3 minute read
The Montagues have built their herd from scratch
by Eric Tietze
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Photos by Rachel Harper
Drew and Charlotte Montague, pictured with their children Jolee and Wade, started their cattle operation with just a few cows. Today they have 150 pairs.

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By Rachel Harper
Drew and Charlotte Montague run a commercial cow/calf herd that grew from 16 cows

Ask About Our Quick Service. Drew and Charlotte Montague both grew up in different parts of Missouri but have always shared an interest in Drew joined FFA in high school, was involved in ag mechanics and worked for a welder. When they got married, they both knew
Over 20 Colors and agriculture. Charlotte grew up on a dairy farm close to they wanted to operate a cow/calf operation and raise their family on a farm. After col-
Several Styles To Choose! Macon, Mo., where her parents milked Hol- lege, Drew and Charlotte both landed jobs steins and she showed cattle. In her teenage around Nevada, Mo. Drew became a conyears, her parents sold the farm, but Charlotte sulting nutritionist and salesman for Jericho continued to pursue her interest in agriculture Animal Nutrition, and Charlotte took a job CALL US through 4-H and FFA, then attending the as a grain merchandiser for ADM. They beFOR University of Missouri-Columbia where she majored in agricultural education with a minor gan searching for a farm and found one they liked for sale in El Dorado Springs, Mo. It CURRENT PRICING in agricultural economics. Drew and Charlotte’s paths crossed at Mizzou, where he studied animal science, judged was ironic that while looking, they had separately been drawn to this same farm, not knowing that the other one had been looklivestock and worked at the Uni- ing at it online as well.
Reg. Pole Frame Buildings Are Heavy 29 Ga. Metal, Three 2”x6” T&G Splashboards, All Poles 5”x5” versity of Missouri’s Beef Re- “God opened that door for us, and we
Or Larger, CCA Treated, Fully Trimmed With One 3’x6’ Walk-Through Door & One Large Sliding Door. search and Teaching farm. Drew were able to purchase our first farm,”
BYLER BUILDING SUPPLY, LLC is two generations removed from farming, but growing up his family Charlotte said. Drew and Charlotte started small 2 1/2 MILES EAST OF SEYMOUR ON 60, 1/4 MILE NORTH AT AUTO SALVAGE WWW.BYLERSUPPLY.COM 877-573-9314 MON.-FRI. 7:30-5 SAT. 8-12 FAX NO. 417-935-2995 417-771-3104 VISIT US AT WWW.BYLERSUPPLY.COM showed a handful of market hogs and a few sows. He was around cattle when he was younger and always knew that was what he wanted to do. Carthage, Mo. with 16 cows and once they paid for those, they bought some more. — Continued on Page 18 14 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com NOVEMBER 23, 2020