Matter and energy (english)

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CEIP Santa Ana Madridejos

MATTER & ENERGY. 1.- MATTER. Everything around us is matter. Matter is anything that has a mass and volume and occupies a space, matter is anything that takes up a place in the space and it’s possible to be weighted. 1.1.- MATTER CHARACTERISTICS: .- Mass: is the amount of matter of an object. The unit of mass is the kilogram (kg), and we can measure with a scale. .- Volume: is the space that a substance or body occupies or contains. The unit of volumen is the cubic metre m3. (1m3 is a cube of 1m each edge, or 1000 litres). .- Density: is the mass of a thing divided by its volume. There are things with a great mass and a small volumen (iron), we can say that iron is very dense, but there are others like air, wood… that are less dense. Wood floats because is less dense than water. The unit of density is kg/m3 or g/cm3. .- Temperature is the numerical measure of hot or cold from a thing or substance. The unit of temperature is degree ºC, ºF. Temperature depends on the movement of atoms inside any matter.

1.2.- CHANGES IN MATTER: There are two kinds of changes in matter: a.- Phase transition is a change in the structure of the substance, from a state of matter to another. b.- Chemical reaction is a process that transforms some chemical substances into new ones. A.- STATES OF MATTER: The main states of matter are: .- Solid state maintains a fixed volume and shape, with particles close together and fixed into place. .- Liquid state maintains a fixed volume, but its shape is adapted to the container. Particles are still close together but move freely. .- Gaseous state has a variable volume and shape, adapting both to the container. Particles aren’t close and move freely.


CEIP Santa Ana Madridejos

A.1. PHASE TRANSITIONS: Phase transitions describe transitions between solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter. These changes depend on the increasing or decreasing temperature. .- Temperature increases: .-Melting: transition of a substance from solid to liquid. It takes place when the temperature rises. (Melting point of water is 0ºC) .- Evaporation: transition from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous state. Boiling is when the vaporization occurs within the entire mass of the liquid. (Boiling point of water is 100ºC) .- Temperature decreases: .-Condensation: change of the physical state of matter from gas phase into liquid phase. Water vapour condenses into liquid after making contact with the surface of a cold bottle. .- Freezing: is the phase transition when a liquid turns into a solid when the temperature is below its freezing point. Water becomes ice when temperature is 0ºC (Freezing point of water).

A.2.- Mixtures: A mixture is formed by two or more different substances mixed but no combined chemically. There are two kinds of mixtures: .- Homogeneous mixture: is a type of mixture in which the composition is uniform and every part of the solution has the same properties. (eg.: water and sugar, air…). .- Heterogeneous mixture: is a type of mixture in which the components can be seen. (e.g. mixture of water and oil).




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B.- CHEMICAL REACTIONS. b.1.- Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which a substance combines with oxygen. Example: an object made of iron combines with the oxygen from the air (in a wet environment) and get rusted. b.2.- Combustion is a very quick oxidation process, between a fuel (wood, paper…) and oxygen. Combustion produces heat and light.

Oxidation of iron

oxidation of fruit (on the right)


1.3.- MATERIALS. Every object that we use is made of any material. Material is anything made of matter, formed by one or more substances, that we use to produce objects. There are two types of materials: .- Raw materials: are materials we can get directly from nature (Wood, clay, water…) .- Processing materials: are materials we get from transformations of raw materials (cement, glass, plastics…) PLASTIC MATERIALS: Scientist discovered plastics at the end of 19th century. Nowadays there are lots of different kinds of plastics. .- Elastomer or rubber: to make ballons, toys, balls… .- Thermoplastics: to produce pieces of machines, cars, appliances… .- Synthetic fibers: to make fabrics for clothes… Some of them are from natural substances (latex to make rubber) and others are petrochemical products. Industry is researching to find more types of plastics with new properties. PLASTIC MATERIALS AND ENVIRONMENT. Plastic materials are a very improvement in technology for our society, but they have a very big problem, because they are very difficult to eliminate. Plastic can remain during lots of years in nature, so it’s very polluting. The best solution to this problem is ‘recycling’.



CEIP Santa Ana Madridejos

2.- ENERGY. Energy is the property of objects to produce different changes in themselves or other objects, like performing mechanical work, emitting light, or heating a material. A football player has energy because he can move himself and move the ball. Cyclist’s legs have energy to move the bike… A lamp has electric energy to produce light. . . 2.1.- FORMS OF ENERGY: There are lots of forms of energy: .- Chemical energy: is an internal energy from some substances that can be transformed into other types of energy like heat, light…. (Batteries, wood, food…) .-Mechanical energy: is the sum of kinetic energy (energy of a body depending on its movement. eg. A plane flying) and potential energy (energy of a body depending on its position (eg.:a boy on top of a slide…) .- Thermal energy: is related to the capacity of a substance to heat something. .- Electric energy: is generated from other forms of energy, (thermal, mechanic…) . .- Magnetic energy:. is energy from magnets that can be transform into electric energy. .- Radiant energy: is the energy from electromagnetic waves like light, sound (radio waves), x-ray… 2.2. ENERGY RESOURCES: An energy resource is everything capable of producing energy. There are two groups: A.- RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES: They are never ending energy resources that don’t pollute the environment. .- Solar energy: energy from the sun for heat or to generate electricity. .- Wind power: energy from the wind. Many years ago it was used in windmills, nowadays are used to run wind turbines and produce electricity. .- Hydroelectric energy: energy from water to generate electricity by turbines in dams, from waves in the seas… B.- NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES: A non-renewable resource is a finite resource, that one day will be finished, like fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas, uranium…). They are very polluting for the environment. At the present, the main energy source used by human is non-renewable fossil fuels: .- Coal was formed by decomposition of great dense forests. They were buried under the soil. Later, temperature and pressure changed trees into coal. It’s the largest source of energy for the generation of electricity. .- Petroleum was formed millions of years ago, when large quantities of dead organisms (zooplankton, algae…), were buried under intense heat and pressure. We get butane gas, petrol, diesel


CEIP Santa Ana Madridejos

fuel, that we use mainly for transportation and industry. .- Natural gas is formed by methane and other gases, and is found in the extraction of pretroleum, or coal. It’s an energy often used for heating, cooking and electricity generation. .- Nuclear power is the use of nuclear processes to generate useful heat and electricity. Nuclear fission of some radioactive elements (uranium…) produces a lot of energy in nuclear power stations.

2.3.- ENERGY TRANSFORMATION. Energy is always transforming. We can see some examples: .- Electric energy is transformed to thermal energy (stoves for cooking, hairdryers, electric heaters…) .- Radiant energy from sunlight can be transformed into electric energy (solar panels, calculators…) .- Chemical energy from batteries can be transformed into electric energy, and later into light, sound… .- Mechanical energy from a bike can be transformed into electric energy (by a dynamo), and into light (by a lamp)…


CEIP Santa Ana Madridejos

GLOSARY-VOCABULARY: matter: materia

mass: masa

takes up a place: ocupa un lugar

to be weighted: ser pesado

amount: cantidad

measure with a scale: medir con una báscula

to contain: contener

iron: hierro, acero

cube of 1m each edge: cubo de 1m de lado

less dense: menos denso

degree: grado

depend on: depender de

fixed volume: volumen fijo

shape: forma

state of matter: estado de la material

to be close: estar cerca

increasing: subida

move freely: moverse libremente

decreasing: bajada

to melt: derretir

temperature rises: la temperatura sube

surface: superficie

to boil: hervir

vaporization: evaporación

to freeze: congelar

below: por debajo

mixture: mezcla

to get rusted: oxidarse

fuel: combustible

processing materials: materias elaboradas

raw materials: materias primas

rubber: goma, caucho nowadays: en nuestros días, ahora…

improvement: mejora

to remain: permanecer polluting: contaminante

property: propiedad

heat: calor

to move himself: moverse él

to perform: llevar a cabo kinetic energy: energía cinética

related to: relacionado con

magnet: imán

energy resources: fuentes de energía waves: ondas

heating a material: calendar un material

on top of a slide: encima de un tobogán renewable: renovable

to pollute the environment: contaminar el medio ambiente wind power: energía eólica windmill: molino de viento

dam: presa, pantano fossil fuels: combustibles fósiles

decomposition: descomposición

coal: carbón

they were buried: fueron enterrados

under the soil: bajo tierra

pressure: presión

large quantities: grandes cantidades

dead organisms: organismos muertos butane gas: butano radioactive elements: elementos radioactivos nuclear power station: central nuclear stove: horno, cocina electric heater: calentador, radiador electric. solar panel: panel solar

dynamo: dinamo, generador eléctrico

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