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Jean Boonstra $3.49, 10–$2.89, 100–$2.29, 1000–$1.79 9780816366521 Paperback, 96 pages

Guide Magazine $11.99 9780816366262 Paperback, 128 pages

Discovery Mountain

Mr. Simon founded the small town of Discovery Mountain in 1968 when he landed his plane, Blue Birdie, in the picturesque mountain valley. Mr. Simon believes that God sends just the right people to Discovery Mountain—and it’s true!

Join the cast of characters from the weekly “Discovery Mountain” podcast (discoverymountain.com) as they lead you on your first Discovery Mountain faith exercise. It begins in Chaplain Jake’s Bible classroom. Where will it end? That’s up to you! With the help of your favorite characters, you choose what happens next.

Will you follow their advice (warning—they might not always be right) and find forgiveness? Or will you choose a different path? What will the consequences be? Will you leave with your faith strengthened? Or will you leave Discovery Mountain weaker than when you started?

Let’s find out!

Guide’s Greatest Second Coming Stories

Have you ever wondered if today would be the day that Jesus would come back? Each of these true stories pulled from Guide magazine remind us Jesus is coming again and He cannot wait to be with us.

In 1844 a couple of sisters went to bed. . .

“Just think—tonight is the last night we’ll sleep in this bed.” “I know. Tomorrow we’ll be in our heavenly mansion!” “I’m not going to sleep at all,” eleven-year-old Susan whispered. “What if Jesus comes during the night? I don’t want to miss anything.” “I won’t sleep either!” Belinda agreed. “Poke me once in a while so I stay awake.”

Jesus did not come in 1844, but His promise is still true.

The Bible is clear: be patient. Remain faithful. Don’t give up. Jesus is coming! And it will be worth the wait!

Tompaul Wheeler $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365708 Paperback, 32 pages


Where does a shepherd boy armed with only stones and a sling get the courage to face a scary giant? God had plans for David, His chosen one. He has plans for you too.

Chosen is a comic strip visual introduction to the history of King David’s life. It is designed to share the adventure-filled story of a shepherd boy who became king and, in the process, overcame extraordinary challenges.

Each of the chapters in David’s life is presented on one page, followed by an activity page that allows you to explore how the story is relevant to your life. The activity pages include games and interesting facts to help you remember and understand the story more fully.

Grab a Bible and look up the “Action Passage” found at the top of each activity page to read the stories and other verses. You can use the contents page in your Bible to help you locate the verses. David’s story begins in 1 Samuel 16. Enjoy discovering more about this remarkable man of God!

Runaway World

Did you know that God has always had a plan for you? Well, He does. That plan is in the book we call the Bible. To really understand God’s plan for you, we have to go back to the beginning. Before your parents were born, before your great, grandparents were born, before your great–great–great–great― well, you get the picture. From the very beginning, when this world was just a thought in God’s mind, God had a plan to get you and this runaway world back home.

If we want to start at the beginning, we will need to open the book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible and see how it all started. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Paul Ricchuiti $13.99 9780816365722 Paperback, 128 pages

God, Science, Friends, and God’s Love for You

Leonard Brand $17.99 9780816365180 Paperback, 192 pages

Kenneth C. Crawford $13.99 9780816365838 Paperback, 144 pages

After seeing pictures of distant stars and beautiful galaxies on the internet, Jane and Carson had a lot of questions about Creation. Why did God make the world in the first place? How did He plan the earth? How long did it take? How did it happen? They knew just who to ask; Uncle Leonard was a real scientist!

You, too, will enjoy Uncle Leonard’s stories as much as Jane and Carson! Best of all, you can get your questions answered along the way.

Kids are constantly bombarded with misinformation. It can be very confusing. Dr. Leonard Brand tells the entire story of the earth from Creation through the plan of salvation—and he shares it all in stories that kids will enjoy and understand. Along the way he teaches kids about God’s love and what science really proves about origins, the flood, dinosaurs, and a lot more.

Bing of the Kobuk

Bing played with the frost on the side window as he rode. Mrs. Nelson drove along the snow-covered Alaskan country roads and watched him from the corner of her eye.

“Bing?” she began. He did not answer. “Bing, talk to me.”

Bouncing yet again to another foster home, Bing’s life was about to change dramatically.

Bing of the Kobuk follows the story of a young Inuit boy. Growing up in the wilderness regions of Arctic Alaska, where one mistake can cost you your life, Bing is introduced to his heavenly Father. Through miraculous intervention and the help of his pet wolf, Bing is united with his real family.

This gripping story of life in the harshest of environments is an adventure of survival and faith.

Veronica Salotti $12.99 9788472087590 Paperback, 126 pages

Ester Villanueva Larrosa $12.99 9788472087606 Paperback, 144 pages


Unconditional, always patient, selfless, and sincere. That is how the Bible defines love. Self-centered, demanding, unstable, and irritable. That is how our children experience love on the street, on TV, and even at the schoolyard.

How can we teach them to pursue Jesus at a young age? How do we persuade them to always choose Love (seriously and with the capital letter) even though sometimes it means going against the tide?

The goal of these stories is to help children understand that Love is a learning process of constant growth—a path from and to God where our lives can reach eternal dimensions.

I think I heard the bell . . . Are you coming to class? We have lots to learn together!

Also available in Spanish (9788472086883). Friends of God

Friends of God is a collection of ten stories based on Bible biographies from the Old Testament. It is specially written for preteens.

Although the characters are known by those who already know the Bible stories, the text is written for girls and boys who are starting to question their spirituality and the relevance of the Bible in their lives. Also, because of the familiar language, it is suitable for preteens who have never read the Bible stories.

These stories are chosen and written in the most engaging way to help boys and girls develop specific values such as faithfulness, honesty, humility, courage, and cooperation. Each story has accompanying questions to encourage them to reflect on the Bible lessons and apply them in their daily lives.

Also available in Spanish (9788472086890).

Saustin Sampson Mfune $9.99 9780828028585 Paperback, 144 pages

Steps to Christ Activity Book

The Steps to Christ Activity Book is based on the book Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White. Each chapter includes a summary of the original chapter’s content and several activities to help the young reader grasp the main ideas. Although it has been prepared with the elementary age group in mind, all ages will enjoy navigating through the activities of this book. This interactive approach gives a new way of enjoying a book which has been translated into more than 165 languages, with several million copies in print. It is suitable for family worship, schools, Sabbath activities, children and youth camps, and other settings.

Steps to Christ Activity Book CD

A musical CD to accompany the Steps to Christ Activity Book. The CD features 32 tracks and has a runtime of approximately one hour and six minutes.

Saustin Sampson Mfune $4.99 643330048375 Audio CD

Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816364824 Paperback, 32 pages

God Said It: The Life of Moses (book 3)

The God Said It series uses beautiful, full color pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

This book tells the powerful story of Moses—the dramatic rescue from the Nile, the fight with the Egyptian, the burning bush, the plagues, parting the red sea, and the 10 Commandments. Most important, the book teaches important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives.

Designed for kids ages 5–10.

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes 1 (book 4)

This book tells powerful stories of how Abraham and Isaac’s confidence in God’s plan, the faith of Caleb and Joshua, the promise to Rahab, and the hard lessons Samson learned about obeying God. Most important, the book teaches children valuable lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365364 Paperback, 32 pages

Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365388 Paperback, 32 pages

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes 2 (book 5)

The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

This book tells stories from the early kingdom of Israel. Samuel went to live with Eli the priest as a little boy. But he recognized God’s voice when it called to him, and, followed God’s commands even when it was hard. Israel wanted a king, even if it wasn’t in God’s plan. Though David was just a young boy, his faith in God and the things he learned protecting his father’s sheep helped him stand up to Goliath, the biggest bully of all. Most important, the book teaches kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives.

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes 3 (book 6)

The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

This book tells stories about Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived; Elijah, the prophet who stood up to the heathen god Baal; Elisha, the prophet who listened to God’s voice; and Nehemiah, the leader who rebuilt the city of Jerusalem. Most important, the book teaches kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives.

Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365401 Paperback, 32 pages

Creation (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 1)

The Beginning of Time Series includes five colorfully illustrated board books that walk through the Bible for toddlers and early readers.

The Fall (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 2)

Cain & Abel (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 3)

Noah’s Ark (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 4)

The Tower of Babel (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 5)

Lisa Kack $10.98 9780998030807 (book 1) 9780998030814 (book 2) 9780998030821 (book 3) 9780998030838 (book 4) 9780998030845 (book 5) Board books, 26 pages

Nicole Parker $9.99 9781674952086 Paperback, 124 pages

Humble Stones

Will an angry, defiant Pharaoh crush the Hebrew people—or will their God finally begin to deliver them? In heart-stopping suspense, Asher, a Hebrew slave boy, waits to see.

Marvel with Asher and his family as God starts unleashing His power in surprising, irritating, and sometimes even humorous plagues. Discover the depth of God’s self-sacrificing love as He works to free both Hebrews and Egyptians from the death grip of the love of power. Study the secrets of forgiveness and humility at the feet of Moses himself.

Explore the greatest paradox of the universe—how the all-powerful King on the throne will always, only govern by love—never by force. Your vision of the law of self-sacrificing love governing the universe will never be the same.

Optional thought-provoking discussion questions at the end of each chapter make it perfect for family worships, Bible classes, homeschool assignments, and personal reading. Ideal for ages 9–109! God’s Amazing Animals - Otters

This tract tells children that they are valuable while teaching them about the amazing otter.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048337 Tract, 8 pages

Miss Brenda - 10K Race

This tract reminds kids that God is always with us and practice and persistence pays off!

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048283 Tract, 8 pages

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048290 Tract, 8 pages

Miss Brenda - Black Jellybeans

This tract reminds us to confess our sins to each other so that we can be healed. It talks about disobedience and a guilty conscience.

Miss Brenda - Fat Cat Freddie

This tract talks about prayer, and how God answers us. Maybe, not even in the way we expect.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048306 Tract, 8 pages

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048313 Tract, 8 pages

Miss Brenda - Finders Keepers

This tract covers the topic of honesty and what the true reward for being honest truly is.

Miss Brenda - Goats for God

This tract calls us to be cheerful givers and reminds us that God blesses us when we give.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048320 Tract, 8 pages

Anne Pilmoor $3.99 9781786659361 Paperback

Bible Heroes New Testament Coloring Book

While they color, your precious children can learn about the great heroes of the New Testament, including Nicodemus and Mary Magdalene, through these amazing stories, written by Anne Pilmoor and beautifully illustrated by Steve English.

Bible Heroes Old Testament Coloring Book

While they color, your precious children can learn about the great heroes of the New Testament, including Solomon and Esther, through these amazing stories, written by Anne Pilmoor and beautifully illustrated by Steve English.

Anne Pilmoor $3.99 9781786659378 Paperback, 32 pages

Anne Pilmoor $9.99 9781786659330 Paperback

God’s Champions

Learn how some of the lesser-known Bible characters demonstrated courage in tough times. Discover how courage presents itself in many different ways. Magabook size.

The Cabbage Storm

Twins Jack and Julia learn how exciting it is to be healthy, and change their habits for the better.

Anne Pilmoor $10.99 9781786659354 Paperback, 56 pages

Alejandro Medina Villarreal $9.99 9788472085985 (ENG) Board book, 64 pages

My First Book About Health

Childhood is the best time to share the great teachings of life. For that reason, the Bible says: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6, NIV).

While sharing these readings with children, you will have a great opportunity to instruct them in an enjoyable way about some basic principles of health, which will be very important throughout their lives. There is no one better than you to flavor with love this kind of teachings.

Designed for children ages 0 to 4 years.

Also available in Spanish (9788472085978) and French (9788472085992).

Mirian Montanari Grüdtner 9788472085954 $49.99 3V set Hardcover, 136 pages ea.

Kirsten Roggenkamp and Heather Blair $18.99 9780816365791 Paperback, 208 pages

True Heroes: Stories and values to triumph

This three-volume set features everyday heroes who demonstrated social, moral, and/or personal growth values in their daily lives. Children will see practical examples of individuals showing loyalty, faithfulness, personal responsibility, respect, courage, modesty, manners, sportsmanship, selfdiscipline, stewardship, and so much more.

Success doesn’t happen by chance. It is the result of the search for and intentional development of a Godly character.

Each book contains sixteen chapters, complete with full-color, engaging illustrations.

Also available in Spanish (9788472085879) and French (9788472085916).

Securely Strong

What does it mean to be a “friend of God”?

Securely Strong: God’s Faithful Friends is a collection of Bible stories about people like you who became strong friends with God; people such as Daniel, Philip, Lydia, Elijah, Caleb, and Joshua, just to name a few. That close relationship gave each of them the ability to be securely strong in their obedience to God. They were confident in their relationships with Him. With a determination to be faithful, and with the acceptance of God’s mercy, they could praise Him and encourage others.

Would you like to feel safe and secure in your friendship with God? Would you like the assurance that He will give you the strength you need? As you read these stories, and connect with the characters through the activities and questions, you will learn why these friends of God had securely strong faith.

Rodney McFadden $24.95 9780578514703 Hardcover w/dust jacket, full color, 36 pages

My Sister Has Super Powers

My Sister Has Superpowers gives individuals a glimpse into the everyday reality of a family supporting a loved one with special needs, while offering child readers faces and characters they can fully relate to. As well as teaching Children that they are fearfully and wonderfully made no matter what their circumstance.

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