3 minute read
Maintaining farm vehicles
by Eric Tietze

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ZACH COX 417-777-1320 or DAN ROMINE 573-578-4939Call A farm truck is often one of the most valuable pieces of equipment a producer has at their disposal. “Make sure it is ready to go before you need it,” he advised. Hanshaw encouraged producers to check Barn: 417-532-9292 Many farm trucks are used daily and are an over the electrical systems, replace all filters, 17505 Route 66, Exit 123 off I-44 • Phillipsburg, MO 65722 integral part of chores. Despite their impor- check battery cables for corrosion, check the tance, sometimes maintenance on these ve- air pressure on the tires and ensure approprihicles falls by the wayside. When caring for ate fluid levels. livestock daily, it is easy to forget that trucks Radiators should be checked, and on older need care sometimes too. vehicles, Hanshaw recommended flushing as
The voice of the Ozarks Following a few tips can make a farm truck’s performance improve and keep it on the road longer. Perform Routine Maintenance Producers will want to pay attention to the mileage or hours on their vehicle to know part of winter servicing. He also noted that rodent damage on vehicles has been a notable issue within the past couple of years. Producers will want to do a very thorough check under the hood for signs of mice, rats, and squirrels and perhaps, Hanshaw suggested, recruit a couple of barn cats. Check Things Overwhen maintenance is required. Newer truck Outside of routine maintenance, a quick models have warning and indicator lights to once-over of a farm truck a few times a week alert the user of repairs or servicing needs. can help catch small issues before they create If a farm vehicle has warranties of any kind, larger ones. Pay attention to the lights on the routine maintenance will reduce the risk of dash, walk around the vehicle and observe invalidating warranties, which can make a the tires, pop the hood and look for any leaks big difference if a part wears out or breaks or cracks. and needs replaced. Winterizing Vehicles Try to Reduce Wear and Tear Farm trucks are typically quite tough, but While maintenance and servicing are im- just because they can do something does not portant year round, Mark Hanshaw, truck mean they should. If it is an option to avoid and trailer sales associate with Wood Motor driving over an exceedingly rough area, or if a Company, explained these tasks are especial- trailer load can be made a little lighter, do so. www.radiospringfi eld.com ly important heading into winter as produc- Being gentler with a vehicle when possible ers fire up hay trucks to feed their stock. will make it hold up better for when it is not. 26 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com NOVEMBER 23, 2020

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