold the last, old Jersey milk cow that had professional speaker. To contact Jerry, go to ozarksfn.com and click herd to about 150 pairs. See more on page 14. Photo by Rachel Harper Ozarks Farm & Neighbor accepts story suggestions from readers. Story information appears as gathered from interviewees. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor assumes no provided us fresh milk since my birth. Now, there’s a lit- on ‘Contact Us.’ responsibility for the credibility of statements made by interviewees. © Copyright Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, Inc., tle, on-farm outlet that sells the best-tasting milk you can 2020. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. imagine only 8 miles from my house. I’m there every week, and they have recently added fresh, farm-grown beef, pork, chicken and eggs. According to the owners, people drive from a 60-mile radius to be able to take advantage of their offerings.
I also have a neighbor farmer who purchased a small meat processing plant several years ago. He has been able to expand its capacity over the past few months, and he still can’t keep up with demand. I suspect his customers will still be there, long after the pandemic is over. I really feel we have reached a new normal of people wanting to see where their food comes from.
Of course, all the side-effects aren’t positive.
As millions of people have had to learn to work from home, millions of them have also learned they don’t have to live in the same, over-crowded, crime-ridden cities and pay exhorbitant prices for housing in order to be able to do the same work. Hundreds of thousands of those people are now flocking to places like where I live to continue working at home, while GA TES, P ANEL S, & W O RKIN G SY STEM S IN ST OC K enjoying the safety and serenity of small, rural communities.

— Continued on Page 5


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