C.E.I.P. SANTA ANA (Madridejos)
CONTENTS: 1.– Characteristics of plants. 2.– Classification of plants: with flowers / without flowers. 3.– Parts of a plant: roots / stem / leaves / flowers. 4.– Vital functions of a plant: a .– Nutrition: Photosynthesis / respiration / transpiration. b.– Interaction. c.– Reproduction: c.1.– Sexual reproduction in plants with flowers: Pollination / fertilization / germination c.2.– Asexual reproduction in plants: Spores, stolons, bulbs… 5.– Uses of plants.
PLANTS are multicellular living beings with chlorophyll that can produce their own food (autotrophic nutrition), and they can’t move from the soil.
1.- CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS. 1.– Plants contain chlorophyll (that gives them their green colour) to produce their own food through the photosynthesis. So they have autotrophic nutrition. 2.- They can’t move from the soil. 3.- They are multicellular organisms with a nucleus. The bonsai is a plant
2.– CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS:There are two groups: 1.- Plants without flowers: moss and fern. 2.– Plants with flowers: a.– Gymnosperms: naked seeds (pine) b.– Angiosperms: flower, seeds and fruit (apple) Moss
2.1.– Without flowers: like moss and fern (they reproduce them- 2 selves by spores). Moss: are very small plants without real roots, stem or Sori with spores. leaves. They are fixed on rocks, soil and trees. They usually live in dark, cold and humid places… Fern: are bigger plants. They have a stem what grows horizontally. Fern They have roots to the soil and tall leaves. They like to live in the shade and in humid places. Under their leaves, they have sori to produce 3 spores.
2.2.– With flowers or seed plants: (grass, bushes, trees…) There are many plants in these group, but we can divide them on: a.- Gymnosperms: have ‘naked seeds’, and they are plants like conifers (pines, cypresses…) b.- Angiosperms: (flowering plants), they produce beautiful flowers 4 that later will transform into seeds protected by fruits.
(Gymnosperm) (Gymnosperm) pine pine tree tree
USEFUL WORDS: .– chlorophyll .– autotrophic nutrition .– fern .– sori (sorus) .– seed plants .– gymnosperms
.– moss .– spores .– angiosperm
(Angiosperm) apple tree