Pacific Union Recorder—March 2024

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Your Daughters Shall Prophesy The Language of Heaven I The Power of Example An Amazing Beginning I An Idea Whose Time Had Come

Pastor Krystalynn

Martin baptized Darika Churdsuwanrak, a student at Rio Lindo Academy, during graduation weekend in 2012—this photo appeared in the Pacific Union Recorder of March 2013. Krystalynn Martin has served as a minister, teacher, vice principal, and administrator in the Seventh-day Adventist Church for over two decades and has completed a Ph.D. in Transformative Social Change with emphasis in Peace and Justice Studies. On page 8 of this issue, Raewyn Orclich, associate pastor at La Sierra University church, shares her insights into women in ministry in the article adapted from her book In Grandpa’s Shoes: An Invitation to Intergenerational Connection. Her words are an inspiration to all when she writes, “I’m grateful that my grandfather saw my gender as no impediment to full service in the body of Christ.” The Pacific Union Conference has been and continues to be an advocate for women in ministry.


4 The Language of Heaven

8 Your Daughters Shall Prophesy

12 The Power of Example

15 An Idea Whose Time Had Come

18 Fundamental Belief Number 2: The Trinity

20 Adventist Pioneers in the West Developments: An Amazing Beginning

26 Newsdesk

34 Arizona Conference

36 Central California Conference

40 Hawaii Conference

42 Holbrook Indian School

44 Adventist Health

45 La Sierra University

46 Loma Linda University Health

47 Pacific Union College

48 Nevada-Utah Conference

50 Northern California Conference

54 Southeastern California Conference

58 Southern California Conference

62 Community & Marketplace

66 Sunset Calendars

is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

Adventist Health 916-742-0429

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Editorial Correspondents

March 2024 3 What’s inside
Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381), Volume 124, Number 3, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is published monthly. Editorial office is at 2686 Townsgate Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91361: 805-497-9457. Periodical postage paid at Thousand Oaks, CA, and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $16 per year in U.S.; $20 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $2. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.

The Language of



There are many computer and app-based language learning systems. Recently, our daughter Amanda applied some birthday money to the language program “Babbel” to become conversant in Spanish. She chose the lifetime subscription option as the best value for her goals. A confirmation email was sent, and the terms of the subscription caught my attention: “This plan will renew on December 2, 2124, for 1/10 of a cent.” Of course, this is an absurd declaration. Barring some presently unknown medical miracles, none of us are going to be here in a century. (Our prayer is that we are in the New Earth!) Yet, the terms of the purchase explicitly require renewal for the “lifetime plan” in 100 years through a miniscule payment.

Every preacher looks for fresh illustrations. A “lifetime subscription” that would need to be paid again after 100 years caused me to compare and contrast this with the gospel of Jesus Christ. My heart warmed yet again as I reread Paul: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24),1 and “But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23), and yet again “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

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Our need of a new start, relief from the burden of sin and guilt, a longing for a purpose beyond the trials of this life are all met by Jesus.

My family had the joy of going on a cruise to celebrate our daughter’s special birthday at the close of 2023. As we sailed along the coast of Mexico, the captain gave his daily announcement. He spoke of headings, weather, and wave height. But when he told us how deep the ocean was underneath the ship, I paused. Many thousands of feet below us lay the bottom. I looked out at the trackless surface with little waves cresting with white and thought of all that unknown below the ship. My mind turned to the promise of God in Micah 7:19, “You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea,” which is echoed in Hebrews 10:17, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

The good news of the gospel of Jesus lies within the reach of every person. Our need of a new start, relief from the burden of sin and guilt, a longing for a purpose beyond the trials of this life are all met by Jesus. Like activating a lifetime subscription, the gift of salvation has conditions that are simple. In 1 John 1:9 we read, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” It is then that a wonderful transaction happens. Our confessed sins transfer to Jesus and are then gone forever. This is why John later declares, “Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God.… Beloved, now we are children of God” (1 John 3:1-2). There are so many things that happen in us when we embrace this gift of grace. But I notice some things in relation to how we respond to others. There is humility as God gently reminds us of our own condition. We extend

6 Pacific Union Recorder
The One who took our place is still there for us as our sin-bearer. Our eternity is safe because of Him.

grace and patience to others because we know how longsuffering God is with us. There is also the joy we want others to experience.

Will there ever come a time when God’s love and grace in the gift of Jesus Christ will be depleted? Could it ever be like the Babbel subscription that will need additional funds to stay active? Some may doubt that this grace and love is still there for them if they’ve wandered from God for a time. I’m reminded that the Bible says, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). What you once experienced with Jesus is still available because He never changes. Others may be filled with regret for past decisions that seem too much for even God to forgive. That “sea of forgetfulness” is still there for all our sins, no matter how great they may seem. God is bigger than anything we can bring Him. Forgiveness and a new start are always there!

In speaking of heaven, Ellen White penned, “The study of the incarnation of Christ, His atoning sacrifice, and mediatorial work, will employ the mind of the diligent student as long as time shall last; and looking to heaven with its unnumbered years, he will exclaim, ‘Great is the mystery of godliness!’” (Gospel Workers, p. 360).

One day we will, by the grace of God, have been

on the New Earth for 1,000 years. Walking near the New Jerusalem, you catch a glimpse of Jesus and He smiles at you. Your gaze drops to see His hands, still scarred from the cross of Calvary so many centuries ago. The One who took our place is still there for us as our sin-bearer. Our eternity is safe because of Him.

Another million years pass, and it is harder to think of time as a construct of our existence anymore. You wander the universe and mingle with the sinless beings of all creation. On some distant planet orbiting a star you happen to see Him. Although we gather Sabbath by Sabbath in the New Earth, it is on these far-away places that Jesus is known to travel. Together we approach Him and bask in the brilliance of His smile and welcoming eyes. Then our eyes catch a glimpse of His hands marked still by the scars of that cross at that distant time on that fallen world where He redeemed us. Our eternity is still safe because of Him. And so it shall always be.

Bradford C. Newton is the president of the Pacific Union Conference.

1All Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version—and all italics are added for emphasis.

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Your Daughters Shall Prophesy

If it weren’t for Grandpa, I may not have felt the call to pastoral ministry. He was the first pastor I knew. I saw his deep love for Jesus and caring concern for people. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be like him. When I was a toddler, Grandpa would often preach at the Claremont church near Cape Town, South Africa, where we were members. I would wobble down the aisle to stand at his side.

As a kid, my sister and I would play “church” and preach to our dolls. I remember thinking that if I had been a boy, I would be a pastor.

In high school, at Andrews Academy in Berrien Springs, Michigan, my Bible teachers and pastors mentored and encouraged me to use and develop all the gifts God had given me. I sensed God calling me to pastoral ministry.

Yet I hesitated. I hesitated because I wasn’t sure what my church would think of me. I didn’t want to be seen as a “rebel,” a “liberal.”

8 Pacific Union Recorder
TOP LEFT: Family worship. TOP RIGHT: Raewyn Orlich's baptism on June 9, 1994, in Berrien Springs, Michigan. LEFT, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM: Grandpa, Orlich's mom, and Orlich on the day of her baby dedication. Orlich celebrates her wedding with her grandparents. Orlich with her grandfather.

And honestly, because of what my church thought, I wasn’t sure what God thought of me either. As a woman, was I designed from Creation to fulfill a role of subservient support? Since the Fall, was I more susceptible than men to being deceived, therefore more dangerous in a leadership role? Would I need to find a pastor and marry him in order to be in pastoral ministry?

I searched the Scriptures for myself.

There, I found a Savior who encouraged Mary to sit at His feet as a disciple instead of getting stuck in the kitchen (Luke 10:38-42), who met a woman at a well and sent her off as His first evangelist to a despised people (John 4:1-42), who traveled with women and depended on their financial support (Luke 8:1-3), who chose women as the first witnesses and proclaimers of His resurrection in a culture where a woman’s testimony wouldn’t count in a court of law (Mark 16:1-11; Matthew 28:1-10; Luke 23:55-56; 24:1-11; John 20:1-18).

There, I found Paul, who worked together with women1 to spread the gospel and lead house churches, who encouraged women to learn in the posture of disciples (1 Timothy 2:11), who was working toward a dream of all being one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).

There, I found a God who promised to pour out God’s Spirit on all flesh, young and old, slaves and free, sons and daughters—all (Joel 2:28-29).

My breakthrough first came when I read Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (NKJV). When the apostle makes statements that seem to go against this vision, we must remember he was writing to particular churches facing specific challenges.2

I asked Grandpa if he could remember when he first felt that women could be pastors. He said he felt it in his own heart and had “always felt that way.” He draws on Adventist heritage. “Ellen White spoke of women’s being paid from the tithe,3 and of laying hands on certain women.4 She stated that in some

cases women are better equipped to be in charge of a church than are some men.5

Grandpa believes Paul planted a seed for the full inclusion of women, but it took a long time to bloom. He referenced the reality of slavery and how many Christian ministers have supported it over the years. He pointed to circumcision, which had been spoken of as an eternal practice for Jewish believers, and how the Holy Spirit inspired leaders to step in and refocus its meaning, away from a physical practice to a spiritual principle, removing a major barrier to the church’s mission.

God opened the doors for me to attend La Sierra University, and I found a church and conference that believed in my calling. I would no longer have to choose between pleasing God and pleasing my church community.

Southeastern California Conference decided to “ordain-commission” all their pastors, male and female. My ordination-commissioning service took place at the Yucaipa church on June 18, 2011.

On August 19, 2012, a group of church administrators, pastors, leaders, and regular church members at the Pacific Union constituency session voted by an overwhelming majority of 79% to ordain without regard to gender.6 On September 5, 2012, in affirmation of that decision, the Pacific Union Executive Committee voted, and it was official. I was ordained.

The Columbia Union had also voted to ordain without respect to gender on July 29, 2012. What did the Pacific Union and Columbia Union votes mean for our church?

They meant we were continuing to be faithful to God’s call to struggle with, live up to, and proclaim present truth—truth needed today or in the present moment.

They meant we were moving to remove arbitrary obstacles keeping half our church’s members from fully using their gifts for God’s kingdom.

They meant all my sisters would be closer to recognizing their full humanity in Christ and not

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struggling with the image of a God who created them as second-class citizens who required a brother, father, or husband for full access.

They meant our daughters called to prophesy, i.e., preach, would not be as discouraged from answering that call by an ambivalent church.

Some expressed concern for our church’s unity and wished the unions had waited for the General Conference.7 I, too, wish this process could have been one of consensus at every step.

Instead, some Southeastern California Conference administrators accused La Sierra University church of rebellion when it ordained its female pastors after that 1995 General Conference session.8 Some in the Pacific Union felt Southeastern California Conference was rebelling when it decided to ordain-commission its female pastors. Now, the General Conference argues that the Pacific, Columbia, and Mid-America Unions are rebelling when they ordain their female pastors.9

In the midst of a messy process, I’ve seen God at work.

In Grandpa’s words, “Sometimes the Holy Spirit

moves the church membership in a certain direction and only later does the world church catch up in its policies to what the Lord has already been doing in the field.”10 Grandpa encouraged us to focus on the work at hand and allow God to continue changing hearts and minds. He shared this quote: “If the Holy Spirit dwells in us, our work will testify to the fact, we shall lift up Jesus. Not one can afford to be silent now; the burden of the work is to present Christ to the world.”11

I’m grateful that my grandfather saw my gender as no impediment to full service in the body of Christ. It’s been a source of great joy and challenge to follow in his footsteps, and I wouldn’t trade the journey for anything.

This article was adapted from In Grandpa’s Shoes: An Invitation to Intergenerational Connection, recently published by Oak and Acorn. In the book, Raewyn Orlich—associate pastor at La Sierra University church—shares how the example and encouragement of her grandfather, Eric Webster, influenced her life and calling.

10 Pacific Union Recorder
LEFT TO RIGHT: Grandpa with his older brother and parents. Grandpa with his older brother, Don Webster. Grandpa and Granny’s wedding on December 5, 1950. Orlich's great-great maternal grandparents (Hurlow); William Hurlow is on the far left. Grandpa, after he broke his arm.

1. These named women include Phoebe, Mary, Junia, Tryphaena, Tryphosa, Persis, and Julia (Romans 16:1-2, 6, 7, 12, 15), Priscilla (Acts 18:2, 18, 24-26; Romans 16:3-5a; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19), Nympha (Colossians 4:15), and Euodia and Syntyche (Philippians 4:2-3).

2. In 1 Timothy 2:12-15, Paul counsels Timothy about a specific woman or group of women who are inadequately trained, are controlling, and have succumbed to certain false teachings around Creation and the Fall. In 1 Corinthians 14, there are three groups that Paul calls to be quiet during worship: those speaking in another language when there is no interpreter (verse 28), those who have already shared a prophetic word (verse 30), and those uneducated women who are interrupting worship by asking questions of their husbands (verses 34-35).

3. From a letter in 1898, but only released in 1971. “These women give their whole time, and are told that they receive nothing for their labors because their husbands receive their wages. I tell them to go forward and all such decisions will be revised. The Word says, ‘The laborer is worthy of his hire.’ When any such decision as this is made, I will in the name of the Lord, protest. I will feel it my duty to create a fund from my tithe money, to pay these women who are accomplishing just as essential work as the ministers are doing, and this tithe I will reserve for work in the same line as that of the ministers, hunting for souls, fishing for souls. I know that the faithful women should be paid wages as is considered proportionate to the pay received by ministers. They carry the burden of souls, and should not be treated unjustly. These sisters are giving their time to educating those newly come to the faith and hire their own work done, and pay those who work for them. All these things must be adjusted and set in order, and justice be done to all.—Letter 137, 1898.” Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 5 (Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate), p. 29.

4. “Women who are willing to consecrate some of their time to the service of the Lord should be appointed to visit the sick, look after the young, and minister to the necessities of the poor. They should be set apart to this work by prayer and laying on of hands.… Not a hand should be bound, not a soul be discouraged, not a voice should be hushed; let every individual labor, privately or publicly, to help forward this grand work. Place the burdens upon the men and women of the church, that they may grow by reason of exercise, and thus become effective agents in the hand of the Lord for the enlightenment of those who sit in darkness.” Ellen G. White, “The Duty of the Minister and the People,” Review and Herald (July 9, 1895), p. 434.

5. “There are women who should labor in the gospel ministry. In many respects they would do more good than the ministers who neglect to visit the flock of God.” Ellen G. White, Evangelism (Washington, DC: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1946) p. 472. “It is the accompaniment of the Holy Spirit of God that prepares workers, both men and women, to become pastors to the flock of God.” Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6 (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1901), p. 322. “It is not always men who are best adapted to the successful management of a church. If faithful women have more deep piety and true devotion than men, they could indeed by their prayers and their labors do more than men who are unconsecrated in heart and in life.—Letter 33, 1879.” Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 10 (Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate), p. 70.

6. “Delegates to the special constituency session vote to approve ordination without regard to gender,” Pacific Union Recorder, September 2012, p. 3-5.

7. This is ironic, as Adventist Fundamental Belief Statement 14, entitled “Unity in the Body of Christ,” includes the following: “distinctions of race, culture, learning, and nationality, and differences between high and low, rich and poor, male and female, must not be divisive among us. We are all equal in Christ, who by one Spirit has bonded us into one fellowship with Him and with one another; we are to serve and be served without partiality or reservation.”

8. Three churches chose to take this independent action and ordain their female pastors after the 1995 Session: the Sligo church in Takoma Park, Maryland, the Victoria church in Loma Linda, California, and the La Sierra University church in Riverside, California.

9. On Sept. 12, 2021, the Mid-America Union voted to “consider all recommended persons for ordination as submitted by the respective local conference Executive Committees,” becoming the third union to approve women for ordination to the gospel ministry in the North American Division. On April 25, 2021, the Executive Committee of the North German Union voted to implement its constituency session vote in 2012 to ordain “men and women to the worldwide pastoral ministry with immediate effect.” The Netherlands Union voted on Nov. 13, 2012, that “equality between men and women will be implemented at all organizational levels of the church in the Netherlands.”

10. Eric Webster, “Open Letter to the Theology Ordination Study Committee Members,” Adventist (May 29, 2014), ordination.

11. Ellen G. White, “Be Zealous and Repent,” Review and Herald (Dec. 23, 1890), para. 22.

March 2024 11

The day dawned cloudy and gloomy as I peered through the window of my hotel. A certain uneasiness lingered in my heart, knowing that I would be attending a funeral that morning.

Her impact on those around her was undeniable. I had the privilege of experiencing her warm embrace and hearing her encouraging words during my brief tenure as the pastor of her church.

Funerals, a somber reminder of our mortality and the fragility of life, can be daunting. As a minister, I've presided over numerous funerals throughout the years. While some have proven more challenging than others, there is always a sacredness in honoring the families and friends of the departed.

A funeral should be a celebration of the gift of life, a recognition of the pause in time as we transition into eternity. Yet, when young lives are abruptly taken, when illness and accidents befall, the mourning process becomes especially difficult for those left behind.

This particular funeral was destined to be a beautiful celebration of the long life led by Sister

DIGICAL E+ VIA GETTY IMAGES 12 Pacific Union Recorder


Power of Example

Teresita, a remarkable Christian lady who had unconditionally loved both God and everyone around her. At 95, she peacefully entered eternal rest.

Her impact on those around her was undeniable. I had the privilege of experiencing her warm embrace and hearing her encouraging words during my brief tenure as the pastor of her church.

During the funeral service, family members paid their heartfelt tributes. Among them was her grandson, a well-dressed, charismatic man in his mid-life. As he took the microphone after a brief homily, he spoke with profound respect and care about his grandmother, warming the hearts of everyone present.

He recounted a personal story that captivated us all. In his childhood, despite English being his first language, his grandmother had him read passages of Scripture in Spanish. Reflecting on her impact after her passing, he happened to

stumble upon those childhood Scriptures in his grandmother's well-worn Bible.

"When 'Wita' passed away," he began, "I started looking through some pictures and reminiscing on the huge impact she had on my life. All of a sudden, I remembered those words I used to read from Scripture, which I had no clue what they meant. All I could remember was: 'Hijo mío, no te olvides,' which in English translates as 'Dear son, do not forget.'"

He quickly noted the irony of having forgotten all about it, but not all was lost. He described how he began to look through his grandma's wellused Bible, holding it in his hand. Suddenly, he stumbled upon the text he used to read as a child. This time, he read it in English for all of us:

My child, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and abundant

March 2024 13

welfare they will give you. Do not let loyalty and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and of

people. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body (Proverbs 3:1-8, NRSV).

A life lived in Christ is our greatest legacy, leaving a lasting impact on those around us.

Overwhelmed by tears, he paused on more than one occasion, but he pushed through the text as if understanding the meaning of those amazing words of Scripture for the very first time. Not a dry eye in the whole congregation.

He paid an amazing tribute to his beloved grandma, and we were all blessed by his sincere love and profound admiration for this giant of faith, this "mother in Israel" (Judges 5:7).

As he concluded, the grandson acknowledged the profound influence of God in his life. Despite not always living up to his calling, he courageously recommitted his heart to God, thanking his grandmother for programming him for life through Scripture.

Other tributes followed, including one from a granddaughter who admired her grandmother's unwavering commitment to the church and her Christian values in all aspects of life. The ceremony left us with poignant reminders:

• A life lived in Christ is our greatest legacy, leaving a lasting impact on those around us.

• True love for Christ is visible at all times and in all places.

• Scripture is the ultimate guide for life.

• The wisdom of grandmothers can lead us to greatness.

In honoring the memory of Sister Teresita, we were collectively reminded of these simple yet profound truths.

Carlos A. Camacho is president of the Nevada-Utah Conference.

14 Pacific Union Recorder

An Idea Whose Time Had Come


As she and her dad traveled in the old blue Nissan sedan along Michigan State Highway 46, Sandra Roberts was trying to imagine what lay ahead. It was the late summer of 1980. She was to assume work as the assistant girls’ dean at Cedar Lake Academy (now Great Lakes Adventist Academy).

Roberts had recently completed a bachelor’s degree in clinical dietetics at Loma Linda University. And now she was to be paid very little for the long hours demanded of a dean in a dormitory filled with more than a hundred high school girls. She was to be known as a Taskforce volunteer. She would have a room in the dormitory, she would eat in the cafeteria, and she would receive a small monthly stipend that might cover her basic needs.

As it turned out, Roberts spent two years living, working, laughing, and shedding more than a few tears with those high school girls. Then she took another position as a Taskforce volunteer.

This time, already sensing a call to ministry, Roberts took a job working in the Youth Department of the Pacific Union Conference office. Although it was another position involving little pay for a lot of work, Roberts thought it could be a good career move. “I felt like there was a lot of opportunity for women in church youth ministry at that time,” she recently recalled during a telephone conversation.

Pacific Union Youth Director Dan Savino was responsible for, among many other tasks, the “call book” that went to Adventist colleges describing each of the opportunities for yearlong volunteer

March 2024 15
MV Taskforce volunteers from Pacific Union College, Barry Casey and Ray Tetz, with their fifth- and sixthgrade Bible class at Okanagan Academy, Kelowna, British Columbia, 1975.

service as foreign student missionaries and, in North America, as Taskforce volunteers. Assembling the call book became Roberts’ responsibility. In this role, she would work with the North American Division, the General Conference, and Adventist colleges in putting the call book together.

As she carried out her work, Roberts gained the confidence of North American Division Youth Director Les Pitton, who urged Roberts to pursue a master’s degree at the Theological Seminary at Andrews University. Pitton arranged the sponsorship that would fund her pursuit of the degree.

In 1984, after completing the seminary degree, Roberts finally took an actual salaried position, teaching Bible at Modesto Adventist Academy. Following two years in Modesto, she moved back to Southern California and in the following years served as facilities director at Pine Springs Ranch, campus chaplain at Loma Linda Adventist Academy, and associate pastor at the Corona church.

Moving to the Southeastern California Conference office, Roberts served as youth director, executive secretary, and then, for eight years, as conference president. She now serves as executive secretary of the Pacific Union Conference.

Thinking back over her varied opportunities for ministry, Roberts recently reflected, “The Taskforce program helped me find a pathway into ministry as a young woman. Women in ministry were fairly rare in those days, and Taskforce provided a lot of us with incredible opportunities to be mentored and to do things in ministry that we would otherwise never have been able to do. The church has been better for it.”

Where it began

The Taskforce program, at first termed Domestic Student Missions, began 50 years ago. Let me describe a personal experience that occurred very close to that beginning.

I was in my dorm room in Grainger Hall at Pacific Union College (PUC). It was the spring of

1973. My friend Ray wandered across the hallway from his room to mine. I think our conversation must’ve gone something like this:

“So, Bert, remind me what you and Donna are planning for the date of your wedding.”

“It’ll be sometime in August. We haven’t settled on which weekend.”

“Well, I think you may need to move it up to June.”

“June? What? Why?”

“Well, I’m thinking that by sometime in July you and Donna may be up in British Columbia.”

“No, no such honeymoon plans. We’ll barely afford three days in Yosemite.”

“I’m not talking about your honeymoon.”


“So here’s the deal. I have a cousin who is the youth director for the British Columbia Conference. He and I have been talking about an idea, and he has been talking to people he knows in this town of Williams Lake. There’s a large Adventist church. An Adventist family owns a large sawmill. Lots of young families are church members, and there are a lot of young single guys with Adventist connections who work in the mill. There’s a 10-grade Adventist school. Anyhow, my cousin Bob Tetz used to be the pastor of this church, and he has been talking to some of the members about the possibility of the church supporting a youth pastor. I told Bob I know somebody for the job.”


“So, that’s you and Donna.”

This conversation with Ray Tetz contained the seed of an idea that grew to be known as Taskforce.

The Student Missions program had been going strong for years, sending Adventist college students abroad for a year of volunteer service. However, taking a full year away from college classes to volunteer for service in North America was, well, a foreign idea.

16 Pacific Union Recorder

Ice skates and snowmobiles

So, these two kids from the San Joaquin Valley, Bert Williams and Donna Brown, got married on June 9, 1973, drove north in their Ford Courier pickup, and spent the next year in a spot where, when winter arrived, the thermometer would sometimes dip to 40 degrees below zero.

We planned Saturday night youth activities, sometimes on ice skates and toboggans. We led worship at the school, planned youth Sabbath School programs, and took groups to lead Sabbath afternoon neighborhood Branch Sabbath Schools. During the week, I frequented Jacobson Brothers Forest Products, Ltd., visiting with young men who were operating hydraulic log sorters, driving forklifts, and loading lumber into box cars.

The pastor assigned me to preach periodically, and throughout that year I led a weekly after-school Bible study group with teenagers from the local public high school. One of those young people was baptized in the Williams Lake church near the end of that school year. He attended PUC beginning the following school year and recently completed a 40year career teaching in Adventist schools.

PUC students energize growth

During that ’73-’74 school year, efforts continued back at PUC to grow the Taskforce program. Ray Tetz, who was Student Association religious vice president that school year, Campus Chaplain Ted Wick, and others worked to line up several couples to fill calls for the ’74-’75 school year. Eight students did go as Taskforce volunteers from PUC that year: Ray and Rosy Tetz, Barry and Bonnie Casey, and Brent and Glenda Carlson—all to British Columbia—and Thure and Pat Martinsen to Salt Lake City.

Back at PUC during that ’74-’75 year, I was asked to head up recruitment for the ’75-’76 school year. Dick Duerksen was the staff sponsor for the Taskforce recruitment effort on campus. A group of student volunteers doing on-campus promotion and staffing screening committees filled nearly 40 calls for Taskforce volunteers for the ’75-’76 school year. These PUC students served as boarding academy dormitory assistant deans, as staff members in church-operated daycare centers, as youth pastors, and in various other projects.

Taskforce proved to be an idea whose time had come. It quickly spread out to other North American college campuses and to Adventist churches and schools across the continent.

To be Continued ...

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Bert Williams, former editorial director at Christian Record Services for the Blind, writes from San Mateo, California. TOP: Bert and Donna Williams at the Williams Lake church on their first anniversary. ABOVE: The Williams’ at Donna’s family home before they departed California for British Columbia. INSET: The Williams’ passport photos from 1975.

Fundamental Belief Number 2: The Trinity

The Christian belief in the Trinity has always been a challenge—how three can be one is hard for us to understand. It is still a matter of debate for some.1 Yet Jesus clearly declared that He came to reveal the Father, and how could He do that unless He was God Himself? Similarly, when Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, how could the Spirit do that unless He was God Himself as well?

The word “Trinity” does not occur in Scripture, which leads some to say there is no “thus saith the Lord.” However, a close reading, especially of the New Testament, reveals Jesus as God and the Holy Spirit as God. Combining these texts leads to the conclusion of three personalities of the Godhead.

Let’s look at some of the implications either way. Could Jesus reveal God if He wasn’t God? How do you explain all the descriptions of the Holy Spirit as a person if He is only an “emanation” or some “unseen force”? What would it mean otherwise when Jesus says He and His Father are one?

So, let’s get back to understanding this particular belief. Of course, how three persons can be one is undoubtedly a mystery. We aren’t talking about “tritheism”—three gods. However, what does the Trinity mean in a practical way, and how does this relate to me?

First, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-eternal, equally co-existing, and committed to our salvation. Although each may play a different role, all three members of the Trinity want to win the human race back to love and

18 Pacific Union Recorder

trust them, so that we fulfill our original purpose at Creation and can spend eternity in God’s presence.

Just as in the beginning, when God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us” (Genesis 1:26, NLT), so the Trinity looks forward to the future time when “God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them” (Revelation 21:3, NLT).

The members of the Trinity are not in competition with each other and they do not need to be convinced to do good. Sometimes, God is misrepresented by the statement that Jesus is in heaven pleading with the Father. Does Jesus really need to plead with the Father on our behalf? Jesus denies this when He says, “I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God” (John 16:26-27, NKJV). There is no distance between the persons of the triune God; they share their divine powers and qualities and are one in purpose, mind, and character. This oneness does not obliterate their distinct personalities, nor does this separateness destroy the monotheistic thrust of Scripture that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God.2 It was because of the Father’s love that Jesus came: “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NLT).

The way the Trinity acts toward us is good news. It’s not the righteous one (Jesus) persuading the judgmental one (the Father) or trying to turn away the latter’s anger. The Spirit is involved too, bringing us to a recognition of sin and leading us into all truth (John 16:8; 16:13).

The integrity of the Trinity is evident in the relationship between the Father and the Son. As Jesus said: “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak

are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me” (John 14:10, NLT). And when He gave the Great Commission to go and make disciples, under which name did He indicate people needed to be baptized? “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, NLT). Jesus clearly identified the members of the Trinity.

Similarly, Paul identifies the characteristics of the God who is three in one: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14, NLT).3

There have been many attempts to illustrate the Trinity, with varying degrees of success. One of the more helpful comes from John Wesley:

“You believe there is such a thing as light, whether flowing from the sun, or any other luminous body; but you cannot comprehend either its nature. or the manner wherein it flows.… How do the rays of the candle, brought into the room, instantly disperse into every corner? Again: Here are three candles, yet there is but one light. I explain this, and I will explain the Three-One God.”4

“God is light” (1 John 1:5). Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). The Holy Spirit “will guide you into all truth” so “we walk in the light” (John 16:13, 1 John 1:7) The triune God brings light!

Velino Salazar is president of the Southern California Conference.

1. It is a matter of record that many early Adventist leaders were antitrinitarian. They had come from other church denominations, such as the Christian Connexion, who did not believe in the Trinity. While Ellen White does not use the word “Trinity” in her writings, she does refer to the Holy Spirit as “the Third Person of the Godhead” (The Desire of Ages, p. 671). She also uses the following phrases: “There are three living persons of the heavenly trio” (Evangelism, p. 615), “the three holiest Beings in heaven” (Sermons and Talks, vol. 1, p. 367), “The eternal heavenly dignitaries—God, and Christ, and the Holy Spirit” (Evangelism, p. 616).

2. See also Hebrews 1:1-4 and 2 Corinthians 3:17 and Seventh-day Adventists Believe (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2018), p. 30.

3. See also Hebrews 1:1-4 and 2 Corinthians 3:17.

4. John Wesley, “On the Trinity,” Christian Classics Ethereal Library, https://

March 2024 19

Developments: An Adventist

The situation was challenging. The College of Medical Evangelists (later Loma Linda University) was in trouble. Located in what was then a relatively rural area, they were struggling to find enough patients to provide cases for their medical students to study. If they could not find more, they risked losing their chance for accreditation by the American Medical Association.

They looked to Los Angeles, a major population center, and opened a small clinic there. But the facilities were insufficient to meet the demand. What was needed was a full medical institution—a training hospital.

But how could that happen? The denomination

20 Pacific Union Recorder
White Memorial Hospital in 1928

Pioneers in the West

Amazing Beginning

had contributed as much as they could to get the College of Medical Evangelists (CME) off the ground. There was no more money. They had been given a donation of $5,000 to buy a plot of ground, but construction would cost so much more.

Ellen White had died July 16, 1915. The Annual Council of the General Conference was meeting in Loma Linda. The constituency meeting for Loma Linda was being held at the same time, and the members, including the president, were inclined to reject any plans that would incur more expenditure. The plans for a hospital in Los Angeles would have to be shelved.

Prayers and purses

But there came a knock at the door during

the meeting. Four women entered and asked to speak. Dr. Percy Magan, who was dean of CME, recorded the scene: “In earnest tones these sisters requested that the school go on; that a hospital be erected in Los Angeles as a teaching unit for the Clinical Division, that it be dedicated and made sacred to the memory of Ellen G. White; and that the task of raising the money for this hospital be committed to the women of the denomination. A sacred hush pervaded the room, and then these quiet members of the Remnant Church—not one of whom held any official position—thanked the brethren for their courtesy and retired. But their words had spoken courage, and many a heart there had been inspired.”1

After hearing their persuasive plans, it was


agreed to go forward. Those women? Josephine Gotsian, Hetty Haskell, Emma Gray, and Dr. Florence Keller.

And it worked! Historian Arthur W. Spalding explains:

That night Elder A.G. Daniells, president of the General Conference, met with some of the brethren of faith in that institution.

Together they reviewed the instruction given through the Spirit of prophecy, and spent a great portion of the night in prayer. The next morning Elder Daniells addressed the council and the constituency. He had shared the apprehension of the doubters, he admitted; but now, reviewing the course the institution had covered, amid painting in vivid colors the providences of God and the manifest destiny of the medical college, so indispensable to the denomination, he counseled that they go forward. That carried weight. Action was taken favoring the expansion and progress of the school.

22 Pacific Union Recorder
White Memorial Medical Center First Street Clinic storefront in 1913.

The women who had proposed the assumption of the financial burden of building the new hospital carried through. Under the leadership of Mrs. S.N. Haskell and Mrs. G.A. Irwin they campaigned for prayers and purses, and the next year saw the success of their campaign. On December 1, 1916, on Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, were laid the foundations of The Ellen G. White Memorial Hospital.2

As the appeal progressed it became clear that members were in full support. Mary C. McReynolds wrote in one church paper:

Many letters bringing encouragement and the assurance of cooperation have been coming from those with whom we have been

White Memorial Medical Center grand opening in 1918. White Memorial Medical Center first hospital in 1918.

corresponding relative to the Ellen G. White Memorial Hospital. Here are a few extracts:

“We are much interested in the success of the work that you represent, and our prayer is that God will wonderfully bless in the advancement of the message through that department work.”

“We feel in our hearts that if any institution in our denomination needs the support of the body it is the Loma Linda institution. It seems that the greatest need of our work today is medical evangelists, dedicated for the work of the Lord, who

will love and practise [sic] the principles of truth taught in the spirit of prophecy. So we wish to do all in our power to help establish this institution, for we believe it is ordained of God to be one of the principal factors in establishing the truth in foreign lands as well as in this.”

We feel sure that all are interested and anxious to help. 3

On April 21, 1918, the White Memorial Hospital was dedicated with a crowd of 2,500 present. Even though a small earthquake shook

“We are much interested in the success of the work that you represent, and our prayer is that God will wonderfully bless in the advancement of the message through that department work.”

24 Pacific Union Recorder

the ground during the ceremony, this did not affect the celebration of God’s goodness and the commitment of the membership in making this hospital a reality.

A note later in the year reported, “We are told by those in charge of the work at Los Angeles that the patronage at the various departments of the unit are far in excess of their fondest anticipations. It is an interesting sight to go into the dispensary in the afternoon and see 40, 50 or even 60 people lined up, awaiting their turn to receive medical attention, and while this is given, to hear the words of hope and cheer, the words of eternal life spoken to them by those who minister to their physical needs.” 4


In 1920 the medical students helped construct a nurses’ dormitory and even started their own cafeteria, which made enough money to purchase sterilizers for the surgical department. By 1937 a whole new building was needed. A 180-bed, fivestory concrete and steel structure was constructed at a cost of $330,000 and was the first earthquakeresistant hospital in California.

1. Arthur W. Spalding, Christ’s Last Legion (Washington, DC: Review and Herald Pub. Assn.), p. 160, quoting P.T. Magan in Medical Evangelist, Feb. 15, 1940.

2. Spalding, p. 160.

3. Mary C. McReynolds, “United We Stand,” Atlantic Union Gleaner (Oct. 11, 1916), p. 1.

4. J.W. Christian, “From the Field: White Memorial Hospital,” Pacific Union Recorder (Sept. 19, 1918), p. 1.

March 2024 25
White Memorial Clinic in 1938.

La Sierra University Charts Path Toward Growth

Heading into 2024, La Sierra University is charting an upward trajectory based on enrollment targets, with near-term strategic investments in personnel, increased salaries, scholarships, software upgrades, and athletics initiatives.

On Jan. 29, the university’s board of trustees voted a budget and funding for the remainder of this fiscal year ending June 30 and two years through 2025-26. University leadership also drafted a follow-on aspirational plan through 2028-29 for a

total five-year proposed strategic document focused on La Sierra’s growth. On Jan. 30 the plan was presented by La Sierra University Interim President Richard Osborn during a campus town hall at the Zapara School of Business.

The proposed multi-year strategy aimed at supporting employees and boosting enrollment was developed during eight meetings over the past two months of a campus leadership group consisting of top administrators, vice presidents, and deans of the university’s three schools and its college. The university’s fall 2023 enrollment stood at 1,614, while student retention between fall and winter quarters this school year clocked in at its highest rate in five years.

“The diligent work of the university administrative team under Richard Osborn’s guidance has been outstanding,” said Bradford C. Newton, chair of the La Sierra University Board of Trustees. “We have approved the budget and funding plan for two more years, and we have high confidence in the university’s potential for growth. The inclusion of key campus leaders in this pivotal undertaking was a major factor in getting this work done. Now we

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may proceed with a multi-year strategy, which lays a roadmap for the university’s future. We are grateful for the deep well of knowledge and insights the team brought to this process.”

The board-approved plan for finishing the 2023-24 year calls for an immediate $1.5 million investment in marketing, student onboarding initiatives, and information technology upgrades for more fully automated enrollment and registration, with key personnel additions and some salary increases. New hires will include refilling four vacant marketing positions, an alumni director’s post, and an associate provost’s position, and fully funding a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion officer’s post, among others.

Proposed investments over the next two fiscal years will cover new athletics initiatives such as new sports teams and athletics scholarships increases, the beginning of university-wide salary increases, continued investments in IT and student onboarding, and a reduction in academic costs.

An increased drawdown on gains from the university’s two quasi endowment funds, net income from university-owned land leases, and the sale of two university-owned, off-campus houses will fund costs for investments over the approved budget years through 2025-26, without touching the corpus of the land endowment.

The five-year strategy details how the university’s $10.2 million deficit will be reduced each year, aided by drawdowns on endowment gains to reach deficit elimination by 2027-28. The current budget challenge was created by several years of enrollment declines, which led to a large budget deficit this year. Going forward, successful budget performance is contingent upon the achievement

of 10% financial full-time equivalent enrollment gains annually beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year that starts July 1. If enrollment targets come in under 50% of any year, the plan calls for immediate adjustments at the end of the fiscal year toward balancing future budgets.

Cash flow

Underpinning the university’s pivot is one of the largest endowments among Adventist universities and other faith-based universities. It consists of $140 million, mostly made up of two quasi endowments, which are unrestricted at the discretion of the board, and $27 million in a restricted endowment that largely goes for specified student scholarships. The institution also benefits from ground leases on three large apartment complexes, which provides almost $2 million on an annual basis.

The institution has $14 million in cash reserves. All of these funds draw in considerable earnings each year, which have contributed $55 million since 2007 to the institution’s budget.

“Let me emphasize that La Sierra University probably has, next to Loma Linda University, the strongest cash financial position of any Adventist university,” Osborn iterated in his town hall presentation.

He noted his parents’ path through Adventist education to graduate from La Sierra College before and after World War II. His mother’s father, Walter Lawson, ran the La Sierra College Press. “I think God was behind all of that and I know that God can help us find the answers to these challenges,” he said. “And I think I've seen the workings here through this kind of proposal.”

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In Grandpa’s Shoes is Off and Running

Oak & Acorn author Raewyn Orlich launched her new book In Grandpa’s Shoes on Jan. 13, 2024. An enthusiastic crowd of 130 gathered at Sierra Vista chapel at the La Sierra University church on a beautiful Sabbath afternoon for the book signing and launch of Pastor Raewyn

Orlich’s new book. And the highlight of the gathering was the presence of her 96-year-old grandpa, Eric Webster—the inspiration for the book. He joined her to share stories and anecdotes, and after sundown he sat next to her signing copies of the book.

Pastor Orlich serves as associate pastor for discipleship and nurture at the La Sierra University church in Riverside, California, and has had this book idea for several years. She wanted to finish it while her grandfather was able to participate fully in the process of developing the book.

In Grandpa’s Shoes shares how the example and encouragement of one man, Eric Webster, influenced the life and calling of his granddaughter. Weaving their stories together, each chapter looks honestly at topics like health, human suffering, race, gender, and faith. A Bible passage and reflection questions that can be used in intergenerational study groups are included at the end of each chapter. People, ranging in age from 13-96, who had participated in previous small groups describe the 13-week experience as “profoundly moving,” “inspirational,” and “extremely valuable.” One said, “I was able to form a friendship with a much younger

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person that has added great blessings to both of us long after the group ended.”

In Grandpa’s Shoes is published by Oak & Acorn Publishing, a ministry of the Pacific Union Conference Ministerial Association and Department of Communication & Community Engagement. Oak & Acorn continues to bring insightful, incisive, and inspiring resources about the Adventist experience to our members and leaders—with books in both English and Spanish. In Grandpa’s Shoes and the entire Oak & Acorn library can be purchased through AdventSource.

Link to YouTube video about Book Launch: Jtq9beCw4ro

Link to All God’s People episode featuring In Grandpa’s Shoes

Book Launch: media/all-gods-people/pacificunion-all-gods-people-january-262024-s8-e02

Link to purchase In Grandpa’s Shoes:

A Glance Into PUC’s Film Program

Ihave been working at PUC for 10 years now. I graduated from PUC’s film program in 2006, with the college’s location and the Visual Arts Department holding a special place in my heart. There was a moment of transition in my life when Dean Milbert Mariano (then chair of the visual arts department) called to ask me if I would be interested in interviewing for an instructor position. I’m so thankful Dean Milbert and his department saw potential in me because it’s been a fantastic fit.

Our program here at PUC is unique in so many good ways! The diversity of our student body is a real benefit to our writers and artists who are exploring topics that matter to them. It allows them to have the benefit of input from people from different intersecting identities; they can help each other avoid stereotypes and cliché’s that are easy to miss when you create in an echo chamber.

I am really proud of the culture we’ve created in which students learn hands-on

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production skills with department equipment and make high-quality films through practice. Our rural location and residential campus housing mean students end up spending a lot of time in Fisher Hall and feel a sense of belonging and shared ownership of the space. We are like a family. It also means we are always making and creating because we live our lives in this space.

Our department has 40 to 50 students in three disciplines: film, graphic design, and fine art. Our small class sizes mean students will know all of their professors and student cohort. It allows faculty to really help mentor and guide students as we get to know them throughout the years of their program.

Group Production is my favorite class. Meeting twice a week, students pitch ideas for film projects they want to create, and we support the students in producing their ideas. There are always incredible projects that come out of that class!

We have everything you would expect to see on the set of a major motion picture production. We have a fully loaded grip truck for location production, high-end cinema cameras, and smaller cameras with differing unique use cases, such as

documentary and low-light environments. We also have a huge range of lenses, including anamorphic, cinema zooms, probe lenses, tilt-shift lenses, and vintage glass. In the last couple of years, we even taught classes using Unreal Engine for film production—and we have a senior finishing her thesis project using Unreal Engine.

The best way to understand is to reach out to the professors and come and visit us. If there is

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Running a demo shoot for College Days in 2023.

On the set of “Radish Soup,” which was completed in late 2023. often leads to a job after graduation.

something specific you want to explore, chances are we have the tools to do that or the ability to obtain them and support you in pursuing your interests.

I always say the most important class you’ll take at PUC is your internship, which ideally does not take place at PUC! During your internship, you take your skills, knowledge, and professional and interpersonal skills and go out and get real-world experience that

We have worked on multiple projects funded by the Sonscreen Film Festival, which has allowed us to cast professional actors and even hire some professional crew to work alongside our student crew. The level of production quality and experience our students gained from this really helped us make up for the time we were teaching online during covid, when those students didn’t have as many opportunities to develop set experiences.

We have many alums working in film in Los Angeles as writers, directors, editors, and in the camera department. Others have created their own companies and are documentarians, corporate and non-profit production. Some have gone on to work for various church-based organizations such as Hope Channel, Amazing Facts, and 3ABN.

To the interested student I want to say, bring your curiosity and hunger to learn. Be prepared to work hard. It’s the only way to develop your skill.

FAR LEFT: “Inner Space” production in May 2023.

MIDDLE: Prepping the location before production begins on “Inner Space.” RIGHT: Tim de la Torre and student Josue Hilario prep the location before production begins on “Inner Space.”

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Herman Loris Kibble: A Retrospective

Herman Kibble was born to Pastor Harvey W. Kibble Sr. and Thelma L. (Winston) Kibble on July 16, 1931. At age 5, Herman was shot with a loaded handgun that a playmate had mistaken for a toy. Miraculously, he survived.

In 1947, 15-year-old Herman graduated from Shiloh Academy in Chicago; after turning 16 he began studying at Emmanuel Missionary College, now Andrews University. His freshman year, Herman won first place in an oratorical contest. He took this as a sign that he should enter the ministry like his father and maternal grandfather.

Kibble graduated with his bachelor’s degree in 1952. He would later complete two master’s degrees from Andrews University and a doctorate from the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California.

He began interning at the Wadsworth Avenue church (now known as University church) in Los Angeles, then pastored the Ivy Avenue church (now known as All Nations church) in Monrovia, California.

Herman married Marquita Hamilton. They had three children: Kevin, Kraig, and Kimberlee.

In 1957, Kibble was ordained and began pastoring the Philadelphian church in Long Beach, California. In 1964, he was transferred to the Sunset Avenue church in Pasadena, California, and led them in building the Altadena church.

Kibble decided to shift his career in 1969, and he began officer’s training to become a U.S. Navy chaplain. He served in the Navy for 23 years in various duty stations, including twice in Vietnam (once during the war and once during the evacuation), the Persian Gulf, and Antarctica.

He received many military awards, including the Presidential Unit Citation (Navy), Vietnam Gallantry Cross (Civil Actions Medal), and the Philippine Presidential Unit Ribbon. While in Vietnam, he risked his life to have prayer services with service members in the Mekong Delta. This so impressed one of the young service members that he decided to become a Navy chaplain.

Kibble was the first Adventist to serve as head chaplain for an entire U.S. Navy Carrier Battle group. He shares (with Richard Stenbakken) the distinction of being the first Adventist chaplain to be promoted to rank 06 (second highest rank) in the military.

When Barry Black began serving as a young navy chaplain, Herman became his mentor and was instrumental in his selection to be the first Adventist chaplain to rise to the rank of 07, rear admiral.

In 1993, Kibble became a chaplain at the Veterans’ Hospital in Loma Linda, California, for 20 years.

Herman died on Dec. 27, 2023, in his home in Pasadena, California, at the age of 92. He was preceded in death by his parents, Pastor Harvey Sr. and Thelma Kibble, and three siblings: Pastor Harvey Kibble Jr., Marie Robinson, and Pastor Alvin Kibble. He is survived by his wife, Marquita; three children and their spouses: Kevin Kibble (Gennevieve), Kraig Kibble (Holly), and Kimberlee Harvey (Edward); four grandchildren: Adair Kibble, Aubrey Kibble, Khyla Harvey, and Ethan Harvey; and two siblings: Pastor W. Harold Kibble and Ann Beckett.

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The chapters in this book by retired pastor Smuts van Rooyen are a collection of essays and poems that cover a range of theological reflections, biblical expositions, pastoral counseling, and personal experiences. Van Rooyen writes in the introduction: “Hopefully, the essays will provide the reader with insight and courage for living. But my greater aspiration is that somehow our longing to find one another may be fulfilled and that we may continue to pursue the unsearchable riches of Christ.”

In 1988, after almost eight years of study, Fred Veltman issued his commissioned “Report of the Life of Christ Research Project” on 15 of the 87 chapters of The Desire of Ages to determine the amount and degree of literary dependence by Ellen White on 19th-century sources. This book endeavors to make Veltman’s significant work available in an accessible, condensed, and focused form for all readers and to stimulate both a reexamination of his work and engagement in new lines of related research.


Battling The Big C

William G. Johnsson, whose book Where Are We Headed? Adventism After San Antonio was the first publication of Oak & Acorn Publishing, began to write Battling the Big C as a result of his long battle with cancer. He was able to write the core of the book, in which he chronicles his battle in a moving and personal way. As he writes: “In this book, everything I share comes totally out of my experience. No quoting

distraught Millerites make sense of their bitter 1844 disappointment. His helpful canvas of the wide range of contesting interpretations of Edson’s postdisappointment “cornfield” insight is particularly helpful. Strayer provides a study rich in anecdotal detail and a sympathetic insider’s perspective that not only gives readers new insights into the intriguing life of this committed early believer but also a fresh sense of the sometimes exotic texture of the religious experience of post-disappointment Adventism.

from anyone else, just what I experienced. And what worked or didn’t work for me. I’ve written about my journey in order to pass on ideas—and hope.” His wife and daughter finished the last chapter after he died. Throughout the book, one thing is always clear: “I can’t see God, but I know Him. He’s as close to me as a dear friend. That’s what He is—a dear friend. And so, in this battle with the Big C, He’s always there for me.”

March 2024 33

Members of the multilingual ministries pastoral team were recognized during the divine service on Sabbath.

Multilingual Convocation 2024 Embraces Diversity

The Arizona Conference Multilingual Ministries Department hosted its annual convocation January 26 and 27 at the Thunderbird Adventist Academy auditorium. Featured

Seven Remedies for a Sick Church

Come to God as You Are

Honor Jesus as Lord Discover Jesus in Word and Prayer Receive a Fresh Baptism in the Holy Spirit Love Your Church Sacrificially Disciple Others to Jesus Live Your God-Given Mission

Elder Leon Brown Sr. invited the audience to be modern-day witnesses of the living God.

Members of the Chandler Fil-Am church played in an anklong ensemble for the afternoon concert.

speakers included Elder VicLouis Arreola III, Pacific Union Conference vice president for Asian Pacific ministries, and Elder Leon Brown Sr., Pacific Union Conference executive vice president. The theme for the weekend event was “Family Involvement into Evangelism in These Last Days.”

Arreola’s presentations were seminars on how to identify churches that are diminishing and the remedies that lead to revitalizing them. His second presentation on Sabbath afternoon focused specifically on how the challenges of changing demographics are affecting the church and how churches can rise to meet that challenge.

Brown’s messages focused on a complete reliance on

34 Pacific Union Recorder Arizona Conference

God and being part of a God-led, living church. “God has no grandchildren,” Brown said, noting the covenant God made with His people. “He only has children.”

The multilingual ministries department oversees a wide range of cultures. Arreola noted that the Arizona Conference has been able to address the spiritual needs of many of the new immigrants and refugees who have made Arizona their home. Attendees to the convocation represented Filipino, Laon, Myanmar, Tongan, Samoan, Ethiopian, Ghanian, Kenyan, and

Kinyarwanda language groups. The opening prayer on Friday night was conducted in six different languages to honor the groups present.

Assistant to the President for Multilingual Ministries Villamor Meriales was enthusiastic that over 220 people were in attendance for the Sabbath divine service. “But we will have even more next year,” he promised.

Arizona Young Adult Ministry Department Plans Events

Arizona Young Adult Ministry (AZYA) began 2024 with the first of several meet and greets on January 19 at the Tempe church. “The purpose of the meet and greets are to identify support and interest from young adults who have a desire to serve, meet the new young adult director, and know the plans and vision for the department,” said Young Adult Director Mike Soto. Future events will take place around the state throughout the first half of the year.

In addition to the meet and greet events, there are quarterly AZYA conference-wide church events planned. These church services will be hosted around the Arizona conference at a different church each time. The underlying focus of these AZYA events is to inspire young adults to get involved in their own local churches. “Coming together as young adults is important, but the local church is where true lasting community is found,” said Soto. “We want to inspire them to contribute to their church.”

LEFT: The El Shaddai Aleph Singers took part in the afternoon concert. RIGHT: Church members representing both Tongan and Samoan heritage contributed their vocal talents to the convocation.
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You Belong

What does it mean to belong? Have you ever asked yourself the questions Where do I belong? Where do I fit in? What does it mean to belong? One definition of belonging is being happy, comfortable, or having a good relationship with other members of a group because they welcome and accept you. At Monterey Bay Academy (MBA), we recognize that God has created within each one of us the desire to be part of a group or community of some sort—the desire to know that even with all our faults and foibles there is a group of people who are willing to take us in where we are safe, accepted, welcomed, and loved. This is a fundamental belief that drives much of what we do at MBA.

At the beginning of each new school year, students arrive at Monterey Bay Academy from all around the world—some returning to a school and experience they are already familiar with, but a surprisingly large number of students are coming to MBA for the first time. Still, each school year possesses elements of the

unknown, and every student arrives with questions waiting to be answered, doubts and fears waiting to be quelled, hopes and expectations waiting to be realized. Along with all these thoughts and emotions is the deep need to belong.

The theme that was chosen for the 2023-24 school year at MBA is “You Belong.” It is based on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians in which he was trying to help the new Christ-followers feel a sense of community around their newfound belief in the Savior. Paul’s letter to them says this: “You are no longer outsiders and strangers. You are citizens together with God’s people. You are also members of God’s family” (Ephesians 2:19, NIRV).

There is nothing more important we will do as educators than help our students recognize they belong to the family of God. We count it a privilege to be the instruments that God uses to make this biblical promise become a reality for them. To be certain, academics are important, but it is only when we realize our worth in the eyes of Jesus that the knowledge, skills, and abilities

36 Pacific Union Recorder Central California Conference

He has blessed us with have meaning.

Here is an example from last school year: Mikela came to MBA as a senior from Poland with an interest in aviation. She enrolled in the Aviation Ground School class, not to learn how to fly but rather to gain a broader understanding of the aviation industry in order to prepare for a career as an aviation executive. At times, the fact that this experience was available within a Christian high school proved to be somewhat irritating and annoying for Mikela. She was frustrated with the religious services she was required to attend, and she voiced her displeasure to the principal and to her deans. As a staff, our prayer was that we might simply plant a seed and maybe someday Mikela would give her life to Jesus.

As the year progressed, Mikela’s attitude began to soften. She asked more questions about spiritual things and took more of an interest in her Basic Christianity class. Fast forward to the end of the school year. Our campus pastor had been studying with another student, Camila, who was to be baptized on graduation weekend. Just after the baccalaureate service ended on Sabbath morning, the church family gathered around

an outdoor baptistry to watch Camila commit her life to Jesus. Then the unexpected happened. Mikela stepped to the side of the baptistry and asked the pastor if she too could be baptized. Mikela’s decision to commit her life to Jesus and become part of God’s family happened because she experienced a sense of belonging— because she was able to express doubts, ask hard questions, and know that she still had a place at MBA. The result is an even greater belonging, for now she has a home in God’s kingdom.

It is our mission as a faculty and staff to make sure each student feels they belong— not just to the MBA family but to the family of God. “You were bought at a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20, NIV). God accepts us just as we are. He welcomes us with open arms and loves us unconditionally because of the price paid at Calvary. He rescues us. We belong to Him alone, and we can believe, with confidence, that we are no longer outsiders and strangers but that we are now citizens together with God’s people and members of God’s family.

Men’s Retreat Parts the Waters

The recent men’s retreat unified the attendees in one mission: to go back to their homes and become spiritual leaders. With the theme “Taking Charge: You Will Part the Waters,” this event brought together fathers and sons in a unique bonding experience.

About 250 men came from all across the conference—including some who are not Adventist— to attend the retreat at Leoni Meadows Campground Nov. 17-19, 2023. Those who attended received a spiritual blessing that is hard to find without connecting with others. They were encouraged to take this blessing and pass it on to those at home.

“At the end of the event, we anointed them and encouraged them to go back home and become the spiritual leaders God has called them to be, and to model the Christian life to their spouse, to their

children, and to their churches,” said Antonio Huerta, vice president of ministries for the Central California Conference, who organized the event.

Two separate programs were


Central California Conference March 2024 37


created, one for Spanish-speaking attendees and one for English-speaking attendees, led by three local pastors encouraging everyone to become more connected with their families and churches. These pastors included Carlos Garcia, pastor of the Santa Maria church; David Pikop, pastor of the Dinuba church; and Heber Lopez, pastor for the Florida Conference.

The emphasis on family—how to be a better husband and how to part the waters with God’s help—brought fathers and sons together. And it united men from different

cultures, locations, and lifestyles, connecting them in this mission.

It also encouraged men to connect with their churches in more ways than simply attending. “They were very practical in sharing ideas about how to start a men’s ministry. Some of those attending don’t have a men’s ministry at their churches,” said Huerta. They were encouraged to go home and create a men’s ministry to help connect with those around them.

This men’s retreat will take place again in November 2024 at Leoni Meadows Campground. Learn more about this and upcoming events at www.cccadventist. org/ministries.

38 Pacific Union Recorder Central California Conference

Our Unstoppable God Provides a New Meeting Place For the Modesto Hispanic and Modesto African American Churches

After 50 years in the same building, the Modesto Hispanic church needed a new place for worship. Several attempts were made to solve this problem, but they were unsuccessful.

In 2020, Pastor Josue E. Hernandez arrived at the Hispanic church in Modesto. He set two goals: renovate the church and sell it to buy a new one. After renovation, the process of selling it and finding a new church began. After a few months passed, in May 2022 a church was found at 327 Kerr Ave., but the church was listed for $1.8 million. The renovated church was sold for $800,000, meaning $1 million still needed to be raised.

Church members prayed and raised funds for the purchase, but $1 million seemed impossible. The church applied to receive a loan from the Pacific Union, and they were approved for $300,000. But that still left $700,000 to be raised.

Pastor Hernandez and the church members thought the dream was dead. There was no way to raise that amount of money, and the sellers had rejected lowering the price. But one day, while on a walk with his wife and dog, Pastor Hernandez felt God urging him to speak to

the African American church of Modesto.

The African American church was meeting in the garage of a property they owned. Pastor Hernandez contacted the pastor and shared the vision. After viewing the new building with the church leaders, they decided to join in the plan to purchase the property. They put their property up for sale, and in the end sold it for $200,000. This meant $500,000 was still needed to achieve the goal.

Now the decisive moment had arrived. With only $1.3 million, Pastor Hernandez made the offer to the sellers, knowing they were offering half a million dollars less than what was asked for. On Oct. 24, 2022, the offer of $1.3 million was accepted. It was a day of celebration for something that seemed to be impossible. This moment was a powerful reminder that God is an expert in impossible situations.

Central California Conference March 2024 39

Kauai Pastors’ Retreat Offers Rest and Insight

From January 8 to 11, pastors from across the Hawaiian Islands came together on Kauai for a pastors’ retreat. This retreat is held every year and gives a wonderful opportunity for our church leaders to worship and rest together while also learning new and valuable things about ministry. As Pastor Ramel Ramos from the Lahaina church said, “We were refreshed not only spiritually but also mentally and physically.”

Pastor Roy Ice came from Loma Linda, California, to speak for the retreat, and he offered many valuable insights from his time running the Bible Lab. The Bible Lab is a unique way to study the Bible that was started in Southern California by Pastor Ice. The group’s mission statement is “to research the Bible to find God's authentic character, and to fall in love with Him even more in the process of discovery.”1 The way they do this is through interactive studies of the Bible that encourage people to answer difficult questions without the fear of being told they are wrong.

Many of the pastors found this way of studying

40 Pacific Union Recorder Hawaii Conference

the Bible to be both very simple and extremely thought provoking, and they were even learning many new things themselves. “This group of pastors were learning in this Bible study,” said Jayden Anggormas. “They weren’t just learning what the Bible had to say but also how to present it to others in such a simple way.”

Jayden is the intern ministry leader at Aiea church, and this retreat was a great learning experience for him. “I came to the retreat with expectations that it might not apply to me but that I could at least enjoy the relaxation,” shared Jayden, “However, as soon as Roy Ice began talking, I knew it was going to be good. I loved how he always asked us questions that prompted us to process our beliefs and understandings of the gospel. He never said your answer was wrong or that it was right. He would just ask what Scripture says about it.”

Everyone who attended the pastors’ retreat this year left the experience well rested and highly blessed. After a year of leading their congregations, every pastor there was happy for the time they had to rest, commune, and share encouragement with one another. “We have to bear each other's burdens as ministers of the gospel,” said Ramos. Retreats like this

one offer incredible opportunities for pastors both young and old to become better at sharing the good news of the gospel with everyone.

Hawaii Conference March 2024 41

A Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy Serving Native American Youth Since 1946

Hashknife Pony Express: A Community Tradition

“It was a privilege to ride with our horsemanship girls this year. I enjoyed watching their enthusiasm. That feeling of belonging is key for young people.”

The term “community” is foreign to many of the students of Holbrook Indian School (HIS). What does it mean to live in community with those around us? How do members serve their community? One way that HIS encourages our students to be active in our small town of Holbrook, Arizona, is by not only attending but actively participating in the annual Hashknife Pony Express parade. The parade takes place in January before the Pony Express Riders are sworn in as honorary mail messengers and begin their trek south with the local mail. The Navajo County Sheriff’s Posse leads the procession. The Hashknife Pony Express is a tradition dating back to “1958 when the Sheriff’s Posse decided to deliver a letter to Arizona Governor Paul Fannin, to invite him to the Hashknife Stampede Rodeo. In doing so, they delivered the letter to the Governor via ‘Pony Express’ style, and the Hashknife Pony Express Ride was born…. It [is] the longest, continuous (United States Postal sanctioned event) Pony Express Ride in history.”1

42 Pacific Union Recorder Holbrook Indian School

Part of the reason behind the Hashknife Pony Express is to keep some of the Old West alive, but for many of the riders, their main purpose is to inspire the communities and townsfolk they serve along the route.

The ride is 200 miles. It begins in Holbrook and ends in Scottsdale, Arizona. The riders start at 8:00 a.m. sharp on the first day. “The mail doesn’t stop,” said Steve Thomas, a Pony Express rider who, along with his riding partner, Gary Hayes, visited HIS on Monday, Jan. 29, to collect Pony Express letters from our students into a mail bag that would be used.

It takes three days to reach Scottsdale from Holbrook. The letters are official U.S. First-Class mail, so they have to be secured in a federal post office at the end of each day by the last rider, who must arrive by 4:45 p.m. There are 27 riders total in this event. They lope a mile at a time and “leapfrog,” much like a relay, until the mail reaches its southern destination.

HIS is the only school, so far, with the privilege of riding in the Hashknife Pony Express parade that takes place the day before the event. Our horsemanship class members bathe their horses the night before and head out early the next morning for the staging area. After a brief warm up, they fall in line with the riders of the Sheriff’s Posse and the Hashknife Pony Express. Then, all begin to make their way through town, passing many onlookers, mostly comprised of students from several schools along the route. Our own students are among the spectators and cheer proudly when they see our banner and horses approaching. The parade ends behind the Sheriff’s building where all Pony Express Riders are sworn in.

While HIS is a community all on its own, we make

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfth-grade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. HIS also manages a firstthrough eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty-seven percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve.

Thank you for your support.


P.O. Box 910 • Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910

(928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109) •

every effort to ensure that our students have the opportunity to engage with our community off campus as well. We have an upcoming service day in which our students will clean up an area designated by the chamber of commerce. We learned of this opportunity after our administration hosted the Holbrook Chamber of Commerce's Breakfast Break, a monthly networking meeting for chamber members.

We look forward to giving back to our community in this way, and we thank God for teachable moments to show our students what it means to belong to a larger community and the importance of community service.

1. Details taken from the back of the Pony Express envelope specifically designed for townsfolk to send a letter during this event.

Holbrook Indian School March 2024 43

Contagious Joy in Kenya Fills Cups of Adventist Health Volunteers

After almost a day in the air, Chris Champlin and his wife, Kim, arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, in October 2023 alongside 18 other Adventist Health associates representing hospitals in California, Oregon, and Hawaii. After navigating customs at Jomo Kenyatta Airport, they were met by Andy Aho and his son, Dustin, from Africa Mission Services (AMS). Following a brief break to stretch their legs, Andy and Dustin loaded the team onto a bus and headed for Mara West Camp at the entrance of the Maasai Mara National Reserve, some 170 miles away.

As daylight broke, the group was amazed by the sight of adults, teens, and children walking and herding cows, sheep, and goats along major roadways. As the sun rose, they were met with a breathtaking blue sky checkered with white clouds that seemed close enough to touch. When they arrived at Mara West Camp high on a bluff about 12 hours later, they got their first view of the untouched Maasai Mara plains that stretch across the horizon.

“I felt so small looking out into that vastness,” Kim said. “There was an openness and a calmness to everything. It was so peaceful and beautiful.”

Chris noticed the contagiously joyful attitude of everyone they encountered.

“The joy was palpable,” he said. “Nobody was angry. There was no road rage. Everyone was just like, ‘Hey, cool, it’s a nice sunny day, and we’re alive.’ There was a real simplicity to everything and a real lack of stress and anxiety.”

Africa Mission Services, run by Andy and Fran Aho, is an international non-governmental organization that assists rural, underdeveloped communities in Africa. Mara West Camp is the family’s safari camp that supports AMS healthcare efforts and served as home base for the Adventist Health team. Chris, president for Adventist Health and Rideout, and Kim were part of a group that included nurses, dentists, sonographers, and non-clinical associates.

During their stay, Kim and a group of nurses visited local schools to teach reproductive hygiene to middle school girls, almost 800 in all. Chris and other

team members helped with construction of a new 11,000-square-foot women’s health center that AMS is building to support local communities. A group of dentists provided oral care, and another group set up and provided training on a new ultrasound machine.

“The people, they just fill your cup,” Chris said. “You wonder how someone with so little can have so much to give. But they are happy. They sing, they dance, they love, and they give.”

Kim added that the team of associates from Adventist Health was a huge part of what made the mission trip special. “People from all walks of life and all over the Adventist Health network came together for a common purpose,” Kim said.

Now, a few months removed from their trip, Chris and Kim see the experience not just as a milestone in their lives but as the next chapter in their journey. The trip cost time, money, and effort, but the return on the investment was immeasurable. Being able to give back to those in need was incredibly rewarding.

“All I had to do was nail boards to a ceiling,” Chris said. “And because of that, someone is going to have a better facility to deliver babies in. What an easy thing to do.

“I am proud to work for an organization where leaders create a space for associates to rediscover their passion, overcoming the challenges of the daily grind and reigniting their commitment to helping others.”

44 Pacific Union Recorder Adventist Health
Kim Champlin and other Adventist Health volunteers taught reproductive health to middle school students in Kenya.

Giving Up Is Not an Option for IranianArmenian Health Sciences Student

As a young ethnic Armenian girl growing up in Iran, Marash Keshishian loved swimming and dreamed of successfully competing in the sport. But discriminatory laws and strict mores threatened her future, influencing her family’s immigration in 2015 to a new life in the United States.

Inspired by an uncle who attended Loma Linda University’s School of Pharmacy, Keshishian, after graduating from high school and completing a year of community college, enrolled at La Sierra University in 2021 as a biology and pre-med major. While she had been raised in an orthodox Armenian Christian family, Keshisian became interested in the Seventhday Adventist faith. She was baptized in April 2021 and began her first quarter at La Sierra that September. Last school year, Keshishian switched majors to focus on health science and nutrition, and last October she landed a competitive $20,000 award as a student researcher in the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Research Program in Loma Linda University’s Cancer Center. She functions as a research assistant with the Smoke Free HOPE clinical trial.

Additionally, Keshishian was selected as the La Sierra University Weniger Fellows scholarship awardee, recognized on February 17 at the Loma Linda University church by the Charles E. Weniger Society during their annual meeting. The organization honors individuals within Adventist higher education who have made

significant impacts and contributions and who uphold Weniger's ideals.

Keshishian aims to be an example to her future children and to take advantage of educational opportunities that were denied to her grandparents— in particular her grandmothers, whose educational attainment did not extend beyond elementary school.

Keshishian is contemplating potential careers in pediatrics or OB-GYN specialties, a decision-making process aided by a five-week experience last August in Armenia. She shadowed physicians and surgeons while completing a residency program two days a week at the country’s oldest hospital and volunteered with special needs children’s programs at Armenia’s first rehabilitation center.

She also distributed clothing and money to families in several villages and helped with village work. Before her trip, she and her family members gathered the clothing items and funds for distribution.

“You don't just become successful for yourself, your family, but also what do you contribute back to the community?” she said. “If one approach did not get you to your goal, there is always an alternate route and an option. There is no feeling sad or anxious. Just keep going until your ‘I hope’ becomes ‘I made it.’”

La Sierra University March 2024 45
LEFT TO RIGHT: Marash Keshishian, La Sierra University health science and nutrition major and Iranian-Armenian immigrant, aims for a career in medicine. A young Marash in Iran wearing a hijab. Keshishian testifies as a student advocate last year at the California State Capitol in support of state policies that benefit higher education.
To read more, go to

New PACE Program Offers Comprehensive Outpatient Care, Socialization to Seniors Living at Home

Loma Linda University Health has launched a Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), a comprehensive outpatient care model designed for elderly seniors who can still live at home but want supplemental day-to-day living support and socialization options.

LLUH’s new PACE program, located in its Park Avenue location in Redlands, offers transportation for participants to its PACE Center. Services include clinical outpatient care, activities, food service, a dining room, shower facilities, and laundry service. Clinical services include primary care exams, physical therapy, cardiology specialties, vision, and transportation to dental services. Staff can also schedule medical appointments for participants, and transportation is provided by the PACE program.

Many seniors in community-based PACE programs across the country choose to visit their designated center several times a week to enjoy socialization with friends, receive outpatient care or social work services, or perform daily tasks in a different environment than at home or with family.

“This is concierge planned care with a plan,” said Leslie Von Esch, RN, MSN, CPHQ, PHN, director of the PACE Center. “PACE creates a community for our local seniors and keeps them active—all in addition to providing services and support for their regular medical needs.”

The program is starting with approximately 20 participants and is expected to grow to 350.

PACE is funded by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for persons who are age 55 or older who require a nursing home level of care and live within the LLUH PACE service area. When participants enroll, the PACE program provides for complete coverage of all healthcare needs.

PACE programs have grown in popularity over the years—California now has 19,000 participants in PACE programs throughout the state, according to CalPACE. The care model was conceived in the early 1970s in San Francisco by a social worker who saw the need to offer support to elderly seniors not yet in need of a nursing home.

The Loma Linda University Health PACE program also offers additional home health services, such as cooking, medication reminders, dressing, and bathing.

The LLUH PACE program is located at 1790 Park Avenue, Suite 100, in Redlands. For more information or to request a tour of the facility, call 909-558-7223 or visit

the latest news and Health & Wellness stories from Loma Linda University Health at 46 Pacific Union Recorder Loma Linda University Health

David Anthony Johnson Inspires PUC Students at Martin Luther King Jr. Service

The PUC church resonated with powerful words as David Anthony Johnson addressed students during a special Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service. The event, held in the sanctuary on Thursday morning, Jan. 11, as part of the Community Speakers Series, was dedicated to honoring King’s legacy.

The event began with a warm welcome and prayer from Religious Vice President Ashley Castro-Rodriguez. Vice President for Student and Spiritual Life Ryan Smith also welcomed students back for the beginning of the winter quarter.

Before showing a short video about the life of King, Smith said he is often remembered for the civil rights movement and getting Black people to vote. “But it’s so much more than that,” he added. “Civil rights was important to so many groups within our country.”

Although Johnson is a familiar figure at PUC, it’s been nine years since he last spoke at the college. An accomplished orator and gospel singer, Johnson has been motivating students worldwide, guiding them to use their talents for positive impact in communities.

Johnson’s talk focused on “the three Moseses,” drawing parallels between Moses in the Bible, Harriet Tubman, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He shared reflections about his childhood in St. Louis and how he was profoundly impacted by his mother, his greataunt, and great-grandmother—whose father had been enslaved in Tennessee before the Civil War. These women instilled in Johnson a love for singing and a deep connection to his heritage.

As Johnson sang several lines from well-known spirituals, including “Down by the Riverside” and “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” he explained how these songs served as coded messages for enslaved people seeking freedom. He also revealed that some enslaved people put codes into the quilts they made and even braided them into women’s hair.

Johnson said the third Moses, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “stood on the shoulders of the first two.” He emphasized King’s dedication to civil rights through love and pacifism—inspired by Indian pacifist and leader Mahatma Gandhi.

Beyond the famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Johnson highlighted one of King’s lesser-known sermons, “The

Drum Major Instinct,” delivered to his congregation in Atlanta two months to the day before his assassination in 1968. In this sermon, King encouraged his parishioners to seek greatness through service, humility, and love.

Johnson told the students that near the end of his sermon, King expressed a desire to be remembered for serving others and not for his material accomplishments.

“He delivered his own eulogy,” Johnson said. “He preached ‘The Drum Major Instinct.’ We want to be first, but true love comes by serving others.”

Johnson passionately delivered the conclusion of King’s sermon in the style and manner of the late civil rights leader.

“Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter. I won't have any money to leave behind. I won't have the fine and luxurious things of life to leave behind. But I just want to leave a committed life behind.”

In closing, Johnson encouraged PUC students, faculty, and staff to emulate that pattern of selfless love. “It’s the message of Dr. King,” he said, “and it’s the message of our Savior.”

Pacific Union College March 2024 47
From left to right: Vice President of Student & Spiritual Life Ryan Smith, David Anthony Johnson, and PUC President Ralph Trecartin.

Hispanic Churches Baptize New Members

What was just another Saturday for Claudia turned into a profound spiritual journey on January 27, 2024. Accustomed to tuning into the online service of the Reno-Sparks Hispanic church, Claudia didn't anticipate that this particular day would stir her heart in such a significant way.

As she witnessed two teenagers, both named Dylan, undergoing baptism, an unexpected wave of conviction surged within her. Without hesitation, Claudia hurried to the church, seeking the opportunity to be baptized that same day. Benjamin Carballo, the church's pastor, noted, “I knew she was going through some struggles and was not attending the church regularly.”

Approaching one of the elders, she asked to convey her desire to be baptized after the service. Enthused by Claudia's decision, Carballo and the members of the church agreed to baptize her that day and welcomed

Benjamin Carballo, pastor of the RenoSparks Hispanic church, gets ready to baptize Claudia, who came to church after seeing the two young men being baptized as she watched the online service.

her into the Reno-Sparks Hispanic church family. Claudia's story stands as a testament to the transformative power of baptism, a journey shared by many who have found solace and renewal in their commitment to Jesus.

Pastor Carballo was among three pastors honored for their impactful ministry during the annual Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Advisory earlier this year, alongside Pedro Pozo and Ricardo Vargas. Carballo responded, “To God be the glory.”

Carlos Camacho, president of the Nevada-Utah Conference, reflected on these baptism stories, stating, “As much as pastoral ministry encompasses, sharing the gospel of Jesus and leading people to baptism would always be the one core principle of what it means to move the mission forward. We are indebted to any pastor who continually responds to the gospel by leading people to baptism.”

48 Pacific Union Recorder Nevada-Utah Conference
Benjamin Carballo, pastor of the Reno-Sparks Hispanic church, baptizes Dyylan (below left) and Dylan (above left). RIGHT: (From left to right) Ricardo Vargas, Pedro Pozo, and Benjamin Carballo—who baptized 24, 17, and 28 members, respectively, in 2023—are recognized by Alberto Ingleton, vice president for Hispanic Ministries of the Pacific Union.

Dinosaur Encounter Thrills in Las Vegas

Families gathered at the Paradise church in Las Vegas on February 2, 2024, for an exciting Dinosaur Encounter event with Rich Aguilera. The 90-minute family-friendly show promised a journey back in time with a biblical perspective, offering a memorable experience for kids and parents.

As the event kicked off, the evening took an unexpected turn when the smoke effects, designed to enhance the prehistoric ambiance, became a bit too intense, triggering the smoke detectors. However, a swift response from the event team, along with dedicated volunteers from the church, quickly rectified the situation, ensuring the safety and comfort of everyone present.

Rich Aguilera gets ready to give a prize to one of the kids in the audience, who correctly answered the question during the game show segment of the Dinosaur Encounter show.

Renowned for his dynamic and lively presentations, Aguilera seamlessly blended entertainment with education, answering questions that piqued the curiosity of the audience. From "Did God create dinosaurs?" to unraveling the mystery of their extinction and exploring whether dinosaurs found refuge in the ark during the flood, he provided a thought-provoking biblical perspective on these ancient creatures.

Rich Aguilera shows a rubber snake to prove that dinosaurs are not the only animals people classify as scary.

A highlight of the evening was the enactment of the hatching of a dinosaur egg, during which Aguilera skillfully used a dinosaur puppet to interact with the audience.

The evening ended with families taking pictures on the Dinosaur Encounter set and engaging in a book signing session with Aguilera.

Nevada-Utah Conference March 2024 49
Rich Aguilera introduces his T-Rex puppet named Rexy.

Celebration of Our Schools

Our schools are dedicated to fostering the wholistic development of students by nurturing their physical, academic, spiritual, and emotional well-being in every aspect of school life. In the classroom, academic programs grounded in Christian values challenge students to excel intellectually while instilling ethical principles and critical thinking skills. Beyond academics, participation in sports and extracurricular activities on the field encourages physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship, promoting a healthy lifestyle and a sense of camaraderie among peers. Moreover, spiritual growth is central to the mission of our schools, with opportunities for prayer, worship, and Bible study integrated into the campus. Through these spiritual practices and guidance from teachers and mentors, students deepen their faith, develop moral character, and cultivate a personal relationship with God.

Whether in the classroom, on the field, or around the campus, our schools provide a nurturing environment that wholistically nurtures students' minds, bodies, and spirits, preparing them to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives grounded in faith and service. Here are two recent examples.

PUC Friendship Games: A Report

From January 24 to 27, Pacific Union College hosted 17 academies that brought boys' and girls' teams to their annual basketball tournament. Three NCC teams advanced to the championship finals, which included Rio Lindo Academy girls playing Loma Linda and PUC Preparatory boys vs. Napa Christian Campus of Education.

Teams from as far away as Maine, Colorado, and Hawaii brought their student athletes to what has become a yearly highlight. Kaia Miller, a senior from Rio Lindo Academy, stated, “The PUC tournament is on every team’s calendar. We all know it’s a big event and want to play our best. We make many friends, attend church, and interact with pastors and teachers during the week. It’s an extraordinary time.”

Matthew Lee, athletic director of PUC Preparatory and tournament director, said, “My favorite thing, beyond watching the basketball games, is seeing kids from opposing schools on the court get together to laugh and hang out off the court. This is an awesome way to build friendships and connections with kids with whom they may someday go to college.”

Lucio Camacho, Loma Linda Academy athletic director, shared, “I had a great experience, and for many of my athletes, this is their best memory in basketball. The students displayed the talents they were blessed with and got to fellowship, dine, and hang out with other like-minded high school students. I am always reminded that we

50 Pacific Union Recorder Northern California Conference

forget the scores and outcomes over time but never the relationships and experiences we shared.”

Dennis Yeo, a visiting PUC alum, said after the final game, “I was so impressed at what PUC and our academies have organized. I saw incredible

Asportsmanship, great games, and a high level of organization. It made me proud of my alma mater and how our Adventist academies have advanced in teaching the sport, coaching, and producing fine young athletes!”

Building Faith Stories Leads to Baptisms

midst the tranquil setting of the Lodi English Oaks Church, a profound spiritual milestone was recently reached as four students from Lodi Academy were baptized. Manny Gonzales, the dedicated youth pastor of Lodi English Oaks, commented on the collaborative efforts between church pastors and school chaplain, “It is a team effort between the church pastors and school chaplain, Jerry Mahn, to introduce students to Jesus and disciple them toward their own faith experiences. The ability to identify how God answers their prayers expands a faith started by parents, teachers, pastors, and Bible stories. We believe understanding and cataloging their faith stories strengthens and keeps them completely connected to God and the church. We study this connection heavily during our baptismal classes.”

This concerted effort bore fruit during the Christmas season, as four students decided to affirm their

commitment to Christ through baptism. A proud parent shared their experience, describing the profound joy witnessed as their daughter emerged from the waters of baptism, a radiant smile illuminating her face, “As a parent, nothing brings more happiness than seeing tears of joy on my daughter's face before her baptism. I was especially moved during the ceremony when the pastor paraphrased Matthew 3:17, saying, 'This is my beloved daughter, whom I love; with her, I am well pleased.' As she came out of the water, she had a glowing smile representing all the joy that heaven was experiencing at that moment.'"

Gonzales reflected on this significant moment, expressing gratitude for witnessing youth embrace their faith, saying, “We are blessed to witness our youth committing to Jesus. We often say in our baptismal classes, ‘This is just the beginning; now, what is your ministry?' How are you going to begin your journey?’"

Northern California Conference March 2024 51

Acting Builds Confidence and Community

Pine Hills Adventist Academy has been celebrated for its contributions to the arts, and this legacy continues with its highly anticipated 2024 stage production of Singin’ in the Rain

This year’s production exemplifies the school's dedication to excellence in theater. Principal David Carreon explained, “Our commitment to theatrical productions is deeply ingrained in our educational philosophy and community engagement goals. The extensive production crew, comprising over 40 dedicated students, find that the experience not only immerses them in the intricacies of the storyline but also teaches invaluable teamwork skills in set construction, costume design, lighting, and many other technical aspects essential for a production of this caliber. Our theater endeavors extend far beyond the stage and the audience; every student at our academy plays a crucial role in our theatrical achievements.”

Reflecting on the impact of past productions,

SCarreon highlights the influence of the arts in the Auburn community. Following the success of their 2022 showcase of Les Misérables, the school welcomed a new student whose family was attracted to the school through media coverage. Likewise, this year, the lead actors have been featured on national news outlets in costume. “Our productions serve as powerful conduits for connecting with our local community,” Carreon said. “Auburn boasts a rich tapestry of individuals and businesses deeply committed to the arts, and our annual productions serve as bridges that unite our students, our school, and our faith with the broader community.”

This intersection of artistic expression, community engagement, and spiritual values exemplifies Pine Hills Academy's dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who excel both on and off the stage.

Bowling For Souls

acramento is home to a significant number of refugees who have fled their homes in search of safety, security, and a better life. In response to this need, Sacramento Central Church has committed to serving this vulnerable community in new and different ways.

Pastor Rob Benardo underscores the church's

commitment to reaching out to the refugee population, exemplified by initiatives like multilingual outreach and community events. Their goal extends beyond immediate aid, aiming to establish a dedicated church plant to serve this community, driven by a spirit of compassion and faith.

As a result of the concerted effort to reach nonEnglish speaking populations through multilingual

52 Pacific Union Recorder Northern California Conference

flyers, including Farsi, The church recently welcomed diverse attendees, including Muslim participants, to a free dental and eyecare clinic.

Weeks after the clinic, a compassionate group of members organized a delightful evening of bowling for 15 Afghani families. The event was a part of their continuous efforts to reach out and support the refugee community. The underlying motive of the event was to foster a sense of inclusivity, where the members could introduce themselves to their neighbors and create friendly connections. The event was a testament to the members' dedication to serving their community and spreading love and compassion. Benardo explains, "It was another event designed to introduce ourselves to our neighbors,

creating a friendly event and making connections."

The church continues to work on creating a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment where refugees can come together to worship, find fellowship, and receive practical assistance. The church is committed to serving Christ and spreading the joy of His gift throughout the community. Despite its challenges, the church has been encouraged by its initial successes in serving the refugee community. Benardo continues, "Our long-term goal is to open a church plant dedicated to this community. We are committed to serving Christ, spreading the joy of His gift, and have been encouraged by our initial successes."

Pastors Recharge at Leoni Meadows

The NCC pastors braved the snow and ice while traveling to and from Leoni Meadows for their annual pastoral retreat. Despite the odds, they made it to the retreat with high spirits and enthusiasm. Jim Lorenz, the ministerial director, noted that due to the size of the conference, which includes a vast number of pastors and stretches over a wide geographical area, it becomes challenging for pastors to develop personal relationships with each other. The retreat aimed to bridge this gap by fostering a sense of camaraderie among the pastors.

each other. Here is how a few pastors explained it:

The retreat had an exciting lineup of events, including team challenges that tested the pastors' physical and mental prowess. These challenges required the teams to work together and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. The atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter as new and old friends shared meals, participated in meetings, and indulged in fun activities. It proved to be an excellent opportunity for pastors to build lasting bonds and gain valuable insights from

Robert Fisher, pastor of the Redding church, reflected, "This event has been a great opportunity to get to know my fellow pastors."

Bob Mason, district pastor of the Scott Valley and Yreka churches, stated, "This gathering facilitated a better connection with other pastors. I got to know some I hadn't met before, and those I did know, even better."

Janeen Little, associate pastor of Lodi Fairmont church, stated, "It's so lovely to put names with faces and have real opportunities to connect. A little foretaste of heaven, and what a grand reunion that will be!"

Northern California Conference March 2024 53
“The event was geared toward connecting with our community.”
Food Pantry Director Paula Mendoza

Corona Main Spanish Church Captures Thanksgiving Spirit

Imagine looking over a crowd of 140 people, each with unique needs and faith walks, brought together by the desire for home-cooked food and fellowship. This past November, the Corona Main Spanish church hosted such an event with their Thanksgiving gathering, created to thank their neighbors. Food Pantry Director Paula Mendoza said, “The event was geared toward connecting with our community.”

This was not the first Thanksgiving community dinner or the first community activity held by the church. Corona Main Spanish church has been an active member of the community through a community resource fair. This made their mark on the community,

yet the church saw that it wasn’t meeting a core need: unity. From that revelation, the church team embarked on hosting small groups and dinners to create meaningful connections with the community.

Of the 90 members present, 60 took an active role by helping to cook, serve, clean, set up, run the sound system, or register guests. Some members opposed an event not focused on the congregation, believing the community would be disinterested in the event. The weather report was another potential obstacle, forecasting rain and winds. However, God blessed the event by providing excellent weather and doubling the numbers from last year.

As community members left that evening, they departed with a greater sense of community and a frozen turkey donated by the pantry. Many commented on the sense of belonging they found and how loved they felt to receive such focused attention. Last year's Thanksgiving paved the way for 10 baptisms, further supporting the church’s outreach efforts.

Mendoza reflected on the importance of thinking outside the box and anchoring each effort in God: “God will bring it all together and provide resources to make it work because it is not our event but His. God was the one who hand-picked all the volunteers and all those who joined and participated. We have humbly created momentum with this event, and now comes the responsibility of asking God to lead the next steps in moving forward.”

54 Pacific Union Recorder Southeastern California Conference
People begin to gather for the dinner. Attendees take home turkeys after a lovely night.

Teen FLOW Inspires Over 140 Teens to Ministry

In December 2023, Southeastern California Conference (SECC) Youth Department held its second annual Teen FLOW event at Escondido Adventist Academy. This gathering aims to provide leadership and ministry opportunities for teens within the conference. The event saw a total of 170 attendees, including Pathfinder directors, church leaders, and 140 teens.

FLOW stands for Faith, Leadership, Outreach, and Witnessing. The objective of this ministry is to offer hands-on experience in outreach and leadership training for teens. When asked about the importance of Teen FLOW for the community, Meshach Soli, SECC associate director of club ministries, emphasized that the initial inspiration was to cultivate leadership at a young age. Many teens aren't exposed to outreach, so providing them with hands-on experience at an early stage lays a foundation for a better understanding of being a witness for Christ. "Every youth is already a leader,” said Soli. “Every youth has influence, so each of them is a leader.”

The one-day event featured sermons, breakout

sessions, and an active afternoon outreach. Aren Rennacker, SECC director of youth and young adult ministries, and Taji Saleem, assistant director of youth media ministries, were two of the keynote speakers. Saleem, who is not in pastoral ministry, encouraged youth to pursue ministry in non-traditional ways by leveraging their gifts and passions as a means for effectively sharing the gospel. Additionally, the event included hands-on breakout sessions in which teens navigated obstacle courses to learn about faithbuilding puzzles as a group, highlighting perseverance and teamwork. In the afternoon, they had the opportunity to visit various homes and communities in Escondido, collecting non-perishable and canned goods to donate to Interfaith Outreach, their partnering organization. This engagement allowed the youth not only to hear about the impact of ministry but also to experience it firsthand.

Through Teen FLOW, SECC continues to pursue avenues of growth and empowerment for the youth. As this ministry is in its early stages, there are high hopes for the future. One aspiration is to eventually organize a Teen FLOW short-term overseas mission trip.

Southeastern California Conference March 2024 55
Taji Saleem encourages teens to take a non-traditional approach to ministry. A pair of attendees work together in a hands-on breakout session.

Men's Ministry Triumphs with “Courage” at Valley Church

In October 2023, the men’s ministry of Valley church, also known as MOVE (Men of Valley Engage), organized their first Men's Week of Prayer. The theme of the week was “Courage.”

The men, with the guidance of MOVE director Trevor Conner, took it upon themselves to create and carry out a special prayer line preceding the week of prayer. This prayer line strove to let the Holy Spirit lead, guide, and direct the men of MOVE. “It was astounding and a blessing to hear the men sing from their heart,” said Paulette Jumalon, a guest musician. What was planned as a traditional week of prayer turned out to be an exhilarating outreach opportunity, resulting in other men expressing interest in joining MOVE. “It was an awe-inspiring week,” said Alfonso Small, a MOVE member.

The week of prayer featured distinguished guest speaker Dan Smith, retired pastor. During the week, Smith inspired and reached church members and nonmembers alike. One Valley member discharged from the hospital was motivated to come directly to the prayer service. She expressed how thankful she was that there was a weekday service, and she was thoroughly blessed by Smith's message. In addition

to Smith’s services, the attendees also participated in afternoon potlucks. At the final Sabbath afternoon potluck, “several individuals expressed interest in joining the [church],” said Eric Penick, pastor of Valley church.

MOVE’s main purpose is to use service as a vehicle to bring men into a union of brotherhood that fosters an intimate relationship with God, their families, and each other.

On one occasion, MOVE provided a cleanup service for Harold Aronson, a member of the community who lost his wife. Grateful and inspired, he began attending church.

On another occasion, the men helped Phyllis Kunkel, a fellow member of Valley, by visiting her home and providing cleanup services. She was given roses in appreciation of giving MOVE the opportunity for service. The overall attitude of MOVE is the more service we provide, the more we are blessed. Jesus Himself said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. We hope this may reach other men and inspire them to MOVE!

“It was astounding and a blessing to hear the men sing from their heart.”
Paulette Jumalon
56 Pacific Union Recorder Southeastern California Conference
LEFT: MOVE members help clean up a yard in the community. RIGHT: MOVE members present Kunkel with flowers after cleaning up her yard.

LEFT: King hosts CALLED conference.

BELOW: King installs new pastor at Kansas Avenue church.

Andrea King Elected as Vice President of Black Ministries

On January 25, 2024, the Southeastern California Conference (SECC) Executive Committee elected Andrea King as the Vice President of Black Ministries. King is stepping into the role vacated by Robert Edwards, who transitioned to Oakwood University. She is the first woman to serve as an ethnic vice president in this conference.

Like many women pastors, not only did King not want to become a pastor, she believed that she couldn’t. She tried to ignore God’s calling to ministry. “I wanted to become a news reporter,” King recalled. Although she pursued a degree in media and communication, the journey proved difficult. God continued to work on King with His PDA—Public Displays of Aggression, she joked. As a student at Oakwood, King remembers walking by a service and overhearing the preacher say, “You are not doing what God called you to do, and the devil

keeps telling you that you don’t have to because you are a woman.” Another time, a preacher pointed at her exclaiming, “You have aborted your mission!”

After countless prayers, studies, and fasts, King finally answered God’s calling. “Although the library books said women ministers were sinning and were hell-bound, the only peace I had came when I finally said yes to the mission and ministry,” she said.

Little did she know, this would be the first of many times God called King into uncharted waters. In 2005, King was ordained-commissioned. In 2012, she was ordained, making her the first Black woman pastor to be ordained in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. King served over 20 years as a pastor in SECC at 31st Street church, Maranatha church, Valley Fellowship, Imani Praise Fellowship, and 16th Street church. “I truly loved pastoring,” she said. In 2021, she was appointed as SECC director of communication and media, bringing her back full circle. "That was short-lived, God!” reflected King on the brevity of that assignment.

But her ministry in SECC is far from short-lived, and she is just getting started. “I want to listen to my pastors and congregations to learn what’s really needed,” said King. “I want to see how our unique mix of gifts can further the expansion of God’s kingdom.” Although she holds a wealth of knowledge and experience, King maintains prayer as her top qualification for the job. “Even if I can’t do anything else, prayer is my superpower.” We look forward to what God has in store as King embarks on this new position with the support of her husband, Kurt, and two children, Lauryn and Jonathan.

Southeastern California Conference March 2024 57

God’s Closet: The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Ineeded clothes and you clothed me.” Inspired by the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:36 (NIV), the God’s Closet ministry provides free clothing to families in need. Started 15 years ago, its impact has grown to 49 active locations today.

Three Southern California Conference (SCC) churches hosted God’s Closet ministries on their campuses in 2023: Berean, Pasadena, and Sunland-Tujunga churches. God’s Closet chapters collect gently used children’s clothing throughout the year and host free shop days three to four times per year. On each shop day, hundreds of children are served.

Families come from near and far. Clothing is available for children of all ages, and the churches also offer socks, diapers, toiletries, and more. But the ministry goes beyond physical needs—shoppers also receive Christian literature and personal prayer. Some even request Bible studies.

Daphne Morgan, Berean church urban ministries leader and Sabbath School superintendent, remembers one young lady who was experiencing job loss when she visited God’s Closet. “She was able to get clothes for herself and her children and her parents because she was out of work,” Morgan shared.

End of summer is a key time for God’s Closet shoppers: the school year is about to start. “I remember more than one shopper brought nearly to tears expressing how their child was begging for new clothes for school that they couldn't afford, and our event allowed them to be a hero to their child,” said Susan Armstrong, God’s Closet – Tujunga acting director. “It was priceless to them.”

Many God’s Closet chapters cultivate valuable partnerships with organizations that provide diapers, clothing, and more. “One mom called asking if we had

a stroller, and at that time we did not have one,” said God’s Closet – Pasadena leader Lily Cirstoiu. “But we got donations from a company, including three brand new umbrella strollers that we did not request. I believe it was a Godsent gift for this family.”

The shop day events are much larger than just the church that’s hosting—nearby churches and community members also join in as volunteers or bring donations.

“It’s a huge blessing for the churches that participate,” James G. Lee Jr., SCC executive vice president and Adventist Community Services director, said. “It’s a blessing to parents—many of whom are single parents or have limited income. It’s a wonderful thing, and I would encourage other churches to participate in this ministry.”

Any church can start a God’s Closet ministry by visiting

LEFT: John Aitken II, pastor of the Living Stones and Sunland-Tujunga churches, offers a prayer over the shoppers. RIGHT: Volunteer Melissa helps a family register.
58 Pacific Union Recorder Southern California Conference
PHOTO: GOD’S CLOSET – PASADENA FACEBOOK PAGE RIGHT: A family looks through the miscellaneous items available with the help of a volunteer. FAR RIGHT: Volunteer Agnes shows one of the clothing items. PHOTO: GOD’S CLOSET – LOS ANGELES FACEBOOK PAGE PHOTO: LAUREN LACSON PHOTO: MICHELLE NOLAND

Day of Prayer Invites Members to Experience the Holy Spirit at Work

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20, NIV).

“When we gather to pray, Jesus is with us,” noted John H. Cress, Southern California Conference (SCC) executive secretary.

This January, for the first time since 2020, members from across the SCC territory gathered at the Hollywood church for the annual day of prayer. The theme was taken from Revelation 22:17: “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (NKJV).

At this year’s day of prayer, Celine Musaza, member at the Rolling Hills church, had a meaningful experience. “I had a special encounter with Him in a way I have not experienced before,” Musaza shared. “It was time for prayer of confession. When I knelt down, I wasn’t thinking much beyond just praying like any other times. After I closed my eyes, I remember thinking to myself, ‘What is a confession prayer, and what am I confessing?’”

“Immediately after that thought, I saw a vivid panoramic view of some elements of my Christian life,” she continued. “Episodes of pride, self-righteous efforts, all the good works in vain glory. I felt empty. In that moment, I realized that my confession is that I haven’t been allowing God to take control, that I needed to let Him take the lead in my life. I praise God for allowing me to have this experience.”

“Our day of prayer is an effective and powerful way to intercede for each other and our world,” Cress said. “It is an essential part of SCC’s start to the new year—to cast all our cares on God, who cares for us (1 Peter 5:7), and to pray with expectation of what God has planned for us. As King David wrote, ‘I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray’ (Psalm 17:6, NLT).”

ABOVE LEFT: James G. Lee Jr., SCC executive vice president, calls on participants to connect to God in anticipation of Jesus’ soon return. LEFT: SCC President Velino A. Salazar prays at the event. RIGHT: The praise team leads a powerful time of worship in song.
Southern California Conference March 2024 59
Attendees gather throughout the program for seasons of prayer. PHOTOS: LAUREN LACSON


More Than 100 Children Attend Kids Worship at Vallejo Drive Church

Vallejo Drive church revived its Kids Worship service in January, a cherished event that occurred twice in the past before the onset of the covid pandemic. As more members are returning to in-person worship services, the desire for this special children’s program resurfaced among the congregation.

Though the service was catered to children, Jonathan Henderson, senior pastor, wanted to ensure that adults in attendance also benefited from the integrated worship service. During the worship service, children were invited to sit on carpet laid out in front of the stage. From there, they enjoyed a skit, puppet show, special music—including the children’s bell choir and Glendale Adventist Academy fifth-grade choir—and the sermon. In his message, entitled “Bearable,” Henderson dissected the difficult and often misunderstood story of Elisha and the bear attack found in 2 Kings and explored its application to both kids and adults.

“We have to understand when we read Scripture, there are times when prophets get it wrong,” said Henderson. “There are times when we as parents get it wrong. God is calling us to be better. He has charged us with sharing the love of God with our children.”

After the service, the fun continued. Volunteers pulled out all the stops with a balloon artist, a face painting station, popcorn, ice cream, a chance to hang out with Kid the mascot, and more.

“I’m just blessed that God gave me the opportunity, at 52, to be doing this,” said Audrey Zorek, Vallejo Drive children’s ministry director. Zorek’s passion for kids came from his own childhood memories of watching how his parents were involved in church. When he had

kids of his own, he set the same example for them. “Because of that, I felt like I belonged to the church. Now, I feel the need to contribute with the kids and help them feel the same. Hopefully when they’re 52, they’ll also be active in the church, helping other kids.”

The appreciation for the littlest ones in the congregation was felt by all in attendance. Zorek and his team hope to have Kids Worship quarterly moving forward and to join with other churches in the future.

“It was good, and we need to do it again,” Zorek said. “We’re always looking to see how we can improve on what we did to keep reaching the kids.”

Some members of Vallejo Drive’s youth group, Teens4Christ, participate in Kids Worship by performing a skit about different ways we can shine Jesus’ light.
60 Pacific Union Recorder Southern California Conference
PHOTOS: ARAYA MOSS RIGHT: Kid the mascot poses with children of all ages—even a newborn! RIGHT: Glendale Adventist Academy fifth-graders provided special music with songs “Agnus Dei” and “Revelation 19.”

“Together, We Will Go”

Hispanic Region Year of Evangelism Inspires

In January, 450 pastors and lay members from the Southern California Conference (SCC) Hispanic Region met at White Memorial church to receive plans for the region’s upcoming year of evangelism.

“The main objective was to motivate laity ministries to work together for better development of the field and aim for a greater reach,” said Juan Osorio, SCC Hispanic Region director. “Under the motto ‘Together, We Will Go’ (Juntos Iremos), adapted from the General Conference (GC) Total Member Involvement initiative, we aim to fulfill the mission given to the disciples.”

will work together for campaigns on a larger scale. Participants will meet again in November to mark the culmination of this year of evangelism and share how God has worked.

The meeting focused on this mission to spread the gospel. Guest speakers Ramón Canals, GC Ministerial Association secretary; Robert Costa, associate ministerial secretary, GC evangelist; and Yohalmo Saravia, Southeastern California Conference vice president of Hispanic Ministries, emphasized three aspects of the mission: grow, retain, and rescue.

The evangelism plan presented will be executed in two cycles. The first will take place with each church involved. The second cycle will take place at the zone, or metropolitan, level, in which different churches

While region-wide evangelism campaigns are not new for the Hispanic region, the implementation of this two-cycle method was designed to streamline the efforts of all participating churches with a cohesive approach toward shared mission and purpose. With this plan in place, Osorio hopes to encourage the missionary spirit in the Hispanic Region.

“We pray for more fervent workers in the missionary field and that we may fulfill His entrusted mission,” said Osorio. “May God bless and guide SCC in this noble purpose in the service of our Lord.”

From left to right: Canals, Saravia, and Costa speak on the topics grow, retain, and rescue.
Southern California Conference March 2024 61
About 450 lay members and pastors were in attendance. PHOTOS: ISAAC BLANCO PHOTOS: ISAAC BLANCO PHOTO: EMMANUEL OLGUÍN


Central California Conference

Mountain View Academy Alumni Weekend, April

12-13, 2024. Class of 1974 50th-year reunion. Friday,


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The Pacific Union Recorder is published 12 times per year with a circulation of approximately 75,000. For more information about advertising, please email to recorder@

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These are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier. April: February 29 • May: April 4


The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and healthcare institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See

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The Pacific Union Recorder is provided as a free service to members of the conferences that are part of the Pacific Union Conference (Arizona, Hawaii, Northern California, Central California, Southern California, Southeastern California, and Nevada-Utah). Each conference maintains the list of members, based on the reports from their churches. If you would like to make a change to your subscription (name, address, cancellation), please contact your local conference. The staff of the Recorder does not have access to the circulation lists, other than the paid subscriptions.

April 12: light supper at 6:00 p.m., followed by vespers at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, April 13: registration at 9:00 a.m., continental breakfast will be provided; main program begins at 9:45 a.m. Guest speaker, Sivasa Laupati, class of 1999.

Pacific Union College

Angwin to Angwish (May 5). Set in the richly forested trails of Napa Valley’s Pacific Union College, Angwin to Angwish is a trail run offering incredible natural scenery and challenging courses. The trail run, taking place on Sunday, May 5th, offers three different distances: 1-mile kids run, 10k, and 26k. All distances are challenging, but it’s a fun event for runners of all ages. The cost for the 26k is $95, $70 for the 10k, and $20 for the 1-mile kids run with no price change. The proceeds from this event will go to benefit PUC Athletics. For more information, visit

Pacific Union College Orchestra Concert (May 12).

Directed by Rachelle Berthelsen Davis, PUC Orchestra presents its spring concert on Sunday, May 12, at 7 p.m. in Paulin Recital Hall on the campus of Pacific Union College. Admission is free and all are welcome.

Gallery Opening—Senior Thesis & Annual Student Exhibition (May 18). Come view the Senior Thesis and Annual Student Exhibition at the Rasmussen Art Gallery at Pacific Union College. The gallery is open from 2-6 p.m. Thursday to Sunday and is available until June 16.

PacificQuest (June 23-28). PUC will host a weeklong college early summer program held on the campus for students who are interested in STEM, aviation, film, and music. These four camps give students the opportunity to explore college and careers early. Students who complete the program earn one unit of college credit.

PQ Rise (June 30 - July 5). This weeklong college early summer program will be held at PUC’s Albion Field Station for students who want to explore marine science and art while experiencing college and careers early. Students will participate in daily academic programming, recreational opportunities, and evening activities. Students who complete the program earn one unit of college credit.

Connect Ministries is a group of Pacific Union College students passionate about Jesus and sharing through music and worship. The bilingual team leads worship services, retreats, youth events, and any programs where they can inspire other young people to become worship leaders. Any school or church interested in having them visit, please visit

Subscribe to PUC Now Newsletter. Stay up to date with Pacific Union College by subscribing to their monthly newsletter at From campus

62 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

stories and alumni features to student interviews, you’ll be in the know with PUC Now.

Southeastern California Conference

El Cajon SDA Christian School will be celebrating their 100th anniversary on Sabbath, April 6, 2024. All alumni, staff, and students are invited to attend this special event. There will be a very special church service starting at 11 a.m., with a catered lunch following the church service. The church address is 1640 E. Madison Ave., El Cajon, CA 92019. The school will be open for alumni to look at old annuals, visit with old friends, and make new ones. For more information, please call Wilma Standley at the school at 619-442-6544 or email Carol Benton, school board chair, at Carol.Benton42@ We look forward to seeing you there!

La Sierra Academy Alumni Homecoming will be held April 26-28, 2024. Honored classes are from 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 and 2024. Many activities are planned. Please check our website or call 951-351-1445 for more information.

Southern California Conference

Los Angeles Adventist Academy 16th Annual Homecoming (March 8-10). Save the date for Los Angeles Adventist Academy Alumni Association’s 16th annual homecoming event, “Rebuilding for the Next Generation.” Los Angeles Adventist Academy, 846 E. El Segundo Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90059. Visit our website: for more information.

Southern California Conference Week of Spiritual Encouragement (March 9-16) 7:00 p.m. Join us for our next conference-wide virtual week of spiritual encouragement as we look at the biblical meaning of unity and learn together what it means to live in unity. Theme: “To Be One.” Each night you’ll hear messages on different aspects of unity, followed by in-depth panel discussions. You don’t want to miss this, live on Facebook and YouTube @SCCAdventists.

Classified Employment

Holbrook Indian School is currently in need of a Maintenance Associate and an Assistant Girls' Dean. These are paid positions. In addition, there is an opening for a volunteer married couple to fill the role of House Deans in an off-campus housing capacity at the Eagle's Nest. If you or someone you know are mission-minded and would like to serve Native American children, please see or share our jobs page at

Pacific Union College is seeking faculty positions for

the 2023-2024 academic year in the area of History. Major duties include the responsibilities of assessment, planning, development, and implementation of classroom experiences and course objectives. We desire those who will be committed to a collaborative working environment, as well as those who possess dedication in furthering the goals of excellence in student success and critical thinking skills. Most importantly, we desire those interested in bringing students closer to Christ by nurturing the whole person and embracing concepts for lifelong learning. If you are interested, please contact Human Resources at or call 707-965-6231.

Located in the Napa Valley, Pacific Union College is one of the most beautiful campuses in the United States, with views of mountains, vast forests, sunshine, and temperate summers and winters. The college's mission is to learn with purpose, rise in faith, and serve with love. Employees work in a tight-knit and faithcentered community that supports and encourages one another. If you enjoy working in a collaborative and caring atmosphere, you belong at PUC. We offer generous employee benefits, including tuition subsidies, housing assistance, medical, dental, vision, moving expenses, and retirement contributions.

Room/Work Exchange offer in SoCal for female. Busy professional needs your help with 15 hours of housekeeping/week in exchange for rent. Located 2 hrs drive from LLU. Must be able-bodied, English speaking, SDA, and not allergic to my cat. Background check and interview. More info:

Evangelism Projects Coordinator needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to assist in developing and implementing and reporting for various mission projects. This is a full-time (32 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, CA, with potential for international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Marketing Director needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to plan and direct successful fundraising and marketing through a variety of methods. This is a full-time (38 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, CA, and includes some national and international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Andrews University seeks candidates for a full-time, tenure-track Ph.D. biochemistry faculty position for our ACS-approved program, starting July 2024. Duties: mentor undergraduate students to excellence in faithreflective professionalism; teach biochemistry and chemistry courses and labs; champion undergraduate research; promote an all-inclusive, equitable learning environment. For more information, email: chemistry@

Jesus 101 is looking for a Production Department

Community & Marketplace I March 2024 63

Assistant to assist with editing, production, and media department needs. This is a full-time (38 hours per week), in-office position located in Riverside, CA. Position includes generous employee benefits. For more information or to apply, visit: https://www.

Retired couple seeking an estate management/caretaking opportunity. He: 30 years attorney/commercial real estate trust manager, Navy veteran, and California Highway Patrol. She: 37 years pediatric registered nurse (current licenses in Indiana and California). Oversight of estate and related vendors, plant-based chef, driver, care for homebound person, child, pet, or plants, etc. Looking for long-term situation (greater than 1 year) and separate housing onsite. Compensation based on duties assigned. References available. Bondable. email:

Real Estate

PUC Commercial Space for Rent. Pacific Union College has commercial real estate space available for lease. The spaces are in various sizes and functionality and are available for inquiries. For additional information, please email Sam Heier at

Tennessee country living. Private 3/2, 2330+sf, large master bedroom, bathroom, walk-in closet, additional gaming/family room, currently being remodeled. Almost 5 acres, paths through woods, around pond, 2 small streams, 2 outbuildings, 20x20 workshop, on city water,

has additional well. Located outside of Dunlap, 56 min. from Southern. Active churches in the area, ptnbear@

For Sale

Retiring SDA optometrist in NW CA selling a very profitable practice. There are no other optometry, ophthalmology, or optician practices in this city or county. Local Adventist church and K-8 school. The office is 5 blocks from an amazing coastline with surrounding beautiful forests, beaches, and rivers. 1250 sq. ft. office with a wonderful staff. If interested, please contact

Outpatient Physical Therapy and Aquatic Therapy

in the foothills above Sacramento, CA. Turn-key practice, in business for over 30 years. Great referral base and solid practice. Lots of potential for growth. Great opportunity for someone wanting to establish a medical mission outpost or wellness center as well. 5400-sq-ft facility. $450,000. Flexible options to the right party. Contact or leave message at 209-304-7455.

Dental practice for sale in Siskiyou County, CA. Profitable practice, 4 ops, practice refers out ortho, endo, and some oral surgery. Great study club and specialists to refer to. Get out of the city and come to God's country, a 4-season area filled with hiking, mt. biking, skiing, and water sports. If interested, please contact

Vacation Opportunities

Travel on a faith-based tour to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Rome, or Vietnam on a special cultural discovery tour with Dr. Carl Cosaert, New Testament professor at Walla Walla University. To learn more about these inspirational tours that renew your faith, visit www. or email

Explore Armenia and Georgia this September with Dr. Carl Cosaert, dean of the School of Theology at Walla Walla University. Discover enchanting towns, historic churches, and breathtaking views in countries boasting a profound Christian legacy of nearly two millennia. Visit or email for more information.

Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens, one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations, call: 541-279-9553, or email:

Angwin home. Five-bedroom, three-bathroom vacation home 2 miles from PUC. Fully furnished, large kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, piano, high-

64 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

speed internet, vineyard views, WiFi, washer and dryer, BBQ, sleeps 10. Call for rates, photos, and reservations: 415-539-7980 or email

Footsteps of Paul in Greece! Begin your biblical journey in the north where Paul landed and travel south to Athens, visiting countless spots throughout. Cruise to four Greek islands and Ephesus. Info at or George Dialectakis, 860402-2247.

Bulletin Board

Help the Lord’s ministry of healing in Micronesia by donating your car, boat, bike, RV, or truck. All proceeds help provide free medical services to the island peoples of Micronesia. Canvasback Missions, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, has been serving since 1986. For more info: 707-746-7828.

San Fernando Valley Academy (preschool-12th grade), located in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Northridge in the San Fernando Valley, is still accepting students for the 2023-2024 school year. The over 100 students and their teachers are a large family who care about each other and want each other to succeed. In the high school, teachers have also been professionals in their credentialed teaching fields. The elementary teachers are highly experienced with years of childhood development training, so you know that you are getting qualified instruction from top to bottom. Please visit our website: or give us a call at 818-349-1373 to schedule a visit. We look forward to meeting you.

editing, design, marketing, and worldwide distribution. Call 800-367-1844 for a free evaluation.

Free Sharing Cards. LifeTalk Radio has beautiful free sharing cards for all occasions with encouraging messages like “God Loves You” and “You Matter to God” plus Scripture cards. Share hope and love with others. Order cards at:

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Gard, Sarah Jean (Geraty) – b. May 17, 1923, San Francisco, CA; d. Dec. 31, 2023, Redlands CA. Survivors: sons, Kenneth, Brian; daughter, Carolyn Waldron; one granddaughter. Jean and her husband, Ken, served at IleIfe Hospital in Nigeria from 1959-1961.

Gentry, Richard – b. Sept. 27, 1926; d. Oct. 12, 2022, Barstow, CA. Survivors: sons, Steve Sauerwein, Stan Sauerwein; three grandchildren; two great-grandchildren.

Gilbert, Linda May – b. March 27, 1938, Sacramento, CA; d. April 26, 2023, Elk Grove, CA. Survivors: son, Keith Lucas; daughters, Crystal Lucas, Denise Cathey; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. For many years, Linda was the person who sent cards from the church to members for birthdays, weddings, sympathy, and graduations.

Jones, Laurel Anne (Pat) – b. Aug. 12, 1927, Los Angeles, CA; d. Dec. 31, 2023, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: daughters, Laurel Munson, Allison Field, Julianne Hardy; seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren.

Kidder, Melissa – b. March 16, 1964, Niles, MI; d. Jan. 11, 2024. Survivors: husband, Larry Kidder; son, Scott; daughter, Katie; sibling, Minnie; parents, Eloy and Jeannie.

Community & Marketplace I March 2024 65

McCormick, Marie Lorell – b. Oct. 31, 1935, Provo, UT; d. June 9, 2023, Placerville, CA. Survivors: sons, Wayne, Terry; daughters, Karen Oliver, Lynn Larsen; seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren.

Mohr, Salma Irene – b. June 27, 1918, SD; d. Jan. 4, 2024, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: son, Teddric Mohr; daughter, Jo Anna Codington; four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren.

Nordman, Daniel – b. Nov. 3, 1928, Chicago IL; d. Aug. 5, 2023, Folsom, CA. Survivors: daughter, Kathryn Billingsley; son, Randall Nordman; five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Dan was active in church music. He played the steel guitar and trumpet and sang for the church choir for many years.

Nordman, Lora – b. Sept. 20, 1929, Sacramento, CA; d. July 16, 2023, Folsom, CA. Survivors: daughter, Kathryn Billingsley; son, Randall Nordman; twin sister, Lois Green; five grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Lora was active in the social activities of the church. She made greeting cards to send to church members on special occasions.

Perry, Robert – b. Nov. 1, 1943, Rulison, CO; d. Dec. 23,

March 2024 Sunset Calendar

2023. Survivors: wife, Donna Perry; son, Matthew Perry; five grandchildren.

Quillen Metcalf, Patricia – b. Sept. 2, 1929; d. Oct. 5, 2020. Survivors: daughter, Melinda Metcalf Knoll; son, Bud Metcalf; sister, Linda Quillen; one granddaughter. Patricia volunteered on many weekends, donating flower arrangements to local church members and residents of local nursing homes. She delivered her flowers with a cheerful smile and usually stayed for a friendly chat. In 2003, Pat received a "Woman of Distinction Award" from her church and the Northern California Conference for her contribution to Outreach Ministries.

Siwik, Laura – b. Oct. 22, 1928, Freeman Spur, IL; d. Sept. 20, 2022, Roseville, CA. Survivors: son, Barry Schneidewind; daughters, Karen Schneidewind, Nancy Schneidewind, Lisa Crawford; two grandchildren; one great-grandchild.

Snyder, Dixie L. – b. Nov. 19, 1934, Hanford, CA; d. Dec. 21, 2022, Dayton, NV. Survivors: daughter, Lisa Bryant; three grandsons; four great-granddaughters. Dixie served for many years in the Youth Division at the Camino church and helped with Dorcas.

April 2024 Sunset Calendar

66 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace “So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9
City/Location APR 5 APR 12 APR 19 APR 26 Alturas (Modoc Cty.) 7:33 7:40 7:48 7:56 Angwin 7:37 7:44 7:50 7:57 Bakersfield 7:21 7:27 7:32 7:38 Calexico 7:05 7:10 7:15 7:20 Chico 7:36 7:43 7:50 7:57 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 7:13 7:19 7:25 7:31 Eureka 7:46 7:53 8:01 8:08 Four Corners [E] 7:42 7:48 7:55 8:01 Fresno 7:25 7:31 7:37 7:43 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 6:54 7:00 7:06 7:12 Half Dome 7:25 7:31 7:38 7:44 Hilo 6:35 6:37 6:39 6:42 Holbrook (Navajo City) 6:46 6:51 6:57 7:03 Honolulu 6:47 6:50 6:52 6:55 Joshua Tree 7:09 7:15 7:20 7:25 Lake Tahoe 7:28 7:34 7:41 7:48 Las Vegas 7:06 7:12 7:18 7:24 Lodi-Stockton 7:32 7:39 7:45 7:52 Loma Linda 7:13 7:18 7:24 7:29 Los Angeles 7:17 7:22 7:28 7:33 McDermitt [N] 7:21 7:29 7:37 7:44 Moab 7:46 7:52 7:59 8:05 Monterey Bay 7:33 7:39 7:45 7:52 Mt. Whitney 7:12 7:17 7:22 7:27 Napa 7:36 7:43 7:49 7:56 Nogales [S] (Los) 6:46 6:51 6:56 7:01 Oakland 7:36 7:42 7:49 7:55 Paradise, CA 7:35 7:42 7:49 7:56 Phoenix 6:52 6:57 7:02 7:07 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 6:39 6:40 6:43 6:45 Reno 6:38 6:40 6:42 6:45 Riverside 7:13 7:19 7:24 7:29 Sacramento 7:33 7:40 7:47 7:53 Salt Lake City 7:57 8:04 8:11 8:19 San Diego 7:12 7:17 7:22 7:27 San Francisco 7:36 7:43 7:49 7:56 San Jose 7:34 7:40 7:46 7:53 Santa Rosa 7:38 7:45 7:51 7:58 Sunset Beach 7:33 7:39 7:46 7:52 Thousand Oaks 7:19 7:25 7:30 7:36 Tucson 6:46 6:51 6:56 7:01 [N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union !
“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9 !
City/Location MAR 1 MAR 8 MAR 15 MAR 22 MAR 29 Alturas (Modoc Cty.) 5:54 6:02 7:10 7:18 7:25 Angwin 6:03 6:10 7:17 7:24 7:30 Bakersfield 5:52 5:58 7:04 7:10 7:15 Calexico 5:39 5:45 6:50 6:55 7:00 Chico 6:00 6:07 7:14 7:22 7:29 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 5:42 5:49 6:55 7:01 7:07 Eureka 6:08 6:16 7:24 7:30 7:36 Four Corners [E] 6:10 6:17 7:24 7:31 7:39 Fresno 5:54 6:00 7:07 7:13 7:19 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 6:24 6:30 6:36 6:42 6:48 Half Dome 5:52 5:59 7:05 7:12 7:18 Hilo 6:25 6:28 6:30 6:32 6:33 Holbrook (Navajo City) 6:34 6:40 6:46 6:52 6:57 Honolulu 6:36 6:38 6:41 6:43 6:45 Joshua Tree 5:42 5:47 6:53 6:58 7:04 Lake Tahoe 5:53 6:00 7:07 7:14 7:21 Las Vegas 5:36 5:42 6:48 6:54 7:00 Lodi-Stockton 5:59 6:06 7:12 7:19 7:26 Loma Linda 5:45 5:51 6:57 7:02 7:08 Los Angeles 5:49 5:55 7:01 7:06 7:12 McDermitt [N] 5:41 5:50 6:58 7:06 7:13 Moab 6:11 6:18 7:25 7:32 7:39 Monterey Bay 6:02 6:09 7:15 7:21 7:27 Mt. Whitney 5:46 5:51 6:57 7:02 7:07 Napa 6:03 6:10 7:16 7:23 7:30 Nogales [S] (Los) 5:55 6:03 7:10 7:17 7:24 Oakland 6:03 6:10 7:16 7:23 7:30 Paradise, CA 5:59 6:06 7:14 7:21 7:28 Phoenix 6:25 6:31 6:36 6:41 6:47 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 6:27 6:29 6:31 6:33 6:35 Reno 5:52 5:59 7:06 7:13 7:20 Riverside 5:46 5:52 6:57 7:03 7:08 Sacramento 5:59 6:06 7:13 7:20 7:27 Salt Lake City 6:19 6:27 7:35 7:42 7:49 San Diego 5:46 5:51 6:57 7:02 7:07 San Francisco 6:03 6:10 7:17 7:24 7:30 San Jose 6:02 6:08 7:15 7:21 7:28 Santa Rosa 6:04 6:11 7:18 7:25 7:31 Sunset Beach 6:02 6:08 7:15 7:21 7:27 Thousand Oaks 5:52 5:58 7:03 7:09 7:14 Tucson 6:21 6:27 6:32 6:37 6:41 [N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union

Summers, Joan – b. Oct. 4, 1930, Washington, PA; d. Jan. 6, 2024, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: daughters, Barbara Ford, Linda Dayen; four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren.

Timple, Lettie – b. Oct. 15 ,1946, Caloocan City, Philippines; d. Jan. 11, 2024, Redlands, CA. Survivors: husband, Edwin Timple; daughters, Lewy, Fay, Cathy; six grandchildren.

Vander Mei, Lola – b. Oct. 15, 1928, Los Angeles, CA; d. Jan. 22, 2024, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: daughters, Lynnette McDermott, Kathy Vander Mei, Robin Vander Mei-Roos; nine grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren.

Walker, Edwin Alan – b. April 26, 1931, Edinburg, TX; d. July 18, 2023, Lake Havasu City, AZ. Survivors: son, Gregory Walker; daughter, Sheri Cortez; brother,


We hope to see you!

60 year, 50 year, 40 year, 30 year, 25 year, 20 year, and 10 year. We are also celebrating the class before and after the honored class: ’55–’54 –’56, ’63–’64 –’65, ’73–’74 –’75, ’83–’84 –’85, ’93–’94 –’95, ’98–’99 –’00, ’03–’04 –’05, ’13–’14 –’15

Donald R. Walker; two grandsons; multiple nieces and nephews. Alan was involved in construction around LLU for many years, including lifting the beams into place for the University church, prepping the foundation for the cloverleaf medical center, and digging the sub-basement for the Proton Accelerator.

Walker, Mary Ellen (Feikes) – b. Dec. 23, 1935, Taloga, OK; d. April 7, 2023, Lake Havasu City, AZ. Survivors: son, Gregory; daughter, Sheri Cortez; two grandsons; multiple nieces and nephews.

Wiechmann, Christel Irmgard Fuhr – b. Dec. 25, 1931, Schwadenfeld, Germany; d. Jan. 11, 2024, Camino, CA. Survivors: son, Ralph Wiechmann; daughter, Karen Wiechmann; three granddaughters. Christel helped in children's divisions and social and flower committees for many years.

Community & Marketplace I March 2024 67
APRIL 19-20
P.O. Box 5005 Thousand Oaks CA, 91359-5005

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