Pacific Union Recorder—February 2021

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Faithful in Service

On the cover: Faithful in service—Adventist Health Bakersfield caregivers were among the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, as they continue their lifesaving work on the frontlines of the fight against the virus. The importance of service is the Faithful theme for the Recorder this in Service month. February is Black History Month, an appropriate time for us to begin an important series on Social Justice that will extend over the next few months. Charles Mills is a well-known Adventist author of books for both adults and children; over the upcoming months he will lead us through a sentence-bysentence exploration of the Social Justice statement that was voted by the Pacific Union Executive Committee last summer. Articles for both adults and children begin on page 10. PACIFIC UNION


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What’s inside

4 Jesus, the One Who Serves

8 Serving Then, Serving Now

10 Every Human Life is Sacred 14 The Great Blast Furnace Adventure 17 In Times Like These 19 Principles of the Art of Giving 20 The Shepherd and the Flock 22 Arizona Conference 24 Central California Conference 26 Hawaii Conference 28 Holbrook Indian School 30 Loma Linda University Health 31 La Sierra University 32 Nevada-Utah Conference 34 Northern California Conference 36 Pacific Union College 37 Adventist Health 38 Southeastern California Conference 40 Southern California Conference 42 Community & Marketplace

Recorder PA C I F I C U N I O N

46 Sunset Calendar

The Recorder is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

Publisher Ray Tetz Editor Alberto Valenzuela Assistant Editor Faith Hoyt Assistant Editor Connie Jeffery Design/Layout Stephanie Leal • Alberto Valenzuela Printing Pacific Press Publishing Association

Adventist Health 916-742-0429 Brendan Collins

Holbrook Indian School 505-399-2885 Chevon Petgrave

Northern California 916-886-5600 Laurie Trujillo

Arizona 480-991-6777 Phil Draper

La Sierra University 951-785-2000 Darla Tucker

Pacific Union College 707-965-6303 Haley Wesley

Central California 559-347-3194

Loma Linda 909-651-5925 Ansel Oliver

Southeastern California 951-509-2200 Enno Müller

Nevada-Utah 775-322-6929 Michelle Ward

Southern California 818-546-8400 Lauren Lacson

Hawaii 808-595-7591 Miki Akeo-Nelson

Editorial Correspondents

Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381), Volume 121, Number 2, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is published monthly. Editorial office is at 2686 Townsgate Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91361: 805-497-9457. Periodical postage paid at Thousand Oaks, CA, and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $16 per year in U.S.; $20 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $2. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.

February 2021 3

Jesus, the One




“For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves” (Luke 22:27, NKJV).

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By Ricardo Graham


ith this seemingly simple statement, Jesus turned the concept of greatness, the idea of being great, upside down. Greatness has been something people have craved since the fall of the race in the Garden of Eden. A striving for the worldly concept of greatness is behind all kinds of strife—from a two-person rivalry to division between groups of people, and even to international wars. Conflict, both near to home and far and wide, is often caused by the selfishness that fuels a desire for greatness. Antagonistic striving for prominence has marked every avenue of life: business, the military, medicine, politics, education, and yes, even the pastoral ministry. Men and women have sought to have their names known for their brilliance, their wealth, their power—their greatness. Sometimes this grasping for greatness is baldly obvious. In the sporting arena, some even claim to be the GOAT—Greatest of All Time—in their respective sport. We may give acclaim to athletes for their prowess on the basketball court, the baseball diamond, or the football gridiron, but humans can never really be great by heaven’s standards until they stoop to serve. The ambition to be great—what a stark contrast to Jesus, who is among us as the One who serves.

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Some of the most meaningful and rewarding times in my life have occurred when I have served others.

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holdings. Being uber rich, he was once asked why he kept investing and buying and selling such things as real estate. Purportedly he responded by saying that he never knew if he had enough. However, those who serve seem to have found an unpurchasable joy: the joy of service—helping someone without expecting anything in return. If service is the criterion for joy, everyone can meet the criterion because we all can serve. Some of the most meaningful and rewarding times in my life have occurred when I have served others. I remember one occasion while in college when I was feeling really bad about myself. I was having a “pity party,” thinking how bad things were


Greatness was frequently on the minds of the disciples. James and John had their mother request that they should sit at the right and left of Jesus in His kingdom (Matthew 20:20-21). And the disciples actually argued out loud about who would be the greatest—to the point that Jesus had to address it on more than one occasion (Mark 9:33-35). Jesus addressed the fallen human heart’s quest for greatness by explaining that, while this craving is common among humanity, it is antithetical to the principles of His kingdom. In simplest terms He stated, “The greatest among you will be your servant” (Matthew 23:11, NIV). They were very simple words, but the idea was completely opposite to the way the disciples thought the world worked. What is the opposite of the human idea of greatness? May I suggest to you it is the humility to serve—and who has served so many to such a degree as Jesus Christ? Stooping to take on humanity by cloaking His divinity in flesh, the incarnation that the world celebrates at Christmas was the most magnificent display of humble servitude the universe has ever witnessed. If ever there was a Greatest of All Time, it is Jesus. Yet, while here for the nearly four years of His public ministry, He never did anything that grasped for what He already had: greatness. He was great because He gave so much in service. Turn to any page in the Gospels of the New Testament, and the backdrop is the lesson of selfdenying service. And His divine nature did not lose anything by His servitude. In fact, He measured out an example of true joy. Fallen humanity is insatiable. I once heard of a famous entertainer who was always in search of new and different ways to expand his financial

for me. And the more I focused on myself and what had happened to me, the worse I felt. Then a friend walked by, and I asked her how she was doing. “Terrible,” she replied. As she gave me the reasons why she felt so bad, I began to help her see that things were really not that bad. After the conversation ended, I realized that I felt much better about my own situation. Refocusing on someone else’s problems and encouraging my fellow student had actually made me feel better about my own lot, which, retrospectively, was not that bad either. As I reminded her of God’s love, forgiveness, and blessings, I realized afresh that God loved me, too. My burdens didn’t feel so burdensome anymore. As I gave her the little bit of encouragement I had to give, some rubbed off on me. I found that when we serve others, we experience a blessing ourselves. Even in the grips of the coronavirus pandemic, there are opportunities to serve. The

opportunities and the ways and means to serve others are endless. The only limit to our service is our imagination. So often we can do so much for so many. People all around us offer an opportunity to serve. Unselfish service brings us the joy of Jesus; it brings us closer to God. As Ellen White advises: “Seize upon every opportunity for contributing to the happiness of those around you. Remember that true joy can be found only in unselfish service” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 362). Some years ago, Audrey and I saw someone wearing a T-shirt with the slogan, “Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” It made us smile because it surprised us. It made us think because it reminded us that the gospel goes beyond words. Jesus is among us as the One who serves. Let’s join Him in service. _______________________________________ Ricardo Graham is the president of the Pacific Union Conference.

February 2021 7


Serving Serving By Faith Hoyt

When we reach out, empathize, and express care, we tap into God’s love, weaving it into our relationships. More than ever, people need to experience this empathy, this love, when we minister to them.

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recently asked my friends on social media to share what they learned about service and outreach in 2020. The first response was an encouraging reminder: “That it can still be done under social distancing conditions.” One friend shared, “It's personal now, not just collective. It is me reaching out to the people in my own neighborhood.” Another expressed, “I can go beyond what I thought I was capable of to reach others and serve where I am called or needed.” (This last statement was shared by a frontline worker for a small hospital in Stanislaus County, Calif.) The responses as a whole give me a picture of our experiences in 2020 and how the crisis expanded our understanding of and challenged our approach to serving others.

When the reality of the pandemic sank in last spring, so did the reality that helping the hungry, the lonely, and the oppressed would be more challenging than before. As one of my friends acknowledged, “We took the daily opportunities and ease of doing it for granted.” That’s certainly true for me. Initially, the changes brought on by COVID challenged my involvement in outreach. Since March of 2020, “one has to get creative when it comes to reaching people,” as another friend put it. And people did get creative. Families rallied to show support to the frontline workers they know. Teachers hosted Sabbath School online for their students. Pastors read books to their young people on Facebook. Homeless ministry volunteers scraped up enough PPE to safely pass out food and hygiene kits to the most vulnerable. Slowly and surely, we found ways to continue serving. In the throes of all our adapting, it was a relief to me that one form of service didn’t change, and that’s prayer. In the moments when I felt disconnected from my community or helpless to provide for those in need, I remembered what I learned from Shirley, a matriarch of my childhood church in El Dorado County, Calif. Shirley had a notebook with pages covered from top to bottom in penciled cursive. Every line was a prayer for someone she knew or had heard about. Shirley prayed as a way to serve others, and in the process, she set an example for me. She’s the reason for the notebook I keep on my desk. I recently read that relating to one another is a spiritual activity—when we reach out, empathize, and express care, we tap into God’s love, weaving it into our relationships. More than ever, people need to experience this empathy, this love, when we minister to them. These are important ingredients in service. I like the way one of my friends put it: “Everybody has a story, a deeply challenging situation that they have gone through or overcome, or bizarre circumstances that give them a very different perspective on the world than my own. I can’t force people to see things my way though, so I have to try and see the world as they see it before I can truly reach them.” I’m eager to participate more in this exciting, humbling, introspective thing called service. I want my own approach to reflect what I learned from this past year—that the heart of service is love. Whether life “goes back to normal” or maintains its new characteristics, we are still called to serve. As a bonus, we have a lot of adapting and innovating under our belt now. And the opportunities are still limitless. _______________________________________ Faith Hoyt is the communication specialist for the Pacific Union Conference.

Then, Now

February 2021 9





Every Human Life is Sacred


Masterpiece By Charles Mills

History. Prior to that sale at the 2017 Christie’s auction, the painting “Salvator Mundi” had exchanged hands many times for a wide variety of prices. The problem was that no one was exactly sure of its authenticity. It had long been considered a copy. But after years of research and numerous restoration and cleaning efforts, the truth finally surfaced from under years of neglect. “Salvator Mundi” (Latin for “Savior of the World”) was, indeed, the work of none other than Leonardo da Vinci. The auction price that November day was a record-setting $450.3 million. In 1953, that same piece had exchanged hands at a Sotheby’s auction for just 45 English pounds! What happened to make this rather unassuming portrait of Christ, with right hand raised and left hand holding what looks like a glass orb, so valuable? The answer wasn’t the value of the canvas or paints. It wasn’t who owned the work or how it was displayed. Its worth came from one place only: the artist who painted it.


Charles Mills is the author of more than 50 published books and over 300 articles. Mills began his career at Faith for Today and the Adventist Media Center in Newbury Park, California. For the past 35 years, he has been an independent media producer, writer, and radio/television host. His most recent releases include Refreshed Parables and Surprising Nature for young readers, and Religion in the Real World and The Ultimate Prescription (co-written with cardiologist Dr. James Marcum).

10 Pacific Union Recorder

nd the piece is sold!” the auctioneer proclaimed, punctuating his statement by slamming his gavel down onto the wooden podium. The gathering of art connoisseurs erupted into eager cheers and applause. What had just happened?



Brushstrokes I’ve painted pictures; everything from freehand to paint-by-numbers. No one is going to pay four and a half million dollars for my efforts. And here’s why. While managing the radio station KANG-FM at Pacific Union College in the mid-to-late 1970s, I was told by my employer that one of the perks of my job was that I could take a college course—any one of my choosing—for free. Having graduated from Southern Missionary College just a few years earlier, I wasn’t exactly eager to place myself back in the college learning environment as a student. But there was one class at PUC that caught my eye. Art. More specifically, Painting. It was taught by the extremely talented and deeply passionate Vernon Nye. I figured if anyone could move me beyond paint-by-numbers, it would be this guy. For those who knew him, you can understand my fascination with his God-given ability to recreate reality on canvas. It was beyond amazing. So, I signed up and eagerly began attending classes. He was patient. He was kind. And, at the end of the course, he was brutally honest with me. “Maybe you’d better stick with radio,” he suggested with a warm, fatherly smile. He was also right. You see, my brushstrokes


(watercolor in this case) added nothing to the canvas except some interesting and somewhat unrecognizable shapes and colors. The brush in my hand accomplished nothing of real value. The brush in the hand of Vernon Nye created breathtaking images. Same brush. Same colors. Same canvas. Different artist. Sacredness Like art, human life—and its sacredness— is defined by who created it. Our works, our accomplishments, our lineage, our level of spirituality mean nothing. Our value comes from the fact that, long ago, the Creator God bent over a moist patch of soil and began doing what He alone can do—create life from mud. It was this inborn sacredness that motivated that same Creator God to hang on a cross and die the death of a sinner for all of His masterpieces in need of restoration. He knew our value. He understood our worth. Today, He asks us to regard all of our brothers and sisters on this earth with the same artist’s eye. Every human life is sacred and of uncountable value because of the One who held the brush.

February 2021 11



C H I L D R E N ’ S


Every Human Life is Sacred Sarah’s Work of Art By Charles Mills

“I love the art because I love the artist. I know how much she cares for all of God’s creatures.”

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arah walked into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. It was Thursday, and in her comfortable home on the outskirts of the city, that meant one thing: Mexican food! Dad would always fix tacos or burritos for Thursday evening supper, and Sarah loved it. Sure enough, there he was, standing at the stove, colorful apron covering his bus driver uniform. “My chef’s armor” he called his apron. Sarah enjoyed the way her dad made everything dramatic, even cooking supper. “Hola, Sarah,” the man called out, waving a sauce-covered serving spoon in front of him like a dueling sword. “Tienes hambre?” “Si,” Sarah responded, chuckling at the only words her dad knew in Spanish. “I am very hungry. Thanks for asking.” At that moment, she spied something new hanging on the refrigerator door: a large piece of paper held in place by two flower-shaped magnets. “What’s this?” she asked. Dad grinned. “That’s the latest work of art by a famous artist who will someday be rich enough to buy Mexico.” The girl laughed. “Dad. That’s my painting for art class. It’s not very good.” “What do you mean?” her father countered, walking over and studying the watercolor image carefully. “That’s the







most beautiful cow and bird I’ve ever seen.” “It’s a horse and a flower.” Dad frowned. “Really? Wow. You are talented.” He leaned in for a better look. “You can make a horse and a flower look just like a cow and a bird. I’m impressed!” Sarah shook her head. “Well, I’m glad you think so. My teacher was less than thrilled.” “Oh, what does she know?” the man said returning to the stove. “Obviously, she doesn’t recognize real talent when she sees it. It’s a true work of art. That’s why I put it in the place of honor right there on the refrigerator door where I’ll see it every day.” Sarah sat down at the kitchen table and watched her dad for a long moment. He was always so encouraging, so positive. She really appreciated that. Then she glanced over at her painting. “Why do you like it?” she asked. “Why do you think it’s a work of art?” Dad added a pinch of seasoning to the sauce bubbling on the stove and then peered into the oven at the taco shells baking in the heat. “I love the art because I love the artist. I know how much she cares for all of

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God’s creatures. That’s why she paints pictures of them. If that’s what she sees when she looks at a cow or bird…” “Horse and flower,” Sarah corrected. “…I mean, horse and flower,” Dad adjusted, “then that’s a beautiful rendition of a horse and flower. Who am I to say otherwise?” The man thought for a moment. “That’s why I love our neighbors, or the people I work with, or the good folk who ride on my bus every day. When I look at them, I see beauty. They are all works of art, created by God Himself. They are all sacred.” Sarah nodded slowly. “I can tell,” she said softly. “You always say nice things to people. You encourage them and tell them that everything is going to be OK.” Dad smiled broadly. “And now, my young artist, are you ready for some Mexican food?” Sarah smiled. “I’m ready. And Daddy?” “Yes?” “Tomorrow I’m going to paint another picture of something I love.” “Really? What?” “You.” Sarah noticed a tear slip down his cheek. “I’ll save a spot for it on the refrigerator,” he said proudly.

February 2021 13




Whenever I think of the great blast furnace adventure, I want to laugh. Now as I am recalling, as I write, my chest heaves with suppressed chuckles.

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he great adventure took place during one of our annual family vacations. We Johnssons are beach people, so every summer we would head east from the Washington, D.C., area to the Atlantic Coast. For several years we rented, but after a while we pooled our funds and bought a condo on Fenwick Island in Delaware, just north of the Maryland state line. The condo was so-so, but the location was unbeatable—50 yards and we were at the dunes leading to the water. For five years or so we stayed two weeks and rented out the property for the rest of the summer. Then we made a push and paid off the mortgage. No more renters messing up our beach home every year—Fenwick Mist now truly belonged to us. Donating all the furnishings to the Goodwill store, we totally rehabbed the place. It gleamed bright and new; it was wonderful. Every summer for more than 20 years, we gathered for family fun. Our brood increased: first came Madi, our long- awaited first grandchild, then Jacqui a couple years later. We built a heap of memories at Fenwick Mist, each year adding to it. Photographs of the girls lined the walls of the hallway by their bedroom. Our family was scattered over the world, but every year we gathered at Fenwick Mist. The condo meant sand and surf, morning walks on the margin of the waves, with breakers crashing and seagulls crying. It meant long evenings on the deck, eating supper by lantern light. It meant our son Terry donning a chef’s apron and firing up the barbeque and his wife Renee lifting trays of freshly baked peach cobbler from the oven late in the evening. Memories, memories, memories. Old memories. New memories, as fresh as the latest year. Every year we watched “Pride and Prejudice,” sitting together on the long, blue sofa in the family

From the book Simple Gifts, the new release by Oak & Acorn, now available on The book is being serialized in the Recorder. See page 45 for information about how to get a pdf copy of the entire book.

room. “The Pink Panther.” We put together the big shoe puzzle, so large that it covered almost the whole oak dining table. Madi, not yet one year old, rode in a pack on my back as I walked on the road that ran alongside the beach. Every now and then I would feel her tugging at my back as she reached out to touch a pinecone or flower. I would wait while she felt the contours of the object without uttering a sound. Then we would set off again, right to the end of the street where it met the State Park. We would clamber up the dunes and down to the sand. Wheeling gulls brought squeals of delight as she stretched out little hands, as did the sandpipers, legs a blur of motion, rushing out behind retreating waves. Jacqui had a great sense of humor. She’d be the first to see something funny in a scene from “March of the Penguins” and begin to laugh well before the rest of us would get it and join in. She loved jokes and pranks, especially involving The Snake. At Fenwick Mist we kept a coiled serpent, rubber but life-like, for family fun. The snake migrated from room to room, thanks to Jacqui. You’d lift the covers of your bed and there it would be. Or you would feel a lump under your pillow and realized that Jacqui had visited earlier. Every year we frequented the same familiar places. Oceanside Pizza, the best pizza on the beach and just around the corner. Three blocks south on the Maryland line, Down Under Golf, where they gave free ice cream when you finished the course. The Hobbit, a restaurant facing west, with spectacular views of the bay as the sun went down. And of course, Dairy Queen, four blocks north of our condo. One summer Renee, who is endowed with irrepressible energy, discovered a bit of history that seemed almost impossible to accept. In the early 19th century, a blast furnace had operated in the area. Amazing! The furnace was still standing and available to visitors. In addition, the site offered a nature trail. And all free of charge! We had to track down the blast furnace. (Spoiler alert: You get what you pay for.)

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The day for the big adventure began on a sour note, however. Madi fell afoul of the law and was grounded. Which meant that Renee would have to stay back with her. It was up to Terry, displaying less enthusiasm with the whole endeavor, to lead the gallant band. We drove to Ocean City and across open country to the south. We turned off into the woods at Snowtown, the only town for many miles. A car coming out passed us—a good sign. Not so good: we arrived in a parking lot all to ourselves. I was the person most interested in visiting the historic blast furnace. It conjured up memories of my former life in chemical technology. Iron is extracted from iron ore in a tall furnace made very hot by means of air blasted from the base. Iron ore is dumped in the top, along with coke (from coal, not the drink) and limestone. The mixture produces a chemical reaction that results in molten iron running out at the base. I was curious to learn how the oldtimers made it happen. We found the blast furnace, still standing although a bit tumbled down and much smaller than the brochure had led us to expect. The remains of the ramp, where horses pulled carts filled with iron ore, and other goodies were there also. Notices provided information on the process: the iron ore was dredged from the creek that ran alongside the furnace (“bog iron”—the mud in the creek is still colored bright orange); instead of limestone, shells hauled from the nearby coast in narrow barges up the creek; and charcoal made from local trees instead of coke.

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Pretty clever, wouldn’t you agree? But the operation lasted only a couple of years; the bog iron was low-grade, so when higher quality ore was discovered elsewhere, the blast furnace shut down. Fascinated by this window into the past, I was loath to leave the site. The other family members, however, exhibited a lamentable lack of desire to further their knowledge of ancient blast furnaces and pressed toward the nature trail. We signed the book, noticing that we were the first visitors in several days. The nature trail was crisscrossed with spider webs, but we boldly smashed them aside. At last we gave up and, cobwebs trailing from our heads, got in the car. During the return trip the conversation lacked its customary sparkle. As we grew closer to Fenwick Mist, we began to think of poor Madi, grounded, deprived of the great blast furnace adventure! She greeted us, brighteyed and happy. Neither she nor Renee seemed interested in hearing about our visit to the blast furnace. Gradually the awful truth emerged: they had enjoyed a fun mother-daughter day together. Who said life is fair? We visited the Hobbit, Oceanside Pizza, Down Under Golf, and other haunts many times, but we never returned to the blast furnace. Memories, precious memories! Simple gift of a loving God. We experience something delightful, but that isn’t its end. We live it again, and again, and again in memory. And somehow the cobwebs still cling to our heads.


In Times Like These


ven before the American nation lurched toward Civil War, Ellen White saw what was coming and raised her voice in warning. Seeing the crisis approaching in a vision three months before Fort Sumter was attacked, she told the church members at Parkville, Michigan, “There is not a person in this house who has even dreamed of the trouble that is coming upon this land.” At that time most thought that any kind of danger was a joke, and they laughed at ideas of secession. But Ellen White warned that the crisis was very real: “There are those in this house who will lose sons in that war.” These words recorded by John Loughborough, pioneer evangelist to the West, brought the Adventist Church to a greater realization of the worst crisis faced by the U.S. and how to respond to it. On that day, Sabbath, January 12, 1861, Loughborough wrote, “Mrs. White further stated that Seventh-day Adventists ‘would be brought into strait places in consequence of the war, and that it was the duty of all to earnestly pray that wisdom might be given them to know what to do in the trying times before them.’”1

From the Editors

February 2021 17

In the current time of crisis, those words are just as relevant. While the country grapples with the tension of division, we as Adventists need to be reminded of our message and mission. While we certainly need to be aware of what’s happening around us, and to address the issues, we have to recognize our true calling. Ellen White thought about the Civil War, discussed it, and wrote about it. She recognized that Adventists did not live in a vacuum, and she sought to help them deal wisely with the issues that this national conflict brought upon all families. But most of all, she directed thinking to the gospel mission, the methods of Jesus, and His soon return.2 Before the Civil War broke out, Ellen White was sharing the great controversy perspective. Beginning in 1858, she wrote about this cosmic conflict and the role of Christians to represent God in His answers to Satan’s rebellion. Other Adventist pioneers picked up this overarching theme. Uriah Smith, writing in the Review and Herald, referenced the Southern secession, and commented, “History presents us with instances more extended and atrocious than this. This was the crime, so far as we have any account, that first introduced discord into the universe of God. The prime mover and the first seceder was Satan; and the first secession movement was that which resulted in his fall and expulsion from heaven. From that time onward, so far as he has had influence in the affairs of this world, this has been one of the acts in his programme. He effected the most notable secession movement which this world has ever seen, in the garden of Eden, when Adam, as the representative of the race and lord of the world, seceded, taking along with him this whole province into separation and revolt from the just government of God.”3 In this way, the time of crisis was brought into prophetic and theological perspective. Church members came to realize that though the Civil War was tragic and catastrophic, it was part of the ongoing sweep of time that would eventually end in God’s resolution of the conflict. During a later

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crisis, Ellen White wrote, “Let us all bear in mind the fact that we are fast approaching that crisis in human iniquity when it will be necessary for God to interfere.”4 That did not mean that she counseled church members to ignore the events of the time. She wrote in condemnation of slavery and that the North had not initially fought to remove slavery from the Union: “I was shown… that the war is not to do away slavery, but merely to preserve the Union.”5 Only after the Emancipation Proclamation did Ellen White believe the North had right on its side. Even after the war was over, she still took issue with both the government and church members, stating that: “The Lord is grieved at the indifference manifested by His professed followers toward the ignorant and oppressed colored people. If our people had taken up this work at the close of the civil war, their faithful labor would have done much to prevent the present condition of suffering and sin.”6 So it can never be argued that Adventists should not be concerned with social issues and government policies. We are to see things from God’s perspective, trying to alleviate the impact of suffering and sin, while eagerly looking forward to the day when all these different times of crisis will be over. Ellen White has the final word from the time of the Civil War: “I was shown that the perplexed state of our nation calls for deep humility upon the part of God’s people. One most important subject should now engross the minds of every one: Am I prepared for the day of God?”7 _______________________________________

1 The whole experience can be found in John Loughborough’s book, The Great Second Advent Movement, pp. 338-339.

2 For a more expansive perspective, read Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1., pp. 260-263. 3 Uriah Smith, “Secession,” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, May 28, 1861, p. 12.

Ellen G. White, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, May 2, 1893, par. 7.


Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1., p. 258.


Ellen G. White, Letter 37a, 1900, in Manuscript Releases vol. 4, p. 17.


Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases vol. 7., p. 111.





Art of Giving


Principle #1 Our money is not our money The Bible makes some clear statements about material possessions. Essentially, it all boils down to one simple fact: God created the universe, and everything in it is His—including your car, your house, and your bank account. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17, NIV).


Principle #2 God requests a portion back Once we have acknowledged that everything we own belongs to God, it follows in a natural progression to want to give something back. Through tithing, we can begin to act upon the gratitude and thanksgiving that we feel. “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” (Proverbs 3:9, NIV).


Principle #3 Attitude matters Giving with an ulterior motive is not really giving. It is a subtle form of self-deception that enables us to feel good about ourselves while we continue to wallow in our own selfishness. This self-serving kind of giving is not what God had in mind. “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7, NRSV).


Principle #4 Offerings for God’s work While tithing is important and a right attitude is essential, it is not the sum total of what God expects a Christian to give. Throughout the Bible, people brought offerings to God. It is clear that believers were expected and encouraged to be prepared to give above and beyond a tithe for the furtherance of the God’s work. “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made” (1 Corinthians 16:2, NIV).


Principle #5 The attribute of giving In summary, giving is one of the distinguishing traits of a true follower of Jesus. The setting aside of tithe and the regular giving of offerings are part of an important spiritual discipline. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in


heaven…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21, NASB).

February 2021 19


The Shepherd and the Flock By J. N. Loughborough


he Lord, in His Word, has beautifully compared His people to sheep, needing and receiving the tender care of Christ, the great Shepherd. Of this we read… “He shall feed His flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with His arms, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” Isa. 40:11. “He calleth His own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when He putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth before them, and they follow Him; for they know His voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from Him; for they know not the voice of strangers.” John 10:3-5. “Find the erring, discouraged ones by careful, diligent search, and bring them back to the fold. Christ has said, “By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another.’ Strive to have a real connection with Christ, and become laborers together with God. ‘Ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.’ Work with self hidden in Jesus, and the Lord will add to the church such as shall be saved. The great Master Shepherd will give wisdom to the under shepherds, that they may become living, working agents for His use."—Mrs. E. G. White, in Review and Herald, Oct. 24, 1893. The tender care of the great Shepherd for His flock is expressed in these words: “Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He cares for His sickly, wandering sheep. He knows them all by name. The distress of every sheep and every lamb of His flock touches His heart of sympathizing love, and the cry for aid reaches His ear.… Jesus cares for each one as though there were not another individual on the face of the earth. As Deity, He exerts His mighty power in our behalf, while as our elder Brother He feels for all our woes.”—Testimony for the Church, No. 32, page 102.

20 Pacific Union Recorder

The apostles, in carrying out the spirit of the Master, said,… “For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloak of covetousness; God is witness; nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children; so being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.” I Thess. 2:5-8. The same tender care must now be in the church. “Deal tenderly and graciously with every soul, and especially deal tenderly with those who are liable to err. They, of all others, need your help the most. Never take up a reproach against a brother or a neighbor, or harbor evil surmisings against him. ‘Thou shalt not imagine evil in thy heart against thy brother.’” “Instead of looking for the faults of our brother, let us seek for every redeeming quality, obtain his confidence, come close to the one who needs his hands upheld, his feeble knees strengthened.… We want our hearts broken by the love of Christ, and then we shall defend the characters of those who are giving their lives to the service of Him who has died for them.”—Mrs. E. G. White, in

Review and Herald, Oct. 24, 1893. The Lord has also beautifully compared His people to a vine, in which each member draws its life and nourishment from the parent stock.… Of this heavenly vine our Saviour said: “As the branch can not bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.” “If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be My disciples” John 15:4, 7, 8. “The branches of the vine can not blend into each other; they are individually separate; yet every branch must be in fellowship with every other if they are united in the same parent stock. “Christian unity consists in the branches being in the same parent stock, the vitalizing power of the center supporting the grafts that have united to the Vine. In thoughts and desires, in words and actions, there must be an identity with Christ, a constant partaking of His spiritual life.”—Review and Herald, Nov. 9, 1897. Again: “If injuries and insults are meekly borne, if insulting words are responded to by gentle answers, and oppressive acts by kindness, this is evidence that the Spirit of Christ dwells in the heart, that sap from the living Vine is flowing to the branches.… In the day of final accounts we shall see that all the obstacles we meet, all the hardships and annoyances we are called to bear, are special lessons in the application of principles of Christian life”— Testimonies for the Church, No. 32, p. 100. This article appeared in the Pacific Union Recorder on August 15, 1901.

February 2021 21

Thunderbird Adventist Academy Students Plan Service Events

The Royals, the National Honor Society (NHS) chapter at Thunderbird Adventist Academy (TAA), embraced the opportunity to celebrate the holidays by serving their fellow students and giving back to others.

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child

ABOVE: Glenielle S. & Mahal T. prepare shoe boxes and deliver the boxes to the drop-off location. ABOVE RIGHT: NHS students prepare collection boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

22 Pacific Union Recorder

Arizona Conference

The holiday season kicked off with a project to give back by participating in Operation Christmas Child. Empty shoeboxes, toys, coloring books, socks, shoes, games, and even a TAA frisbee filled collection bins around campus as the entire student body joined the NHS members to make a child’s Christmas a little more special. The goal of 75 boxes was easily reached, and 83 boxes were taken to the drop-off site after final exams were completed.

ABOVE FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Ntakirutimana F. and Lana M., of team Grinch Gang, placed first; while twins Natalie & Emily O. placed second. Other teams included Amber L. & Alyssa M. of Cornoa Christmas; Diane T. & Jeffery W. of Gingerbread Architects; Amelia D. & Kiley M. of Jolly Snowflake; Madysen C. & Danica of Puptarts.

Gingerbread House Wars The Gingerbread House Wars event challenged the six participating teams to fully decorate their pre-constructed buildings in 20 minutes, all while being interviewed and broadcasted on Facebook live. With tables covered in cookies, candy canes, pretzels, candy bars, and of course a lot of frosting, teams designed log cabins, traditional gingerbread homes, a Snoopy doghouse, and even a Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night gingerbread home. In the end, after much deliberation by the panel of judges, team Grinch Gang won for their gingerbread replica of the Thunderbird Adventist Academy campus.

ABOVE FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Oliver Morada, prays at the Fuel for Finals event, while students Mary- Jade A., Giselle M., Sarha V., Vika O., Blakely A., Neci R. and other students (BELOW) enjoyed the fire pit.

2nd Annual Fuel for Finals In the chill of early morning during final exams, the TAA family met around the firepit for the 2nd Annual Fuel for Finals. This was a time for everyone on campus to pause from the busyness of studying and endof-semester events to pray together for God’s help and wisdom on upcoming tests and to thank Him for the many blessings we have received over the semester. Unlike the previous year, when we invited the community at large to join with us on campus, this year we invited them to join us in heart and mind at 8 a.m. to pray with us. When asked why it was important for NHS to plan these activities, Aerille Salamat, The Royals president, said, "During these trying times, it is easy to only think about yourself. We are all trying to survive and not get COVID. When planning events like this, it may not heal everyone in the world from this pandemic, but NHS can at least help with the morale, even if it is just targeted to a small group of people. The goal of NHS is to bring people together. We shouldn't have to go through these tough times alone." ____________________ By Phil Draper

Arizona Conference

February 2021 23

Sacrifice of Praise …and Abound in Hope

“The Lord has told us what is good and acceptable in His sight. What is it that the Lord requires of us? It is to be just, to show mercy and to walk humbly before our God” (Micah 6:8, Clear Word).

TOP LEFT: Brittany Pawluck, first-grade teacher at Miramonte Christian School, prays online with one of her students. Adventist education at its best! TOP RIGHT: Students in a creatively designed classroom at Mother Lode Adventist Junior Academy in Sonora. BOTTOM RIGHT: Some of the handmade cards created by students at the Peninsula Adventist School for those who have lost a loved one during the pandemic.

24 Pacific Union Recorder


t is amazing what God’s people are able to do, even during difficult times. Ramiro Cano, president of the Central California Conference (CCC), summed it up in one word in his holiday video message to members: resilience! Indeed, it is that and more as the pandemic continues to rage throughout our territory. It is in that context that we are telling more stories of those who demonstrate the “sacrifice of praise” mentioned in Hebrews 13:15-16. Along with Paul, we pray, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13, NKJV). That word abound can mean to overflow, to thrive: “abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20, NKJV). This certainly can be the case as we recount some of what God has done in the conference. These stories reveal a multitude of blessings.

CCC K-12 Adventist Education

Mountain View Academy (MVA) continues to see ways to serve their community. They usually throw a Christmas party for a local elementary school with mostly low-income families. Andy Lee, MVA chaplain, described how this year they collected and delivered gifts. Another initiative was started by Sydney Chan, a student, who came up with the idea to collect and deliver school supplies for Foothills SDA Elementary School in St. Helena, which partially burned in the Glass Fire. Los Banos Elementary School decided to participate in Operation Dear Veteran of the Central Valley. The veterans received a handmade Christmas card with a personal letter from the students. Principal Lea Gilbert pointed out that the school received a “shout out from the local radio station, KMJ 580” for their efforts. Miramonte Christian School was featured in Pacific Sunrise, an email newsletter from the Pacific Union Communication and Community Engagement

Central California Conference

Department, because of all the creativity they have had to use during this pandemic crisis. Also, the eighthgrade class presented a living nativity drive-through performance. As Principal Richard Maloon stated, “Shining a light on Jesus has not dimmed—it is just glowing in different ways.” Peninsula Adventist School (PAS), also featured in Pacific Sunrise, decided to help students provide handmade cards with biblical references as a way to express support and comfort to family members who have lost a loved one during the pandemic. Shane Frances, a teacher at PAS, explained, “Students learned to be sympathetic to individuals struggling during this crisis. They have also learned that God’s Word can bring love, hope, joy, comfort, and peace.” Mother Lode Adventist Junior Academy was also recently featured in Pacific Sunrise. They wanted to provide a safe environment for in-person learning. Because that would require some spacing issues, a team effort of teachers, board members, and church members creatively designed and built 75 partitions using PVC pipe and clear plastic.

CCC Churches

Fresno Central church has embraced the true meaning of the Great Commission. Pastor Daniel Gouevia’s preliminary reports indicate that their Adventist Community Services team of volunteers, which distributes food on Tuesday and Thursday each week, resulted in 565 people being helped during December alone. Yearly totals showed that approximately 500,000 pounds of food were supplied to almost 2,400 people. More exciting is that 112 new Bible studies resulted from GLOW tracts that were given out with the food.

Sunnyvale church has coordinated an area-wide free grocery drive-through with the Fight the Hate group. According to Pastor Sandi Colon, some of those in the Young Professionals church group adopted and helped 33 families during Christmas. The church also raised funds to help the homeless as well as to serve monthly hot meals. Modesto Central has a new ministry that has adopted 20 migrant worker families. Pastor Benjie Maxson said they are providing clothing, school supplies, and personal hygiene and sanitary supplies— and they gave Christmas gifts to the children. Dinuba and Reedley churches recently shared some exciting stories of praise in their newsletter— especially in their stories of decisions for baptisms and how they received significantly more in offerings than budgeted. Pastor David Pikop could probably tell you that their experience just might be related to the promise in Malachi 3:10 of seeing the heavens open with so many blessings “that there will not be room enough to receive it.” Clovis church has a fascinating and thrilling story concerning the ministry of Frank and Connie Carpenter. Pastor David Dean interviewed them during a virtual church service in December, and they explained their many service projects—particularly one in a local trailer park. Their inspiring story of the “777 Seeds of Hope” growth group will require a full article that you certainly will not want to miss. Until we can share more incredible stories that demonstrate how we may "abound in hope,” remember to “continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God,… giving thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15, NKJV). ____________________ By Deloris Trujillo

LEFT: At the Fresno Adventist Community Center, boxes are packed and ready for delivery to those in need. MIDDLE: Sabbath School for children and youth continues at the Dinuba church—but it’s outdoors now. RIGHT: Volunteers distribute boxes of food at the Reedley church.

Central California Conference

February 2021 25

Perseverance Leads to Blessings When Camp Waianae was closed this summer due to the pandemic, a small group of volunteers stayed on the grounds, sheltered in place, and made many improvements, including in the kitchen (TOP LEFT), lighting on the basketball court (TOP RIGHT), and a new parking lot (BELOW).

26 Pacific Union Recorder


o you like being in seemingly impossible situations where it seems there’s no possibility of a good outcome? I surely don’t! Although I don’t like being in those types of situations, I certainly like reading about them in the Bible. In fact, those are some of my favorite stories. Consider Moses and the Israelites standing in front of the Red Sea, with mountains on both sides and the Egyptian army quickly closing in pursuit; the battle between a young shepherd boy and a giant named Goliath; the sons of the prophets and a sunken axe head; 5,000 hungry people on a hillside without any food; and a Savior who had just been crucified when everyone thought He would be King. The Bible is filled with stories where a positive outcome seems impossible, but in these moments, God enters and shows us He is greater than the circumstances. So what should we do when we find ourselves in situations that seem impossible? “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4. NIV). This verse became relevant when COVID-19 came to Hawaii this past

Hawaii Conference

spring. It seemed like it would be impossible for us to do ministry at Camp Waianae. What could we do when everything was shut down? We decided to lock our gates and shelter in place with a small group of volunteers who had been helping us at the camp. Over the next 10 months, what seemed like an impossibility turned out to be one of the biggest blessings for our camp. • We cleared three pieces of property to be used for a future maintenance shop site, main parking lot, and new Pathfinder camping area. • A new parking lot and driveway were constructed. • We transplanted 18 palm trees, constructed a nautical fence, and put in landscaping surrounding the new parking lot. • Virtual summer camp—Unchartered Waters—was a great success, with thousands of viewers. • We completed the kitchen renovation—new ceilings, lighting, flooring, tables, sinks, walk-in pantry, fridge, and freezer. • There are updates and repairs everywhere— lighting, staining, painting, and more. • The pool tile was re-grouted and cleaned, and inpool lighting was installed to address safety hazards. • Basketball court lights were installed.

“The Bible is filled with stories where a positive outcome seems impossible, but in these moments, God enters and shows us He is greater than the circumstances.” We truly are amazed at what God has done for Camp Waianae during these difficult times. While we lost 70% of our income in 2020, by abundant measures we experienced growth that would not have been possible had there not been a statewide shutdown. We received financial gifts from our faithful friends, businesses gave us donations and discounts, and many volunteers helped us do the work. What seemed to be an impossible situation turned into a mighty victory! And while I know this pandemic isn’t over, I’m continually reminded that God is still in control. “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV). ____________________ By Erik VanDenburgh

Hawaii Conference

February 2021 27

Shawnewa, pictured third from left in this family photo, has been adopted by the Pathak family since graduating from HIS in 2020.

Where Are They Now? Shawnewa

S Get access to more stories like this by following our new bi-monthly blog/vlog feed, HIS Nation. Here you can get more details from this conversation transcript and watch the interview. Visit hisnation to subscribe.

28 Pacific Union Recorder

hawnewa is a Navajo and Hopi native about to begin her freshman year in college at the University of Central Florida (UCF). She graduated from Holbrook Indian School (HIS) as a member of the Class of 2020. For the past few months, she has been living in Orlando, Florida, with Elena Pathak (KTH Architects), a Senior Project Designer and HIS partner, while preparing for her undergraduate studies. Due to the Florida state school requirement mandating students have two years of a foreign language for admission, Shawnewa pushed to complete Navajo Language I and II virtually at Dine College. She started these prerequisite classes while still in Arizona, living with her grandmother, which presented a series of unfortunate obstacles. Moving to live beyond state or even reservation borders is not common among our students and alumni, much less attending college. Elena, who has partnered with HIS on campus building projects, decided to do her part in curbing this reality. This eventually led to Elena’s now close mentor relationship with Shawnewa, helping her move beyond the horizon. Recently, I had a Zoom call with Shawnewa and Elena. It was wonderful to connect with both of them and learn more about this special connection. “It’s been going pretty good so far,” Shawnewa said. “I have been getting a lot of help from loved ones in the transition process.” Shawnewa plans to become a doctor, though she is not sure exactly which path she will take in her undergrad studies. “One of the things Shawnewa didn’t mention were the obstacles she

Holbrook Indian School

“One of the things Shawnewa didn’t mention were the obstacles she had to face leading up to and after graduation.” had to face leading up to and after graduation,” Elena shared. “While still living with her grandmother back on the reservation, she had no internet to be able to take the language courses.” “She then lost her grandmother to COVID in July. That was a challenging process for her, as her grandmother was like a best friend to her.” That was when Elena flew Shawnewa to Orlando to provide support and help her move forward with her education. She has now passed both of her Navajo courses and has been successfully admitted to UCF, planning to start in the spring of 2021. At HIS we strive to give hope to our students. For 75 years, HIS has been connecting Native American youth to people and opportunities like these. For some of the students, getting on an airplane is a first; being outside of Arizona is a big deal. When you support HIS, you give students like Shawnewa the chance to pursue their dreams. ____________________ By Chevon Petgrave

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfth-grade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. HIS also manages a first- through eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve. Thank you for your support.

Shawnewa (right) and Elena in Flagstaff, Arizona, during Elena’s visit in 2019. Elena was visiting from Florida to gain feedback from students on the new gym building project.

DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 910 I Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910 (928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109) I

Holbrook Indian School

February 2021 29

Surgery Residency Program in Africa Graduates Inaugural Class at Loma Linda University Health Global Campus


oma Linda University Health representatives were on hand at Malamulo Adventist Hospital in the southeastern African nation of Malawi in December to celebrate the facility’s first surgery residency program graduates. Two graduates, Dr. Lijalem Taye Garba of Ethiopia and Dr. Constance Ndum of Cameroon, were honored during the ceremony, which marked the latest step for Loma Linda University Health and its parent Seventh-day Adventist Church to develop advanced healthcare in the region. Loma Linda University Health President Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, said a painful reality exists in many African countries—there are only a handful of surgeons in many countries to meet the 56 million people across the continent who are in need of surgical care each year. An estimated 93% of sub-Saharan Africa does not have access to safe surgical and anesthesia care that is timely and affordable, according to the PanAfrican Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS). In many regions there is one surgeon for a population of 250,000, while in other areas there may be only one surgeon for a population of 2.5 million people. Worldwide, the deaths due to lack of access to safe

See the latest news and Health & Wellness stories from Loma Linda University Health at

30 Pacific Union Recorder

Loma Linda University Health

surgery are three times more than deaths from malaria, TB, and HIV combined. “Our surgery residency program at Malamulo is a strategic response to the dire need for surgeons in Africa,” Hart said. “Loma Linda University Health has partnered with PAACS to provide academic oversight and accreditation to the entire organization and its surgical residencies at 10 Christian hospitals across Africa. Malamulo is the only Seventh-day Adventist hospital hosting a PAACS training program, and it is the first Global Campus of Loma Linda University Health.” PAACS is a non-denominational, multinational organization training medical graduates to become surgeons who are committed to remain in Africa. These graduates are certified by the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA). Each mission hospital disciples these residents to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ with their patients under the direction of experienced, board-certified missionary and African surgeons. The goal is to train compassionate, Christ-centered surgeons for Africa. There have already been 107 PAACS graduates, with 100 residents in training across the continent. ____________________ By DonaJayne Potts

Farming Returns to La Sierra, Hydroponics Style



uring La Sierra University’s early years, the school farm, especially its alfalfa fields and watermelon patch, was a critical source of income. In January 2021, farming returned to campus—on a big rig. During the 2019-2020 school year, the university’s student Enactus team, based in the Zapara School of Business, began work on its Freight to Table project. Through the Bostonbased Freight Farms program, the project will grow varieties of lettuce and leafy green vegetables, herbs, flowers, and roots inside La Sierra's Enactus team meets on Zoom during spring quarter 2020. Top a 40-foot shipping container row, second from left, team president Ariana Marquez. Enactus Freight using hydroponics technology. to Table Project Leader Joana Garcia Enriquez, third row, far right. The Enactus team is developing partnerships with the business For further information, visit school’s Hispanic Business Incubator and a new Title V-funded program that will incorporate STEM education into and in future years. Enactus, a global nonprofit based in summer curriculum for incoming freshmen. Freight to Springfield, Mo. is focused on economic and educational Table will also offer agricultural technology education to empowerment through business innovation and elementary students in local school districts. collaboration. La Sierra’s Freight Farms shipping container was “The reason we chose to work with the Freight Farms slated to arrive on campus toward the end of January. organization is their experience with other universities,” The Enactus team is communicating with local markets said Joana Garcia Enriquez, a La Sierra business and with the university’s Dining Commons toward management and finance major and leader of the Freight establishing produce supplier agreements. In the future, to Table Enactus project. “They have created a model the team aims to hire students to manage the farm as it in which we will have support from the purchase of the increases production. farm to beyond [for] establishing our own business.” The hydroponics farming project will be included “Before I was the project lead, I helped develop the in the team’s Enactus annual report and multi-media plan to implement a container farm on campus for STEM presentation during Enactus competitions this spring education,” said Enriquez. “This experience has been enriching. I have had the pleasure of working closely with “This experience has been enriching. others and becoming someone others can depend on. I have had the pleasure of working closely I have learned a lot about management, planning, and considering what’s best for the team.” with others and becoming someone ____________________ others can depend on.” By Darla Martin Tucker

La Sierra University

February 2021 31


No Room in the Inn

he Christmas season is the best! It is the time when families gather, schools and churches host a myriad of Christmas parties, and communities present various delightful programs ranging from plays to hayride caroling to the majestic Handel’s Messiah. However, Christmas of 2020 was different. Although lighting displays seemed more spectacular than ever, the absence of community gatherings left an emptiness that was felt by many. A mid-December Sabbath was a highlight for the members of the Fallon church. As the smell of hand sanitizer surrounded the masked congregation, the entire student body of the Fallon Adventist Christian School (FACS) delighted the audience with a unique and wonderful program. Beginning with congregational singing accompanied by the FACS ukulele choir, both traditional and contemporary songs lifted the spirits of the congregants. Some of the school’s piano students— Jaszimin Hernandez, Rozaida Reedy, Jaden Drinkut, and Abby Northrup—then serenaded the attendees, playing their favorite Christmas songs. The story of our Savior’s birth was read by students, with kindergartener Daisy Otto amazing the listeners by reciting from memory the lengthy closing verses. The scene then changed to appear like a court room, with Judge Jody, played by Abby Northrop, presiding. Ian Hamilton portrayed Sam, the prosecuting attorney, bringing charges of “lack of compassion for wayward travelers” against the innkeeper, played by Jaden Drinkut. Immediately, there were a number of witnesses in defense of the innkeeper. Heehaw A.

32 Pacific Union Recorder


RIGHT: Fallon Adventist Christian School Ukulele Choir accompanies the Fallon church’s worship service. From left to right, back row: Ian Hamilton, Jaszmin Hernandez, Daisy Otto, Sammy Northrop, and Jaden Drinkut. Front row: Nathan Montgomery, Elijah Mott, Isaiah Mott, Rozaida Reedy, and Abby Northrup. FAR RIGHT: Rozaida Reedy shares “Go Tell It on the Mountain” with delighted listeners during the Fallon Adventist Christian School Christmas program.

Nevada-Utah Conference

Donkey (Sammy Northrop), employed as a part-time tour guide, and Malachi Mutton (Jaszmin Hernandez), owner of a carpet cleaning service, both testified in defense of the innkeeper. After hearing the testimony of the innkeeper, who was moved to compassion for the travelers, and the fact that a warm, comfortable stable was provided for them, the jurors (Daisy Otto, Elijah Mott, Nathan Montgomery, Isaiah Mott, and Rozaida Reedy) unanimously voted in favor of the innkeeper, and the prosecutor dropped the charges. Judge Jody then victoriously announced, “Not guilty!” It was made clear that we often make decisions without all of the facts but, more importantly, God offered to us the greatest gift of all time in His Son. No matter the difficulty of the journey, the gift of Jesus at the end will be worth any hardships we might endure along the way. God with us—Emmanuel! ____________________ By Michelle Ward

Heehaw A. Donkey (Sammy Northrop) and Malachi Mutton (Jaszmin Hernandez) prepare to testify in defense of the innkeeper (Jaden Drinkut) as prosecuting attorney Sam (Ian Hamilton) states the charges.

Vernal Church Welcomes New Members


ernal, Utah, is one of the most isolated cities in the Nevada-Utah Conference. Situated in the northeast corner of the state, about 175 miles east of Salt Lake City, it is known for its expansive array of dinosaur fossils, footprints, petroglyphs, and pictographs, along with other historic sites. It is also home to the Vernal Seventh-day Adventist Church, a small, rural congregation actively sharing God in their community. Celebrating a baptism is one of the most beautiful and exciting things that a small church family can experience. What could possibly be better? Well, since you asked, that would be a double baptism. What could be even better than that? How about celebrating a wedding blessing on the same day? When Jose and Jasmin Solorzano moved from California to Utah, a friend they had known in California invited them to church. After attending a little while, they began Bible studies. They have grown into fellowship with the little church family, and through the prayerful and tireless efforts of Ray Carter, assistant lay pastor, they have grown in their love for Jesus and their knowledge of spiritual things. This couple has been together for years. Courageously responding to conviction, Jose and Jasmin made the decision to become married. In light of the current pandemic complications, they were not able to invite family and friends to attend as they had hoped. However, after their earlier civil marriage ceremony, this past December the little band of believers that had become their church family had the distinct pleasure of acknowledging the blessing of their marriage during Sabbath services. The sacred matrimonial blessing was followed by an appropriately socially distanced fellowship lunch. Then came the climax of the day, as the church

TOP: Jasmin Solorzano is baptized by Pastor Nathan James and Assistant Lay Pastor Ray Carter. BOTTOM: Pastor Nathan James is joined by Assistant Lay Pastor Ray Carter in the baptism of Jose Solorzano. family met together to celebrate the Solorzano’s public statement of love and service to Jesus through baptism, which was conducted jointly by Pastor Nathan James and Ray Carter. Jose and Jasmin’s children Joab, Matthew, Emmanuel, and Samantha bring a special joy to their new church family. Although stories of baptisms and marriages are common in our churches, this story shows that no obstacles can stop the work of God in His church—not a longdistance move, not a decision to marry, not a remote location, not even a pandemic. God is still actively turning hearts to Him. ____________________ By Nathan James The Solorzano family is flanked by Pastor Nathan James (left) and Assistant Lay Pastor Ray Carter (right) following the blessing of their marriage and baptism.

Nevada-Utah Conference

February 2021 33

During a Difficult Season,

NCC Churches Share Hope


hurches throughout the Northern California Conference (NCC) found numerous practical ways to inspire hope during the Christmas season—hope that people in their communities carried into 2021.

Stockton Mayfair bicycle giveaway During a giveaway at the Stockton Mayfair church, 183 people—aged two to over 60—received a bicycle for Christmas. “I feel grateful,” said one young teenager. “I’ve been wanting a bike. God did great things!” During the event, the parking lot was full of hope as participants waited for their number to be called to choose a bike. “It was a joy to bring smiles to faces and to engage with the parents,” said Pastor Rudy Peters. One mother said she looked forward to being able to ride with her son. “Now that we have [his bike], we can work on being healthy,” she said. The project was partially funded by a grant from the North American Division, which has sponsored bike giveaways at other locations. To promote the event, members distributed fliers in the neighborhood, Peters appeared on a local television program, and the church spread the word through social media. The event will make a difference in people’s lives for years to come. “So much comes along with [having a bike],” said a father as he lifted his small daughter

34 Pacific Union Recorder

Northern California Conference

onto her new bicycle. “Being in her life, being there to teach her how to ride it—it’s one of those moments that you have with your child. It’s a forever bond, a forever memory.” Sacramento Capitol City Angel Tree For more than a decade, the Sacramento Capitol City church’s Angel Tree program has provided presents for community members, and this year it helped give 250 people a hopeful Christmas. “I have a passion for this ministry,” said Carol Herbert, the church’s mission council leader. “I just keep doing it by God’s grace, and He blesses every time.” Younger children received presents designed to spark their creativity, such as craft supplies and building blocks, while teenagers received gift cards. The church also gave gift cards to families to help them purchase food for Christmas dinner and other holiday items. Herbert and her team distributed the presents during an afternoon drive-through event at the church. Afterward, three mothers wrote to express their thanks: “We want to thank you, my children and I, for giving each one of them a smile this Christmas. May God bless you and fill you with blessings.” “Thank you very much for the gifts for my kids. They are very happy with their toys. They were very special for this time because I am not working. We appreciate it very much.” “I am very grateful to you for the toys. This Christmas will be very happy. Many thanks! You all are angels of God.” Orangevale drive-through celebration When a sheriff’s car pulled up to the Orangevale church’s drive-through Christmas celebration, participants were startled. The event had been carefully planned to fall well within the county’s safety guidelines. But the officers surprised the church members. “They stopped by to say thank you to us,” said Pastor Jon Cicle. “They told us, ‘We are so glad you are doing this. Thank you for doing something positive for your community.’” Although the event was advertised on a huge banner


Napa Community drive-in vespers Throughout December, the Napa Community church invited people to a series of drive-in Friday evening vespers programs designed to inspire faith and hope during the Advent season. At each program, 60 to 80 people gathered in their cars in a parking lot at Napa Christian Campus of Education in front of a stage decorated by the school community. Broadcast over FM radio, the programs featured family groups singing carols and Senior Pastor Nate Furness speaking about the events leading up to Christ’s birth. To encourage busy families to come,

the church served prepackaged meals, such as pizza and burritos. One evening, the group celebrated communion together, led by Furness and Principal Justine Leonie. Although technology provides access to a huge variety of worship services from all over the world, Furness emphasizes the importance of the neighborhood congregation’s ministry to its members and community. “I believe strongly that people need a spiritual presence in their lives from their local church,” he said. “Now more than ever, people are becoming more aware that they need Jesus. Our faith in Him pushes us to see the world with new eyes.” Gracepoint apartment outreach During 2020, members of the Gracepoint church in Rocklin made a nearby apartment complex the focus of their outreach efforts, and they finished the year by helping to provide a joyful Christmas for 60 families. Each family received a stocking with gift cards, homemade bread (safely made), a bag of oranges, a copy of The Messiah, and a prayer request card. All of the children in those families—44 total—received a Christmas present. With the apartment manager’s help, the church had invited residents to submit their children’s requests, and members shopped for each one. Residents were grateful for the gifts and curious about the givers. “When volunteers brought the stockings, people asked, ‘Who are you? When can we come visit? When will the church reopen?’” said Marlene Rodriguez, associate pastor. Several people filled out the prayer request cards and turned them in to the apartment office for the church to pick up. During the gift delivery, one mother asked a volunteer to pray for her and her family. The church looks forward to bringing more hope to their neighbors throughout 2021. “I believe there are people in those apartments who are seeking Christ, and our job is to direct them to Jesus,” said Rodriguez. “We want to meet their spiritual need.” ____________________ By Julie Lorenz

Northern California Conference


and on social media, a number of community members discovered it by accident as they were driving through the neighborhood hoping to see Christmas lights. About 100 cars came through the various stations, including a manger scene with live animals. Music was provided by Orangevale SDA School teachers and students, and there were prepackaged refreshments and small gifts, including soap made by students. The church invited attendees to participate in a canned food drive, and people brought enough to fill 40 shopping bags. They also donated $300, unsolicited, for the church’s food closet, which brings hope to at-risk community families. “Our hearts are full and grateful to God for the opportunity to serve our community and bring a little cheer into the lives of those that joined us,” said Cicle. “We wanted to be a blessing.”

February 2021 35

PUC Students Administering COVID-19 Vaccines to Essential Workers

A “Not only did PUC train me to treat the person holistically, but they also led by example. The department is unique in that we build such close relationships with our professors and classmates.”

People in cars wait in line down the street waiting to get a COVID test.

36 Pacific Union Recorder

fter months of performing COVID-19 tests in the local community, PUC’s department of nursing has partnered with Adventist Health St. Helena and St. Helena Hospital Foundation Mobile Health Unit to provide vaccinations to healthcare workers. “We have had to get creative and think outside the box for teaching practices and providing students with real experiences,” said Debbie Wallace, department chair of the nursing program. “This partnership has been great, and students have received valuable advice and mentorship from working professionals.” We asked Guadalupe Gomez, a PUC nursing student, about her experience: How does it feel to serve during a pandemic? It feels like a relief. I felt helpless watching frontline staff work tirelessly, and it felt empowering to use the practical skills that I have been building and keeping on standby for the last year. How did PUC prepare you? Thinking like a nurse is emphasized early on in PUC’s nursing program. You are trained to think logically. Not only did PUC train me to treat the person holistically, but they also led by example. The department is unique in that we build such close relationships with our professors and classmates. I can always reach out for support and prayer; each one has truly impacted my life and my practice in a positive way. What has it been like? It is surreal. At first, working in the testing site felt like a sci-fi movie, with everyone walking around with masks, shields, drapes, face guards, and hair nets. We looked like nurse drones, every sign of humanity covered up and tucked away. Without the ability to smile and gather casually, it was tough to make human connections. But the human race is resilient, and after a while, it felt like a typical day. And we learned new ways to connect with people even while wearing a mask. What are your future plans? I plan to continue my education at PUC. I want to get my B.S. in Nursing here and explore incorporating a Public Health certificate. I want to get my master's and even doctorate and serve as an educator in the clinical setting or classroom. Christ will guide my way, but I have learned the importance of networking and saying yes to new experiences. This experience has indeed been transformative, and I’m looking forward to what the future holds for me. ____________________ By Haley Wesley

Pacific Union College

Someone Must Love Screening


any of us are still not used to the reality of medical screening, even though some form of it is happening almost everywhere. Whether it’s at a restaurant, airport, or place of work, we have been stopped at the door, asked very personal questions, and checked for a fever. Screening can be awkward, difficult, and confusing. I should know. I’ve been screened hundreds of times. However, if you want to really experience the complexity of screening, just spend a couple of hours as a screener. I should know—I’ve screened hundreds of people. Trust me, you’d rather been screened! At Adventist Health Castle in Hawaii, our medical screeners encounter every situation imaginable. Symptomatic patients, associates running late, worried visitors, grieving loved ones, out-of-state vendors, and more. Our screeners strive to meet every person with a smile and a cheerful welcome. Most encounters are friendly and fast. Others are complex, even combative, and require careful and collaborative responses. Which makes a letter like this so special: To the Guardian Angels (at the entrance to Castle): Thank you for each little act of kindness and consideration you have shown to my precious bride and me. You are such a blessing in our lives. May the Lord bless and keep each of you safe. In Christ we remain, R & B Rick (not his real name) would visit his wife in the ICU as often as he could, each day telling the screeners he was there to see his bride. During her stay, he developed

“Thank you for each little act of kindness and consideration you have shown to my precious bride and me. You are such a blessing in our lives.” symptoms that denied him access to our hospital. While he was unable to visit, his wife’s condition improved and she was discharged to a care facility that prohibited any visitation. After decades of marriage, he and his bride were separated for the foreseeable future. One day, he realized an opportunity and called ahead to see if screeners could help. His wife was scheduled for outpatient services at our hospital and would be accompanied by the care facility’s staff. She would already have her permitted companion. Could an exception be made for her to have two companions that day? Could he be that second companion? Our screening team went to work, contacting the service line leaders to get their approval. Could Rick have a date with his bride at our hospital? Of course he could. Throughout that red letter day, hundreds of patients were met at our entrance by screeners who greeted them, took their temperature, and screened them for travel, exposure, and symptoms. But one patient had a special reception that day. Her husband was waiting with the screeners for her arrival. They welcomed her, assured her she was not alone, and guided her to the services she needed. She was not just a patient, and they were not just screeners. She was someone’s bride, and they were someone’s guardian angels. ____________________ By Jesse Seibel Adventist Health Castle screeners work hard to keep patients and staff safe.

Adventist Health

February 2021 37

Faculty and staff of Redlands Adventist Academy play handbells and greet students and their families during their Christmas drive-through event.

SECC Churches and Schools Provide Cheer and Comfort During Christmas


outheastern California Conference churches and schools had a unique opportunity to reinvent their programs for the 2020 Christmas season. In a difficult year of uncertainty, churches and schools found ways to offer their members encouragement through the hopeful message of Christmas. For over 30 years, Robert Soderblom has led the Calimesa Community Concert Series Christmas program held at the Calimesa church. This year, in lieu of the usual format, Soderblom invited musicians—including the Gary Bonner Singers, pianist and composer Dick Tunney, singer Steve Green, violinist Miclen LaiPang, and the vocal group Selah—to join musical groups from the Calimesa church for a virtual Christmas Eve program. Karl Hafner presented an uplifting message, followed by the two young children of Kazar Ackerman, associate pastor at the church, performing a song that embodied the spirit of Calimesa church hosts a drive-through the season: “Happy Birthday, Jesus.” Before the concert, the nativity with a photo booth, where church hosted a drive-through nativity with a photo booth, Mike and Arlys Fillman take a picture. pre-packaged treats, and a prayer booth for those who were struggling during the season. At the Loma Linda University church, Adriana Perrera, director of worship and musical arts, and Kimo Smith, church organist for 42 years, prayed together during the planning process for the highly anticipated candlelight Christmas concert. “I will always keep this memory in my heart,” Perrera said. “We prayed that we would bring hope and light to the community and, though it looked impossible, God provided all that we needed.” Social distancing measures mandated that the church choir divide into octets to record their sections of the musical score on four separate days. The brass

38 Pacific Union Recorder

Southeastern California Conference

and woodwind instruments, strings, handbell choir, and musical soloists also recorded separately; however, with the media team’s mastery, the program became a beautiful whole ensemble. “The team effort was blessed with divine guidance,” Perrera said. “This program was put together by the Holy Spirit.” At Southeastern California Conference schools, teachers, staff, and students have been working with new formats for months, and the Christmas season continued to stretch their imagination. At La Sierra Academy, Principal Libett Muñoz Beard recognized that a Christmas concert would give students a goal to work toward during a stressful time. Muñoz Beard praises music director Edwin Rumbaoa with keeping a vibrant music program while volunteering the many extra hours to produce the virtual concert. Music played an important part in the Christmas drive-through at Redlands Adventist Academy. As students and families began the drive down the lane of decorated trees, snowmen, and penguins, they were greeted by a handbell choir composed of teachers and staff. RAA staff member Chaltu Sandiford credits handbell director James Walters with teaching staff to play the handbells so that each family car could have their own performance. Escondido Adventist Academy students in grades 9-12 “adopted” a child from the nearby Escondido Community Child Development Center and sent wrapped Christmas gifts. According to math teacher Cristy-Anna Martinez, “Even though we knew our physical presence would not be possible, we wanted to provide them with a gift so that they would know that they are loved.” Feeling this love during Christmas can be difficult for those who are struggling with grief. After a year of loss for so many, Paradise Valley, La Mesa Community, Chula Vista, and South Bay churches collaborated to offer their

The Addenbrooke family from the South Bay church participate in the Blue Christmas virtual program.

Students at Escondido Adventist Academy fill a car with Christmas gifts they wrapped for children at the nearby community child development center. members a unique Blue Christmas program. Featuring musical performances, Scripture readings, and messages from the pastors that supported grieving church members, the program focused on giving people hope. In past years, the program has been offered to those who could attend in person, but this year’s virtual Blue Christmas allowed more people to view the program, and it is now also available online as a resource for those who are grieving during the year. Meshach Soli, pastor of South Bay church, said that this program received an “overwhelming response from those who felt blue after months of isolation and the loss of jobs, loved ones, and health.” Emma Leach, a church member who attended the virtual Blue Christmas program, said that she appreciated the message that it was OK to grieve during this season. Leach valued the fellowship of the four congregations, noting that “death has no boundaries and affects everyone, so it is nice when church members can connect with each other to honor those that they have lost and express hope for Jesus’ return.” Soli says that the collaboration between the four churches is an undeniable strength. “The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that we are better together and churches who work together can share resources.” He embraces the spirit of collaboration as important not only at Christmas but throughout the year and said, “We are not in competition with each other. We are building the kingdom of God.” The story of Christ coming to redeem mankind is a powerful message of hope for the unpredictability of the future. As the Southeastern California Conference churches and schools look forward to 2021, they can be reassured by the meaning of the Christmas season, which is found in Jesus. ____________________ By Tricia Murdoch Zmaj

Southeastern California Conference

February 2021 39

SCC Churches Create Safe Christmas Initiatives Amid the Pandemic



hroughout the COVID-19 pandemic, SCC churches have found creative ways to minister to their members and the communities they serve. Christmas 2020 was no exception.

North Hills church shares Christmas carols with a unique twist During the holiday season, under normal circumstances, Christmas carols are a way to bring Christmas cheer to friends, family, and neighbors. Often, a group of carolers comes prepared to sing to those they visit. This year, the North Hills church family did something a little different: reverse Christmas caroling. The concept includes visiting church members in their homes and asking them to sing a song. “In searching for Christmas material, we saw a clip from a church in Texas that did a similar idea,” Tim Cress, senior pastor at North Hills church, explained. “We thought it could be expanded to include more people and help members to see one another in a creative way.” “Our goal throughout the pandemic has been North Hills members visit Pastor Cress to ask him to connect people with one another," he continued. and his family to sing a Christmas carol. “Providing content is a new challenge that gets a lot of focus, but keeping people connected is the most important task.” Watch the caroling here:

40 Pacific Union Recorder

Southern California Conference



RIGHT: One attendee shops for clothes for her young daughter at Sunland-Tujunga church’s God’s Closet event. FAR RIGHT: Pastor Trusty delivers wrapped gifts to the San Fernando Valley Salvation Army.

“Our goal throughout the pandemic has been to connect people with one another.”

Valley Crossroads brings holiday cheer to families in the San Fernando Valley Valley Crossroads church partnered with the San Fernando Valley Salvation Army in the organization’s annual Adopt-a-Family program. Members from the church volunteered to pick out gifts for families signed up with the program. Families listed their clothing and shoe sizes and special gift requests; members of Valley Crossroads then purchased, wrapped, and dropped off the gifts at the church to be delivered to the Salvation Army. After a different Christmas activity fell through due to COVID-19 restrictions, Stacy Moss, Valley Crossroads personal ministry director, spearheaded this initiative with the support of John Trusty, pastor at Valley Crossroads church. “We’re so grateful to have participated in this program,” Moss reflected, “and we’re excited to see how we can expand our partnership with the Salvation Army in the coming year.”


Sunland-Tujunga church gives more than free clothing through God’s Closet This holiday season, Sunland-Tujunga church hosted God’s Closet for their community. Items ranging from children’s clothes, diapers, and shoes to toys and encouraging literature were offered free of charge. The pastoral team prayed personally with attendees after they had finished shopping. The church’s first God’s Closet event was held in August 2019. “We were given consent by the church board to have our next event on November 22, 2020, with new online registration, social distancing, and wearing masks,” Lily Cirstoiu, Sunland-Tujunga church member and God’s Closet-Tujunga coordinator, shared. “We had 150 registered, and 100 attended. On December 6, we welcomed those who missed out, and 30 moms came to shop. What a blessing.” “As God’s Closet, we are the hands and feet and voice of Jesus to the community,” continued Cirstoiu. “Prayers were lifted up on behalf of the families, and friendships were formed. One mom was asking for a change in her work situation, and we were able to connect her to a better job. Another mom commented that she had never attended an event like this that prayed for the family.”

District churches share gifts and literature at drivethrough toy drives On December 19 and January 2, Panamericana Spanish and East Los Angeles Bilingual churches welcomed families to a drive-through toy drive event in which families pre-registered. The district churches, pastored by Salvador Garcia, received donated gifts from the local Marines Corps station as well as church members. Between both churches, more than 200 gifts were distributed. In addition to toys, families were given Christian literature such as Steps to Christ, Signs of the Times, and the Spanish magazine El Centinela. Garcia, elders, or church members prayed with the families in their cars upon arrival. Former and inactive members who came with their families to receive toys were inspired by the outreach to return. One member, whose daughter was once actively involved in church and brought her family to the event, said, “I know God will use this outreach ministry to call them back to a relationship with Jesus.” Another former member who came to pick up toys for his neighbors was deeply impressed, saying, “You may be seeing me more often as a result of this outreach.” “There is a hope and a light that has been ignited in their hearts,” Garcia added, “in wanting to come back and participate in programs or the services of the local church.” ____________________ By Lauren Lacson and Araya Moss

A member from East Los Angeles Bilingual church hands gifts to a family in their car.

Southern California Conference

February 2021 41

Calendar Central California Conference

Many events and outreaches are now being virtually presented or streamed online. Check the Events page online at for all the updates. Zooming with Young Adults (online): Join the standing Zoom meetings with the young adults. All times are PST; the schedule and meeting id#s are as follows: Mondays at 11 a.m... .................................... Adventist Home Study Zoom: 98783552992 Mondays at 6 p.m. Bible Study & Personal Testimonies Zoom: 844734252 Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m................................... Anchored Bible Study Zoom: 96841309390 Wednesdays at 10 a.m.............................. Adventist Home Study Zoom: 96875731282 ..........


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Upcoming Deadlines These are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier. March: February 4 • April: March 8


The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and health care institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See www.dailywritingtips. com/the-art-of-writing-news.

42 Pacific Union Recorder

I Community & Marketplace

Wednesdays at 7 p.m.. . ............................................... Prayer Meeting Zoom: 9631262053 Thursdays at 11 a.m.. . ................................................ Morning Manna Zoom: 98783552992 Thursdays at 5 p.m................................................ Ladies Bible Study Zoom: 96875731282 Fridays at 5 p.m................................. Minor Prophets Bible Study Zoom: 99563061848 Fridays at 7 p.m................................................................................. Vespers Zoom: 91229068424 Sabbath at 9:30 a.m..................................................... Sabbath School Zoom: 94581678714 Sabbath at 5 p.m... .................................................. Sundown Worship Zoom: 98222957250 For more details, visit or email

Northern California Conference

Hispanic Marriage Retreat (Feb. 12-13). Speaker: Francisco Stout. Info:, 916-8865614. Instituto Laico Adventista de California (ILAC) (Feb. 21-22). Online training in leadership and church administration for Spanish-speaking laypeople. This month’s topic: “Spirituality and Leadership.” Info: nccsda. com/ilac, 916-886-5614. Instituto Laico Adventista de California (ILAC) (March 21-22). Online training in leadership and church administration for Spanish-speaking laypeople. This month’s topic: “Organization and Administration of Churches.” Info:, 916-886-5614. Get the News! Engage with the Northern California Conference by subscribing to the NCC’s weekly emailed news source, “Northern Lights.” Sign up:

La Sierra University

ACA virtual event. Adventist Colleges Abroad on Sunday, Feb. 28, 10 a.m., will hold an informational virtual event for NAD higher education and academy

Newsdesk Online The regular section of Newsdesk in the Recorder is available online at:

California Adventist Federal Credit Union YOUR “ONE STOP FINANCE SHOP” Serving our Adventist Community for over 68 years with financial products and services, along with wealth building education. Please visit our website for updates on all that CAFCU has to offer. Call our office and speak to our friendly staff or manager for more information.

I 818-246-7241 students. Participants may win one of 10 roundtrip tickets to ACA locations. Information: aca@nadadventist. org or at La Sierra University, contact Dr. Carlos Parra, Winter Webinar Series. Have questions about college? La Sierra University’s Winter Webinar Series covers topics ranging from campus life and spiritual life programs to athletics and department Zoom events. For information and registration, visit webinars/. Virtual music performances. To view video musical productions by vocal group United, student recitals, alumni performances, and other productions, visit La Sierra University Music on YouTube. On Instagram, follow @kenaiso1 to watch live home mini concerts weekly by La Sierra adjunct violin/viola instructor and concert artist Ken Aiso. The La Sierra Report. Stay in the know and sign up to receive The La Sierra Report, a monthly e-newsletter of interesting news and events. To subscribe, send your email address and subscription request to

Classified At Your Service

New/Used Adventist Books: TEACH Services helps authors publish their book, including editing, design, marketing, and worldwide distribution. Call 800-3671844 for a free evaluation. Visit for used books and your local ABC or www.TEACHServices. com for new book releases.

employment-based immigration cases for clients throughout the United States and around the globe. We also provide free immigration law seminars for churches and other groups. Please contact Jason Mustard at 831-249-9330 or Feeling the call to get out of the city? Husband and wife SDA REALTORS® can help you find your mountain home near Yosemite. 559-760-8141. Darlene Herr CalDRE#02071769 & Johnny Herr CalDRE#02081978. We can also refer you to other agents within our networks across the country. Broker: BassLakeRealty. Country Living: Properties available in California. Call Soonyoung Park 707-312-3635 or email Country properties and all real estate needs. CA BRE Lic #01421077.

Recorder Membership The Pacific Union Recorder is provided as a free service to members of the conferences that are part of the Pacific Union Conference (Arizona, Hawaii, Northern California, Central California, Southern California, Southeastern California, and Nevada-Utah). Each conference maintains the list of members, based on the reports from their churches. If you would like to make a change to your subscription (name, address, cancellation), please contact your local conference. The staff of the Recorder does not have access to the circulation lists, other than the paid subscriptions.

SDA Immigration Attorney: We handle family and

Community & Marketplace

I February 2021


You can help the Lord’s ministry of healing in Micronesia by donating your car, boat, bike, RV, or truck. All proceeds go to provide free medical services to the island peoples of Micronesia. Canvasback Missions, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, has been serving since 1986. Visit our website for more info: or call 707-746-7828 to arrange your donation.

Missing members

Van Nuys. Contact: Church office, Van Nuys SDA Church, 14615 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91405, 818-787-8380. Sheree Arnold, David Allan Block, Wills Broughton, Jeremy Brown, Harriet Bullen, Rhonda Bulwer, Clarina Alexandra Go, Britt Grover, Susan McKenzie, George A. Petrosian, Cherie Province, Norman Province, Steven Province, Maria Saenz, Madeleinecy Arceo Santa Rosa, Roselyn A. Santa Rosa, Lori Shaffer, Garnet Lee Villan.


Adventist Media Ministries treasury department is seeking a full-time staff accountant. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in accounting is required, and two years of experience is preferred. Our offices are in the Riverside area of Calif. Please contact the Human Resources department at 805-955-7715 or hr@, or you may visit the following link for more information about the “Staff Accountant” position and to apply: https://www.adventistmediaministries. com/available-positions/. Wanted: single person to manage and care for estate home in Lake Las Vegas part time. Livein with private room/ bath. For a widow…lovely situation. Call Myrna at 702-568-7777 or 310-6139549 (cell), or email me at Stallant Health, a rural health clinic in Weimar, Calif., is accepting applications for an optometrist to join the team. Interested individuals should contact Marva by email: marva@ Custodian needed. The Tierrasanda church in San Diego is looking

44 Pacific Union Recorder

I Community & Marketplace

for a custodian (or custodial couple) to live on the church campus. Responsibilities include yard work, opening and closing facility each day, etc. 2-bedroom apartment on campus is rent free. For more info, contact Gary McCary at 858-395-3859 or email Full-time employment opening, Pacific Union Conference Department of Education. Fulltime office assistant to three associate directors for Elementary, Secondary, and Early Childhood. Candidate will perform high levels of clerical work, administrative and project support, follow through with various tasks as assigned, and occasionally travel to training locations. Must have significant knowledge of computer applications, excellent communication/customer service skills, and be able to manage simultaneous projects and deadlines. For more information or to apply, please contact treasurer@


Save the Date! Mountain View Academy Alumni Sabbath, April 10, 2021. In person or virtual, we will be gathering to worship our amazing God and to celebrate our alumni. Join our Facebook Alumni page or check out our website for updates

Real Estate

Choice mountain land inside Cherokee National Forest in beautiful East Tennessee. Four tracts ranging in size from 10-50 acres. Large creek, cleared land, mixed forest, mature trees. On county-maintained road, utilities on site. 50 miles to Southern Adventist University. 60 miles to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Near scenic rivers, lakes, trails. Ideal retreat, country living, retirement. Call, text, email for info and pictures. 301332-8237 or Great opportunity in Idaho for $275K. Do you want to experience country living while operating an outpost/ ministry or operate your own business? Here is your opportunity to own an 8,000 sq. ft. 2-story building featuring: large open country-themed banquet area, renovated separate living space/office with bathroom/ shower, 180-seat auditorium, stage, baby grand piano. SDA church 20 minutes away. 11 S. Main St., Kooskia, ID 83539. Price reduced to sell. For information: bit. ly/3iiG47R or Theresa Reynold 208-798-7822. Sierra foothills country living. Easy access to Adventist Health System, Northern Calif. Conf., Weimar, Pine Hills Academy. Two-story home with 3 bdrm, 3½ bath, 2500 sq. ft. with shop, 4 car garages, unfinished apartment. Pool, landscaping, fencing on 2½ acres. Price $950,000.



ecorder readers can receive a free e-book of Dr. William G. Johnsson’s new book Simple Gifts by signing up to receive the inspiring news from around the Pacific

Southwest, including All God’s People, the weekly videoblog


with Connie Vandeman Jeffery, and Pacific Sunrise, the twice-weekly email of good news from our schools and churches.





Call 530-913-8995 or email Quiet 4 bdrm/4 bath home in Angwin, Calif. Walk to schools, church, and market. Near Adventist Health St. Helena. Two-story with master bedroom on main floor. Private entrance to second floor. Dining room and eat-in kitchen, 2540 sq. ft., large deck, hardwood floors, updated throughout. $669,000. Call Herb 530-913-8995. Settle into your own beautiful mountain cabin retreat. In the heart of nature on 9 acres near the Salmon river in Siskiyou county. Awesome scenery, hiking, rafting, swimming. Supplies w/wood heat and hydroelectricity. Sleeps 8 comfortably (3 bdrm), shop building, orchard, and garden. Less than 1 hr drive to active SDA church. $258,000. Wanda, 707-445-1156.

Vacation Opportunities

Maui vacation condo in Kihei. Relaxing and affordable. Only a 3-minute walk to the beach! 1-bdrm w/king bed. Clean, comfortable, well-maintained. Sleeps 4. Fully furnished kitchen, washer/dryer, and more! Free parking, Wi-Fi, and calls to U.S./Canada. Friendly Kihei SDA church nearby. Visit us at:, email:, or call Mark 909-800-9841. Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations, call: 541-279-9553, or email: Safe 80-acre retreat near La Sierra University. Not in a flood or fire zone, with views of Lake Mathews/ Gavilan Hills with deeded access to Wood Rd./Cajalco Rd. and zoned for agriculture/residential. Freedom with two drilled wells, septic, city water line, phone line/FAX, strong cell signal, and high solar score. Original 1977

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family mobile home, wells, and tack buildings sold “as is.” Used for farming, horses, animal husbandry, nursery, and gardening with serenity and privacy. $1,250,000. Martin: 623-759-1737 (cell).

At Rest Barta, Charlotte (Harding) – b. April 23, 1947, Danville, Ill.; d. Nov. 5, 2020, Maricopa, Calif. Survivors: husband, Terry; daughters, Laurie Desiree, Rebecca Lynn, Teresa Owens; nine grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren. Berglund, Roy Vincent – b. July 4, 1922, Seattle, Washington; d. Nov. 23, 2020, Rialto, Calif. Survivors: wife, Leona; sons, David, John; seven grandchildren. He was a missionary relief doctor in Ceylon, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Zambia, Palau. Cunnington, Chester Arthur – b. June 24, 1924, Orchardville, Ill.; d. Dec. 9, 2020, Sonora, Calif. Survivors: wife, Susette; sons, Chester III, Robert, Dennis; daughter, Nancy; stepdaughter, Rebecca Nuss Jones; seven grandchildren. Foster, Yvonne (MacKinnon) – b. Aug. 31, 1929, Vancouver, Wash.; d. Sept. 9, 2020, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: husband, Darrow; son, Darrow Jr.; daughters, Loretta, Cynthia; three grandchildren. Gosev, Evdokea Doosea – b. Feb. 22, 1925, Russian Federation; d. Oct. 24, 2020, Fredericksburg, Va. Survivors: two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Worked in Community Services. Grose, Ralph – b. Jan. 31, 1927, Douglasville, Ga.; d. March 17, 2020, Elk Grove, Calif. Survivors: wife, Florence; son, Dennis; daughter, Jeanette Rau; four grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Served as a deacon and helped built Galt Adventist School.

Community & Marketplace

I February 2021


Harlin, Cecil Wayne – b. June 17, 1947, Borger, Texas; d. Dec. 1, 2020, Lacombe, La. Survivors: wife, Regina; sons Chad, Tadd; daughters, Amy, Cher; seven grandchildren; sisters Wanda Deiss, Peggy Nuckols, Verna Harlin. Served as a pastor in the Oklahoma, New Jersey, Northern California, Texas, New York, and Arkansas-Louisiana conferences. Hough, Dona “Marie” (Hoffer) – b. March 31, 1937, American Falls, Idaho; d. Dec. 8, 2020, Fortuna, Calif. Survivors: husband, Ken; daughters, Colleen Hough Baird, Doris Hough Pires; stepson, Kenny Chapman; stepdaughter, Arlene Stafford; two grandsons. Worked with Sabbath and Pathfinders; taught church school in Quincy, Calif., and at Fortuna Junior Academy. Jones, Karon Lynne – b. Feb. 2, 1947, Fresno, Calif.; d. Dec. 11, 2020, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: husband, Carl; daughters, Shelley Regester, Kristy; two grandchildren. She served as a nurse director at LLUHC. Lawson, Virginia Ann (Puett) – b. July 12, 1930, Sheridan, Wyo.; d. Oct. 31, 2020, Chico, Calif. Survivors: son, Ken; daughter, Linda Pendleton; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. McCormick, Kenneth Owen – b. March 28, 1933, Indio, Calif.; d. Dec. 13, 2020, Placerville, Calif. Survivors: wife,

February 2021 Sunset Calendar




FEB 13

FEB 20

FEB 27

Alturas 5:25 5:33 5:42 5:50 Angwin 5:38 5:45 5:53 6:01 Bakersfield 5:29 5:36 5:43 5:50 Calexico 5:19 5:26 5:32 5:38 Chico 5:33 5:41 5:49 5:57 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 5:19 5:26 5:33 5:40 Eureka 5:40 5:49 5:57 6:06 Four Corners [E] 5:47 5:54 6:02 6:09 Fresno 5:30 5:37 5:45 5:52 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 6:01 6:08 6:15 6:21 Half Dome 5:27 5:35 5:42 5:50 Hilo 6:15 6:19 6:22 6:25 Holbrook 5:55 6:01 6:08 6:14 Honolulu 6:24 6:28 6:32 6:35 Joshua Tree 5:20 5:27 5:34 5:40 Lake Tahoe 5:27 5:35 5:43 5:50 Las Vegas 5:13 5:20 5:27 5:34 Lodi-Stockton 5:34 5:42 5:49 5:57 Loma Linda 5:24 5:31 5:37 5:44 Los Angeles 5:28 5:35 5:41 5:48 McDermitt [N] 5:13 5:22 5:31 5:39 Moab 5:46 5:54 6:02 6:09 Monterey Bay 5:39 5:46 5:53 6:00 Mt. Whitney 5:24 5:32 5:39 5:46 Napa 5:37 5:45 5:53 6:00 Nogales [S] 6:03 6:09 6:15 6:20 Oakland 5:38 5:46 5:53 6:01 Paradise, CA 5:27 5:35 5:43 5:50 Phoenix 6:04 6:11 6:17 6:23 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 6:17 6:20 6:23 6:26 Reno 5:25 5:34 5:42 5:49 Riverside 5:25 5:32 5:38 5:44 Sacramento 5:34 5:42 5:49 5:57 Salt Lake City 5:51 6:00 6:08 6:16 San Diego 5:26 5:32 5:38 5:44 San Francisco 5:39 5:47 5:54 6:01 San Jose 5:37 5:45 5:52 5:59 Santa Rosa 5:39 5:47 5:54 6:02 Sunset Beach 5:38 5:45 5:53 6:00 Thousand Oaks 5:30 5:37 5:44 5:50 Tucson 6:02 6:08 6:14 6:20 [N]=Northernmost



[W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

46 Pacific Union Recorder

I Community & Marketplace

Lorell; sons, Wayne, Terry; daughters, Karen Oliver, Lynn Larsen; seven grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Mosmen, Jack Roland – b. Feb. 25, 1934, Freeport, Ill.; d. Sept. 22, 2020, Yucaipa, Calif. Survivors: son, Mark; daughters, Jackie Day, Cindy Perez, Robin Auer; nine grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; one great-greatgranddaughter. Nazimko, Valerii – b. Jan. 23, 1952, Ribachie, Kyrgyzstan; d. April 1, 2020, Elk Grove, Calif. Survivors: wife, Irina; sons, Alexey, Maxim; three grandchildren. Served for 38 years in the Central Asian Region of the Adventist church, including as pastor, youth ministry department director, executive secretary of the Kyrgyz and Southern (Kyrgyzstan) Conferences and Southern Union in Kazakhstan, and president of the Southern (Kyrgyzstan) Conference. Pampaian, Effie M. (Hale) – b. May 16, 1910, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. d. Dec. 3, 2020, College Place, Wash. Survivors: daughter, Sheryl Pampaian Learned; one granddaughter; three great-grandsons. Served as a Bible worker and elementary school teacher. Roberts, Douglass Brian Evan – b. March 17, 1941, Orlando, Fla.; d. Nov. 21, 2020, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Marilyn Mohr; son, Kendall; daughter, Kara; three grandchildren. Served as educator and administrator at LLU in restorative dentistry. Schluchter, Lewis – b. Aug. 7, 1928, Trenton, N.J.; d. Sept. 25, 2020, Groveland, Calif. Survivors: sons, Ben, Tim; daughters, Beth Miranda, Rebecca Charlton; eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren. At the Groveland church, he served as head deacon, mission leader, and Sabbath School teacher; he regularly gave Bible studies and visited shut-ins. Thomas, Larry Lee – b. Aug. 8, 1948, Lincoln, Neb.; d. Dec. 10, 2020, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: sister, Renee Barlow; one niece. Larry founded Tropical Health Alliance Foundation to help people in Ethiopia live healthier and more self-sustainable lives. Venden, Louis D. – b. May 3, 1930, Portland, Ore.; d. Dec. 8, 2020, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Marjorie; daughters, Elizabeth Sutherland, Susan Barrow, Barbara; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild. He served the church over 40 years as pastor and teacher in Northern, Central, and Southeastern California conferences, Japan Mission College, and Andrews University. Walker, Ann (Kostyk) – b. Jan. 6, 1931, Beauvallon, Alberta, Canada; d. Dec. 4, 2020, Napa, Calif. Survivors: sons, Murray, Jon; daughter, Shauna; seven grandchildren.

Waltman, Fred William – b. Aug. 30, 1942, Ponca City, Okla.; d. Dec. 6, 2020, Burney, Calif. Survivors: wife, Linda; son, Keith; daughter, Jennifer Grovet; sister, Louise Wilson; three grandchildren. West, Carolyn Ann – b. Sept. 28, 1940, Loma Linda, Calif.; d. Oct. 6, 2020, Pasadena, Calif. Survivors: brothers, Winton West Jr., Richard West. She graduated from Loma Linda University School of Nursing and spent 38 years as a Public Health Nurse for the County of Los Angeles. Westermeyer, Stella Elizabeth – b. June 17, 1922, James Town, N.D.; d. March 13, 2020, Carlsbad, Calif. Survivors: sons, Trenton, Travis; nine grandchildren; four greatgrandchildren. She taught at Portland Adventist Academy in the early 1940s. After she completed her master’s degree at LSU she led several chorales and string ensembles. She taught violin until she was 90. Whitchurch, Sr., George Warren – b. Sept. 2, 1939, Marysville, Calif. d. Dec. 14, 2020, Fortuna, Calif. Survivors: wife, Susan; sons, George, Michael; daughters, Laurel Baker, Heather; brothers, Ed Jr., David, Willie, Tim;

sisters, Martha, Tricia Valentine; 18 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren. Served as Pathfinder leader and Fortuna Junior Academy Home & School leader. White, Judith Ann – b. Oct. 29, 1943, Covina, Calif.; d. Aug. 14, 2020, Reno, Nev. Survivors: husband, Ray; daughters, Kimberly White, Liane Youngerman, Tiffany McMaster; three sisters, one brother. Her paintings graced her annual Christmas cards to share the love of the holiday season. Williams, Audrey E. (Kaatz) – b. Oct. 26, 1930, Madison, Wis.; d. Jan. 8, 2021, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: husband, Tom K.; son, Tom Jr.; daughters, Teri Williams-Muir, Tonyce Williams-Bates; five grandchildren. Zevalkink, Ophel (Goldie) – b. March 5, 1926, Grand Rapids, Mich.; d. Nov. 9, 2020, Auburn, Calif.; Survivors: sons, James, Ronald, Thomas; daughter, Bonnie Szumski; six grandchildren, one great-grandson. Secretary to Neurosurgery Dept. at LLUMC for 25 years.


ow and when did racial discrimination become embedded in Adventist institutions? Is it possible to change patterns

of injustice when they become deeply ingrained in the corporate life of the church? Is it appropriate to organize in opposition to the voted policies of duly elected church leaders? May Christians use protest and pressure to bring about change in the church? Were Black conferences a step forward or backward? In Change Agents, Douglas Morgan sheds light on such questions by telling the story of a movement of Black Adventist lay members who, with women at the forefront, brought the denomination to a racial reckoning in the 1940s. Their story, told in


the context of the church’s racial history in America as it unfolded during the first half of the 20th century, illumines the often difficult but necessary conversations about race that challenge the church


today. And, it offers inspiration and insight to Adventists today whose love for their church drives a dedication to changing it.

Community & Marketplace

I February 2021



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