7 minute read
from Pacific Press Publishing Association 2020 Marketing Seminar Catalog
by Pacific Press Publishing Association / AdventistBookCenter.com
Mark Finley $29.99 9780816366446 Hard cover, 416 pages

Understanding Daniel and Revelation
The 21st century might be dubbed “The Era of Uncertainty.” The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation provide answers for honest-hearted people seeking to understand the uncertainties of our time. These prophetic revelations are filled with hope for today, tomorrow, and forever.
These books are not just musty, historical documents filled with dates and facts. The more we study them, the more Christ will appear in their pages, coming close to us to help us in the problems and challenges we face in our own lives each day. The more we understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, the better we will understand our place in Earth’s history and how to fill the role Jesus has for us in these last days.
Understanding Daniel and Revelation is a comprehensive introduction to these two prophetic books, drawn from four decades of Mark Finley’s sermons. In it, you will be drawn preciously near to Jesus Christ—the Author and Center of all prophecy.
The Heavenly Trio
A stand-alone book that complements Ty Gibson’s The Sonship of Christ.
Ty Gibson 9780816366408 Paperback

Gerald Klingbeil $15.99 9780828028691 Paperback, 160 pages

Chris Holland $15.99 9780816366286 Paperback, 144 pages
28 Ways to Spell Your Faith
When last did you sense the joy of theology through personal Bible study? The joy of theology is just that: joyous conversations with the ultimate Author of the Word, the One who would like to be discovered in His word.
This collection includes a wide range of authors, hailing from different parts of this globe. With the exception of the final chapter by Norman Gulley, all of these chapters have been published over the past years in Adventist World magazine. Women and men, theologians and non-theologians, young and old, and in between—they all share their journey with a particular biblical belief. As they spell out their personal faith, you may be challenged to rediscover or discover for the first time, a crucial turn in your road of faith.
As you read these engaging chapters focusing upon Adventist fundamental beliefs, you will discover not only spiritual nourishment, truth, and encouragement, but also joy—the joy of spending time with God’s personal message for humanity.
Prophecy’s Answer to Philosophy’s Confusion
Our secular society is openly rethinking not only the relevance of religion, but the very existence of a God to worship. This disdain is not really a consequence of the scientific method, because great scientists of the past and present have found science to be complementary to their belief in God. What is happening? Has the Creator gone out of style? Have we reduced Him to a decorative piece in the mantle of our knowledge? Is a belief in God compatible with 21st century thinking?
This book gives us an answer that is surprisingly powerful, an answer that does not ignore history nor science, yet points to the reality of God in ways that withstand any scrutiny. One of the first disciples of Jesus invited his friend to meet the Master with the words: “Come and see” (John 1:46). This is the idea. Whether you are wrestling with the question of God’s existence or you have decided that God is merely a “god,” this book beckons, “Come and see.”
The Truth About the Sabbath
Powerful historic proof that the Seventh-day (Saturday) is still God’s holy day. Evidence taken from Scripture and contemporary literature.

Topics include: Sabbath basics, Sunday in the New Testament, Sabbath in the book of Acts, reasons the Sabbath is not Jewish, how we know which day is Sabbath, the history of the change to Sunday, Catholics and Protestants speak, and the Sabbath in prophecy.
Volume pricing: 10–$2.89, 20–$2.79
Steve Wohlberg $2.99 9780816366675 Paperback, 48 pages

Jacques Doukhan, ed. $14.99 9788472087323 Paperback, 112 pages
Through the Valley of the Shadow
Statistics suggest the more people believe in the afterlife than they believe in God. This is why near-death experiences have been more and more used as arguments to support the idea of the immortality of the soul and thus promote the claims of spiritualism.
In this book, joining the poignant testimony of people who have undergone near-death experiences, an international team of scientists and philosophers analyze this phenomenon and reach a different conclusion. In addition, a careful study of the Bible provides a spiritual guidance in that discussion. Through the Valley of the Shadow denounces the fallacy of some popular ideas and brings hope in our confrontation with the greatest enemy of humankind.
God? Really? Good news about the God I don’t believe in

Defending God against the objections of science is much easier than defending Him against the damage believers themselves have inflicted on His reputation. There are interpretations of the Bible that portray God more like a violent psychopath than a loving God one would wish to exit. This book shares some of the author’s personal journey through some of the most difficult questions you can ask about the God of the Bible.
Harald Giesebrecht $15.99 9781925044928 Paperback, 154 pages

Kayle B. De Wall $15.99 9781925044966 Paperback, 138 pages
Hearing the Way
The Exodus was a dominant and defining story in the Jewish nation, life and faith—and it became one the foundational ways in which His first followers understood Jesus and, in turn, how the New Testament writers explained who Jesus was and what He did. So, this story also becomes a key for our understanding of Jesus, the early church and the New Testament, and for what it means for us to follow Jesus today.
Each chapter includes “Growing Hearing Communities” questions for reading and sharing in small groups or for personal reflection.

Reinder Bruinsma $16.99 9781786659507 Paperback
I Have a Future
There is hope for you. You may have questions about the injustice of God; about life after death; about the reality of the resurrection; or about the fires of hell. These questions are natural, but in the Bible we have some good news. God loves us, and He is preparing a home for us. Looking rationally at the evidence presented in the Holy Scripture, we can see clearly the truth that Jesus Christ rose from the grave—and because He rose, we can too— if we will trust Him and accept his miracle-working power in our lives.

Jeff Scoggins $22.99 9780988991453 Hardcover, 412 pages

A Simple Guide to Paul’s Epistles
Do the writings of the Apostle Paul ever cause you to scratch your head? Do you ever hear people explain Paul’s theology in a way that doesn’t fit with the rest of Scripture? And have you ever wished for an informal verseby-verse guide that walks you through Paul’s epistles from start to finish?
If so, then keep this book handy whenever you read the New Testament. You might use it as a basic reference: look up a passage that puzzles you to find a clear explanation. Or you might read through it as a devotional alongside your Bible.
Few writers have influenced Christian beliefs more than the Apostle Paul. Listen as God’s voice speaks through these timeless letters.
A Simple Guide to the Book of Isaiah
Do the writings of the Old Testament prophets seem unrelated to modern life? Would you read them more carefully if you recognized they still speak even today? Learn how Old Testament prophecy informs us about earth’s last days.
Discover how end-time prophecy, particularly the book of Revelation, is illuminated by the writings of the prophet Isaiah. This verse-by-verse commentary walks you through the book of Isaiah and leaves you astonished by God’s unrelenting efforts to reconcile us to Himself today.
Jeff Scoggins $16.99 9780988991477 Hardcover, 266 pages

John and Millie Youngberg $10.99 9780692453377 Paperback, 134 pages
Jesus: Who Is He?
Regardless of your worldview, you will find these twenty episodes from the life of Jesus challenging. You owe it to yourself to be well informed about the one who changed the course of history. Ideal for personal, family, and small group learning.
“Jesus: Who Is He? is a penetrating and skillful portrait of Jesus. I like the inspiring applications for practical everyday life. Thank you, John and Millie Youngberg, for writing such a beautiful and challenging depiction of Christ.”
— Jiří Moskala, Dean of the Seminary at Andrews University