CBA-Annual Report 2012-2013

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2012-13 IN REVIEW






















The gifts recognized in this Annual Report were received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. The donor lists included here have been prepared with great care, but we know that omissions and errors can occur despite the best efforts to avoid them. If inaccuracies are noted, we hope that you will advise us of the error, and accept our apology.

Dear Fellow Alumni, Parents and Friends


BA marked a special milestone last year. We welcomed our first 50th reunion class, the founding class of 1963, who began their reunion weekend by participating in our 2013 commencement exercises. Our new graduates hailed our first graduates with a resounding standing ovation, and as the class of 2013 received their diplomas, the class of 1963 presented them with commemorative coins, challenging them to present their coins, 50 years later, to the class of 2063. The gesture was symbolic of the way the tradition and brotherhood of the Colts has been passed down to each succeeding class. Whether it’s academic success, victory in athletic competition or doing volunteer service for those in need, our students truly strive to make the best of their God-given talents. On behalf of the Brothers, administration, faculty, students and staff, I would like to thank all of you for your support of our work at Christian Brothers Academy. As you will see in this report, the response to our Annual Fund appeal last year was remarkable. Fifty percent more donors responded to the appeal than had done so in the previous year, and through your generosity, we surpassed our $350,000 goal.

Br. Frank Byrne, FSC ’75 PRESIDENT

With the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horowitz, Patrick Thornton ’71, and Mark Brennan ’82, we launched the CBA Scholarship Initiative, which will enable more students to become part of the CBA tradition. You have all been an integral part of our mission and the work we do here. Our Founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle, often reminded the Brothers of their momentous task of helping young people to grow in body, mind and spirit. Thanks to your generosity, Lasallian education continues to thrive here at CBA. May God bless you, and all of those who are a part of Christian Brothers Academy. Sincerely,

Br. Frank Byrne, FSC ’75 President

Christian Brothers Academy Administration

Board of Trustees 2012-13 John A. Giunco ’70 CHAIRMAN

Brother Frank Byrne, FSC ’75 PRESIDENT

Peter R. Santanello, M.S., Ed.M PRINCIPAL




Mark D. Hall ’71 VICE-CHAIRMAN

Joseph R. Tort, Sr. ’76 VICE-CHAIRMAN

Brother Frank Byrne, FSC ’75 TREASURER

Sean M. Pattwell SECRETARY


Joseph C. Bergamo

William S. Attardi ’82

Walter J. Brasch ’70


William R. Davidson ’63

Brendan McLoughlin

Kathleen M. Doehner


Sean Duffy ’70 R. Scott Garley ’74 Brother John Kane, FSC John L. Kelly Robert J. Kortenhaus ’79 Brother Ralph Montedoro, FSC William D. Moss ’75 Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC Maureen E. Staub Thomas W. Strachan ’63 Bernard J. Berry, Jr. TRUSTEE EMERITUS






Letter From The Chairman Dear CBA Community:

focusing on the

2013 was a most challenging yet rewarding year for

long-term strategic

CBA. The students once again surpassed all of our

view, and the

expectations. In the post-Sandy storm recovery, CBA

success of CBA in

students across the community served those who had

years to come.

been impacted in so many different ways. Numerous times in discussions with municipal officials and area

With the students,

residents, I was gratified at their recognition of the

faculty, Christian

contributions made by CBA students.

Brothers and administration all achieving so much, it remains

Our students continue to excel in academics,

for us, the wider CBA community to provide the

college admissions, and extra-curricular activities.

supporting leadership and financial resources

Student performances, jazz band concerts, athletic

necessary to permit CBA to excel in its work with

competitions and all of the extracurricular activities

the students, to expand the delivery of a first quality

demonstrate the community of CBA and the great

education to our students, and to continue to educate

effort that the faculty and administration make to

our community. We must always reflect on what

stimulate and motivate the students.

CBA has meant to each and every one of us, to our families, to our sons and what it will mean to all of us

As ever, we all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to

as time goes on.

the Christian Brothers. Their leadership, guidance and philosophy permeate everything at CBA.

I want to thank everyone for their assistance and their interest in CBA, and to mention particularly the

The faculty constantly demonstrate their commitment

long and dedicated efforts of the Board of Trustees

to CBA and the students. CBA’s teachers work hard,

along with each and every component of the CBA

achieving excellence in both their own professional

community. Thankfully, St. John Baptist de La Salle

development, and the education of our students.

continues to pray for us, and we should be mindful of

Their willingness to contribute wherever there is

that every single day.

a need, and to support the school in maintaining excellence is truly outstanding.

Very truly yours,

The administration continues to guide the school with a sure and steady hand. Our administrators address the educational needs of our students, both

John A. Giunco ’70

individually and collectively, every day, while also

Chair, CBA Board of Trustees

Annual Report 2012-13


2012-13 CBA YEAR IN REVIEW First Day of Class September 6, 2012

The Class of 2016 – nearly 290 strong – arrived for their first day at CBA. As always, the entire school community gathered to mark the opening of a new school year with the celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit.

Curricular Enhancements September 2012

New courses in 2012-13 included

Quinn Library October 20, 2012

creative writing and journalism, and

Project 50th donors were

introductory Arabic was added to CBA’s

honored at the Benefactors

offerings in world languages. The

Reception held in the new

course is taught by Nevine Mounir

Quinn Library.

Sidhom, who holds a B.A. from the University of Alexandris (Egypt).

Translation: Teaching Arabic language at Christian Brothers Academy

Clambake September 7, 2012


Michael ’64 and Janice Quinn

ShopRite Cup September 25, 2012

CBA was awarded our fifth ShopRite Cup,

Several hundred alumni, parents, and friends

presented annually to the best high school

enjoyed the 11th annual Clambake in Sea Bright.

athletic program in New Jersey as determined by

Sponsored by the Alumni Association, this year’s

performance in state tournaments. In the 2011-2012

event raised more than $40,000 for the Alumni

academic year, CBA won seven state championships,

Association Scholarship Fund.

earning the Colts the top spot once again.

Christian Brothers Academy

Chess Championship November 26, 2012

For the third year in a row, the chess team won the

Hall of Fame November 2012

team title at the National Chess Congress Tournament

In an effort to extend the reach and expand the number of the recognitions, CBA announced that the Alumni Awards would transition into a new, larger Hall of Fame. Planning began for the first

in Philadelphia, beating both Penn State University and NYU. The team went on to place fifth in the country at the 12th, 11th and 10th grade levels at the National Grade Championships in December 2012.

Hall of Fame induction ceremony in 2013.

Sandy October 29, 2012

Superstorm Sandy struck the East Coast, making her mark on the Jersey Shore community and CBA campus. Some CBA families were displaced, and many faced property damage and were affected by prolonged power outages and fuel shortages. Many students and faculty volunteered in areas affected by the storm until school reopened on November 12.

XC State Title November 17, 2012

The cross country team took home

President’s Dinner December 5, 2012

the Non-Public A State Championship

Brother Frank thanked CBA’s

in record fashion. The five-man

major donors at the annual

average of 16:03.2 was the greatest

President’s Dinner, held this

performance in meet and course

year at the Shadowbrook in

history, and helped give the nationally-


ranked Colts our 24th and thirdstraight state title. Annual Report 2012-13


CBA Jazz February 12, 2013 Crew Title February 3, 2013

Colts oarsmen captured the team title at

Composer and Rolling Stones saxophonist Tim Ries visited CBA to conduct a master class for the CBA Jazz Ensemble.

the NJ Indoor Rowing Championships.

Pipes & Drums February 8, 2013

Honors Convention February 20, 2013

The 13th annual Honors Convocation celebrated

The CBA pipes and drums band debuted to

students’ academic achievements, including the induction

wide acclaim before the CBA community. The

of seven seniors and 36 juniors into the National Honor

group made its first public appearances at the

Society. Three members of the class of 2013 were

South Amboy and Rumson St. Patrick’s Day

named finalists in the National Merit program, with

Parades in March 2013.

11 classmates receiving letters of commendation. Also recognized were 196 students who earned First Honors and 282 students who earned Second Honors.


Christian Brothers Academy

Networking Night

Swim State Title February 24, 2013

Alumni Association March 6, 2013

February 21, 2013

The swim team completed another

Alumni and friends gathered at

The Alumni Association kicked off its

championship season by defeating

a reception hosted by CBA in

new Networking Night series at Beacon

Seton Hall Prep 113-57 in the

Palm Beach, Florida – one in

Hill Country Club. The event offered

Non-Public A State Championship

the new series of regional events

an opportunity for new and established

meet. This marked the fourth-

sponsored by the school to foster

alumni to rekindle friendships and

straight title for the Colts and their

alumni connections outside the

make professional connections.

fifth title overall.

New Jersey area.

Gordon Cup February 23, 2013

The Wedding Singer March 1, 2013

The No. 2 Colts defeated Delbarton in the

The Pegasus Production Company, CBA’s student-run

Gordon Cup finals by the score of 5-2. The

theater troupe, had a successful opening of “The Wedding

Colts scored three goals in under five minutes

Singer.” Comprised of over 70 students, the cast, crew,

to beat the No. 1 ranked team in the state.

and pit entertained more than 500 members of the CBA community during the show’s opening weekend.

Annual Report 2012-13


Awards Ceremony April 24, 2013

CBA honored the many achievements of its students and faculty members at the annual Academic Awards Ceremony

Rugby State Title May 14, 2013

In its first year, CBA’s rugby team won the high school state championship sponsored by Rugby New Jersey.

following the Mass of Saint LaSalle. Mrs. Jeannine Maloney received the Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award. Also honored for their 25 years of service to CBA were Rev. John Folchetti, Dr. Mary Trank, and Br. Joseph Miggins, FSC.

Grandparents’ Day May 9, 2013

Graduation May 23, 2013

Students shared the CBA experience with their grandparents

The Class of 2013 joined the ranks of Academy

during our 18th annual Grandparents’ Day, which included the

alumni. This year also marked the 50th anniversary

Mass of the Ascension and a brunch held in their honor.

of the first graduating class in CBA history, and members of the Class of 1963 participated in the commencement exercises, presenting a Challenge


Christian Brothers Academy

Coin to each of the 2013 graduates.

Class of 1963 Reunion May 24, 2013

The Class of 1963 celebrated their 50th reunion — CBA’s first — with a dinner dance in the Quinn Library. Attendees enjoyed dancing to songs from the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s, performed by PS4, with classmate Sam Siciliano ’63 as vocalist.

Team and Fitness Center June 2013

Construction began on the new Team and Fitness Center, which would become one of the largest high school fitness centers in the state and include a state-of-the-art trainer’s room, weight room, and cardiovascular room.

CBA BBQ June 8, 2013 Century Club Celebration June 6, 2013

An opportunity for alumni parent donors to reconnect and review the highlights of the most recent school year, the annual Century Club Celebration recognized benefactors who reached new anniversary milestones.

CBA community members of all ages enjoyed the 4th annual year-end family BBQ. The Alumni Association, Fathers’ Club, Mothers’ Club and Student Council joined forces to organize a day full of activities including a dunk tank, pony rides, rock climbing wall, human foosball, the alumni beer garden, and a music stage featuring CBA student bands. Annual Report 2012-13


Advancement at CBA Generally, when someone thinks of advancement in relation

• Communications – keeping the CBA community

to an educational institution, the first thing that comes

informed about what’s happening on campus through such

to mind is money. While no Catholic school can survive

media devices as CBA Today, the Annual Report, the Colt

without the gifts of alumni, friends, parents and other

Connection and the CBA website.

members of the school community, at CBA advancement

• Advancement Services – maintaining the

is much more than just fund-raising. Relationships are

school’s alumni and donor database, conducting prospective

what ultimately provide the basis for a school’s success, and

donor research, planning and managing stewardship, and

relationship building is the essential priority of the CBA

maintaining donor privacy and confidentiality.

Office of Advancement.

• Development – developing strong relationships

The Office of Advancement supports, encourages and

with donors and building an enhanced philanthropic

promotes the academic mission and vision of CBA

culture to promote the continued growth of the Annual

through an array of programs dedicated to engaging all

Fund, and to secure planned gifts and major gifts toward

members of the CBA community. As a result, the Office

scholarship funds and other restricted areas of interest.

of Advancement encompasses many different activities, all with one common purpose: building a stronger CBA,

Although each of these functions is unique, they are

one that embraces and is known for its past successes and

interrelated and dependent on each other for success.

respected for its future promise.

Please take a few moments and get to know the Office

Our key functions include:

of Advancement by visiting the CBA website at www.

• Alumni Relations – forming bonds among CBA graduates and keeping alumni connected with our school.


Christian Brothers Academy, or call us at (732) 747-1959 ext. 223. We look forward to hearing from you.

The CBA advancement team is led by Br. Frank Byrne ’75 and Bill Attardi ’82. Seated, from left, Pat McGann ’71 (alumni relations), Bill Attardi ’82, Br. Frank. Standing, from left, Rita Reilly (advancement services and publications), Mike Tomaino ’95 (web technolog y), Sara Britton (communications consultant), Vito Chiaravalloti ’99 (admissions and Academy relations), Rita Dorgan (assistant to the president), Sean Zipf (Annual Fund)

Capital Campaign and Advancement Programs Cash Received July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 Project 50th $525,421 Annual Fund $351,028 Contributions from Auxiliary Groups Alumni Association $30,000 Mothers’ Club $120,000 Alumni Mothers’ Club $15,500 Fathers’ Club $25,000 Contributions from Auxiliary Groups $190,500 Net Income from Special Events Pot of Gold Raffle $76,975 Net Income from Special Events $76,975 Funds Raised for Special Purposes Student Athletics and Activities $36,510 Financial Aid $26,776 Named Scholarships $126,391 Funds Raised for Special Purposes $189,677 Unrestricted Memorial and Estate Gifts $4,530 TOTAL 2012-13 CONTRIBUTIONS $1,338,131

Project 50th


Annual Fund


Contributions from Auxiliary Groups


Net Income from Special Events Funds Raised for Special Purposes Unrestricted Memorial and Estate Gifts

Annual Report 2012-13

6% 14% 1%


Summary of Revenue and Expenses July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 Gross Tuition Income


Less Financial Aid & Scholarships


Net Tuition Receipts


Advancement & Other Fund-raising


Fees and Other Operating Revenue


Total Receipts


Salaries & Wages


Payroll Taxes & Employee Benefits


Capital Expenditures


Operation of Plant


Advancement Office Expenses


Student Athletic Programs


Office & Administrative Expenses


Professional & Other Fees


Appropriation for Funding of Prepaid Tuition


Other Expenses


Student Activities Programs


Contribution to Scholarship Endowment Fund


Contribution to Project 50th Capital Project


The CBA Endowment

The mission of CBA’s endowment is to support the students, programs, and activities of the school in perpetuity. Maintaining and growing the value of the endowment is critical to ensuring that CBA has a steady source of income in the future. Over the years, the CBA endowment has seen steady gains, and buoyed by a strong stock market and an influx of new donations, grew over 16% from June 30, 2012 to $12.9 million on June 30, 2013. To support the CBA endowment, donors may establish endowed funds to support a specific purpose of their own choosing in perpetuity. Endowed funds may support student scholarships, specific programs, faculty development or the general needs of the school. 14

Christian Brothers Academy

13,690,085 Many donors choose to establish an endowed fund in order to honor a loved one, or to memorialize an important figure in their life, ensuring that their name and generosity will forever be a guiding force in CBA’s success.

$ million

Total Expenses, Disbursements & Appropriations

CBA’s New Fitness Center Last spring, Brother Frank Byrne launched Phase III of Project 50th, to add a new wing to CBA’s athletic facilities. “With 17 varsity sports teams, an extensive intramural program, and one of the best interscholastic athletic programs in our state,” said Brother Frank, “CBA’s athletes, teams, and physical education curriculum require more sophisticated sports infrastructure and equipment than our current facilities can offer. The new athletic wing is designed to meet those needs.” Lead donor Robert Tomaino ’73 responded promptly with a $50,000 pledge in memory of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse A. Tomaino. Over the next several months, generous lead and major gifts were made by other alumni and parents, and additional income was raised through the sale of the commemorative bricks lining the walkway outside the entrance to the school’s performing arts and athletic wing. (Gifts received after June 30, 2013 are outside the scope of this Annual Report, and will be individually acknowledged in next year’s publication.) As the 2012-13 school year came to a close, construction began on the new Fitness Center wing adjacent to the McKay Gym. The Center was completed over the summer, and students began using it in the fall.

The Quinn – Sagui Challenge Michael Quinn ’64 and Gary Sagui ’69 have challenged their fellow alumni to complete the funding for the new Fitness Center. To assist in the effort, Quinn and Sagui have generously undertaken to match — up to a total of $200,00 — all fitness center gifts received before June 31, 2014 from first-time alumni donors, as well as largest-to-date gifts from alumni who have given to CBA previously. More information on the Quinn – Sagui Challenge is available on CBA’s website,

Commemorative Bricks

Commemorative bricks purchased in 2013 have now been installed at the entrance to the Fitness and Performing Arts Wing. New bricks may be ordered until June 31, 2014 and will be installed over the summer. For more information, and to order your brick, please visit CBA’s website at

Annual Report 2012-13


Planned Giving Program Every day, we write a new page in the story of our lives – a story that becomes the legacy we will pass down to future generations. For many members of our community, an important part of their life story is their relationship with CBA, and like the individuals listed below, you can honor your relationship by creating a lasting legacy of generosity to ensure generations of students the opportunity to enrich their lives and Christian heritage. There is no better way to honor the education you value than by creating such a testament to its future. With a planned gift to CBA, you leave a legacy that proclaims your faith that we will continue to do the work that you value. A planned gift not only helps to ensure that a Lasallian education is available to future generations of young men, but also offers a number of important benefits to the donor: •

Establish a legacy for yourself and your loved ones

Deepen your connection to other alumni

Give back for all you have received in a

purposeful and structured way

Add meaning to your gift by naming it

to honor a special friend or loved one

Establish an endowment to fund a named

scholarship or to fund a program that has

special meaning for you

Become involved in CBA’s vision for the future

A common misconception is that planned giving is only for the very wealthy. In fact, individuals of all levels of wealth can engage in strategic planned giving and leave a permanent legacy at Christian Brothers Academy. Planned giving offers distinct advantages in helping you manage your estate, secure your retirement and provide for your heirs. It is a part of an overall financial plan that will help you prepare for the future and meet your financial objectives. With a carefully considered gift strategy and estate planning, planned gifts can help you take advantage of a number of tax benefits and even provide income for yourself or others during your or their lifetimes. 16

Christian Brothers Academy

Unlike gifts of cash, planned gifts typically come from assets in your future estate, rather than from present disposable income. Planned gifts allow you to leave a legacy that fits your philanthropic goals. Among the planned giving options you may wish to consider are: •


Life Insurance

Charitable Gift Annuities

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Retirement Benefits

Beneficiary Designations

Charitable Lead Trusts

Signum Fidei Society

A donor who notifies CBA of a planned gift becomes a member of the Signum Fidei Society. Signum Fidei (Sign of the Faith) was selected as the motto of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1751. The motto appears prominently on the Institute’s coat of arms, and also on the seal of Christian Brothers Academy. We gratefully recognize the following individuals who have entrusted their legacy to the vision of our school by making estate gifts or informing us that CBA is included in their estate plans.

Anonymous Sean Duffy ’70 John A. Giunco ’70 Michael R. & Phyllis M. Hayes † Rev. Garry R. Koch Robert J. Kortenhaus ’79 Robert R. Lewis ’83 Thomas G. Ley ’77

William D. Moss ’75 John Mulheren ’67 † Brendan T. O’Connor ’72 Janet S. Peters † Eleanor Pfaff † Daniel Spinogatti † Br. Stephen Sullivan, FSC † Joseph R. Tort, Sr. ’76

Whether your goal is to establish your legacy, support a program or project that is of great interest to you, supplement your income, lower your taxes, create a lasting remembrance of the values you embrace, experience the satisfaction of making a philanthropic statement, or a combination of these, we ask you to visit our planned giving website at cbalincroftnj. Take a look around and explore the site. For further information please contact advancement director Bill Attardi ’82 at or (732)747-1959 ext. 223.

Brendan O’Connor ’72

With three brothers, his son and two nephews as fellow Colts, CBA has been very important to Brendan O’Connor and his family. So much so, that Mr. O’Connor recently decided to name CBA as a beneficiary of one of his IRA accounts. As a certified financial planner and licensed public accountant, Mr. O’Connor understands the benefits of making this type of planned gift to a charitable organization. The full value of his gift will be maintained, since a gift of this kind will not require CBA to pay either estate or income taxes. Additionally, unlike a cash bequest, his investment will likely grow over time, allowing his ultimate gift to keep up with inflation. Mr. O’Connor earned his B.S. in accounting at Manhattan College. He started his career at Price Waterhouse, where he worked as a CPA and in management. For the past 27 years, Mr. O’Connor has provided financial planning services through his own practice. He is also the president of the Estate and Financial Planning Council of Central New Jersey, member of the American Institute of CPAs and the Planned Giving Committee for the Meridian Health Affiliated Foundations, and chairman of CBA’s Endowment Committee.

Mark Brennan ’82

An involved supporter of CBA’s Scholarship Initiative both through fund-raising leadership and personal donations, Mark Brennan is cementing his legacy of aid to future Colts with a bequest. By leaving a significant percentage of his net worth to CBA to establish an endowed scholarship fund, he will help to provide full scholarships for high achieving students from low income families for generations to come. “I am grateful for the lifelong friendships I made at CBA as well as for the rigor with which it prepared me intellectually, socially, and as a human being,” said Mr. Brennan. “My interactions with the school since graduating have only confirmed the positive sentiments I left with.” From CBA, Mr. Brennan went on to the College of the Holy Cross (AB), Cornell University (MBA), New York University (MA), and the University of Pennsylvania (AM and PhD). He started his financial career as a CPA at Price Waterhouse and later became an equity analyst and portfolio manager in the asset management and hedge fund industries. He is currently a professor of ethics at New York University.

“I believe the experience at CBA (both academics and athletics) prepared me well for college and my business career,” said Mr. O’Connor. “I want to help provide this same opportunity to others who don’t have the financial means.”

Annual Report 2012-13


The Scholarship Initiative Making the impossible possible. That’s what a scholarship can do when a highly motivated, highly qualified student aspires to an education beyond the reach of his family’s financial capacity. Scholarship support is the deciding factor for students like this, providing them with a pathway from dreams to reality.

Most importantly, funding a scholarship is one of the most meaningful ways to ensure that deserving students will have an opportunity to receive an academically rigorous, Lasallian education, regardless of their financial circumstances. Scholarships change lives.

Inspired by this vision, Brother Frank Byrne has established the CBA Scholarship Initiative, with the goal of raising $2 million in scholarship funding over the next three years. The Initiative was launched in May 2013, with lead gifts from Michael and Lucille Horowitz, establishing the Michael J. Horowitz ’81 Memorial Scholarship Endowment, and from Patrick J. Thornton ’71, establishing the Br. A. Bernard McKenna Scholarship Endowment.

Patrick J. Thornton ’71

The Scholarship Initiative has been further advanced with the encouragement of Mark Brennan ’82, who hosted a gathering of interested alumni in December 2013. As this Annual Report goes to press, more than ten generous alumni have come forward to establish new named scholarships or add to existing ones. Those and additional gifts will be recognized in the Annual Report for 2013-14.

Founder, The Br. A. Bernard McKenna Endowed Scholarships “What inspires me to give to CBA, among so many other worthy groups? I give because three generations of Brothers, faculty and parents have made students — young men like me — their sole priority. When I look back now, I realize how much I needed CBA. Young men today need that same priority. So for me, it’s a natural impulse to give, to support CBA and the mission of St. John Baptist de La Salle.”

All members of the CBA community are invited to join this Initiative. Funding a scholarship is not just about students, it’s also about you. It offers you an opportunity to honor a loved one, a classmate, or a teacher; and to make a strong statement about your own values.

Scholarship Student Profiles Joseph Sanfratello ’12

Arthur Adriano ’17

Joseph Sanfratello ’12, recipient of a Lt. Dennis Zilinski II ’00 Memorial Scholarship

Arthur Adriano ’17, recipient of an Edward Hall Gmelich Memorial Scholarship

Currently a student at Lehigh University, Joe says, “The experience I had at CBA will always be one of the fondest memories of my life. I am forever thankful for being given the opportunity to receive a Lasallian education.

“My Mom and Dad always wanted me to have a Christian education, a Catholic education, and they were really hoping for it in high school. They knew about CBA, but they knew that they would have to work very hard to be able to afford the tuition.

“CBA prepared me for the challenges that I face in both the classroom and around campus, giving me the determination and inner drive to succeed. CBA not only provided me with an excellent education but fostered me into the man I am today.”

“My Dad died in 2006. That put a dream that was both mine and my parents’ into jeopardy. My mother was afraid it would be impossible for me to attend CBA. We heard there were some scholarships available, so I applied. When Brother Frank called and told me that I had received a scholarship, it was a dream come true.”

– More information on the CBA Scholarship Initiative is at – 18

Christian Brothers Academy

2012-13 Scholarship Donors Christian Brothers Academy is grateful to the donors listed here, who made gifts in support of scholarship funds during 2012-13. So too are the students whom these scholarships support.

The Frank Bulzis Memorial Mathematics Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Akersten Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bach Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand B. Bayona Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand T. Berlin Frances Boller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bouchard Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bozzetti Mrs. Frank Bulzis Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bulzis Kimberly O. Cartano Virginia A. Cerreta Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Giralo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Grosso Frances E. Hagerman The Huhn Family IIT Employees Mr. and Mrs. Shailendra K. Jain Ann Kallighan Irene Kallighan Mary D. Kallighan Michael H. Kallighan Suzanne J. Kallighan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelly Eilea Knotts Mr. and Mrs. Aram S. Kratlian Mr. Michael A. Kratlian ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kratlian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lockwood Jeannine C. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Maloney ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Marchese Elise M. McCaffery

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McSherry Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mellaci Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Merrick The Monteleone Family Mr. and Mrs. William Nelligan Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Petruzzella Marie Pietrowiak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Policastro Kathleen Policastro Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Smith Marion Venckus The Daniel Censullo ’84 Memorial Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Censullo The Gerald V. Ceres ’03 Memorial Physics Award

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Ceres ’70 The Beauvais and Bernardine Duffy Memorial Spanish Award

The Michael J. Horowitz ’81 Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horowitz The Brother Peter Mannion Memorial Scholarship

Constance Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Van Wagner ’83 The Brother A. Bernard McKenna Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton ’71 The Peter T. Milano Memorial Scholarship

The Peter T. Milano Scholarship Fund, Inc. The Jack Murray Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Livanos Patricia Murray

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Duffy ’70

The Lt. Deniis W. Zilinski II ’00 Memorial Scholarship

The Daniel J. Gallagher ’96 Memorial Scholarship

The Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski II Memorial Fund

Regina E. Gallagher † The Edward Hall Gmelich Memorial Scholarship

The Barbara A. Zybrick Memorial Scholarship

Stefen Zybrick

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Gmelich The Laura Lovering Herbermann Memorial Scholarship

Charles Herbermann

Annual Report 2012-13


The Annual Fund The Annual Fund is Christian Brothers Academy’s

to academic excellence, opportunity creation, leadership

yearly campaign to raise funds in support of our school’s

and spiritual development. It is our hope and expectation

operating budget. The caliber of the CBA education and

that all members of the CBA community will share in the

experience depends greatly on the resources available to the

responsibility to support the Annual Fund as it builds to

school. The size and flexibility of the Annual Fund ensures

the level of other premier

that there are adequate resources every year to sustain and

independent schools.

enhance CBA’s distinctive margin of excellence.

All at Christian Brothers

Through the Annual Fund, programs are strengthened, and

Academy are grateful to those

faculty and staff are provided with the tools necessary for

whose names appear on the

students to learn at the highest level both inside and outside

following pages, for their

the classroom. Financial aid is enhanced and more solidly

generous contributions to the

embedded as a core strategic element of our commitment

Annual Fund in 2012-13.

Annual Fund Donors 2012-13 The Saint LaSalle Society Annual Fund giving of $10,000 or more

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Doehner

Dr. and Mrs. Sal T. LaForgia

William T. Child ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnell

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lewicki

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Clarke

Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Noe ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cleary

St. John Baptist de la Salle (1651-

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reynolds ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Murphy ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cole ’66

1719) founded the Institute of the

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton ’71

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Samaras

Kenneth A. Collins ’83

Frank C. Scheuer ’77 and Leigh Royer

Nicholas J. Danna ’07

Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Tombs

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. DeFelice, Jr. ’70

Brothers of the Christian Schools in France in the years between

Lasallian schools, colleges and

The Brother Andrew O’Gara Society Annual Fund giving of $2,500.00 or more

universities in some 80 countries

Brother Andrew O’Gara, F.S.C.

The President’s Circle Annual Fund giving of $1,000 or more

around the world.

(1928-2008) was Principal of

Donors at the level of the

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kane

Christian Brothers Academy

Mr. and Mrs. Jean Deutschle ’69

President’s Circle and above

from 1979 until 1991, when he

Mr. and Mrs. William N. Dooley

are invited to the annual

became the Academy’s first

President’s Dinner, hosted

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Drechsler ’90


by Brother Frank Byrne each

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Allingham, Jr. ’79


Very Rev Gary J. Breton and

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Alexander ’76

1679 and 1719. Today, more than 900,000 students attend

The Brother Bernard McKenna Society Annual Fund giving of $5,000.00 or more Brother Bernard McKenna,

Mary C. Buletza

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denig ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Babeuf

F.S.C. (1914-91) was the first

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Casagrande ’68

Principal of Christian Brothers

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barham ’71

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. DeFelice ’84

Jane P. Beres

Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Dixon

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Boyan, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eno

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Braniff, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Galano, Jr. ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Brennan ’82

Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Garley ’74

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Butler ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Carey

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon, Jr. ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Castle ’90

Academy, serving in that office from 1959 to 1965, and as a member of the math faculty in the 1970s-80s.

Anonymous The Charitable Foundation of the Burns Family, Inc.


Christian Brothers Academy

The Gregory M. & Deborah M. DeSaye Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Dettling ’87

Mr. † and Mrs. Arthur J. Dunne Joseph P. Finn ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Frake ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Galiano Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius T. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Denis Gallagher ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Gallagher ’70 Jonathan A. George ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gesuele Mr. and Mrs. John A. Giunco ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey I. Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hall Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ham

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Hamm ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Tierney, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Gibson ’91

Russell J. Palmeri ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Tomaino ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Gimlett

Scot M. Pasquale ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hickman

Dr. and Mrs. Benedict J. Trigani

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gleason

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pellicone

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Housen

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Vassallo

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Phillipps

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Housen

Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Visceglia

Lawrence R. Goldman ’84 and Meeta Sehgal

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Warren ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Grier ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Saker, Jr. ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Joyce, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Zizik ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Griffin

Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Grillo

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Scharpf

William R. Grimm ’70 and Deborah Shadd

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Schwartz ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Norbert T. Knapp

The Past Principals’ Circle Annual Fund Giving of $500 or more

Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Haney ’89

Mr. and Mrs. † John P. Shibles

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kneeley

The Past Principals’ Circle

Mr. and Mrs. George Hempstead

Mary T. Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Knepple

honors Brother Bernard

Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Henderson ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Soden

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Kolb ’83

McKenna, F.S.C., Principal

Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Henning

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Stoddard ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Maistre

1959-65; Brother Stephen

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hoffmann ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stolbof

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mancuso

McCabe, F.S.C., 1965-72;

Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Holahan ’71

Brother Peter Mannion,

Dr. and Mrs. Sean D. Houston

F.S.C., 1972-79; Brother

Dr. Peter H. Stuntebeck and Dr. Susan Stuntebeck

Philip E. Hunrath ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Timko

Amish A. Jani ’95 and Sapna Gupta

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Triano ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jennings

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Turi

Brother John Kane, FSC

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Twyman ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Kazalski

Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Vento ’01

James R. Kostulias ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Williams ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kraft ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Yurcisin ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Krauss

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Zavoluk

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kuhn ’75

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Zybrick ’79

Edward M. Joyce ’79 and Linda Gerstel Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kennedy ’89 Jeffrey H. Knapp ’98

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Markowski Sheila Martello John J. McCann Mrs. Peter McKay Mr. and Mrs. John P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah F. McNamara ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Moschella Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Mulholland ’78 John E. Murachanian ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Normoyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Novellano Brendan T. O’Connor ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. O’Malley John P. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Palisi Mr. and Mrs. Spiro P. Pappas ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Popolo, Jr. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. Ralph ’72

Andrew O’Gara, F.S.C. 197991; Brother Ralph Montedoro, F.S.C. 1991-2003; Brother Stephen Olert, F.S.C., 200308; and Brother James Butler, F.S.C., 2008-12

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Begley ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Betz William T. Burke ’65 Brother Frank Byrne, FSC ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cali Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cary Patrick G. Cavanaugh ’96 Kevin M. Christiano ’89 Mark S. Collins ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Colot, Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Connolly

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Raymond ’85

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. John F. Crotty

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Reilly, Jr. ’89

Hubert C. Cutolo ’91

Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Rigney ’89

Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Daley ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Russo ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Doehner ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Russo ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Doherty

Mrs. Paul H. Saake

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dolan, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Saling ’79

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Dubel

Frank R. Santangelo ’69

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Egan III

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Savage ’82

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Falk

Mr. Anthony J. Sfarra ’92

Mr. and Mrs. John Feniello

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Shaw ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fitzgerald ’85

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sheehan ’86

Kent J. Fleming

William J. Sitar

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Frigoletto

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Stavola

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Garland ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stefanik

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Genecki ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Terrill

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Giampaolo

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russotto

James Sharp

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lewis ’83 Robert J. Luby ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Lupo ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Lutschaunig ’79 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Marsicano Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mazzaccaro Mrs. Daniel J. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. John L. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. McGovern ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McGuire ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. McKeon Charles G. McManus ’63 David C. Mellon ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Miele ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Milazzo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Mindnich ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Molinari ’87 Brother Ralph Montedoro, FSC Mr. and Mrs. E. Trip Mooney ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Mullane ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mustillo ’80 Dr. and Mrs. William B. O’Grady Dr. and Mrs. William J. Orsini Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Pak

The Blue and White Club Annual Fund giving of $250 or more Mr. and Mrs. Mark Adams ’68 Mr. and Mrs. William Alter Mr. and Mrs. James Anastasio Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Antonides ’78 Richard W. Arzberger ’74 William V. Attardi Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Balsamello ’03 Edward E. Bao Dennis D. Barrett ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Barrows, Jr. ’75 William P. Baum ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bean Edward F. Bechold ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Beisel ’88 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Berry ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Blinn ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bogan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bohny ’81 Mr. and Mrs. John Bosco Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bovino ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boyle

Annual Report 2012-13


Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boytano

William T. Gotta ’03

Antonio B. Mon

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Aiello

Alfred A. Bradley & JoAnne Mazerolle

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Gowen

Conor P. Murphy ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aiello

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Brady ’78

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Graziano ’73

Marie Neidermeyer

Mr. & Mrs. D. Robert Akerhielm ’75

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Brandon ’80

Dr. and Mrs. John S. Greco, Jr.

Mrs. J. Henry O’Hern

Mrs. Richard J. Alexander

John A. Briody ’78

Kevin T. Grier ’00

Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Orciuolo

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexander ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Britton

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pacelli

David P. Alldian, Jr. ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brydon ’75

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Grossman

Dr. and Mrs. Scott E. Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Allingham ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Callahan

Charles J. Grosso ’94

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Penney

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Almerini ’76

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Campi

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ham III ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Pisani ’95

Jose Alonso ’72

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Child ’89

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Plunkett

Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Clark, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Harter, Jr. ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Prince

Andre S. Ameer ’97 and Sylvia M. Oliviera

Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Clune, Jr. ’67

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Hartwyk, Jr. ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quincannon

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Arbes

John M. Coff ’88

Mr. and Mrs. J. Nolan Higgins ’74

Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Ragan

Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Arbour

Jason Colavita ’91

Thomas J. Hindman ’90

Dr. and Mrs. David Glenn Ramos

Mrs. William Arden

Dennis A. Collins ’81

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hines, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Raven

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Attardi ’90

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Condon ’84

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Holsey ’67

Thomas M. Reardon III ’82

Marc V. Attardi ’85

Dr. Derek J. Conover ’98 and Dr. Joanna K. Conover

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huntley ’73

Richard C. Reznak ’68

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Attardi ’82

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Husson ’63

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rocco ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Ayers ’76

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Corrigan

Vincent Iuliano

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Rooney ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Crowe ’71

Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Jacobus

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Savage ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Franz J. Balve

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Crowley

Michael B. Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Schuhardt

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Barnett, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Cusat

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Jordan ’87

Michael D. Sheehan ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Baron ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. D’Agostino

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Judge ’87

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sheehan ’65

Graceann M. Barrett

Dr. and Mrs. Miguel Damien ’74

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Karagias

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shibles ’96

Dr. and Mrs. William Benden

Nicholas C. D’Angelo ’96

T. Scott Kearney ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sidun

Mr. and Mrs. Stefen J. Benincasa ’89

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davidson ’63

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Keaveney ’99

Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Smyth

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bergamo

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. DeAngelis ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Keaveney

Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Soden, Jr. ’00

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Biebel

Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeCesare ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Enda M. Keenan

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Sprake

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Birmingham ’82

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Decker ’63

Mr. and Mrs. Doane L. Kelly ’75

Dr. and Mrs. John L. Stoneham

Mr. and Mrs. Werner H. Bleickardt

Dolores V. DeFelice

Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Kneucker

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Stryker ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Blumetti ’76

Jonathan B. DeLeon ’98

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kolmer

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Suckow IV ’72

Mr. and Mrs. James Boggs ’77

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dempsey

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kugele ’94

Dolly Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bonney, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John K. DeMuria

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Kyriakos

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sweeney

Mrs. Edward R. Borkoski

Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio V. Dionisio

Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Largey

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Tokic ’87

Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Bossone

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiSpirito

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. LaRocca

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Tomain ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Bracken

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dobrowski

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lavin

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Torregrossa

Dr. and Mrs. Peter Brasch ’78

Thomas E. Dobrowski ’96 and Mari Stangerhaugen

Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Lazzaro

Joseph C. Vassallo

Jerry E. Brown, Jr. ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Vickers

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Bruce ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Domogala

Christopher J. Loeffler ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Oleg Volkov

Jeffrey A. Buchner ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Dorgan

Mr. and Mrs. John Lonergan

Mrs. Adolph von Hake

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Burke ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Doverspike

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Luccarelli, Jr. ’74

Mr. and Mrs. Greg M. Wagner ’88

Mrs. Rosalie Bulger Buzzi

Dr. Michael J. Doyle & Mary R. Ring

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Maes

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Ward

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Bynoe

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Dugan

Mrs. Matthew J. Malinowski

Fred C. Weinmann

Robert P. Byrne ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Falcone

Mark D. Maragni ’85 & Lynne Lesho

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wysocki

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cacciapalle, Sr.

Rev. Joseph J. Farrell ’65

Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Matthews ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Favia

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fogliano, Jr. ’94

Mr. & Mrs. John R. McDonough ’69

S. Thomas Gagliano

Mr. and Mrs. Brendon McKibbin

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Galvin

Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Gerlach ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goss ’72


Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McNamara ’84 Gregory J. Mology

Christian Brothers Academy

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Callahan Brothers’ Associates Annual Fund giving of $100 or more

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Campbell ’66

Eric L. Abbatiello ’87

Karen Cangialosi

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Accurso III ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Aguilar

Rosanne Campion Dr. and Mrs. Francis L. Cancellieri Jacqueline Cantatore Christian P. Caram ’97

Dr. Anthony V. Cassini ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Donnelly

Gregory Gwyn-Williams ’01

Kenneth F. Lennon

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Caulfield

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Donnelly

Kyle Gwyn-Williams ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Lentini

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Censullo

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donohue ’85

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hall

Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Leone ’82

Gregory A. Chianetta ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Donohue ’89

Dennis Halleran

Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Leonhardt ’82

Dennis F. Chiappetta, Jr. ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Dorgan ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Hamill

Kevin C. Levy ’01

Vito J. Chiaravalloti II ’99

Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Dorgan ’98

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Harkins ’69

Joseph T. Liskiewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Christina

Mr. and Mrs. John S. J. Doyle

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Harms

Steven L. Lisowski ’81

Mr. and Mrs. George Christopher

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dubel ’76

Christian T. Hartman ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Loeffler ’84

Dr. Edward R. Chu ’85

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Duffy ’81

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hayes ’77

Richard W. Loeffler

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cirillo

Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Dunleavy ’82

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Hayward ’85

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lombardi

Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Cirillo ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth East

Doretta A. Healy

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Lombardino ’92

Ryan L. Clune ’99

Dr. and Mrs. Chris A. Fabian

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Heilmann

Martin J. Lonergan ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cofone ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Faletti ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Hempstead ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Longo ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fallone

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hemschoot ’68

Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lowry

Mark S. Corbo

Robert C. Fallone ’94

James A. Henderson ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Lozowski

Philip A. Coticelli ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Falvey

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Henderson ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Lynch ’93

John Coyle ’89

Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Fannan

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Higgins ’78

Thomas J. Lynch III ’65

Gregory S. Criscitello ’13

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fauntleroy

Mr. and Mrs. John Hildin ’78

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Maggs ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Cronin ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Ferraro

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hoagland

Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Maghan ’96

Mr. and Mrs. John Crowley ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Filachek

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Holte

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Malerba

Dr. and Mrs. Donald Cuccia

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Files

Christopher P. Hsu ’00

Maurice J. Maloney, Jr. ’99

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cutolo

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fioretti

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Maloney ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Czarnecki

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Fitzsimmons ’85

Stephen C. Jacobsen

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Maltese

Dr. and Mrs. Natalio Damien

Paul J. Fitzsimmons ’79

John E. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Manning

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. D’Angelillio

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Fiumefreddo

Cmdr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Kawas ’91

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Marinan ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. D’Apolito

Charles M. Fixter ’94

Emmett M. Keenan ’13

John J. Marinan ’08

Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. Davall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanagan, Jr. ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kelly ’71

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Maron ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Davey

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Flood ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Kenny

Patricia Marrone

Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. DeBiase

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Foggia

Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kerwin ’00

Margaret M. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. DeCamara ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Fonte ’07

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kilduff, Jr. ’69

Mr. and Mrs. James Marturano

Agnes M. DeFelice

Linda Franz

Charles F. Kitson, Sr.

Agnes Matlaga

Thomas J. DeFelice III ’04

Richard K. Fronapfel, Jr. ’92

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Klincewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Aldo J. Mayro

Mr. and Mrs. F. Matthew Deiner

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gaeta ’87

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Knauer

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deiner

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gagliano ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kocun ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. D’Elia

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garber

Mr. and Mrs. Craig T. Kolodjeski ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. McDonough ’89

Mrs. Joseph DePaolis

Royal C. Gardner ’81 and Mary Fahy

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kolodjeski

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. McFadden ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeRosa

Declan P. Gaul ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kortenhaus ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGann ’71

Michael J. DeRosa II ’05

Mrs. Charles T. Gavaris

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kowitski

Francis P. McGrail ’07

Patricia L. DeSaye

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Geiger

Arthur Kristiansen

Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McHugh ’96

Timothy E. Devine ’97

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Gerard

Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kudler

Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. McNally, Jr. ’89

Aditya A. Didolkar ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Giammanco

Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kugelmann ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. McNally

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Diggs

Frank Gileta

Louis R. Kuhlmann ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McSherry

Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. DiMeglio ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Giordano

Michael R. Kuhn ’08

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. McSwieney ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Dioguardi ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Godek

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kuhn

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Melia

Robert C. DiPano ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Gordinier, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. LaCorte

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mellaci

Dr. John P. Dodaro and Dr. Maria Clemente

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Gordzica ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Lamb

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mentesana

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Grabowski ’86

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lambiase

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Merkler

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doehner ’93

Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Greco ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Laskowski ’69

Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Miele, Jr.

Erik M. Dombrowski ’02

Paul Grillo, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lawrence

Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Mietz ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Donelan ’84

Patrick J. Grimm ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Leccese

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Miller, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donnelly

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Guinnessey ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Lelen

Stephen V. Miller

Annual Report 2012-13


Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Misson

Christopher Rizzolo ’01

Matthew Thomson, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Burns III ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Molzon ’72

Major & Mrs. Michael A. Rockel ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tinley

Michael Cacciapalle ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Mon ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Roddy

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Tonry ’85

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cademartori

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Monaco

Mrs. Louis D. Rollo

Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Torbert

Frank C. Calvosa ’03

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roma ’75

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Tort ’68

Anthony M. Campanale ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy

Christopher Ruffino ’98

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Treharne

Mary Campbell

Daniel P. Murray ’09

Julio J. Ruiz

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Turkaly ’89

Vincent Camuti, Jr. ’81

Ryan C. Murray ’10

Christopher M. Russo ’05

Mrs. Michael T. Vacca

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Canale

Brendan J. Nash ’89

Mr. and Mrs. John Rutkowski

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfredo R. Valentin

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carroll ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Ndreko

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Ryan

James A. Van Nosdall ’82

Joseph A. Caucino ’13

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Nicoletti ’97

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Saffaye

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Venino ’67

Anthony P. Chadwick ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Steven North ’77

Thomas Sagui ’68 & Elizabeth J. Buechler

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Victor ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Chrepta

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Oberdorf ’96

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Santamaria

William G. Videtto

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Chriss ’92

Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Santoro

Peter J. Visceglia ’05

Paul D. Clauss ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Ocone

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Saporito

Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Voccola ’90

Kevin J. Clifford ’13

Marie O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schaad Zachary T. Schaad ’10

Philip J. Voorhees ’76 and Dr. Ellen Sher

Mr. and Mrs. I. Mark Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. O’Connor

Mark J. Schaefer ’85

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vreeland

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Corcoran ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. O’Grady ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schaeffer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Vuono ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Cornell ’79

Thomas J. O’Hara ’89

James C. Schatzle ’83 and Susan Duffy

Michael Waldman

M. Andrea Courtney

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oliver

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sclafani ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Cullinane ’93

Brian J. O’Neill ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sepe ’79

Harteg S. Wariyar ’97

Christopher L. D’Alessio ’13

Mrs. Anthony P. Pagliaro

Richard J. Serluco

Mr. and Mrs. Nilakantan Wariyar

Andre W. Daneman ’13

Mr. & Mrs. R. Ronald Panigrosso ’64

John M. Sheehan

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Wessel

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dates

Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Pape, Jr. ’63

Dr. and Mrs. John P. Sheehan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Whalen ’79

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Deane ’85

William G. Parlock ’76

Daniel J. Shemanski ’05

Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Wilder

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Debbs ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Pasquale

Joan Sheridan

Robert D. Wolf

Paul D. DeFelice ’13

Dr. John M. Pellegrino

Col. and Mrs. Ivan B. Shidlovsky ’77

Mr. and Mrs. John Woodson

Mr. and Mrs. Dino DeSanctis ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penquite

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shields ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wright ’75

Connor P. Diamond ’13

Michael P. Perticari ’96

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Sickles ’81

Timothy Yaecker ’96

Brian E. Dittmeier ’09

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pfleger

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Yurkowski

Dr. Christopher R. Dittmeier ’04

Keith J. Pignataro ’80 & Janet Haviland

John E. Simes ’73 and Karen Campbell-Simes

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pisano

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Smith ’91

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Plath

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Soos, Jr. ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Plinio

Frederick P. Spadaccino ’99

The 1959 Club Annual Fund giving of $19.59 or more

George G. Polesky ’88

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Stackhouse ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ponzio

Christian E. Stark ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Ciro A. Porricelli

Dr. and Mrs. John J. Starke

Peter E. Prunty ’92

Sarah Sternberg

James A. Prussack, Jr. ’91

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stoveken

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Striedl

Diane V. Radtke

Erich P. Stuntebeck ’99

Kyle F. Ramos ’13

Constance Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Randazzo

Kevin E. Sullivan ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Reilly ’69

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Switaj

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Reilly ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle S. Talente ’92

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Riehl

Robert Tappen ’77

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rieker

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Teevan

Mr. and Mrs. Jesus A. Rios

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Terranova ’91

Mr. and Mrs. Ladislav A. Rizman

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence G. Thoma


Christian Brothers Academy

Michael C. Coleman ’64

Scott E. Dittmeier ’07

A salute to the year when CBA was founded.

Christopher M. Aldarelli ’11 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Ardito Sully ’85 Daniel V. Asoli ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Balaguer ’75 John A. Beyer ’82 Evan M. Binder ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Werner J. Blissenbach Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Borkoski ’94 Peter M. Bozzo ’08 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Britton ’98 Matthew Broderick ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm F. Brophy ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Burgess ’85

Justin T. Doll ’82 Connor M. Donnelly ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dorn ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dotto Michael P. Dougherty ’01 Capt. and Mrs. Patrick J. Doyle ’96 Glen A. Duggan ’89 Ryan M. Dunigan ’13 Mary E. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Egan ’89 Teresa Emmel Alan R. Erickson ’99 Andrew T. Eskola ’96 Anthony J. Falcone, Jr. ’13 Alexander R. Farrell ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Farrell Jason L. Fichter ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Filachek ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Fitzsimmons ’97

Jason Foley ’06

Raffi N. Karakashian ’95

Damian Mazzocchi ’03

James H. Remer ’68

Brian P. Foran ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Karg ’82

Robert C. McAdam ’10

Mr. and Mrs. John Rinaldi, Jr. ’86

Kevin Fosko ’77

David Karpick ’78

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. McCosker ’68

Dr. and Mrs. Sean P. Roddy ’84

Brian T. Fronapfel ’94

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Keefe ’90

Mr. & Mrs. James J. McLaughlin, Sr.

Kieran C. Roe ’82 and Miriam Stuart

Daniel H. Gallagher ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kessler ’77

Una McLeod

Daniel T. Russotto ’13

Anthony J. Gambale ’13

Matthew A. Kloss ’13

James P. McPaul ’13

George T. Saling ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Gardell ’69

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kouten ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melon

Mr. and Mrs. John Santos

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Garry

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kyriakos ’85

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Menar ’93

Vincent A. Sbarra ’84

John T. Gatens, Jr. ’13

Thomas J. LaForgia ’12

Adam R. Miller ’03

Michael E. Schiappacasse ’95

William C. Gerard, Jr. ’10

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis LaMort ’67

Joseph E. Montemarano ’13

Stephen M. Schwartz ’13

Michael R. Gerun ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lane ’00

Nicholas A. Morris ’13

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Siliato ’66

Elliott J. Giammarino ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. LaRocca ’96

Bennett D. Moss ’11

Sonny Smith ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Andy M. Gojdycz ’96

Michael F. Lehmann ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Moss III ’69

Samuel J. Smyth ’11

Daniel T. Gotta ’13

Andrew C. Liapis ’08

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Mulshine ’81

Eric J. Snowden ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gotta

Stephen C. Liapis ’06

Joseph Nardulli ’13

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Steger ’88

Elaine T. Goumas

William C. Liapis ’08

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nevue ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Striedl ’93

Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Graef ’81

Richard A. Loeffler ’11

Dr. and Mrs. Craig J. Nimick ’02

Michael J. Talamo ’13

Anthony A. Graff ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Longo

Madeline Normoyle

Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Tomaini ’78

Gregory G. Graff ’11

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Lucyk ’81

Robert J. Notley ’13

Michael P. Tomasiello ’13

Gregory L. Harris ’01

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lutkewitte ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Noto

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Traina

Robert J. Hart ’13

Brian F. Madden ’12

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Novellano ’97

Nicholas W. Triano ’13

Michael R. Hayes ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Madden

Matthew R. O’Brien ’10

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Trigani ’82

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Herndon ’82

Christian V. Madrid ’99

Deacon & Mrs. Richard J. O’Brien ’66

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Truax ’65

David J. Hines, Jr. ’10

Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. Madura ’72

Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry O’Hern III ’75

Dillon R. Twyman ’13

Michael P. Hines ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Manket

Jason M. Orciuolo ’13

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Uchrin ’68

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hutzley

Matthew C. Mannino ’13

Vincent P. Paolo ’13

Dr. Peter R. Wahba ’95

Dean G. Imbemba ’13

Gregory A. Manzo ’13

Christopher L. Peterson ’92

Thomas R. Wiedmann ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Imbemba

David M. Markowski ’95

David M. Pires ’99

Cameron M. Wilson ’13

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Jaccarino ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Martuscelli, Jr. ’91

William Pochmerski ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Wong

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Preuster

Thomas M. Wong ’13

Dr. Jeffrey T. Jones ’74 and Lisa E. Heimann

Chris V. Masone ’97

Steven M. Prisco ’13

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Yaecker

Brian W. Matlaga ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Recchia

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zager ’71

Ryan M. Kane ’13

Daniel V. Mazzeo ’93

Thomas P. Reilly ’06

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Zelinski ’71

Charles C. Jewell ’96

Annual Report 2012-13


Annual Fund Donors 2012-13 Alumni by Class Class of ’63 4.5% gave

Class of ’67 7.2% gave

Class of ’70 4.8% gave

Anthony V. Graziano

William R. Davidson

Vincent J. Agamennone

Michael Cofone

Martin J. Lonergan

David T. Decker

Malcolm F. Brophy

Michael DeCesare

John E. Simes, Jr.

John J. Husson

Anthony V. Cassini

Thomas J. DeFelice, Jr.

Robert A. Tomaino

Charles G. McManus

Harry D. Clune, Jr.

Paul Denig

W. Stanley Pape

Brian P. Flood

Douglas M. Gallagher

Raymond J. Harter, Jr.

John A. Giunco

Class of ’74 4.4% gave

Class of ’64 3.9% gave

Thomas J. Hoffmann

William R. Grimm

Richard W. Arzberger

John C. Holsey

E. Trip Mooney

Robert R. Colot, Jr.

Jerry E. Brown, Jr.

Dennis LaMort

Michael C. Coleman

W. Thomas Matthews

Frederick J. Dioguardi

Richard Venino

William J. Huntley

Miguel Damien Class of ’71 5.4% gave

Ronald H. Frake

William C. Barham

J. Nolan Higgins

Class of ’68 8.9% gave

Kevin F. Crowe

Jeffrey T. Jones

Philip F. Holahan

Peter A. Luccarelli, Jr.

Class of ’65 7.0% gave

Mark Adams

Raymond Kelly

Joseph Alexander

Patrick J. McGann

Thomas H. Blinn

Charles L. Casagrande

Spiro P. Pappas

Class of ’75 5.5% gave

William T. Burke

Thomas C. Genecki

Patrick J. Thornton

D. Robert Akerhielm

Martin J. Burns III

Alexander P. Gordzica

Paul E. Zager

Peter J. Balaguer

Rev. Joseph J. Farrell

James G. Ham III

Kenneth R. Zelinski

Robert A. Barrows, Jr.

Peter A. Greco

Edward Hemschoot

Thomas J. Lynch III

Philip E. Hunrath

Jeffrey J. Maron

John F. Nevue R. Ronald Panigrosso

R. Scott Garley

Thomas E. Brydon Br. Frank Byrne, FSC

Timothy J. McCosker

Class of ’72 8.8% gave

Russell J. Palmeri

James H. Remer

J ose Alonso

John F. Kuhn

William Pochmerski

Richard C. Reznak

Donald M. DeCamara

J. Henry O’Hern III

Timothy Sheehan

Thomas Sagui

Robert Dorn

Robert Roma Michael Wright

Robert A. Tort

Denis Gallagher

Kevin E. Sullivan

Christopher Uchrin

Robert Goss

James F. Truax

Robert S. Vuono

Andrew Kopon, Jr.

Class of ’66 7.2% gave

Class of ’69 5.6% gave

Paul P. Madura

Jeffrey A. Buchner

Jean Deutschle

Brendan T. O’Connor

Bruce C. Campbell

Dennis J. Gardell

Vernon J. Ralph

Robert A. Cole

Robert J. Harkins

Patrick J. Shields

Michael D. Cronin

John E. Kilduff, Jr.

Gustave F. Suckow IV

James G. Hartwyk, Jr.

Robert A. Laskowski

Thomas J. Zebrowski

Robert W. Kugelmann

John R. McDonough

David W. Zizik

Richard J. Maloney

Theodore J. Moss III

Joseph J. Mullane

Daniel J. Reilly

Richard J. O’Brien

Frank R. Santangelo

Christian E. Stark

Doane L. Kelly

John M. Siliato

Kevin J. Corcoran

Class of ’76 8.4% gave Mark A. Alexander Louis A. Almerini Anonymous Victor N. Ayers Andrew F. Blumetti Joseph M. Carroll John S. Dubel Jonathan A. George William T. Henderson Stephen A. Mindnich Francis J. O’Grady William G. Parlock Peter H. Saling

Joseph P. Tomain

John Crowley

James E. Soos, Jr.

Robert Flanagan, Jr.

Philip J. Voorhees

Gregory D. Korf


Christian Brothers Academy

Paul H. Molzon

Class of ’73 4.8% gave

Robert A. Mustillo

Robert Debbs

Jeffrey P. Reilly

Keith J. Pignataro

Robert V. DiMeglio

John Rinaldi, Jr.

Patrick T. Kolb

John P. Sheehan

Robert R. Lewis

Michael R. Williams

John M. Hayes

Class of ’81 8.7% gave

Michael J. Kessler

Richard Bohny

Thomas C. Stackhouse

Steven North

Vincent Camuti, Jr.

Richard P. Stryker

Frank C. Scheuer

Dennis A. Collins

Ivan B. Shidlovsky

Dino DeSanctis

Robert Tappen

Class of ’77 4.9% gave James Boggs Kevin Fosko

James C. Schatzle Class of ’87 3.3% gave Eric L. Abbatiello David J. Dettling

Lawrence J. Duffy

Class of ’84 5.7% gave

John E. Gagliano

Frank M. Condon

Michael C. Jordan

Class of ’78 6.9% gave

Vincent Galano, Jr.

Lewis P. DeAngelis

Matthew T. Judge

Royal C. Gardner

Paul D. DeFelice

Brian P. Molinari

Frank I. Antonides

G. Scott Graef

Michael P. Donelan

David S. Tokic

Stephen J. Brady

Steven L. Lisowski

Lawrence R. Goldman

Peter Brasch

Paul E. Lucyk

James A. Henderson

John A. Briody

John J. Marinan

Richard F. Loeffler

Class of ’88 4.5% gave

Brian J. Daley

Matthew R. McGovern

Stephen F. McNamara

Paul J. Beisel

Gregory C. Higgins

Jeremiah F. McNamara

Anthony M. McSwieney

William T. Child

John Hildin

Michael G. Mulshine

Sean P. Roddy

John M. Coff

David Karpick

Christopher J. Rooney

Vincent A. Sbarra

Steven N. Mietz

Daniel Mulholland

Douglas N. Sickles

Kevin R. Schwartz

Perry M. Noe

Class of ’82 10.5% gave

Class of ’85 8.6% gave

John T. Reynolds

George G. Polesky

Joseph J. Saker, Jr. Eric E. Tomaini David J. Warren

David J. Gaeta

Sonny Smith

William S. Attardi

Marc A. Ardito Sully

Christopher D. Steger

Class of ’79 9.2% gave

John A. Beyer

Marc V. Attardi

Greg M. Wagner

Robert G. Birmingham

Thomas S. Burgess

William J. Allingham, Jr.

Mark G. Brennan

Edward R. Chu

Michael A. Bovino

Justin T. Doll

Christopher B. Deane

Class of ’89 13.1% gave

Jay B. Cornell

Robert O. Dunleavy

John F. Donohue

James J. Allingham

Paul J. Fitzsimmons

Donald P. Henderson

Michael P. Fitzgerald

Stefen J. Benincasa

Charles Hayes

John D. Herndon

Kevin P. Fitzsimmons

David C. Berry

Edward M. Joyce

Ronald Karg

Patrick G. Hayward

Shawn M. Burke

T. Scott Kearney

John F. Kouten

Raymond J. Kyriakos

John M. Child

Robert J. Kortenhaus

Louis R. Kuhlmann

Mark D. Maragni

Kevin M. Christiano

Martin G. Lutschaunig

Richard J. Leone

Anthony D. Miele

John Coyle

Patrick O’Dwyer

Todd C. Leonhardt

Joseph V. Popolo, Jr.

Keith M. Donohue

Michael A. Rockel, Jr.

Robert W. Lutkewitte

James R. Raymond

Glen A. Duggan

Timothy G. Saling

James A. Maggs

Michael A. Santoro

Timothy J. Egan

Robert Savage

Thomas M. Reardon III

Mark J. Schaefer

Joseph P. Finn

Robert C. Sepe Douglas R. Twyman

Kieran C. Roe

Brian P. Tonry

William J. Garland Daniel P. Hamm

John G. Savage

Michael D. Whalen

Stephen L. Triano

Peter J. Zybrick

Christopher T. Trigani

Class of ’86 4.8% gave

James A. Van Nosdall

Anthony P. Chadwick

Christopher J. Loeffler

Dennis F. Chiappetta, Jr.

Nicholas P. McDonough

Class of ’83 4.1% gave

Michael J. Faletti

Peter P. McNally, Jr.

Paul R. Grabowski

Brendan J. Nash

Matthew T. Butler

Francis J. Baron

Robert R. Hempstead

Thomas J. O’Hara

William H. Gerlach

Kenneth A. Collins

Christopher D. McFadden

Patrick D. Reilly, Jr.

Class of ’80 2.9% gave Kevin J. Brandon

Sean P. Haney James A. Kennedy

Annual Report 2012-13


Brian B. Rigney

James R. Kostulias

Thomas E. Dobrowski

John D. Rocco

Joseph C. Kraft

Patrick J. Doyle, Jr.

Class of ’99 5.4% gave

Christopher D. Stoddard

Jeffrey M. Longo

Andrew T. Eskola

Joseph A. Accurso III

David L. Turkaly

Kevin E. Lynch

Andy M. Gojdycz

Vito J. Chiaravalloti II

Anthony M. Victor

Daniel V. Mazzeo

Charles C. Jewell

Ryan L. Clune

Bryan A. Menar

Craig T. Kolodjeski

Alan R. Erickson

Class of ’90 3.5% gave

Kenneth L. Shaw

Albert J. LaRocca

Michael A. Keaveney

Joseph C. Striedl

Ross W. Maghan

Christian V. Madrid

David W. Attardi

Thomas J. Yurcisin

Brian T. McHugh

Maurice J. Maloney, Jr.

Michael F. Oberdorf

David M. Pires

Michael P. Perticari

Frederick P. Spadaccino

Thomas J. Hindman

Class of ’94 5.3% gave

John C. Shibles

Erich P. Stuntebeck

Christopher P. Keefe

Kevin C. Borkoski

Timothy Yaecker

Thomas P. McGuire

Patrick J. Doehner

Mark W. Voccola

Robert C. Fallone

Joseph C. Castle Andrew T. Drechsler

Class of ’00 6.5% gave

Charles M. Fixter

Class of ’97 6.5% gave

Class of ’91 4.4% gave

Richard J. Fogliano, Jr.

Andre S. Ameer

Michael F. Bruce

Brian T. Fronapfel

Matthew G. Begley

Andrew E. Filachek

Jason Colavita

Charles J. Grosso

Christian P. Caram

Declan P. Gaul

Hubert C. Cutolo

Kevin M. Guinnessey

Philip A. Coticelli

Kevin T. Grier

Jason L. Fichter

Richard J. Kugele

Timothy E. Devine

Christopher P. Hsu

Robert O. Gibson

Brian W. Murphy

Neal F. Fitzsimmons

Brian J. Kerwin

Matthew J. Kawas

Scot M. Pasquale

Christopher Grier

Thomas J. Lane

Chris V. Masone

Michael F. Lehmann

Daniel A. Mon

Brian J. O’Neill

Michael S. Smith

Class of ’95 6.2% gave

Christopher J. Nicoletti

Robert J. Russo

Paul S. Terranova

Scott J. Cirillo

Daniel T. Novellano

Michael Sclafani

Mark S. Collins

Mark A. Russo

Harold W. Soden, Jr.

Class of ’92 3.3% gave

Michael A. Jaccarino

Harteg S. Wariyar

Stephen W. Chriss

Raffi N. Karakashian

Richard K. Fronapfel, Jr.

Kevin M. Kocun

Class of ’98 4.0% gave

Anthony M. Lombardino

David M. Markowski

Edward F. Bechold

Brian F. Dorgan

Christopher L. Peterson

Stephen V. Pisani

James R. Britton

Michael P. Dougherty

Peter E. Prunty

Michael E. Schiappacasse

Derek J. Conover

Patrick J. Grimm

Anthony J. Sfarra

Michael D. Sheehan

Jonathan B. DeLeon

Gregory Gwyn-Williams

Kyle S. Talente

Peter R. Wahba

Sean P. Dorgan

Gregory L. Harris

Jeffrey H. Knapp

Kevin C. Levy

Matthew F. Lupo

Christopher Rizzolo

Christopher Ruffino

Steven J. Vento

Anthony J. Martuscelli, Jr. James A. Prussack, Jr.

Class of ’93

Amish A. Jani

5.6% gave

Class of ’96 7.0% gave

Sean P. Cullinane

Patrick G. Cavanaugh

John C. Doehner

Nicholas C. D’Angelo

Dennis D. Barrett

Class of ’01 4.4% gave Robert C. DiPano

Alumni 40.43% Current Parents


Alumni Parents


Grandparents & Alumni Grandparents


Faculty & Staff



2.52% Annual Fund 2012-13 Cash received by constituency


Christian Brothers Academy

Class of ’02 1.0% gave

Class of ’07 1.9% gave

Class of ’12 2.6% gave

Emmett M. Keenan

Erik M. Dombrowski

Nicholas J. Danna

Matthew Broderick

Matthew C. Mannino

Craig J. Nimick

Scott E. Dittmeier

Robert P. Byrne

Gregory A. Manzo

Matthew A. Kloss

Matthew J. Fonte

Paul D. Clauss

Brian W. Matlaga

Class of ’03 4.9% gave

Francis P. McGrail

Michael R. Hayes

James P. McPaul

Thomas J. LaForgia

Joseph E. Montemarano

Frank J. Balsamello

Brian F. Madden

Nicholas A. Morris

Michael Cacciapalle

Class of ’08 2.4% gave

Frank C. Calvosa

Peter M. Bozzo

Robert J. Notley

Aditya A. Didolkar

Michael R. Kuhn

Class of ’13 23.4% gave

William T. Gotta

William C. Liapis

David P. Alldian, Jr.

Vincent P. Paolo

Anthony A. Graff

Andrew C. Liapis

Daniel V. Asoli

Steven M. Prisco

Kyle Gwyn-Williams

John J. Marinan

Evan M. Binder

Kyle F. Ramos

Anthony M. Campanale

Daniel T. Russotto

Class of ’09 1.9% gave

Joseph A. Caucino

George T. Saling

Kevin J. Clifford

Stephen M. Schwartz

Gregory A. Chianetta

Gregory S. Criscitello

Eric J. Snowden

Class of ’04 2.0% gave

Brian E. Dittmeier

Christopher L. D’Alessio

Michael J. Talamo

Daniel P. Murray

Andre W. Daneman

Michael P. Tomasiello

William P. Baum

Matthew G. Scavone

Paul D. DeFelice

Nicholas W. Triano

Connor P. Diamond

Dillon R. Twyman

Class of ’10 3.1 % gave

Connor M. Donnelly

Thomas R. Wiedmann

Ryan M. Dunigan

William C. Gerard, Jr.

Cameron M. Wilson

Anthony J. Falcone, Jr.

David J. Hines, Jr.

Thomas M. Wong

Class of ’05 2.4% gave

Alexander R. Farrell

Robert C. McAdam

Brian P. Foran

Total for All Classes:

Michael J. DeRosa II

John E. Murachanian

Daniel H. Gallagher

5.5% gave

Robert J. Luby

Ryan C. Murray

Anthony J. Gambale

Christopher M. Russo

Matthew R. O’Brien

John T. Gatens, Jr.

Daniel J. Shemanski

Zachary T. Schaad

Michael R. Gerun

Damian Mazzocchi Adam R. Miller Conor P. Murphy

Thomas J. DeFelice III Christopher R. Dittmeier David C. Mellon

Peter J. Visceglia Class of ’06 1.4% gave

Class of ’11 2.3% gave Christopher M. Aldarelli

Jason Foley

Gregory G. Graff

Stephen C. Liapis

Richard A. Loeffler

Thomas P. Reilly

Bennett D. Moss Samuel J. Smyth

Joseph Nardulli Jason M. Orciuolo

Elliott J. Giammarino Daniel T. Gotta Robert J. Hart Christian T. Hartman Michael P. Hines Dean G. Imbemba Ryan M. Kane

Annual Report 2012-13


Annual Fund Donors 2012-13 Parents by Class Class of 2013

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Klincewicz

Class of 2016

Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Ragan

10.2% gave

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Krauss

18.3% gave

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Raven

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. DeFelice ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Maes

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Allingham, Jr. ’’79

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Rooney ’81

Dr. John P. Dodaro and

John P. Oswald


Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Samaras

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Palisi

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bean

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Sprake

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donnelly

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Stackhouse ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Boyan, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stefanik

Dr. and Mrs. Chris A. Fabian

Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Stryker ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Canale

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stolbof

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Falcone

Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Tombs

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cofone ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Timko

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Farrell

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Corrigan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Tomaino ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Galiano

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Wong

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Cusat

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. John K. DeMuria

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Vassallo

Patricia L. DeSaye

Mr. and Mrs. Oleg Volkov

Dr. John P. Dodaro and

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Williams ’86

Dr. Maria Clemente

Dr. & Mrs. Cornelius T. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gotta Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hines, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Enda M. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Maistre Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melon Mr. and Mrs. William A. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Orciuolo Dr. and Mrs. David Glenn Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Recchia Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russotto Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Saling ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Triano ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Twyman ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Wong

Class of 2015 13.5% gave Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Bynoe Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Chrepta Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Cusat Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiSpirito Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dolan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Grillo Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Hempstead ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Henderson ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Kneucker

Class of 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Largey

11.0% gave

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lavin


Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Loeffler ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Babeuf

Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lowry

Mr. and Mrs. Franz J. Balve

Mr. and Mrs. Aldo J. Mayro

Alfred A. Bradley & JoAnne Mazerolle

Mr. and Mrs. John L. McCormick

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Canale

Stephen V. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Clark, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Misson

Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Moschella

Mr. and Mrs. F. Matthew Deiner

Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. O’Malley

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donnelly

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ponzio

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Dugan

Julio J. Ruiz

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Galiano

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russotto

Doretta A. Healy

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Saffaye

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Heilmann

Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Smyth

Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Henning

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Housen

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Twyman ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Wessel


Christian Brothers Academy

Dr. Maria Clemente Mr. and Mrs. George M. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Frigoletto Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Galvin Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Giammanco Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Giampaolo Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Giordano Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey I. Goldstein Elaine T. Goumas Dr. and Mrs. John S. Greco, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hall Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Higgins ’78 Dr. and Mrs. Sean D. Houston Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hutzley Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Knepple Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. LaCorte Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Lentini Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lutkewitte ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Roger Malerba Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Marsicano Mr. and Mrs. Brendon McKibbin Mr. and Mrs. John P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mellaci Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Normoyle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Dwyer ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Pak Dr. John M. Pellegrino

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Wong Class of 2017 7.6% gave Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boyle Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Campi Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Condon ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fioretti Paul Grillo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Hempstead ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Judge ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Kolb ’83 Dr. and Mrs. Sal T. LaForgia Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Lazzaro Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Maes Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. McGovern ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mentesana Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Misson Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mustillo ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Schuhardt Dr. and Mrs. John L. Stoneham Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Turi Total for All Classes: 12.1% gave

Annual Fund Donors 2012-13 Alumni Parents, Grandparents, and Friends Mr. and Mrs. John A. Aiello

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Caulfield

Dr. Michael J. Doyle & Mary R. Ring

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Housen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aiello

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Censullo

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Dubel

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hughes

Mrs. Richard J. Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Christina

Mr. † and Mrs. Arthur J. Dunne

Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Imbemba

Mr. and Mrs. William Alter

Mr. and Mrs. George Christopher

Mary E. Durkin

Vincent Iuliano

Mr. and Mrs. James Anastasio

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cirillo

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth East

Stephen C. Jacobsen

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Arbes

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Clarke

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Egan III

Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Jacobus

Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Arbour

Mr. and Mrs. I. Mark Cohen

Teresa Emmel

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jennings

Mrs. William Arden

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Connolly

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eno

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johnson

William V. Attardi

Mark S. Corbo

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Falk

John E. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Corcoran

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fallone

Michael B. Jordan

Edward E. Bao

M. Andrea Courtney

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Falvey

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Joyce, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Barnett, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Crotty

Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Fannan

Brother John Kane, FSC

Graceann M. Barrett

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Crowley

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fauntleroy

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kane

Dr. and Mrs. William Benden

Dr. and Mrs. Donald Cuccia

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Favia

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Karagias

Jane P. Beres

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cutolo

Mr. and Mrs. John Feniello

Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Kazalski

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bergamo

Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Czarnecki

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Ferraro

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Keaveney

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Betz

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. D’Agostino

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Filachek

Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Kenny

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Biebel

Dr. and Mrs. Natalio Damien

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Files

Charles F. Kitson, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Werner H. Bleickardt

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. D’Angelillio

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Fiumefreddo

Mr. and Mrs. Norbert T. Knapp

Mr. and Mrs. Werner J. Blissenbach

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. D’Apolito

Kent J. Fleming

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Knauer

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bogan

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dates

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Foggia

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kneeley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bonney, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. Davall

Linda Franz

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kolmer

Mrs. Edward R. Borkoski

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Davey

S. Thomas Gagliano

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kolodjeski

Mr. and Mrs. John Bosco

Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. DeBiase

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garber

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kowitski

Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Bossone

Agnes M. DeFelice

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Garry

Arthur Kristiansen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boytano

Dolores V. DeFelice

Mrs. Charles T. Gavaris

Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kudler

Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Bracken

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deiner

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Geiger

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kuhn

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Braniff, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. D’Elia

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Gerard

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Kyriakos

Very Rev Gary J. Breton and

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dempsey

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gesuele

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Lamb

Mrs. Joseph DePaolis

Frank Gileta

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lambiase

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Britton

Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeRosa

Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Gimlett

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. LaRocca

The Charitable Foundation of the Burns Family, Inc.

The Gregory M. & Deborah M. DeSaye Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gleason

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lawrence

Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Godek

Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Leccese

Rosalie Bulger Buzzi

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Diggs

Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Gordinier, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cacciapalle, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio V. Dionisio

Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Lelen

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cademartori

Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Dixon

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Griffin

Kenneth F. Lennon

Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cali

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dobrowski

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Grossman

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lewicki

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Callahan

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Doehner

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hall

Joseph T. Liskiewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Callahan

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Domogala

Dennis Halleran

Richard W. Loeffler

Mary Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Donnelly

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ham

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lombardi

Rosanne Campion

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Donnelly

Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Hamill

Mr. and Mrs. John Lonergan

Dr. and Mrs. Francis L. Cancellieri

Mr. and Mrs. William N. Dooley

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Harms

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Longo

Karen Cangialosi

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Dorgan

Mr. and Mrs. George Hempstead

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Lozowski

Jacqueline Cantatore

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dotto

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hoagland

Mrs. Matthew J. Malinowski

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Carey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Doverspike

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Holte

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Maltese

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cary

Mr. and Mrs. John S. J. Doyle

Mary C. Buletza

Annual Report 2012-13


Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mancuso

Marie Neidermeyer

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Riehl

Constance Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Manket

Madeline Normoyle

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rieker

Dolly Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Manning

Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Noto

Mr. and Mrs. Jesus A. Rios

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Markowski

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Novellano

Mr. and Mrs. Ladislav A. Rizman

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sweeney

Patricia Marrone

Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Roddy

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Switaj

Sheila Martello

Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Ocone

Mrs. Louis D. Rollo

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Teevan

Margaret M. Martin

Marie O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. John Rutkowski

Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Terrill

Mr. and Mrs. James Marturano

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence G. Thoma

Agnes Matlaga

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. O’Connor

Mrs. Paul H. Saake

Matthew Thomson, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mazzaccaro

Dr. and Mrs. William B. O’Grady

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Santamaria

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Tierney, Jr.

John J. McCann

Mrs. J. Henry O’Hern

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Santoro

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tinley

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oliver

Mr. and Mrs. John Santos

Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Torbert

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarthy

Dr. and Mrs. William J. Orsini

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Saporito

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Torregrossa

Mrs. Daniel J. McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pacelli

Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Traina

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. McDonald

Mrs. Anthony P. Pagliaro

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schaad

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Treharne

Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnell

Dr. and Mrs. Scott E. Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schaeffer

Dr. and Mrs. Benedict J. Trigani

Mrs. Peter McKay

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Pasquale

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Scharpf

Mrs. Michael T. Vacca

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. McKeon

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pellicone

Richard J. Serluco

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfredo R. Valentin

Mr. & Mrs. James J. McLaughlin, Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Penney

James Sharp

Joseph C. Vassallo

Una McLeod

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penquite

John M. Sheehan

Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Vickers

Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. McNally

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pfleger

Dr. and Mrs. John P. Sheehan

William G. Videtto

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McSherry

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Phillipps

Joan Sheridan

Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Visceglia

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Melia

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pisano

Mr. and Mrs. † John P. Shibles

Mrs. Adolph von Hake

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Merkler

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Plath

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sidun

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vreeland

Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Miele, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Plinio

William J. Sitar

Michael Waldman

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Milazzo

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Plunkett

Mary T. Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Nilakantan Wariyar

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Miller, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ciro A. Porricelli

Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Soden

Fred C. Weinmann

Gregory J. Mology

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Preuster

Dr. and Mrs. John J. Starke

Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Wilder

Antonio B. Mon

Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Prince

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Stavola

Robert D. Wolf

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Monaco

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quincannon

Sarah Sternberg

Mr. and Mrs. John Woodson

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Monahan

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stoveken

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wysocki

Brother Ralph Montedoro, FSC

Diane V. Radtke

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Striedl

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Yaecker

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Randazzo Mr. and Mrs. James T. Reilly

Dr. Peter H. Stuntebeck and Dr. Susan Stuntebeck

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Yurkowski

Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Ndreko


Christian Brothers Academy

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Zavoluk

The Century Club Since the earliest days of Christian Brothers Academy, gifts made by parents and grandparents in response to the annual Century Club appeal have provided essential support for the school, year after year. Eighty-three loyal donors have reached or passed their 30th anniversary of Century Club giving; 19 have reached or passed their 40th.

highlights of the school year just ended, and for CBA to recognize those benefactors who have reached new anniversary milestones. The Century Club appeal is part of CBA’s Annual Fund, and the names of all 2012-13 Century Club donors appear in the Annual Fund donor lists on the preceding pages.

The annual Century Club Celebration each June is an opportunity for donors to hear about the

The following were honored at the 2013 Century Club Celebration. 40 YEARS

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kolodjeski

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Karagias

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Monaco

Arthur Kristiansen

Joseph C. Vassallo



Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Crowley

Mr. and Mrs. John Bosco Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Favia


Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Galano, Jr. ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Werner H. Bleickardt

Mr. and Mrs. Spiro P. Pappas ’71

Jerry E. Brown, Jr. ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Ciro A. Poricelli

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cary

Mr. and Mrs. John Santos

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Crotty

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence G. Thoma

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Donnelly

William G. Videtto

Michael B. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. William M. Knauer


Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnell

Graceann M. Barrett

Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. McNally

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Biebel

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Santoro

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cleary Dennis A. Collins ’81


Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Donnelly

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Casagrande ’68

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Dugan

Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Clune, Jr. ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Falcone

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Corcoran

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Galiano

Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Czarnecki

Dr. and Mrs. John S. Greco, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. D’Apolito

Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. Davall

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Harms

Kenneth F. Lennon

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes ’79

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Manning

Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Jacobus

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oliver

Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Leccese

Dr. and Mrs. Benedict J. Trigani

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russotto Elizabeth M. Schmalz


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Stavola

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Diggs

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Triano ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Gimlett

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Yurkowski

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Holte

Matching Gifts We are grateful to the following organizations for gifts received through matching gift programs, and also to the individual donors whose gifts have made CBA eligible for these matching funds. It is especially gratifying to note that the list which follows is 20% longer than the equivalent list in last year’s Annual Report. Abbott Fund ACE Charitable Foundation American International Group, Inc. Ameriprise Financial Bank of America Barclays BNY Mellon Bristol-Myers Squibb The Chubb Group of Insurance Companies ConocoPhillips Deutsche Bank Dominion Erie Insurance FM Global Goldman Sachs IBM Corporation JPMorgan Chase Foundation MasterCard International Merck New York Life NYSE Euronext Foundation Pfizer Prudential Foundation PSEG Robert Wood Johnson Foundation TIAA-CREF U.S. Bancorp Foundation UBS Unilever USA Verizon Wells To learn whether your own charitable gifts may be eligible for matching funds, contact your employer’s human resources department, or consult the database of corporate matching gift programs that is accessible via the CBA website, at cbalincroftnj This database provides detailed program information as well as downloadable forms or links to online resources.

Annual Report 2012-13


Gifts for Special Purposes 2012-13 Unlike unrestricted Annual Fund gifts, which directly support the school’s overall operating budget, gifts for Special Purposes are those which are designated by donors to support specific projects or programs. Christian Brothers Academy is grateful to the following for their gifts in support of Special Purposes.

For Alumni Programs Charles F. Henderson II † For Athletic Programs Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Dixon Peter J. Economou ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Jurgielewicz The Spano Family Charitable Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wall, Jr. ’78 For the Chapel Madeline M. Iacobucci

In Memoriam Gifts Christian Brothers Academy deems it a great privilege to be the beneficiary of gifts made in memory of deceased members of the CBA community and their loved ones. Information on making such gifts and on other facets of CBA’s Memorial and Tribute Program is available on the school’s website, www. Please note: Memorial gifts designated for particular scholarship or award funds are listed with Scholarship Gifts on page 19.

IN MEMORY OF Gerald Barc Jim St. John

IN MEMORY OF Coach Tony Chesney A nonymous IN MEMORY OF Brother A. Patrick Duggan Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Holahan ’71


For Financial Aid Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Arbes Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Elman ’83 Ursula Gruberth Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hennessy Patricia F. Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Norbert T. Knapp John M. LeBedda ’64

IN MEMORY OF Brother Michael Dwyer, FSC Jeffrey H. Knapp ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Norbert T. Knapp IN MEMORY OF John Edward Holland, Jr. Teresa Emmel IN MEMORY OF Michael J. Horowitz ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horowitz Patricia F. Horowitz IN MEMORY OF Lawrence P. Huggins, Ph.D. The Huggins Family Charitable Fund IN MEMORY OF Jo Anne R. Lennon Tina S. Flaherty Jill Salter IN MEMORY OF Geraldine K. McDonough Katharine Bales Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Geller Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Gulotta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Higgins ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. James Lebbad Arlene L. Levenson John W. Mack Christine J. Myatt

Christian Brothers Academy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Marcin Professional Orthopaedic Associates Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Velez ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Wilson For the Performing Arts Program Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Golding Kathleen Horgan Michael Pado Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Piazza ’76 Ashwin Prasanna Kim T. Sikowitz

Theodore M. Romanow and Kim Redfield Mary C. Sullivan IN MEMORY OF Joseph E. McDonough Robert W. Adams Katharine Bales Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Borislow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Gulotta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Higgins ’75 The Hilliard Family Dr. Thomas M. Hipple Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. James Lebbad Arlene L. Levenson John W. Mack Christine J. Myatt Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Papalia Theodore M. Romanow and Kim Redfield Gloria Silber Mary C. Sullivan Anna Taborn Mr. and Mrs. David S. Taborn, Jr. IN MEMORY OF Clementine C. McGrady Mr. and Mrs. James F. Grady Alise Spataro

For Student Activities Anonymous Iron Gate Security, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Saling ’79 For the Tony Chesney Wrestling Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Baldi Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Piazza ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Q. Sagui

IN MEMORY OF Brother Joseph Miggins, FSC Dr. and Mrs. Mathew K. Kandathil Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Nusio Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scorcia IN MEMORY OF Michael J. Ocone ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Ocone IN MEMORY OF Brother Andrew O’Gara, FSC Jeffrey H. Knapp ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Norbert T. Knapp IN MEMORY OF Brother Cyril O’Neill, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neill IN MEMORY OF Dr. Charles R. Perrine Jane P. Beres

Advancement Events and Auxiliary Fundraisers

The activities of CBA’s auxiliary organizations — the Alumni Association, Mothers’ Club and Fathers’ Club — not only help in raising funds for the school, but also foster a rich community life for alumni and parents.

We are grateful to the following, who completed their terms of office in June 2013 Alumni Association

Mothers’ Club

Fathers’ Club

John Shibles ’96, President Hal Soden ’00, Vice President Doug Twyman ’79, Secretary Ray Viggiano ’98, Treasurer

Miriam Tort, President Mary Kimberlin, Vice President Pam Miller, Treasurer Jane Foran, Recording Secretary Maureen Staub, Communications Officer

John McNamara, President Gerry Ward, Vice President Anthony Cammarata, Vice President Paul Kendall, Secretary Ralph Troisi, Treasurer

and to the following, who began their terms in July 2013 Alumni Association

Mothers’ Club

Fathers’ Club

Hal Soden ’00, President Maurice Maloney ’76, Vice President Martin Birdsall ’02, Secretary Ray Viggiano ’98, Treasurer

Judy Broehl, President Mary Kimberlin, Vice President Barbara Tucker, Treasurer Shari Spellman, Recording Secretary Lisa Golding, Communications Officer

Kevin Golding, President Robert Broehl, Vice President James Sullivan, Secretary Ralph Troisi, Treasurer

Event Sponsors 2012-13 Alumni Assn. Scholarship Clambake, September 7, 2012

The Garley Family

Alumni Assn. Networking Night, February 21, 2013

Circle Hyundai / Chevrolet

Kellenyi Johnson Wagner Lincroft Village Jewelers


Martin Birdsall ’02

John A. Giunco, Jr. ’08

Delicious Orchards

Luigi’s and Queso Restaurants

Martin Birdsall ’02

Image Creators

Hill Wallack LLP

Mothers’ Club Art Show, February 1-3, 2013

John A. Giunco ’70

Joseph Cangelosi ’96

J. Lohr Vineyards and Wines

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macyda

The Housen Family

A. J. Celiano, Inc.

Stephen and Jean Casner

L’il Chips of Heaven

Paul Molzon ’72

Image Creators

Addison Park

Merri-Makers Catering and Special Events

David Cowles ’85

John Shibles ’96

Investors Bank

Amboy Bank

Middletown Electric

Jim Curley GMC Buick Kia

Lincroft Fire Company, Station 10

Kellenyi Johnson Wagner Architects

Bill and Ed’s Lawn and Landscape Services

Princeton Legal Search Group LLC

Vincent Galano ’81

Knob Hill Country Club

Joseph T. Buzzanco, DMD

Red Oak Diner

Horizon Point Wealth Management

Mr. and Mrs. John Kolmer

Classic F. A. Packers and Shippers

Saker ShopRites Inc.

Dennis Mojares ’87

Party Perfect

Salt Creek Grille

Molzons Landscape Nursery

Pat’s Meat Market

Sandy Henning Gardens

Paul Molzon ’72

Pepsi Cola

Gerald Molzon ’78 Mark Molzon ’74


Brother Andrew O’Gara Golf Classic, October 1, 2012 Allaire Limousine Amboy Bank

The Gazzara Family

Woodward Construction Company

John A. Giunco ’70

Madison Commerical Real Estate Services

JLM Technical Management

Dearborn Farms

Lincroft First Aid and Rescue Squad Molzon Garden Center

Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 2, Monmouth

Rick Magliozzi

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

Manasquan Golf Club

Cuozzo Orthondontics

Shore Point Distributing Company, Inc.

McLoone’s Restaurants

Design NJ

Sickles Market

Positive Expectations

Schwartz Mazda of Shrewsbury

Arrow Limousine

Metedeconk National

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. DiGiaro

Silver Tulip Florist

Prime Capital Group


Atlantic Tomorrows Office

Mumfords Culinary Center

D’Jeet Catering

Spa at the Commons

Provident Bank

Signs by Tomorrow

C. R. Bard, Inc.

Joe Neidermeyer †

Edward Jones

Spine & Pain Centers

William J. Ruckert III ’77

The Barc Family

Brian O’Grady ’89

Dolly Sullivan and Garson Caterers

Brian O’Malley

Stacy Gemma Everywear


Battleground Country Club Michael Benedetto ’86

Sean Pattwell

Environmental Management Associates, Inc.

The Bergamo Family

Protiviti Risk and Business Consulting

Estate Planning Services, LLC

T. Benning Lawn and Landscape LLC

Anthony Bertoldo ’90 Gregory Boles A. J. Celiano, Inc. The Child Family Circle BMW

VE Ralph Emergency Medical Products The Risk Management Planning Group, Inc. Vincent Sciortino

Anthony J. Falcone CPA

State Farm

James J. Ward Image Creators LLC

CBA Gathering in Palm Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Tort, Sr. ’76 Beach, March 6, 2013

Four JG’s Orchards and Vineyards

Trinity Hall

Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Garley ’79

Verizon Wireless Zone

Charles Henderson †

Two River Community Bank

GreenEdge Tree and Turf

George Wall Ford Lincoln

Mark Sullivan ’79

John S. Greco, Jr. MA PA

Wells Fargo Bank NA

Joseph C. Castle ’90

Jim Curley GMC Buick Kia

Super Foodtown

Hall Construction Co., Inc.

The Wine Experience

Enda Keenan

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Doehner

Charles Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hayes ’79


Domino Sugar

Two River Theater

Industrial Repairs

Woodward Construction

Eagle Oaks

Gerry Ward John Weiland

Inspired Minds Fine Art School

The Community YMCA

Eastern Union Commercial Real Estate Envirotactics

Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer PA

Food Circus


Michael Whalen ’79

J. Lohr Vineyards and Wines Jersey Shore Arena

Alumni Assn. 5K Run, June 8, 2013 Stephen Apostolacus ’80 Richard E. Hardie ’70 Philip J. Hinck ’71

Alumni Assn. Networking Night in NYC, May 16, 2013

AJ Jersey Crown Lift Trucks

WasteNot Solutions

Alumni Assn. Whackers and Hackers Golf Outing, June 17, 2013 Jeremiah O’Grady ’93

4th Annual CBA BBQ, June 8, 2013 Attillio’s Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 2, Monmouth

Annual Report 2012-13


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