PEOPLE POTENTIAL POSSIBILITIES Health and Safety Annual Report 2021/22 This report provides an overview of our health and safety performance during the 2021/22 financial year
•ContentsExecutive Summary • Staffing and Training • Accidents • Legal Compliance Health and Safety Annual Report 2021/22
• Investment into fire safety measures across the group including the commencement of replacing smoke detectors for combined units that include heat detection.
• Introduced a digital system to collect the data on accidents and legal compliance.
It reviews activities that have taken place over the last 12 months and our commitment to continuous improvement on health and safety has delivered the following key achievements:
• New initiatives in partnership with local Fire and Rescue Services to deliver awareness training to the people we work alongside and tenants living in the Gainsborough properties.
This report provides an overview of the health and safety performance of the P3 Group from October 2021 to September 2022
Executive Summary
• Comprehensive workforce training and development programme including all Maintenance Operatives at level 3 and above being trained to assess and install fire doors to new regulation standards.
• An increase in health and safety expenditure and investment to replace fire doors and upgrade fire alarm equipment at three of the 24-hour provision services.
Staffing and Training HEALTH & SAFETY AT TRAININGWORK765 TRAININGSAFETYFIRE479 TRAININGFIRSTAID249 HANDLINGMANUALTRAINING507 PERSONALSAFETYTRAINING396 COVID-19PREVENTTRAINING457 TRAININGLADDER226 LEVEL 2 TRAININGHYGIENEFOOD36 Health and Safety Annual Report 2021/22 The Group employs 678 employees, 121 bank staff and 79 volunteers with many working in services operating on a 24/7 365 basis. The Group works over a wide geographical spread across the country, delivering services to over 28,000 people and homes for 1,000 people. HEAD878COUNT NUMBER EMPLOYEESOF678 NUMBER OF BANK121STAFF NUMBER VOLUNTEERSOF79 Training delivered
AccidentsHOSPITALATTENDANCE11 FIRE5 REPORTSRIDDOR2 SICKNESS ABSENCE FROM FOLLOWINGWORKACCIDENTEmployee1–34daysEmployee2–35days Health and Safety Annual Report 2021/22EMPLOYEE16 CONTRACTOR/AGENCY1MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC0 ACCIDENTS31 MOST COMMON StruckTrips/Slips/FallsTYPESbyanObjectOther(mainlycuts) PERSON WE WORK 14ALONGSIDEVEHICLE11ACCIDENTS 6 caused by third party 5 by P3 insured staff Person Affected
There have been 31 accidents this year. This is three fewer than last year, with the most common type being trip, slips and falls. RIDDOR reports are up by two from last year. 11 accidents resulted in visits to hospital.
Warwickshire 1 property. The tenant refused access. Engineer to re-attend 9th September 2022. West Midlands 1 property. The landlord (Council) was previously responsible for obtaining the certificate, but they have informed us it is now our responsibility. Engineer to attend ASAP.
Gloucestershire 1 property. The landlord is responsible but could not gain access. A new key has been cut, and an Electrician to attend ASAP.
Gloucestershire 8 properties. The landlord is responsible for obtaining the certificates, arranged for 5th and 6th September 2022.
Cheshire 1 property. Engineer to attend 31 August 2022
Health and Safety Annual Report 2021/22 GAS SAFETY P3C 94% P3H P3CELECTRICAL96%SAFETY99.8%P3H100% Number of properties with an outstanding gas safety certificate Number11 of properties with an electricaloutstandingsafety certificate 1 Legal Compliance 100%LEGIONELLACOMPLIANT ASBESTOS SAFETY No100%Maintenance(completedOverdueInspectionFRAActionsbyorcontractors)FIRE UnableASSESSMENTSRISK2properties.togainaccess.