C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
PROJECT 1: “GROWING SALT CRYSTALS” You are going to do an experiment of evaporation as a separation process in a mixture of salt and coloured water. (in pairs) Tools and materials: .– Spoon. .– Jar. .– Salt. .– Water. .– Water colours .– Thread, paper clip... Process: 1.– Pour some water into the jar, and add some salt. (Optional: you can colour the water with watercolours). 2.– Mix the salt and water with the spoon. You can heat the liquid in a microwave. 3.– Put a paper clip fixed with a thread. 4.– Place the jar in a warm place (under the sun, or next to a heating…). Watch it after some days... Note: You can watch this video to get an idea the way you can do it.
OPTIONAL: You can use sugar and food colouring to make crystal candies.
IMPORTANT: Take pictures of the process and prepare a power point. You must bring to the class: the power point and salt crystals.
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
PROJECT 2: “HOMEMADE LAVA LAMP” In pairs you are going to make a lava lamp. (It’s an example of heterogeneous mixture). Tools and materials: .– Plastic bottle. .– Water. .– Oil. .– Food colouring. .– Effervescent pill. .– A funnel, a little box, a little torch... Process: 1.– Pour some water into the bottle, and add some oil.. 2.– Pour some drops food colouring. 3.– Place the bottle on the little box with the lighting torch inside. 4.– Put an effervescent pill inside the bottle… and enjoy. Note: You can watch this video to get an idea the way you can do it.
IMPORTANT: Take pictures during the process and prepare a power point to show it to your classmates.