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CONTENTS: 1.– MACHINES: simple / complex. 2.– Simple machines: Wheel, lever, screw, inclined plane, pulley, wedge. 3.- Complex machines: parts. Casing, motor, circuits, mechanical elements... 4.– Tools: hand tools / power tools.

C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)

A machine is something that helps us to do a work with less effort. There are simple machines and complex machines. 1 Scissors

5.– STRUCTURES: types, parts… 6.– Technological advances, scientists and inventors.

1.– MACHINES. A machine is something that helps us to do a work with less effort. For example a bike helps us to move easier than walking or running, a calculator helps us to save time when we must do calculations. There are two types of machines: simple machines and complex machines. 1.1.– SIMPLE MACHINES. A simple machine has only one or a few parts or components. From ancient times humans have used this kind of machines. A.– Wheel & axle: The invention of the wheel was into the Neolithic period. A wheel is a circular component that rotates on an axle, and reduces friction, so makes easier the movement. The wheel and the axle help us to transport heavy objects in an easy way.

Washing machine

Calculator 2

wheel axle

Model of an old cart. First-class lever: Fulcrum in the centre. effort

B.– Lever: This machine is formed by a rigid bar, that moves around a fixed support called fulcrum. It is used to transmit a force, to move heavy objets… There are three classes of levers, depending if the fulcrum, the load or the effort are in the centre.


3 Second-class lever: Load in the centre.

.– First-class lever: Fulcrum in the centre. .– Second-class lever: Load in the centre. .– Third-class lever: Effort in the centre.

effort fulcrum



USEFUL WORDS: .– machine .– wheel .– fulcrum .– screw

.– simple .– axle .– effort .– jack


.– complex .– lever .– load

C.– Screw: We use a screw to hold things together or lift objects. Turning a screw is easier than pushing the screw directly. A car jack is one example of using a screw to push up a heavy object from the ground. 6

Third-class lever: Effort in the centre. EFFORT




Screw can hold things together.



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