Projects unit 2

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C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)

PROJECT 1: (SENSE ORGANS) Objectives: .– Pupils will identify different substances, objects… using their five senses. .– Pupils will realice how important our sense are for our daily life. We are going to do it at school. Pupils will bring lots of different materials to identify. SENSES: 1.- TOUCH: In a black plastic bag, children are going to identify different objects or substances with their eyes covered by a piece of cloth. 2.– SMELL: With their eyes covered by the piece of cloth, children must identify diferent substances smelling them. (vinegar, wine, perfume, different spices, cleaning products…) 3.– TASTE: With their eyes covered by the piece of cloth, children must identify diferent substances using their tongue: (vinegar, lemon, orange, salt, sugar, honey…) 4.– SIGHT: With their eyes covered, they have to walk from one place in the playground to another one. (They’ll notice how important the sight is for our daily life) 5.– HEARING: With their eyes closed, they are going to listen different materials, animals, objetcs… to identify them by the ear. Teacher can use some videos on you-tube like these:

1.– Animals, transportation...

2.– Home stuff...

3.– Musical instruments

PROJECT 2: (LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM) Objectives: .– Pupils will identify different parts of the locomotor system. .– Pupils improve their use of TICs: .– Taking potos, sending them to the computer, working with a power point. .– Pupils improve their sense of cooperation. .– Pupils keep some safety rules (When they are using a knife…) In pairs, pupils are going to work with a piece of chicken meat (leg or wing). STEPS: (NOTE: BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THE CUTTING INSTRUMENT)

1.– Do a disection of the chicken leg or wing to identify: Skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. 2.– Take photographs of the process. 3.– Make a power-point presentation explaining the process and the different parts of the piece of meat.

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