I’m Just a warm and tender body, that is searching for a home.
I’m Just a warm and tender body, that is searching for a home. To lighten up the darkness, when I’m feeling all alone. I know the stars shine for me, and I’m friends with mister moon, though they leave me every morning, when the robin sings his tune.
Hidden in the hedgerows comes an answer to his call. As the sparrows’ dance from twig to twig and have themselves a ball.
A gentle breeze is blowing, with the scent of woodland pine. While all the grasses glisten, in this dew dropped world of mine.
The sky it is my rooftop, the mountains are my walls, While I sit on Gods green carpet and watch as the shadows fall. So, all in all I’m thinking of the treasures in my view. So please visit mother nature and spend an hour or two. The space Is free beside me, no council tax or rent. So perhaps in truth I have a home, that God in heaven sent.
Another new day dawning let’s open up our eyes.
Another new day dawning let’s open up our eyes. To all of nature’s splendour and the joys of sweet surprise. The sun has rose to greet you, the signpost guides your way, so should we net say thank you, for this new and blessed day, we listen to the bird’s song, as the wind carries silent prayer Fer all these lucky people, who breathe in the cooling air.
All in life’s a miracle we have the eyes, the ears, the nose... To taste the love and beauty, and the sweetness of the rose Why would we wish to miss it, this treasure built with love. For all you see around you, comes from our father up above. We see the courting couple, as they walk with hand in hand. And marvel at the beauty that God himself has planned. A kiss becomes a token, of a world so full of love. So, find it in your heart today, to give a cuddle or a hug.
One should never fear the future, or weep for times now past.
One should never fear the future, or weep for times now past. Just enjoy each day anew, as if it where your last. For every minute is priceless, each one a precious jewel. That was sent down from Heaven and placed on his footstool. For God in Heaven loves us, it’s he alone who holds the key. That unlocks peace and happiness, in the hearts of you and me We are not forced to trust him; we may walk through life alone. Ignoring every message, pressing silent on the phone. All in life’s a mystery, no one knows what lies ahead. A lifetime with the living, where fate must raise her head. We have light that turns to darkness, the sunshine turns to rain. All the dreams may be forgotten, only love will then remain. A kiss holds heavens beauty, a cuddles like angel wings. A smile is worth a fortune, with the joy and hope it brings.
I travelled in my sleep last night, to a place I did not know.
I travelled in my sleep last night, to a place I did not know. No sun or moon above me, just a warm and soothing glow. Peace was all around me, my feet they walked on air. Had I died and gone to heaven, the land of constant prayer. The grass was at its greenest, the road was long and straight. That ended at a picket fence, with the whitest painted gate. A Paved path to the doorway, which roses grew around. And a multi coloured carpet of flowers filled the ground. A single rustic archway was the framework to a swing. And way back in the distance, was the voice of mountain spring. It seemed to say in English, come up and taste my wares. So, I simply could not turn away, and walked up the golden stairs.
I rested on the soft grass and listened to the stream. It was only when I woke up, I found it was just a dream.
Does the tree refuse to grow, do the birds refuse to sing.
Does the tree refuse to grow, do the birds refuse to sing. The flowers must all open, if joy they are to bring. So be that flower opening, that voice of robins’ song.
Chasing stars and moonbeams, in the heights where you belong. Breathe in the summer’s sunshine, go dancing in the rain. Jump right in that puddle and be that child again. Take your shoes and socks off, go paddling in the stream. Put on those tinted glasses and live the wildest dream. And while you have no shoes on, run bare foot in the park. Look upon the hallowed moon and light that inner spark. The fire is still burning in that chasm deep below. So, listen to its music and watch the candles glow. Taste the wine’s own flavour and cherish every sip. Life is but a cruise you know, so let’s enjoy the trip. Smile then be happy, be peaceful and content. And you will know your living, through a day that heaven sent.
I’m not the sort of person who likes to kiss and tell.
I’m not the sort of person who likes to kiss and tell. But I feel that it’s important, that I should ring somebody’s bell. It may be your misfortune, that the one I chose was you. So, one must pull their socks up, that’s the least that they should do. So, let’s try some multitasking, a wand in either hand. Because a little magic, will make things go as planned. My home is out there somewhere, if you press that magic key A nice two bedroomed bungalow, especially built for me. Roses on the doorstop and flowers all around. To listen to dawns chorus and have a sleep that’s sound. Is that too much to ask for, on this island in the sea? As I forgot the little dolly bird to keep me company! A shop around the corner, a pub across the way. Just thinking of my happiness, should help to make your day.
No dream is big enough my love, so climb the mountains high.
No dream is big enough my love, so climb the mountains high. Then fly just like the eagle in a bright and cloudless sky. Reach the moon by breakfast, and sail the star lit sky. The planets all have stories, let nothing pass you by. All is yours above you, you may reach the heavens door. And step into a new world, that was never reached before. With faith you’ll walk on water, ride the waves of endless sea. So be that special person, that you were meant to be. No limits, borders, fences, for every door you hold the key. You have gained your freedom, no more the mystery. The earth is but a carpet, a bathroom is the sea, The mountain walls no longer hold you, you’re in the heavens flying free.
Life is always what you make it, it’s through blessings you are born.
This world so full of magic when you ride the unicorn.
So green was my valley, when my dreams were anew.
So green was my valley, when my dreams were anew. The sunshine was so golden, and the sky was powder blue. The waters were so tranquil, the wind was but a breeze. The birds were softly singing, green leaves were on the trees. The cornfield held a plenty so we each tasted bread. And looked on the poppy and the roses so red. There was a fire in the parlour and smoke wafted from the stack. And though we then had nothing, it seems nothing we would lack. No work came on a Sunday and the stores they were all shut. Roast beef was on the table, and there was fresh bread to cut. We had church in the morning, golden handshakes and smiles. And afternoon long walks over bridges and crooked stiles. One could breathe in the freshness of the oak and the pine. And believe all this beauty was no one’s but mine. Though we can’t turn the clock back, each day comes anew. So let just embrace it and make our dreams come true.
There are Fairies, Elves and Goblins, and little Woodland sprites.
There are Fairies, Elves and Goblins, and little Woodland sprites. Honeybees and Butterflies and Fireflies with bright lights. The Damsel and the Dragonfly above those lakes so blue. With magic wands and fairy dust where all our wishes do come true.
I have danced among the blue bells in the moonlight shaded dell. I’ve Seen the snowdrops curtsy and that lovely Tinkerbell. There is a place called wonderland, behind an oaken door. A never land where Peter lives, I’ve seen them all before.
I’ve walked the skies of heaven, on clouds number one to nine. Drank Ambrosia with the Angels and know that truth is mine. I’ve climbed up Jacob’s ladder and feen those pearly gates. Though Peter said I’m not allowed to see the future that awaits. It must be kept a secret and man must never know. The glory that is Heaven, where all our souls and spirits glow. So - we only have imagination hope and prayer unless we truly believe in magic.
My house is Gods house, so all who enter in.
My house is Gods house, so all who enter in. Must leave behind their problems, and free themselves of sin, it’s a sin to feel unhappy, it’s a sin to tell a lie. So be at peace my children, let evil pass you by, for only love must enter, then only love may leave, + For God will shower you with gifts and teach you to receive. When one is blessed with sunshine, they have no thoughts of rain. So come and visit our house and be alive again. Love meets you on the doorstep and fills then every room. So, if you are a faded flower, Gods kiss will make you bloom. The heart of hearts will greet you; it is sacred pure and true. And wants to find a resting place, within the heart of you. for you, nothing is impossible, the miracles are there. So, take the weight, off those two feet, and sit in heavens chair.
I walked the paths in silence and was free fed by the land.
I walked the paths in silence and was free fed by the land. Leaving nothing else behind me, but those footprints in the sand. The wind was but a gesture, a cool and gentle breeze. As I forced myself to walk on, to that land beyond the seas. The grasses growing greener, as I left the sea salt air. And I saw that hint of magic and the wind caressed my hair. Forget me not and clover the yellow bittersweet. And stopped to rest a moment, to ease my aching feet. I took my boots and socks off, to dangle in the stream and treasured every moment, as if a living dream. Two plovers they came calling, with their high-pitched twit twhoo. As I searched the roaming meadows, to get a better view. Way back in the distance, they swooped and touched the ground. My vision of them over, without a sight or sound. Just a fleeting moment, they came and then where gone. Now nothing but a memory for me to ponder on.
We need words to build a future that through silence fades away.
We need words to build a future that through silence fades away. We have but a single moment, for we only have today. Tomorrows for the next world, that all must enter in. So be thankful for the present, and the life that is within. We owe ourselves the reason, the laughter, fun and joy. For what God has put together, no human can destroy. This fleeting flashing moment, and the presence of all time. Was made for all to share together, it’s not just yours and mine. So, no one can really steal it, for it is not ours to give. we are a but a speck upon the ocean, till the boatman calls us in. Have we lived a full life and answered those who call. Or have we let life pass us by and held no dreams at all.
All we ask is one day granted, if we ask for things we need.
All we ask is one day granted, if we ask for things we need. But it’s up to us to labour and plant the finest seed. Does the tree refuse to grow, do the birds refuse to sing. The flowers must all open, if joy they want to bring. So be that flower opening, that voice of robins’ song. Chasing stars and moonbeams, in the heights where you belong. Breathe in the summer’s sunshine, go dancing in the rain. Jump right in that puddle and be that child again. Take your shoes and socks off, go paddling in the stream. Put on those tinted glasses and live the wildest dream. And while you have no shoes on, run bare foot in the park. Look upon the hallowed moon and light that inner spark. The fire is still burning in that chasm deep below. So, listen to its music and watch the candles glow. Taste the wine’s own flavour and cherish every sip. Life is but a cruise you know, so let’s enjoy the trip. Smile please and be happy, be peaceful and content. And you will know your living, through a day that’s heaven sent.
Eagle House, Cotmanhay Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 8HU
Tel: 0115 850 8190