C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
1.– Write four characteristics of animals:– Write the name of the two groups of animals and write some charcacteristics of them. 1.-
3.– Write the name of 9 invertebrate animals from this video. ..-
4.– Complete these sentences from the song. You must take a look at the notes of the unit to write the name of the group of invertebrates) a.– Invertebrates don’t have a ____________________ b.– They can have a _______________ or _________________ c.– These invertebrates have six legs, some of them can fly. Their body is divided in three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. These invertebrates are ________________________. d.- These invertebrates have tentacles and at the end of these is an eye. They have soft body and a Shell. These invertebrates are ____________________________. e– These invertebrates have eight legs, their body is divided in two parts.cephalothorax and abdomen. These invertebrates are ________________________________. f.– These invertebrates have ten legs, but they only have two eyes, and a thick exoskeleton. These invertebrates are ______________________________.
5.- Write 4 characteristics of invertebrates.– Translate into Spanish: .– multicellular : .– invertebrates:
.– consumer/heterotroph: .- vertebrates:
.– backbone / spinal column:
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
1.– Complete some sentences from the video about SEA SPONGES: A.– Sea sponges have ________________ B.– Water goes through the _______________________________________________________ C.– Sea sponges get nutrients trhrough the water ______________________________________ D.– Sea sponges provide _________________________________________________________
2.– CNIDARIANS. Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. A.– Cnidarians are aquatic T / F B.– Cnidarians have two openings
T / F
C.– Cnidarians don’t have tentacles T / F E.– Adult jellyfish can’t move
T / F
D.- Write the name of three types of cnidarians (English and Spanish) .- _________________ .- _________________ .- _________________
3.– ECHINODERMS. Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. A.– Starfish have radial symmetry T / F B.– Starfish have the mouth on top of his body. T / F C.– Starfish can’t move
T / F
D.– Starfish have two types of reproduction: ___________________ and ___________________ E.– Starfish are carnivore
T / F
f.– Write three names of equinoderms (English and Spanish): .- _________________ .- _________________ .- _________________ 4.– Match these invertebrates with their groups (and write their names into Spanish) Starfish: Corals:
Sponges: Jellyfish:
sea-urchin: sea anemone: sea cucumber:
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
1.– WORMS: a.- Write two characteristics of worms: ..b.- Write three types of worms: _________________ _____________________ __________________________ 2.– ANNELIDS. Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. A.– Write two names of annelids: ____________________ and ____________________ B.– Earthworms are formed by segments
T / F
C.– Earthworms have legs
T / F
D– Earthworms are hermaphrodites
T / F
E.– Some annelids can live in water
T / F
F.– Some annelids can suck blood from humans T / F G.– The annelid that suck blood is called _________________
3.– PLATHELMINTHES. Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. A.– Most of plathelminthes are parasites
T / F
B.– Plathelminthes are called ‘flatworms’ because of their shape.
T / F
C.– Taenia lives outside the intestine
T / F
D.– Its head is called ‘scolex’
T / F
E.– Taenia can be transmitted by uncooked pork to humans
T / F
F.– An adult taenina can be 8 metres long
T / F
4.– NEMATODES . Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. A.– Some of nematodes are parasites
T / F
B.– They need water to live
T / F
C.– They are round and very big
T / F
D.– Write two names of roundworms or nematodes: ____________________ and _______________________. 5.– Match the characteristics of worms with the three different types. A.– They live on earth ANNELIDS.
B.– They are parasites and they are very long C.– They are parasites and they are very small, (microscopic).
D.– They are formed by segments E.– They don’t have legs
F.– They are good for agriculture
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
1.– Label the main parts of a snail on the picture: 2.– Write and translate every part: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________:
3.– Complete these sentences (you can get some help from page 4) 1.– Mollusk are terrestrial and _______________. 2.– They have got a ___________ body and some of them have got a __________ to protect themselves. 3.– There are _______ kinds of mollusks: _________________, _________________ and ___________________. 4.– Write the name of two gastropods: ____________________ and ___________________. 5.– Write the name of three bivalves: _____________________, _________________ and ____________________. 6.– Write the name of three parts of the body of Bivalves: _____________, _______________ and _____________. 7.- Write the name of three cephalopods: __________________, _________________ and ____________________. 8.- Write the name of three parts of the body of cephalopods: _____________, _____________ and ____________.
4.– MOLLUSKS. Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. a.– There are terrestrial mollusks and aquatic mollusks T / F b.– Gastropods have only one shell.
T / F
c.– Bivalves have only one Shell.
T / F
d.– Gastropods have 4 tentacles with sensory organs.
T / F
e.– Cephalopods have tentacles with sensory organs.
T / F
f.– Cephalopods have a sink sac to confuse predators.
T / F
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
ARTHROPODS: 1.– Write the name of the four types of arthropods:
2.– Write some characterístics of arthropods:
3.– INSECTS: Label this picture with some parts of the body of insects: 4.- Write and translate every part: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________: ___________________:
5.– Complete these sentences (you can get some help from page 4) A.– The exoskeleton of insects is made of ____________. B.- The body of an insect is divided in three parts: _________________, _______________ and _______________. C.– They have six _____________, two __________ to see, and two _____________ with sense organs. D.– They have got __________________________ to breathe. It’s a net of tubes where air comes into the body. E.– They go through a ________________________ to grow and change their body structure. F.– The adults insects lay eggs, later they change into ______________, after that they change into an inactive state called ______________________, and finally they emerge as an _________________. G.– The metamorphosis of insects has got 4 steps: ______________, _______________, _______________ and ___________________. h.– Write 5 names of insects:
i.- Insects have legs and wings from __________________ J.– Insects have intestines, and the reproductive system in __________________ K.– Insects have on their heads _______________________________________________
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
1.– ARACHNIDS: Label this picture with some parts of the body of arachnids:
2.– ARACHNIDS: Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. a.– They are aquatic invertebrates. T / F b.– Arachnids breathe through tracheas
T / F
c.– Their body has three parts: head, thorax and abdomen
T / F
d.– They have got ten legs.
T / F
e.– Spiders can inject venom with the stinger.
T / F
f.– Spider can inject venom with the chelicerae.
T / F
g.– Spider inject some liquids to dissolve the body of prays.
T / F
h.– Scorpions produce silk to capture preys.
T / F
3.– CRUSTACEANS: Label this picture with some parts of the body of this prawn:
4.– CRUSTACEANS: Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. a.– They are aquatic invertebrates. T / F b.– Crustaceans breathe through tracheas T / F c.– They don’t have body segments
T / F
d.– They have 12 jointed legs
T / F
e.– They eat particles floating in the water T / F f.– They have gills to breathe.
T / F
g.– Crustaceans breathe through tracheas T / F h.– Sometimes they have a carapace that covers the cephalothorax for protection
T / F
i.-. They lay eggs, that will transform into larvae, and finally into adults
T / F
j.– Write some examples of crustaceans:
C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
1.– MYRIAPODS: Label this picture with some parts of the body of this scolopendra:
2.– MYRIAPODS: Look information on your notes, and complete or choose True / False. a.– They are aquatic invertebrates. T / F b.– Myriapods breathe through tracheas
T / F
c.– Scolopendra have a segmented body , with 2 legs per segment
T / F
d.– They have got twelve legs.
T / F
e.– Millipedes have got 4 legs per segment.
T / F
f.– Centipedes are carnivorous, and they have two venom claws.
T / F
g.– Millipedes have between 36 and 400 legs.
T / F
h.– Myriapods have three antennae, and two eyes.
T / F
3.– Fill this chart about arthropods. ARTHROPODS
A.- INSECTS (Terrestrial or aquatic)
B.- ARACHNIDS (Terrestrial)
C.-CRUSTACEANS (Mostly aquatic)
Terrestrial D.- MYRIAPODS (Terrestrial)
Antennae Legs
Examples of animals
Parts of the body
Characteristics: .– Jointed legs .– Exoskeleton made of chitin