1. What is E-TWINNING project? www.etwinning.com “eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe. eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.�
2.E-TWINNING BETWEEN TWO SCHOOLS Two schools from Spain ( Santa Ana School In Madridejos) and Poland ( Primary School no 22 in Rybnik) started e-twinning project in October 2012 for the first time. The title of our project is “The calendar of friendship�. The task of the project is to create a calendar with the most popular feasts from Poland and Spain together with a short description in Spanish, Polish and English- the language that joins these two countries. Of course, this calendar will also consists of pictures made by students from two partner schools. During one year of the project students as well as engaged teachers will have a chance to improve their language competence by writing letters, Christmas and Easter cards or videoconferences. Other tasks like writing e-mails, creating multimedia presentations, taking photos will help the participants to deepen their TIK knowledge. We are sure that the e-twinning project will make everybody happy , motivate students and teachers to continue learning foreign languages and to get to know new people and make acquaintance for the future life.
3.PARTNERS There are two schools participating in the e-twinning Project : Santa Ana School in Madridejos (http://santaanamadridejos.blogspot.com.es) C.P. Santa Ana C/ Ruiseñor, 1 45710 Madridejos (TOLEDO) SPAIN Primary School no 22 in Rybnik (http://www.rybnik.pl/sp22/ ) Szkoła Podstawowa nr 22 44-270 Rybnik - Niedobczyce ul. Boczna 17 Poland-Polska These two schools get to know each other really well as they made two Comenius projects altogether . One was “ Variety means no boredom”; the second was “ Search, Share , Achieve – Unity Makes Dreams Come True”.
4.TASKS ALREADY DONE As for now we have made a videoconference with students from partner schools . We used the following questions: 1. What’s your name? 2. How are you? 3. How old are you? 4. Where do you live? 5. What’s your favourite colour? 6. When is your birthday? 7. What do you like eating?
8. What do you like drinking? 9. What can you do? 10.What’s the weather like? 11. Have you got a pet? 12.Do you have a brother or a sister? 13.What do you do in your free time? We have also written letters in which students introduced themselves as well as they wrote Christmas cards and wishes and made some hand –made gifts. Older students prepared on their own PowerPoint presentations about schools so that everybody knows where they learn. Now we are working on preparing descriptions and pictures to most popular feats in our countries.