OUR HEALTH HEALTH: .- Physical health. .- Mental health.
DISEASES: .- INFECTIOUS: .- Contagious (the flu) .- Non-contagious (Infected wound) .- NON-INFECTIOUS (Related with: bad habits, accidents, cancer…)
PREVENTION OF DISEASES: 1.- Healthy diet (Food pyramid) 2.- Hygiene habits. 3.- Exercise, posture and rest. 4.- Avoid accidents. 5.- Go to the doctor, dentist… 6.- Do not smoke and avoid alcohol and other drugs.
MAIN STEPS ON A MEDICAL TREAMENT: 1.- Symptoms. 2.- Tests. 3.- Diagnosis. 4.- Treatmentnts. .- Drugs or medicines. .- Surgery treatment. .- Radiation. 5.- Recovery period. MEDICAL ADVANCES: 1.- Research on human body. 2.- Research on medical equipment. 3.- Research on new medicines…
FIRST AID CARE: 1.- Stay calm. 2.- Call the emergency service 3.- If the accident is at school, GO TO THE TEACHER!