Pacific Union Recorder—February 2021

Page 26

Perseverance Leads to Blessings When Camp Waianae was closed this summer due to the pandemic, a small group of volunteers stayed on the grounds, sheltered in place, and made many improvements, including in the kitchen (TOP LEFT), lighting on the basketball court (TOP RIGHT), and a new parking lot (BELOW).

26 Pacific Union Recorder


o you like being in seemingly impossible situations where it seems there’s no possibility of a good outcome? I surely don’t! Although I don’t like being in those types of situations, I certainly like reading about them in the Bible. In fact, those are some of my favorite stories. Consider Moses and the Israelites standing in front of the Red Sea, with mountains on both sides and the Egyptian army quickly closing in pursuit; the battle between a young shepherd boy and a giant named Goliath; the sons of the prophets and a sunken axe head; 5,000 hungry people on a hillside without any food; and a Savior who had just been crucified when everyone thought He would be King. The Bible is filled with stories where a positive outcome seems impossible, but in these moments, God enters and shows us He is greater than the circumstances. So what should we do when we find ourselves in situations that seem impossible? “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4. NIV). This verse became relevant when COVID-19 came to Hawaii this past

Hawaii Conference

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