Pacific Union Recorder—July 2021

Page 20

COVID-19 Patient Receives ‘The Best of Both Worlds’ with Adventist Health Hospital@Home


hen the pandemic began, Gabriela Padilla’s first concern was for her parents, who live with her and her son. Their age put them at greater risk for complications, and Padilla’s underlying health conditions were a danger to her as well. When her son got COVID-19, he recovered quickly, but when Padilla got sick, she headed to the Emergency Department at the Adventist Health hospital near her home. “I must have felt something, because when I left and we were driving [to the hospital], I just broke down. I just started crying, because I had told my son I’d be When Gabriela Padilla was in the hospital with COVID-19, her focus right back,” said Padilla. was on getting back home to her family. Instead, she was admitted to the turn it off for a moment,” said Padilla. “Even if physically hospital and had to call her son to tell him that she you still have the bracelet, and you still have all of these wasn’t coming home after all. different things that are 24/7 care, but then you get At the hospital, Padilla’s focus was on getting well those moments when you get to turn it off, and my son so she could get back home to her family. On day four, masks up and he pokes his head in [the doorway]…and after her oxygen level had improved, one of the doctors that moment of joy of seeing his face that you can’t get offered her an option—the Adventist Health Hospital@ at the hospital because you’re so completely isolated.” Home program. Through this new service, she was The Adventist Health Hospital@Home program also able to go home, receive care from a team of doctors provides patients with telehealth monitoring technology and nurses, have her vital signs monitored, and receive and other supplies. Patients receive reports from any in-person visits from a member of her care team. Most laboratory work and have access to mobile imaging, all importantly, she was back home with her son. while staying connected to their care team through a “I think that’s the best part of [receiving care] mission control center app and in-home visits. virtually—it’s like that idea that at least your brain can Through Adventist Health Hospital@Home, Padilla said she got to receive “the best of both worlds…this amazing care from people who genuinely make you feel like they want to provide this care for you—they’re happy to do it—and my family. How could you not get better?” Learn more about Hospital@Home at and hear more patient stories like Padilla’s at our Adventist Health Story and Experience website at ____________________ By Kim Strobel

Through Adventist Health

Hospital@Home, Padilla said she got to receive “the best

of both worlds.”

20 Pacific Union Recorder

Adventist Health

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