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Daring to Ask for More (Atrévete a Pedir Mas)

Melody Mason $18.99 9780816391332 Paperback, 272 pages

Sung K. Kwon $15.99 9780816391530 Paperback, 160 pages

If you are looking for keys to answered prayer or success in ministry, or if you are tired of just getting by spiritually and long for more in your walk with God, Daring to Ask for More is exactly what you need. Expect a paradigm shift in faith and prayer!

Daring to Ask for More will challenge you to recognize the unlimited possibilities that are within your grasp if you will only pray in faith. If you will put into practice the principles outlined in this book—seeking for more of Christ, removing the spiritual breaches and compromises, and moving forward in faith, no matter the circumstances—your life will change. Your faith will grow, and you will receive answers and will be prepared for the latter rain outpouring that will equip God’s people to finish the work so we can all go home!

Burst the Bubble (Sal de la Burbuja)

The purpose of being a disciple is not only to proclaim the good news, the word of salvation, but also to demonstrate the love of God to people who are in need. We cannot come out of the darkness and simply bask in His marvelous light; we need to go back into the darkness and make a difference. We are chosen by God to be “salt” and “light.”

Wherever we are in the world—individually or collectively as the Adventist Church body—the surrounding environs must be different, transformed by our faithful presence amongst them.

We must make the shift from just going to a church to being a church in the world around us. We must pray for God’s intervention in our own lives, listen to people’s struggles and challenges, and look for opportunities in the neighborhoods and communities that surround us to serve and demonstrate God’s love. Only then will we witness real change—changes in lives and changes in our communities.

Difficult Words from Jesus (Dichos Difíciles de Jesús)

Ángel Hernández $13.99 9780816391363 Paperback, 128 pages

Jim Howard $11.99, 32–$9.99, 96–$7.99 9780828028370 Hard cover, 368 pages

Each statement of Jesus is a gem of thought that reveals the will of God. The Christian church exists and is sustained only by the word of Jesus. But some of His statements are difficult to understand. This book offers clear and brief explanations of each of the Master’s statements that have intrigued Christians for generations. For example, what does He mean when He says:

• “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” • “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” • “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” • “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. These sayings and many others are interpreted clearly in this book.

Discipleship Handbook (Manual de Discipulado)

The discipleship journey is full of pitfalls and snares that threaten to lead us away from the narrow path that leads to heaven. Therefore, even after we are baptized, it is imperative that we continue to grow into active and mature disciples of Christ. The Discipleship Handbook will benefit anyone seeking such an experience with Jesus. It may be used for personal study or in Sabbath schools, prayer meetings, small groups, or one-on-one settings.

It contains everything needed for a six-month, Bible-based discipleship plan for Seventh-day Adventist churches and their members. The Discipleship Handbook was developed to ensure that the most essential areas of discipleship are covered. The devotional life, personal witnessing, church life, Christian lifestyle, and evangelism each receive special emphasis.

Eliezer Graterol $15.99 9780816391721 Paperback, 128 pages

Victory Overcomes the World (La fe que vence al mundo)

Are you happy? Do you live the life you want? Or is your life an almost unbearable burden? Life can be very difficult, but it can also be a vibrant reality, a happy adventure, full of challenges and gratitude. It all depends on how we look at it and how we experience it. Seen with the eyes of faith, life is beautiful, not because faith makes us imagine things, but quite the opposite, because it shows us the deep meaning of our existence. This sense is God’s plan for every human creature that lives on this planet. Phenomena helps to know that plan. To be happy. To live hopefully.

In Victory Overcomes the World, through vivid stories, the author addresses the issue of biblical faith and presents the great characters in the history of salvation, whose lives are models for each of us. With this book you can know what faith is, how you can develop it in your life, what wonders you can discover with it, and, above all, you will have the hope of eternal life in Christ in your heart.

Everything Is Possible (Todo es posible)

What do we do when human resources and power are not enough to save a life? What happens when the soul sinks into the abyss of despair without anything to cling to? What do we do when our problems escalate and there is no solution in sight?

In an intimate and warm style, this book presents real cases in which defeat gave way to victory and the impossible became possible. Everything is Possible will transform your life.

Volume pricing: 10–$1.89, 100–$1.59, 1,000–$1.39

Julio Chazarreta $2.49 9780816391356 Paperback, 128 pages

Ricardo Norton $3.49 9780816391349 Paperback, 128 pages

Faith for Sharing (Fe para compartir)

Personal testimony was Jesus’ preferred method of sharing His faith. The Holy Scriptures record extraordinary examples of the Master sharing His testimony with individuals, who in turn shared that gospel with many others. A converted soul has the potential to lead thousands of people to the same message of transformation.

Christ is our model, and every believer has a duty to learn His methods and cooperate with Him and to represent Him as His ambassador on this earth.

This book is intended to instruct pastors and laity in the art of preaching and giving biblical studies, so that the gospel may be presented in a powerful way and there will be a harvest of souls as never imagined.

Volume pricing: 10–$2.89, 100–$2.29, 1,000–$1.79

Learning to Love (Amar se Aprende)

If we want to give and receive love, we must devote more time to learning about love. It is necessary to study, reflect, learn to love and be loved. Love is learned; it is the answer to a heart that wants to love and doesn’t know how to do it. This book challenges you to know yourself so that you can discover your limitations and your potential. Learning to Love reveals your attachment style, changes your life script, and transforms your mind. Love your fellow man and influence future generations.

Efrain Duany Jr. and Maria Begoña Tortolero $12.99 9780578521343 Paperback, 164 pages

As Light Lingers (Mientras Permanezca la Luz)

Jesus waits patiently for us to meet with Him, to seek Him in His Word. The Bible is living, powerful, and alive! It can speak to our heart and soul and our needs today. The devil uses every possible method to keep us away from reading the Bible, whether through apathy, busyness, doubt, or tiredness. Keeping our Bibles closed is his number one strategy to weaken the lives of Christians today.

Readers will find encouragement, advice, and practical strategies in this book. Discover how basking in the power of God’s Word will make you want to linger with God, because time with Him is so sweet.

Nina Atcheson $12.99 9788472087583 Paperback, 112 pages

Alejandro Medina $19.99 9788472087392 Paperback, 248 pages

Secrets Revealed (Secretos Revelados)

We live in a time of dramatic events and drastic changes. Unlike past centuries where life was slow, everything nowadays is about speed, and our lives are constantly going against the tide. Faced with this reality, we increasingly witness addiction, emotional imbalance, materialism, chaos and frustration, which do no more than highlight the increasing despair. How do we bring our focus back to what is important? Where do we go to find hope for the future and meaning in our lives? The Bible has the answer, and the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation will help us now more than ever to understand the current times and to live a life of purpose.

Packed with historical facts in simple language, Secrets Revealed is an engaging book that will help you travel through time as you explore the origin, development and fulfillment of biblical prophecies within the framework of the events of the end of the world and the New Earth. You will be able to find answers to your doubts. More importantly, your faith will be strengthened with the hope of a better future.

Don’t Let Them Whisper In Your Ear (No Permitas Que Susurren a Tu Oído)

Dr. Felipe Andino has collected in a simple and understandable way his knowledge and experiences on the problems that appear when we are plagued by distorted thoughts based on past events. His experience with people who have allowed past pain to control the present provides information that can help readers avoid those same pitfalls.

Felipe Andino $12.99 643330048368 Paperback, 140 pages

Guillermo Biaggi $14.99 9789877016055 Paperback, 248 pages

Financial Freedom (Libertad Financiera)

Whether you like it or not, you are an administrator. Every day you make decisions regarding the administration of your life: your time, your talents, your body, and your financial resources.

Are there biblical principles that can give us financial freedom? In this book, the authors highlight the importance of care in tithes and offerings; having a budget; using credit wisely and enjoying the blessings of saving; making provisions for the education of children, the purchase of a house, and retirement; and ensuring capital and health.

By better understanding the biblical principles of finance and stewardship, exemplified by contemporary stories of people and families who were faithful to them, you will find the door to financial freedom and the happiness that the Lord Jesus wants to give you.

Ellen G. White $14.99 9781786651242 Hard cover, 256 pages

Principles for Christian Leaders (Principios para Líderes Cristianos)

Principles for Christian Leaders is a wide-ranging collection of material gathered from the inspired writings of Ellen G. White on many aspects of Christian leadership. The thirteen segments of this book contain principles that are applicable for every line of work in which men and women may engage. As we seek for wisdom to know how to lead well, we have the assurance that God is teaching, leading, and guiding His people.

Amid the challenges that leaders deal with each day, we would do well to remember that the only safety for any one of us is in walking humbly with God, going where the Master leads the way. With our eyes on Him, our confidence can be found in following His footsteps.

Sermons About Grace (Preciosa Gracia: Serie de Sermones Sobre la Gracia)

In the deepest depths of the human heart, we know that God demands perfection. We know from Scripture that no one is perfect, but few know the message of hope that has also been given to us in the gospel. Jesus lived a perfect life to give us, the imperfect, the possibility of appearing before the Father as if we had never sinned. This message that amazes everyone is that of precious grace.

Juan Francisco Altamirano $14.99 9781091697843 Paperback, 226 pages

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