An Introduction
to Oak Hill Academy Welcome to our school!
halls and you will see teachers and students actively
Oak Hill Academy is
real-world connections and interdisciplinary
a wonderful place to
experiences. Each day provides new opportunities
learn and grow. We
to meet the individual needs and learning styles of
at Oak Hill believe
every student. After years of thriving in our Oak
that all children have
Hill family, graduates leave us with a positive sense
an instinctive need to
of themselves, a consideration for others, and a
learn, a natural curiosity,
commitment to lifelong learning.
participating in a learning process which stresses
and a desire to do work of significance. Our intention is to combine
Joseph A. Pacelli
the strongest possible academic atmosphere with a supportive, caring environment in an effort to develop self-confident, motivated students who
Founder and Headmaster
have a love of learning. Walk down our friendly
Meet Our Headmaster Joseph A. Pacelli
in 2002 of adjacent property on West Front Street
(Washington and
helped the school accommodate grades pre-
Jefferson College, B.A.;
kindergarten through eight. The academy’s rapid
Seton Hall University,
growth and strong academic reputation is due not
M.A.) has gained a
only to Mr. Pacelli’s knowledge of the educational
reputation as one of the
process, but also to the personal connection he
shore area’s outstanding
makes with every student, parent, and faculty
educators and a foremost
member in the school. Under his leadership, Oak
authority in educational pedagogy. He started
Hill Academy has been recognized with numerous
his academic career as a mathematics teacher at
awards in the areas of academics, athletics, and fine
St. Peter’s Prep High School in Jersey City. After
arts. In 2006, the Monmouth County Arts Council
a period at the Pentagon, Mr. Pacelli returned to
named Mr. Pacelli “Arts Administrator of the Year.”
teaching with a position at Christian Brothers
Utilizing his background in mathematics, Mr. Pacelli
Academy, Lincroft in 1967. From 1971 to 1980, he
remains involved by teaching math to Upper School
was the Assistant Principal at Christian Brothers
Academy. In 1981, Mr. Pacelli founded Oak Hill Academy as a private junior high school. In
Oak Hill Academy is a nonsectarian, non
1984, the school moved to a ten acre campus on
profit, independent school for girls and boys in
Middletown-Lincroft Road in Lincroft. Additions
grades pre-kindergarten through eight.
M i s s i o n
S t a t e m e n t
Oak Hill Academy is dedicated to a traditional, challenging, and caring learning environment that encourages comprehensive thought processes and deep understandings; thus promoting the wholesome intellectual, emotional, moral, and physical lifetime growth of our students.
Philosophy themselves and persist in the face
Fostering skills for goal setting,
their important role in their
of frustrations; to control impulse
organizing, focusing, and using
students’ lives. At Oak Hill
and delay gratification; to regulate
their imaginations;
Academy, we recognize that
one’s moods and keep distress from
Incorporating opportunities to have
students learn better when they are
overwhelming the capacity to think;
fun, slow down, and experience a
comfortable in their environment,
to empathize and hope.
quiet time to discover, settle, and
Schools need to acknowledge
as well as respected and trusted. The whole person must be able to think creatively while achieving literacy in
II. Intellectual Skills – We must challenge children to develop
Encouraging individual success through one’s own resourcefulness
the arts, technology, mathematical
their intellectual skills to the best
and persistence; and
thought, and the understanding
of their ability. This requires that
Offering opportunities to explore
of scientific principles. The
they be active participants in their
and develop a sense of humor.
independent learner must have
own education, thus instilling a
a worldly view of our universe
love of learning that will last for a
and must have an understanding
lifetime. Reading and mathematics
Home and school should
of the various elements of our
must be the focal point of all
teach youngsters to recognize
environment. In addition, a broad
learning. Similarly, a child’s ability
characteristics such as honesty and
comprehension of other cultures
to write helps reading development,
compassion. We want our children
and foreign languages gives children
develops strong thinking
to develop the traits of fairness, self-
a deep appreciation of all earth’s
patterns, and fosters effective
control, and responsibility. They
land and people.
should be exposed to the difference between right and wrong, as well as
We take the following components as essential to the
IV. Morals and Character Education-
III. Environmental Skills – We must
the virtues of tolerance, fairness, and
healthy and natural development of
strive to help our children balance
loyalty. Being sensitive to the needs
our children:
and adapt to their ever changing
of others and making commitments
environment by:
to task should also be nurtured for
Assisting them to analyze,
harmonious living. Development
must help children understand
formulate, and make accurate
of the total person requires the
their emotions and assist them
balance of a healthy body and
in coping with the pressures of
Helping them use creative,
daily life. As a result, children will
innovative, and timely solutions to
develop the ability to motivate
life’s problems;
I. Emotional Intelligence – We
Oak Hill Academy
Our Campus Oak Hill Academy is located on a twenty acre
a gymnasium with athletic offices, kitchen, and
campus on Middletown-Lincroft Road in Lincroft.
locker rooms. Oak Hill Academy’s pool facility
The school is accessible from both Middletown-
features a permanent enclosure complete with
Lincroft Road and West Front Street. The academy’s
changing rooms and connections to both the Upper
property was once a farm, with the original house
and Lower Schools. The school grounds include
now serving as the school’s administrative offices.
a Student Activities Center for all to gather. This
Its Upper and Lower
facility contains
School buildings
an indoor and
feature small
outdoor stage
classroom settings
with seating for
400+ people,
by state-of-the-
as well as a
art materials and
technology. A
center and
Library/Arts facility
language labs.
with cathedral
A boardwalk
ceilings houses
nature trail leads
rooms for music,
the way to the
drama, art,
Science and
and library. A
Technology Center incorporates all of the latest in
Center which houses two laboratories for young
media education with ample space for children to
scientists and three labs dedicated to individual
do group work. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
scientific disciplines, as well as an attached
children thrive in the large, homey classrooms
greenhouse Finally, Oak Hill’s outdoor athletic
of the Center for Early Learning. A Commons
fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, and
building includes the lunchroom, business office,
playgrounds are complemented by the natural
and advisors’ office. Parentum Hall incorporates
setting of the beautiful, wooded campus.
Pre-Kindergarten First experiences, done well, pave the way to future
participation. Students move from the
happiness and success. The goal of Oak Hill
concrete use of hands-on manipulatives to the
Academy’s Pre-Kindergarten program is to help
pictorial stage where pictures are used to model
children become enthusiastic, lifelong learners.
problems, and finally on to the abstract concepts
This means encouraging children to be active and
where numbers, notation, and symbols are
creative explorers who are not afraid to try out
incorporated. In addition, the program lays
their own ideas and think their own thoughts.
a strong conceptual foundation for counting, patterns, calendar, seasons, money, and data collection. Reading/Language Arts Pre-Kindergarten utilizes the Little Treasures series as a developmentally appropriate, research
Children are nurtured, enriched, and allowed to
based, and comprehensive program for reading
progress at their own pace and in ways that are
and language arts. High quality literature along
best for them, including using computers and
with clear instructions and extensive practice
tools to enhance their learning. Based on Oak Hill
ensure that children grow as lifelong learners in
Academy’s philosophy and infusing sound basic
reading and writing. This engaging curriculum
standards from “The Creative Curriculum” model
is also designed to prepare four year olds for the
for early childhood learning, the Pre-Kindergarten
academic and social demands of kindergarten.
program emphasizes skills in preparation for Oak Hill Academy’s Lower School curriculum while
Let’s Begin With the Letter People
encouraging learning through discovery and play.
This inviting program uses a thematic approach
“The Creative Curriculum,” designed in part by
to enhance phonemic awareness, letter
noted early childhood educator and author, Diane
identification, and sound/symbol correlation.
Trister Dodge, focuses on “the whole child” which
The inflatable letter people introduce children to
promotes learning in all aspects of development:
new books, songs, and poems when they explore each interest area.
The Pre-Kindergarten program is open to
children who are 4 years old or approaching 4
developmentally by the start of the year. Readiness is assessed through the admission process. This
Singapore Math
range in age will allow for developmental grouping
This comprehensive, activity-based program
of students and the option of customizing the
is designed to build a strong foundation in
program to accommodate those children who may
mathematics through enjoyable, fun-filled
require another year of readiness.
lessons and activities. Each math lesson is engaging and stresses active student
Oak Hill Academy
Kindergarten the 42 phonemes of English
drama, music, library, and heads-
speech so that they can write
on/hands-on (theme based
anything they can say and then
read anything they have written. During reading time, children
Technology is very evident in
are grouped according to their
the Kindergarten classrooms.
abilities and given the resources
Computers with cable ready
to cater to the needs of early
access to the internet and flat
A full day Kindergarten program
readers to those above grade level.
screen televisions fill the rooms.
at Oak Hill Academy allows for
Mathematics is also a subject
Interactive white boards and
plenty of fun and a great deal of
that is presented daily. Use of
document cameras are used on a
developmental learning. A wing
the Singapaore math curriculum
daily basis to make lessons come
of the Center for Early Learning is
helps Kindergarten students to
alive. To enrich the curriculum
divided into oversized classrooms
build a strong foundation in
through hands-on technology,
and a kitchen area. This warm,
mathematical literacy. Through
iPads are available.
open environment and our small class size allow for individual
Oak Hill believes every
attention as well as opportunities
child is unique. Prospective
for cooperative learning.
kindergartners are tested for
To create a solid foundation in
their developmental readiness
letter and sound recognition,
using the Missouri Kindergarten
Kindergarten utilizes the
Inventory of Developmental
“Land of the Letter People.”
Skills (KIDS). We find that
This continuation of the Pre-
children who are most successful
Kindergarten program uses 26
in Kindergarten are those who
colorful, friendly characters
manipulatives, literature,
have reached a five year old
to make language come alive
workbooks, and fun-filled
developmental level at the time
and literacy grow. Within this
activities, the children are exposed
of testing and are moving towards
program, the children are exposed
to varied ways of thinking and
five and one-half by September.
to literature, journal writing, fine
expressing solutions. Lessons take
arts, map skills, and handwriting.
the children from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract.
Oak Hill Academy believes that
The curriculum is rounded out
the key to literacy is teaching
with units in geography, fine
writing as well as reading to
arts, handwriting, crafts, and
youngsters. The program used is
seasonal activities. Physical
titled “Writing to Read” and was
education which includes
developed by IBM. It includes use
swimming is enjoyed four
of the computer, work journals,
days per week using the main
opportunities for creative writing,
campus facilities. Students
craft activities, and other centers.
also benefit from weekly
The objective is to teach children
classes in French, science,
Lower School The curriculum in the Lower School is designed with
world. Past and present events
the stages of child development in mind. It seeks to
and cultures are discussed with
accommodate individual learning styles and to allow
the fourth grade in particular studying New Jersey, as well
for creativity, growth, and the development of positive
as ancient cultures.
self-esteem. Interdisciplinary objectives for all grades include critical thinking, information retrieval, reasoning,
A conversational approach is the basis for the French
analyzing, decision making, collecting data, problem
program with children learning through games, puppets,
solving, communicating and writing skills, interpersonal
and song. An exposure to the French culture is also an
skills, and conflict resolution.
important goal of the class. Instruction in Spanish and Chinese is an after school option as well. A traditional approach to reading
A healthy body leads to
a strong mind and is the
both phonics and
rationale behind a physical
literature. The skills
education and health program
of decoding, word
that is offered four times
study, vocabulary,
per week for Lower School students. Cooperative games,
comprehension, and study habits are taught in an integrated manner with regard to a child’s individual
stretching exercises, and physical fitness challenges all
readiness. This is complemented by an English and
focus on increasing gross motor skills and coordination.
language arts program that incorporates literary skills,
During the fall and spring, students participate in a
grammar, and handwriting. One of the hallmarks of
swimming program that covers basic strokes, proper
the Oak Hill Academy curriculum is its stress on creative
breathing, safety, and cardiovascular exercise.
writing. Therefore, the steps of the writing process are introduced at an early age.
Co-curricular work is the emphasis of the computer program. Computer class stresses learning how to use the
Mathematics in the Lower School is designed to provide
computer as a tool and includes such topics as desktop
a strong foundation for mental conceptualization and
publishing with Kid Pix and Kidspiration, Internet
problem solving. The Singapore math curriculum is
research, knowing the parts of the computer and how they
based on the ability to take a student’s thinking from
are used, presentation development and touch typing.
the concrete, to the pictorial, and finally to the abstract.
Cyber Safety is discussed through animated presentations.
Mathematics is seen as the vehicle, but thinking is the goal. An innovative enrichment program entitled “Heads-On/ An active learning environment is also the approach used
Hands-On” invites students to be creative. Students use
in the teaching of science and the scientific method. A
their imaginations and are challenged while learning
science specialist works with the students on all areas of
about a variety of topics which integrate science, social
science. Utilizing two dedicated laboratories, science is
studies, math, and reading skills.
explored through experiments, technology, and discussion. Weekly visits to the school library expand the world of reading for our students. The librarian introduces them Units in social studies allow Lower School students to explore geography and community in our country and our
to different types of literature, teaches them research techniques, and helps them take books out on loan for enjoyment or homework.
Oak Hill Academy
Upper School While the basic skills continue to be reinforced, the
Science and Environmental Center. In depth analysis
curricula of the departmentalized Upper School
of all types of sciences including life science, physical
becomes increasingly more demanding as students
science, chemistry, and earth science prepare students
learn to grasp concepts more abstract in nature.
for similar high school level work.
Numerous opportunities are provided for the students to actively participate in their own learning. There
Students in grades five and six study world geography
is a distinct “doing atmosphere” which permits the
and its effect on the past and present. They explore
students to develop self-
all areas of the globe with emphasis on Europe, the
confidence by taking
Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Seventh
part in group activities
and eighth graders gain an overview of world cultures
as well as displaying
before examining American history from its days of
individual expression.
early exploration to modern times. A global view of
Emphasis on the writing
historic and current events is highlighted.
process provides the vehicle for extensive selfthought and communication of one’s ideas. An
The study of Latin is offered to seventh and eighth
environment is established permitting students to
graders. This consists of the development of
practice self-discipline in work habits and conduct.
vocabulary and the
Interdisciplinary objectives for all grades include
grammatical structure
critical thinking, information retrieval, reasoning,
through translation.
analyzing, decision making, collecting data, problem
Also, the history
solving, communication skills, interpersonal skills, and
and culture of the
conflict resolution.
Roman daily life is studied. The natural
Within the eight period day, literature, language arts,
by-product is a greater
and reading are required courses. This allows students
understanding of
an in-depth study of grammar, composition, and
English vocabulary and grammar, as well as acting as a
vocabulary. These skills are reinforced through the use
springboard for the study of other languages.
of a wide variety of literature. All types of writing are incorporated into the class work and strong study skills
The teaching of French continues in the Upper School,
are always stressed.
while Spanish is also introduced. The conversational approach is supplemented by a rich study of grammar
A deep understanding of concepts, applications, and
and culture. This provides a thorough preparation for
problem solving are at the heart of the mathematics
advanced high school courses.
curriculum. All areas of math are integrated and
Critical reading is an offering for seventh and eighth
reviewed as skills are mastered using a hands-on
graders. Students learn to comprehend and analyze
approach. Students in seventh and eighth grade are
what is read from a variety of sources. The results
also given the opportunity to take pre-algebra, algebra
of their investigations are then communicated using
I, or even algebra II and trigonometry in some cases.
written and oral presentations.
A discovery method and interactive approach is used
Small group computer classes keep students on the
throughout the science curriculum. Lab work and
cutting edge of technology. Students learn about the
reports are an integral part of learning at the school’s
technological world through design and problem
solving. Practical computer skills such as PowerPoint,
courts. The school’s indoor,
word processing, spreadsheets, database and web
heated pool facility allows for
design are studied in depth. Touch typing lessons and
swimming instruction in both
tests are used to improve accuracy and speed. These
the fall and spring.
skills can then be applied to various disciplines. Cyber
An innovative technology
Safety is discussed through age appropriate video
course entitled “Explorations” allows Upper School
presentations and open discussion.
students to utilize state-of-the-art technology for research based projects. Cooperative groups work
Exposure to varieties of athletics and physical fitness
creatively to choose a topic, analyze material, and
are stressed in the physical education program. In
present their findings. Similarly, students work in
addition, an appreciation for personal well-being is
small groups to do project work in “Math Workshop.”
learned through health courses. Units on various types
This course allows students to connect their
of sports are introduced using the school’s gymnasium,
mathematics skills to real-world applications.
tennis courts, soccer field, baseball fields, and outdoor
Fine & Performing Arts Art classes take advantage
using rhythmic speech, and playing instruments.
of the small class sizes
In the older grades the students explore music by
and state-of-the-art
playing compositions for the barred instruments,
facilities, inlcuding a
as well as learning about other cultures by studying
kiln to allow students
and playing their percussion music. In addition,
to participate in many types of work. They gain
an instrumental music program is offered to our
experience in all areas of media including paints,
students beginning in fourth grade. Students may
clay, woodworking, jewelry, sketching, sculpture,
also participate in school band.
and printmaking. Each child’s creativity is nurtured through a hands-on approach. Areas of aesthetics,
The drama program introduces students to the
art heritage, and art criticism are also covered.
theories and practices of educational drama and theatre. The relationship of drama and theatre to
The music program
speaking, thinking, writing, reading, history, and
is designed to foster a
other curricular subjects
lifelong appreciation
is examined. Through
of music through
active participation,
active music making
students build a
experiences. The philosophy used is known as
knowledge of various
Orff-Schulwerk, named for its originator Carl Orff,
drama/theatre activities,
and was designed to develop students’ rhythmic
techniques and strategies, including improvisation,
competency, aural skills, and an understanding
play writing, costuming, scene study, and play
of the structure of music. In the younger grades
production. This is a performance based class that
the students experience music by singing, moving,
utilizes the school’s indoor and outdoor stage areas.
Oak Hill Academy
Athletics An important feature of the Oak Hill Academy experience for students is its athletics program. Here students learn how to join together to build character and strength while contributing to their team. They gain the added benefit of personal health and well-being. Students are encouraged to participate and are welcomed on any of the teams open to their age group. Traditionally Oak Hill Academy teams play other private schools, parochial schools, and small public schools depending on the league involved for that particular sport.
The interscholastic athletic program for both boys and girls includes girls’ soccer, boys’ soccer and co-ed cross country in the fall; junior varsity girls’ basketball, junior varsity boys’ basketball, varsity girls’ basketball, varsity boys’ basketball, co-ed cheerleading, and co-ed swimming in the winter; and girls’ softball, boys’ baseball, and co-ed tennis in the spring. In addition various intramural programs are held throughout each season for students. Oak Hill Academy athletic teams have had many successes including undefeated seasons and winning league titles. Our teams have also been cited for their sportsmanship. Many of our athletes have continued their endeavors in high school and college athletics. Some of our elite athletes have been drafted by professional teams and have competed at the Olympic trials.
Activities & Extended Care In addition to the
help and academic enrichment are also a part of the
academic and athletic
after school offerings.
programs, many students at Oak Hill
An extended care service is available daily for
Academy participate
students immediately after school or after a club or
in extracurricular
sport. Participants are given a snack and supervised
activities. This
while beginning their homework. Attendees are
extension of their
also given the opportunity to do crafts, play games,
day is included in the
use school computers, and go on the school’s
school tuition. This
playground. This program is provided daily on an
affords students the
hourly basis and is available until 6 p.m. Before
opportunity to further
school care is also available.
pursue their interests and share quality time with their teachers and friends. In the case of Student Council, participants provide community service to the school and our surrounding area. Student Council also sponsors various social events at the school. There are many after school clubs for every age level which include yearbook, literary magazine, music, chorus, drama, movie makers, forensics, French, Spanish, Chinese, math team, computers, art, science, chess, dance, physical education, puppetry, nature, and more. Of course, homework
Schedule and Transportation Normal school day hours for grades kindergarten through eight are 8:12 a.m. to 2:19 p.m. PreKindergarten is also full day and runs from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Bus transportation is provided by their local town for students in grades kindergarten to eight. Busing is available to most students living within a 20-mile radius of Oak Hill Academy. These buses are often shared with nearby schools, with routes and pick-up times determined by the local school board and bus company.
Oak Hill Academy
What makes Oak Hill Academy Special? •
Close-knit, caring community
Outstanding, experienced, and dedicated teaching staff
Small classes providing individual attention
An eight to one student/faculty ratio
Superior, hands-on learning environment
High quality, current instructional materials
Emphasis on development of communication and higher-order thinking skills
Attention to emotional and character development
Superior preparation for competitive high school placement
State-of-the-art use of technology in education
Advisor program and individual guidance
Excellent school to home communication
Comprehensive sports programs and extracurricular activities
After school tutoring and extended care program
Art, music, and drama as part of a balanced curriculum
Extensive science laboratories for hands-on learning
Indoor, heated pool facility for swimming instruction
“Oak Hill Academy has provided me with a rich and rewarding foundation. I feel fortunate to have been involved in such a nurturing and caring environment. This school provided the confidence for me to be who I am today.” – Alexandra Neumann, Class of 2003
“We didn’t feel our children were being academically challenged in our town’s public school system. Our experience with Oak Hill Academy has far exceeded our expectations. Our three older children were so advanced academically upon their graduation from Oak Hill, that they all were accepted to a top boarding school. Our eldest is now in college, and was recently elected president of her class.” –Scot and Corey Small, OHA parents and alumni parents
“Oak Hill Academy has been providing our children with an outstanding educational base while teaching them to be strong, independent leaders and citizens. It is a privilege to be a part of the Oak Hill family.” – Doug and Heather Forsyth, OHA parents
OHA prepared me for the demands of academic life in high school and “OHA established a secure
college. I have friendships that were
foundation upon which all future
formed in Oak Hill that will last a
educational endeavors were built.
lifetime.” – Joe Morelli, Class of 2003
I’ve NO DOUBT about that!” – Elizabeth Panzera, Class of 1982
“Oak Hill develops a parent’s greatest gift…their child. Upon graduating, each student leaves with the knowledge, fortitude, and pureness of heart necessary to go out and conquer the world!” – Lisa Wicks, OHA parent and alumni parent
Oak Hill Academy
Admissions kindergarten, kindergarten, and first. Prospective students in grades two through eight are given a standardized placement test in a small group setting. As a final step in the process, children are invited to spend time in an Oak Hill Academy classroom and gain the true Oak Hill Academy experience. After all materials have been received and reviewed, an interview with the Headmaster is arranged in It is our intention at Oak Hill Academy to find
order to hold final discussions and to go over test
the right match between our school’s philosophy
results. For those entering grades 5-8, both parents
and goals and the children who will benefit most
and students are requested to be present.
from our educational environment. In order for prospective families to familiarize themselves with
Applications are considered based on the date
our school, we strongly encourage them to attend
of application, with preference given to Oak
one of our open houses or to go on a personal tour
Hill families. Therefore, applications may be
of the campus during school hours.
accepted months to years in advance for all grades. Evaluations and visits typically begin in January
Formal application to Oak Hill Academy begins
and continue through the summer if space allows.
with an application form and an entrance and
Waiting lists may be established in order to keep
testing fee. In addition, students are required to
class sizes small. Financial aid is available for
submit a copy of the student’s last report card,
qualified candidates.
most recent standardized test scores if applicable, and a recommendation from the child’s present
Oak Hill Academy does not discriminate on
teacher. Developmental readiness evaluations
the basis of race, color, or religion in any of the
are administered to students entering grades pre-
school’s admissions policies, academic programs, or extracurricular activities.
Directions to Campus
From the Garden State Parkway •
Take Exit 109 (Red Bank/Lincroft).
Turn west onto Newman Springs Road (Route 520).
Follow for approximately 1.5 miles into center of Lincroft.
At traffic light, make right onto Middletown-Lincroft Road.
Follow for 1 mile; OHA is on the left.
Oak Hill Academy received accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools in 1986, 1996,
From the New Jersey Turnpike •
Take Exit 7A
Take Interstate 195 East to the Garden State Parkway North
Follow directions above from the Garden State Parkway
From the West
2008, and 2011. The Academy is also a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, the
Take Route 33 east toward Freehold.
In Freehold, take Route 537 East.
New Jersey Association of
Follow 537 into Colts Neck and turn left onto Route 34 North.
Independent Schools, and the
At 1st traffic light make right onto Phalanx Road.
Follow for approximately 8-10 miles to end.
Make right onto Newman Springs Road (Route 520).
Make left at next traffic light onto Middletown-Lincroft Road.
Follow for 1 mile; OHA is on the left.
Educational Records Bureau.
Oak Hill Academy
347 Middletown-Lincroft Road Lincroft, New Jersey 07738 (732) 530-1343 Fax (732) 530-0045