ANIMALS. English

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CEIP Santa Ana (Madridejos)

ANIMAL KINGDOM. We find a great variety of living beings in the Animal Kingdom, but they have some common features like: .- All of them are multicellular.

.- All of them are consumers

.- They have sexual reproduction

.- Most of them can move.

They are two main groups: invertebrates and vertebrates. A.- Invetebrates: animals that don’t have a skeleton or spinal column, although some of them have a protection system like shells, or jointed plates. B.- Vertebrates: animals that have an internal skeleton formed by bones and a spinal column. Their body is divided in head, trunk and limbs.

A: INVERTEBRATES: They have some characteristics in common: 1.- They don’t have a skeleton or spinal column. 2.- They reproduce by eggs. 3.- Some of them have their body protected by shells, jointed plates, hard skin… They are classified in 6 groups: 1.- SPONGES: They are the simplest animals. They live fixed to rocks. They are very soft, and get nutrients filtering water through their pores.


2.- COELENTERATES: All coelenterates are aquatic, mostly marine. Some examples are corals, sea anemone (fixed to rocks) and jellyfish.



CEIP Santa Ana (Madridejos)

3.- ECHINODERM: The body has got radial symmetry. The mouth is in the middle of the body. They can move slowly along the sea bottom. Examples: Starfish and sea-urchin.


4.- WORMS: Soft and elongated body without legs. Most of them are aquatic, but some are terrestrial. Examples: Leech and Earthworm Earthworm

5.- MOLLUSKS They are terrestrial and marine, they have got a soft body and some of them have got a shell.

5.1.- GASTROPODS They have only one shell to protect themselves. They are aquatic or terrestrial. Examples: snails and slugs. Snail

5.2. BIVALVES: They have one shell, divided into two parts called valves. They are aquatic, mostly marine. Example: mussels, clams‌



CEIP Santa Ana (Madridejos)

5.4.- CEPHALOPODS: The mouth is surrounded by muscular tentacles used to hunt their preys. Examples: Octopus, squid… octopus

6.- ARTHROPODS: They have an external skeleton and segmented body. They can be terrestrial or marine. They are four groups:

6.1.- CRUSTACEANS: Most of them live in the sea. They have got 10 legs, two of them are pincers, and two antennae. Examples: crabs, prawns, lobsters… crab

6.2.- ARACHNIDS: They are terrestrial and carnivorous. All arachnids have eight legs. Their body has a cephalothorax and abdomen. Examples: spiders, scorpions…


6.3.-MYRIAPODS: They are terrestrial, and they have lots of legs and two antennae. Examples: scolopendra, centipedes…



CEIP Santa Ana (Madridejos)

6.4.- INSECTS: Insects are invertebrates that have a exoskeleton. They have a three-part body (head, thorax, and abdomen), six legs and two antennae. Insects are mostly solitary, but some of them (bees, ants and termites) are social and live in colonies. wasp ARTHROPODS GROUP




















B: VERTEBRATES: All vertebrates have an internal skeleton formed by bones, with a spinal column. They have three main body parts: head, trunk and limbs (upper limbs and lower limbs). Some of them have fins (to swim) or wings (to fly). There are five groups: 1.- FISH: They are aquatic animals. Most fish are coldblooded, (their body temperatures vary as ambient temperatures change),. They breath through gills, are covered by scales. Their limbs are transformed into fins to swim (2 pectoral, 2 dorsal, 2 ventral, 1 caudal) They have a spinal column and bones, sharks have got cartilage. Some of them have got teeth, others not (it all depend on their diet). They have a swim bladder, that permit them to swim up and down or float. They are oviparous, so the female lays eggs that are fertilized by the male in the water (external fertilization). They lay a lot of legs because only a few of them will be adult. They can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.


CEIP Santa Ana (Madridejos)

2.- REPTILES: They are terrestrial. They are cold-blooded, so their temperature depend on the environment. They have lungs to breath, covered with scales. All of them have an internal skeleton with a spinal column. They are oviparous with internal fertilization that females lay on earth. There are a great variety of reptiles: carnivores (snakes, crocodiles…), or herbivores (tortoises, iguanas, some lizards…), but all of them slither on their belly. Tortoises have a shell to protect themselves. Snakes remove their skin from time to time, they don’t have any limbs. Snakes have teeth and some of them use poison to kill their prey.

3.- AMPHIBIANS: When they are young they live in the water, they use gills to breathe, but when adults they breathe using lungs and their wet skin. They are cold-blooded. Adults have got spinal column and four limbs that use to swim and jump. They are oviparous, so females lay eggs in the water, that are fertilized by males (external fertilization). Each frog egg will become into a tadpole that will suffer a metamorphosis to transform into an adult frog. Tadpole are herbivores but frogs are carnivores eating insects that hunt with their sticky tongue.

4.- BIRDS: They are terrestrial vertebrates that breathe with lungs.. They are warm-blooded. They are adapted to flight, so they have light bones, wings and they are covered with feathers, linked to the lungs they’ve got air sacs to be lighter, although some birds that can’t fly like ostrich, or penguin. Instead of a mouth they have a beak.


CEIP Santa Ana (Madridejos)

They are oviparous animals, females are fertilized by males (internal fertilization) and lay eggs on nests. At the beginning, little birds are fed and taken care by parents. Some of them are carnivores (eagles, owls…), herbivores (turkeys…), and omnivores (chicken, doves…)

5.- MAMMALS: There are many types of mammals. Most of them are terrestrial, but there are marine (whales and dolphins), and others can fly (bats). They have lungs to breathe, they are warm-blooded because they can regulate their own bodytemperature. They are covered by fur, and have got 4 limbs (terrestrial have legs, marine have fins and bats have wings). They have lips and teeth depending on their kind of feeding. They are viviparous with internal fertilization (joint of a sperm and an ovum) inside female body. Babies are developed inside the mother, and later they go out (childbirth). All female mammals nurse their young with milk secreted from the mammary glands. There are carnivorous like lions, wolves… They have got big canine teeth to tear meat. A few ones eat ants like anteaters… There are herbivores like gazelles and horses have sharp incisors to cut grass and big molars to chew it. Some of them are ruminants like cows or sheep that have their stomach in four cavities to do the digestion. Finally there are omnivores like pigs, hedgehogs or humans. They have incisors, canines and molars.

Parts of a cat


CEIP Santa Ana (Madridejos)



Feature: rasgo

vertébrate: vertebrado

spinal column: columna vertebral

Shell: concha, caparazón

trunk: tronco

jointed plates: placas articuladas

Limb: extremidad

hard skin: piel dura

fixed to roks: fijadas a las rocas

Soft: suave

jellyfish: medusa

symmetry: simetría

Sea bottom: fondo del mar

starfish: estrella de mar

se-urchin: erizo de mar

Worm: gusano

leech: sanguijuela

earthworm: lombriz de tierra

Snail: caracol

slug: babosa

mussel: mejillones

Clam: almeja

octopus: pulpo

squid: calamar

Pincer: pinzas

crab: cangrejo

prawn: langostinos

Lobster: langosta

centipede: ciempiés

thorax: tórax

Upper limb: extremidad superior

cold-blooded: de sangre fría lower limb: extremidad inferior

Gill: branquias

scales: escamas

fin: aleta

environment: medio ambiente

Shark: tiburón

swim bladder: vejiga natatoria

to lay eggs: poner huevos

slither: arrastrarse, reptar

belly: tripa

poison: veneno

tadpole: renacuajo

sticky tongue: lengua pegajosa

warm-blooded: de sangre caliente

flight: vuelo

feathers: plumas

air sacs: sacos aéreos

although: aunque

ostrich: avestruz

instead of…: en lugar de..

beak: pico

owl: búho

turkey: pavo

dove: paloma

mammal: mamífero

bat: murciélago

mammary glands: glándulas mamarias

fur: piel de animal

tear: rasgar, desgarrar

to chew: masticar

incisors: incisivos

canines: colmillos

molar: muela

ruminants: rumiantes

hedgehog: erizo

fed and taken care: alimentados y cuidados

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