Pacific Press Publishing Association 2020 Marketing Seminar Catalog

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Pacific Press Marketing Seminar

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Spirit of Prophecy Doctrine


Sabbath School Helps






Contemporary Issues


Church Life




Christian Living


Small Groups




















Chapel Music


Chapel Media

Ellen G. White

Words of Hope

Words of Hope presents the parables of Jesus in a fresh light, showing their application to Christian living today. In this devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today. She provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. Words of Hope was written not by a dry historical scholar or a technical commentator, but by a messenger with a personal knowledge of the love our Redeemer has for humankind.

Ellen White $2.49, 10–$1.89, 100– $1.59, 1,000–$1.39 9780828028578 Paperback, 128 pages

Love Under Fire Sharing Edition Love Under Fire is an adaptation of From Here to Forever, a 1982 condensed edition of Ellen G. White’s classic volume, The Great Controversy. From Here to Forever included all the chapters of the original, using only the author’s words but shortening the account. To enhance readability, Love Under Fire goes a step beyond this, using more modern expressions and sentence constructions in the portions written by White, as well as in the quotations she included from others and the index materials. Most of the Bible quotations come from the New King James Version. All material was prepared by the Ellen G. White Estate. Ellen G. White $3.99; multiples of 80, $2.99 each 9780816366002 Paperback, 288 pages 4


Understanding Daniel and Revelation The 21st century might be dubbed “The Era of Uncertainty.” The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation provide answers for honest-hearted people seeking to understand the uncertainties of our time. These prophetic revelations are filled with hope for today, tomorrow, and forever. These books are not just musty, historical documents filled with dates and facts. The more we study them, the more Christ will appear in their pages, coming close to us to help us in the problems and challenges we face in our own lives each day. The more we understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, the better we will understand our place in Earth’s history and how to fill the role Jesus has for us in these last days. Mark Finley $29.99 9780816366446 Hard cover, 416 pages

Understanding Daniel and Revelation is a comprehensive introduction to these two prophetic books, drawn from four decades of Mark Finley’s sermons. In it, you will be drawn preciously near to Jesus Christ—the Author and Center of all prophecy.

The Heavenly Trio A stand-alone book that complements Ty Gibson’s The Sonship of Christ.

Ty Gibson 9780816366408 Paperback



28 Ways to Spell Your Faith When last did you sense the joy of theology through personal Bible study? The joy of theology is just that: joyous conversations with the ultimate Author of the Word, the One who would like to be discovered in His word. This collection includes a wide range of authors, hailing from different parts of this globe. With the exception of the final chapter by Norman Gulley, all of these chapters have been published over the past years in Adventist World magazine. Women and men, theologians and non-theologians, young and old, and in between—they all share their journey with a particular biblical belief. As they spell out their personal faith, you may be challenged to rediscover or discover for the first time, a crucial turn in your road of faith.

Gerald Klingbeil $15.99 9780828028691 Paperback, 160 pages

As you read these engaging chapters focusing upon Adventist fundamental beliefs, you will discover not only spiritual nourishment, truth, and encouragement, but also joy—the joy of spending time with God’s personal message for humanity.

Prophecy’s Answer to Philosophy’s Confusion Our secular society is openly rethinking not only the relevance of religion, but the very existence of a God to worship. This disdain is not really a consequence of the scientific method, because great scientists of the past and present have found science to be complementary to their belief in God. What is happening? Has the Creator gone out of style? Have we reduced Him to a decorative piece in the mantle of our knowledge? Is a belief in God compatible with 21st century thinking?

Chris Holland $15.99 9780816366286 Paperback, 144 pages

This book gives us an answer that is surprisingly powerful, an answer that does not ignore history nor science, yet points to the reality of God in ways that withstand any scrutiny. One of the first disciples of Jesus invited his friend to meet the Master with the words: “Come and see” (John 1:46). This is the idea. Whether you are wrestling with the question of God’s existence or you have decided that God is merely a “god,” this book beckons, “Come and see.” 6


The Truth About the Sabbath Powerful historic proof that the Seventh-day (Saturday) is still God’s holy day. Evidence taken from Scripture and contemporary literature. Topics include: Sabbath basics, Sunday in the New Testament, Sabbath in the book of Acts, reasons the Sabbath is not Jewish, how we know which day is Sabbath, the history of the change to Sunday, Catholics and Protestants speak, and the Sabbath in prophecy. Volume pricing: 10–$2.89, 20–$2.79

Steve Wohlberg $2.99 9780816366675 Paperback, 48 pages

Through the Valley of the Shadow Statistics suggest the more people believe in the afterlife than they believe in God. This is why near-death experiences have been more and more used as arguments to support the idea of the immortality of the soul and thus promote the claims of spiritualism. In this book, joining the poignant testimony of people who have undergone near-death experiences, an international team of scientists and philosophers analyze this phenomenon and reach a different conclusion. In addition, a careful study of the Bible provides a spiritual guidance in that discussion. Through the Valley of the Shadow denounces the fallacy of some popular ideas and brings hope in our confrontation with the greatest enemy of humankind. Jacques Doukhan, ed. $14.99 9788472087323 Paperback, 112 pages 7


God? Really? Good news about the God I don’t believe in Defending God against the objections of science is much easier than defending Him against the damage believers themselves have inflicted on His reputation. There are interpretations of the Bible that portray God more like a violent psychopath than a loving God one would wish to exit. This book shares some of the author’s personal journey through some of the most difficult questions you can ask about the God of the Bible.

Harald Giesebrecht $15.99 9781925044928 Paperback, 154 pages

Hearing the Way The Exodus was a dominant and defining story in the Jewish nation, life and faith—and it became one the foundational ways in which His first followers understood Jesus and, in turn, how the New Testament writers explained who Jesus was and what He did. So, this story also becomes a key for our understanding of Jesus, the early church and the New Testament, and for what it means for us to follow Jesus today. Each chapter includes “Growing Hearing Communities” questions for reading and sharing in small groups or for personal reflection.

Kayle B. De Wall $15.99 9781925044966 Paperback, 138 pages 8


I Have a Future

There is hope for you. You may have questions about the injustice of God; about life after death; about the reality of the resurrection; or about the fires of hell. These questions are natural, but in the Bible we have some good news. God loves us, and He is preparing a home for us. Looking rationally at the evidence presented in the Holy Scripture, we can see clearly the truth that Jesus Christ rose from the grave—and because He rose, we can too— if we will trust Him and accept his miracle-working power in our lives.

Reinder Bruinsma $16.99 9781786659507 Paperback



A Simple Guide to Paul’s Epistles Do the writings of the Apostle Paul ever cause you to scratch your head? Do you ever hear people explain Paul’s theology in a way that doesn’t fit with the rest of Scripture? And have you ever wished for an informal verseby-verse guide that walks you through Paul’s epistles from start to finish? If so, then keep this book handy whenever you read the New Testament. You might use it as a basic reference: look up a passage that puzzles you to find a clear explanation. Or you might read through it as a devotional alongside your Bible. Few writers have influenced Christian beliefs more than the Apostle Paul. Listen as God’s voice speaks through these timeless letters. Jeff Scoggins $22.99 9780988991453 Hardcover, 412 pages

A Simple Guide to the Book of Isaiah Do the writings of the Old Testament prophets seem unrelated to modern life? Would you read them more carefully if you recognized they still speak even today? Learn how Old Testament prophecy informs us about earth’s last days. Discover how end-time prophecy, particularly the book of Revelation, is illuminated by the writings of the prophet Isaiah. This verse-by-verse commentary walks you through the book of Isaiah and leaves you astonished by God’s unrelenting efforts to reconcile us to Himself today.

Jeff Scoggins $16.99 9780988991477 Hardcover, 266 pages 10


Jesus: Who Is He?

Regardless of your worldview, you will find these twenty episodes from the life of Jesus challenging. You owe it to yourself to be well informed about the one who changed the course of history. Ideal for personal, family, and small group learning. “Jesus: Who Is He? is a penetrating and skillful portrait of Jesus. I like the inspiring applications for practical everyday life. Thank you, John and Millie Youngberg, for writing such a beautiful and challenging depiction of Christ.” — Jiří Moskala, Dean of the Seminary at Andrews University

John and Millie Youngberg $10.99 9780692453377 Paperback, 134 pages


Sabbath School Daniel - 1Q 2020 BBS

Daniel makes it clear that God is the Lord of history, nations, and individuals. From the ashes of exile to the glory of resurrection, the Prince of Peace stands sovereign over the kingdoms of the world and watches over His people. Many Christians feel overwhelmed at the thought of a deep dive into the Old Testament book of Daniel. The ancient past, distant future, cryptic symbols, and complex prophecies can easily become a tangled web of misunderstanding and confusion. However, no matter how complex certain portions of the book may seem, one truth emerges loud and clear: Jesus wins.

Elias Brasil de Souza $14.99 9780816365142 Paperback, 128 pages

Studying the book of Daniel is an exciting adventure, requiring a great deal of wisdom and understanding. Indeed, Daniel himself prays for understanding. This book, divided into thirteen chapters, starts by introducing issues related to understanding Daniel, such as literary structure and historical context. The subsequent chapters move through the narrative and prophetic sections, highlighting Daniel’s application to our modern lives. Start with a prayer for wisdom and understanding, then let Daniel speak and present the truth as it is in Jesus.

How to Interpret Scripture - 2Q 2020 BBS From the beginning, Adventists have considered themselves people of the Book. Yet biblical literacy seems to be waning. Many people no longer read and study the Bible. Others advance strange teachings, solemnly claiming these teachings come from Scripture. The stakes are high. If we approach the Bible with wrong presuppositions and poor methodologies, we will arrive at distorted conclusions. Our methods of interpretation affect our message and mission. In How to Interpret Scripture, you’ll:

Frank M. Hasel and Michael Hasel $14.99 9780816365852 Paperback, 128 pages

• • • • • •

learn basic ideas that shape our understanding of Scripture, study how Jesus and the apostles viewed Scripture, reflect on the Bible as the authoritative source of our theology, consider the principle of sola Scriptura—“by Scripture alone,” see the impact of different approaches by looking at Creation, explore why history and prophecy are crucial for biblical faith, and

• tackle the challenge of interpreting difficult passages of Scripture. 12

Sabbath School

Making Friends for God - 3Q 2020 BBS “Our confession of His faithfulness is heaven’s chosen agency for revealing Christ to the world.” —Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages Join evangelist Mark Finley on a journey fifty-three years in the making. In Making Friends for God, you’ll travel in the footsteps of Jesus and discover the universal principles of sharing our faith. Evangelism isn’t just for TV preachers and the ultra-religious. In fact, simply sharing about our personal experience with God is the essence of a living faith. When we come to Christ and are changed by His grace, charmed by His love, and redeemed by His power, we cannot be silent.

Mark Finley $14.99 9780816365876 Paperback, 128 pages




In Making Friends, you’ll learn to see everyone as savable, cooperate with the Holy Spirit, make the most of your spiritual gifts, understand the real power of God’s word, find the dawning of faith in unexpected places, implement the power of small groups, and so much more! Take your spiritual experience from positive and pleasant to powerful and profound by proactively working to win souls to Christ.

Education - 4Q 2020 BBS The Latin origin of the word education means “to nourish.” Just as we need daily physical food, we need to be regularly nourished spiritually. Christian education provides spiritual nourishment for the mind, and teachers can present challenging thoughts that awaken deeper spiritual commitment among the students.


During this quarter, explore the roles of the family, the law, personal world view, worship, the local church, and much more, within the context of Christian education, in regular Adventist schools, within the home, and in weekly Sabbath schools.

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Gordon Bietz $14.99 9780816365890 Paperback, 128 pages 13


Prophets in Conflict Known for his provocative approach to serious topics, George Knight’s latest book will not disappoint. Far from it, Prophets in Conflict not only challenges Adventist thinking and provides food for thought, but will stimulate vigorous discussion. Here are some of the questions explored:

George R. Knight 9780816366705 Paperback

• Are Ellen White and Joseph Smith two flavors of the same thing? • Why are Adventists prone to the “Mormon Temptation”? • What is the “Mormon Temptation” and how does it relate to prophetic authority? • How did Ellen White interpret her own writings? • What did she see as the purpose of her gift? • Who dreamed up the idea of compilations? • Can compilations make White say what she never said or believed? • How can her writings be applied in a healthy (or unhealthy) manner?

Pocket Dictionary for Understanding Adventism “This volume may be designed and labeled as a Pocket Dictionary, but it’s a library of important information which should be placed in the hands of every member, especially new believers. It’s like a fountain flowing with insights and helpful hints to deepen understanding of our faith community. I can’t wait to introduce it to my students as an important companion text to augment great preaching from Adventist pulpits.” —Hyveth Williams, DMin, Professor and Director of Homiletics, Seventhday Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University

Michael Campbell $9.99 9780816366460 Paperback, 176 pages

“I commend Michael Campbell for putting together this useful, practical book. Those new to the Adventist family will find it a valuable resource, while long-time members can profit greatly from its information provided in a format for fast, easy access. Well done!” —William G. Johnsson, Ph.D., former editor of Adventist Review 14


Genesis and Science All worldviews are based on one or more assumptions that are based on faith. We may assume that there is a God or that there is no god, that life arose with or without intelligent design, or that the universe came into being by itself or that God made it. We cannot prove any of these things, and that is why assumptions are always the basis of our worldview. The problem with assumptions is that they tend to stand in the way of asking questions. Questions that could alter our assumptions. Yet scientists who are willing to research the challenging questions are testing some of the bedrock assumptions undergirding the long held naturalistic theories of the evolutionary community.

Leonard Brand $4.99 9780816365166 Paperback, 144 pages

Accumulating research, even in geology, is providing more evidence in favor of a biblical worldview, and the theory of biological macroevolution is facing deadly new challenges. Are you ready to challenge your worldview?

Secrets Uncovered “When a vertebrate paleontologist says ‘a fossil site has fossil skulls all over the place,’ that usually means he searched all day and found three.” —Leonard Brand The life of a paleontologist is filled with stories. Whether it’s transporting whale fossils in the middle of the night to avoid black market fossil bandits in Peru, or having rattlesnakes crawl through your feet while eating breakfast in a wilderness camp, life is never boring. Every fossil has a story behind it—a story of how it came to be formed and preserved. The search for these stories keeps these scientists going back year after year. Leonard Brand $19.99 9780816365203 Paperback, 224 pages

From the Coconino Sandstone of the southwest and the Bridger Formation in Wyoming to the Deserts of Peru, Leonard Brand shares stories of God’s faithfulness in his daily life as a paleontologist. Join him as he uncovers the evidence left for us, and shares with us his findings. 15

Contemporary Issues

Adventists and Military Service The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a long and rich history of being a Church that affirms peace, seeks reconciliation, and encourages a noncombatant stance. In a time when wars are war-like conflicts are on the global rise, there is an urgent need to reflect more fully on the role of Christ’s followers as conscientious agents of peace and as conscientious objectors to all forms of violence. By candidly looking at the biblical evidence in the Old and New Testaments and by learning from Church history and our own history, the authors of this book address the spirit of the early Christian Church and of Jesus Christ on this issue.

Various Authors $18.99 9788472087095 Paperback, 228 pages

The book has grown out of an initiative of the Biblical Research Committee of what is now the Inter-European Division. The authors reflect the international composition of the Church. It contains the most complete list of all official Church documents on war and military service that were published by the Church from its beginning to the present, as well as a comprehensive list of major publications and resources that were written by Seventh-day Adventists. It will be the definite reference work on this subject for years to come.


Church Life

52 5 Minute Sermons for Kids from Nature Drawing lessons from both Scripture and God’s wonderful creations in the natural world, Anne Pilmoor has brought together 52 more 5-minute sermons for your little treasures to enjoy. These short but fascinating sermons are designed to enhance children’s faith in God and improve their relations with their families and church families, as well as giving them useful social skills.

Anne Pilmoor $15.99 9781786659453

More Than Fishy Crackers Fishy Crackers features 25 creative illustrations to engage children! What do duct tape, Rice Krispies squares, and rain boots have to do with the Bible? You will find out as you explore the imagination and curious minds of kids by thinking outside the box. Through engaging, humorous, yet simple–to–use object lessons, you can capture the attention of kids by bringing the Bible to life. These resources will come in handy when you are stressed and scrambling last minute to find a good illustration in the Bible.

Shawna Campbell $10.99 9780816366385 Paperback, 64 pages

Whether you are a pastor, teacher, or anyone who works with children, these lessons are simple to follow with online resources that will make a lasting impression on kids. By making learning fun and memorable, you will be giving children the foundational tools they need to live a godly life. Don’t just tell kids about Bible truths—show them.


Church Life

Unlocking Children’s Hearts Unlocking Children’s Hearts for Intimacy with God was created especially for children’s leaders who want ideas for organizing prayer conferences for children. Try out the prayer stations with the kids. Get them excited about the prayer walks. Inspire them to have TAG (Time Along with God) every day! May their little hearts respond to the loving Jesus who is their forever friend.

Linda Mei Lin Koh $9.99 9781878951458 Paperback, 80 pages

Sharpening and Shaping Your Sermon Preaching follows a biblical mandate as part of God’s plan to communicate His love for humanity. It is much more than a public presentation intended to display the abilities of the preacher or please the senses of the audience. It is a sacred tradition meant to communicate a message from God’s Word to His people and one that places great responsibility on the human communicator.

Mervyn Warren and Benjamin Reaves $5.99 9780816365685 Paperback, 64 pages

To help inspire those who may be tasked with this endeavor, pastors and doctors Mervyn A. Warren and Benjamin F. Reaves are uniquely qualified to provide focused advice on the major areas of sermon content and preparation as professors of preaching with more than four decades of experience in the classroom and the pulpit of famed Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama.


Church Life

Joys and Challenges of the Pastoral Family A pastoral couple’s ministry always begins with many hopes and dreams. While experiencing those early joys, they usually have no idea of the heart wrenching struggles that will soon be added to the mix. But soon enough both the burdens and the joys shape and complicate their lives. In this book we share the agony and thrill of being a pastoral family for over 35 years. Our hope is that our experience encourages pastoral couples to continually strengthen their commitment to each other, their family, and their church. Whether you are a pastor or a local church leader; may this book bring you great insights about your own ministerial family. Jonas and Raquel Arrais $16.99 9788472086777 Paperback, 176 pages

Following the Apostles’ Vision From small and unlikely beginnings in Jerusalem, the message of Jesus seemed to explode across the Roman world within only a few decades. It was powered by the Holy Spirit and the passion of those first men and women who had spent time with Jesus, but this remarkable success also came with self-sacrificing determination, hard work, and innovative mission strategies. Re-reading the pastoral letters of Paul—written to the respective churches within the first ten years of their planting—offers valuable insights into the focus, energy, and methods of Paul and his ministry teams. And it must challenge our vision and practice of church, ministry, and mission today.

Peter Roennfeldt $14.99 9781925044980 Paperback, 248 pages 19

Church Life

God: 60 Hard Questions for Sceptics Challenging the challenger helps to open up the issue and keep conversation going. It’s a method Jesus used in his ministry. Here are sixty questions covering most of the main issues and objections which are raised in today’s society.

Peter Hopkins $3.99 9781786659477

Leading Like Jesus What does good Christian leadership look like? What strategies will be most effective in winning souls for Christ? And how can authentic Christianity transform my working environment? If you’re asking questions like these, the answers are in your hands. In this handy book Philip Baptiste shares wise counsel from Scripture on how to practice authentic Christian leadership and bring glory to God in the home, in the church, and in the marketplace.

Philip Baptiste $9.99 9781786650849



Pray Big: God Can Do So Much More! She was giving up. But God was just getting started. “A gripping and transparent story of a young woman’s journey of hope, failure, growth and healing amidst seemingly insurmountable odds. Cindy dots her account with the “personalized,” magnificent Scriptural promises that were foundational for her tenacious journey and gives credit to her friends and family from various faith-communities who supported her. For Rick to give permission for the release of this story is a testimony to his spiritual depth and commitment to helping others facing such challenges. Having known Cindy and Rick Mercer for almost a decade, I can truly say that it is an extraordinary experience to have them wrap you in their peace and joy-filled intercessory embrace. You sense that God is close.” Cindy Mercer $16.99 9780816366484 Paperback, 176 pages

—Donna Jackson, Assoc. Ministerial Director for Ministerial Spouses, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists


Christian Living

Daring to Live By Every Word “Are you satisfied with a superficial relationship with Jesus? If so, this is NOT the book for you! But if you are hungry for a deeper authentic relationship with Jesus, then I dare you to read this book! It will change your life!” —Gary Blanchard, World Youth Director, General Conference “Radical. Countercultural. What a new generation of Jesus’ followers needs to live as He did: ‘It is written.’” —Dwight Nelson Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University

Melody Mason $19.99 9780816366323 Paperback, 256 pages

“Prepare for your relationship with Jesus to grow in amazing ways as you learn what it means to love and worship God with heart, body, mind and soul. This book is not just dry theory! It flows out of Melody’s authentic love relationship with Jesus.” —Jerry and Janet Page, General Conference Ministerial

Living for God Do you know what you long for? Deep down inside, do you actually know what you most desire? As human beings, we often get confused about the things we crave. But whether we realize it or not, we deeply crave the joy of Christian virtue. Created in God’s image, we were designed to love like He does. This is the goal of virtuous living. Living for God explores the beauty of simple biblical virtues such as: gratitude, courage, patience, humility, contentment, and more. It contains true stories and practical tips to help you apply these virtues to your life and relationships.

Frank Hasel $14.99 9780816366200 Paperback, 128 pages

Jesus, the most virtuous person to ever live, invites you to accept His virtue and to follow His example of love. He longs to fulfill your deepest desire— your desire to love and be loved.


Christian Living

13 Weeks to Joy

You suffer, have suffered, and will suffer. You know and love other suffering people. God allows the enemy to create chaos, but the sin and the suffering that convulse our aching planet don’t reflect the perfect will and heart of God any more than a messy child’s room reflects the will of a tidy parent. Because of the mess and the pain, you can’t truly experience joy through suffering without supernatural help and divine logic.

Jennifer Jill Schwirzer $19.99 9780816365746 Paperback, 224 pages

The first steps in learning how to experience joy are understanding God well enough to trust Him and trusting Him enough to give Him access to your heart. Although God won’t make us perfectly happy here on the earth now, He does promise the gift of joy in the midst of our sorrows. Walk with the author through the difficult feelings of shame, loneliness, and trauma to growth, belonging, freedom, gratitude, love, and awe—all building blocks for true, personal joy in Jesus.

Of Fleeces and Faith Have you ever heard someone say that they “put out a fleece” to get God’s opinion on a decision they faced? Have you done it yourself? Maybe you want to know if a relationship was destined for the long haul, whether a job in a new city is the right move, or if God even loves you. Is putting out a fleece a sign of great faith in God’s willingness to communicate and His ability to work miracles, or is it an immature and desperate plea from a place of spiritual weakness? Is it better to have spiritual doubts at the foot of the Cross or to watch from a safe distance until our faith is rock solid?

David B. Smith $14.99 9780816366101 Paperback, 128 pages

Find out in Of Fleeces and Faith if the Great I AM is really listening as author David Smith weaves the story of the Old Testament warrior and judge, Gideon, and his insecurities through the challenges of modern life.


Christian Living Comfort for the Day

Your heart is crushed. Finding it even difficult to breath, you wake up to the reality that someone you treasure is gone. Death has stolen your loved one from your arms. Now the seemingly insurmountable work of living through grief begins. Is there anything that can soothe this overwhelming ache? Is there a safe place for the anger? Will depression become a constant companion? Does the painful malaise last forever? How can I just get through the day?

Steve and Karen Nicola $19.99 9781449718824 Paperback, 158 pages

Comfort for the Day offers a personalized grief recovery experience, drawn from the source of all comfort—God. His Word will become a guide and friend as the reader lives through the confusing and painful seasons of grief. Comfort for the Day is what each grieving heart longs for. Used either as a gift for the bereaved or for our own personal needs, it brings real help to really hurting people.

Tokens of Love Tokens of Love explores the Bible’s most inspiring and most devastating love stories to equip readers with insightful and practical lessons for healthy, happy, and holy relationships. Featuring daily discussion questions and personal journaling reflections, this devotional will encourage you to earnestly seek God’s will for your love life and discover the Bible as God’s chosen tool to guide you along the way. Each devotional day includes devotional readings, prayer prompts, additional study texts, journal space, and discussion questions.

Brandon and Sheretta Taylor $14.99 9780578549453 Paperback, 150 pages

“Brandon & Sheretta have done a beautiful job with this devotional. Whether you are married or single, Tokens of Love will inspire you to make Jesus your first love, as well as give practical biblical insights to help you safely navigate your own relational journey.” —Melody Mason, author of Daring to Ask for More


Small Groups

40 Days: Prayer and Devotions on God’s Law (#10) There must be more than “Thou shalt not . . .” God’s law has been referred to as a “transcript of God’s character.” This book leads readers on a journey of 40 days to discover a depth and beauty in the law of God that few comprehend. Understanding, love, and appreciation of God’s law will grow, and obedience from the heart will be an act of love. Dennis Smith $13.99 9780816366163 Paperback, 96 pages

40 Days Prayer and Devotions on God’s Law and Its Blessings, like the rest of the 40 Days study series, is designed to prepare people for Christ’s second coming. Ideal for personal study or in a small group, developing in readers an appreciation for God’s law and its rightful place in the hearts of God’s people.




It is in the nature of men to love all kinds of achievements and competitions that would bring us recognition. Choosing a new target every day, setting a new goal for the next, it all breeds satisfaction and helps us overcome feelings of inadequacy. It strengthens our sense of self and our identity. It is this constant pursuit that gives meaning to a man’s life, driving abundance and happiness along the way. Then, when a man becomes a father, he enters a new stage of life with the inescapable excitement of an athlete competing for the first time in the Olympics. No other competition throughout his entire life will test his limits more than this one, and he steps into the arena not knowing that this ultramarathon will change him irreversibly. Norel Iacob $19.99 9780816366149 Paperback, 320 pages

Part of comprehensive project that includes a movie, this book offers a collection of insights, scientific findings, and sound logical inferences through powerful stories. It will help rediscover the meaning of fatherhood!



The Powerful Plate:

Fight Cancer One Meal at a Time Modern research shows a clear link between certain lifestyle behaviors and cancer risk. These studies reveal a simple yet profound truth—many cancers are preventable. Our health is largely in our own hands, and this should give us hope. Through our own smart choices, we can make it the very best health possible, both today and in the future.

Afia Donkor $19.99 9780816366026 Paperback, 176 pages

This beautifully illustrated book features full-color photographs on every page. You’ll learn how and why certain foods—fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains—help fortify the body’s defenses against disease, and then find culinary inspiration in a collection of simple, mouth-watering recipes featuring these cancer-fighting ingredients. Good food, combined with other healthy lifestyle choices, can be like medicine to the body. You can achieve and maintain good health—one seed, one nut, one grain at a time—starting today.

The Earthy Canvas Vegan Cookbook In The Earthy Canvas Vegan Cookbook Dr. Fay Kazzi finds inspiration for the creation of delicious, healthy recipes from her Middle Eastern heritage, education, and career. These recipes are designed to maximize flavor and nutrient density while minimizing calories and use of processed foods. She has affectionately coined this process as a scientific art. Dr. Kazzi believes that an integral part of the commitment to a vegan, plant-based lifestyle is the ability to make healthy food that tastes as good as it can look, using mostly whole foods like grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.

Fay Kazzi $29.99 9780816365982 Paperback, 208 pages

As a health professional and an artist at heart, food photography eventually found its way into her career path and she was able to marry these two worlds in this beautifully orchestrated and easy to follow resource. All the photographs of the recipes were styled and shot by Dr. Kazzi herself, which she feels is a personal and intimate touch. This richly illustrated cookbook celebrates clean vegan eating in a unique and approachable way taking simple plant-based recipes to an elevated level of palatability and presentation, perfect to share with your friends and family. 27


Live It In the Kitchen Enjoy delicious vegetarian recipes and solid nutritional information pulled from the best of Loma Linda University Health’s web video series, “Live It.”

Cory Gheen 9780816366682 Paperback

From Plant to Plate: Diabetes Edition Turning Fresh, Simple Food into a Delicious Habit

What if you could lower your blood sugars one bite at a time? You can. Reclaim your health in the most simple (and most delicious) way possible. Created with freshness, simplicity, and overall wellness in mind, Plant to Plate Diabetes Edition contains everything you need to transform your health through the power of nutrition. With 92+ plant-based recipes, corresponding cooking videos, and a plethora of dynamic nutrition content, this book will jump-start your journey to a healthy new you! Tami Bivens $25.00 9780989557528 Paperback, 276 pages

Also includes short cooking videos accompanying every recipe, a simple guide for preparing almost every whole food, and tips on stocking your kitchen with the best ingredients and tools.



Kick Diabetes Essentials The Diet and Lifestyle Guide

Well-designed plant-based diets work because they address the root cause of diabetes. They maximize powerful protective dietary components that are concentrated in plant food and work together to ease inflammation and oxidative stress, stabilize blood glucose levels, enhance gut microflora, and keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check. At the same time, plant-based diets minimize the harmful components concentrated in highly processed foods and animal products. Brenda Davis $24.95 9781570673764 Paperback, 286 pages

Learn how to use what we know about plant-based diets to beat Diabetes Type 2 in Kick Diabetes Essentials.

The Methuselah Factor Do y ou want to improve how you look, feel, or function? Then this book is for you. Let Dr. DeRose help you improve your health by harnessing the cutting-edge science of “hemorheology” or blood fluidity. This book guides you on a detailed yet practical 30-day journey to improve your “Methuselah Factor” (DeRose’s term for blood fluidity). Using this month-long program, you can:

David J DeRose $18.95 9781942730088 Paperback, 338 pages

• • • • • •

Decrease your risk of killer diseases Improve your mental performance Decrease your risk of dementia Shed excess pounds Prevent common causes of arthritis Enhance your physical performance

• Decrease your risk of vision and kidney problems



Eat Plants, Feel Whole You want energy and vitality. You want to live your best life. We all do. Perhaps you’ve heard about the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based (beyond vegan) lifestyle. You’re interested, but don’t know where to begin. In Eat Plants, Feel Whole, Dr. George Guthrie shows you the way. For over 30 years, Dr. Guthrie has been helping his patients achieve better health through an evidence-based, whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. Now he shards not only his years of experience, but the scientific evidence for this powerful lifestyle.

George E. Guthrie $29.99 9780999698341 Hard cover, 420 pages

Eat Plants, Feel Whole includes an 18-day quick start plan, fifty plant-based recipes, a starter menu, shopping list, and lifestyle tips. In short, everything you need to initiate your health transformation.

Memory Makeover Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases represent the field of greatest biomedical failure. But in Memory Makeover, Dr. Wes Youngberg combines a heartwarming story of hope with a rational, effective, precisionmedicine approach to cognitive decline. Learn how to prevent Alzheimer’s and reverse cognitive decline the natural way. The giants of medicine— those who oversaw the first vaccines, the first heart transplants, the first sterile surgeries, and other firsts—would be proud. This is progress, indeed.

Wes Youngberg $14.99 9780982497913 Paperback, 144 pages 30


Through the Seasons with God “I have been a Christian for most of my life, but it was only when I started nurturing the little plot of land, which is now a lovely garden, that I became acquainted with my Savior.” In the beginning, God Himself planted a garden. There in Eden, the Creator of heaven and earth lingered with His creation. Together they walked and talked and dreamed. God still gently brushes our cheek with a cool breeze, embraces us with warm sunshine, quiets us with freshly fallen snow, serenades us through humming cicadas and warbling birds, and demonstrates His wisdom and love in every miracle of creation. Olga Valdivia $17.99 9780816365760 Paperback, 160 pages

Through the beautifully illustrated color pages of this keepsake devotional journal, you, too, can walk and talk and dream with God. Feel His touch on your face as author Olga Valdivia steps quietly into her garden and invites you to reflect with her upon God’s faithfulness through the seasons.

Enough Most people, especially women, know firsthand the battle of feeling not enough. Or too much. And sometimes both at the same time. The battle to feel good enough is real and constant. There are days when the “not enoughness” threatens to rip out your heart, discourage you, and cause you to lose hope. Give up. Surrender. The truth is that God is enough. Join author Tamyra Horst as she leads you on a journey to discover God in your not enoughness. Find out who defines what “enough” is, why the enemy wants to keep us feeling inadequate, how accepting the lie affects our relationships, what to do when you mess up, where to find peace with yourself, and how to speak the truth to other women. Tamyra Horst $15.99 9780816366224 Paperback, 160 pages

Experience the joy and peace and hope Jesus brings, and learn to accept that you are chosen, wanted, and accepted. Find your purpose and passion, and embrace the role God designed just for you. Because through Him, you are enough. 31


Lighting Your Path

Full of praise and encouragement, this selection of testimonial meditations by women authors gives glory to God and strengthens your faith in Him.

Sharon Platt-McDonald $9.99 9781786650719 Paperback, 112 pages

Women in the Bible and Me 2 It’s time to get creative with coloring as we enjoy some in-depth Bible studies on some of the Bible’s most interesting women! From Anna to Leah and from Dorcas to Jezebel, each character has been given three illustrations and a thorough scriptural analysis by a prominent female church leader within the Trans-European Division.

TED Women’s Ministries $7.99 9781786659521 Paperback 32


Regrets on an African River Prepare for geographical whiplash as you travel around the world with author Jeff Scoggins through his adventures as a military brat then missionary kid turned missionary family. Hold your breath as little Jeff saws into a live bullet with a hacksaw, runs from his schoolroom to a nearby bomb shelter, takes a punch from the class bully, buys a three-hundred-dollar bunch of bananas, rows furiously down an African river to escape its crocs and hippos, and much more. Then, experience the goodness of an angel in a red Dodge pickup, listen in as Jeff’s dad asks how he plans to dispose of the dead body in his trunk, and scramble to pull up tent stakes ahead of a storm full of tornados. Jeff Scoggins $14.99 9780816366064 Paperback, 128 pages

Ultimately, through the power of these short but exciting stories, you’ll discover that no earthly adventure beats the one that is living life with Jesus.

Darkness Will Not Overcome Richie Halversen’s life had hit rock bottom. Chemical dependency had led him on a downward spiral. The lies, the stealing, the arrests, and the broken promises had reached a critical point. He knew this trip to rehab was the last chance he would ever get. At his very worst, while suffering through withdrawal, Richie heard God’s voice for the first time in forever. Opioid use is an epidemic. But all the statistics in the world won’t make the same impact as one true story. Starting that day, Richie’s life began to turn around. God never gave up on Richie, and He won’t give up on you.

Richie Halversen $13.99 9780816365265 Paperback, 128 pages 33


Preaching From the Grave A Story of Faith from the Rwanda Genocide In just 100 days in 1994, Hutu extremists slaughtered more than a million Tutsis in Rwanda. In the face of such evil carnage, a young Adventist Tutsi refused to break God’s commandments. As with Daniel and his friends, God repeatedly intervened to not only save his life but to give him opportunity to witness in the process.

Phodidas Ndamyumugabe $15.99 9780816365814 Paperback, 160 pages

Norma: Beyond Their Tears They called her Yellow, but the sickly Palestinian-Arab girl’s name was Norma. She proved every bit as spunky and resilient as her CanadianAmerican movie star namesake. Though she grew up in poverty, her boldness and ambition brought great personal success, including working in high-ranking international posts and rubbing shoulders with foreign diplomats and VIPs. Even so, her heart lingered with poor, disadvantaged children. Recent estimates indicate that the number of orphans worldwide is approximately 140 million. There are so many, and every one abandoned, neglected, vulnerable. So many children are in desperate need of food, shelter, safety, education, and love—what can one person do? William Johnson $13.99 9780816366040 Paperback, 128 pages

How does a little girl raised by a devoted Christian mother, abandoned by her father, and eventually orphaned, overcome the odds and become the defender of orphans? Find out in Norma: Beyond Their Tears.



Keep on Keeping On With Jesus The greatest problem in people’s lives that I have observed over the years is discouragement—people giving up! Life is difficult. You will lose loved ones; you will have setbacks and disappointments; friends will let you down. We live in a difficult world, and we are moving along toward the end of it. The Bible says, “He who endures to the end shall be saved (Mathew 24:13, NKJV).” In Keep On Keeping On, Pastor Jim Gilley once again points us to Jesus, the one who never gives up on us. Jesus is the only One who can bring you through the difficulties of this world. He will keep His promise to stand beside you, no matter what you’re facing. But you’ve got to hang in there and trust Him. You’ve got to “keep on keeping on.” Jim Gilley $14.99 9780816366347 Paperback, 96 pages

Story Catcher Story Catcher is a book you’ll read to your children and share with your friends. Duerksen has packed these pages with his favorite “God stories”— tales filled with angels, miracles, frustrated fishermen, fur trappers, and trusting missionaries. You’ll quickly discover how his creative narratives bring the Bible to life. “An unforgettable storyteller has brought his incredible gift to life on the pages of this must-read contribution to the world of inspiration. Duerksen has unleashed the power of storytelling to heal and win hearts as well as change minds for transformative results.” —Hyveth Williams, DMin, Professor of Homiletics, Andrews University Richard Duerksen $14.99 9788472087316 Paperback, 144 pages 35


Discovery Mountain Mr. Simon founded the small town of Discovery Mountain in 1968 when he landed his plane, Blue Birdie, in the picturesque mountain valley. Mr. Simon believes that God sends just the right people to Discovery Mountain—and it’s true! Join the cast of characters from the weekly “Discovery Mountain” podcast ( as they lead you on your first Discovery Mountain faith exercise. It begins in Chaplain Jake’s Bible classroom. Where will it end? That’s up to you! With the help of your favorite characters, you choose what happens next.

Jean Boonstra $3.49, 10–$2.89, 100– $2.29, 1000–$1.79 9780816366521 Paperback, 96 pages

Will you follow their advice (warning—they might not always be right) and find forgiveness? Or will you choose a different path? What will the consequences be? Will you leave with your faith strengthened? Or will you leave Discovery Mountain weaker than when you started? Let’s find out!

Guide’s Greatest Second Coming Stories Have you ever wondered if today would be the day that Jesus would come back? Each of these true stories pulled from Guide magazine remind us Jesus is coming again and He cannot wait to be with us. In 1844 a couple of sisters went to bed. . . “Just think—tonight is the last night we’ll sleep in this bed.” “I know. Tomorrow we’ll be in our heavenly mansion!” “I’m not going to sleep at all,” eleven-year-old Susan whispered. “What if Jesus comes during the night? I don’t want to miss anything.” “I won’t sleep either!” Belinda agreed. “Poke me once in a while so I stay awake.” Jesus did not come in 1844, but His promise is still true. Guide Magazine $11.99 9780816366262 Paperback, 128 pages

The Bible is clear: be patient. Remain faithful. Don’t give up. Jesus is coming! And it will be worth the wait! I can’t wait! Can you? 36



Where does a shepherd boy armed with only stones and a sling get the courage to face a scary giant? God had plans for David, His chosen one. He has plans for you too. Chosen is a comic strip visual introduction to the history of King David’s life. It is designed to share the adventure-filled story of a shepherd boy who became king and, in the process, overcame extraordinary challenges. Each of the chapters in David’s life is presented on one page, followed by an activity page that allows you to explore how the story is relevant to your life. The activity pages include games and interesting facts to help you remember and understand the story more fully. Tompaul Wheeler $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365708 Paperback, 32 pages

Grab a Bible and look up the “Action Passage” found at the top of each activity page to read the stories and other verses. You can use the contents page in your Bible to help you locate the verses. David’s story begins in 1 Samuel 16. Enjoy discovering more about this remarkable man of God!

Runaway World Did you know that God has always had a plan for you? Well, He does. That plan is in the book we call the Bible. To really understand God’s plan for you, we have to go back to the beginning. Before your parents were born, before your great, grandparents were born, before your great–great–great–great― well, you get the picture. From the very beginning, when this world was just a thought in God’s mind, God had a plan to get you and this runaway world back home. If we want to start at the beginning, we will need to open the book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible and see how it all started. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Paul Ricchuiti $13.99 9780816365722 Paperback, 128 pages 37


God, Science, Friends, and God’s Love for You After seeing pictures of distant stars and beautiful galaxies on the internet, Jane and Carson had a lot of questions about Creation. Why did God make the world in the first place? How did He plan the earth? How long did it take? How did it happen? They knew just who to ask; Uncle Leonard was a real scientist! You, too, will enjoy Uncle Leonard’s stories as much as Jane and Carson! Best of all, you can get your questions answered along the way.

Leonard Brand $17.99 9780816365180 Paperback, 192 pages

Kids are constantly bombarded with misinformation. It can be very confusing. Dr. Leonard Brand tells the entire story of the earth from Creation through the plan of salvation—and he shares it all in stories that kids will enjoy and understand. Along the way he teaches kids about God’s love and what science really proves about origins, the flood, dinosaurs, and a lot more.

Bing of the Kobuk Bing played with the frost on the side window as he rode. Mrs. Nelson drove along the snow-covered Alaskan country roads and watched him from the corner of her eye. “Bing?” she began. He did not answer. “Bing, talk to me.” Bouncing yet again to another foster home, Bing’s life was about to change dramatically. Bing of the Kobuk follows the story of a young Inuit boy. Growing up in the wilderness regions of Arctic Alaska, where one mistake can cost you your life, Bing is introduced to his heavenly Father. Through miraculous intervention and the help of his pet wolf, Bing is united with his real family. Kenneth C. Crawford $13.99 9780816365838 Paperback, 144 pages

This gripping story of life in the harshest of environments is an adventure of survival and faith.




Unconditional, always patient, selfless, and sincere. That is how the Bible defines love. Self-centered, demanding, unstable, and irritable. That is how our children experience love on the street, on TV, and even at the schoolyard. How can we teach them to pursue Jesus at a young age? How do we persuade them to always choose Love (seriously and with the capital letter) even though sometimes it means going against the tide? The goal of these stories is to help children understand that Love is a learning process of constant growth­â€”a path from and to God where our lives can reach eternal dimensions. Veronica Salotti $12.99 9788472087590 Paperback, 126 pages

I think I heard the bell . . . Are you coming to class? We have lots to learn together! Also available in Spanish (9788472086883).

Friends of God Friends of God is a collection of ten stories based on Bible biographies from the Old Testament. It is specially written for preteens. Although the characters are known by those who already know the Bible stories, the text is written for girls and boys who are starting to question their spirituality and the relevance of the Bible in their lives. Also, because of the familiar language, it is suitable for preteens who have never read the Bible stories.

Ester Villanueva Larrosa $12.99 9788472087606 Paperback, 144 pages

These stories are chosen and written in the most engaging way to help boys and girls develop specific values such as faithfulness, honesty, humility, courage, and cooperation. Each story has accompanying questions to encourage them to reflect on the Bible lessons and apply them in their daily lives. Also available in Spanish (9788472086890). 39


Steps to Christ Activity Book The Steps to Christ Activity Book is based on the book Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White. Each chapter includes a summary of the original chapter’s content and several activities to help the young reader grasp the main ideas. Although it has been prepared with the elementary age group in mind, all ages will enjoy navigating through the activities of this book. This interactive approach gives a new way of enjoying a book which has been translated into more than 165 languages, with several million copies in print. It is suitable for family worship, schools, Sabbath activities, children and youth camps, and other settings. Saustin Sampson Mfune $9.99 9780828028585 Paperback, 144 pages

Steps to Christ Activity Book CD A musical CD to accompany the Steps to Christ Activity Book. The CD features 32 tracks and has a runtime of approximately one hour and six minutes.

Saustin Sampson Mfune $4.99 643330048375 Audio CD



God Said It: The Life of Moses (book 3) The God Said It series uses beautiful, full color pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God. This book tells the powerful story of Moses—the dramatic rescue from the Nile, the fight with the Egyptian, the burning bush, the plagues, parting the red sea, and the 10 Commandments. Most important, the book teaches important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. Designed for kids ages 5–10.

Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100– $0.79 9780816364824 Paperback, 32 pages

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes 1 (book 4) This book tells powerful stories of how Abraham and Isaac’s confidence in God’s plan, the faith of Caleb and Joshua, the promise to Rahab, and the hard lessons Samson learned about obeying God. Most important, the book teaches children valuable lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365364 Paperback, 32 pages 41


God Said It: Old Testament Heroes 2 (book 5) The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God. This book tells stories from the early kingdom of Israel. Samuel went to live with Eli the priest as a little boy. But he recognized God’s voice when it called to him, and, followed God’s commands even when it was hard. Israel wanted a king, even if it wasn’t in God’s plan. Though David was just a young boy, his faith in God and the things he learned protecting his father’s sheep helped him stand up to Goliath, the biggest bully of all. Most important, the book teaches kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365388 Paperback, 32 pages

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes 3 (book 6) The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God. This book tells stories about Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived; Elijah, the prophet who stood up to the heathen god Baal; Elisha, the prophet who listened to God’s voice; and Nehemiah, the leader who rebuilt the city of Jerusalem. Most important, the book teaches kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives.

Bradley Booth $0.99, 10–$0.89, 100–$0.79 9780816365401 Paperback, 32 pages 42


Creation (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 1) The Beginning of Time Series includes five colorfully illustrated board books that walk through the Bible for toddlers and early readers.

The Fall (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 2)

Cain & Abel (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 3)

Noah’s Ark (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 4)

The Tower of Babel (The Beginning of Time Series, Book 5)


Lisa Kack $10.98 9780998030807 (book 1) 9780998030814 (book 2) 9780998030821 (book 3) 9780998030838 (book 4) 9780998030845 (book 5) Board books, 26 pages


Humble Stones

Will an angry, defiant Pharaoh crush the Hebrew people—or will their God finally begin to deliver them? In heart-stopping suspense, Asher, a Hebrew slave boy, waits to see. Marvel with Asher and his family as God starts unleashing His power in surprising, irritating, and sometimes even humorous plagues. Discover the depth of God’s self-sacrificing love as He works to free both Hebrews and Egyptians from the death grip of the love of power. Study the secrets of forgiveness and humility at the feet of Moses himself. Nicole Parker $9.99 9781674952086 Paperback, 124 pages

Explore the greatest paradox of the universe—how the all-powerful King on the throne will always, only govern by love—never by force. Your vision of the law of self-sacrificing love governing the universe will never be the same. Optional thought-provoking discussion questions at the end of each chapter make it perfect for family worships, Bible classes, homeschool assignments, and personal reading. Ideal for ages 9–109!

God’s Amazing Animals - Otters This tract tells children that they are valuable while teaching them about the amazing otter.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048337 Tract, 8 pages 44


Miss Brenda - 10K Race This tract reminds kids that God is always with us and practice and persistence pays off!

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048283 Tract, 8 pages

Miss Brenda - Black Jellybeans This tract reminds us to confess our sins to each other so that we can be healed. It talks about disobedience and a guilty conscience.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048290 Tract, 8 pages 45


Miss Brenda - Fat Cat Freddie This tract talks about prayer, and how God answers us. Maybe, not even in the way we expect.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048306 Tract, 8 pages

Miss Brenda - Finders Keepers This tract covers the topic of honesty and what the true reward for being honest truly is.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048313 Tract, 8 pages 46


Miss Brenda - Goats for God This tract calls us to be cheerful givers and reminds us that God blesses us when we give.

Brenda Walsh $9.99 (pack of 100) 643330048320 Tract, 8 pages

Bible Heroes New Testament Coloring Book While they color, your precious children can learn about the great heroes of the New Testament, including Nicodemus and Mary Magdalene, through these amazing stories, written by Anne Pilmoor and beautifully illustrated by Steve English.

Anne Pilmoor $3.99 9781786659361 Paperback 47


Bible Heroes Old Testament Coloring Book While they color, your precious children can learn about the great heroes of the New Testament, including Solomon and Esther, through these amazing stories, written by Anne Pilmoor and beautifully illustrated by Steve English.

Anne Pilmoor $3.99 9781786659378 Paperback, 32 pages

God’s Champions Learn how some of the lesser-known Bible characters demonstrated courage in tough times. Discover how courage presents itself in many different ways. Magabook size.

Anne Pilmoor $9.99 9781786659330 Paperback



The Cabbage Storm Twins Jack and Julia learn how exciting it is to be healthy, and change their habits for the better.

Anne Pilmoor $10.99 9781786659354 Paperback, 56 pages

My First Book About Health Childhood is the best time to share the great teachings of life. For that reason, the Bible says: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it� (Proverbs 22:6, NIV). While sharing these readings with children, you will have a great opportunity to instruct them in an enjoyable way about some basic principles of health, which will be very important throughout their lives. There is no one better than you to flavor with love this kind of teachings. Designed for children ages 0 to 4 years. Alejandro Medina Villarreal $9.99 9788472085985 (ENG) Board book, 64 pages

Also available in Spanish (9788472085978) and French (9788472085992).



True Heroes: Stories and values to triumph This three-volume set features everyday heroes who demonstrated social, moral, and/or personal growth values in their daily lives. Children will see practical examples of individuals showing loyalty, faithfulness, personal responsibility, respect, courage, modesty, manners, sportsmanship, selfdiscipline, stewardship, and so much more. Success doesn’t happen by chance. It is the result of the search for and intentional development of a Godly character. Each book contains sixteen chapters, complete with full-color, engaging illustrations. Mirian Montanari Grüdtner 9788472085954 $49.99 3V set Hardcover, 136 pages ea.

Also available in Spanish (9788472085879) and French (9788472085916).

Securely Strong What does it mean to be a “friend of God”? Securely Strong: God’s Faithful Friends is a collection of Bible stories about people like you who became strong friends with God; people such as Daniel, Philip, Lydia, Elijah, Caleb, and Joshua, just to name a few. That close relationship gave each of them the ability to be securely strong in their obedience to God. They were confident in their relationships with Him. With a determination to be faithful, and with the acceptance of God’s mercy, they could praise Him and encourage others.

Kirsten Roggenkamp and Heather Blair $18.99 9780816365791 Paperback, 208 pages

Would you like to feel safe and secure in your friendship with God? Would you like the assurance that He will give you the strength you need? As you read these stories, and connect with the characters through the activities and questions, you will learn why these friends of God had securely strong faith.



My Sister Has Super Powers My Sister Has Superpowers gives individuals a glimpse into the everyday reality of a family supporting a loved one with special needs, while offering child readers faces and characters they can fully relate to. As well as teaching Children that they are fearfully and wonderfully made no matter what their circumstance.

Rodney McFadden $24.95 9780578514703 Hardcover w/dust jacket, full color, 36 pages



Bible Heroes New Testament Card Game The lives of many heroes of the Old Testament, charmingly illustrated by Steve English, are related in four parts in this beautiful children’s game, including Naaman, Elijah, and many others.

Stanborough Publishing $13.99 9781786659385 Card game

Bible Heroes Old Testament Card Game The lives of many heroes of the New Testament, charmingly illustrated by Steve English, are related in four parts in this beautiful children’s game, including Priscilla, Timothy, and many others.

Stanborough Publishing $13.99 9781786659392 Card game 52


Bible Stories 2 by 2 Matching Game Teach your children more about each of their favorite Bible stories and improve their memory and spatial awareness with this colorful, expertly designed children’s matching game. How many stories can they learn together with you?

Stanborough Publishing $12.99 9781786659590 Card game

Snakebites and Shipwrecks Game Branch out from Antioch and work as a team to complete Paul’s missionary journeys, placing color-coded tiles to map-out his routes. As you play, follow along with provided scriptural references from the book of Acts, and play the Special Event wildcards to discover some of the amazing things Paul experienced while preaching the gospel. Ages 10+, 3–8 players.

Stanborough Publishing $24.99 9781786659446 Card game



Couple’s Bible

Leather Bible with special features for couples. 9788472087286 ENG 9788472087279 SPN 9788472087293 FRN

Safeliz Publishing $49.99

Youth Bibles Bible with special features for youth. 9788472086562 ENG Blue 9788472086548 SPN Blue 643330047712 ENG Green 643330047705 SPN Green

Safeliz Publishing $43.99



Hope Bible

Available in English, Spanish, and French. 9788472087163 ENG Red/Blue HC 9788472087170 FRN Red/Blue HC 9788472087156 SPN Red/Blue HC 9788472087125 ENG White/Red PA 9788472087132 FRN White/Red PA 9788472087118 SPN White/Red PA

Safeliz Publishing $37.99 Hardcover $26.99 Paperback

Bilingual Bible Portuguese/English Bible. 643330048252 Blue 643330048269 Green

Safeliz Publishing $39.99



Daring to Ask for More Sharing Edition Wherever you find yourself in your spiritual journey, whether you are a seeker, a churchgoer, or just testing the waters of belief in the God of the Bible, this book will inspire and challenge you to a life of faith and purpose. Here’s what others are saying about Daring to Ask for More: “I have read many books on prayer, but none has touched my heart like this one--so much so that I couldn’t put it down! It is inspirational as well as practical and instructional. It exudes “prayer power” that will change your life.” —Alice Scarbrough, prayer group leader

Melody Mason $3.49, 10–$2.89, 100–$2.29, 1,000–$1.79 9780816366088 Paperback, 96 pages

“Melody Mason is a true intercessor. She has become a much-needed voice, calling us to an intensification of our faith-prayer journey with Jesus. This book has radically changed my own prayer life, and I pray it does the same for you.” —Dwight K. Nelson, Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University

God’s Truth Can Change Your Life Searching for life’s meaning is universal. Every culture in every era has searched for truth: truth that answers life’s big questions; truth that provides significance for daily living; truth that is certain and beyond doubt. But truth has come on hard times. Have you heard somebody say, “You have your truth and I have mine”? God’s Truth sets forth the idea that there is truth not only in the material world but also in the social and spiritual realms; truth that is foundational to personal and social health; truth that transforms lives.

George Knight $2.49 9780816364985 Paperback, 128 pages

Bestselling author George R. Knight explains the Bible’s major themes in a manner that is both clear and brief. As such, it not only provides a concise introduction to the teachings of history’s most influential and best-selling book, but it is also an invitation to further study. After all, there is nothing more important than understanding God’s ultimate truth about the world and our lives. Volume pricing: 10–$1.89, 100–$1.59, 1,000–$1.39 56


The Faith of Jesus Bible Study Guide The Faith of Jesus is a simple yet profound set of Bible lessons that introduce the reader to basic Bible doctrine. It is based on the principle of using the Bible as its own interpreter, and it demonstrates that Jesus is the true foundation of our faith. As such, it is based on His life and teachings, inviting the user to discover God’s will in the words of the Savior. The author, Carlos E. Aeschlimann, had the privilege of sharing the hope of salvation with thousands of people around the globe. A lifelong student of the Bible, he was able to distill precious truth into clear and simple presentations throughout more than 40 years of Christian ministry.

Carlos Aeschlimann $1.29, 10–$1.19, 500–$1.09 9780816365937 Paperback, 64 pages

Fundamentals of Faith Fundamentals of Faith is the simple resource you’ve been waiting for! A simple guide to be used with those preparing for baptism or profession of faith. A general study resource for anyone desiring an overview of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. Presents topics in a sequence designed for those new to learning about them. Summarizes and combines several fundamental beliefs for the sake of simplicity.

Jim Howard $2.99, 10–$2.49, 50–$1.49 9780828028356 Paperback, 48 pages

Includes explanations and practical applications helpful to those preparing for church membership. Includes “My Commitment” points to guide the reader in making decisions for Christ. Provides supporting scriptural references with each doctrine. Includes the full Seventh-day Adventist statement of fundamental beliefs in the appendix. Fundamentals of Faith is part of the GROW Your Church series of resources. GROW Your Church is an initiative of the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries departments.



Death Defeated (Signs Special) The evening of Christ’s death on the cross looked to outsiders like a defeat for the early Christian church. Their so-called Messiah who had healed so many, even raising some from the dead, was now gone. But sunrise on Sunday morning found an empty tomb. Sin and death had been defeated. Jesus’ sacrifice had paid the price for our sins. This colorful, 16-page special issue of Signs of the Times contains text taken from Humble Hero, a White Estate adaptation of Ellen White’s book Desire of Ages. Use this fully illustrated booklet to share the good news that Christ’s resurrection promises all of us eternal life!

Signs Magazine $0.69, 100–$0.59, 1000– $0.53, 5000–$0.49 643330047484 Paperback, 16 pages

Jesus’ Return (Signs Special) Even a secular audience recognizes that something is very wrong in the world around them. Hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, the natural world seems to be coming apart. All decency seems to be gone. People have no patience for each other anymore. All we can do is fight to the death over things that didn’t use to divide us. There are no answers to these complex problems. Is there any hope for the future? The Bible predicted all this would happen—and more. It also gives us hope for the future, the soon-return of Jesus. But what does the Bible really say about this event and when it would happen? Signs Magazine $0.69, 100–$0.59, 1000–$0.53, 5000–$0.49 643330047491 Paperback, 32 pages

Prayerfully give this fully-illustrated, easy-to-read, booklet to friends, family, and others who have questions about where this is all going. The included invitation to Bible studies could change their lives forever!



Too Loud to Ignore (Signs Truth Matters Series) Too Loud to Ignore beautifully teaches the truth about the three angels’ messages. It calls readers to fully accept the only One who deserves their worship, the Creator God. Now is no time to ignore the warning of the three angels of Revelation 14 or to put off making a decision for God! Share it! Mail it to a zip code around your community. Send a copy to all the individuals on your church interest list. Send it to neighbors. Hand it out door-to-door. Place one in food baskets your church distributes.

Signs Magazine $0.49, 10–$0.45, 100– $0.39, 1000–$0.25 643330047736 Paperback, 16 pages



Daring to Ask for More (Atrévete a Pedir Mas) If you are looking for keys to answered prayer or success in ministry, or if you are tired of just getting by spiritually and long for more in your walk with God, Daring to Ask for More is exactly what you need. Expect a paradigm shift in faith and prayer!

Melody Mason $18.99 9780816391332 Paperback, 272 pages

Daring to Ask for More will challenge you to recognize the unlimited possibilities that are within your grasp if you will only pray in faith. If you will put into practice the principles outlined in this book—seeking for more of Christ, removing the spiritual breaches and compromises, and moving forward in faith, no matter the circumstances—your life will change. Your faith will grow, and you will receive answers and will be prepared for the latter rain outpouring that will equip God’s people to finish the work so we can all go home!

Burst the Bubble (Sal de la Burbuja) The purpose of being a disciple is not only to proclaim the good news, the word of salvation, but also to demonstrate the love of God to people who are in need. We cannot come out of the darkness and simply bask in His marvelous light; we need to go back into the darkness and make a difference. We are chosen by God to be “salt” and “light.” Wherever we are in the world—individually or collectively as the Adventist Church body—the surrounding environs must be different, transformed by our faithful presence amongst them.

Sung K. Kwon $15.99 9780816391530 Paperback, 160 pages

We must make the shift from just going to a church to being a church in the world around us. We must pray for God’s intervention in our own lives, listen to people’s struggles and challenges, and look for opportunities in the neighborhoods and communities that surround us to serve and demonstrate God’s love. Only then will we witness real change—changes in lives and changes in our communities.



Difficult Words from Jesus (Dichos Difíciles de Jesús) Each statement of Jesus is a gem of thought that reveals the will of God. The Christian church exists and is sustained only by the word of Jesus. But some of His statements are difficult to understand. This book offers clear and brief explanations of each of the Master’s statements that have intrigued Christians for generations. For example, what does He mean when He says:

Ángel Hernández $13.99 9780816391363 Paperback, 128 pages

• “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” • “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” • “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” • “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. These sayings and many others are interpreted clearly in this book.

Discipleship Handbook (Manual de Discipulado) The discipleship journey is full of pitfalls and snares that threaten to lead us away from the narrow path that leads to heaven. Therefore, even after we are baptized, it is imperative that we continue to grow into active and mature disciples of Christ. The Discipleship Handbook will benefit anyone seeking such an experience with Jesus. It may be used for personal study or in Sabbath schools, prayer meetings, small groups, or one-on-one settings.

Jim Howard $11.99, 32–$9.99, 96– $7.99 9780828028370 Hard cover, 368 pages

It contains everything needed for a six-month, Bible-based discipleship plan for Seventh-day Adventist churches and their members. The Discipleship Handbook was developed to ensure that the most essential areas of discipleship are covered. The devotional life, personal witnessing, church life, Christian lifestyle, and evangelism each receive special emphasis.



Victory Overcomes the World (La fe que vence al mundo) Are you happy? Do you live the life you want? Or is your life an almost unbearable burden? Life can be very difficult, but it can also be a vibrant reality, a happy adventure, full of challenges and gratitude. It all depends on how we look at it and how we experience it. Seen with the eyes of faith, life is beautiful, not because faith makes us imagine things, but quite the opposite, because it shows us the deep meaning of our existence. This sense is God’s plan for every human creature that lives on this planet. Phenomena helps to know that plan. To be happy. To live hopefully.

Eliezer Graterol $15.99 9780816391721 Paperback, 128 pages

In Victory Overcomes the World, through vivid stories, the author addresses the issue of biblical faith and presents the great characters in the history of salvation, whose lives are models for each of us. With this book you can know what faith is, how you can develop it in your life, what wonders you can discover with it, and, above all, you will have the hope of eternal life in Christ in your heart.

Everything Is Possible (Todo es posible) What do we do when human resources and power are not enough to save a life? What happens when the soul sinks into the abyss of despair without anything to cling to? What do we do when our problems escalate and there is no solution in sight? In an intimate and warm style, this book presents real cases in which defeat gave way to victory and the impossible became possible. Everything is Possible will transform your life. Volume pricing: 10–$1.89, 100–$1.59, 1,000–$1.39

Julio Chazarreta $2.49 9780816391356 Paperback, 128 pages 62


Faith for Sharing (Fe para compartir) Personal testimony was Jesus’ preferred method of sharing His faith. The Holy Scriptures record extraordinary examples of the Master sharing His testimony with individuals, who in turn shared that gospel with many others. A converted soul has the potential to lead thousands of people to the same message of transformation. Christ is our model, and every believer has a duty to learn His methods and cooperate with Him and to represent Him as His ambassador on this earth. This book is intended to instruct pastors and laity in the art of preaching and giving biblical studies, so that the gospel may be presented in a powerful way and there will be a harvest of souls as never imagined. Ricardo Norton $3.49 9780816391349 Paperback, 128 pages

Volume pricing: 10–$2.89, 100–$2.29, 1,000–$1.79

Learning to Love (Amar se Aprende) If we want to give and receive love, we must devote more time to learning about love. It is necessary to study, reflect, learn to love and be loved. Love is learned; it is the answer to a heart that wants to love and doesn’t know how to do it. This book challenges you to know yourself so that you can discover your limitations and your potential. Learning to Love reveals your attachment style, changes your life script, and transforms your mind. Love your fellow man and influence future generations.

Efrain Duany Jr. and Maria Begoña Tortolero $12.99 9780578521343 Paperback, 164 pages 63


As Light Lingers (Mientras Permanezca la Luz) Jesus waits patiently for us to meet with Him, to seek Him in His Word. The Bible is living, powerful, and alive! It can speak to our heart and soul and our needs today. The devil uses every possible method to keep us away from reading the Bible, whether through apathy, busyness, doubt, or tiredness. Keeping our Bibles closed is his number one strategy to weaken the lives of Christians today. Readers will find encouragement, advice, and practical strategies in this book. Discover how basking in the power of God’s Word will make you want to linger with God, because time with Him is so sweet. Nina Atcheson $12.99 9788472087583 Paperback, 112 pages

Secrets Revealed (Secretos Revelados) We live in a time of dramatic events and drastic changes. Unlike past centuries where life was slow, everything nowadays is about speed, and our lives are constantly going against the tide. Faced with this reality, we increasingly witness addiction, emotional imbalance, materialism, chaos and frustration, which do no more than highlight the increasing despair. How do we bring our focus back to what is important? Where do we go to find hope for the future and meaning in our lives? The Bible has the answer, and the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation will help us now more than ever to understand the current times and to live a life of purpose.

Alejandro Medina $19.99 9788472087392 Paperback, 248 pages

Packed with historical facts in simple language, Secrets Revealed is an engaging book that will help you travel through time as you explore the origin, development and fulfillment of biblical prophecies within the framework of the events of the end of the world and the New Earth. You will be able to find answers to your doubts. More importantly, your faith will be strengthened with the hope of a better future.



Don’t Let Them Whisper In Your Ear (No Permitas Que Susurren a Tu Oído) Dr. Felipe Andino has collected in a simple and understandable way his knowledge and experiences on the problems that appear when we are plagued by distorted thoughts based on past events. His experience with people who have allowed past pain to control the present provides information that can help readers avoid those same pitfalls.

Felipe Andino $12.99 643330048368 Paperback, 140 pages

Financial Freedom (Libertad Financiera) Whether you like it or not, you are an administrator. Every day you make decisions regarding the administration of your life: your time, your talents, your body, and your financial resources. Are there biblical principles that can give us financial freedom? In this book, the authors highlight the importance of care in tithes and offerings; having a budget; using credit wisely and enjoying the blessings of saving; making provisions for the education of children, the purchase of a house, and retirement; and ensuring capital and health.

Guillermo Biaggi $14.99 9789877016055 Paperback, 248 pages

By better understanding the biblical principles of finance and stewardship, exemplified by contemporary stories of people and families who were faithful to them, you will find the door to financial freedom and the happiness that the Lord Jesus wants to give you.



Principles for Christian Leaders (Principios para LĂ­deres Cristianos) Principles for Christian Leaders is a wide-ranging collection of material gathered from the inspired writings of Ellen G. White on many aspects of Christian leadership. The thirteen segments of this book contain principles that are applicable for every line of work in which men and women may engage. As we seek for wisdom to know how to lead well, we have the assurance that God is teaching, leading, and guiding His people. Amid the challenges that leaders deal with each day, we would do well to remember that the only safety for any one of us is in walking humbly with God, going where the Master leads the way. With our eyes on Him, our confidence can be found in following His footsteps. Ellen G. White $14.99 9781786651242 Hard cover, 256 pages

Sermons About Grace (Preciosa Gracia: Serie de Sermones Sobre la Gracia) In the deepest depths of the human heart, we know that God demands perfection. We know from Scripture that no one is perfect, but few know the message of hope that has also been given to us in the gospel. Jesus lived a perfect life to give us, the imperfect, the possibility of appearing before the Father as if we had never sinned. This message that amazes everyone is that of precious grace.

Juan Francisco Altamirano $14.99 9781091697843 Paperback, 226 pages 66



Chapel Music


Heritage Singers’ latest release.

Heritage Singers $15.98 643330048429 Audio CD

• • • • • • • • • •

I’m Forgiven Gotta Get to Jesus In Christ Alone He’s Been Faithful Working on a Building More than Anything Bread Upon the Water That Sounds Like Home to Me Through It All Praise the Lord

Secrets of the Kingdom A re-release of the 1983 beloved picture record by Jeff Wood Productions. Secrets is a children’s musical story adventure album that has captured the hearts and minds of children for generations.

Jeff Wood Productions Audio CD

• • • • • • • • • •

Old Oak Tree Swing Silversong’s Song Waterfall Song I Wonder By Faith A Prayer All Good Things I Wonder (Reprise) You Gotta Start Somewhere All That I Have


Chapel Music

Meet Me In Heaven:

Remembering the Songs of Jeff Wood A two-CD set, spring 2020.

Meet Me in Heaven Remembering the Songs of JEFF WOOD

Michael Spencer $19.98 Double Audio CD

Dios Siempre Esta Alli God Is Always There Eleven songs.

Aurora Filipina $14.98 Audio CD


Chapel Media

The Mysterious Note

A reluctant family accompanies their businessman father to a small town. His mission is to repossess a hardware store that is being run using “unusual financial practices.� Learn what happens after his son, with some other kids, discover a mysterious note . . . Teaches about being a good stewards with what God has given us. Suitable for all ages. See how many SDA church leaders you recognize in this DVD! Runtime: 87 minutes Rich Aguilera $14.99 095163889906 DVD

Charmed By Darkness : The Life and Legacy of Roger Morneau The real-life story of Roger Morneau, a demon worshiper who became a Christian author and prayer warrior. Runtime: 79 minutes

Chris Lang $18.95 679360631744 DVD


Chapel Media

Live It In the Kitchen DVD Enjoy episodes of Loma Linda University Health’s web video series, Live It.

Loma Linda University Health DVD



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