Daring to Ask for More (Atrévete a Pedir Mas) If you are looking for keys to answered prayer or success in ministry, or if you are tired of just getting by spiritually and long for more in your walk with God, Daring to Ask for More is exactly what you need. Expect a paradigm shift in faith and prayer!
Melody Mason $18.99 9780816391332 Paperback, 272 pages
Daring to Ask for More will challenge you to recognize the unlimited possibilities that are within your grasp if you will only pray in faith. If you will put into practice the principles outlined in this book—seeking for more of Christ, removing the spiritual breaches and compromises, and moving forward in faith, no matter the circumstances—your life will change. Your faith will grow, and you will receive answers and will be prepared for the latter rain outpouring that will equip God’s people to finish the work so we can all go home!
Burst the Bubble (Sal de la Burbuja) The purpose of being a disciple is not only to proclaim the good news, the word of salvation, but also to demonstrate the love of God to people who are in need. We cannot come out of the darkness and simply bask in His marvelous light; we need to go back into the darkness and make a difference. We are chosen by God to be “salt” and “light.” Wherever we are in the world—individually or collectively as the Adventist Church body—the surrounding environs must be different, transformed by our faithful presence amongst them.
Sung K. Kwon $15.99 9780816391530 Paperback, 160 pages
We must make the shift from just going to a church to being a church in the world around us. We must pray for God’s intervention in our own lives, listen to people’s struggles and challenges, and look for opportunities in the neighborhoods and communities that surround us to serve and demonstrate God’s love. Only then will we witness real change—changes in lives and changes in our communities.