2 minute read
Proper calf management is important
from OFN June 8, 2020
by Eric Tietze

Keeping Calves Healthy TRACTOR PACKAGE
Package Includes: • Massey Ferguson 1723e Tractor with loader By Klaire Howerton • 14' trailer with ramp • 4' brush hog Proper management is essential for bottle-fed calves • 4' box blade
Healthy calves are critical to the success and profit of a dairy
$ 17,469 00
Knowing the potential for illness, administering quick treatment and preventative strategies can set a producer and their calves
Sales Service & Parts Green Forest, AR Harrison, ARBentonville, AR up for success.
Dairy calves are typically bottle fed and require in1400 W. I Street
1000 W. Main Street 870-438-4328
505 E. Stephenson 870-743-1110
tensive management from the producer.
Call today for a no-obligation demonstration at your home! Financing Available! “In the case of dairy calves, we see less disease and death from calves that are removed receiving two to three feedings a day, from their dam and fed a known quanBluel recommended feeding a third or tity, quality and clean colostrum,” Dr. Scott Poock, associate Extension professor with the University of Missouri, explained. “This is due to the fact that fourth bottle of exclusively electrolytes – especially if a calf is already showing signs of illness. The electrolytes can be fed to a calf via a tube if it will not take a The voice of the dairy calves tend to be less vigorous than beef calves, and dairy cows mothering ability is much less than beef cows. This means you do not know when the calf nursed the dam, how much colosbottle. Bluel advocated doing whatever it takes to try and keep the calf alive.
Bottle feeding allows producers to The routine feeding of electrolytes can track the calf’s nutritional intake. help prevent this issue. Bluel suggested
When bottle feeding, there are strateproducers keep a commercial solution gies producers can utilize to keep calves on hand, or work with their herd veterihealthy and avoid the dehydration narian to create a homemade solution. that stems from scours and pneumonia, Many dairy calf health problems, inwhich Poock noted are two of the most cluding scours and pneumonia, stem common dairy calf ailments. A calf from poor sanitation practices. Just like that contracts these or other illnesses with the electrolytes, prevention is key. will typically be listless, stand with a “Cleanliness is a cornerstone of keeplowered head, have a runny nose and/ ing calves healthy, all the way from the or a messy backend, and have a fever. environment that the calf is born in,
Reagan Bluel, field specialist in dairy to clean colostrum, to clean feeding with the MU Extension, advised that equipment, to clean bedding, etc. You producers to regularly feed an electrolyte can easily overwhelm a calf’s young solution to keep calves well hydrated immune system by being unsanitary,” www.radiospringfi eld.com and avoid these issues. If a calf is already Poock explained. JUNE 8, 2020 The Ozarks’ Most Read Farm Newspaper 27
Catching dehydration early can be critical. A badly dehydrated calf will have a literal pH change in their blood Ozarks trum it consumed, nor the quality of the and once that happens. “It’s really hard colostrum consumed.” to get her back,” Bluel said.