CONTENTS: 1.– Health and illness. 2.– Types of diseases: infectious / non-infectious. 3.– Prevention of disease: .– Healthy diet. .– Hygiene habits. .– Regular exercise… .– Being responsible. 4.– Science and health: .– Access to medical care. .– Medical advances. 5.– First aid care.
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
1.– HEALTH AND ILLNESS. We can speak about two types of health: .– Physical health: when all organs in our body work in a right way, and we do not feel any pain. .– Mental health: when we feel good with ourselves and with the rest of people. When we don’t have any psychological disorder.
Remember something about health.
Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being, not only the absence of disease or pain. 2
So we can speak about physical diseases and mental diseases. If we have a physical disease, our body does not work properly and we feel bad. We have fever, we have a cough, we sneeze, or we have a pain… These disorders are called symptoms and they help the doctor to know what type of disease we have.
When we have a mental disorder, we do not feel good with ourselves like in depression, stress, anorexia... Illness or disease is a state of being unhealthy in our body or mind. 2.– TYPES OF DISEASES. First, we are going to divide diseases in two great groups, depending on their origin: 2.1.– Infectious diseases: If an infectious agent gets into your body, you will be ill. These agents are microscopic, and the most common ones are pathogenic bacteria, and viruses. We can get the disease when we breath infected air (air with bacteria or viruses), or when we touch infected objects, when a mosquito or another animal bites us, by an open wound in our skin...
Viruses in the air.(Contagious disease)
Infectious diseases are transmitted by infectious agents (germs). Example: the flu. Non-infectious diseases are caused by other reasons. Example: a heartatack.
A.- Contagious diseases: when the disease is transmitted by contact from an infected person, or object.The transmission could be through the air (caughs, sneezes…), by touching the other person, by a mosquito (malaria)… B.– Non-contagious diseases: When the disease can’t be transmitted from an infected person to another one. USEFUL WORDS: .– healt .– illness / disease / sickness .– symptoms .– infectious / non-infectious
.– pain .– wound
Infected wound. (Non-contagious disease)
.– physical / mental health .- contagious / non-contagious
Many of these illnesses are caused by bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics, others are caused by viruses and antibiotics do not work on them. We can see some examples of infectious diseases. Some of them are related to different systems.
2.2.– Non-infectious diseases: When the disease is not caused by an infectious agent, it’s caused by different reasons, like bad habits, accidents, cancer… We can connect many of them with malfunction of different organs or systems.
Infectious diseases: Digestive system Salmonellosis, other digestive infections... Respiratory system
pneumonia, tuberculosis, the flu, sore throat, common cold...
Whole body
Hepatitis, AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)...
Non-infectious diseases: SYSTEM
Circulatory system Arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart attack… Unhealthy lifestyles... Respiratory system Asthma, lung cancer...
Genetic, smoking...
Excretory system
Kidney stones...
Bad diet, dehydratation...
Sense organs
Cataract, blindness, deafness, sunburn…
Genetic, unhealthy lifestyles...
Nervous system
Headache, insomnia, mental disorders, Alzheimer's... Stress, brain degeneration ...
Locomotor system
Burns, broken bones, sprain, luxations...
Allergies, congenital diseases, cancers… Malnutrition, obesity...
Genetic, unhealthy lifestyles...
3.– PREVENTION OF DISEASE: Healthcare has improved a lot, with new equipment, medicines… but one important part of the new style in healthcare is prevention. Preventive medicine consists of measures taken for disease prevention, as opposed to disease treatment. To avoid some diseases, there are some rules to follow: 3.1.– Healthy diet: if you eat a balanced diet, your organs and systems will work better. Eating a great variety of foods is needed for good health. Remember the food pyramid: 1.– Eat most: vegetables, cereals, pasta, fruits… These foods countain different nutrients (minerals, vitamins, fibre…) and energy from carbohydrates. And don’t forget to drink a lot of water or liquids. 2.– Eat moderately: fish, meat, eggs, dairy foods (milk, yogourt…) will provide proteins, minerals and vitamins. 3.– Eat in small amounts: sugars, oil and fats.
Healthy diet.
USEFUL WORDS: .– antibiotics .– prevention .– preventive medicine / preventive healthcare .– healthy diet .– food pyramid .– higiene habits
3.2.– Hygiene habits: if our house and clothes are clean, if we wash fruit and vegetables before eating them, and we have a good personal higiene (wash our hands, clean our teeth, take a shower… regularly) we will avoid infections. Many health problems are caused by bad higiene habits. 6
3.3.– Exercise, posture and rest: Practising regularly some kind of exercise (walking, running, playing sports…) is very important for our health. These activities improve our physical condition and prevent mental disorders (stress, depression…). At the same time, our body needs enough time to rest and sleep. Children need to sleep more than ten hours a day. Finally, to keep a good position while we are sitting, studying,… and to change the position from time to time, will avoid some damages in our spine and locomotor system.
To practise exercise is very good for your health.
3.4.– Avoid accidents: to take some precautions in our daily life can hep to avoid accidents. Wear a helmet when we ride a bike, fasten your seatbelt in cars, watch the traffic before to cross a road. In the kitchen, take care with knives, and with hot oil… while your parents are cooking... Do not play near a swimming pool. Many accidents happen at home, so we must be careful. 9
Fasten your seatbelt.
3.5.– Go to the doctor, dentist… To visit the doctor is very important. To vaccinate young children for preventing diseases, when we feel ill, to do a check-up to control that our health is good… This is very important because they can do some tests (blood test, urine test, electrocardiogram...) that can detect very important diseases (heart diseases, diabetes, cancer…). Go to the doctor.
3.6.– Do not smoke and avoid alcohol and other drugs. Do not smoke, do not have alcohol or other drugs. They are very bad for your health, and they can produce dangerous physical, mental and social disorders. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE: 1.– Healthy diet. 2.– Hygiene habits. 3.– Exercise, position and rest 4.– Avoid accidents. 5.– Go to the doctor, dentist… 6.– Don’t smoke and avoid alcohol and other drugs.
USEFUL WORDS: .– exercise .– rest .– vaccinate
.– posture .– avoid accidents .– check-up
4.– SCIENCE AND HEALTH. Nowadays, medicine has improved a lot and people have got an easier access to medical care. Patients can go to the Community Health Centre or to a hospital, to solve their health problems. 4.1.– Main steps on a medical treatment are different steps to solve health problems from one person. A.– Symptoms: health problems that a person has got ( pain, or bad feelings, fever, cough, sore throat…) B.– Tests: they are different tests in order to get information about the disease (auscultation, blood/urine tests, X-ray, scanner…) C.– Diagnosis: the doctor knows the name of the disease because of the results of the tests. D.– Treatment: .– Drugs or medicines: pills, painkillers, antibiotics... that the patient will take. .– Surgery treatment: a surgical operation to solve the pain, or the disease. .– Radiation: treatment with radioactive substances to cure tumors, cancers... E.– Recovery period: period of time while the patient becomes healthier and stronger . 4.2.– Medical advances. Health care has improved because of different reasons: better hygiene, better medicines, quality of feeding… but the most important advances are by medical research. A.– Research on human body: to know the parts of the organs, and systems in the body, and learn about the way they work, and their problems... B.– Research on medical equipment: to have new machines, and technology to explore the body, and to do different tests (X-rays, scanners, better microscopes…) C.– Research on new medicines, vaccines, antibiotics, painkillers…): nowadays is easier to treat many diseases because of new medicines. Antibiotics have saved lots of lives, usual infections, (like a cold) could be deadly int the past. Imagine a toothache without any painkillers... Vaccines have protected children from diseases that could be the reason of their deads. 5.- FIRST AID CARE: First Aid Care is the treatment administered to an injured or sick person before the doctor arrives. There are lots of situations where we could help to another person before the doctor would arrive.
Medicine is the science of diagnosing, treating, or preventing disease and other damage to the body or mind.
11 A doctor using a medical scanner to do a test.
Main steps on a medical treatment: Symptoms / Tests / Diagnosis / Treatment / Recovery period
A doctor using a microscope to do a test.
First Aid Care: The most important thing is to stay calm and to call the emergency service (ambulance, doctor…) First Aid Kit.
A.– Sunburn: Cool the area with water, apply an 13 aftersun lotion, and if it is very severe, call the doctor. B.– Wounds and cuts: clean the area with antiseptic lotion, and apply a sterile bandage to protect the wound. 14 C.– Nosebleed: Hold the tip of your nose with your finger for five minutes while breathing through the mouth. D.– Stings and insect bites: Wash the bite with soap and water, then cool the skin with ice cubes. If necessary, use a painkilling cream or an antihistamine gel. If the person is If the accident is at school, go to allergic, talk to the doctor. the teacher and tell him/her about E.– First-aid kit: It's always a good idea to keep a first-aid the problem. kit at home or at school, or in the car...