5 minute read
Adding warm-season grasses has benefits
from OFN June 8, 2020
by Eric Tietze
farmhelp Making farming a little easier Adding Grass
By Klaire Howerton Native warm-season grasses can add diversity, stainability and productivity The Ozarks is primarily fescue There is a rather substantial financial ducers might ask “is it worth it?” ForYet another appealing aspect of nacountry, but as producers seek investment to buy seed, as well as a time tunately, the pros tend to outweigh the tive warm-season grass is drought resisnew ways to diversify their farms investment. Grasses like Big and Little cons when it comes to established native tant. These bunch grasses have a deep in a sustainable and productive Bluestem and Indiangrass take time to stands. One of the best things about naroot system and are hardy in dry conmanner, developing stands of develop, so patience is required. Productive warm season grasses, Schnakenberg ditions. Schnakenberg noted during native warm-season grasses is ers will need to research their varieties said, is their efficiency of using fertilthe 2018 drought, producers who had worth the time and investment. and learn when to turn livestock in and izer and nutrients. This efficiency means established native stands for hay were
Tim Schnakenberg, field specialist in how to cut hay from native stands. Plantfewer inputs are needed; extension exstill able to harvest high tonnage. agronomy with the University of Mising these grasses will also require different perts generally recommend 60 pounds of To add a productive layer of diversouri Extension, and one of eight spetypes of equipment. The seed is light and nitrogen per acre per year – half of the sity to the farm, Schnakenberg highly cialists with the NRCS Plus MU Grassfluffy, Schnakenberg explained, and a noamount often required for other forages. recommended that producers consider lands Project, has a deep appreciation till drill must be adjusted for native seed. Native grasses also thrive in soils that adding 20 to 30 percent of warm-season for native grasses and what they can Mixing materials, such as corn chops or other grasses will not, such as acidic soils. grasses, even if they are not necessarbring to the pasture. pelletized lime, in with the seed can help Wildlife are drawn to native grasses and ily native. The time, effort and invest
“My interest has been native grasses for it flow more easily through a drill. Seed adding these forages to the field can help ment can pay off. One participant in the a long time,” he said. “They were here can also be broadcasted, provided there create quail and other critter habitat. Grasslands Project started out with a 10- before fescue, and they are well adapted.” is adequate soil contact. Once the seed is Established native warm season stands acre plot of Big and Little Bluestem, and
His work with the Grasslands Project in the ground, Schnakenberg said weed are highly productive for pasture and Indiangrass. He was so impressed with includes six different demonstrations of control is essential. He recommended a hay, and may also help reduce heat stress the results that he planted an additional Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem and Inpre- and post-emergence application of in cattle and help them keep weight on 25-acres. If producers want to give godiangrass on farms around the Ozarks, the herbicide Imazapick. It can be used in summer months. Reagan Bluel, field ing native a try, Schnakenberg recomwhere he collaborates with producers safely with Big and Little Bluestem, and specialist in dairy with MU Extension, mended starting small (5 to 10 acres) to help establish and manage stands. Indiangrass. It is critical that producexplained warm-season grasses offer and experimenting.
The first step towards developing a sucers not overgraze their stands once the cows a forage with higher digestibility. “Ask questions before you do it,” he cessful stand of native warm-season grassmanagement phase begins. SchnakenHot cows may go off feed, but warm-seaadvised. es, Schnakenberg explained, is to cultiberg said a general rule is to not let these son grasses can help them utilize what Visiting with local agronomists and vate a different management mindset. varieties be grazed below 8 inches, and they do eat more efficiently. NRCS specialists can help get produc
“You can’t treat these grasses like fescue,” native grasses generally do well in a manThe addition of these grasses will also ers the answers and information they he said. “They need different management agement intensive grazing system. reduce the amount of “hot” fescue a need for establishing successful native to keep them in the stand, and they won’t With such different requirements and cow is eating, which has the potential warm season stands. tolerate the abuse that fescue will.” strategies than traditional fescue, proto lessen the risk of heat stress.
what do you say?
How does animal nutrition relate to milk quality?
“Good nutrition leads to healthier cows, so they will have a lower somatic cell count, and in turn better quality milk that tastes better.”
“High quality forage is essential to good milk components. Balanced mineral is also important.”
Duane Kaiser Barry County, Mo. Molly Archer Laclede County, Mo.
“It’s the chemical balance of the animal. Good health and nutrition is essential for making milk, so if the chemical balance isn’t good in the nutrition, they aren’t going to make milk.”
Donna Corkle Jasper County, Mo.
“The better the nutrition, the better able the doe can raise multiple kids and still maintain body condition. With proper nutrition, she is able to raise her kids much more efficiently.”
Keevin Walker Barry County, Mo.
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