Pacific Union Recorder—July 2018

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Following Christ into the City PAGE 6

In the Word: The Practice of Justice PAGE 12

Recorder What’s inside PACIFIC UNION

Publisher Ray Tetz Editor Alberto Valenzuela Copy Editor Julie Lorenz Design/Layout Stephanie Leal • Alberto Valenzuela Printing Pacific Press Publishing Association The Recorder is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENTS Adventist Health 916-781-4756 Jenni Glass • Arizona 480-991-6777 Phil Draper • Central California 559-347-3000 Cindy Chamberlin • Hawaii 808-595-7591 Miki Akeo-Nelson • La Sierra University 951-785-2000 Darla Tucker •


Justice, Mercy, and Humility


Following Christ into the City


Christlike Service


Doing Justice for the Victims of Harassment


The Practice of Justice


The Ox in the Ditch


La Sierra University


Arizona Conference




Central California Conference


Nevada-Utah Conference


Southeastern California Conference


Adventist Health

37 Pacific Union College 38

Southern Californai Conference


Hawaii Conference


Northen California Conference


Loma Linda University Health


Community & Marketplace


Sunset Calendar

Loma Linda 909-651-5925 Ansel Oliver • Nevada-Utah 775-322-6929 Faith Hoyt • Northern California 925-685-4300 Stephanie Leal • Pacific Union College 707-965-6202 Larissa Church •


J U L Y 2 018

Southeastern California 951-509-2200 Enno Müller • Southern California 818-546-8400 Lauren Armstrong • Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381), Volume 118, Number 7, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and is published monthly. Editorial office is at 2686 Townsgate Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91361: 805-497-9457. Periodical postage paid at Thousand Oaks, CA, and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $16 per year in U.S.; $20 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $2. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.


Elder Ricardo Graham, president of the Pacific Union Conference, begins an important three-part series on the seminal words of Micah 6:8.

Following Christ into the City PAGE 6

In the Word: The Practice of Justice PAGE 12

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Justice, Mercy, and Humility PART ONE

By Pastor Ricardo Graham


ike many of you, I have been reading and studying the Bible for a long, long time. During my reading and re-reading of both the Old and New Testaments, I have been inspired by many life-changing, life-challenging teachings. God speaks powerfully throughout His Word, and I continue to discover ways to listen and meditate better in order to be able to apply His inspired Word to my own life. Sometimes it appears that God has shared the same principles over and over in slightly different ways through the patriarchal history, the proclamations of His prophets, the precision of Jesus’ teachings, and the further elucidation on those themes by the New Testament writers. One of the themes that I find repeatedly presented in the Bible is the teaching on godly justice. We can find one prominent example in Micah 6:8: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” An electronic dictionary defines jus-



tice as a noun meaning just behavior or treatment; a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people; the quality of being fair and reasonable; the administration of the law or authority in maintaining justice. The Hebrew word for justice in Micah 6:8 is “mishpat from the root shaphat, ‘to judge’… To do mishpat is to order one’s life according to the ‘judgments’ of God.” In the Old Testament writings we find the idea of justice toward one’s fellow human beings emphasized repeatedly. In powerful pronouncements, the prophets who spoke for God castigated the people for their greed, cruelty, thievery, sexual sins, murder, and other evil deeds. If you read the entirety of chapter 6, the full context makes Micah’s more famous statement in verse 8 even more powerful. From reading the book of Micah, it is apparent that the people continued to do evil, even as they brought their sacrificial animals to the temple. The priests and judges—who were implicated by

the wholesale flowering of sin, evil, and depravity—seemed to be uncaring about the suffering they intentionally ignored and perhaps even caused. While we do not live in a theocratic society or even a Christian nation, those of us who have accepted Christ cannot ignore Micah’s powerful words or assume they don’t apply today. He is talking to each one of us. There is no escaping the fact that God has shown all humanity what His requirements are. Living thousands of years after the Cross, we have the life of Jesus to perfectly represent justice. “To act justly is most important, for it does not mean merely to talk about justice or to get other people to act justly. It means to do the just thing yourself.” Justice, or doing what is right for each other, is more than a powerful concept. It is a requirement, a must for the followers of God. No mistreatment of each other is countenanced with God. His high and holy thought is that we are to treat each other with justice. It is not easy for fallen people to render justice to each other—especially when we believe we have experienced an injustice ourselves. It is not within self-focused women and men to do the right thing. Selfishnessa limits us, making us incapable of consistently producing justice or doing the right thing. In my thinking, the first step towards justice is thoughtful, constant self-denial. This is a hard thing for me to write. While it is easy to make a judgment against the failure of a particular person or group of people or government to do the right thing, I am forced to vividly recall my own failure to do the right thing. We all stand condemned. Injustice can go beyond our individual shortcomings. Perhaps there have been situations in which we have been part of a group that has perpetrated injustice

against someone else. Perhaps we knew it wasn’t right (and maybe even wrong), but no one spoke up during the meeting. We may have participated in the “after-meeting,” the one in the hallway or the parking lot, and shared our thoughts about what we should have said. But somehow, something prevented us from finding our voice at the appropriate time—the time when we could have made a difference in how a sister or brother was treated. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” We cannot be silent about injustice, individually or as a group. To ignore an opportunity to support justice—the right thing—is to support injustice. God wants us to choose justice in an active way. Ellen White assures us: “The Lord will not compel men to deal justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with their God; He sets before the human agent good and evil, and makes plain what will be the sure result of following one course or the other. Christ invites us, saying, ‘Follow Me.’ But we are never forced to walk in his footsteps. If we do walk in his footsteps, it is the result of deliberate choice. As we see the life and character of Christ, strong desire is awakened to be like him in character; and we follow on to know the Lord, and to know his goings forth are prepared as the morning.” What about mercy and humility, the other two in this sacred triad? Stay tuned. n

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Following Christ into the City By Skip Bell


an a follower of Jesus maintain his or

ah 29:7, ESV). The prophet uses the Hebrew

her spirituality in one of today’s urban

word shalom in describing this intention

centers? Especially in the West, cities

of God for the captives. They were to seek

are dominated by secular culture, and life-

shalom for the foreign city and, in so doing,

styles are often anything but Christian.

experience a blessing themselves.

Actually, spirituality is alive and well in the great cities of the post-Christian world.

ies of our world today. We are to prayerfully

Spiritual ideas and dialogue still exist. It is

work for the common good of those who

organized religion that is threatened. The

gather in urban environments. God certainly

new spirituality of the western developed

has not intended for us to be transformed by

world has little regard for organized religion.

the culture of the city, but He does intend for

The challenge of Christian discipleship in

us to transform lives in the city.

urban life must not deter followers of Jesus.

The challenge is complex. It is not

The reality of Christian mission is that God

satisfied by simply taking up residence in

has called us to enter into life in the city re-

the boundaries of the urban center, though

gardless of its culture and difficulties.

that is difficult enough. We cannot respond

The biblical record of Daniel and his

faithfully to our missional call by creating

companions offers an illustration of the

enclaves isolating ourselves in an artificially

summons of God to live in a non-Christian

created foreign culture in the urban space.

culture and maintain missional witness. The

Instead, we are to change the culture in the

captive Israelites were commanded to pray

same neighborhood, workplace, or school

for Babylon and seek its welfare even though

that others move about in.

it was a city characterized by idolatry and

Transforming the culture requires

sinfulness. “But seek the welfare of the city

building relationships with people in the city

where I have sent you into exile, and pray to

center. Relationships cannot be built from

This preview is excerpted from a new book entitled Christ in the City: Six Essentials of Transformational Evangelism in the City Center, available soon from AdventSource.


God desires us to seek shalom for the cit-


the Lord on its behalf, for

a distance. Such relationships require com-

in its welfare you will find

mitment to a neighborhood, meaning that

your welfare” (Jeremi-

we live in that neighborhood. We can provide

transforming influence only when we get

post-Christian culture. Instead, we can serve

involved in the issues of the community.

as advocates for justice, for the poor and

So, just as Jesus left heaven to dwell with

abused in our culture. We can demonstrate

us, we are to move out of our protective walls

the heart of God. We can respect those who

and be with the people of our city. We must

think seriously about their worldviews while

know others, and be known, in the context of

we challenge the gods of secularity. People

the activities that form daily life. We must be

will see the difference. The Creator of all pro-

truly incarnational: living, working, learning,

vides natural revelation within every culture.

playing, and engaging in dialogue.

Thus, even the secularists in the city center

Living in the city does not mean we have abandoned our faith. We do not need to act like our secular neighbors to live happily,

will be drawn to higher purpose and meaning beyond themselves. So, the challenge is not if we can impact

to serve God, to serve our neighbor, or to be

the culture. The challenge is if we will boldly

valued in our community.

do that instead of retreating from secular

Living in the city without adopting a

culture. To focus our challenge more clear-

secular world-view requires an energetic

ly, the question is what steps we can take to

and practiced bib-

change the culture.

lical worldview. “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are

Christians may

A biblical Christian interprets what is right, just, beautiful, and good in all they do.

not of the world, just

speak from their faith to the issues impacting public life. In fact, they do so naturally if they have not isolated

as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in

themselves, and if they are not mistakenly

the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me

apologetic. “Religion that is pure and un-

into the world, so I have sent them into the

defiled before God the Father is this: to visit

world” (John 17:15–18, ESV). We are called to

orphans and widows in their affliction, and

be in the world, but not to suspend our faith

to keep oneself unstained from the world”

or to privatize faith.

(James 1:27, ESV). The love expressed by a

A Christian who lives their faith publically will impact the culture. That does not require religious programming or strategy. A

follower of Jesus should be recognized in clear contrast to the values of secular culture. Christians offer a voice glorifying God.

Christian embodies a particular worldview. If

Certainly, they demonstrate behaviors in the

they truly reflect the heart of God, that worl-

public square that represent the heart of God.

dview affects every facet of life. The impact

But they also speak to public issues. These

on culture implies they are biblically faithful

issues include marriage, sexuality, health-

rather than simply reflectors of an institu-

care, education, justice, violence, poverty,

tional religious culture. A biblical Christian

racism, and immigration. We will voice the

interprets what is right, just, beautiful, and

will of God in public life, and do so skillfully,

good in all they do. We cannot avoid having

not in a way that offends or passes judg-

influence in public life unless we hide our

ment. To avoid issues for fear of destroying

faith and withdraw from relationships with

relationships would be to deny the witness


Christ offers to humanity. But to speak with

So, living as followers of Jesus offers so-

self-centered judgment or arrogance would

ciety an alternate culture. There is little need

undermine our witness. We must learn to

for us to judge the effects of secularism in

verbalize the principles and practices of

J U LY 2018


God’s love in winsome ways. Public discourse invites relationships in which the content and ideas of Christianity are explored.

tentionally restricted to those who

cation and speaks for the welfare

share our faith whether they live in

of children. He leads in the public

our neighborhood or elsewhere.

issues of housing, poverty, health

Fear leads to separation, and

care, and art in neighborhood and

In those relationships opportuni-

in that environment faith becomes

municipal government. He serves.

ties surface in which the Scripture

private. The result is that the wit-

He does so kindly, not as a raging

can be explored as revelation of

ness of living out our Christian life

prophet who casts judgments then

God, His will, His redemption, and

in an urban context is diminished

runs to the suburb or safe walls of

His calling for transformed life.

or even lost.

the church. He lives with the people

A biblical worldview is coun-

Christ boldly lived among us.

and serves in a public manner.

tercultural. When we live in the

He still transforms culture and

city, we have the opportunity to

transforms the culture of the city

less is short of faithfulness to the

shape the city in which we live, to

today. He walks into Starbucks,

gospel commission.

lead change. Jesus calls us to live

meets friends there, and engages in

and speak for the salvation of man,

conversation. He discusses issues

city. Empowered by the Holy Spirit,

to do it persuasively, and to do it

of meaning in the office spaces of

and strengthened with daily con-

with love. We are in the city to as-

financial centers. He lunches in the

nection with Christ, those disciples

sist, to foster healthy lives, and to

civic club. He marches on city hall

who live in the city are able to ad-

lead people to Jesus—in ways that

to address issues of gun violence.

vance God’s will among the masses

honor Him.

He sits on boards of public edu-

of people who call the city home. n

Christianity is public. Anything

Christ needs disciples in the

The gospel is not private. It is intrusive because it is lived out in public. In the process of living as a disciple of Christ, life is


experienced without fear of being different. That is, a Christian simply lives as a Christian, reflecting Christian values, ethics, and relationships in the public space. Christianity is seen, heard, and is distinct without apology. It is public. Fear gets in the way of public Christianity. One such perspective on fear is the fear of not being accepted. That worry leads some Christians to privatize their faith, submerging faith in a way that avoids exposure. Another fear among urban Christians takes the form of an excessive concern for being “not of this world.” We create safe spaces in which we seek safety and security untouched by the proximity of darker influences. This fear leads us to form friendships that are in-



Genevieve White and Yadira Santana organize food bags and boxes to take to Reno’s homless. Riverview SDA Church

PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific Southwest

Christlike Service This article by E. G. White appeared in the Pacific Union Recorder on March 13, 1902


here must be a reformation in our churches in regard to evil thinking and evil speaking. These sins are stumbling-blocks over which sinners stumble to perdition. They create disturbances that never need to exist. God will not justify us in giving expression to ill feeling against those whom we think have erred. Have we ourselves never made mistakes? Have we never been in the slough of despond? God help us to remember how hard it is, when tempted by the enemy, to have our own brethren step to his side, and try to hurt and destroy. “Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price.” Every part of the being is the Lord’s, paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. We are to remember this in dealing with one another. We are to treat our fellow-workers with respect and kindness and love; for they belong to Christ. They may not always please us. What they do may not always meet our ideas. Nevertheless, we are to unite with them in Christian fellowship. Think of the importance Christ places on unity. He prayed that the oneness existing between Him and His Father might exist among His followers, that the world might know that God had indeed sent His Son into the world to save sinners. How shall this prayer be answered? By every believer putting away evil thinking

and evil speaking. The Lord desires His servants to show His forbearance in dealing with one another. Do not speak or write one word of censure or recrimination, even though it may seem to you as if the censure were deserved. Refuse to listen to complaints. Close the heart against prejudice. Let no word of evil surmising escape your lips. God is dishonored by those who accuse their brethren. Let envy be quenched in the flow of love from the fountain of God’s love. Evil imaginings are not worth the time so often given to thinking of and repeating them. Do not admit a wrong that God has not charged upon you. But do not take time to contradict the false reports that are made. Shall we destroy our fragrance of spirit because others clothe themselves with bitterness? God forbid. Is it not sufficient for us to know that God does not record these reports in the books of heaven as true? Open your heart to Christ’s forbearance. Let not a day pass in which you do not realize your accountability to work for God, an accountability placed on you by the death of His Son in your behalf. Let not a day pass on which you do not try to heal the wounds that sin has made. Always be found working on the broad plan of God’s love. We are under obligation to will to do the will of God. The Saviour is

working for us. He is our Advocate in the heavenly courts, ever making intercession for us. The cry of the one ready to perish finds swift entrance to His ear. “He shall deliver the needy when he crieth, the poor also, and him that hath no helper.” Shall we not work for Him on the lines He has marked out? Shall we not be Christlike advocates of those who err? Christ suffered, being tempted; therefore He always sympathizes with the tempted ones whom Satan is seeking to destroy. That He might be a merciful and faithful high priest, He was in all things made like those He came to help. He has compassion on the ignorant, and on those who are out of the way; for when on this earth He was compassed with infirmity. He is able to help us in our perplexities. As He works for us, let us work for one another. Let us reveal His love for our fellow-workers, acting in such a way that they will have full confidence in us. Many more than we suppose need a helping hand held out to them. There are many to whom words of compassion and sympathy would be as a cup of cold water to a thirsty soul. Are you doing Christ service by ministering to weary, discouraged fellow-beings? In love and pity Christ helps us. Shall we not impart His grace to others, by speaking to them words of hope and courage? Mrs. E. G. White J U LY 2018


Doing Justice for the Victims of Harassment By Alan J. Reinach


nce in a great while, golden op-

California was “generous” in giving workers

portunities present themselves to

a full year to file their claims.

do something that will make a real

claims, i.e., they do not arise from common

Me Too movement, all of us have just such

law but according to laws enacted by the

an opportunity. The California legislature is

state. Other statutory claims in California

laser focused on making changes in the law

may be filed within three years. The one-year

to help victims of sexual harassment. But

time limit for discrimination claims means

the laws addressing workplace harassment

that these claims are themselves “discrimi-

also protect harassment generally, including

nated” against by state law.

religious harassment. The Church State Council, the religious

Extending the statute of limitations for discrimination claims to three years brings

liberty ministry of the Pacific Union Confer-

this into line with other statutory claims,

ence, has found three bills that will be partic-

providing a reasonable time period for

ularly helpful for all victims of harassment,

workers to process the harassment they have

including our own church members faced

suffered and to obtain legal representation.

with Sabbath discrimination at work.

Workers suffering harassment or discrimina-

AB 1870 [Reyes, D.] extends the statute

tion are often traumatized by the experience

of limitations from one year to three years for

and are unable to even think of legal action

all harassment, discrimination, and retalia-

for a number of months.

tion claims. Until passage of the Civil Rights Act of


Discrimination claims are “statutory”

difference in people’s lives. Thanks to the

Often Adventist church members will first learn about the services provided by the

1964, it was legal for companies to discrim-

Church State Council after it is too late to file

inate. Seventh-day Adventists could be fired

their claims. Over the years, we have had to

with impunity for not working on Sabbath.

turn away dozens of church members whose

Part of the compromise to get the bill passed

claims are too late. This bill will enable many

was to give workers a very short time period

more church members to assert their claims

to file their claims, as little as 6 months. This

when they were fired because of their refusal

was to prevent workers from bringing claims.

to work on Sabbath.


SB 1038 [Leyva, D.] restores

consistent in enforcing laws against

harassment. While it stops short of

personal liability for managers

sexual harassment. I attended

imposing a formal “civility code”

who retaliate against workers for

committee hearings in January ex-

on the workplace, it likely requires

complaining of harassment or

ploring how to improve the laws so

companies to strictly enforce zero

discrimination, including those who

that sexual harassment would both

tolerance policies for things like ra-

request religious accommodation

be prevented and remedied effec-

cial and religious slurs and unwel-

for Sabbath observance.

tively. SB 1300 is the result of many

come physical touching.

We call this the “when is a

minds and hearts seeking to iden-

As of this writing, all three bills

person not a person?” bill. Califor-

tify solutions. This bill strength-

have passed their house of origin

nia law holds “persons” liable for

ens the substantive law as to the

and are being considered in the

retaliating against those who com-

threshold for establishing a claim

second house.

plain of harassment or discrimina-

of harassment—in other words,

tion, including those who request

how bad does the conduct have to

tice” by supporting passage of these

religious accommodation. A decade

be? Secondly, the bill strengthens a

bills. We make it easy by providing

ago, an appellate court held that a

separate claim for failure to prevent

a click-through mechanism on our

person was not a person, i.e., that

discrimination and harassment.

website, Just

individual supervisors could not be

This measure requires employers to

find the “Get Engaged” button on

held personally liable for retaliation.

prevent harassment even before the

the right, and follow the yellow

This made no sense. The Church

offensive conduct rises to the level

brick road. You can even organize

State Council has been advocating

of actual harassment.

a letter writing effort at church;

for reversal for many years, and finally there is this bill.

Although this measure tar-

You can join us in “doing jus-

just be sure to bring a laptop with a

gets sexual harassment, its pro-

good internet connection. For more

Why is this important? Of-

visions carry over to all forms of

information, go to: neva@church-

ten church members contact us at

harassment, including religious n

the first sign of trouble over their need for Sabbath


accommodation. This bill would give us a powerful tool to encourage supervisors to make a good faith effort to provide Sabbath accommodation. We expect to prevent terminations with this bill. SB 1300 [Jackson, D.] adds substantial provisions protecting victims of sexual harassment. The courts

Led by Yanira Coria Ramírez, the young people of the San Bernardino Spanish church collected shoes to distribute among the poor and the homeless. Iglesia Adventista de San Bernardino, CA

PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific Southwest

have been very inJ U LY 2018


The Practice of Justice By Bernardo Sámano and Laura Sámano

My son, if you receive my words,


And apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly; He guards the paths of justice, And preserves the way of His saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path. —Proverbs 2:1-9, NKJV

you know someone who has been treated unjustly? Consider this

scenario. Vroom! Vroom!

And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom,

ave you been treated unjustly, or do

You have just taken your foot off the brake when the motorcyclist flashes in front of you, although it was your turn to go. “What was that?” you cry out. “Hey, buddy, it wasn’t your turn! I didn’t give you the right of way. You took it!” You shake your index finger in the direction of the man, who’s no longer in sight. The only creature within hearing distance is your dog. “Brownie, did you see that? I can’t believe it!” Arf! Arf! Your four-legged friend tries to balance himself in the front seat as you accelerate to drive across the intersection. Brownie senses your anxiety but offers no solution to the injustice that you just experienced. “That man’s going to kill himself! He’s a reckless driver!” Brownie whimpers. “I know. I know. I shouldn’t lose my temper like that.” You turn on the right blinker. “He can’t even hear me,” you



mumble. “If only I could give him a ticket!

nately, in my opinion, getting Elías to help

I would. Oh, I would teach him a lesson all

clean our room when Mom wanted us to

right.” Your voice is gradually getting loud-

was practically impossible.

er. “I would make a good police officer. No, I would be the best police officer!” Turning right at an empty intersection, your mind

“Are you guys almost done?” Mom would ask. “I am done. But he has done noth-

goes to the ideal, just world of your imagi-

ing,” was my response. I took the liberty of

nation, and you smile slightly at how good

reporting on what he was doing and never

it would feel to give that man a ticket. “And

failed to partake of the ritual of whining

I would show up in court if needed!”

prior to accepting the punishment.

Does that sound at all familiar? Regardless of your religious affiliation

And then something would be denied to us, because our actions had consequences.

or lack of it; whether you are Republican,

Although our punishment wasn’t unrea-

Democrat, independent or in between; if

sonable, what I felt was unjust was my

you are an atheist, an agnostic, a lukewarm

being punished because Elías hadn’t done

or a fervent Christian, it is certain that you

his part. It just wasn’t fair that he wouldn’t

have been treated unjustly or you know of

tidy up his half of the bedroom.

someone who cries out for justice. Even if

Society longs for justice. Human rights

it is something as

supporters, civil

simple as some-

rights advocates,

one else taking the right of way when it was yours, all of us have lamented about injustice. Oftentimes injustice manifests itself in our homes. We don’t even have to leave the house

The experience of injustice, like a coin, has two sides: the victim and the perpetrator. The truth is that we all have been the victims of injustice at some point in our lives—and we all have been unjust.

to experience it. I (Laura) remember

and faith-based and secular institutions believe that they must champion those who have been treated unjustly. News headlines and social media report on marches, demonstrations, street block-

years ago when I shared the bedroom with

ades, and rallies. Protestors are unofficial

my brother, Elías. Three and a half years

spokespeople for children and adults, men

my elder, he must have been about 14 years

and women, whites and blacks, people from

old at the time. We got along rather well,

countries in the East, West, North, and

thanks to his selfless personality. He was so

South. Laity, clergy, the non-churched: all

kindhearted that he would give me the last

are fighting to stop injustice. They are being

bite of his food if he saw that I liked it and

arrested, punished, abused, and even killed

wanted it.

for protesting and supporting a cause.

But we had a weekly problem. Cleaning

Because people matter. If people are

our room involved the matter of team-

being mistreated, oppressed, neglected,

work, or, more accurately, a serious lack

abused, abandoned, or deprived of their

thereof. This proved to be rather problem-

rights and benefits as human beings, it mat-

atic, especially on Friday afternoons when

ters. All individuals and institutions should

it seemed as if Mom wanted our brown

do something to change what seems to be

carpet and beige walls to sparkle. Unfortu-

becoming the new normal, the status quo.

J U LY 2018


While trying to learn more

that belongs to the past. The Old

cernment, lift up your voice for

about this issue, I (Bernardo)

Testament is filled with messages

understanding, and seek wisdom

was overwhelmed to find that a

from God, beseeching His people

as if it were silver. There is no

web search of the word “justice”

to renounce injustice and warning

idle, passive, or indolent attitude

resulted in more than 848 million

of the consequences for those who


possibilities. The results for the

practice it. The people of Israel

Second, we discover that there

definition gave me 578 million

were advised to treat strangers

is a blessing waiting for those who

choices. Searching for the defini-

justly (Malachi 3:5), to perform

put their effort toward seeking

tion or meaning of justice felt like

commercial transactions justly

justice. How reassuring to read

trying to find a needle in a hay-

(Leviticus 19:35), and that God

that we can receive understanding,


considered it an abomination to

find knowledge of God, and obtain

act unjustly (Deuteronomy 25:16).

wisdom from God.

What complicates things further is the idea that “my right

Then Solomon lists the crown-

to swing my arms in any direction

aged to follow Jesus’ example, who

ing benefit of seeking God’s

ends where your nose begins.” The

during His ministry manifesto

advice. Verse 9 says, “Then you

experience of injustice, like a coin,

in Nazareth proclaimed that the

will understand righteousness and

has two sides: the victim and the

Spirit of the Lord had sent Him “to

justice.” If we seek God’s advice,

perpetrator. The truth is that we

preach the gospel to the poor;…

our lives will have a purpose be-

all have been the victims of injus-

to heal the brokenhearted, to

cause God will help us understand

tice at some point in our lives—

proclaim liberty to the captives

every good path. What more could

and we all have been unjust.

and recovery of sight to the blind,

we want?

The sad news is that white collar or blue collar, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, native or

to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18, NKJV). In his novel Martin Chuzzlewit,

We read in the book of Revelation that at the end of human history God will be worshiped

immigrant, tall or short, husky or

Charles Dickens famously wrote:

because, among many other

skinny, “all have sinned and fall

“Charity begins at home, and

things, His judgments are true and

short of the glory of God” (Ro-

justice begins next door.” How


mans 3:23, NKJV). We all are guilty

can we become, think, talk, act as

of injustice.

righteous people, going beyond

Great and marvelous are Your

Maybe you have not been im-

merely obeying the rules, such as

works, Lord God Almighty! Just

plicated in Spain, Brazil, Mexico,

coming to a full stop at an inter-

and true are Your ways, O King

or the USA, where massive inci-


of the saints!

dents of injustice have taken place

Look at the Bible passage

recently. Your name might not be

from Proverbs at the beginning of

involved with corrupt government

this article. Solomon, writing to

And I heard another from the

officials or greedy CEO’s guilty of

the people of his time and to us

altar saying, “Even so, Lord

embezzlement of millions of dol-

as well, gives us some ideas as to

God Almighty, true and righ-

lars. You probably don’t have any-

how to become a just person and

teous are Your judgments.

thing to do with the disappearance

practice justice.

of thousands of people, and you

Revelation 15:3, NKJV

Revelation 16:7

First, he sets the conditions.

probably aren’t responsible for

Notice how many times we read

placing anyone under investiga-

the word “if” in the first few

ness, because He is Holy, then we

tion unfairly. But in your own area

verses. There is a lot of effort re-

must practice justice, for He is just.

of influence you are, before the

quired: receive my words, treasure

The Seventh-day Adventist

throne of God, a person of interest

God’s commands, incline your ear

Church Manual points out that,

for not practicing justice.

to wisdom, apply your hearts to

not just as individuals but as a

understanding, cry out for dis-

corporate group of believers, “we

Virtue seems to be something


As Christians we are encour-


If we are going to practice holi-

should support by our service and

most of the students were laugh-

wrong. Actually, He’d done every-

our means, as far as possible and

ing at the sight of soldiers being

consistent with our beliefs, efforts

blown apart on the battlefield.

thing right!

for social order and betterment.

I had to ask myself, “Does this

Even though we must stand apart

speak to the fact that our society

from political and social strife, we

lacks sensitivity to the suffering

should always, quietly and firm-

and pain of those around us?”

ly, maintain an uncompromising

Maybe the reason behind our

stand for justice and right in civic

desensitization to injustice is re-

affairs…. It is our sacred respon-

lated to our lack of connection with

sibility to be loyal citizens of the

the Source of love and sacrifice.

nations to which we belong, ren-

The person who suffered the

Despite all that injustice, the Lord asks us to seek out justice. “Learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor” (Isaiah 1:17, NKJV). As we develop a relationship with Christ, it will be possible for us to live justly, seek justice, and understand God’s righteousness and justice. While we are here

dering ‘to Caesar the things that

greatest injustice of all was Jesus.

on earth, we can trust that Jesus,

are Caesar’s, and to God the things

The King of the universe was born

the One who knows all things and

that are God’s’ (Matt. 22:21)” (pp.

in a stable, lived without a place to


call home, and died without a hint

has lived among us, will be the ul-

After attending a Bible camp

of justice. He had done nothing

event in Texas, I (Bernardo) noticed that an interesting sign hung from the last gate. Instead of a traditional message, such as

timate judge and bring permanent justice to this world. n


“Come back soon!” or “Have a nice trip!” or “May God protect you on your way home,” the sign said, “As soon as you leave this place, a mission field is awaiting you.” Isn’t that the truth? We should know that as soon as we leave our homes, churches, or institutions where we serve, there is a mission field filled with people who cry out for justice. Our mission field is where we live. Overwhelmed single parents, abandoned grandparents, frightened orphans, struggling immigrants, and lonely widows surround us. They are a mission field, and God can equip us to minister to them. We are so used to injustice. Unfortunately, that can lead us to

Elviz credits his mother’s Adventist faith and the “o’hana” of Hawaiian Mission Academy for helping him reach his goal of graduating from the 12th grade, and providing the spiritual support for him as he navigates through the changing environment of DACA. Hawaiian Mission Academy

think of the pain that surrounds us as being normal. I (Bernardo) recently showed the movie Hacksaw Ridge to the students in one of my

PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific Southwest

Bible classes. I was distressed that

J U LY 2018


The Ox in the Ditch By Ray Tetz Now it happened, as He went into the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees to eat bread on the Sabbath, that they watched Him closely. And behold, there was a certain man before Him who had dropsy. And Jesus, answering, spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” But they kept silent. And He took him and healed him, and let him go. Then He answered them, saying, “Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?” —Luke 14:1-5, NKJV


y father was a math teacher who was equally capable of teaching the concrete principles of arithmetic and the abstract principles of algebra. When the phone rang on a Sabbath morning, we were already dressed and ready for church and slowly assembling in the car. Maybe I was 11; I don’t really remember. What I do remember is my dad answering the phone and then, after a minute or so, hanging it up and saying, “Well, the ox is in the ditch. Guess I’m not going to church.”



As he started to take off his tie, he looked at my brother and me and said, “You boys wanna go with me?” He was not given to long explanations; it would have been pointless to ask him what it was that he was about to do. All we knew was that it involved an ox in a ditch, that it wouldn’t require Sabbath clothes, and that he was inviting us to skip church. We found all three factors inviting. It took only a jiffy to change out of our good clothes and into our work clothes, load into his old VW bus, and head off to see the ox in the ditch. What we found was a basement filling up with water from a broken pipe that had yet to be discovered and capped. The elderly woman who owned the place was standing in the driveway in her housecoat and slippers. She had been awakened by the sound of water in her cellar, and when she couldn’t find the source—and with the water climbing up around her ankles—she came upstairs, closed the cellar door behind her, and called Charles. My dad. For the next several hours, my brother and I hauled buckets of water up the stairs and dumped them out onto the yard,

while my dad found the pipe, got it capped (I have no idea how), and then proceeded to sweep up the mess on the floor of the basement. For a while it was fun, and then it was just drudgery, and then we got hungry and tired. But eventually, when it was all done, a lot of nice things were said, and even though we were all really muddy and dirty, it didn’t matter, and it was something to be proud of, and the poor old lady looked so relieved and kept hugging us and giving us more Kool-Aid and, well, it was just about perfect. I still remember it. On the way back to our house, from the backseat, I had to ask, “What about the ox, Dad?” He looked a little surprised and then, laughing a bit, explained that it was a saying that comes from the Bible (Luke 14:5). “It means that someone is in trouble—as if their ox has fallen into a ditch and has to be pulled out,” he told us. “We say it when we mean that someone needs our help and there’s no choice but to go help them—even if it is Sabbath.” He paused and added, “It’s a symbol, like in math.” Not wanting yet another unprompted conversation about math, I let it go. The answer was not entirely satisfactory, but it was the only one I got, so I had to think about it. And I did get to skip church. That was the day that I learned that somehow my family (including me) was a part of a group that people could call when they were in trouble. Even if you

had to skip something important like church, you would have to help them. And they would do the same in return. When whatever it was that was wrong had been taken care of, there would be lots of smiling and hugging and maybe a treat and everything would be fine even if you were totally covered in slime and had to take a bath on Sabbath in the middle of the day. It turns out that I’m a part of a community that loves me and is somehow here to help me out, but at the same time expects me to do the same for everybody

else. And overall, it’s not a bad deal, not at all. There are a lot of ways in which the ox can fall into the ditch in this world and in this church. And lots of people like my dad, willing to take off his tie and help pull that ox out. I haven’t forgotten. n

This article originally appeared in the “Living God’s Love” blog on the Pacific Union Conference website: http://


Holbrook Indian School alumni Charlotte Beyal brought justice to the Navajo people while serving as the first woman and first Navajo judge magistrate in Flagstaff, Arizona. Holbrook Indian School. Holbrook Indian School

PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific Southwest

J U LY 2018


La Sierra University

La Sierra Students Land Edison STEM Scholarships By Darla Martin Tucker

The awards of $2,143 each were presented during La Sierra’s annual scholarship awards ceremony during which 226 students received a total of about $372,000 in scholarship funds managed by the Office of University Advancement. The Edison scholarships were awarded to five computer science majors and two mathematics majors. The Edison awards derive from a $15,000 grant the university

This May, La Sierra University computer science majors (left to right) Mia Lorraine Laurea, Christopher Friedrichsen, Cody Johnson, Ethan Morales-Vierna, and Eric Manjarrez each received a $2,143 STEM scholarship from energy giant Edison International.

received last December for supporting students studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, known as STEM subjects. This school year’s grant brings to $75,000 the total amount awarded to La Sierra since the 2014-15 school year by Edison

“This award is very significant to me as it will really help lighten my financial burden and allow me to focus more on school.”





n May 24, seven La Sierra University students got a helping hand toward reaching their goals in computer science and mathematics with scholarships from energy conglomerate Edison International.

La Sierra University International for STEM scholarships and tutoring. “STEM scholarships help students defray the cost associated with getting a degree, but most importantly they inspire and inform students of the diverse STEM careers available to them,” said Marvin Payne, chair of La Sierra’s chemistry and biochemistry department. “There is currently a shortage of professionals in the STEM industry, and these scholarships contribute to our goal of filling the gap in order to achieve a more diverse and inclusive STEM workforce.” Three computer science majors commented on the implications of their Edison awards. “This award is very significant to me as it will really help lighten my financial burden and allow me to

focus more on school,” said Cody Johnson, a sophomore from Phoenix, Ariz. His concept for a computer game with potential uses on smartphones was included in his application for the scholarship. Johnson said he isn’t “too picky” about exactly where he might work in the future, “but hopefully, someday I can work with a company like Microsoft,” he said. Scholarship winner Mia Lorraine Laurea, a junior from San Francisco, wants to become a game developer for Playstation or Nintendo. She has designed a simple “roll-a-ball” game on an application called Unity. “This award is significant since it is a part of a bigger community that wants to make an impact in the world through STEM,” she said. “This award will drive me to become the best woman in

“STEM scholarships … inspire and inform students of the diverse STEM careers available to them.”

computer science that I can become.” Ethan Morales-Vierna, a junior from Cudahy, Calif., will intern this summer at aerospace contractor Northrop Grumman, where his responsibilities will involve translating existing computer code into another programming language. “My initial reaction to being selected to receive the Edison scholarship was shock,” he said. “This past year was challenging academically, and I thought my eligibility would be hindered because of that. However, when I heard I was selected, I felt very honored and grateful. Receiving this scholarship will allow me to not have to spend hours worrying about finances and instead be able to spend those hours on schoolwork or extracurricular activities.” La Sierra University majors that qualify for Edison scholarships include mathematics, computer science, information systems, environmental science, chemistry, and physics. Edison scholarships are among a wide range of tuition funding opportunities for La Sierra University students. Outside of endowed scholarships managed by the advancement office, this school year the university provided $17.3 million to undergraduates and $1.86 million to graduate students through a variety of scholarships, including 17 different institutional programs of which approximately 11 are renewable awards. University scholarships include awards and earnings match programs for Adventist church members, Adventist summer camp student employees, and student literature evangelists. The university also offers an Adventist membership discount to students who are members of an Adventist church, or to non-Adventist students who graduated from an Adventist academy.

J U LY 2018


Arizona Conference

Thunderbird Adventist Academy Teacher

Awarded CenturyLink Grant for STEM Classroom By Hannah Gallant


ecently, Gloria Andrade, math and science teacher at Thunderbird Adventist Academy, was awarded $5,000—full funding for her project outlined in her application to the 201718 Teachers and Technology Grant program through CenturyLink. In order to qualify for the grant, applicants must demonstrate how they will implement technology in their classrooms in innovative and specific ways. After a rigorous, blind review process, the winning applications are chosen and rewarded. Andrade’s project plans to utilize PASCO Scientific technologies to demonstrate to her students how math and science—specifically physics and engineering—interact with each other. She also wants to teach the students how to work with technology to make real world connections between formulas and practices. Furthermore, her project will challenge students in their critical thinking, reasoning, and teamwork skills. Describing the project’s scope of impact, Andrade wrote: “My classroom

will be a place where students come to take ownership of their learning and get excited about solving problems that keep them talking for hours. Students will be equipped to lead discussions, listen to others’ ideas, and be able to compare and find better ways to approach a specific problem.” She hopes that this project will expose more students to the STEM field so they can be aware of opportunities and explore their potential interests. STEM is a curriculum based on educating students in four specific disciplines— science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. “By using their critical thinking, students will be able to see that a good use of technology can do amazing things, and for many students who see going into STEM careers as something nearly impossible, this will encourage them to pursue the many opportunities available,” said Andrade. “CenturyLink believes that STEM education is critical to meeting the

demands of a rapidly changing workplace and developing the talented and well-prepared workforce of tomorrow,” said Brandon Yergey, central region market development manager for CenturyLink. Andrade grew up in Honduras and attended Montemorelos University in Mexico. After graduating with a degree in math and physics education, she taught secondary education for a year in Mexico. Following this, she moved to the United States, where she has since taught in both public and private schools in Arizona. Currently, Andrade is in her fifth year of teaching math and science classes at Thunderbird Adventist Academy. She is also working on her master’s degree in neuroscience in education at La Sierra University. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Antonio Andrade, and her one-year-old son, Caleb. Although busy, Andrade is very passionate about teaching and is dedicated to her students. She hopes that this project will help her serve her students better. “As a teacher I would like to see a whole new generation of professionals and be able to see their amazing results and look back and say: ‘I took part in that,’” she said. This grant program, as part of the CenturyLink Clarke M. Williams Foundation, has awarded more than $6.3 million to K-12 teachers since 2008. In fact, CenturyLink will be awarding $1.4 million to schools just this year. Enthusiastic students congratulate Gloria Andrade, math and science teacher at Thunderbird Adventist Academy, on her $5,000 award.



Arizona Conference

Arizona Hispanic Women’s Retreat By Phil Draper


ait on God’s Timing” was the theme for the Arizona Hispanic Women’s Ministries Retreat held April 20-22 at Camp Yavapines in Prescott. Nearly 400 women of all ages filled the chapel with hearts open to the gospel message. The theme song, “In God’s Time,” created an emotional setting for each meeting. Hispanic Women’s Ministries Coordinator Mayra Escalante was thrilled by the response. “It was a joy to witness almost 400 ladies attending the retreat, especially the 100 young ladies who also enjoyed a special program customized just for them,” she said. “And the 50 visitors who heard beautiful testimonies now continue to attend church, accompanied by their families. As a result, many of them have been baptized.” The theme resonated with Associate Coordinator Betty Valenzuela. “During the weekend we reflected on one thing that surprised me the most about God: everything was created beautiful by Him in His time!” she said. “We have all had moments of waiting on the Lord, and I must admit most of the time I have been impatient! But we must not lose faith and trust that God’s response will always be perfect and timely.” Select narratives of women in the Bible set the stage for keynote speaker

Erna Gomez, from Mexico, who spoke about the challenges women face today. Jacqueline Battistone was greatly blessed by the gathering. “I fully embraced the Hispanic Women’s Retreat!” she said. “I was spiritually uplifted, encouraged, and reminded about God’s perfect timing. It was an awesome time to fellowship and praise God! I experienced moments of reflection, tears, and joy. Dr. Erna Gomez was not only passionate but instrumental in bringing us closer to Christ.” Pacific Union Conference Women’s Ministries Director Dorothy Means appreciated all the attention to detail during the retreat—especially at the special banquet. “We experienced not only a spiritual feast but also a scrumptious banquet! Everything was done with excellence,” she said. “The room was astounding with the

(Above left) Hispanic Women’s Ministries Associate Coordinator Betty Valenzuela and Hispanic Women’s Ministries Coordinator Mayra Escalante stand with keynote speaker Erna Gomez. (Above right) Event coordinators Mayra Escalante and Betty Valenzuela create a red-carpet banquet for the retreat.

decorations, red carpet, and superb music. The tables were beautifully set, creating a spirit of awe as we sat down. Best of all were the men of God who graciously served our tables with a smile and outstanding service! I can’t stop talking about the experience and how God showed up and showed out, from beginning to end!” Nearly 400 women attend the Arizona Hispanic Women’s Retreat.

J U LY 2018


Holbrook Indian School

A Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy Serving Native American Youth since 1946

Music Enrichment Experience Taking Music Education on the Road By Katie Freeland Pictured from left: Charles, Skylar, Adrienna, NAU student wind chamber ensemble, Maribel, Fawn, Molika, Cherie, and Marklynn meet at the ensemble’s performance.

“Where words fail, music speaks.”

Hans Christian Andersen


n late April, as orchestral music drifted through the cool Flagstaff air and into the ears of students from Holbrook Indian School (HIS), staff and students alike felt deep gratitude for the opportunity the Music Enrichment Experience program had given them. This was the third and final trip of the school year for the program. Thanks to Friends of HIS who made the trip possible, students were able to enjoy a wide variety of recitals and concerts from the Northern Arizona University (NAU) School of



Music. These included voice, oboe, cello, piano, and a wind chamber concert featuring clarinets, oboes, flute, bassoon, bass clarinet, French horn, and a string quartet. “Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas.”1 This holds true for listening to music as well. “Students who listened to a one-hour lecture where classical music was played in the background scored significantly higher in a quiz

on the lecture when compared to a similar group of students who heard the lecture with no music.”2 It’s speculated that because the music put the students into a heightened emotional state, they were more receptive to information. Classical music has been shown to improve brain function, lessen anxiety, increase feelings of relaxation, and even help soothe insomnia. These are all benefits that hard-working students can profit from, and HIS students did so by going on three Musical Enrichment

Holbrook Indian School Experience trips this school year. In April, one of the musical highpoints for the students was a performance by a 16-piece saxophone orchestra from Grasse, France. They played a wide variety of French and American classical and modern selections. Another favorite was NAU’s Festival of Choirs, featuring a bell choir, a men’s chorus, a women’s chorus, and the University Singers. Other Music Enrichment Experiences took place in October and December 2017. In October, students were able to enjoy six concerts at the Arizona State University School (ASU) of Music. HIS students were awed by the concerts. Through the help of Adventist churches in the area, many

accommodations for these trips were covered. In December, students enjoyed a performance of Handel’s “Messiah” by the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, as well as Christmas concerts by ASU’s organ program, Thunderbird Adventist Academy, and violinist Jaime Jorge. One student commented that this was the first and may be the last time they will get to experience something like this. It is

the hope of Holbrook Indian School that this is not the last and that they will have many more opportunities in the future to be challenged and inspired.

1 Lewis Brown, Laura. “The Benefits of Music Education.” PBS Parents, 2 Engel, Allison. “Studying for Finals? Let Classical Music Help.” USC News, Dec. 5, 2014,

HIS students and staff meet NAU student Kara Piatt at her junior piano recital.

J U LY 2018


Holbrook Indian School

Fresno Adventist Academy’s Senior Class Brings Music to HIS By Loren Fish


arlier this school, year several students from Fresno Adventist Academy (FAA) attended a volleyball tournament hosted by Monterey Bay Academy. The devotional speaker for the weekend was Jovannah Poor Bear-Adams, Holbrook Indian School’s (HIS) alumna and dean of student programs and services. When the FAA students got back to Fresno, they told their staff they wanted to go to HIS on a mission trip. Jeffrey Lauritzen, FAA senior class, sponsor contacted me. Lauritzen and I go way back. We met in the late 90s at Collegedale Academy in Tennessee, where he was the choral director and junior class Bible teacher. The spring semester was already packed with mission trips, but Lauritzen suggested a different kind of mission trip, one that focused on music. Adams and Lauritzen began working on a plan for FAA to join

HIS for our April all-team weekend and Super-Sunday—classes held on Sunday to make up for home leaves. In April, Lauritzen and Cathie Jones (class sponsors) brought 16 seniors and three of their parents to HIS as part of their senior class trip. The FAA students led out in several worships, vespers, and the church service. They provided beautiful music and led out in the praise and worship songs. The students themselves were the featured speakers at the services, sharing what God means to them from personal experience and study. The senior class—about a third of the touring choir at FAA—performed several lively and moving choral numbers. The Super-Sunday music clinic was a big hit. The classes were separated into two groups, elementary and upper-level students, in preparation for an evening worship service. The six elementary students learned how to sing and play “Jesus

Loves Me” on the guitar, xylophone, violins, and rhythm instruments. The eight upper-level students learned to play a little guitar and violin, and all sang with the choir for praise service and special music, with one brave seventh-grader singing a solo on the second verse of “I Surrender All” as the choir hummed softly in the background. Many of our students came away from that experience with a desire to learn how to play the violin or guitar. Some of the FAA students saw that desire and gave their own spending money, which they had brought for their senior class trip to HIS. They purchased two guitars so our students could continue learning how to play. We were blessed by their selfless generosity. FAA was only at HIS for three days, but the impact they left on our students—musically and spiritually— was amazing. We thank the FAA seniors and sponsors and pray that God will bless them as they continue to minister for Him. We also pray that God will bless our students as they learn ways to praise Him more.

Jasmine practices the chords for ”Amazing Grace.”

Tionna and Andrelina sing praise songs with FAA senior José.



Holbrook Indian School

Holbrook Students Express Appreciation


” ’d like to thank those who donated to make this trip happen. It was an awesome experience. I hope it will happen again. Thank you so much!” Maribel – senior “Thank you for donating for the students to go on the Music Enrichment Experience trip. It was so much fun!” Adrienna – junior “The cello is the one I enjoyed the most. It sounds so beautiful. Eating Japanese food was fun and a new experience. Thank you to those who donated money for the trip. I loved it.” Mia (Molika) – senior “My favorite part was being able to talk to the musicians after the

concerts. And thanks for making it possible for us to go on the trip. I can’t wait to go on another one.” Torri – freshman “I give special thanks to those who donated money to make this trip possible. It must have been a lot to help with, but it was worth it, because I know that we all

FAA and HIS students get together for a group picture.

loved each one of the performances.” Ali - freshman

FAA students with Rayshawna, Tionna, and Soraya perform Jesus Loves Me.

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first-through twelfth-grade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. HIS also manages a firstthrough eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve. Thank you for your support.

Seventh-day Adventist DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 910 Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910 (928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109)

J U LY 2018



Central California Conference

Evangelism Offering

Offers Blessings By Cindy R. Chamberlin


s a result of the generosity of many friends and members giving to the annual Soquel Camp Meeting Evangelism Offering last year, resources were used in numerous ways to lead even more people within the Central California Conference (CCC), and beyond, to Jesus. Yet again, the Lord has affirmed this fund, and it has helped support many vibrant ministries.

Public Evangelism Over 79 public evangelism meetings were funded by this year’s Evangelism Offering, contributing to more than 290 baptisms. In the first quarter of 2018, there were an additional 115 baptisms, bringing the total number to 405 baptisms. Besides this, an additional 645 people are currently receiving Bible studies. CCC evangelist Eddy R. Perez has conducted nine evangelistic series thus far and plans to conduct three more prior to Soquel Camp Meeting 2018. Additionally, CCC associate evangelists Anil Kanda, Antonio Cano, Howard Tello, Ivor Myers, Zac Page, Stephen Hicks, and Nathan Renner conducted evangelism series throughout the conference.

Lay Church Leads Initiative Ten fledging groups were acknowledged in Patterson, San Francisco, Oakdale, Dinuba, East Palo Alto, Los Banos, Hollister, Delano, Templeton Hills, and Visalia. These congregations had no pastoral care,



but thanks to the Evangelism Offering, monies have been allocated to establish pastoral leadership in the form of lay leaders who have been appointed, trained, and equipped to effectively care for these church groups. Under pastoral care, many of these groups experienced great growth. In fact, three of these church groups applied for company status.

Life Hope Centers Also a recipient of the Evangelism Offering, Life Hope Centers (LHC) provided dental, medical, and vision services to the underserved within the Conference. Those who came to the clinics received more than $900,000-worth of medical services. This year, CCC churches hosted LHC clinics in Ceres, Sonora, Hollister, Visalia, Bakersfield, Campbell, Santa Cruz, Soquel, Mountain View, Monterey, Clovis, Cambrian Park, and Templeton Hills. The LHC program allows

(Below) Betty Lara, a young woman who was served at the Life Hope Centers clinic in Hollister two years ago, experienced loving care and compassion from the dental staff, so much so that she was inspired to pursue a career in dental assisting. (Bottom) Life Hope Centers, a recipient of the annual Evangelism Offering, impacted communities throughout the CCC, providing dental, medical, and vision services to the underserved within the conference.

Central California Conference volunteers to provide an array of healthrelated services at no charge, utilizing “Christ’s method alone” and meeting the needs of local communities, one patient at a time. LHC has expanded their reach by obtaining vision and medical equipment necessary for the operation of the clinics. One example of meeting needs is Betty Lara, a young woman who was served at the LHC program in Hollister two years ago. Lara experienced loving care and compassion from the dental staff, so much so that she was inspired to pursue a career in dental assisting. The following year, she enrolled in a dental assisting program in her area. When she discovered that the LHC program was coming back to Hollister, she encouraged her program director and entire class to volunteer. Lara desired to share the compassionate care she experienced a year ago, not only with patients but also with her classmates.

CROSS Trainers With the help of the Evangelism Offering, CROSS trainers can be found working with several CCC churches, companies, groups, and church plants, facilitating upward of 20-plus baptisms since last camp meeting. CROSS training (formerly known as Bible work) is an acronym for Churches Reaching Out to Serve and Save.

Literature Ministries More than 54 young people in three groups will visit over 300,000 homes this summer as part of CCC’s Youth Rush, a literature program hosted by conference churches this summer, as funded by the Evangelism Offering. Youth Rush students will travel over a combined 80,000 miles, meeting people in every corner of the conference’s territory, from Lompoc and Sonora to Bakersfield and the Golden Gate. Youth Rush allows God to show His face one door knock at a time.

Education Over 27 newl-baptized member scholarships, with a total value of over $29,074, have been distributed to students attending CCC schools this year because of the Evangelism Offering. Ten schools participated—with Dinuba Junior Academy receiving nine scholarships and Miramonte Christian School receiving six. These two-year scholarships serve to introduce the value of Adventist education to the newly baptized and their families each year. CCC schools remain outreach centers. One small school in an agricultural town, Chowchilla Adventist School, has had to be creative in finding ways to connect with the community. Teaching Principal Erin Messinger and students set up a witnessing lemonade stand. After making time to pray over snacks and prepare GLOW tracts, they build relationships at the stand with local middle school students as they pass by. The stand has become an outreach hub within the community.

in more than 75 different languages. GLOW, birthed and grown in the CCC, continues to inspire and empower members to share their faith one tract at a time. Seeing CCC’s example in churches and schools, other conferences and divisions around the world are GLOWing exponentially— adopting GLOW’s witnessing model. “I just am overwhelmed by how God is using this ministry to reach people throughout our conference,” said a GLOW secretary. “I have the joy of answering their calls after they receive GLOW tracts, and they are truly blessed by them.”

Women’s Ministries Over the weekend of Jan. 26–28, nearly 500 women gathered from all over California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia for the 21st annual CCC Women’s Retreat, “Beautifully Rooted,” at Tenaya Lodge near Yosemite National Park. This year’s (Below) Nelson Ernst (right), GLOW and literature ministries director, and Ramiro Cano, Central California Conference president, speak at the 10th anniversary of GLOW and share the inspiration for the ministry.

GLOW The GLOW (Giving Light to Our World) ministry celebrated its 10-year anniversary this year at the Ceres church where it began. Since its inception, over 90 million tracts have been printed


Chowchilla Adventist School has found creative ways to connect with the community. Teaching Principal Erin Messinger and students set up a witnessing lemonade stand with snacks and GLOW tracts. J U LY 2018


Central California Conference retreat brought 60 women of other faiths, 16 of whom were returnees. The Evangelism Offering provided 22 full, non-member scholarships for the retreat. Many of the recipients experienced life-changing moments, emotional exercises, Spirit-filled messages from keynote speakers like Christian author and teacher Dr. Janice Browne, testimonies from fellow participants, and heartfelt praise services. Prior to and each day of the retreat, staff, speakers, and musicians gathered for prayer, asking for God’s blessings and guidance at the event. Joyce Mulligan, CCC Prayer and Women’s Ministries director, emphasized the power of prayer. “The success of the retreat was a direct result of many people praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to be present at the retreat and for lives to be changed,” she said.

Strategic Church Planting The CCC is blessed with 144 churches and 10 thriving church plants. The Ark Community Company in Visalia was initiated several years ago when then-pastor Chad Stuart asked for volunteers to start a new church plant. Members embraced the opportunity, and the plant has quickly grown to 56 members with the help of an Evangelism Offering-funded CROSS trainer. Today the young plant exists

“to impact every life by boldly calling people to follow Jesus, transparently loving others (as Christ does)!” It has a robust CROSS training program and flexible service times (Sabbath school at 10:30 a.m., a weekly hospitality meal, and then worship at 1 p.m.). Members also conduct “Ark in the Park,” a creative, outdoor Vacation Bible School. Visitors are met by members wearing casual yet professional Ark uniforms. CCC leadership wishes to one day have a fleet of Arks.

The Ark Community Company in Visalia is a church plant benefitting from an Evangelism Offering-funded CROSS trainer. Ark features weekly hospitality meals as part of its strategic mission.

Kingdom. More than 20 decisions for baptism came from these events. New initiatives are being planned for young adults.

Young Adult The CCC hosted its first-ever series of one-day young adult (ages 18-35) rallies throughout the conference this year, with an average of 200 young adults attending each time. In addition, conference records were broken as more than 150 young adults from all over the state gathered in Oakhurst for a winter retreat themed “Start-toFinish.” “Our young adult retreat at Camp Sugar Pine was so heavily attended, registration was shut down,” said Anil Kanda, CCC Senior Youth and Young A dult director. This event was planned in response to a North American Division initiative for members to reach young adults. The CCC decided to meet the challenge by investing more resources and time into this age category, bringing them into the discipleship process for CCC’s younger members. This began a growing mass of young adults interested in service for the

Conference records were broken as more than 150 young adults (ages 18-35) from all over the state gathered in Oakhurst for a winter retreat themed “Start-to-Finish.”

Senior Youth

Other powerful CCC youth events included the teen girls’ and teen guys’ retreats, as well as the annual Youth Prayer Conference. In addition, the conference’s Teen Bible Academy (TBA) hosted a successful year, which included the first-ever TBA 2 Mission Trip. Students headed to Ecuador to conduct medical ministry work, help with building projects, and (Far left) Women enjoy spiritual regeneration lead in nightly evangelism to the and time together during the 21st-annual CCC Women’s Retreat, “Beautifully Rooted,” at Tenaya Lodge near Yosemite National Park. (Left) Christian surrounding community. Several author and teacher Dr. Janice Browne leads women in worship during the annual retreat. decisions were made for baptism The Evangelism Offering provided 22 full, non-member scholarships for the retreat this directly due to these youth events. year.

Blessings–The Evangelism Offering has shown members that when they press faith, prayer, and tangible resources together, God takes that effort and multiplies it again and again. If you would like to contribute to projects like these, go to



Central California Conference

Ceres Church Tea Provides By Kara Claridge


Fun Outreach Opportunity

his year’s women’s ministries tea party at the Ceres church was a beautiful and inspirational outreach for the community. Mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, granddaughters, neighbors, and friends donned fancy party hats and gathered for an afternoon of fellowship and fun on Sunday, April 29. The theme was spiritual “Spring Cleaning.” For the past three years, Ceres Church Women’s Ministries has hosted a tea to raise funds for the annual Central California Conference (CCC) Women’s Retreat at Tenaya Lodge, near Yosemite. Last year, the proceeds from the tea provided enough for 10 scholarships. Additionally, the tea has become a fun outreach to the community and an anticipated yearly event at the Ceres church. This year, of the more than 90 guests, nearly 30 percent were community members. The tea party provides an easy venue for women to invite others to church. The light hearted atmosphere makes it easy for visitors to relax and enjoy the environment. One community guest has attended the teas over the past three years, along with other church parties, and relationships have been built with those who would not normally enter church doors. No tea party is complete without teapots, hors d’oeuvres, beautiful tables, and fancy hats, but the most powerful part of this tea was the spiritual “Spring

For the past three years, Ceres church women’s ministries has hosted a tea party to raise funds for the annual CCC Women’s Retreat.

Cleaning” message presented by guest speaker Joyce Mulligan, CCC Women’s Ministries director. She reminded the women that no matter the situation, Jesus has the power to clean up lives. Mulligan shared testimonies from her own life, providing proof that “prayer is the key” to a closer relationship with Jesus. Her message resonated with the women. “While Joyce was speaking about the importance of prayer and the joy of baptism, my guest leaned over and asked how she could be baptized,” said a Ceres church member. Each year the tea party continues to connect Ceres church members with their community.

(Below) Each year, the Ceres church annual tea party allows women to connect with their community because it provides an easy venue for women to invite guests to church.

Joyce Mulligan, CCC Women’s Ministries director, reminds women that no matter the situation, Jesus has the power to clean up lives.

J U LY 2018


Nevada-Utah Conference

Nevada Congregation Celebrates


40 Years of Sparks

By Faith Hoyt

his spring, the Adventist congregation in Sparks, Nevada, celebrated 40 years of fellowship, community outreach, and revealing the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. On the last Sabbath in April, the Sparks church commemorated its 40th anniversary with special music, special guests, 14 baptisms, and the burning of the church mortgage. From all around the Nevada-Utah Conference and beyond, church and community members gathered for this special event. “This moment celebrates the dedication and commitment of your members and your local and pastoral leadership for almost half a century,” said Leon Brown, president of the Nevada-Utah Conference. In addition to Brown, many church leaders attended the celebration, including Dan Jackson, president of the North American Division (NAD); Ivan Omana, associate director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries at the NAD; and Brad Newton, executive secretary of the Pacific Union Conference. Also in attendance were Catherine Cortez Masto, United States senator, and Julia Ratti, Nevada state

senator. Both gave congratulatory remarks during the church program. Representing the local government was Ed Lawson, Sparks City Council member, who presented the church with a proclamation from the city recognizing April 28 as “Sparks Seventh-day Adventist Day.” “It was one of the greatest honors for the church to receive a proclamation that will forever go down in history as an appreciation from the city recognizing, in a remarkable manner, the significance of the church and its standing in the eyes of the leaders at the highest level,” said Sparks church pastor Omar Palmer. “It is truly significant and noteworthy!” The church received the proclamation in recognition of its


(Below) Omar Palmer, who pastored the Sparks church from 2014-2018, baptizes the Worthen family.

(From left to right) Lavenda Tuionetoa, Fatai Langi, Kina Valele, and Seni Finau share their gift of song with the Sparks congregation.


continual community outreach, which includes backpack giveaways, community birthday parties, and an active food bank. Palmer and his church have spent the last four years building relationships with community leaders, city officials, and law enforcement, and they often hold awards ceremonies to recognize those who serve the community. “Our church bears the name of the city, and so we have made strides to become community oriented,” Palmer said. In addition to their focus on outreach, the congregation concentrated on securing ownership of their church building. Their support made it possible for the church to pay off its mortgage. By participating in a “40 for 40” initiative (where members committed to $40 a month for one


Nevada-Utah Conference year), the congregation was able to pay off the loan before the 40th anniversary date. During the mortgage burning ceremony, Sparks church treasurer Kerry Villa applauded the congregation for their faithfulness in accomplishing the goal of paying off the loan. “If it weren’t for our church family and visitors, this wouldn’t have happened,” Villa said. “We put a plan in place, and people gave until it was done.” Though the loan is paid, the congregation isn’t slowing down their commitment to mission in order to be a spark in their community. “For 40 years our church has been steadfast in upholding biblical principles and dedicated to our community through prison ministry, food and clothing outreach, and comforting the sick,” said Nancy Albin, Sparks church communication director. “We will continue this until Jesus comes again!”

(Top left) Thelma Filkins (age 93), the oldest active member at Sparks, shares her gratitude for God’s blessings with the congregation. Also pictured are (left to right) Ivan Omana, associate director of NAD Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries; Dan Jackson, NAD president; and Omar Palmer, Sparks church pastor. (Top right) Nancy Albin, Sparks church communication director, and Maurice Battle, Sparks church former pastor, burn the church’s mortgage. (Above) Hector Vasquez, director of the Reno/Sparks Spanish Pathfinder “Fire Proof” Club, guides the Pathfinders as they prepare to carry in the flags at the start of the Sparks church 40th anniversary program.


Tahoe Camp Meeting J U L Y

3 0 - A U G U S T


Theme: Building on the Rock Tahoe Valley RV Park • South Lake Tahoe, CA

Plus 4 Uplifting seminars 4 Children and youth programs 4 Outdoor nature program 4 Vegetarian food service available three meals daily 4 Sabbath afternoon concert 4 ABC bookmobile 4 Used book sales 4 Ideal location for families

Main Speakers

Dr. Greg King Dean and Professor of Biblical Studies, Southern Adventist University

Brian Bilbrey Pastor of the Riverview Adventist Church Reno, Nevada

Reservations: 877-717-8737

Southeastern California Conference

Distributes 6,000 Pieces of Furniture by Sarah McDugal

(Left to right) Vadim Dementyev, Chris Oberg, Teresa Vanderpool, Ruth Fagal, Norm Powell, Heather Miller, Steve Hemenway, and Mandy Shultz cut the ribbon to officially launch the Wellness Warehouse.


n Jan. 20, the La Sierra University church (LSUC) launched the Wellness Warehouse, a new thrift store in the Riverside community. More than merely a store, it brings together resources for many types of needs under one roof.

Wellness is a core value at LSUC. Members and their pastors believe that showing the love of God to the community is about more than just teaching doctrine, as Jesus’ healing ministry shows. “Wellness isn’t only financial, it’s also about education, physical strength, lifestyle, mental health, emotional healing, and financial stability,” said Steve Hemenway, director of finance at LSUC. “If we can break poverty and power differentiation, then we can create equal opportunity for everyone to thrive.” Created as a revenue stream to help fund more wellness projects, the Wellness Warehouse also provides a platform to live out church in an



everyday context. The goal for this project is to bring healing in tangible, practical, meaningful ways, while creating opportunities for members to engage with the community face to face. “We have a deep commitment to nurturing whole-person wellness in our congregation and our neighborhood,” said Chris Oberg, senior pastor of LSUC. “When I preach that we are as well as our healthiest member and as sick as our sickest member, I mean that we are connected and accountable to one another for our collective wellness. When our thrift store turned out to be a big old industrial warehouse space, wellness and warehouse in the same phrase felt like a fit.” The thrift store offers a variety of

typical items such as clothing and furniture, which are priced 25 to 70 percent less than at other thrift stores. The management team also seeks to create a better shopping experience than consumers might have elsewhere. The Wellness Warehouse offers much more than a variety of items for sale. “It is energizing for a congregation to realize we can participate in many helpful things in our neighborhood,” Oberg said. “Someone needs anonymous counseling? Someone needs social services resources? They need assistance with food and clothing and possibly furniture? Health screening or an AA meeting or a yoga class or ESL or a citizenship course? Check at the Wellness Warehouse. Being the hands and feet of Jesus today is a gratifying


Wellness Warehouse Launches,

Southeastern California Conference homes; aged-out foster youth; recovery homes; international students at University of California, Riverside and Riverside Community College; and children and adult family services. (Left) Riverside City Council Member Steve Adams City departments and nonprofit presents the Wellness Warehouse with a certificate organizations throughout the county of recognition. (Above) A mural, created by La Sierra University student Leslie Escudero, adds beauty to the have benefitted. Wellness Warehouse. “We believe that one of the most mission for important things Jesus modeled rescue the massive volume of items. our church. for us was caring for the poor, the The Wellness Warehouse provided I believe we have just barely begun to marginalized, struggling families, and storage for the inventory, and several imagine the good that is possible.” our neighbors without homes,” said 52-foot semitrailers were donated to Mandy Shultz, ministry coordinator Otis Coutsoumpos, associate pastor shuttle the thousands of items. For for community engagement, is excited for community services at LSUC. eight days, a volunteer crew worked about the church’s growing community Impact from the Wellness to transfer 39 semitrailer loads of partnerships. “We have partnered Warehouse is poised to spread furniture to the Wellness Warehouse. with organizations throughout the county, from all around the positively affecting city,” she said. “La church members, TURN - Sierra University university students, and CarePortal - church seeks to community partners, Faith in Motion - Riverside County, Department Of Social Services - be an advocate for as well as the many Path of Life Ministries - empowerment in recipients of services. Habitat For Humanity, Riverside La Sierra University our community, “I see the kingdom helping those in of God here in Riverside our 92505 zip code—no matter their by living out Jesus,” said Libby Collier, Through partners such as the economic, social, or other status. We founder and president of TURN. CarePortal and Path of Life Ministries, want people to thrive both individually “There’s been such an incredible almost 6,000 of those pieces of and communally.” collaborative attitude as everyone furniture have been distributed free One of the many partnerships has worked together. It’s been an to those in need. Recipients have the church fosters is with Today’s amazing experience. We love La Sierra included refugee and homeless Urban Renewal Network (TURN), University church!” families; foster parents; teen group which has been connecting churches and organizations since 2002. When news broke that about 8,000 pieces of furniture (including beds, dressers, desks, tables, and chairs) were going to be sent to the dump, TURN and other partners collaborated to

Special thanks to our partners in the community:

J U LY 2018


Guests attend the Wellness Warehouse launch party.


Southeastern California Conference

Building Legacy: Corona Church Honors 33 Members for 40-plus Years of Service


ommitted service and active church involvement not only help others here and now but also leave rich legacies that continue to impact lives for years to come. That was the takeaway on Sabbath, May 5, when Corona church members honored 33 people (living and deceased) for their more than 40 years of service to the church. Many of the members honored were part of the congregation before the current church building was completed nearly 40 years ago and were actively involved in seeing the dream of a building come to life, including participating in the building committee. Every individual served in many capacities, including elder, deacon or deaconess, treasurer, Pathfinder leader, Sabbath school teacher, musician, and more. One of the women who was honored posthumously had been a member of the church for 60 years. Drawing inspiration from 2 Timothy 3:10-17, Gary Taber, senior pastor of the Corona church, encouraged young people to realize the value and importance of service and what it means to other people. In these

By Cynthia Mendoza

words from Scripture, the apostle Paul talks about having set a good example through his life of committed service and urges the young Timothy to follow that example as he moves forward with his own ministry. “Being involved is like exercise. If you don’t exercise, you won’t have strength,” said Sharon Anderson, an active member of the church for 50 years and one of the honorees in the 40-plus Club, as they are known. “Our involvement in church is a way to strengthen our relationship with Christ.” Anderson has served in various capacities, including in the children’s department when her own children were young. Along with her husband, Glenn, she has organized short-term mission trips all over the world for

A plaque lists the names of the 33 church members who served the Corona church for 40 years or more.

more than 20 years. Like the Andersons, each person recognized has consistently invested time, skills, and talents to serve the church and the greater mission of sharing the gospel. And it looks as if the words shared during the service and the examples of those honored have already begun to bear fruit. Taber said that younger people in the congregation said they were deeply moved by what they saw and heard. He hopes they are encouraged not just to get involved but to truly commit to a life of serving Christ through active participation in church. “These people have set an example of service,” Taber said about the 40-plus Club members. “Now, more than ever, we need to understand the importance of the body of Christ. We may not see the effect of what we do now, but we leave a legacy that impacts others.”

The Corona church honors members for their four decades of committed service and active church involvement.



Southeastern California Conference

Loma Linda University Church Breaks Ground


on Expansion Project

By Cynthia Mendoza

At this time, adult Sabbath school classes are spread throughout various buildings and classrooms on the Loma Linda University campus, with everyone walking to the church for the worship service. The expansion will make it possible for everyone to attend Sabbath school in multiple classrooms within a centralized location on church property. The ultimate aim of such a largescale undertaking is rooted in mission. “The mission of our church is growing disciples, and discipleship is a relationally rich endeavor,” said Randy Roberts, senior pastor of the Loma Linda University church. “This


abbath, March 24, was a day of hopeful anticipation as the Loma Linda University church broke ground for an expansion project that will create a large connected space for Sabbath school classes, fellowship, and community. The project does not include the main sanctuary. expansion will provide for natural gathering spaces, for groups to come together, and as a headquarters for Randy Roberts, Loma Linda University church the different ministries that senior pastor, shares the church’s vision for the expansion project. help grow disciples. It will provide many further opportunities classrooms—was demolished. for ministry.” The young adult area will have The two-phase project begins with a café at the heart of the university a 65,000-square-foot family ministry campus right off the mall, as well building, which will include a large as an amphitheater. The expansion youth room with a balcony, a junior will also include a 500-seat, round high room, a fellowship hall three meeting room. The basement will times the size of the previous one, house maintenance and storage, as and a kitchen. To make room for the well as the media department (which new building, the previous building— is currently off-site). The rooftop area which housed church offices, the of phase one will include a deck and fellowship hall, and usable space for weddings and other events. (Left) Church “There’s been an extensive need members and leaders for this project for a long time,” said gather in front of the church to celebrate Tim Rawson, business manager for the the groundbreaking. Loma Linda University church. “Our (Below) Church goal is to build community and get leaders pose for a everyone on-site.” picture during the groundbreaking For more information about the ceremony. project, visit

J U LY 2018


Adventist Health

Speaking the Language of Diabetes

Provides Hope in the Lodi Hispanic Community By Jenni Glass




his mother to complications from diabetes. “And I’m Hispanic; our diets are typically rich with fried and sugary foods. After watching my family go through this disease, I knew I was next in line.” After attending Borth’s classes every week, Mérida said that making small changes in his diet was making a big difference. During a typical class in the dining hall of the church, Borth gave a presentation about managing diabetes and prediabetes. A Spanish translator relayed her information to the group. They discussed goals from the previous week, celebrated successes, and tackled any challenges they faced. It was an interactive class, and sometimes participants played educational games or did hands-on activities like making smoothies. These simple activities transformed the lives of the community members

that came to the weekly group. Initially, Borth was taken aback by the number of people who showed up after hearing about the seminar via word of mouth and by how eager they were to learn how to live more healthfully. After the first week, a young mom told Borth that she’d learned how unhealthy sodas were for her family—so they stopped drinking them immediately. “It is so rewarding,” said Borth. “We have to find people where they are and bring the message to them.” Mérida agrees. After watching over a dozen of attendees learn how to prevent and manage diabetes, he is thrilled with the results and is grateful that Borth’s program found a home in his church.


n Lodi, a pastor knocked on the doors of homes surrounding his church—but not to talk about the church. Instead, he wanted to talk about something affecting his community at an alarming rate: diabetes. As former Lodi Spanish church pastor Victor Mérida (now retired) visited people in his neighborhood, he encouraged them to bring friends and family to his church on Thursday nights to learn about managing and preventing Type 2 diabetes. Lodi is located in San Joaquin County, which ranks third in the state for the highest incidents of diabetes and prediabetes. Jill Borth, nurse manager for care management at Adventist Health Lodi Memorial, recognized a need in the Hispanic community when she was performing diabetes screening at a local health fair. Borth saw a higher than average number of young Hispanic families with pre-diabetic and diabetic numbers during this screening. Mérida was overjoyed to offer Borth a place to host a free five-week support group series, titled Diabetes Among Friends. Not only did he think his congregation and community could benefit from this educational series, it also hit close to home for him. “I was borderline diabetic before this class started,” he said, adding that he lost

Pacific Union College

PUC Alumna and Faculty Member Win $30K Grant


for Innovative App to Help Refugees

By Becky St. Clair

ow can refugees get good jobs in their new homelands when they don’t have access to their educational and employment records? A new app, A4Ed, seeks to address this problem.

Last summer, Cristian Pancorbo, assistant professor of Spanish at Pacific Union College, interviewed refugees, teachers, and nongovernmental organization (NGO) employees in Lebanon regarding refugee needs. This research was for a project with PUC alumna Shanna Crumley, currently finishing her master’s degree at Columbia University in New York. “The big picture shows large numbers and a lot of need, but not what’s happening,” said Pancorbo of his work. “Throwing money at refugees doesn’t help; they need access to education and jobs.” His research fed into A4Ed, a social enterprise founded by Crumley, Pancorbo, and Gemma Torras Vives, a classmate of Crumley’s at Columbia. A4Ed utilizes Blockchain, the technology infrastructure behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, a popular method of transferring currency securely without the use of a central bank. The app will give refugees a secure way to record their education and employment history. Many refugees are well-educated and previously had good jobs, but because they were forced to leave their homelands

quickly and unexpectedly, many do not have papers verifying their education, skills, or experience. In these cases, refugees have two options: risk their lives to return home in hopes of procuring the documents, or bribe officials to provide papers. A4ED will provide a third option. A4Ed can be used for employeremployee skills matching. Though online platforms such as LinkedIn exist for this purpose, unlike A4ED, information shared there is not verifiable through the platform. On A4ED, refugees can record their education and experience, which are then confirmed by the institutions. Once confirmed, the entry—which cannot be changed—can be shared with potential employers or school administration in lieu of certificates or diplomas. In April, Crumley and her A4ED co-founders learned they had won the

SIPA Dean’s Public Policy Challenge Grant competition at Columbia, a year-long entrepreneurship challenge culminating in a $30,000 first-place award. They were also selected as the first place winners in the 2018 Global Public Policy Network competition for startups, hosted at Columbia, for which they competed with over 30 top-notch schools such as the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of Tokyo. “These wins opened doors for mentors, investors, licensing, and funding,” said Crumley. Currently, the A4ED team is working on partnerships with organizations such as the UN, UNICEF, and others to expand their app to include healthcare, contractual, and financial components. “We would like to pilot in Jordan soon,” said Crumley. “If we can partner with credible organizations such as UNICEF, it will move us forward much more quickly.” Despite the app’s potential for success and early recognition, the founders have no dreams of grandeur. “Our goal has always been to help people in need,” Pancorbo said. “We don’t want to make money off them; we want to pull them back onto their feet and give them purpose again. That’s their dream, and it’s ours, too.” Shanna Crumley (center), Gemma Torras Vives (right), and Cristian Pancorbo (not pictured) are winners of the SIPA Dean’s Public Policy Challenge Grant competition at Columbia. J U LY 2018


Southern California Conference

Cole Marcus Can Only Imagine


What God Is Planning Next

By Connie Jeffery

rom a YouTube viral sensation at age four to acting and playing drums in the movie “I Can Only Imagine,” 19-year-old Cole Marcus is a young man whose only goal is to glorify God in all he does.




Between working in the entertainment industry, composing songs, and recording his first album, Marcus also teaches youth Sabbath school at his local church. South Bay church Pastor John Jenson has been Marcus’s pastor since Marcus was born. “He’s contributed to our church in so many ways,” Jenson said. “He plays the drums in our worship band, plays the piano and sings special music, acts in our church drama team and with VBS, and has been an interim youth ministry co-leader in between youth pastors.” Marcus’s musician parents, Jerry and Cheryl Caglese, learned during his infancy that Marcus was born with the rare gift of perfect pitch and total recall. He began playing the drums at just 10 months old. At the age of three, Marcus received some unexpected exposure at a local drum event, which landed him Full Artist endorsements with Mapex Drums, Zildjian Cymbals, and Vic Firth drumsticks. He also won NBC’s “America’s Most Talented Kid” at age four and became the youngest songwriter in history to sign with Broadcast Music, Inc. Offers began pouring in from agents and producers when Marcus was four, but his parents turned down most roles because they wanted to

(Above) Marcus takes a selfie with some of his younger Sabbath School students. (Left) Marcus poses on the set of the movie “I Can Only Imagine.”

protect him from anything inappropriate. “He did a lot of TV commercials and a few roles on Disney and HBO, but we were diligent in raising Cole up on the Word of God,” Cheryl recalled. When Marcus turned 18, the types of roles he was offered radically changed. “I told God that I’d walk away from the industry altogether unless I could do something that would glorify Him,” Marcus said. “The very next day, I booked the role of Robby, the drummer for the band MercyMe in the movie ‘I Can Only Imagine.’” The true story of the writing of the hit song “I Can Only Imagine” is making

an impact. “This film is sending a huge message to Hollywood,” Cheryl said. “Audiences are starving for wholesome content that uplifts and inspires. We are blessed that God opened the door for Cole to be a part of this historical film.” Marcus loves music, acting, and sharing his testimony. “My passion lies solely on the fact that I want God to use me wherever I am,” he said. “I love music and eventually would like to be a pastor. Bottom line. I don’t care what I’m doing. I just want to put my 100 percent into it for God’s glory.” What’s next for Cole Marcus? He can only imagine. For more information, visit

Southern California Conference

L.A. County Board of Supervisors Honors Radio Show Host Harry Bey PHOTOS PROVIDED BY HARRY BEY

By Connie Jeffery

(Far left) On behalf of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Janice Hahn presents Harry Bey with two awards commemorating his years of service. (Left) Former L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca and Harry Bey share a friendship of more than 50 years.


n May 22, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors honored popular Adventist radio show host Harry Bey for 50 years of service in gang prevention. Bey can be heard every Saturday evening on 790 KABC on The Harry Bey USA Show discussing current events and helping the disadvantaged. In 1968, Bey founded Project G.A.N.G.S., an acronym for Gang Actors Needing God’s Support, a volunteer-run, anti-gang, anti-drug agency that has helped individuals redirect their lives and become responsible members of society. Janice Hahn, supervisor, Fourth District, presented Bey with a plaque to commemorate his dedicated service to the residents of L.A. County and a scroll in honor of the 50th anniversary of Project G.A.N.G.S. “Harry, I’ve known you for as long as I can remember,” Hahn said. “I know on the City Council when I began understanding the importance of prevention and why we should really invest in preventing kids from joining gangs in the first place, you offered me advice, wisdom, and encouragement. I still think that’s the best strategy, and a little investment in prevention goes a long way.”

Hahn described Bey’s interest in all people, not just gang members. “Harry also assisted the homeless, veterans, victims of domestic violence, and so many other people,” Hahn recounted. “Regardless of their age, their faith, their race, or socio-economic background, Harry has committed his life to ensuring that everyone has the opportunities they deserve.” Former L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca has known Bey for more than 50 years. “What’s unique about Harry is his complete reliance on God and his church and his respect and honor for all faiths—all humanity. His theme is helping people,” he said. “Project G.A.N.G.S. is unprecedented in terms of longevity and staying power,” said Baca. “There have been other gang prevention programs over the years, but never a program like this in terms of longevity. He’s impacted well over 100,000 people over the years, not just gang members but others who have similar spirits as his. I have great gratitude for Harry!” Velino A. Salazar, president of

the Southern California Conference, was on hand when Bey received his awards. “Harry Bey has been a friend for decades,” Salazar said. “We are so proud of his 50 years of service with Project G.A.N.G.S. His patriotic spirit and Christian witness are an inspiration to us all!” Bey is known as a colorful, effusive, patriotic American who credits God with any success he has had in life. “The Holy Spirit has always been my compass every day,” he said. “We are ALL brothers and sisters, part of the body of Jesus Christ. To God be all the praise, all the honor, and all the glory. Amen.” For more information, follow Bey on Facebook at harry.bey.7.

SCC president Velino Salazar shares his support of radio show host Harry Bey and his ministry.

J U LY 2018


(Left to right) Todd, T2, and Connie Jeffrey.

Southern California Conference


Parents Choose Baptism

after Son’s Experience with Adventist Education

By Rogelio Paquini



couple years ago, Todd and Connie Jeffrey were looking for the right church. They wanted a community that would provide them with spiritual growth and, most importantly, a spiritual foundation for their son Todd Jr., known as T2. Todd came from a mainstream Christian background and Connie from a Catholic family. They had tried several different churches; however, none had been the place they were looking for. When the time came for T2 to start kindergarten, Todd and Connie looked for a Christian school. In their search, they found the

website for the West Covina Hills Seventh-day Adventist School. When they contacted the school, they were invited to visit the kindergarten class. Since the end of the school year was approaching, kindergarten teacher Patty Inouye invited them to attend the graduation night. Todd and Connie were amazed by the songs, the kids speaking in public and reciting Bible texts by memory, the atmosphere—everything. “It was exactly what we wanted for our son,” said Connie. Todd and Connie knew the school was making an impact in T2’s heart. What they did not know was the depth of that impact. Just a few weeks after school started, the family suffered the loss of a grandmother. During the entire memorial and funeral ceremonies, T2 did not seem to be sad. His unexpected response worried Connie. “I did not know if he wasn’t sad or if he did not understand what was going on,” she said. She asked T2 about it. His response took Todd and Connie by surprise. “Mom,” T2 said, “I’m not sad because Jesus said we are going to be with Him in heaven.” Then he quoted John 14:1-4. It wasn’t long before the Jeffreys met some parents of students who West Covina Hills church Pastor Rogelio Paquini baptizes Todd and Connie Jeffrey on Feb. 17, 2018.



attended the West Covina Hills church. Soon, friendships were formed. One of the things that was different from their non-Adventist friends was the consistency of character. They couldn’t help but notice that the Christian values that were taught at school were confirmed at the church. “Most importantly, we discovered that the people lived the same values in church and outside,” Connie said. “We were impressed about the fun we could have with our new friends without alcohol.” Their experience moved them to become more involved not just in the school but also in the church. Todd and Connie began Bible studies with Inouye. “At first, they wanted something good for their son,” said Inouye. “Later, they wanted the same Jesus experience for them, too.” The day they were baptized into the West Covina Hills church family by pastor Rogelio Paquini, as they affirmed their commitment to make Jesus their Savior, T2 shared a memory text with the congregation expressing the promise of God for his family. Today, the Jeffreys are passionately serving the school and church ministry.

Southern California Conference

Sixth Annual Women’s Day Event Focuses on Prayer By Connie Jeffery


his spring, 56 women gathered for the sixth annual Women’s Day event sponsored by the Simi Valley church, in partnership with Southern California Conference (SCC) Prayer Ministry and the Pacific Union Conference.

Janet Lui, SCC prayer ministry coordinator, speaks to women gathered at the Women’s Day event.


Janet Lui, SCC prayer ministry coordinator, was the main devotional speaker. Her topic? Prayer is the key! “For me, having women’s ministry events is very critical because women often come from a different perspective,” Lui said. “Many times, we sit in churches and listen to a cerebral presentation, and women need opportunities for their hearts to be touched, to reach the things that really resonate in their being, to know that God is there, individually and personally, for them.” She wove in personal stories and Scripture as she spoke about the power of prayer. Jan White, pastor for nurture and discipleship at Simi Valley church, worked with a team of volunteers to make the one-day event happen. “It’s wonderful that women can come to an event that’s from 10 a.m. till 3:30 or 4 p.m. and be fed and nurtured in ways that are similar to a weekend retreat,” she said.

Cecilia Nunez, Simi Valley Hispanic group member, was blessed. “This is a very special occasion that we share as women,” she said, “because there are no children, no husbands; we’re by ourselves. This is particularly important because, as women, we need to have some time to ourselves, to bond with other women and to share the love of Jesus.” “I would miss it if we didn’t have it,” said Kathy Craig, Simi Valley church member. “I love it. We have it each year, and it’s an opportunity to build relationships with other ladies and women of our faith from other churches.” Peggi Trusty, Valley Crossroads church member, attended because her mother invited her. “I’m learning so much from listening to the experiences of the women around me, whether it’s sharing their

prayer experience or the personal experience from the speaker,” she said. Rocio Santos, Simi Valley Hispanic group member, echoed the other women’s sentiments. “Women’s ministries mean a lot because I have many mentors, ladies who have helped me in the past, and if it wasn’t for women’s ministries, I wouldn’t be here,” she said. “I’ve received so much support—prayers, mentoring, and beautiful ladies who have added an example in my life.” When events like this happen in the conference, faith grows. God is glorified. The gospel is proclaimed, celebrated, and made real. There’s something wonderful about likeminded women gathering together and focusing on what unites them— common joys and struggles, the belief that Jesus is the only Hope, and that prayer truly is the key! J U LY 2018


Hawaii Conference

Mission toTaiwan

By Zachary Yamada, Cody Larson, Kirsten Antolin, Dannica Roberts, and JC Furne


n March 21, a small group of students and sponsors from Hawaiian Mission Academy (HMA) set out on an adventure that our school had never attempted before: an international mission trip.

Planning for the trip to Taiwan took a lot of time and hard work. We started brainstorming about fundraising in August and came up with a few ideas, such as car washes. We also set up an online fundraising page: As a class we prayed for the money we needed in order to make this mission trip happen. We tried not to worry and gave our requests to God, and through faith He came through for us. We received unexpected donations from all around the world, including a kind wealthy person who had randomly stopped by our school and learned about our mission trip. We also sold food in Miss Megan’s classroom; that was a hit and we made a few hundred dollars off that. In total we raised over $12,000 for the trip. We were blessed with numerous people giving toward this mission trip, allowing some students to go who otherwise could not have gone. “God will definitely work in your life if you ask Him to,” said Kirsten Antolin. “God has tested me through the hardships and financial problems we faced. Trusting in God and believing that He has a plan will carry you through.”



It was nighttime when we landed in Taiwan, and the weather was colder than we had anticipated. Bleary-eyed and shivering, we made our way from the airport to our first location in Taipei. The Primacy Collegiate Academy (TPCA) is a high school similar in size to HMA. Our first task in Taiwan was leading out a chapel for TPCA. The program consisted of singing, introducing the mission team, teaching basic Hawaiian words, and a special hula by Dannica Roberts. After our chapel service we had a brief excursion to a day market in the alleyways near the school where our senses were overwhelmed with all the new sights, sounds, and smells. That same day, we made our way to Taiwan Adventist College (TAC) and collected trash around the neighborhood before sundown. The milk tea there was very good, and we miss it! We also liked the beds—other than those two days, we slept on the floor. The TAC campus was full of beautiful trees and flowers, and the local SDA church located on the campus matched the surroundings in beauty. The first Sabbath in Taiwan, we sang “Kanaka Waiwai” for the congregation.

That afternoon our hosts took us on a beautiful hike to a nearby waterfall, and in the evening we ate hotpot in the nearby town of Puli. The next day we took a bus to Sandimen Pingtung, where we remained for the rest of the mission trip. The pastor, Joseph Du, helped organize our tasks. The house we stayed in belonged to an elder of the Sandimen church and was built in the Paiwan tribe fashion. Crafted from shale rock and over 200 years old, somehow the house kept out the gargantuan mosquitos that were all too common. Sandimen was a unique experience for the boys because, if they wanted a hot shower, water had to be heated with a wood fire, a situation most Americans never experience. The week in Sandimen was the best week of the mission trip. We visited two different nursing homes, where we sang songs and created different crafts with the residents. Throughout the week, we also helped clean and repaint the Sandimen church. While we were painting, Pastor Joseph also asked us to paint a mural of Hawaii in one of the classrooms of the church. The 3-D mural included Diamond Head, a shave

Hawaii Conference (Opposite page from left to right) Zachary Yamada helps to move firewood on a local farm; HMA students take an excursion to the day market; students pick up trash in Yuchih, near the PAC campus; and they pull weeds at the elder’s farm.

ice shack, well-known Hawaiian sea life such as the humpback whale, and a waterfall. One day, after a morning of singing at a care home and painting, the mission team split into two groups: those who worked on the mural and others who helped on a farm that belonged to a church elder. The boys trekked up and down a small hill bringing firewood from below, and the girls helped pick beans. On a different day we worked on another farm—the boys cleared a pathway into the elder’s farm so it would be easier for him to access his crops, and the girls weeded, tossing the weeds to the chickens. During our last Sabbath in Sandimen, we fellowshipped with the local church members, sang songs, and shared our spirit of aloha by giving leis to those who had helped us. The local church surprised us with some locally made headdresses. In Taipei and Sandimen the people made us feel welcome, and we were blessed by their kindness and love. They taught us the joy of service. “I left to inspire, instead I was inspired,” said Zachary Yamada. “I came

‘knowing’ and realized I knew nothing. I learned that there was value in things I never considered, and that I put value in things with no value at all.” The mission team went to Taiwan to show God; instead, the people of Taiwan showed God to us. Misconceptions we had about mission trips were broken. “I learned from the mission trip that it does not matter where you go,” said JC Furne. “It could be a rich place or poor place. The spiritual worth of a mission trip is not determined by where you are serving, but who you are serving. As a missionary you don’t change the hearts of places; you change the hearts of people.” We hope to revive the “Mission” in Hawaiian Mission Academy through our missions class. When asked what he wanted to do with his experience, Cody Larson replied, “To take this and spread it to everyone else who didn’t go.” Several of our future goals include a two-week summer vacation mission trip in which we can immerse ourselves in the culture and environment. We would like to have more interisland mission trips

throughout the year to spread the spirit of aloha (love), o’hana (family), and mālama pono (taking care). We are also thinking about a mainland mission trip during a longer break in the fall. Finally, we hope to continue taking spring break mission trips, leaving behind a path for future students to follow. “I don’t know what God has planned for me with my life,” said Dannica Roberts. “But I know that what He has planned for me will be great, and I can’t wait to see what He is going to do.” To make a donation for future HMA mission trips, visit (Below) HMA students clean off church walls before repainting them. (Bottom) On the last Sabbath, HMA students pose with church elders. (Below left) Justin Mordeno and Cody Larsen work together on a local farm.

J U LY 2018


Northern California Conference

NCC President Jim Pedersen

Retires After Four Decades of Ministry By Stephanie Leal and Julie Lorenz


fter almost 42 years of service to the church, Northern California Conference President Jim Pedersen retires on July 31. Pedersen spent his entire ministerial career in California. (See timeline on next page.) He has served as NCC president since 2006. “I am grateful for the many wonderful years I have spent in this conference,” he said. “It has been my honor and joy to work with so many dedicated pastors, educators, committee members, office staff, church members, and ministry leaders.” Along with Executive Secretary Marc Woodson and Treasurer John Rasmussen, the current NCC administrative team recently marked their 10th anniversary together— the longest-serving executive team currently working in the Pacific Union. “As an administrator, Jim never lost his pastor’s heart—wanting to help people know the Lord, love the Lord, and follow the Lord,” said Woodson. “I’ve greatly appreciated his leadership—and his friendship— throughout the past decade.” Rasmussen agrees. “I value Jim’s team approach to leadership,” he said. “It has been great working with him and Marc to further the work of God’s church here in Northern California.” Throughout his time as president, Pedersen emphasized the importance of public and personal evangelism, which led to the ongoing Bridges: Bay Area for Jesus evangelism initiative. He believes that the most successful evangelism takes place at the local church and school, and he endeavored to support pastors and educators in a



A few questions for Jim Pedersen … variety of ways. “He never forgot that As you look back on the past 12 the decisions we were making at the years as president, how have you office affected the pastors, educators, seen the hand of God leading? The and other employees throughout the other administrators and I have prayed NCC,” said Ed Fargusson, assistant to about all our decisions. Time and time the president. “He wanted them to again, when we reached a crossroads know that the conference was there to and had to make a major decision, support them—and not the other way God provided the way through it. We around.” could see that God really was in that One of Pedersen’s first priorities decision; God was in that meeting; as president was to increase God led us where we needed to go. It communication between the wasn’t always easy. It was not without conference and employees/members. He began writing a weekly e-newsletter challenges and disagreements in some circles. But I’ve seen His leading— titled “The Word on the Street” opening doors and closing doors. featuring news, resources, and a short I’ve especially seen His hand in our devotional—many of which were Bridges evangelism initiative to reach compiled for his 2015 devotional book. the Bay Area for Christ. I believe the He will conclude the newsletter with its focus on ministry and evangelism as 578th edition. a partnership between churches and During his retirement, he looks between conferences is something forward to spending time with family, that will have a long-lasting impact. including his grandson Stephen. Is there anyone He also plans to you’d especially like to enjoy his hobbies, acknowledge as you including music, end your tenure as trains, working on president? There are so his Triumph TR6, as many! Of course, number well as cooking and one is my wife, Debi. traveling, passions Jim Pedersen looks forward She has been extremely he shares with his to being with family in supportive of my entire wife, Debi, trust retirement, including grandson Stephen. ministry, traveling all officer with the over the conference with me as I’ve NCC Planned Giving & Trust Services/ visited churches and hearing the same Property Management Department. sermon on multiple occasions! Her As he leaves, Pedersen wants to encouragement and support have encourage NCC church members to been invaluable. keep their eyes on Christ. “If we keep What are some challenges our focus on the love and grace of Jesus, facing the NCC in the future? We as we proclaim the message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, God can face big challenges due to shifting demographics, as the populations do big things through us,” he said.

grow in our cities and decrease in our rural areas. How do we allot our resources to meet the many needs? The high cost of living in some of our large cities affects how many pastors and teachers we can hire, and it sometimes keeps us from attracting new employees. In addition, many people in our cities are “post-Christian.” How do we build bridges to the communities in ways that are authentic to our biblical viewpoints? As you prepare to leave, what would you like to say to church members in the NCC? Early believers in Northern California were a very important part of the great Adventist movement in the West. We need to keep moving forward, sharing the good news, not allowing ourselves to become distracted from our mission. Remember the words of Paul: “For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified,” (1 Corinthians 2:2, NLT). Clockwise from left: Pedersen at Andrews University; at his 1983 ordination with his wife, Debi; (below) with best friend Tony Anobile, when both pastored the Eagle Rock church; with Debi and daughters Stacey and Lisa; praying at the NCC pastors’ retreat; preaching during the 2007 conference-wide convocation; visiting Fortuna Junior Academy; organizing the American Canyon Fil-Am church; the NCC officer team from 2008-2018; the NCC administrative team from 2006-2007; (center) with well-known conductor and composer Ralph Carmichael, a long-time friend with whom Pedersen planned two NCC concerts. (Below) As a 10-year-old, Pedersen poses as a future preacher. (Bottom right) Pedersen speaks at the 2007 convocation.

Decades in Ministry 1974 Graduated from Pacific Union College (B.A. in History/Pre-Law) 1977 Graduated from Pacific Union College (B.A. in Theology) 1977-1978 Pastoral Intern at Temple City Church 1978-1980 Student at SDA Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity, 1981) 1980-1981 Associate Pastor, Glendale City Church 1981-1987 Pastor, Oxnard Church 1983 Ordained to the Gospel Ministry 1987-1997 Senior Pastor, Eagle Rock Church 1997-1999 Senior Pastor, Napa Community Church 1999-2001 Assistant to the NCC President 2001-2006 NCC Executive Secretary 2006-2018 NCC President

J U LY 2018


Northern California Conference

Paradise Church Hosts “90 is the New 70” Luncheon By Wally Schmidt


n the spring, the Paradise church hosted more than 30 members aged 90 and above at a festive luncheon billed as “90 is the new 70.” One honoree, Ray Hixson, recently had passed the century mark! PAA students

our kids and our seniors interacting easily together.” The guests really enjoyed the occasion, which was the brainchild of members Laura Sutherland and Peggy Williams. “This was one of the neatest things ever done for older people in the church,” said Ann Lawrence, who attended with her husband, Brenton. “We loved having the kids come and speak to us individually. I really appreciated the teachers bringing the


To the delight of the honorees and their guests, the program featured elementary students from Paradise Adventist Academy (PAA). Students from kindergarten through fourth grade created the placemats for the tables and sang two songs before circulating among the diners to greet them. Fifth and sixth graders welcomed the guests and served the meal. Four young violinists entertained the diners. “We put a high value on intergenerational relationships,” said Paradise church associate pastor Dan Martella, who served as master of ceremonies. “It was a lot of fun to see

in kindergarten through fourth grade sing for the program.

kids over from school. It’s not an easy thing to walk 40 or 50 kids across the street!” Donna Wyman recognized the many who worked behind the scenes. “I especially appreciated the effort of those in the kitchen,” she said. “It was a sweet thing to do.” It turns out that Wyman is not yet qualified to be an honoree. She was the guest of her husband, Lloyd. “She’s a SPY!” Lawrence whispered theatrically. After lunch, church members Tom and Nancy Adams hosted a bingo game featuring the names of the attendees and offered a biographical tidbit on each person. Honorees enjoy the “90 is the new 70” luncheon at the Paradise church.

Northern California Conference Women’s Ministries

Turning Points

A Ministry for Every Woman: Growing Relationships Sabbath, November 10, 2018 Redding Adventist Academy 1356 E. Cypress Avenue • Redding $60 (includes conference materials and a light breakfast and Sabbath dinner)

Don’t miss this great event, featuring keynote speaker Carissa McSherry, teacher for Amazing Facts, many breakout speakers, music by Jodi Dilger and Jolyne Simler, and more!

For more information, visit



Northern California Conference

Helping Hands Caregiver Resource Center By Colleen Bond

Offers Respite and Compassion

Respite: take a break, get some rest, do something enjoyable, refresh the spirit.


Center participants David, Janet, and Monica display their artwork.

self-worth. Jerry, who has suffered multiple strokes, has attended since opening day. “This is my home and these people are my family,” he said. “I always want to be here.” While their loved ones are at the center, their caregivers get a much-needed break. “This place means everything to me!” said Don, the husband of a participant with a progressive dementia disease. He told staff: “I honestly don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.” Helping Hands is the only licensed community adult day program available in Nevada County and five surrounding counties. The Penn Valley church supports the center in multiple ways, including providing room and some operational costs, but most of the money needed comes from donations or grants. Penn Valley church members


or more than a decade, the Penn Valley church has operated an outreach ministry of compassion and respite—the Helping Hands Caregiver Resource Center, an adult day program. In a culture where it’s considered the norm to place aging loved ones in a long-term care facility, those living at home with their family care partner often fade out of sight from society as they become isolated. At the same time, their caregivers are often prone to discouragement, depression, isolation, and increased illness. Statistics have shown that as many as 60 percent of those caring for a loved one at home will die before the one they care for. The center seeks to help meet the needs of both the dependent adults and their caregivers. Three days a week, participants in the program spend six hours at the center with caring and competent staff members. They engage in many types of games that improve memory and cognitive ability, join in exercise groups to improve or maintain balance and mobility, socialize with peers and form meaningful friendships, and share a family-style vegetarian meal. Participants take ownership of their day and often gain much needed

Last fall, the Penn Valley church’s Helping Hands Caregiver Resource Center celebrated its 10th year of respite care ministry by hosting a community event attended by more than 200 supporters.

believe that Jesus wants them to be his representatives to minister the way He did. “When we reach out and meet the needs of the most vulnerable people in society, we are doing God’s work,” said program administrator James Gleason. “We become His hands in caring for the infirm, the invisible people all around us.” For more information about the center or to learn how to start a compassionate respite ministry, call 530-432-2479 or visit


for the Harvest MAT THE W 9:38

Notice of 2018 Constituency Meeting of the Northern California Conference Notice is hereby given that a regular session of the Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is called to convene at the Lodi Fairmont church in Lodi, California, on Sunday, September 30, 2018, at 9 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to receive from the officers and department directors of the Conference reports pertaining to the work carried on within its territory since the last conference session; to elect for the ensuing session officers, department directors, the Bylaws Committee, and the Conference Executive Committee; and to transact any other business that may properly come before the delegates in session. Each church is entitled to one delegate for the organization and one additional delegate for each one hundred members or major fraction thereof. James E. Pedersen, President Marc K. Woodson, Executive Secretary

J U LY 2018


Loma Linda University Health

Loma Linda University School of Medicine Awarded National Accreditation for Pathologists’ Assistant Program Only program west of Chicago to offer a nationally accredited degree in pathologists’ assistant


oma Linda University School of Medicine’s pathologists’ assistant program earned national accreditation by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences for five years, the longest an initial applicant can be awarded. The two-year master’s degree in health sciences is among 11 accredited pathologists’ assistant programs in the country and the only program west of Chicago to offer master’s-level education in surgical and autopsy pathology. “To be awarded a full five years as



an initial applicant for accreditation is quite an honor and speaks to the high-quality education our students will receive,” said Cheryl Germain, MHS, PA (ASCP), program director for the pathologists’ assistant program at the School of Medicine. Surgical pathology performs the dissection and description of the specimens generated from the clinics or operating rooms, from a biopsy to a complex cancer resection. Pathologists’ assistants are required to have comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, pathology, and surgical techniques, in addition to a patient’s

clinical history. Students in the program study in various clinical sites —including academic, community hospitals, and private labs—which offer exposure to different work environments. “The accreditation assures our students meet the highest standards required to work in the growing field of pathologists’ assistants and take the national certification exam with the American Society for Clinical Pathology,” Germain said. “We had a 100 percent pass rate for our inaugural class, and it’s our intent to maintain that level of success for years to come.”


Loma Linda University Health

Treatment Offers a Breath of Fresh Hope

for Asthma Sufferers

Dr. Laren Tan performs bronchial thermoplasty, a life-changing procedure to benefit patients


oma Linda University Health is giving severe asthma patients a chance to breathe easier — without the help of additional medications or inhalers—thanks to an innovative treatment known as bronchial thermoplasty. Laren Tan, MD, FCCP, a pulmonologist and obstructive lung specialist at Loma Linda University Health, uses bronchial thermoplasty to target the smooth airway muscle with a small, flexible tube that uses radio frequency heat to lessen the excess airway muscle. No incision is required, and the non-invasive procedure is completed in three treatment sessions. It’s common for patients who experience severe asthma attacks to build up excessive smooth airway muscles caused by inflammation. This causes the airway muscle to thicken and narrow, making it difficult to breathe. “Some patients find relief after the

first treatment and are able to take deeper breaths in,” Tan said. She uses the treatment with patients suffering continued asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest congestion, or shortness of breath, despite being on usual asthma therapy. According to Tan, there are at least 2.3 million people in California living with asthma. Five to 10 percent of those asthma sufferers are struggling with severe refractory asthma. Though this is a small subset of patients, they utilize more than half of the entire asthma healthcare resources, she said. Bronchial thermoplasty received FDA approval in 2010 and was first introduced to Loma Linda University Health in 2015. On average, the team at Loma Linda University Health treats between 150 to 200 asthma patients each month. In the last year, Tan has performed more than 50 bronchial thermoplasty treatments, the highest volume on the Pacific Coast.

Tan says her goal with the treatment is to provide patients who were merely surviving with asthma the hope that they can regain their lives. “I want my patients to live life by going out,” Tan said. “Sing in a choir, dance, sleep better, exercise, and for some even just being able to wash the dishes.” The Comprehensive Program for Obstructive Airway Diseases at Loma Linda University Health — established in December 2017 — continues to adapt to the community’s everchanging needs and provides a resource for patients suffering from various airway diseases and their families. Tan says the vision is to further grow the interdisciplinary team (i.e., ear, nose and throat; gastroenterology) to promote simultaneous comprehensive respiratory care. “By God’s grace, we are putting breath back into the breathless,” she said.

J U LY 2018


Community & Marketplace

Arizona Conference

and registration: lasierra. edu/robocamp or email summercamp@robotsforfun. com.

Central California

La Sierra University’s CSI Summer Camp (July 23-26) 9 a.m.-1 p.m., ages 14-18. Participants will learn skills required in forensics and criminal justice. Info and registration: https://lasierra. edu/csicamp/; 909-458-0039; or Location: LSU Ontario Criminal Justice campus, 3491 Concours St., Ontario, CA 91764.

CALENDAR Show Low, Ariz. Church Reunion (Aug. 4) with former Pastor Norman and Jan Wagness. Share precious memories of God’s leading ‘72‘77 and the story of a nuclear engineer who said, “I need a plumber more than a preacher.” Meet the plumber. Plan for a potluck. 701 S. 8th Ave. Info: 928-358-9071. Summer Camp (now-Aug. 5) at Camp Wawona, themed One Way Jesus. Everyone can enjoy weeklong summer camp: cubs, juniors, tweens, teens, and families of all ages. Find the camp that is right for you and your family at CampWawona. org. Prayer Walk (July 6-8) at the Soquel Conference Center. Join us for the pre-camp meeting prayer walk. For information or to register, call 559-696-3692. Soquel Camp Meeting (July 12-21) at the Soquel Conference Center. Themed His Word Shaping Our Story, speakers include José Rojas, David Zaid, Henry Wright, and Arnaldo Cruz with concerts by The King’s Heralds and Michael Harris. For reservations and information, call 831-460-9811.

La Sierra University

Montecito International Music Festival (July 8-27) La Sierra University. Free concerts featuring world-class artists, Grammy-nominated musicians Andrés Cardenas, viola, pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet, and violinist Cho-Liang Lin. Info: http://montecitomusicfestival. com or call 213-925-2400. Robotics Summer Camp (July 9-13) 9 a.m.-3:45 p.m. La Sierra University will host Robotics Summer Camp for ages nine and above. Concludes with a robot competition. Info




Riverview SDA church presents “Shipwrecked,” a VBS program, (July 16-20), 10 a.m.12 p.m., kids ages 5-12, at the Reno Center of Influence, 1095 E. Taylor Street, Reno, NV 89502. Info: April Evans, alwagerevans@ Church Camp for Cedar City and Red Cliffs churches (July 26-29) Duck Creek Forest Camp. Guest speaker: Jerry Finneman; Info: Daniel Walter, 435-867-4886. Lake Tahoe Camp Meeting (July 30-Aug. 4) Tahoe Valley Campground, 1175 Melba Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Info: Darlene Spratt, 775-786-5725, or Virginia Rose, 916-967-5932. Event website: Violin Concert by Jaime Jorge (Aug. 10, 7 p.m.) Sparks SDA Church, 2990 Rock Blvd, Sparks, NV 89431. Info: Nancy Albin, 775-331-4332. Reno Young Adult Vespers (Bi-monthly). Join us for fellowship, music, and Bible study, ages 16+, Riverview church “Stonehouse,” 7125 W 4th St., Reno, NV 89523, Info: Becca Singleton, 775-720-3687.

Northern California

FEJA Youth Retreat (July 7-8) Chico. Info: NCC Hispanic Ministries Department, 925-6035092.

Church Treasurer Training (July 8) 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Carmichael church, 4600 Winding Way, Sacramento. Bring your laptop computer. Lunch provided. RSVP. Info: NCC Treasurer’s Office, 888-4344622, ext. 209. Redwood Camp Meeting (July 19-28). Speakers: Shawn Boonstra, Sam Leonor, Chanda Nunes, Ivan Williams, Sr. Programs for all ages. Community Service Day on July 27. Great programming, family time, wonderful memories—all for less than $30 a night! Info: Campamento Hispano en los Redwoods (July 20-28). 2437 Dyerville Loop Road, Redcrest. Speakers: Gabriel Velazquez, pastor of the La Mesa, Tijuana, Mexico church; Salatiel Álvarez García, secretary of Soconusco Association of the Mexican Union of Chiapas. Info: www. or NCC Hispanic Ministries Department, 925-603-5092.

Pacific Union College

College Early: Summer in Residence (June 24-July 20). High school juniors and seniors are invited to experience PUC’s rigorous academic environment while earning college credit in popular general education courses. Info: academicadministration@puc. edu or 707-965-7103.

Southeastern California

Adventist Education (July 7). Dr. Elissa Kido will focus on the impact of Adventist Education on student achievement and character based on research studies. 3:30-8:30 p.m. Chino Valley Chinese church, 4136 Riverside Dr., Chino 91710. Info: Pastor Cho, 626-217-5782. Second Saturday Series Concert (July 14) 5 p.m. Featuring FluteSonic, Flute. Admission is by free-will offering, a reception follows.

Glendale City church, 610 E. California Ave., Glendale 91206. Info: 818-244-7241. Sunday Brunch Seminar: “Where do I go From Here?”(July 15) 9 a.m. Presenter: Lynda Lee Park, CEO, Consultants Extraordinaire. Free. For reserved seating, call 818-546-8421; walk-ins welcome! Info: gpark@sccsda. org. Second Saturday Series Concert (Aug. 4) 5 p.m. Featuring Cal State University LA, Choral. Admission is by free-will offering, a reception follows. Glendale City church, 610 E. California Ave., Glendale 91206. Info: 818-244-7241. Retiro Espiritual de Salud (Aug. 10-12). Aprenda los beneficios de una vida saludable con métodos sencillos. Invitados: Dr. Emilio Garcia-Marenko; Dr. Guillermo Navarro. Feche limite de registracion: 25 Julio. Envíe su pago a: Ministerio de Salud. (Cheque a nombre de Southern California Conference) POB 5133, Norco, CA 92860. Información: 951-313-8958.

CLASSIFIED At Your Service

California Adventist Federal Credit Union, your “One Stop Finance Shop.” Serving our Adventist Community for over 65 years with financial products and services, along with wealth-building education. Please visit our website at for updates on all that CAFCU has to offer. Call our office to speak to our friendly staff or manager for additional information: 818246-7241. Relocating? Apex Moving & Storage has a National Account Contract with the GC for your moving needs. Take advantage of a volume-rated discount. Be assured you are moving with

Community & Marketplace one of the best! Call Marcy at 800-766-1902. Visit us at www. SDA Real Estate Broker available to help you find homes in small towns, country homes with acreage, and undeveloped land in beautiful Northeast Washington. Experienced with all facets of country living, including home building, organic gardening, orcharding, and off grid living. 509-936-3112. www., Rob@ruralpropertiesbyrob. com. Single? Widowed? Divorced? Meet compatible SDAs from the USA ages 18-98. Each provides: birthday, marital status, race, occupation, interests, goals, year baptized, lots more! Safe, confidential, effective, fun! For more information, application, and current catalog, send $25 to: SDA Pen-Pals, P.O. Box 734, Blue Ridge, GA 30513. The Clergy Move Center© at Stevens Worldwide Van Lines is The Way to Move from state to state. Through our national contract with the General Conference, we extend our moving services to all Adventist families. Contact our dedicated Move Counselors for a no-cost/ no-obligation estimate at 800248-8313. Learn more at www. Web Design! Skyrocket your business with an exceptional modern website. Our Oregon Adventist agency specializes in giving you instant credibility using our strong internet marketing background and conversion-friendly design skills. View our work at Serving clients worldwide. Call Kama: 541-903-1180.

Bulletin Board

Adventist Books: Looking for new Adventist titles to encourage and grow your daily walk? Visit us at www. For used Adventist books visit www. Authors: If you are interested in having your book published, call 800-3671844 for a free evaluation. Canvasback Missions needs three vehicles to transport volunteers and supplies as well as pull a food trailer delivering healthy produce and meals on the island of Majuro. Your tax-deductible donation of a running or non-running vehicle can help us share the love of God through health and healing. 800-793-7245, info@


Downtime Downtime INTO INTO Uptime Uptime

Reno, Nevada. Beautiful hilltop stone house located on Riverview Adventist Church campus with breathtaking view of scenic Truckee River. Available for TV productions, cooking schools, church retreats, teaching seminars, administrative conferences, training workshops, reunions, etc. Sunday-Thursday $150 per day. Security deposit $350— refundable if left clean and undamaged. For additional information, please call Debbie Glass at 775-322-9642. The Advent God Squad needs you. You can bring paper sunshine totally risk free using our address. We screen and forward letters and an application from inmates who are aware this is a ministry. Share Christ’s love and wishes to deal with inmates. Be a pen friend through this 40-year-old ministry. To join, call or email Don @ Yvonne at 260-3877423, or email to sdapm@


Andrews University seeks Administrative Assistant - Social Work. Manages a variety of general office activities relating to future and current students, faculty, university personnel, and members of the community. General duties involve routine

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Community & Marketplace office management and communication, document preparation and coordination, financial management, and ongoing event planning. admres/jobs/show/staff_ hourly#job_10. OB-GYN, Pediatrician, Psychiatrist, and Psychologist needed for Adventist owned/ operated Rural Health Clinic on the campus of Weimar Institute at Weimar, Calif. Competitive pay. Call Dr. Randall Steffens at: 615-604-0142. Secrets Unsealed is seeking a F/T Accounting Manager to join our 501C3 ministry in Fresno, Calif. See position details at http:// employment/. The General Conference is seeking an experienced Cyber Security Analyst to assist in installing, configuring,

and maintaining all aspects of organization’s security and network systems as well as conducting security assessments. A bachelor’s degree in a related field with a minimum of four years of experience is required. Master’s preferred. Must be SDA church member. Interested applicants should send resume to


Northern California Christian Women’s Retreat at Leoni Meadows (Oct. 5-7 and 12-14, 2018). The guest speaker will be Adventist Review columnist Dixil Rodriguez. Visit https:// for more information. Registration applications are accepted online or via mail beginning Aug. 15, 2018 until 2 weeks before the retreat. Women’s Koinonia Retreat (Nov. 16-18) New Place Murieta Inn & Spa, Rancho Murieta,

Calif. (Sacramento area). Keynote Speaker Dr. Hyveth Williams, Andrews University. Registration fee of $260 includes 5-specialty vegetarian meals, internet, bathrobes, mini fridge & microwave, inspirational messages and much more. Register today at

For Sale

Health Ministry Coordinators and Personal Ministry Directors – Beautiful inexpensive witnessing supplies: magazines, brochures, tracts, and books. Free catalog and sample. Call 800-7772848 or visit us at www.

Missing Members

Hemet SDA Church, 27025 Girard St., Hemet, CA 92544 or call 951-929-2632; Deanna Andrews, Sherrie Arce, Matilda M. Archer, Nicholas Arroyos, Mary Ann Avery, Lorraine Baca, Brett Baker, John Barry, Jacob Beamesderfer, Max Beamesderfer, Waltraut Beilfuss, Jason Eric Bell,

Elizabeth L. Bernal, Jamie Bielma, Paul Bielma, Helen Marie Bister, Rayana Black, Lois A. Bottroff, Darlene Bruce, Chelsea Rose Buckley, Viola M. Campbell, Rubén John Cano, Richard Cloninger, Susan Cole, Franswaun Comer, Lawrence Cordero, Roseanna Correa, Victor Correa, Lewis Don Crawford, Ivonne Cruzaedo, May A. Cunanan, Barbara Curran, Nelia Beltrán Dasalla, Irene I. Davis, Rochelle Lynn De Arman, Annabelle De Guzmán, Corazón de Luna, Janeen L. De Rieux, Mar E. De Rieux, Avory Dillon, Evelyn C. Dinsmore, Francis Dinsmore, Martin Dlouhy, Simona Dlouhy, Cassie Dueóas, Dave Turner Eureka, Monica Bielma Evangelista, James D. Evans, Elijah Feuerstein, Zechariah Iman Feuerstein, Molly L. Fontain, Elizabeth Fontaine, Jason Franek, Salina Freydig, Tary Freydig, Reynardo Funez, Edgar García, Gloria García, Edita V. Gestoso, Coragrace Gooding, Dawn Gorman, Joann Green, Robert Green, Jr., Shawna Guerrero, Donald Hamm, Eureka Haney, Shawn Harder, Matthew Haselwood, Thomas Haskew, Eva Hastings, Jacque Lynne Hawkinson, Lou Heckenaible, Henry Henningsen, José Hernández, Enriqueta Lego Herrera, Billie Suzanne Herrod, Barbara Hill, Travis Hollenbeck, Cathy Pefley Holmes, Evelyn Hunt, Terry Lee Ireland, Ann Jordan, Uta M. Jorgensen. Valley Crossroads Church, ATTN: Church Clerk, Valley Crossroads Church Secretary,; 11350 Glenoaks Blvd., Pacoima, Calif.: Taylor, Noel; Teran, Beatriz; Tezeno, Britton; Thomas, Constance; Thomas, Danyelle; Thomas, Deana; Thomas, Yarona; Thompson, Johnea; Thompson, William; Toms I, Douglas; Toms II, Douglas; Trinidad Cervantes, Maria; Trujillo, Anthony; Tuitt, Juliette; Turner, Terrolyn; Uzomaka, Cassandra; Uzomaka, Santo;



Community & Marketplace Valenzuela, Florencio; Varola, Lori; Varola, Sarah; Venegas, Hector; Vzomaka, Cassandra; White, Arthur; White, Cynthia; White, Willie; Whyte, Tiease; Williams, Louise; Willis, Crystal, Wilson, Deloise; Wilson, Raeburn; Wilson, Toni-Ann; Wood, Mark; Wright, Elizabeth; Young, Arnold; Young, Chaka; Zamorano, Cristobal.

Real Estate

The ultimate retreat, remote yet very accessible, awesome beauty, and surrounded by timber wilderness, with hydroelectric power on large creek with waterfalls. Gated access. 10 acres, 2b & 2b mfg. home, double garage, barn, out bldgs., 1,200 ft. elevation, very mild climate, excellent gardening, berries, grapes, mature fruit trees. Must see to appreciate. Selling at $329,000. 530-877-7906.


Standifer Gap SDA School, Chattanooga, TN, is celebrating its 70th anniversary (Sept. 28-29). All alumni and former staff are invited to attend our celebration. Contact 423-8926013, or for further details visit:

Vacation Opportunities

Israel Tour with Pastor Jim Gilley, 3ABNs Pastor C.A. Murray and friends. Two trips this fall (Nov. 11-19) $3,095 and (Nov. 18-27) $3,395. Includes all tips, taxes, air, and breakfast and dinner buffets daily. From New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles; other departure cities available. Call Jennifer, 602-7888864.

Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens, one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations call: 541-279-9553, or email

AT REST Bock, Robert Cleland – b. March 9, 1925, Puyallup, Wash.; d. April 26, 2018, San Diego, Calif. Survivors: wife, Concepcion; son, Raymond; daughters, Patricia Schimke, Linda Cannon; four grandchildren; six greatgrandchildren; sibling, Vera Davis. Served in family practice at Kensington clinic, San Diego, Calif. Byrd, Mary Ellen – b. Nov. 10, 1932, Knoxville, Tenn.; d. April 28, 2018, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: son, Barry; daughter, Kelli Haakenson; four grandsons; one great-grandson; sister, Barbara Liles. DeLeon, Domingo – b. May 10, 1921, Donna, Texas; d. May 15, 2018, Bakersfield, Calif. Survivors: son, Moises; daughters, Esther Smith, Cora Jackson, Anita Federson; five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Served as an Adventist school teacher and Pathfinder leader. Dirksen, J. William – b. May 16, 1936, Hutchinson, Kansas; d. April 22, 2018, St. George, Utah. Survivors: wife, Marlys; sons, Jim, Tod; daughter, Shari. Friese, Roy Edward “Ed” – b. Feb. 11, 1923, Hollywood, Calif.; d. Nov. 15, 2017, Calimesa, Calif. Survivors: wife, Lauretta, stepson, Jerry Richards; four grandchildren; brother, Robert.

Sunset Calendar

July 2018 City

Alturas Angwin Bakersfield Calexico Chico Death Valley (Furnace Ck) Eureka Four Corners [E] Fresno Grand Canyon (South Rim) Half Dome Hilo Holbrook Honolulu Joshua Tree Lake Tahoe Las Vegas Lodi-Stockton Loma Linda Los Angeles McDermitt [N] Moab Monterey Bay Monument Valley Mt. Lassen Mt. Whitney Nogales [S] Oakland Paradise, CA Phoenix Provo Puuwai, Ni’ihau [W] Reno Riverside Sacramento Salt Lake City San Diego San Francisco San Jose Santa Rosa Sunset Beach Thousand Oaks Tucson

7/7 8:39 8:32 8:09 7:48 8:33 8:02 8:50 8:38 8:20 7:54 8:18 7:03 7:35 7:17 7:59 8:28 8:00 8:30 8:03 8:07 8:28 8:45 8:29 8:42 8:38 8:13 8:20 8:33 8:37 7:41 8:58 7:25 8:29 8:03 8:32 9:01 7:54 8:34 8:30 8:37 8:29 8:05 7:33

7/14 8:36 8:35 8:12 7:50 8:36 8:06 8:47 8:36 8:18 7:52 8:21 7:02 7:32 7:16 7:57 8:25 7:58 8:27 8:01 8:05 8:25 8:42 8:27 8:39 8:35 8:11 8:19 8:31 8:34 7:39 8:55 7:24 8:26 8:01 8:30 8:58 7:57 8:31 8:28 8:34 8:26 8:08 7:31

7/21 8:31 8:37 8:14 7:52 8:38 8:08 8:42 8:31 8:14 7:48 8:23 7:00 7:29 7:14 7:54 8:20 7:54 8:23 7:57 8:01 8:20 8:38 8:23 8:35 8:30 8:07 8:17 8:26 8:29 7:35 8:50 7:22 8:21 7:58 8:25 8:53 7:59 8:27 8:24 8:30 8:22 8:10 7:28

7/28 8:24 8:38 8:15 7:53 8:39 8:08 8:36 8:26 8:08 7:43 8:24 6:58 7:24 7:12 7:49 8:15 7:49 8:17 7:53 7:56 8:13 8:32 8:17 8:30 8:24 8:01 8:13 8:21 8:23 7:31 8:44 7:20 8:15 7:53 8:20 8:47 8:00 8:21 8:18 8:24 8:17 8:11 7:23


Maui Vacation Condo in Kihei. Relaxing & affordable. Only a 3-minute walk to the beach! 1-bdrm w/king bed. Clean, comfortable, well-maintained. Sleeps 4. Fully-furnished kitchen, washer/dryer & more! FREE parking, Wi-Fi, & calls to U.S./Canada. Friendly Kihei SDA church nearby. Visit us at:

<> Email: mauivista1125@gmail. com or call Mark 909-800-9841.

[N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

J U LY 2018


Community & Marketplace Advertising

Advertising is accepted as a service to Seventh-day Adventist Church members in the Pacific Union. The Recorder management reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, especially ads not related to the needs and practices of the church membership. Acceptance of any advertising shall be considered a matter of accommodation and not a matter of right, nor shall it be construed to constitute approval of the product or service advertised. Payment in advance must accompany all classified advertisements or they will not be published. Display ads for known advertisers will be billed. To pay by credit card, please call 805-413-7280. How to Submit Advertising Classified ads must be sent with payment to the Recorder office ( Display ads should be arranged with the editor ( Classified Rates $70 for 50 words; 75 cents each additional word. Display Rates (Full Color Only) Back cover, $4,150; full page, $3,750; 1/2-pg., $2,220; 1/4-pg., $1,190; 1/8-pg., $600; $155 per column inch. Information Circulation is approximately 76,000 homes, and magazines are scheduled to arrive in homes by the last Thursday of the previous month. For more information about advertising, please click on the Advertising tab at, email or call 805-413-7280. 2018 Deadlines These are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier. September: July 30 October: August 29


The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and health care institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See www.dailywritingtips. com/the-art-of-writing-news.



Fromm, Leslie Carl – b. Aug. 21, 1934, Merced, Calif.; d. April 6, 2018, Cleburne, Texas. Survivors: wife, Barbara; son, Gary; daughters, Alice Currier, Sherri Aschwanden; six grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren. Hamilton, Arlene M. – b. Oct. 3, 1914, Providence, R.I.; d. April 20, 2018, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: son, Thomas H.; two grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren. Hart, Ruth M. – b. April 9, 1921, Fallon, Nev.; d. May 15, 2018, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: sons, Kenneth, Richard; five grandchildren; 11 greatgrandchildren. Hernandez, Ester – b. March 12, 1937, Paracale, Philippines; d. March 23, 2018, Polillo, Quezon, Philippines. Survivors: sons, Proceso, Windel; daughters, Annabelle Hanon, Ailyn de Jesus; five grandchildren; six greatgrandchildren. Howell, Doris Le Jeune (Beckwith) – b. March 1924, Parkersburg, W.Va.; d. April 5, 2016, San Diego, Calif. Survivors: son, Paul Kuhner Howell; daughters, Pamela Ann Dorward, Penelope Lee Williams-Bock; nine grandchildren; 12 greatgrandchildren. Served as Pink Lady and Pink Lady President, Paradise Valley Hospital. Lemke, Violet Mae – b. Aug. 30, 1922, Elmwood, Ill.; d. April 24, 2018, Surprise, Ariz. Survivors: sons, Anro, Robert. Matar, Dottie Tininenko – b. Aug. 15, 1920, Bainville, Mont.; d. May 15, 2018, Spokane, Wash. Survivors: daughters, Dorothy Wareham, Sally Curnow; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Served with her husband who pastored in Texas, North Dakota, Montana, Nevada, and California.

Morse, Jr., Howard – b. Dec. 31, 1932, Takoma Park, Md.; d. Dec. 3, 2017, The Villages, Fla. Survivors: sons, Howard, Paul, Steven Wroblos; daughters, Pamela Garvin, Adrienne Henderson, Roxanne Farrow; 12 grandchildren; 13 greatgrandchildren; sister, Dolly Wasli. Beyond his professional accomplishments, his most significant legacy is his family.

husband, Verne; son, Grant Lewis; daughter, Cherry Kay Culpepper, Lonni René; three grandchildren, four greatgrandchildren.

Nightingale, Daymon Grace (Cole) – b. Jan. 14, 1927, Hagerman, N.M.; d. Jan. 24, 2018, Lodi, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Cynthia Nightingale Peart; sister, Rae Davidson.

Walls, Sharon – b. Oct. 22, 1945, Orange, Calif.; d. May 23, 2018, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: husband, Art; son, Brett; daughter, Lori; five grandchildren; mother, Faye Cornwell; sister, Karon Jones.

Peterson, Lillian – b. Aug. 31, 1935, Chicago, Ill.; d. May 7, 2018, Riverside, Calif. Survivors: son, Dale; daughter, Cheryl. Smith, Carol – b. Dec. 6, 1934, Escondido, Calif.; d. March 26, 2018, Riverside, Calif. Survivors:

Tilstra, Albert – b. July 25, 1938, Sumatra, Indonesia; d. June 2, 2018, Carson City, Nev. Survivors: wife and three adult children.

Welebir, Douglas – b. Feb. 9, 1943, Washington, D.C.; d. May 8, 2018, Los Angeles, Calif. Survivors: wife, Connie; sons, Matthew, Morgan; daughter, Melissa Kuhn; mother, Benita; sisters, Carolyn, Benita.

New on Video New Adventist Videos This music video was created as a joint effort between Rio Lindo Adventist Academy’s Lindaires and Video Production class. The song, which symbolizes the final reunion between believers and God, was filmed on the campus of Rio Lindo Adventist Academy which feels like a small slice of heaven on earth.

La Sierra University music students came together to perform this beautiful arrangement of the hymn It Is Well With My Soul. This music video also tells the story of how Horatio Spafford was inspired to write the lyrics to this classic hymn.

“Inspired by you” Adventist Health commercial (60 seconds)

Jesus calls us to treat others as we would like to be treated, which is the essence of the Gospel. In this short clip Jim Redfield, Pastor and Conflict Management Specialists, talks about the importance of kindness in the life of a church. Produced by Pacific Union Conference Church Support Services.

All God’s People is the weekly video program produced by the Pacific Union Conference. It is released every Friday afternoon. Short, news, and positive stories about Adventists in the Pacific Southwest.

J U LY 2018


P.0. Box 5005 Westlake Village, CA 91359-5005



Keep Up With “All God’s People”

All God’s People is the weekly video series highlighting the people and ministries of the Pacific Union. The program features bite-sized news and inspiration from the diverse congregations of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah, where Adventists are doing wonderful things to live like Jesus and further the gospel. It is hosted by Connie Vandeman Jeffery and posted online every Friday afternoon—just in time for Sabbath. Optimized for mobile devices.

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