Pacific Union Recorder—September 2023

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The Last but First, Least but Greatest

Touching the Heart of the People in Hawaii

The Legacy of Ellen White's Ordination

Adventist Christian Fellowship I The Real Hiram Edson




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Aimee Wyrick-Brownworth, Dean of the School of Sciences

The parables of Jesus reflect the profound concept of God's grace and the idea that no matter when a person comes to faith, they can receive the fullness of God's salvation. The story of the thief on the cross is a poignant illustration of this principle—even in the last moment of life, one can turn to God and receive His mercy. This perspective reminds us that God's grace is not limited by time or circumstances and that all individuals have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of faith in Christ. It emphasizes the inclusiveness and boundless nature of God's love and encourages believers to remain committed to sharing this message of hope, love, and grace with others, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to



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is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.
Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381), Volume 123, Number 9, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is published monthly. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $16 per year in U.S.; $20 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $2. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.
Editorial Correspondents
4 The “Last but First,
but Greatest”
How to Belong to the Church and
Still Be
Adventist Pioneers in the West: Touching Hearts in Hawaii for Jesus
The Legacy of Ellen White’s Ordination
Adventist Christian Fellowship: Home Away From Home for Students on Public Campuses
The Real Hiram Edson 32 Newsdesk 38 Arizona Conference 40 Central California Conference 44 Hawaii Conference 46 Holbrook Indian School 48 Adventist Health 49 La Sierra University 50 Loma Linda University Health 51 Pacific Union College 52 Nevada-Utah Conference 54 Northern California Conference 58 Southeastern California Conference 62 Southern California Conference 66 Community & Marketplace 69 Sunset Calendar September 2023 3

Least but Greatest The“Last but First,

FANI KURTI/E+ VIA GETTY IMAGES 4 Pacific Union Recorder

Greatest” Conundrum

What is the purpose of a parable? In the Gospels of the New Testament, parables were stories told by Jesus to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. In Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard workers.

In the parable, a landowner went out to hire workers to tend his vineyard. The Bible says he went out early in the morning. He hired the workers and promised to pay them the “normal daily wage” (Matthew 20:2).1

At 9:00 o’clock in the morning, 12 o’clock noon, and 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon, he hired more workers and promised to pay them the normal daily wages. Then at 5 o’clock he again went to the marketplace and found workers who had not been hired, and he invited them to come and work in his vineyard.

When the workday was over, the landowner instructed the foreman to call all the workers together and pay them. The landowner then gave the foreman the most puzzling instructions. The landowner told the foreman to “pay them, beginning with the last workers first” (verse 8).

And that was exactly what the foreman did. He paid the workers that were hired at 5:00 p.m., then he paid the 3:00 p.m. hires, then those who were hired at noon, then the 9:00 a.m. laborers, and finally the early morning crew.

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The foreman was instructed to pay all the workers exactly the same amount. He paid them all the “normal daily wage.”

Some of the workers were understandably upset, and they brought it up with the landowner, who responded by saying the following:

Friend, I haven’t been unfair! Didn’t you agree to work all day for the usual wage? Take your money and go. I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you. Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be jealous because I am kind to others? So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last (Matthew 20:13-16).

Let me be honest and tell you here that when I read this story, I had to remind myself that this is a parable. There is a moral and a spiritual lesson here for me to find. Find it and don’t get caught up with what appears to be the disparate treatment of some of the workers.

So I began to search, and I found it.

The reason Jesus told this story in the first place is because of a rather blunt question Peter asked: “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?” (Matthew 19:27). Jesus responded:

I assure you that when the world is made new and the Son of Man sits

upon his glorious throne, you who have been my followers will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life. But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then (Matthew 19:28-30).

Let me get to the point. First, our motive for service is vitally important in these passages of Scripture. Second, our sense of entitlement as Christians is not as important to God (the landowner) as is His desire to provide grace and salvation to all His children. In life we sometimes give of our time, talent,

6 Pacific Union Recorder
The reason Jesus told this story in the first place is because of a rather blunt question Peter asked: “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?” (Matthew 19:27).

and resources in proportion to what we think we will receive. These passages of Scripture remind us that God understands, appreciates, and will reward those who have made grave sacrifices for the kingdom of God. However, greatness in the kingdom of God is not measured by our good works. Remember: “But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then” (Matthew 19:30).

Jesus intended to show that He has no favorites. As Christians we must guard against the temptation to believe that we are somehow entitled to receive some special bonus award because we are Christians. Or (do I dare say it?) because we are Seventh-day Adventists.

Some of us will serve God our entire lives. There are workers and their families who will serve God

and the church for generations. However, as the story of the thief on the cross reminds us, others will come at 5:00 p.m. and will receive the full benefit of the free gift of God. That’s why we must continue to share this great message of love until Jesus comes.

If Jesus were talking to leaders today, that’s the lesson I believe He would share with them. The truth is, this spiritual lesson applies to all of us, not just leaders.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23, NLT; emphasis mine).

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1. All Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation.
Leon B. Brown Sr. is the executive vice president of the Pacific Union Conference.

How to Belong to the Church and Still Be Yourself


Make no mistake, the church is legitimate. It is Christ’s idea. He started it when He declared, “On this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18).1 The church belongs to Him and He Himself is its foundation. The confession of Peter in verse 16, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” is the rock-hard, everlasting granite the church is built on.

And what do I mean by the term “the church?” I mean the fellowship of blood-bought believers. I mean any place where even two or three people gather together in Christ’s name and He appears in their midst. Then, too, the church is any cluster of Christians who love each other so much that when non-Christians see them they exclaim, “Those people have been with Jesus.” It is the place where every category of person on the planet is affirmed as equal, whether Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. There is a sense in which the church is invisible since God alone knows who really are His. Nevertheless, the church is in the world and in full view for everyone to see.

Not surprisingly, Christ cares deeply for His church. But how deeply? What the flock is to a shepherd (John 10:14), what one’s body is to oneself (1 Corinthians 12:27), what a wife is to her husband (Ephesians 5:31-32), that the church is to Jesus. Perhaps the ultimate evidence of His love for this institution is He died for it (Acts 20:28). Cherish that thought for a moment. The point is, if this organization means so much to Him, how can we be blasé about it?

To go to church is not like watching an old rerun of a game between the

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Dallas Cowboys and the Detroit Lions where you already know who wins. Here we watch without much thought or anticipation of the outcome. “Pass the potato chips and the dip, please” is not a helpful attitude if you hope for the Spirit to be there.

A bright Adventist woman frustrated to the point of tears confronted me with, “Pastor, I’m stuck! I can’t breathe! The church has absorbed me. The denomination tells me what to believe, how to act, how to think. I’m in a bad, one-sided marriage. There is no appreciation of me as me. I used to be lost in the world; now I am lost in the church. How will I ever find myself again?”

I could not answer her with words. She had accurately described my feelings and struggles at the time. The silence between us was long but not awkward. Slowly the disheartenment in her eyes turned to understanding and she said quietly, “I’m sorry. I never realized you feel the way I do.” We

parted as I hastened to my car and turned my sound system up loud.

Since then, I’ve sorted some things out. My hope is that someone who has lost their identity in God’s house will be helped by these suggestions on how to find it again. I believe it is possible to embrace your Adventist confession of faith and have yourself as well.

Get the dynamics of salvation straight

Martin Luther taught us that we do not come to the church so that it can take us to Christ but rather we come to Christ and He takes us to the church. The order he saw is: Individual - Jesus - Church. To support this, Luther quoted Acts 2:47, “And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” This, he felt, left salvation in the hands of Christ where it belongs and not in the hands of the church.

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Am I wrong when I assert that many, if not most, Adventists rely on the denomination for salvation? Now, it is true that if you asked them the question, “Does the church save you?” very few would answer in the affirmative. But restate the same question in another form and the answer changes. Suddenly, throat clearing, eye rolling, and head scratching become the order of the day. Ask, “Would you be lost if you left Adventism?” Then note how complicated the issue becomes.

As long as any ecclesial organization is your train ticket to heaven, it has control over you because heaven with Jesus there is too precious to miss out on. Give back that ticket! It’s invalid! Christ alone can raise us from the dead and give us new life. He awakens us, calls us, readies us before the evangelist says his first word. The magnificent initiative driving salvation is God’s. It began before the creation of the world in His heart. We were in His thoughts long before He was in ours (Ephesians 1:4-10).

Yet this does not mean the church is impotent, of no value. Jesus brings us to His congregation where He wants us to flourish! It serves us with baptism and communion (which are ordinances, not

sacraments), it instructs us in the Word, it promotes the kingdom of God. That little Christian community on the corner of First and Elm is the Lord’s presence in the town where we live, the stage where God’s grace is displayed, the sanctuary where people may find refuge. It is the place where we help one another and bear each other’s burdens. Quite something, don’t you think?

So let me say that I am unabashedly committed to the church Jesus brought me to. In my case, it is the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. I fellowship there, sing there, pray there, give and get support there. This is not to say my commitment has always been easy to render—or for that matter been overly appreciated by its leadership. I understand what ecclesial disillusionment is—been there, done that. But by grace, this is where Jesus landed me, and I gladly accept it.

See yourself as the essential point

Have you ever visited people who drove you crazy by their compulsion to keep their house clean? Now it may be that I have a “thing” about this because of my upbringing. My mother did not permit her children to use the front door of the house for fear of spoiling the wax job in the entryway. And when we did enter by the back door, we first had to take off our shoes. My father sometimes teased her by saying that if we had a cuckoo clock, she would manage to potty train it.

In my opinion, a house should be clean enough to be healthy but untidy enough to find things where I put them. My wife easily finds any of my lost things because she knows where she has hidden them!

Jokes aside, the real point to know about a house is that it exists for you and not vice versa. Surely

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The magnificent initiative driving salvation is God’s. It began before the creation of the world in His heart. We were in His thoughts long before He was in ours (Ephesians 1:4-10).

you don’t buy a house because you want something to keep clean. You buy it for shelter from a heavy snowstorm. It’s a place to wrestle with the children on the carpet, a place to enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches and popcorn on Saturday night. Within its walls you raise your family of cute brats for Jesus. In short, the house is there for you—and not the other way around.

Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). By this principle, I believe, He taught us what is to be primary in all spiritual institutions—namely, people. Take church members out of the equation and what would be left of our denomination? What is Andrews University without students? Or the Sabbath on an empty planet? People are not an option we can dispense with. People are the essential point. That means us—you and me. Isn’t it wonderful?

Understand who gives freedom

I used to sit around waiting for the denomination to set me free. I wanted the Union Constituency Meeting to pass a motion to that effect and then vote it as unchangeable policy. “Moved and voted to set members free to discover their individuality and

to think and act for themselves.”

But since then, I’ve realized it cannot be so, simply because freedom is not the church’s to give. There’s no gift-wrapped package of liberty under that Christmas tree on the church platform for you or anyone. Here’s how the Declaration of Independence speaks about the source of liberty:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.2

What this declares is that certain truths are axiomatic. They are so because they just are so. They’re self-evident, like 0 is a number. We don’t have to prove that people are equal or that we are free because it is a God-given right. There’s nothing to squabble about.

Moreover, this right is “unalienable.” That is to say, it cannot be taken away or given away. Even in prison, we can still sing if we wish to express our freedom. I’ve heard that in Dachau, the incarcerated Jews had one of their own awaken them a minute before their guards did each morning so as to be independent. Freedom comes from God. Just ratify it.

A similar way to describe the source of our freedom is found in Belief 7 of the Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs. This is our take on the Nature of Humanity. It begins: “Man and woman were made in the image of God with individuality,

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We’re also able and free to use our own minds and then act on our own interpretations and convictions. It’s not a sin to be yourself.

the power and freedom to think and to do.”3

We were made in the image of God. Incredible, isn’t it! This means each of us is unique, special, distinguished from all other human beings—we have individuality. We’re also able and free to use our own minds and then act on our own interpretations and convictions. It’s not a sin to be yourself. It is a sin to pretend to be someone you’re not. Whatever the role you have to play (minister, judge, nurse, etc.), the real you must shine through. Here William Shakespeare informs my thinking: To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.4

This isn’t in the Bible, but I think it should be!

Freedom to question church leaders

The Scriptures do not encourage gullibility, simply swallowing what our leaders teach us. The way it works is that leaders are given authority to instruct us, and believers are given the responsibility to assess if what they’re teaching is true. The apostle Paul warns the Thessalonians, “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22, NIV).

And Luke praises the congregation at Berea for checking on the apostle Paul, saying they “were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness

and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11, NIV).

Seems to me if you can question Paul, you probably are free to question church leaders, don’t you think? This is not to say it is easy to do. Some leaders stand on the exact geographic North Pole where every which way you point (except up) is south. It’s hard to argue with those who have such an absolute sense of direction.

Live life out of the gift God has given you

In the delightful allegory of The Talking Body Organs in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, the apostle Paul affirms the grand significance of each of us to God and to the church. What if a disconsolate foot, suffering from an inferiority complex, were to declare, “I want to be a hand?” Or a pouting ear with a hangdog look asserted, “Why can’t I be an eye?” Paul says “Stop that nonsense! You’re crucial to the body of Christ as you are. And if we all were the same organ, there would be no body.”

My suggestion is that you make yourself visible to the congregation and the community by exercising whatever gift the Spirit has given you. Rest assured, you have been endowed with an indispensable spiritual gift. Your gift may involve food, or art, or gardening, or swimming, or cleaning, etc., etc.

And the greatest of the gifts is love (1 Corinthians 13). That is totally the best part!

1. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the English Standard Version.



4. William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3.

Smuts van Rooyen, a retired pastor, lives in San Luis Obispo, California. This is a chapter from his book, The Dance of the Big Hunger, soon to be released by Oak & Acorn Publishing.

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Adventist Pioneers in the West

Touching Hearts in

By the Recorder editorial staff

14 Pacific Union Recorder
Photograph of the first evangelistic meeting held in Hawaii from January through March 1886. From left to right: Birdie Healey, William Healey, Clara Healey, Loran A. Scott, and Abram La Rue. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE HAWAII CONFERENCE. SHARED BY MICHAEL W. CAMPBELL.

Hawaii for Jesus

The Hawaiian Islands were formerly known as the Sandwich Islands. Visited by Captain James Cook in 1778, he named them after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. The name Hawaii came into use later. Ellen White still referred to them as the Sandwich Islands in 1892.

Adventist work in Hawaii began in 1884 when Abram La Rue and Henry Scott went at their own expense to do missionary work and sell books.

Pioneer and historian John Loughborough records: “This awakened such an interest on the island that the General Conference, in November, 1885, voted that Elder Wm. Healy go the next season to Hawaii to labor, and that the California Conference be requested to loan a tent for this purpose. Thus equipped Elder Healy and those already on the island conducted a tent-meeting during the summer of 1886. As the result of this effort a number of persons accepted the message. Mr. La Rue remained in Honolulu till the year 1889, when he set sail for Hong Kong, China.”1

W.M. Healey arrived in Honolulu on Dec. 27, 1885, with his wife and 10-year-old daughter. To save money, they had traveled steerage class (no cabin) for $25 each. He began evangelistic meetings on Jan. 15, 1886, in a 50-foot tent pitched on the corner of Vineyard and Fort streets. The meetings were attended by the many interested people gathered by the two literature evangelists. Healey left Honolulu

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four months later, having baptized nine.

A.J. Cudney followed Healey to Honolulu, and on July 22, 1888, he organized the nine charter members as the first Adventist church in Hawaii. However, this was not reported to the General Conference because nine days later he set sail for Pitcairn Island—and he and his ship never arrived, all being lost at sea. Consequently, the church was not recognized until its reorganization in 1896.

Writing from England in 1896, E.J. Waggoner provided the following information: “A report from the Hawaiian Islands says that our friends in Honolulu are just starting a sanatorium, with a medical missionary in charge. The Chinese work in the islands is prospering, and some natives

connected with the mission are expecting soon to return to China to work.”2


Three years later, Baxter L. Howe also gave an enthusiastic report that, aside from the glowing language, also shows the potential among such a diverse population:

“There is hardly any nationality that is not represented in the Hawaiian Islands. These are constantly coming and going from all parts of the world. As they stop there, we have the opportunity of simply meeting them, and then they pass on.

“But there are many with whom we have more than this passing contact. Perhaps you know that we have a Chinese school established on the island of Oahu, also one in Hilo, and that we are endeavoring to do what we can for those people whom God has permitted to be there in such large numbers.…

“If there is one thing in all the islands of Hawaii that touches my heart more than others, it is the condition of the poor native people. The gospel has been brought to them. Some have accepted it with all their great, free, loving nature. But what was given them was not the true gospel of Jesus Christ.… They fear God, and worship idols.…

“Now I say that we must have something for these people, something that we can take to them, and that they can comprehend, that will lead them step by step out of this condition into the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Our work among the English-speaking people has been most encouraging to us. It has not shown very largely in reports; but I want to say that there is an open door in the homes of the English-

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“There is hardly any nationality that is not represented in the Hawaiian Islands. These are constantly coming and going from all parts of the world.” -Baxter L. Howe

speaking people in the islands of Hawaii to-day.”3

It was the newly formed Pacific Union Conference that, once it was formed, immediately sent workers to Hawaii (as well as to Arizona and Alaska).4

In 1903, the report was of 37 members among a population of 154,000, made up of native Hawaiians, Americans, Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese.5

Ellen White visits

On her way to Australia in 1891, Ellen White’s ship stopped in Honolulu for 19 hours. She wrote extensively of her experience in the Review and Herald. The article began, “One week from the time we left California we reached the Sandwich Islands. The scene presented to us from the steamer as we approached Honolulu, was very beautiful… Our steamer was not to leave Honolulu till past midnight, and at the earnest desire of our friends I

had consented to speak in the evening. The hall of the Young Men's Christian Association was secured for the purpose. Only a few hours' notice of the meeting could be given, yet a goodly number were assembled, among them many who were actively interested in temperance and Christian work. I spoke from 1 John 3:1-4, dwelling upon the great love of God to man, expressed in the gift of Jesus that we might become children of God. The Spirit of the Lord was present with us.”6

On her return from Australia, she also stopped in Honolulu on Sept. 14, 1900. She recorded her visit: “About eight o'clock this morning we steamed into the harbor. Elder Baxter Howe was at the wharf to meet us, and gave us a hearty welcome. He took us in a carriage to Sister Kerr's, where we were most heartily welcomed, and where we sat down to a bountiful meal, which we all greatly enjoyed.

“In the afternoon we visited the sanitarium, and were very much pleased with the location. Then we met with a large number of our people at the church, where I spoke for about forty minutes and Willie for about thirty minutes. It was a great privilege to meet with these brethren and sisters, and we wished that we could spend two or three weeks with them. But this would be impossible.

“At the close of the meeting we visited the Chinese school.… We see a large field of work for this school, which should be more fully developed. Thus missionaries can be prepared to go to China and labor for their countrymen.”7

1. J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement (Washington, DC: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1905), p. 440. 2. E. J. Waggoner, “Back Page,” The Present Truth, Aug. 27, 1896, p. 560. 3. “The Hawaiian Mission Field,” General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4, April 16, 1901, pp. 279-280. 4. “The Pacific Union Conference,” General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4, July 1, 1901, p. 514. 5. “Report of the President, W.T. Knox,” General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5, April 2, 1903, p. 49. 6. Ellen G. White, “On the Way to Australia: Visit to Honolulu,” Review and Herald, Feb. 9, 1892, p. 81. 7. Ellen G. White, “Reflections While Crossing the Pacific,” Manuscript Releases, no.1427, Sept. 14, 1900, pp. 33-34. William and Clara Morrison Healey, c. 1875.
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The Legacy of Ellen White’s Ordination

The history of Ellen White has been distorted to fit not who she is but who some people think she ought to be.

Because there are those willing to do so, there are a multitude of ways Ellen White’s ordination can be belittled:

Ellen White was ordained so she could earn money after James died.

There is one certificate, but the word “ordained” was carefully lined through.

Ellen White never considered herself an ordained minister.

Ellen White never performed any of the duties of an ordained minister.

Ellen White has no say in how her story is told.

The legacy, as vehement as Mrs. White was, has been spun out of her grasp. The legacy is told in order to represent Adventism in one specific way. Unfortunately, when this “way” gets its way, it leaves our church with a misshapen concept of its identity. So let me clarify this: Ellen G. White was an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

In 1881, the General Conference (GC) voted on a policy to ordain women,1 and Ellen White received a certificate for the next credentialing period in 1883.2 However, an issue of the Review and Herald from February of 1871 tells us she was ordained prior to that by the Michigan Conference.3 The column of the paper referenced reports on the decisions made at the annual conference meeting.

There are five categories of people listed here: Those applying for a ministerial license; those “voted and moved” to receive a license; those “voted and moved” to receive a license and be recommended for ordination; those “voted and moved” to receive ordination credentials; and those having their ordination credentials renewed. E.G. White falls under that second-to-last category. It was at this meeting in February 1871 that she was voted to receive credentials.

This eliminates the rationalization that White was given credentials after the death of her husband in order for her to be able to earn money, because James wouldn’t die for another 10 years. I want to

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The legacy, as vehement as Mrs. White was, has been spun out of her grasp. The legacy is told in order to represent Adventism in one specific way.
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take a deeper look at this concept. It stems from the mistaken understanding that Ellen White was ordained starting in 1883. If that were so, it would be natural for a demeaning interpretation to decide that was the situation. But even with the year of her ordination aside, it’s hard to make the case.

First, I’d like to say that the ordination of our prophet did not come with extra terms and conditions. In all seriousness, there’s a distinction to be made between ordination credentials and a ministerial license. A ministerial license allowed its holder to minister and be paid by the church. In fact, a lot of (underreported) women held ministerial licenses.4

Let’s say the conference had only wanted Ellen White to be able to earn money; they would have assigned her a ministerial license and not allowed her to move up to ordination. Instead, White was given ordination credentials, an endorsement by the church.

Furthermore, this was during a period in time when many denominations nation-wide were debating women’s ordination—denominations such as The Christian Church,5 Baptists,6 and Methodists.7 Most of these denominations ended up voting against it. Still, there’s something to be said for the fact that, in the midst of this debate, White was listed with the ordained ministers in the yearbooks8 and recognized in the secular newspapers.9 The church was not ashamed nor afraid to claim her as an ordained minister, and rightfully so. Her ordination was not a result of necessity.

As the years went on, Ellen White continued to receive renewed credentials. There are currently seven certificates located. There is a certificate from 1883, two from 1885, and one each from 1887, 1899, and 1909.10 Let’s focus on the two from 1885. One was issued by the Michigan conference, one by the GC. The 1885 GC-issued certificate has a neat line

through each individual letter in the word “ordained.” Another misconception that has been taught to a lot of people is that this 1885 certificate was the only one and that the word “ordained” was crossed out because White was not considered an ordained minister. However, there is no “crossing out” line on the certificate issued by the Michigan conference. The certificates both before and after 1885 do not have such markings either. The single marred certificate is little evidence in defense of this idea.

Ellen White never considered herself an ordained minister. I’ve always wondered where this argument comes from. As it turns out, it’s primarily built on a survey sent out in 1909.11 This survey was sent to all the ministers at the time, including Mrs. White. The purpose of this survey was to act as a kind of census for the General Conference. One of the questions asked for the date of White’s ordination. On this line is an X written in the handwriting of Mary Steward, one of White’s secretaries.

Mary Steward worked for Mrs. White from 1906 to 1915.12 After that she worked as a proofreader for the Review until 1937. There’s suggestion that White did not think highly of Steward in the position of secretary. She once wrote a letter to Addie and May Walling, saying: “You see now I have no helper. I do not feel that Mary Stewart is the one to fill the bill.”13 White’s explanation for her displeasure was, “I cannot get her to connect with me.” Evidently, Steward and

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White were not on the same page. Even so, Steward did continue to work as White’s secretary until she was at White’s deathbed in 1915.

It’s that X that leaves room for interpretation. It could mean that Mrs. White didn’t consider herself ordained. It could mean she didn’t have an official laying-on-of-hands service. Ellen White might have forgotten the exact date of her ordination service. There are a number of ways this could be interpreted because an X is rather ambiguous.

It’s also important to take into account the fact that the survey was filled out by Mary Steward, who could have been in error as much as (or more than) White herself. There is not a lot that can be done with the X definitively because the X is not specific. It does not speak. And it would be shameful for the legacy to be reduced to an X.

There are numerous counterarguments to Ellen White’s ordination, and they are founded on weak evidence. The gap between the documentation and certain conclusions is too far to bridge without an ulterior motive. We have to understand that the root of much of what is known about Mrs. White’s ordination comes more from bias than fact.14 She is the poster girl for Seventh-day Adventism. There can be a fear that she won’t represent us the way some think we should be seen. That fear is what drives most of the arguments presented. But ignorance is not bliss.

I am not a scholar of any real status. This is not an academic paper. This is a caution. I want you to not

be afraid of Ellen White’s legacy, and I want you to not be afraid to be honest.

Let Ellen White be a person—not a device, not a sculpture designed by hands other than God’s. I want you to not be afraid of how the real Ellen White represents us. Ellen G. White was an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

We cannot keep tiptoeing around subjects that could upset the balance. Our church is not a see-saw. We are healthier when we can plant our feet on solid ground: Truth.

Kara Wibberding is a high school student writing from Angwin, California.

1. S.N. Haskell, “General Conference,” Review and Herald, Dec. 20, 1881, p. 392; “General Conference,” The Signs of the TImes, Jan. 5, 1882, p. 8.

2. “Records Pertaining to Ellen G. White’s Ministerial/Ordination Credentials,” Ellen G. White Estate, until%20her%20death,as%20a%20General%20Conference%20Minister (accessed June 16, 2023).

3. Isaac Van Horn, “Michigan Conference of S. D. Adventists,” Review and Herald, Feb. 14, 1871, p. 69.

4. There's a pattern in the Adventist Yearbooks wherein a minister receives and holds a ministerial license for a number of years and then moves up to ordination credentials.

5. “Personal,” The Memphis Daily Appeal (Memphis TN), Nov. 30, 1869, p. 1.

6. “Women in the Professions,” Weekly Clarion (Jackson MS), Jan. 20, 1881, p. 1.

7. “Religious,” The Cairo Daily Bulletin (Cairo, IL), May 28. 1871, p. 1.

8. One of many examples is Seventh-day Adventist Year Book (Battle Creek MI: Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1885), p. 6.

9. “Women Minister on Parents’ Duties,” The Yakima Herald (Yakima, WA), March 27, 1912, p. 3.

10. “Records Pertaining,” Ellen G. White Estate (accessed June 16, 2023).

11. “Records Pertaining,” Ellen G. White Estate (accessed June 16, 2023).

12. “The Journey’s End,” Southern Tidings, Feb. 12, 1947, p. 7.

13. “The Fannie Bolton Story,” EGW Writings, book/698.477?hl=Mary+Stewart#483 (accessed June 16, 2023).

14. See also, Kevin M. Burton, “God’s Last Choice: Overcoming Ellen White’s Gender and Women in Ministry During the Fundamentalist Era Part 1,” Spectrum, June 14, 2017.

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Let Ellen White be a person—not a device, not a sculpture designed by hands other than God’s. I want you to not be afraid of how the real Ellen White represents us.

Home Away From Home for Students on Public Campuses

When people found out I wasn’t going to attend an Adventist college, I got a lot of comments that left me kind of scared for what I’d find at a public university,” admitted Melanie Avalos, public service and Chicana studies major at University of California Davis.

Avalos’ experience isn’t abnormal; many college students who choose for varying reasons to attend public universities get the impression that their Adventist friends, family, and fellow church members think they’ll leave the church or, worse, leave their faith because they aren’t at an Adventist school.

And it’s true that attending an Adventist college or university provides some advantages when it comes

to staying connected to the church and God, said Ron Pickell, public campus ministries director for the Pacific Union Conference.

“Students at Adventist schools have a culture that’s familiar to them,” he said. “The faculty understand them as Adventists, and the students know it’s safe to talk to people about their life and faith. Even the food is familiar.”

The biggest challenge for students attending public universities is that the campuses are so much bigger than Adventist school campuses. For example, University of California Berkeley’s student population is around 55,000; UC Davis’ is just under that.

“The major campuses are huge places, and students can get lost,” Pickell said. “Even if they

22 Pacific Union Recorder

make friends on one side of campus, the following semester they’ll have classes on the other side, with a whole new cohort of students.”

Additionally, housing changes from year to year, and in many cases, campus housing after the first two years is not provided, so students just become part of the larger community.

“It’s true culture shock,” Pickell explained. “The country mouse has arrived in the city, so to speak.”

With change comes challenge, and when they go away to school they are away from home, away from their home church, away from the friends they grew up with. And this, although liberating in some cases, can also be incredibly hard.

“College, for a lot of people, is the time they find out their emotional rigor,” Pickell said. “When you’re in an Adventist bubble at an Adventist school, the world still feels small. A large university can be pretty intimidating, but it can also be a place where students really engage with their faith.”

Avalos shared that when she started at Davis, she really wanted to find a Christian club of some kind. She started scrolling through the university’s list of student clubs, when to her surprise she spotted something she never expected. “It was in alphabetical order, and the sixth club listed was Adventist Christian Fellowship. I was shocked!”

Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is an association of Christian students, created specifically to support Adventist

students attending non-Adventist colleges and universities. There are an estimated 200 chapters on both public and private non-Adventist campuses across the North American Division (NAD), of which those in the Pacific Union make up around 12 percent.

“A lot of students like being away from home and part of a large campus and community,” Pickell said. “But when Friday night hits, they feel lost. ACF provides a friend group with a similar cultural background, including people they can go to church with on Sabbath morning.”

The first time Avalos attended an ACF event, she knew she’d found her people.

“They were so welcoming,” she said with a smile. “They made it easy to stay connected.”

The following year, Avalos was elected VP for ACF on the Davis campus, and she dove right into leading the chapter’s growth. They started by reserving a classroom on campus one Saturday per quarter in which they could hold their own church service.

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“The nearest churches are 15-20 minutes away,” Avalos explained. “There’s no Adventist church in Davis, and it’s a bike town, so we had no way to get to church. We watched church online sometimes, and occasionally we could find other students with cars to drive us, but having our own service on campus was special.”

In addition to quarterly church services, the UC Davis chapter of ACF hosts weekly Bible studies and vespers services. Though they began with vespers in a classroom, they eventually transitioned to holding vespers at chapter members’ apartments for a more intimate and comfortable experience.

Nikesha Medard, city and state planning graduate student at UC Berkeley, grew up in a church full of young people due to the proximity of a public university, and she saw firsthand how meaningful a church family could be to young adults.

“They were so close and connected,” Medard recalled. “I wondered if there was something similar for me at Berkeley.”

Her first week in college, Medard attended a local Adventist church and asked about connecting with

other young people. The church members put her in touch with ACF leaders on the Berkeley campus.

“The ACF group was incredibly welcoming,” she said. “The general attitude was, you may not know anyone, but we want to be your home away from home.”

And that’s exactly what it has become. Though Medard is now a graduate student, she is still connected to ACF and participates as much as possible in the activities they host—potlucks, vespers, game nights, and even retreats sponsored by area churches.

“Going into my freshman year it was easy to get pulled in a million directions,” Medard recalled. “There’s a lot to take in, and a lot going on, and you’re just trying to find your place. ACF helped ground me that first year. I met a lot of really cool, genuine people, and throughout my college experience they continued to give me a sense of community and organization. No matter how crazy my week got, and no matter what was going on in my life, I knew on Friday night I could go and see my friends and worship God. I really appreciated that.”

ACF provides more than just a place to belong and a community of same-culture friends; it’s also an evangelistic opportunity.

“Because we’re on such a big campus, a lot of students become lost and don’t have a place for fellowship,” said Avalos. “That’s what I love about ACF—the Fellowship part. We accept anyone and everyone.”

Avalos said there are non-Adventist students who participate in ACF Bible studies out of curiosity and because it feels safe.

“We welcome them with open arms,” she said. “We invite them to attend our church on campus and to come with us to visit local churches, and they come! We’re a home for more than just Adventist students.”

ACF Berkeley also has non-Adventist students at ACF events.

“They eat with us, talk with us, participate in

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activities,” Medard said; “they come to realize Adventists are people just like them—we’re not weird or crazy.”

This is, Medard said, one of the major benefits of ACF: the opportunity to share God and faith with others.

“Having Adventists outside the bubble of the church is important,” she pointed out. “We can spread the word about God much more easily than if we were on an Adventist campus where it’s assumed everyone already has their own version of faith in God.”

Inviting others to be part of the ACF community is natural, organic outreach that requires nothing more than a quick text. It is, as Pickell calls it, “an evangelistic stepping stone.”

For many Adventist students attending public universities, the freedom to explore life solo outside of the bubble is their first time away from the influence of parents, pastor, and other impactful adults in their lives. This is simultaneously challenging and exciting. It is also a time of incredible growth—in all areas.

“We’ve seen students develop their faith because they’re not in the Adventist environment,” Pickell shared. “They have to make their own decisions, and they start to recognize what they appreciate about their faith as a result.”

The idea of discovering one’s own faith hits close to home for Pickell, who attended public schools

his entire life until he had a conversion experience during his undergraduate college years. At that point he transferred to Southern Adventist University in Tennessee.

“I felt a real calling to help anyone I could encounter God the way I had,” he said. As assistant chaplain his last year at Southern, Pickell was part of a youth congress group that went to a public university campus to meet the students.

“We just hung out with them,” Pickell said. “We brought our guitars, did some singing, and talked and laughed with them. It was completely different than sharing your faith on a campus where everyone expects you to. My curiosity was instantly piqued as to what faith looks like at a public university.”

Pickell’s calling led him into what has become nearly 40 years of service in campus ministries. During this time he has collected myriad stories about students—both Adventist and nonAdventist—impacted by the presence of ACF on their college or university campus.

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A shy ACF student had a new friend begin opening up to her, eventually asking for help studying the Bible. Unsure what to do, the ACF student consulted an Adventist chaplain, got some tips, and conducted a Bible study. She repeated this each time she was to meet her new friend for study, and it went so well, the girl asked to bring friends. The group soon grew to 15 people, some of whom accepted Christ. Two became Adventists.

Several years ago, an Adventist student in North Dakota began sharing with her pastor some of the needs in her home community in Uganda, and before long they had a group of students together and were planning a mission trip. Today, the campus ACF coordinates a mission trip every other year, returning to that same village with university students—some of whom aren’t even Christian—to serve.

A non-Adventist Berkeley student from Taiwan connected with and became active in ACF. After a few years, she told Pickell, “I don’t know where this is going to lead, but my life has been changed.” She ended up getting baptized.

“What huge missionary opportunities these students have!” Pickell said. “It’s not even hard—just being there and allowing God to use them through conversations and relationships. Witnessing isn’t converting or sharing information; it’s living. It’s being who we are, where we are. It’s about being a friend.”

ACF empowers students to not only make their own decisions about faith, church, and their relationship with God, but to bring others along for the journey as well. The challenge facing the organization is that so few people know they exist— or, on campuses where there is not yet an ACF chapter, that they could exist.

“I love telling people who don’t know about ACF,” said Medard. “There’s a sigh of relief every time, because they had no idea something like this existed, and they want it. They need it.”

There are 80,000-100,000 Adventist students on

non-Adventist campuses in the NAD, compared to 24,000 students in Adventist schools in the division. And that 24,000 is shrinking. While support for students on Adventist campuses is appreciated and necessary, the church cannot forget its students who, for various reasons, are not on Adventist campuses.

“As we begin this new school year, please pray for ACF,” Pickell requested. “That people will know who we are, and that we have the resources to serve our students, wherever they are.”

Avalos added, “There are some students, like me, who come to ACF by themselves, and by the end of the year they have a family. I have a whole community of people supporting me academically and spiritually. I wish more people knew what an incredible thing ACF is, because it has made a huge difference in my life.”

If you are interested in starting an ACF chapter on your public college or university campus, contact Ron Pickell at If you are interested in supporting ACF and the work it is doing across the North American Division, consider making a contribution to, a foundation created by an Adventist couple near UC Davis who support campus ministries and those involved in it.

26 Pacific Union Recorder

Raewyn Orlich shares how the example and encouragement of her grandfather, Eric Webster, influenced her life and calling. Weaving their stories together, each chapter looks honestly at topics like health, human suffering, race, gender, and faith. Warning! This book may have you staying up later than you should. In a world that prioritizes segmentation of age groups and values rugged individualism, In Grandpa’s Shoes dares to pull people back together multi-generationally through engaging storytelling, clear instruction, and meaningful theology.

In 1988, after almost eight years of study, Fred Veltman issued his commissioned “Report of the Life of Christ Research Project” on 15 of the 87 chapters of The Desire of Ages to determine the amount and degree of literary dependence by Ellen White on 19th-century sources. This book endeavors to make Veltman’s significant work available in an accessible, condensed, and focused form for all readers and to stimulate both a reexamination of his work and engagement in new lines of related research.

Coming Soon from Oak & Acorn

The Dance of the Big Hunger

The chapters in this book by retired pastor Smuts van Rooyen are a collection of essays and poems that cover a range of theological reflections, biblical expositions, pastoral counseling, and personal experiences. Van Rooyen writes in the introduction: “I confess they are not planted like a formal palace garden with structured glory. Rather, they are like a wild field, dense with orange

range of contesting interpretations of Edson’s postdisappointment “cornfield” insight is particularly helpful. Strayer provides a study rich in anecdotal detail and a sympathetic insider’s perspective that not only gives readers new insights into the intriguing life of this committed early believer but also a fresh sense of the sometimes exotic texture of the religious experience of post-disappointment Adventism.

poppies and blue lupins scattered about, with no designated path to follow into their beauty. Unfortunately, this is how my mind works. Hopefully, the essays will provide the reader with insight and courage for living. But my greater aspiration is that somehow our longing to find one another may be fulfilled and that we may continue to pursue the unsearchable riches of Christ.”

September 2023 27

Time has greatly altered the perception of Hiram Edson in the minds of many. Some believe he was a simple farmer who had a vision in a cornfield, wrote articles about the heavenly sanctuary, and died a highly revered Adventist pioneer. The reality is much more complex.

Edson spent his entire life (1806-1882) in upstate New York. His Port Gibson farm was located only a few miles east of Rochester, a hub of numerous social movements such as women’s suffrage, utopian societies, abolitionism, the Underground Railroad, dress reform, pacifism, and the temperance movement.

The intellectual currents of Transcendentalism, evolutionism, Mesmerism, nativism, and AntiCatholicism swirled about him. Millerites, Mormons,

The Real


Spiritualists, Shakers, Quakers, and three Amana societies existed within a few miles of his house.

While immersed in this milieu, Edson attended a three-week series of meetings led by Millerite preacher Thomas Barry. He and his second wife, Esther, became convinced that what they were hearing was truth, and both joined the Adventist faith.

That’s when things got interesting.

Beginning in 1843, this charismatic sheep farmer began having what he called “presentments:” supernatural sound-and-light shows that presented vivid images of events he anticipated would soon come to pass.

One day as Edson knelt to pray, “a personage” whom he believed to be Jesus stood above him. He saw a minister delivering a bland discourse, then

28 Pacific Union Recorder
Hiram’s father’s barn Hiram's house

calling for those who wanted special prayer to stand. The entire congregation jumped to their feet.

Soon thereafter, he witnessed this same scene at a nearby church.

On another occasion, Edson saw “a shadowy form in human shape” and heard a voice telling him to go talk with his neighbor about his eternal salvation. He did.

Another time, while relaxing by his fireplace, Edson heard an audible voice instructing him to go and heal a deathly-ill friend. When he refused, the floor suddenly seemed to drop from under him and he saw himself falling toward hell. Crying out for God to save him, he heard the voice once again say, “Go heal thy sick neighbor.”

After making his way to the man’s home, Edson placed his hands upon his friend’s head and cried, “Brother, the Lord Jesus make you whole.” Immediately the gentleman opened his eyes, threw back the covers, jumped out of bed, and began leaping around the room, praising God.

The next day as this healed man was chopping wood, his physician rode by and expressed amazement at his recovery. “I expected to find you dead!” the doctor said.

“The Lord has healed me,” his former patient announced with unbridled joy.

A great revival occurred in the church because of this faith healing.

Splitfoot and tongues

Like sisters Margaret and Kate Fox of nearby Hydesville, who in 1848 claimed to communicate with a being they called “Splitfoot” by means of a rapped alphabetical code, Edson witnessed incidents of ecstatic communication among Sabbatarian Adventists.

During the night of November 17, 1849, he dreamed of entering a room in which six

discouraged individuals were praying. One said to him, “Oh! Brother Edson, I am in the dark!”

Edson believed this dream was fulfilled eight days later when he attended a prayer meeting where he heard Richard Ralph express doubts regarding whether they should try to find Samuel Rhodes, a friend and Millerite turned recluse.

Ralph asked God to pour out His Spirit upon them. Immediately, he began speaking in an unknown language, which he interpreted as directions from God for him and Hiram to travel to the Adirondacks, find Rhodes, and return him to active ministry.

When they finally reached Rhodes, he told them that, three nights earlier, he’d dreamed that two men were looking for him. Rhodes did return and, within weeks, his preaching led to the conversion of 40 souls.

Cornfield connection

Early on Wednesday morning, October 23, 1844—the day after the Great Disappointment— Edson and his houseguest, Owen Russell Loomis Crosier, took a shortcut across a cornfield on their

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Hiram's gravesite Hiram and his wife, Esther Edson

way to “encourage the brethren.”

In Edson’s own words, here’s what happened:

We started, and while passing through a large field I was stopped midway of the field. Heaven seemed open to my view, and I saw distinctly, and clearly, that instead of our High Priest coming out of the Most Holy of the heavenly sanctuary to come to this earth on the tenth day of the seventh month, at the end of the 2300 days, that he, for the first time entered on that day the second apartment of that sanctuary; and that he had a work to perform in the Most Holy before coming to this earth.1


How did the citizens of Ontario and Wayne counties react when word got out that Edson was experiencing “presentments,” some Adventists had been instantly healed by prayer, and others were speaking in unknown tongues? Most simply ignored these phenomena. But a handful reacted violently.

During one of Hiram and Esther’s cottage meetings in 1844, a gang of 40 men, intent on tarring and feathering every Millerite leader they could catch, stormed into the house, grabbed one attendee, and dragged him toward the door. When a believer tried to intervene, a mob member snatched a griddle iron from the wood stove and hit him above the eye, cutting a bloody gash in his forehead.

Edson stepped between the two men and shouted, “I won’t give up my faith [even] if you cut me into inch pieces and feed my flesh to the foxes of the desert and the fowls of the air.” Surprisingly, Hiram’s biblical allusions to Isaiah 13:21 and 1 Samuel 17:44 calmed the angry mob, and they left.

Hiram received death threats from hostile neighbors and had his name slandered in print. One reporter wrote that Hiram had physically abused his son, although no evidence was ever found to support that claim.

Understanding the hostile atmosphere that Hiram and Esther faced in Port Gibson, Ellen White wrote:

What Edson saw has divided church historians, scholars, skeptics, and popular writers for nearly two centuries.

I saw that Brother and Sister Edson would have to move soon from the place where they now live, for there was enmity enough in the hearts of the wicked there to take their lives, for they hated them for the truths they believed and have advocated, for it condemned them, and a number of times the wicked had it in their hearts to take the lives of Brother and Sister Edson; but God had defeated the wicked and guarded their lives.2

30 Pacific Union Recorder

Heeding her advice, the Edsons sold their farm and moved farther east.

Edson the writer

Between 1849 and 1867, Hiram Edson wrote two pamphlets, 20 articles, and sent 20 letters and reports to the Adventist magazines Present Truth and Advent Review and Sabbath Herald

Surprisingly, none referred to his cornfield experience or focused on the Day of Atonement, the investigative judgment, or Christ’s ongoing ministry in the heavenly sanctuary.

Instead, his lengthy articles mirrored the concerns of previous Millerite writers, focusing on biblical arithmetic (the days and weeks prophecies), tenuous end-of-the-world predictions, the Jews’ return to Palestine in 1850, apocalyptic type/ antitype symbols such as the Kings of the North and South, Ahab and Jezebel, Roman Catholicism, Balaam, popes in Rome, and other topics.

In time, Edson’s turgid, speculative prose disqualified him in the eyes of Review editors James White and Uriah Smith to clearly explain the sect’s views on the heavenly sanctuary. That task was entrusted to other, more down-to-earth writers.

Finally, despite his dramatic cornfield experience in 1844, his role in organizing Sabbath Conferences and local congregations, his many contributions to the Review, his receiving ordination and ministerial credentials in 1870, and his generous financial contributions to the Advent movement, Hiram Edson closed his career under a dark cloud of doubt and distrust.

His insistence that the Review book committee publish his 200-page manuscript on England in Bible prophecy in 1874, his peddling of peculiar prophetic views around the New York-Pennsylvania Conference, and his absence from Sabbath services near the close of his life, led Dudley M. Canright— an Adventist pastor who later left the church and became one of its severest critics—to call him a “confirmed crank, and a trial to the church.”

When Hiram died on January 8, 1882, the Review gave him a short, 22-line obituary.

Reputation restored

Not until the 1940s-1960s would his reputation be restored by Arthur W. Spalding, who in his many books placed Edson on a par with James and Ellen White, Joseph Bates, and J.N. Andrews.

Likewise, from 1992 to the present, Adventist Heritage Ministries, by acquiring the former Edson property and erecting upon it Luther Edson’s barn, a visitor center, and a Bible Prophecy Trail and Garden where regular “Sanctuary Festivals” are held, has placed Hiram Edson back in the Adventist spotlight.

The man and the myth have been successfully separated.

Brian E. Strayer is professor emeritus at Andrews University. Hiram Edson: The Man and the Myth, by Brian E. Strayer, the first-ever biography of Edson, an Oak & Acorn book, is available through Amazon.

1. Hiram Edson, “Description of Hiram Edson’s Experience in the Cornfield on October 23, 1844 Plus Some Other Experiences in His Life Around the Same Time,” undated manuscript VT000272, Center for Adventist Research, James White Library, Andrews University. 2. Ellen G. White, “A Vision the Lord Gave Me at Bro. Harris’, Aug. 24, 1850,” Manuscript Releases, vol. 6, p. 251.
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Pierce Street Jazz: Bringing Back an Art Form

In the summer of 2009, Marvin Payne, then chair of the chemistry department at La Sierra University and summer program coordinator, approached Provost Warren Trenchard with an idea for a music experience for summer students.

“It started out as simply a jazz concert to provide entertainment and cultural enrichment for the students on campus for summer session,” explained Trenchard. “It grew into a whole lot more!”

A lot of that growth is due to Henry Franklin, renowned jazz bassist and Riverside local. Payne invited Franklin to be part of the initial concert, asking him to coordinate musicians, and Franklin easily agreed.

“Anything to do with preserving jazz catches my eye right away,” Franklin admitted. “We sat down and talked, and it all started from there.”

The first concert was a hit, and no one wanted to just leave it at that, so they began talking about how to make jazz at La Sierra a regular thing. And so Pierce Street Jazz—named after the street on which the first concert took place—was born.

“We realized we were helping to preserve the jazz culture of the area and wanted to keep it going,” Trenchard said. “As we acknowledged the current state of jazz in our area, we began to recognize more deeply the significance of preserving this genre.”

Pierce Street Jazz—or, as it is more colloquially known, PSJ—is now a jazz concert series, with performances several times a year. Franklin still brings together the musicians, pulling in various soloists to perform with what they call the PSJ

“house band.” This house band is made up of Franklin on bass, Theo Saunders on piano, and two drummers who rotate concerts: Yayo Morales and Marvin “Smitty” Smith.

PSJ presents what jazz aficionados call “straightahead jazz,” which is most similar to the “bebop” style started by Black American musicians of the 1930s and ‘40s. This style developed as a response to big band style jazz, which was becoming increasingly popular in cities such as New York and Chicago and was beginning to nudge out Black musicians from the jazz scene, explained Trenchard.

“Straight-ahead jazz is different from smooth jazz, which is the music of Kenny G, for example,” he continued. “Smooth jazz is a fusion of modern pop and rock music. Most of the jazz you’ll find in Hollywood, for example, associated with Bill Evans, Louis Armstrong, Winton Marsalis, and others, is straight-ahead jazz.”

Franklin explains that jazz, as a genre, has a lot to do with improvisation—defined by Oxford Languages as “produc[ing] or mak[ing] something from whatever is available.” And while there is a

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way to teach the outline or basic idea of how to improvise, Franklin said, “you never improvise the same way two times in a row.” This is the heart of jazz—the art of this unique musical genre.

“It comes from your soul; from your heart,” Franklin added. “It’s what you’re feeling in that moment.”

Though PSJ is no longer located on Pierce Street, the name stuck. Today, the concerts are held in the Zapara School of Business at La Sierra University—supported by the School of Business, the office of the provost, and private donors—and feature soloists on a variety of instruments: saxophone, trumpet, flute, voice, guitar, trombone, vibraphone, harmonica, and many others. Admission is free, and the concerts last about two hours with a break in the middle. Though attendance is relatively unpredictable, PSJ has seen up to 200 attendees at a concert.

“This kind of event is hard to find at all in our area,” Payne pointed out. “A lot of community members can’t afford to go to L.A. to see concerts like this with top-quality jazz artists, and travel is hard for some. We’re bringing a world-class event to our area, which is easy to get to and is free. We want anyone to be able to come and enjoy the music.”

Franklin, who has recorded a gold record with Stevie Wonder and another with Hugh Masekela,

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“We want anyone to be able to come and enjoy the music.”
- Marvin Payne

and whose album “JID014” was given the 2023 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Jazz Album, was raised in L.A. surrounded by nightclubs featuring jazz. He remembers when any and all jazz musicians worth their salt were working all the time, making music at nightly gigs.

“The jazz scene in our part of the world right now is terrible,” he stated. “PSJ is really the only true jazz venue in Riverside.”

This makes PSJ a notable addition to the culture scene in Southern California.

“It’s a great program,” Franklin said. “Those in the community who come regularly appreciate it a lot, because we’re offering top quality artists and music in a great location for free. Everything about PSJ is really special.”

La Sierra has a long-standing tradition of producing quality music through the Department of Music in the College of Arts and Sciences, and PSJ is just another way the university continues to make a name for itself in the region and beyond for its quality musical arts. Payne pointed out that the music department provides many excellent musical experiences throughout the school year, though their focus is more on classical and choral than jazz.

“We’re not the only people who want to provide music to the community,” Payne said, “but PSJ is a great way to share this particular art form. The people Henry brings out feel the same way, and they just love playing. So we get to see these skilled musicians who have spent their whole lives performing and enjoying jazz. It’s a spectacular opportunity to keep this genre alive in our area, while also introducing an important art form to our students and the community.”

Constantly looking for new ways to connect with the community, Zapara School of Business recently invited a local high school jazz band to play before a PSJ performance. They set up outside the venue and presented their own outdoor concert, then stayed for the PSJ concert.

“The kids in these ensembles are really into the art of it,” Payne pointed out. “They’d never met the kind of jazz legends they heard at the PSJ concert, and they had a blast. We want to do more of that— bringing in the new generation of jazz players to mingle with the older generations.”

Franklin loves being the driving force behind PSJ, and he wants to see the program continue for years to come.

“Jazz is America’s only true art form,” he said. “PSJ needs to keep doing what it’s doing. My dream for PSJ’s future is that it will fill every seat every time and continue to preserve jazz in Southern California.”

NEWSDESK 34 Pacific Union Recorder I Newsdesk
“It’s a great program. Those in the community who come regularly appreciate it a lot, because we’re offering top quality artists and music in a great location for free. Everything about PSJ is really special.” - Henry Franklin

“I Am Persuaded”

Remembering Fred Kinsey

After a long battle with Parkinson’s disease, Fred Kinsey passed away on Monday, July 17, in Northern California, a community where he had lived most of his life. He was 71.

Fred Kinsey began his ministry in two places that as a boy he had vowed to never live in. A fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers while growing up, he never intended to live anywhere near the towns of the Dodgers’ greatest rivals—Cincinnati (home of the Reds) and San Francisco (home of the Giants). And yet, while studying at the seminary, he was called to pastor in Ohio; then, after serving there three and a half years, he moved to the Northern California Conference in the Bay Area.

Pastor Kinsey’s pastoral ministry experience was a solid foundation for a wide-ranging career in church communication and administration. He served for 20 years at the Northern California Conference as communication and stewardship director and assistant to the president. He was chair of the communication department at Pacific Union College, where he taught classes in design, debate, and public relations. He then served as assistant to the president for communication at the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. He became the fourth speaker-director of Voice of Prophecy, serving from 2008-2012. Throughout his career, he mentored and inspired young communicators.

ABOVE: Fred Kinsey presents new Bibles to recently baptized students, including both of his kids. He believed Adventist education was an important ministry of the church.

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ABOVE: Fred Kinsey as a baby, with parents Pearl and Lloyd Sr., brother Lloyd Jr. (Bud), and sister Deloris. LEFT: The family photo placed in Fred Kinsey's ordination program, dated June 25, 1982.

Arnold Trujillo, retired vice president of the Pacific Union Conference, said, “Fred was not only a cherished brother-in-law but also a highly respected ministerial colleague and theological kindred spirit. I valued his insights and opinions about world events and denominational issues. He was a gifted and articulate public speaker, whether behind a church pulpit, a college class lectern, or in front of a radio or television microphone.”

Ray Tetz, director of communication and community engagement of the Pacific Union Conference, said, “Fred’s inquiring mind and willingness to take on difficult communication tasks were hallmarks of his lengthy and influential career in church public relations and media. He was a giant in the field of Adventist communication, a unique individual whose perspective and wisdom were always valued.”

During his children’s formative education years, Fred Kinsey invested both time and resources to ensure Adventist education was accessible to children in the community where he lived. In memory of his dedication to Adventist education and ministry, the family has established the Fred

Kinsey Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Northern California Conference, which benefits the Worthy Student Fund at Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA). A gift in his memory will support children at PHAA by helping them to receive an Adventist education (

Stephanie Leal, his daughter, remembers, “My father loved Adventist education and considered it an incredibly important ministry of the church.”

During his time at Voice of Prophecy, Kinsey made a number of changes, including involving four primary presenters, two of whom were women.

Elizabeth Talbot, speaker-director of Jesus 101 Biblical Institute, was one of those women.

“Fred Kinsey was the one who introduced me to

NEWSDESK 36 Pacific Union Recorder I Newsdesk
Fred Kinsey celebrates his kids' graduations, including at Hilltop Christan School (son Jeff's 8th-grade graduation) and at Rio Lindo Adventist Academy (daughter Stephanie's academy graduation) in the 1990s. Connie Vandeman Jeffery (the author of this article) works with Fred Kinsey on the radio program at the Voice of Prophecy.

working for Adventist media ministries, and for that I will be eternally grateful,” she said. “We worked together, recording many radio programs and frequently preaching jointly as a team.”

Of all her memories, there is one that has stayed with her. “I’ll never forget the excitement with which he used to explain Revelation 12:7-8: ‘And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough’ [NASB 1995]. I remember Fred, so elated as he was proclaiming it over and over again: THEY WERE NOT STRONG ENOUGH! Oh, how important it is, in times like these, to remember that the devil cannot prevail! He is not strong enough! Jesus, at the cross, has won the battle between good and evil! I can't wait to see Fred again on the resurrection morning; I can already imagine his great smile and his deep voice proclaiming: ‘Oh, yes! Just like I told you! THEY WERE NOT STRONG ENOUGH! Our God has won the battle!’’’

In his book I Am Persuaded, Kinsey wrote on the book of Romans. In particular, Romans 8:3839 were verses he quoted often in his radio

broadcasts: “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (KJV).

Kinsey took these promises to heart. “It’s that assurance [of God’s love] that has become the bedrock of my faith—the bedrock of my life,” he wrote. “It is the hope by which I live, and the message that I proclaim to the world.”

Fred Kinsey is survived by his wife, Lynette; his daughter and her husband, Stephanie and Mo Leal; his son and his wife, Jeffrey and Sara Kinsey; and four grandchildren. He is also survived by his sister and her husband, Deloris and Arnold Trujillo; and his brother and his wife, Bud and Delores Kinsey.

A memorial service for Fred Kinsey will be held at Pleasant Hill church, 800 Grayson Rd., Pleasant Hill, Calif., on September 9, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. It will be livestreamed at

A worthy student scholarship fund has been set up in honor of Fred Kinsey. “My dad firmly believed that Adventist education was one of the greatest evangelism tools the Adventist church has— giving kids a bright future,” said his daughter. “We hope to see my dad’s ministry live on in the students that this scholarship will help.”

NEWSDESK Newsdesk I September 2023 37
Fred Kinsey speaks at a fundraising event for Voice of Prophecy.

Stronghold International Mission Group Inaugurates Building

Cochise, Arizona, is not the first place one would think of when planting a new church. The quiet, dusty community is not the bustling railroad town of 3,000 people it was in the 1880s. Now an unincorporated community of 1,500 people, the tight-knit community is providing an opportunity for families that are looking for a quieter pace of life with inexpensive land. And with the movement of families into the community, the foundation for a new Adventist church has been laid.

Pastor Ricardo Biscaro was appointed to be the pastor of the young group and will potentially become the pastor of the Willcox church to form a new district in the Arizona Conference. Elder Villamor Meriales was instrumental in starting the group and bringing Elder Biscaro to Arizona.

On May 6, 2023, Elder Ed Keyes cut the ribbon and inaugurated the two buildings located on 4.66 acres. Elders Ray Navarro, Reggie Leach, and Van Bledsoe helped with the inauguration ceremony and ribbon cutting. Church members from Adventist congregations

in the region joined in the festivities. One of the highlights of the program was that three members of the church that sold the property attended the service, ribbon cutting ceremony, and fellowship dinner. They expressed their enthusiasm to the Arizona Conference administrators that ministry will continue to take place on the property.

38 Pacific Union Recorder Arizona Conference
Elder Ed Keyes cuts the ribbon along with Elders Van Bledsoe and Reggie Leach. Pastor Ricardo Biscaro has a corsage pinned to his suit prior to the beginning of the inauguration ceremony. Elder Ed Keyes greets a member of the church leadership team that previously owned the property that the Stronghold International Mission Group now calls their church.

The Gathering

The Arizona Conference Women’s Ministries Team held their second annual “The Gathering” on Sabbath, July 29, at Thunderbird Adventist Academy. The team planned this free event to provide hands-on learning from personal experiences rather than theory-based teaching.

The theme for the day was “Hope in our Hectic World.” Women from various ethnic groups across Arizona gathered and celebrated Sabbath. It was a time of encouragement, given by women who have faced challenges in their lives and have discovered hope that is relevant and real. The goal was to provide women with tools to help them experience the hope of Jesus in their daily lives.

Keynote speaker Pastor Crystal E. Ward from Spencerville, Maryland, shared how everyone can have hope in Jesus, presenting a message in which she dug deeply into the story of the Samaritan woman at the well from John 4.

One attendee summarized the message perfectly. “Crystal helped to bring the woman at the well to life and showed how Jesus meets each one of us,” she said. “Just like the woman at the well, any woman who is struggling with a past that haunts her, struggling with a distorted sense of worth, struggling with feeling like an outcast, and/or struggling because she feels there is no hope— Pastor Ward wanted us to remember Jesus is calling us today to drink His living water.”

Two different breakout sessions offered nine different presentations. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, allowing the women to select one appropriate for what they needed in their journey. Some sessions were

geared to specific ethnic groups and had facilitators and room hostesses who shared hope during the sessions. “The breakout sessions I attended definitely addressed the theme of ‘Hope in a Hectic World,’” said an attendee. “I saw Jesus throughout the entire day.”

Attendees enjoyed musical meditations from a variety of ethnic group musicians. “The atmosphere was welcoming and love-filled, full of inspiring praise music,” reflected an attendee. “I truly felt God’s presence.”

Organizers of the event are grateful for the team of facilitators, including Erika Rivero, Carol Davis-Uentillie, Gloria Eldridge, Pam Sulger, Tina Shorey, Vanessa Quintana, Laura Sohn, Lorraine Daniel-Palmer, and Kristian Spielman. These presenters provided interactive, hands-on illustrations in a more intimate setting.

Rosemary Abrahams attended the event and noted the impact it had on everyone, including one lady in particular. “At the end of the sessions, a lady from the audience shared that she had been deeply depressed all week, but the ministry heard throughout the day turned it all around for her and now she has hope in Jesus again.”

FAR LEFT: Vanessa Quintana shares a message in one of the breakout sessions at The Gathering.

LEFT: Women from all over Arizona attended the one-day event hosted at the Thunderbird Adventist Academy Chapel.

Arizona Conference September 2023 39
Organizers welcome attendees to the second annual The Gathering.

The Soquel Camp Meeting: A Ten-Day Spiritual Reunion Culminating in 51 Baptisms

After a long hiatus due to the covid pandemic, the Soquel Camp Meeting finally convened for a ten-day in-person gathering from July 13-22, 2023. This event was made even more joyous by the baptism of 51 new mature believers, a significant occurrence in recent years, illustrating the congregation's steadfastness and resilience.

The children's ministry also witnessed a heartening moment as 52 children decided to follow the path of faith through baptism. This information was shared with their home churches, which will carry out further follow-ups. These spiritual seeds, sown at the Soquel Camp Meeting, will continue to be nurtured by their home churches, ensuring the enduring momentum of the spirit.

Throughout this year, the Central California

Conference embarked on various initiatives deeply rooted in evangelism. The seeds of faith, planted in the field, sprouted and bore fruit during the ten-day event of the Soquel Camp Meeting, Continue on page 42

40 Pacific Union Recorder Central California Conference

Baptisms at Soquel Camp Meeting

Central California Conference September 2023 41

leading to the rise of new disciples.

Keynote speakers Jose Cortes, Richie Halversen, and John Boston played a crucial role in shaping the experience. Their focus on evangelism and heartfelt calls for baptism served as a significant source of inspiration for the attendees.

Another highlight of the camp meeting were the morning training sessions designed to inspire believers to engage in evangelism actively. Over 200 laypersons graduated from these seminars, returning to their home churches armed with a renewed zeal to support their mission and make meaningful contributions to their congregations.

One of the most vibrant spots was undoubtedly the Youth and Young Adult ministry tent. The energy radiating from this area was electric, fueled by the youth's enthusiasm and passion for the Word. Their spirited discussions, engaging Bible study sessions, and deep reflections all point to a bright future for the church.

However, as President Dan Serns highlighted, the most touching aspect of the camp meeting was the profound spiritual atmosphere that enveloped the Soquel campground. The undeniable presence of the

Holy Spirit could be felt in every corner, transforming the camp meeting into an encounter brimming with grace and divine beauty. As we reflect on these blessed moments, we recognize this gathering as a deeply joyful and blessed reunion following a notable break.

For those interested in revisiting the transformative moments or catching up on what you missed, you can watch the archived sessions of this camp meeting by scanning the QR code provided.

42 Pacific Union Recorder Central California Conference
Scan the QR code to view Soquel sermons online.

Harmonizing in Faith: Fresno Area Spanish Churches Conduct Joint Evangelistic Series and Baptisms

Earlier this year, a number of Spanish congregations across Fresno embarked on a commendable initiative to conduct evangelistic activities together. The collaborating churches—Fresno Central Spanish, Fresno Remnant, Fresno Sequoia, Fresno El Shaddai, and Caruthers Spanish Church—decided to break the barriers of individuality and work as a collective unit.

Under the guidance of Pastor Alberto Ingleton, vice president for Hispanic Ministries at Pacific Union Conference, who was instrumental in conducting the series, these churches hosted a week-long evangelistic series that culminated on Saturday, June 24. The unity and camaraderie were palpable as members from all these churches convened for a week of enriching fellowship.

The series witnessed robust participation each day, with over 30 new visitors joining the evening sessions. The united efforts bore fruit with 17 baptisms. An additional 50 attendees, who participated intermittently in the meetings, are now in follow-up phases.

The collective churches are presently engaged in follow-up activities with a hope to baptize these newcomers. Their efforts extend to organizing small

groups, conducting Bible studies, and nurturing the interests sparked during the evangelistic series. There is keen anticipation for an upcoming baptism, with about a dozen candidates ready to express their faith publicly.

This unity initiative was brought to fruition through the relentless efforts of leaders Edward Smith, Edgar Sanchez, and Daniel Rodriguez, who collaborated under the guidance of Justin Aguilar, Hispanic Ministries director for Central California Conference. Their collective vision is aimed at inspiring other churches in the conference to adopt this unified approach to evangelism.

The comprehensive planning for this initiative started five months in advance, encompassing a wide range of tasks, from event preparation to community outreach. Coordinating congregants' responsibilities became an integral part of the process. This approach provided an opportunity for everyone to contribute based on their unique talents and skills, whether it was preparing food, welcoming attendees, leading worship services, or engaging the community members to visit the church.

Pooling resources and efforts not only led to a better division of labor and increased efficiency but also brought about financial advantages. By hosting the event at a single venue, significant costs were saved and available human resources were optimally utilized.

This series stands as a testament to the power of unity, demonstrating that working together can lead to better results, cost savings, and a multitude of blessings. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to this evangelistic series.

Central California Conference September 2023 43


Family issues at home, vast weather changes around the world, travel restrictions, problems that arise and are out of our control: While this is the reality in some of our lives, for a brief moment at summer camp, these issues fade away as our campers and camp staff understand how much bigger our God is.

This summer at Camp Waianae the theme was “Never-Ending,” based on the passage found in Lamentations 3:22-23: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (ESV).

We explored this theme of God’s never-ending love with a creative skit retelling the story of the prodigal son. The evening skits were about a farmer who had a son and daughter. While the daughter was content

staying home and living a farmer's life, the son wanted to venture off into the city and leave the farm and his family behind. Each night the skit would explore troubles that the son would run into. By the end of the week, the son came home, worried that he would no longer be accepted, but his father welcomed him home with open arms.

The camp counselors and campers would have cabin worship after each evening’s skit. During cabin worship, they would have time to reflect together on what they had seen. Because of these worship times, the campers had the opportunity to ask questions about the Bible and dig deeper into what this story meant. Our camp staff have countless stories of campers, from the ages of 6-17, who finally understood what the never-ending love of God looked like.

44 Pacific Union Recorder Hawaii Conference

At the end of our summer, we were blessed to have had 40 baptisms at Camp Waianae—17 campers during Junior Week, 19 campers during Teen Week, and four staff members. We are also excited that four more of our campers have decided to be baptized back at their home church. With a total of 44 lives changed, these campers and staff were able to declare their love for God in front of their camp family, as well as their own family watching either online or in person.

The chorus from our theme song this summer brings this all together:

Canyons wide, oceans deep, Can't contain all Your love for me.

No matter how high or far I reach, There's no end to Your love for me.

While summer camp may come to an end, the love of God never does. We want to thank all the families who entrusted us with your children this summer. Join us in prayer for the campers who found that never-ending love this summer.

Hawaii Conference September 2023 45

Called to Serve: Staff Stories

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is located in the historic little town of Holbrook, Arizona. Coming to HIS feels a little like being in a far-off mission field across the ocean (but with no ocean.) For our staff, coming to HIS is a calling. It takes a true commitment to be here. We hope you enjoy learning about some of our experiences of how we came to work at HIS.

Loren and Diana Fish: Director of Counseling and Director of Development

My husband, Loren, and I had our dream jobs. He had a successful counseling practice, and I worked as a development officer for Global Mission Initiatives at Advent Health. We were happy living the beach life in Florida.

We were both active in the church, but something seemed to be missing. We began praying for God to lead us into working in full-time ministry together. However, we weren’t looking to move anywhere— except maybe back to Tennessee, where our children and grandchildren live.

In 2014, I made a last-minute decision to attend a conference organized by the NAD’s Women’s Ministries Department. It was a time of powerful prayer and surrendering of self to God. During my time there, I happened to walk by the Holbrook Seventh-day

Adventist Indian School booth in the exhibition hall, and I noticed some beautiful horsehair, student-made pottery. I bought three pieces.

As I made the purchase, a woman at the booth asked about my work. When I told her that I worked in development, she excitedly pointed at the other woman in the booth. “She is our development director, and she is retiring,” she said. She then proceeded to tell me that Holbrook was located in Arizona, and I thought to myself, There is no chance that we are moving there.…

To read the rest of Loren and Diana’s story, visit HolbrookIndianSchool. org/staff-stories.

46 Pacific Union Recorder Holbrook Indian School
46 Union Recorder Holbrook Indian School
A Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy Serving Native American Youth Since 1946

Arbee Tabo: Director of Athletics, Physical Education and Health Teacher

I have always had a heart to do service and missions. My passion started when I was attending La Sierra University (LSU). I was helping with maintenance in the girls’ dorm when the director of Home Base Missions approached me and said, “God talked to me and told me to tell you to work for me.” After thinking and praying about it, I decided to accept her offer to join Home Base.

One of the schools that Home Base visited was Holbrook Indian School. My group was in charge of recruiting [for LSU] and doing a week of prayer. One night after the program, a group of us were standing outside behind the girls’ dorm, looking at the stars. I mentioned to one of my friends, “I can see myself living here one day.” Little did I know the plans God had in store for me.

While working with Home Base, I came into contact with students who were returning from the mission field. After spending time with them and getting to know them, I developed a desire to become a student missionary. Post-graduation from LSU, I decided to go to Pohnpei in Micronesia for two years. It was in Pohnpei that I told God that I would become a teacher—but only if it was at an Adventist school where I was able to tell others about God.

Upon my return from Pohnpei, I finished my master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. At that time, I was asked to be a youth pastor at the Loma Linda Japanese church (Mission Road SDA). I inquired of the pastor why he had asked me when my background was not in religious studies or theology but in physical education. He said, “It is because you have more experience than anyone that has just graduated with a degree in religion.” Reflecting on his words brought back to my mind a quote that was taped up at Home Base. It stated, “God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” I was humbled and accepted the position.

During my first year at the Japanese church, I was offered a job by Dr. Janet Claymore-Ross to work at Holbrook Indian School as a physical education teacher.

I was torn; here was an opportunity to work full-time and do something I had prepared my life for, but I had just begun work as a youth pastor. Good relationships take about two years to develop, and it didn’t seem right for me to leave all of a sudden after the bond had been made. That was one of the reasons I had decided to be a student missionary for two years instead of one. I wanted to let the students know that I was invested in them and that I truly cared about them. Sadly, I told Dr. Ross that I would have to decline her offer.…

To read the rest of Arbee’s story, visit: HolbrookIndianSchool. org/staff-stories.

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfthgrade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. HIS also manages a first- through eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty-seven percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve. Thank you for your support.


P.O. Box 910 • Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910

(928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109) •

As you can see, God knows what He is doing when He calls individuals to work at HIS, and it is not always via a direct route. We have a group of dedicated staff who love serving our Native students and showing them the love of Jesus while assisting them in their education journey. We look forward to the coming 2023-2024 school year and what God has planned for each of us and our students.

Holbrook Indian School September 2023 47
Loren Fish is director of counseling and Diana Fish is director of development at HIS. Arbee is director of athletics and the physical education and health teacher at HIS.

Adventist Health Celebrates New Hospital in Columbia Gorge

In June, Adventist Health welcomed Mid-Columbia Medical Center in The Dalles, Oregon, as the third hospital in the Adventist Health Oregon State Network. Mid-Columbia Medical Center will now be known as Adventist Health Columbia Gorge and joins sister Oregon hospitals Adventist Health Portland and Adventist Health Tillamook.

“We are so glad to celebrate nearly four years of collaborative conversations that brought us to this historic moment,” said Joyce Newmyer, president of the Oregon State Network and chief people officer for Adventist Health. “Adventist Health Columbia George’s unwavering commitment to their communities will shape the future of healthcare.”

In addition to the care Adventist Health provides throughout California and in Hawaii, the health system is growing to meet the healthcare needs of people in the Pacific Northwest, from the Portland area to the many rural communities along the northern Oregon coast and in north central Oregon. More than 50 Adventist Health clinics across Oregon and Washington offer primary care, with specialty clinics providing heart, lung, orthopedic, and cancer care. In the Columbia Gorge alone, 10 Adventist Health clinics provide mission-based healthcare for nearby rural communities.

“Adventist Health is redefining rural healthcare in a post-pandemic world. It gives me great joy to welcome Adventist Health Columbia Gorge to our healthcare system,” said Kerry L. Heinrich, president and CEO of Adventist Health.

On June 14, Adventist Health Columbia Gorge nurses, physicians, and other employees gathered with leaders at Kelly Commons on the hospital campus to celebrate

together. Healthcare is a 24/7 ministry, so leaders started the day at 12:01 a.m., circulating throughout the hospital, handing out cookies, and thanking care providers for their work.

“It was joyful and exciting to be on campus and celebrate with the community,” said Katie Wagner, mission and spiritual care leader at Adventist Health Columbia Gorge. “This community is dedicated to providing compassionate mission-driven care, and seeing support for that and everyone celebrating together was moving and powerful.”

The Adventist Health Columbia Gorge celebration included photo ops with banners from the awardwinning Adventist Health “Made for More” campaign, which celebrates each person’s quest to live a life of health, wholeness, and hope.

48 Pacific Union Recorder Adventist Health
A welcome event on the hospital’s Kelly Commons brought together healthcare teams excited about new opportunities to care for The Dalles community.

Inaugural Award Gala, New Endowment to Honor Geratys

The Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business at La Sierra University is launching an inaugural award this October that will seed a student activities and scholarship endowment and honor individuals who have made substantive contributions to their societies and the broader world.

On Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside, California, the Zapara School of Business will present its first Lifetime Achievement Award. Inaugural honorees Gillian and Larry Geraty will be celebrated for their transformative work within Adventist higher education and their local and global communities.

Larry Geraty, a noted archaeologist, biblical scholar, and administrator, served as La Sierra University’s second president between 1993-2007 following the university’s separation from Loma Linda in 1990. He is now the university’s president emeritus and executive director of its foundation board, which he established during his presidency.

While at La Sierra, the Geratys have worked to foster inclusion, in particular through the support of women in ministry, and have substantially bolstered the university’s local image through participation in Riverside’s civic life. As president, Larry Geraty led the redevelopment of university agricultural property into land sales and leases, which resulted in a university endowment that now stands at nearly $100 million.

Gillian and Larry Geraty’s dedication to Adventist education is rooted in their upbringing within the SDA educational system in which both of their fathers served as teachers and administrators.

“We're the product of Adventist education and it's made us what we are,” Larry Geraty said. “And we feel

blessed as a result of that. And [we will do] anything we can do to help make that possible for other people.”

Noted Gillian Geraty, “Being in an Adventist environment and school created a sense of being a part of a family.”

Prior to La Sierra, Larry Geraty led the growth of the former Atlantic Union College as its president and previously served as a faculty member at Andrews University, where he initiated the Adventist church's only doctoral curriculum in biblical archaeology and founded the Institute of Archaeology. Gillian Geraty, who holds degrees in education and served as a piano teacher and musician, established the first kindergarten program at Andrews University’s elementary school.

Toward fostering intellectual discourse, Larry and Gillian also helped create the Association of Adventist Forums, which publishes Spectrum Magazine.

“The Geratys have devoted more than 50 years of their lives to advancing Adventist education and engaging with and bettering their communities, and they have left substantive imprints that have changed many lives,” said John Thomas, dean of the Zapara School of Business. “We are pleased to launch this distinctive award series with their recognition and look forward to extending awards in honor of those who likewise stand as examples to our students whose academic pursuits will benefit from the endowment created by this annual event.”

To register for the Lifetime Achievement Award Gala, visit, email zsbevents@, or call 951-785-2500.

La Sierra University September 2023 49 To read more, go to
Gillian and Larry Geraty

High School Students Gain Healthcare Career Knowledge With Two-Week Immersion Program

Loma Linda University Health this summer held its two-week high school pipeline program, which offers an immersive, on-campus experience that introduces healthcare careers to under-represented minority high school students.

Known as the Discovery Program, the annual initiative draws approximately 70 students each year to learn about various healthcare careers and visit the university’s eight schools. Participants research different health topics and present to faculty at the end of their two-week experience. Some even continue for several days to shadow healthcare workers at LLUH.

Organizers say the program, founded in 2005, has inspired many high school students to consider higher education, many of whom were first-generation college attendees.

“We know the Discovery Program works because it has really sparked the interest of these students,” said Siquem Bustillos, a program manager involved with the initiative.

Many alumni of the program and staff members speak to participants during the two weeks. “The

students really resonate seeing someone who was in their position and are inspired to hear from faculty and staff who come from similar backgrounds,” Bustillos said.

Discovery Program organizers work with schools and families in the surrounding community. Scholarships are also available for participants.

“Of all the great work that Loma Linda University Health does, investing in the lives and futures of our local youth is among the most important,” said Juan Carlos Belliard, Ph.D., MPH, assistant vice president for Community Partnerships at Loma Linda University. “Inspiring, guiding, and resourcing our future health and healthcare professionals addresses multiple challenges in our region, including poverty, housing and food insecurity, access to healthcare, healthcare workforce shortage, and healthcare quality.”

To learn more about the Discovery Program, please email Vivian Navarro at or Siquem Bustillos at

See the latest news and Health & Wellness stories from Loma Linda University Health at 50 Pacific Union Recorder Loma Linda University Health

Arturo Lopez Becomes PUC’s New Campus Chaplain

Pacific Union College is happy to announce that Arturo Lopez will be the new campus chaplain. Pastor Lopez is a young and seasoned pastor with amazing experience. He is energetic, enthusiastic, and thrives on making friends. You won’t find a more outgoing person.

He received his B.A. in theology from PUC in 2014 and went on to La Sierra University for his Master of Theology Studies degree. From Andrews University, he obtained his M.A. in pastoral ministry and is currently earning his Doctor of Ministry.

Over the past nine years, Pastor Lopez has served within the Central California Conference. He began as the associate/youth pastor in Fresno and San Jose. Later, he transitioned into the role of district pastor, serving communities in Bakersfield, Taft, Salinas, and Seaside. Most recently, he was the pastor at the Monterey Bay Academy church while also serving as the school chaplain.

“During our evaluation process, it became evident to the committee that Pastor Arturo possesses the ideal combination of academic achievements and practical experience,” said Ryan Smith, PUC’s vice president of student life. “His deep-rooted passion for engaging with and mentoring youth and young adults is palpable and aligns perfectly with the role of an outstanding chaplain. These qualities, among others,

solidify Pastor Arturo as an exceptional fit for PUC.”

Pastor Lopez will focus on spiritual life and programming, but his influence and efforts will also help in other campus areas. PUC is creating whole-person enrichment, not just exclusively spiritual or academic enrichment. Occasionally, Pastor Lopez may represent PUC to external groups and help with recruitment. "This is not something that we would ask him to do uniquely, but rather something that we hope every employee of PUC will do whenever they have the chance," said PUC President Ralph Trecartin. “We all need to participate in helping potential students to feel welcome and to learn about opportunities here.”

With the campus community, Pastor Lopez will offer leadership for spiritual life; work with PUC’s pastoral staff, the church community, and faculty and staff; and provide friendship and guidance to students.

“I want to instill in students a passion for servant leadership, following the example of Jesus,” said Pastor Lopez. “At PUC, students have a unique opportunity to learn how to serve others through the careers they are pursuing, embracing a mindset of selflessness and compassion.”

Pacific Union College September 2023 51
Arturo Lopez
“His deep-rooted passion for engaging with and mentoring youth and young adults is palpable and aligns perfectly with the role of an outstanding chaplain. These qualities, among others, solidify Pastor Arturo as an exceptional fit for PUC.” - Ryan Smith

Christ Changed My Life

Her life before Christ

Weak, easily triggered, hurt, and often broken, Julissa Vazquez was extremely sensitive to the world. With zero spiritual strength, she thought her power to live life had to come from within, by believing in herself alone. Her many fears repeatedly overpowered and even sometimes paralyzed her decisionmaking ability. The feelings of worthlessness and being of little value prevented her from seeing herself as special. Looking for validation from others led to disappointment and a deep dive into the hole of depression. She was not alone in that hole, as

52 Pacific Union Recorder Nevada-Utah Conference
ABOVE: Julissa Vazquez with Delberth Castillo, sharing her testimony.
Julissa now is secure in the knowledge that Jesus died for her, and she trusts that His hand is on her life.

insecurity and anxiety would join her, bringing along their friends weed, alcohol, sex, and drugs. They would all have a great time until they were gone, leaving her alone in the aftermath. To escape from her painful thoughts, she wanted more. When she was with them, she had no worries or cares; life was easier. In the moment, life was fun.

Insecurity and anxiety were very toxic friends— the kind of friends that have you carry around their baggage, holding all their garbage for them. The kind of friends that overstay their welcome, not knowing when to leave. They were friends she felt helpless to get rid of because, before Christ, she was afraid to use her voice and assert herself or stand up for herself. Thinking she never really mattered to anyone, she was afraid to express herself, to share her thoughts and beliefs.

The friendship with insecurity and anxiety had become a part of her identity. The saying “You are who you hang around” seemed to be true. It appeared that she had become her friends—insecure and anxious.

Anxiety was a part of her identity. Insecurities were a part of her identity. Not knowing who she was beyond her anxious tendencies created constant fear of the unknown. She couldn’t remember who she was before the heartbreaks, before the abandonment issues, before always feeling like the second, third, or last choice. She couldn’t remember a time when she looked in the mirror and saw anything but ugly and fat.

Before Christ, she was too caught up in the what-ifs in life to remember the right here, right now. Before Christ, she was a welcome mat willing to let anyone in who would love her, even if that meant they would stomp all over her and leave behind their dirt. She was left bitter, hurt, damaged, broken, and with no hope— living life on autopilot.

Praise the Lord, that is her past.

Her life after Christ

Since then, Julissa Vazquez has worked on developing her social circle of close friends. Together they read a book or two, shared a few therapy sessions, cried a lot, prayed like they’ve never prayed before, and, for the first time, opened their Bibles. Miraculously, she watched insecurities transform into security and anxiety transform into trust.

Julissa now is secure in the knowledge that Jesus died for her, and she trusts that His hand is on her life.

She shared these thoughts on her new life with Christ. “I am secure knowing He knows my name, and I trust Him with my whole heart. I am secure because He is using me for His kingdom, and I know that He will show me the way. Even in the unknown I am secure because I trust that His plan is greater than mine. In times of confusion, I can trust Him because I know He will always answer my questions. My finances are secure because He will always provide. I am secure in my ability to be a mother because He chose me for this job. I am secure in my marriage because I know He is a God who can mend. I can feel secure in the present moment because I trust Him with my future. Although difficult, I feel secure that I will be the one who leads my family to Jesus because He will strengthen me. I feel secure in my career choices because I trust that He will qualify me. I feel secure in my decisions because I trust His guidance. I am secure that one day I will hear His audible voice because I trust that He is a living, speaking God. I feel secure in forgiving those who have hurt me because I trust and believe when He says that I am forgiven.”

“After meeting Christ, security, trust, hope, and love are now part of my identity.“

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From the core group of four friends and herself, Julissa’s Tuesday night Bible study has grown tremendously, touching many lives for Christ.

Pastor Chris Estay was installed as the new pastor of Vallejo Central church in July. Estay is excited about his new church family. When asked how he eases into a new church position, he stated, "I've learned over time that I have 100 ideas in my head, which makes me want to rush. However, I've learned to slow down and assess a church's culture by first serving and becoming friends with the members."

As Estay explained, making those deeper connections "creates unity when time is spent making friends and sharing. It reveals the members' personalities, talents, and motivations, and identifies the church's true heart." He concluded, "I am very pleased to be at Vallejo. This is a very motivated church, and we will serve God and our

community well together." Estay shares life with Erdal, his wife of 18 years. They are the proud parents of son Gabriel, age 9, and daughter Liana, age 6.

Surfing, Setting, and Friendship

The Carmichael church has facilitated a midsummer surfing trip to Santa Cruz for nearly 10 years, open to youth and parents. About 60 surfers—primarily beginners, but also some experienced—from several churches and schools attended this year. The surfing, setting, and friendships are a strong glue that makes this trip memorable.

Benji Ferguson, Carmichael associate pastor and trip leader, stated, "This trip is super fun and provides a great bonding experience for kids in the summer. Events like this are more than fun; they are important to pastors, teachers, and parents to help connect the church with our young people." This spiritual connection is not lost on Sacramento Academy senior Simon Tache,

54 Pacific Union Recorder Northern California Conference Chris Estay Installed

who stated, "Beyond the surfing and hanging out with friends, this trip is a time for me to disconnect and reflect on God and nature and find a personal peace."

There were times when the waves were not very big (or even absent), but this group of surfers still enjoyed the experience. They laughed, splashed each other, threw seaweed around, and even mimicked catching waves. However, when that magnificent wave appeared, a handful of them put in their best efforts to surf, with the others cheering them on. One parent who watched this all afternoon commented, "Bonding."

Garrison Chaffee, PUC church associate pastor, remarked, "It's refreshing to worship amidst God's nature at the beach. Because parents are also invited, it offers a cool intergenerational experience. We pray these experiences will pay long-term dividends, keeping our students tied to Jesus and their church families."

Chaffee summed up the trip, "I love when youth

groups get together because it builds relationships and unity between the students and our churches. It creates meaningful memories that will resonate in each person's life and hopefully keep them returning to church."

A Different Coastal Experience

The district of Covelo-Willits-Fort Bragg is home to three lovely churches situated amidst the picturesque Yuki Wilderness to the east, Round Valley Reservation Trust Land to the north, and the serene Pacific coast to the west. These three towns are known for their friendly community where personal relationships are highly valued. Recently, a highly successful interdenominational social event was organized by the district churches, resulting in the formation of new friendships and collaborations.

One outcome was the Covelo Church Vacation Bible School, which took on a unique dimension, led by

members, church leaders, and volunteers from several denominations. Regardless of affiliation, missionminded adults acted, taught, and sang side by side, sharing their unique talents to present the promises of Jesus to children. According to Edwin Berbasal, district pastor, "This inclusive approach furthered those friendships, not only creating more extensive participation but unity, and it was a powerful display of shared faith among the children and the broader community.”

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100% Humidity Resulted in 110% Effort

Returning on the Fourth of July, 22 youth and adults from Pleasant Hill and Oakland Grand Advent churches came back from a life-changing mission trip to the Philippines. They worked primarily at an Adventist-sponsored orphanage, where they helped care for the children, finished constructing the wall around the campus, and painted it. Additionally, they participated in a clothing drive that served over 300 families in the local community. They also taught basic dental health skills to 800 elementary students and led a Vacation Bible School for 100 children.

Trip co-leader Bonnie Gottke reported, "This energetic group was met with cold showers, sleeping under mosquito nets, and nearly 100% humidity. Regardless of the unfamiliar climes and other challenges, the young workers started each morning with worship and gave 110% effort all day." Norma Rilveria, sponsor and trip nurse, added, "My heart was full when our young people shared their daily

reflections at our morning and evening devotionals." The service, interaction, and sharing of God's love certainly were felt by the group. By the trip's end, eight kids on the mission trip and three children from the orphanage were baptized.

When asked how this trip impacted her life, Pleasant Hill junior Betsy Carmona reflected, "It helped me grow my relationship with Christ, and I learned how to love a community within days. Although languages can be a barrier to communication, showing God's love is the best way to communicate."

Grassroots Evangelism Garners Baptism

The Richmond Beacon Light church recently engaged its community by holding an evangelistic series titled “The Better Bible Conference” over four Sabbaths. The schedule was created to ensure flexibility in attendance so everyone could participate easily. As David Woolcock, pastor, explained, “We wanted to have a new kind of evangelism program. Each day started with a continental breakfast, followed by back-to-back Bible studies. Then a delicious lunch was served to keep the congregation fueled for the afternoon." During the afternoon session, various practical ministry topics were covered, including discussions on plant-based diets, cultivating healthy eating habits, managing traumatic experiences, and imparting godly principles to children.

On the final day of the series, the Stockton Mayfair church generously provided two semi-trucks full of household items to be distributed to both the

attendees and the community. Woolcock expressed his amazement, saying, "There was so much good stuff that I didn't think we could give it all away! These items will go a long way in equipping families in the area.”

So far, six baptisms have resulted from this series, and Woolcock expects four more to come as a result. “The number one lesson we learned is, don’t underestimate the local church and their abilities,” he said. “Dip your foot in the water, and God will care for the rest.”

56 Pacific Union Recorder Northern California Conference

Diplomas for Disciples

The Fairfield Spanish church is dedicated to maintaining its connection with the community by offering a space for spiritual growth and education. Recently, 48 students studying at the church completed the Bible Instructor Program provided by the Instituto Laico Adventista de California (ILAC). The ILAC program focuses on personal development, honing talents, skills, and leadership abilities to serve God. According to Jose Diaz, district pastor for Fairfield and Vallejo, "The classes equip people with the skills to give more effective Bible studies. It builds confidence in Bible study givers and offers innovative teaching techniques."

True Community Relevance

The African American ministries department serves as a valuable resource for local churches, providing vital support and fostering community engagement through a variety of impactful initiatives. Notably, both the Stockton Mayfair and Richmond Beacon Light churches generously donate much-needed household items to families in need, while the C.O.R.E organization in Oakland conducts essential street outreach efforts. Additionally, the Vallejo Berea church plays a vital role in feeding the homeless population, offering muchneeded sustenance and support to those struggling to make ends meet.

All of these initiatives are a testament to the deep faith and unwavering commitment of the African American church community, who work tirelessly

to uplift and support those in need, guided by the teachings of Jesus and motivated by a profound sense of compassion and generosity.

For 46 years, the annual African American Convocation has brought together worshippers, musicians, and guest speakers to celebrate this community effort and acknowledge the hope found in the gospel message. Attendees often leave feeling revitalized, with one saying, "Over the weekend, I get recharged by Jesus." This year's gathering on October 13-14 will be especially significant as it marks the Oakland Market Street church’s 100th-year anniversary. Everyone is welcome to join in praising, testifying, worshipping, and getting recharged by Jesus.

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Scan the QR code to view more about this year's event.

Al Punto: A Starting Point

Pastors Guillermo Quiroz and Enrique Baez unpack the nuances of the Sabbath School Quarterly lessons through Southeastern California Conference (SECC) Hispanic Media Ministries' new Sabbath School series, Al Punto. Through the theological insights of trained pastors, the weekly videos aim to take the Quarterly lessons and create bite-sized content for the thousands of Spanish speakers within the conference.

Spanish for “the point,” Al Punto summarizes the Sabbath School Quarterly with Quiroz and Baez’s commentary and discussion. Within 20-minute videos, the hosts unpack the lessons, then condense them by focusing on three main points, and conclude with practical applications for those listening. Local churches are encouraged to use the videos as a starting point for indepth Bible studies to encourage discussion and further study either on an individual or congregational level.

The idea for the program developed from the same incentive that spurred dozens of new ministries: the pandemic. Faced with an isolated church experience, Hispanic Media Ministries wanted to create something for those who missed the guided discussions found in Sabbath School or regular Bible studies.

As we enter a new hybrid church era, the ministry considers Al Punto as the first step in an ever-evolving ministry effort. SECC’s Hispanic Media Ministries has a long-term vision of producing numerous visual and audio podcasts branching out into numerous topics, from spiritual development to mental wellness, family ministries, and youth ministries. By starting with familiar territory, the ministry will introduce viewers to the discussion format and ministry network, possibly expanding to new structures according to the topic.

The foundation of these series will never waver from the central intent to guide, educate, and bless believers.

Yohalmo Saravia, SECC Hispanic Ministries vice president and series producer, stated, “We want this project and the other programs to serve as support for the ministry of each pastor and every church in our conference. We dream to see a successful dualistic ministry: locally and globally at the same time. Everything is done for the expansion of God’s kingdom.”

58 Pacific Union Recorder Southeastern California Conference
Enrique Baez (left) and Guillermo Quiroz (right) discuss a Sabbath School lesson.

Black Lives, Blue Zones: A Health Initiative

This past April, more than 200 attendees gathered at Mt. Rubidoux church for a free viewing of the documentary “Lowndes County and the Road to Black Power” as part of its Black Lives, Blue Zones initiative.

“Our church hosted this screening because the story of the Lowndes County Movement is a powerful demonstration of what local communities can accomplish when they are empowered,” explained Alfonzo Greene III, the senior pastor of Mt. Rubidoux church. “We believe that as a faith community, the fight for human rights and dignity continues, and we wanted to bring people together in an effort to make health parity a reality in the city of Riverside.”

The film screening was part of a larger effort to spotlight Riverside County’s Blue Zones initiative. A Blue Zone is an area where people live the longest and experience a better quality of life.

The Black Lives, Blue Zones initiative promotes healthy living by engaging policymakers, community leaders, and city residents in creating environments that make it easier for people to make healthy choices.

“We believe that as these environments are created in communities of color, healthy choices become easier,” said Greene. “This is in addition to policies that need to

be addressed to make access to health care a reality for the Black community.”

In April 2023, the Mt. Rubidoux church was invited to a meeting hosted by Riverside County to discuss the goal of establishing blue zones in six cities.

“As we listened to the presentation, we felt burdened that something specific and targeted needed to happen for the Black community in light of the many health disparities in communities of color,” said Greene.

Following the meeting, Greene and his team began a targeted push with the Mt. Rubidoux congregation to begin the process of addressing the health disparities in the Black community, and they invited others to join in the effort.

The film, which explores the story of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, was selected as a way to motivate Riverside community members to be the change they wish to see.

“We want people to glean lessons from the example of the Lowndes County movement that they can apply to our local context,” said Greene. “We want people in Riverside to be inspired to be a part of the movement to address health disparities in the Black community.”

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The movie poster decorates the refreshment table. Judy Delva smiles with a young attendee of the screening. Pastor Greene hosts a panel discussion with Dr. Adowa Osie, Dr. Dwight Barrett, and Dr. Hasan Jeffries.

Riverside United Reaches the Division Level in Pathfinder Bible Experience

It is rare for a Pathfinder club to reach the division level of the Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) after one year. However, the Riverside Korean Pathfinder Club, Riverside United, received this honor at the annual Pathfinder Bible Experience, hosted by the North American Division in Tampa, Florida. During the event in April, the six Pathfinder club members proved their Bible proficiency through memorization and comprehension, joining 155 Pathfinder clubs from around the world to worship and flex their theological prowess. Jukes Namm, director of the Riverside Korean Pathfinder Club, reflected on the event with gratitude, saying “Despite all the turmoil in this world, there are still thousands of young people who have written God's Word in their hearts and minds.”

Riverside United’s success was not achieved overnight. The weekend event was the culmination of three months of dedicated study and memorization. PBE is a year-long process in which teams of six

Pathfinder club members study and memorize a designated book of the Bible, including assigned portions of Adventist commentary books. The competition consists of four levels of testing: county area, conference, union, and division. Though testing locations were limited as PBE reconvened after the pandemic, Riverside United persevered, with Juke Namm; Meshach Soli, SECC club ministries associate youth director; and Pastor Kevin Morris, then SCC club ministries director, collaborating to accommodate available testing areas.

During every step of the process, Riverside United was championed by the Riverside Korean church. The club has been an inspiration for many of the other members, encouraging them to also dive into the Scriptures and practice memorization. This is not the last time we will see Riverside United at PBE. When asked about their plans for the future, the club said they have hopes of entering two teams next year.

Overall, the Pathfinder Bible Experience contained immense blessing, community, and worship. One club member, Ethan Yoon, reflected, “It was a great experience. The Pathfinder Bible Experience encouraged me because I thought I was incapable of memorizing God’s Word, but as soon as I started memorizing verse by verse, they taught me how to be faithful and live out God’s Word.” In preparation for next year's event, we are eager to see what the next Pathfinder Bible Experience has in store.

60 Pacific Union Recorder Southeastern California Conference
The Riverside Korean church Pathfinder Bible Experience team. The team smiles for a photo at their competition table.

Women’s Ministries Thrives at Campus Hill

Campus Hill church (CHC) women’s ministries hosted a high tea, which attracted almost 100 women participants. Marijke Sawyer, CHC women’s ministries director, and her team organized the event. There were many who supported with donations that helped make the event a success, like the International Student Pantry; Najwa’s Mediterranean Restaurant, located at Angelo’s Restaurant; Shawn Woods, baker at the Loma Linda Natural Foods Market; and the CHC men’s ministries, design, and decorating teams.

The event featured first-time author Hilda Valenzuela Wendtland and her book, Barefoot to Freedom. In this autobiography, Valenzuela Wendtland relates the harrowing 45-day occupation of the Peruvian Embassy in Havana, Cuba, with 10,000 other hopeful refugees seeking to flee Castro’s communist government. Attendees had the opportunity to meet with the author and participate in a book signing.

Thanks to a variety of activities, CHC women’s ministries is attracting not only Campus Hill participants but also women from the surrounding communities of Loma Linda. “What began in 2022 as an attempt to gather our women to encourage one another,” said

Sawyer, “has turned out to be an exciting outreach opportunity.” Since last year, CHC women’s ministries has sponsored a personal care item drive for local women and human trafficking shelters, Sunday morning exercise programs, a gut health lecture, a healthful cooking demonstration with JeJe Noval, and several teas with Bible study. In March, CHC women’s ministries organized and participated in the worship service, featuring guest speaker Southeastern California Conference Executive Secretary Patty Marruffo and “musicianary” soprano Paulette Jumalon.

CHC Women’s Ministries has also collaborated with CHC Parks & Streets Ministry, a ministry that serves the homeless in the Inland Empire. In the fall of 2022, Parks & Streets sponsored a clothes drive and collected nearly a thousand pieces of clothing. Women’s Ministries provided help sorting clothes and transporting them to Fairmount Park in Riverside for distribution during the annual Parks & Streets “Friendsgiving” Thanksgiving event. These kinds of collaborations have mutually strengthened these ministries and given the Campus Hill church a visible presence in the communities of San Bernardino, Redlands, and Riverside.

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Hildy Valenzuela Wendtland (left) and Lily Teichman are all smiles at high tea. Elieze Strydom enjoys the fruit at her table.

Newly Organized Haven Company: “A Haven of Love to the Community”

The history of the Haven congregation goes back almost five years. After Edbert Carceler returned from a six-month evangelism and church building project in the Philippines in the winter of 2018, he started a Bible study group that would meet on a weekly basis with 12 attendees.

By 2019, the group had doubled to 25 regular attendees and was meeting in a rented chapel in Anaheim. By the spring of 2020, the congregation had grown to 50 members. The pandemic affected this congregation as it did others, but the members stayed faithful, and the group continued to grow. The congregation held Bible studies on Zoom and later met outdoors for in-person worship services, all the while looking for a new home. At this time, the group’s leadership was also seeking official affiliation with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.

In 2021, the group’s prayer for a new location was answered as they moved to their current rented facility in Hawaiian Gardens, where they continued to grow to around 60 attendees every Sabbath. This is the same year that Haven was recognized as a group of the Southern California Conference (SCC) under the Pasadena church.

In the spring of 2022, the congregation had grown to welcome 100 attendees to worship. Today, the Haven company is a vibrant congregation with a passion for reaching the surrounding community for Christ.

At the organization service this summer, SCC leaders recognized the congregation’s growth and encouraged the members in their ministry as a company.

SCC Executive Secretary John H. Cress acknowledged how Haven has met, and even surpassed, the requirements for a company. “All these results and

accomplishments reflect a church…that’s committed to the gospel commission and to the great commandment to love one another, to love our neighbors, and love God with all our hearts,” he said.

In his challenge to the company, Velino A. Salazar, SCC president, encouraged the members to be disciples who teach others as they lead them to Jesus, noting the value of cultural relevance. “Brothers and sisters, teaching takes time,” Salazar said. “So the most effective way is to reach out to people for Christ with someone from the same culture, who speaks the same language and understands the same set of values.”

Kathleen Diaz, SCC treasurer/CFO, encouraged the church in outreach and provided a $2,500 gift on behalf of SCC to support the work of evangelism. “Wherever you are placed, be a blessing to your community. Go and tend to those who have never heard about Christ,” she said.

The service highlighted the active youth ministry at the church and the commitment of the congregation’s leaders. “I never even expected we can be a company as soon as this,” said Carceler, “but the Lord has blessed.”

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PHOTOS: LAUREN LACSON Haven Youth Sound, a youth praise team, provides special music. Vinh Nguyen, SCC AsianPacific Region director, offers the dedication prayer over the newly organized company.

Ephesus, the “Spaghetti Church,” Impacts Lives in South Los Angeles

Ephesus church, an Adventist Community Service (ACS) center in South Los Angeles, is seeking to be fully known and loved by its community through acts of service.

When Donavan Childs became the senior pastor in 2022, his first conversation with Diva Jones-Moses, community services director, made it evident he was walking into a service-minded congregation.

“One thing that pastors who knew about the church always told me was, ‘This is a working church,’” Childs recalled. “I can attest to that, because, on my first Sabbath, sister Diva welcomed me and then told me about the food distribution coming up. It was clear this church is dedicated to service and that she has a heart for service.”

Jones-Moses took on this role in 2018 and quickly went to task. She first determined the needs of the community by conducting door-to-door surveys. She discovered a significant number of seniors in the community, many of whom believed a food pantry would be beneficial. She then volunteered at a nearby church hoping to foster collaboration, which helped shape the programs at Ephesus.

Now, clients come on Mondays for free clothes and shoes from The Closet and to receive showers and hot plates of spaghetti. Through the years, the church has been affectionally known as the “spaghetti church” by regulars. The food pantry, open on the fourth Thursday of each month, welcomes guests to choose from fresh produce, canned goods, hygiene products, and more.

These community service programs at Ephesus are

especially personal to Tania Cole, a longtime member and volunteer who, at one point in her life, experienced homelessness.

“I used to be one of them,” Cole shared. “I was a fullblown drug addict. There are so many ways I could still be them because I still struggle with different areas, but I know there’s a living God.”

Ephesus’s programs are for anyone who needs them—whether they are housed or unhoused. When Joe Alfred Ybarra lost his job and home, he alternated between sleeping outside or in his friend’s shop. He initially connected with HOPICS (Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System) but started taking showers at Ephesus when his housing term ran out. There, he met Homeless and Community Advocate for the City of Los Angeles and Ephesus volunteer Reba Stevens, who connected him with a new HOPICS case worker to extend his housing.

“If anyone wants a chance to get off the street, this church will help you, because they know people like Reba Stevens,” Ybarra said.

To move this work forward, Jones-Moses is encouraged by the potential for collaboration with other churches. “I would love to see our Adventist churches coming together, where you can call out to other community service team members to help,” Jones-Moses said. “I just wish more people would come out and take part. If we had that, we could do so much more.”

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Volunteers double-check bagged items using a checklist before giving them to clients who arrive at the food pantry. PHOTOS: MICHELLE NOLAND

Missionaries Help Rebuild Hope Amid Devastation in Guanaja, Honduras

In October 2021, a devastating fire consumed one-third of Bonacca cay off the island of Guanaja, Honduras. Among the more than 200 homes and businesses damaged or destroyed by the fire was the Adventist school, Instituto Adventista Guanaja, which sustained damage to its third floor. The need to rebuild what was damaged was immediate; however, since then, slow progress has been made due to few available workers and limited resources.

This summer, a group of 10 missionaries from the Southern California Conference (SCC) arrived in Bonacca to provide relief to this community through reconstruction of the school, hosting a Vacation Bible School (VBS) program, and distributing reading glasses and sunglasses.

Bonacca is a densely populated cay located off the coast of Guanaja, the second largest of the three Bay Islands off the northern coast of Honduras. To get to the cay, you must fly into Roatán, then fly into Guanaja, and then take a small boat to Bonacca. The cay is home to about 5,000 people.

A small group of SCC youth leaders visited Bonacca in 2022 to see the damage firsthand. While there,

the local pastor, school principal, and church leaders shared about the difficulty rebuilding and the school’s importance to Bonacca.

Emmanuel Olguín, associate pastor of Central Spanish church, was a part of that first trip and this year’s mission. “When I went for the pre-trip, I realized how much of a need there was,” Olguín said. “They told us, ‘We wish we could hire people, but there’s no one to hire.’ So they rely on groups who come in and work for a few weeks at a time until the next group comes in.”

Each day, the team, led by Jaime Heras, SCC Hispanic Region director, worked on construction in the morning and ran the Stellar VBS program in the evening. On the first night, 75 kids arrived for VBS, most of whom attended the local public school. As the week went on, more kids joined.

One evening, Heras shared the story of Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem. Heras asked the kids what they would shout if Jesus did this today. As the kids took his question literally by shouting their replies, one pulled Heras aside to whisper, “If Jesus was here today, I would scream and say, ‘Jesus, I love you with all my heart.’” “I thought in that moment,” Heras recalled, “this mission trip was worth it, just because of that one kid.”

The turnout of kids at VBS each night showed the SCC missionaries how crucial the completion of this school is to the Guanaja community. SCC donated $50,000 to purchase land for expansion, but there is still much work to be done. “This work is ongoing,” Heras said. “There’s still a long way to go.” If you would like to get involved, reach out to Principal Rigoberto Dawkins,

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PHOTOS: EMMANUEL OLGUÍN Kids sing along to music at Stellar VBS. The team sands and washes the walls with materials they have on hand: bricks for sanding and cut-up jeans for washing.

A Mobile Clinic in Thailand Changes Lives

It’s a sunny day in Thailand, and a silver Toyota truck pulls into a village. A man working in the fields notices this unfamiliar truck. The driver greets him in Burmese. The man is startled, but a huge smile comes across his face when he recognizes a husbandand-wife doctor and nurse team,* whom he had seen running a clinic in another village. The man had run out of medication, and he knew the arrival of this couple meant he could get the medication he needed.

Fast forward to a week later in that same small village. There’s excitement because The Crumpton-Delaware Mobile Clinic (TCDMC) is there. TCDMC is a project supported by the Delaware Avenue church and Bottles 4 Life (B4L) Inc., a nonprofit run by one of the church elders. The residents are very happy that now their village is a regular stop on TCDMC’s route.

TCDMC began operating in March 2023 and stops in various villages three days a week. The doctor and nurse are from Myanmar; they fled to Thailand after the military coup in 2021. When the doctor heard about an opportunity to work for an unconventional clinic, he and his wife decided to take a risk to help those in need. For them, this is a way of supporting the efforts of the people who are fighting to regain a democracy in Myanmar. Working with Sabbath-keepers is new for them, but they have joined in Sabbath worships since they have started.

“The clinic is a great help to the people, as access to proper medical care is hard to come by due to the risk and financial loss associated with going to a hospital or clinic in town,” said Fedly Bonneau, founder of B4L. “Most of the patients are undocumented, working on farms to earn a living. They lose a day’s wages traveling to the nearest

clinic, plus they pay a day’s wages in transportation cost.”

TCDMC has seen more than 600 patients, with almost 50% being seen 4-5 times. Many patients are seen for things like severe hypertension, diabetes keto acidosis, valvular heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and hepatocellular carcinoma.

“We share health education to all patients in every visit, including tips from NEWSTART,” Bonneau said, “because prevention is key to a healthy life.”

One patient with a leg ulcer could barely walk when she visited TCDMC for the first time. For five months after the ulcer first developed, she wasn’t planning to seek medical help because of difficulties with transportation to a clinic. TCDMC was able to get her to the general hospital for an operation.

TCDMC’s impact in Thailand is a result of the “Greater to Global” initiative of the Greater Los Angeles Region (GLAR) of the Southern California Conference. In 2019, Royal Harrison, GLAR director, traveled to Thailand to establish the initiative, which has inspired churches like Delaware Avenue to support mission work in Thailand and other parts of the world.

The local pastor, Nelson Po, sometimes drives the doctor and nurse to the villages and does evangelism in those same villages. A few of the patients have been baptized due to his efforts. “We see God working,” Po said, “and we pray the work can continue and more people can be baptized and live healthier lives.”

*The names of the doctor and nurse have been omitted and their photos obscured for their safety.

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LEFT: The doctor and nurse visit with a patient. RIGHT: The doctor performs an ultrasound for a pregnant patient while the expectant father looks on. PHOTOS: FEDLY BONNEAU


La Sierra University

Lifetime Achievement Award Gala. The Zapara School of Business will host the inaugural Lifetime Achievement


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$70 for 50 words; 75 cents each additional word. Display rates (full color only): back cover, $4,200; full page, $3,800; 1/2-pg., $2,200; 1/4-pg., $1,200; 1/8-pg., $700; $160 per column inch.


The Pacific Union Recorder is published 12 times per year with a circulation of approximately 75,000. For more information about advertising, please email to recorder@

Upcoming Deadlines

These are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier. October: September 7 • November: October 5


The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and health care institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See

Recorder Membership

The Pacific Union Recorder is provided as a free service to members of the conferences that are part of the Pacific Union Conference (Arizona, Hawaii, Northern California, Central California, Southern California, Southeastern California, and Nevada-Utah). Each conference maintains the list of members, based on the reports from their churches. If you would like to make a change to your subscription (name, address, cancellation), please contact your local conference. The staff of the Recorder does not have access to the circulation lists, other than the paid subscriptions.

Award Gala on October 26 at the Riverside Convention Center. The event will honor Gillian and Larry Geraty for their transformative work within Adventist higher education. Proceeds will seed a student endowment. Info and registration:; zsbevents@; 951-785-2500.

Archaeology Discovery Weekend. The Center for Near Eastern Archaeology will host its 15th annual Archaeology Discovery Weekend on Nov. 11-12. The event, themed “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible,” will feature in-person and online lectures and activities. For information, visit

Fall Classes. La Sierra University’s 2023-24 school year begins Monday, Sept. 26, with the start of classes. For information, visit, email, or call 1-800-874-5587.

Freshman IGNITE orientation is Sept. 21-23. For information and registration, visit ignite/.

The La Sierra Report. Stay in the know and sign up to receive The La Sierra Report, an e-newsletter of the university’s interesting news and events. To subscribe, send your email address and subscription request to

Northern California Conference

NCC African American Ministries Department 46th Annual Convocation, Oct. 13-14, 2023. “Reaffirming the Hope” will be presented in two locations: Friday, Oct. 13, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Oakland Market Street church, 900 34th Street; and Sabbath, Oct. 14, 9:00 a.m. at the Oakland Inter-Stake Center, 4780 Lincoln Ave, Oakland. For more information, see

Pacific Union College

Academy Women's Volleyball/Cross Country Tournament, Thursday, Oct. 5 to Sunday, Oct. 8. Pacific Union College is looking forward to hosting this exciting tournament. For questions, email Matthew Lee at

PUC NATS All-Star Concert, Sunday, Oct. 15, at 3 p.m. Pacific Union College department of music welcomes the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) Redwood Chapter to Paulin Recital Hall for their fourth annual NATS All-Star recital on the campus. Talented local and regional vocalists, including current and past PUC music students, will share some of their favorite pieces. Admission is free and open to all. Questions:

Subscribe to PUC Now Newsletter. Stay up to date with Pacific Union College by subscribing to their monthly newsletter at From campus

66 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

stories and alumni features to student interviews, you’ll be in the know with PUC Now.

Classified Employment

The Southeastern California Conference is seeking a full-time Early Childhood Center Director for the Mesa Grande Children’s Center (MGACC). The director is responsible for the overall operation of the center, which includes finances/budget, supervision of staff, compliance with conference and state regulations, and teaching. MGACC is licensed for up to 60 full-time students ages 2-5. Their website is https:// For a full job description or more information, contact Monique Trevino at the SECC Office of Education. Please send résumé, references, and cover letter to Monique.Trevino@ by June 30, 2023.

Holbrook Indian School is currently in need of a Registrar/Administrative Assistant, Food Service Assistant, Maintenance Associate, Grounds/ Maintenance Assistant, and a Horsemanship/Farm Assistant. These are paid positions. In addition, there is an opening for a volunteer married couple to fill the role of House Deans in an off-campus housing capacity at the Eagle's Nest. If you or someone you know are mission-minded and

would like to serve Native American children, please see or share our jobs page at

Elmshaven Historian/Caretaker. The Pacific Union Conference is looking for two part-time Historians in Residence/Caretakers for Elmshaven, the Ellen G. White home in Napa Valley, California. Positions require a strong understanding of Ellen G. White's life and writings and the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Individuals must have good communication skills (Spanish speakers preferred) for guided tours and the ability to climb stairs and assist with grounds/ maintenance. Work schedule: one week on/off alternating with second team. Modest hourly pay with



October 1-4, 2023

Sunday 3 p.m.-Wednesday 3 p.m.


Sponsored by the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

For Pastors

Presented by Hebrew Bible Institute •

Reinaldo Siqueira, PhD General Conference Director Jewish Ministries Dean, Theological Seminary

Alexander "Sasha" Bolotnikov, PhD Director, Hebrew Bible Institute Professor, Rabbinic Literature Only Costs: Hotel & Travel

Presentation topics: Preaching From the Torah; Messianic Judaism; History of Judaism; How to Witness to Jews

Community & Marketplace I September 2023 67
For more information and to register, text or call: (805) 680-9660
Bolotnikov Siqueira
68 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

on-premises residence and utilities provided. Start date October 2023. E-mail résumé and cover letter to; call 805-413-7218.

Pacific Union College is seeking faculty positions for the 2023-2024 academic year in the areas of History and Music. Major duties include the responsibilities of assessment, planning, development, and implementation of classroom experiences and course objectives. We desire those who will be committed to a collaborative working environment, as well as those who possess dedication in furthering the goals of excellence in student success and critical thinking skills. Most importantly, we desire those interested in bringing students closer to Christ by nurturing the whole person and embracing concepts for lifelong learning. If you are interested, please contact Human Resources at HR@ or call 707-965-6231.

Room/Work Exchange offer in SoCal for female. Busy professional needs your help with 15 hours of housekeeping/week in exchange for rent. Located 2 hrs drive from LLU. Must be able-bodied, English speaking, SDA, and not allergic to my cat. Background

September 2023 Sunset Calendar

check and interview. More info:

Evangelism Projects Coordinator needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to assist in developing and implementing and reporting for various mission projects. This is a full-time (32 hours per week) inoffice position located in Redlands, California, with potential for international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Marketing Director needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to plan and direct successful fundraising and marketing through a variety of methods. This is a fulltime (38 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, California, and includes some national and international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Real Estate

PUC Commercial Space for Rent. Pacific Union College has commercial real estate space available for lease. The spaces are in various sizes and functionality and are available for inquiries. For additional information, please email Sam Heier at

October 2023 Sunset Calendar

[N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

Community & Marketplace I September 2023 69
4:9 !
“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews
City/Location SEPT 1 SEPT 8 SEPT 15 SEPT 22 SEPT 29 Alturas (Mt. Shasta) 7:41 7:30 7:18 7:06 6:54 Angwin 7:39 7:29 7:18 7:06 6:55 Bakersfield 7:23 7:13 7:03 6:52 6:42 Calexico 7:06 6:57 6:48 6:38 6:29 Chico 7:38 7:05 6:54 6:44 6:34 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 7:15 7:05 6:54 6:44 6:34 Eureka 7:49 7:37 7:25 7:13 7:02 Four Corners [E] 7:39 7:27 7:15 7:03 6:51 Fresno 7:27 7:17 7:06 6:56 6:45 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 6:56 6:46 6:35 6:25 6:15 Half Dome 7:27 7:16 7:06 6:55 6:44 Hilo 6:35 6:29 6:22 6:16 6:10 Holbrook (Joseph City) 6:48 6:38 6:28 6:18 6:08 Honolulu 6:47 6:41 6:34 6:27 6:20 Joshua Tree 7:11 7:01 6:51 6:42 6:32 Lake Tahoe 7:30 7:19 7:08 6:57 6:45 Las Vegas 7:08 6:58 6:48 6:37 6:27 Lodi-Stockton 7:34 7:24 7:13 7:02 6:51 Loma Linda 7:14 7:05 6:55 6:45 6:36 Los Angeles 7:18 7:09 6:59 6:49 6:40 McDermitt [N] 7:24 7:12 7:00 6:48 6:36 Moab 7:48 7:37 7:26 7:15 7:04 Monterey 7:35 7:25 7:15 7:04 6:54 Mt. Whitney 7:13 7:04 6:54 6:45 6:35 Napa 7:38 7:28 7:17 7:06 6:55 Nogales [S] (Los) 6:37 6:30 6:23 6:16 6:09 Oakland 7:38 7:27 7:17 7:06 6:55 Paradise, CA 7:37 7:26 7:15 7:03 6:52 Phoenix 6:53 6:44 6:34 6:25 6:15 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 6:38 6:32 6:26 6:19 6:13 Reno 7:30 7:19 7:07 6:56 6:45 Riverside 7:15 7:05 6:56 6:46 6:36 Sacramento 7:36 7:25 7:14 7:03 6:51 Salt Lake City 7:59 7:48 7:36 7:24 7:13 San Diego 7:13 7:04 6:54 6:45 6:36 San Francisco 7:38 7:28 7:17 7:06 6:55 San Jose 7:36 7:26 7:15 7:04 6:53 Santa Rosa 7:40 7:30 7:19 7:07 6:56 Sunset Beach 7:35 7:25 7:14 7:04 6:53 Thousand Oaks 7:21 7:11 7:02 6:52 6:42 Tucson 6:48 6:39 6:29 6:20 6:11
City/Location OCT 6 OCT 13 OCT 20 OCT 27 Alturas (Mt. Shasta) 6:42 6:31 6:20 6:10 Angwin 6:44 6:34 6:24 6:15 Bakersfield 6:32 6:23 6:14 6:06 Calexico 6:20 6:11 6:03 5:55 Chico 6:41 6:31 6:20 6:11 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 6:23 6:14 6:04 5:56 Eureka 6:50 6:39 6:28 6:19 Four Corners [E] 6:52 6:42 6:32 6:24 Fresno 6:35 6:25 6:16 6:07 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 6:05 5:55 5:46 5:38 Half Dome 6:33 6:23 6:14 6:05 Hilo 6:04 5:58 5:53 5:48 Holbrook (Joseph City) 5:58 5:49 5:40 5:32 Honolulu 6:14 6:08 6:03 5:58 Joshua Tree 6:22 6:13 6:05 5:57 Lake Tahoe 6:34 6:24 6:14 6:05 Las Vegas 6:17 6:07 5:58 5:50 Lodi-Stockton 6:40 6:30 6:20 6:11 Loma Linda 6:26 6:17 6:09 6:01 Los Angeles 6:30 6:21 6:12 6:05 McDermitt [N] 6:24 6:12 6:01 5:51 Moab 6:53 6:43 6:33 6:24 Monterey 6:43 6:34 6:24 6:16 Mt. Whitney 6:26 6:17 6:09 6:02 Napa 6:44 6:34 6:24 6:15 Nogales [S] (Los) 6:03 5:55 5:48 5:42 Oakland 6:44 6:34 6:24 6:16 Paradise, CA 6:41 6:30 6:20 6:10 Phoenix 6:06 5:57 5:48 5:41 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 6:05 5:59 5:54 5:50 Reno 6:33 6:23 6:13 6:03 Riverside 6:27 6:18 6:09 6:01 Sacramento 6:41 6:30 6:20 6:11 Salt Lake City 7:01 6:50 6:39 6:30 San Diego 6:26 6:18 6:09 6:02 San Francisco 6:45 6:35 6:25 6:16 San Jose 6:43 6:33 6:23 6:15 Santa Rosa 6:46 6:35 6:25 6:16 Sunset Beach 6:43 6:33 6:24 6:15 Thousand Oaks 6:32 6:23 6:15 6:07 Tucson 6:02 5:53 5:45 5:38
[S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union !

For Sale

Retiring SDA optometrist in NW Calif. selling a very profitable practice. There are no other optometry, ophthalmology, or optician practices in this city or county. Local Adventist church and K-8 school. The office is 5 blocks from an amazing coastline with surrounding beautiful forests, beaches, and rivers. 1250 sq. ft. office with a wonderful staff. If interested, please contact

Dental practice for sale in Siskiyou County, Calif. Profitable practice, 4 ops, practice refers out ortho, endo, and some oral surgery. Great study club and specialists to refer to. Get out of the city and come to God's country, a 4-season area filled with hiking, mt. biking, skiing, and water sports. If interested, please contact

Thirty-eight beautiful acres for sale next to forestry land in Forbestown, CA. Elevation 2800’, two small streams, views, beautiful timber, divided into four parcels. Many building sites with water and power next door—or be off the grid. Paved to property with small roads throughout. Quiet end-of-road paradise. 40 minutes to Oroville; 55 to Sacramento. $6,500/acre for entire property. Call/text Byron 423-987-3935.

Vacation Opportunities

Travel on a faith-based tour to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Rome, or to Vietnam on a special cultural discovery tour with Dr. Carl Cosaert, New Testament Professor at Walla Walla University. To learn more about these inspirational tours that renew your faith, visit www. or email

Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens, one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ,

W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations, call: 541279-9553, or email: schultz@crestviewcable. com.

Save the Date

Sunnydale Adventist Academy Alumni Weekend , Oct. 6-7, 2023. All alumni, former faculty and staff are invited to attend "Let's Gather Together" Alumni Weekend. Sunnydale Adventist Academy, 6818 Audrain Rd 9139, Centralia, MO 65240. For more information, please contact alumni@ or 573682-2164 x200.

At Rest

Beatty, Kathryn – b. Dec. 15, 1940; d. April 5, 2023. Survivors: son, Ed Beatty; daughter, Susan Beatty. Kathryn loved serving God and her church in many capacities.

Beiler, Bert – b. Aug. 26, 1935, Modesto, Calif.; d. June 23, 2023, Yuba City, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Delanne Pruitt, Diana Beiler; brother, Tim Erickson; sister Paula Crauthers. He became a pastor in 1958. In 1969, Bert took his family to Guadalajara, Mexico, to study medicine. He was a medical doctor for 45 years in Texas, Oklahoma, and California, working until he was 82 years old.

Blue, Robert W. – b. July 16, 1931, Ventura, Calif.; d. June 9, 2023, Pleasant Hill, Calif. Survivors: wife, Gwen Cooprider Blue; daughter, Trish Blue; son David Blue; sister, Marilyn Schmidt. Bob was a graduate of Newbury Park Academy, LSU, and Loma Linda University. He also attended Lodi Academy and PUC and served in the Korean War from 1951-1953.

Catino, Anthony Jr. – b. Oct. 31, 1946, Fresno, Calif.; d. July 21, 2023, Redlands, Calif. Survivors: son, Michael; siblings, Antoinette Sullivan, Margaret Catino.

Cravey, Norma – b. Nov. 25, 1935; d. March 22, 2023, Sebastopol, Calif. Survivors: husband, Jerry; three children; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Retired from St Helena hospital.

70 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

Duvall, Gerald Edward – b. Dec. 22, 1925; d. June 21, 2023. Survivors: daughters, Darlene Niderost, Nancy Goodman; five grandchildren.

Eddleman, Douglas – b. Sept. 2, 1934, Riverside, Calif.; d. July 14, 2023, Riverside, Calif.

Fandrich (Haux), Ruth Charlotte – b. Aug. 19, 1933; d. Sept. 10, 2021. Survivors: son, Bryan Fandrich; daughters, Cynthia Miza, Carol Belleau; seven grandchildren; one great-grandson.

Ford, Wanda – b. Dec. 15, 1925; d. June 25, 2023, Corvallis, Ore. Survivors: daughters, Kim Stewart, Jan Hamlin, Karen Ford; 11 grandchildren; 16 greatgrandchildren. She and her late husband, Chuck, were longtime members of the Paradise church. Shortly after the Camp Fire, Wanda moved to Corvallis, Oregon.

Goodman, Karylyn – b. May 12, 1938, Black Rock, Ark.; d. May 19, 2023, Altamonte Springs, Fla. Survivors: sons, Todd, Randall.

Guy, Fritz – b. April 19, 1930, St. Cloud, Minn.; d. July 25, 2023, Longview, Wash. Survivors: children, Linda Davis, Richard Guy, Susan Reeder; six grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren.

Hawley, Kathleen – b. May 28, 1932; d. April 9, 2023. Survivors: husband, Herbert; son, Brad; daughter, Karen Svitak; one granddaughter. Kathleen helped in Sabbath School and Vacation Bible School and made the communion bread for the church.

James, Ruth E. – b. Nov. 19, 1926, Lismore, NSW, Australia; d. Aug. 6, 2023, Sutter Creek, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Raylene Kono, Robyn Hardesty; son, Ross James; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren. She and her husband, Pastor Ray James, served in the Southeastern Calif., Florida, and Southern Calif. conferences; the Central Union; Guam; and the Far Eastern Division in Singapore.

Jordan, Lowell – b. Sept. 6, 1937, Rutland, Wis.; d. July 8, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Wanda; daughters, Linda Snyder, Wendy Hughes; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild.

Larsen, Pauline – b. Jan. 26, 1930, Ketchikan, Alaska; d. July 10, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: husband, Roy Larsen; sons, John Witcombe, James Witcombe; daughters, Julie McGhee, Janet Remitz; stepchildren, Deirdre Lenhart, Jill Seibel, Desiree Verska; five grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren.

Lawrence, Ann M. – b. July 11, 1927; d. June 18, 2023, Paradise, Calif. Survivors: three children; five grandchildren; one great-granddaughter. A part of the Paradise church community since 1954, Ann worked in

many jobs, including the business office at Feather River Hospital, treasurer of the Paradise Adventist Academy, and teacher's aide.

Miller, Yvonne A. – b. Feb. 9, 1936; d. Feb. 22, 2023. Survivors: husband, George; daughter, Sherri; sons, Ron, Jim; four grandchildren. She was an RN and graduated from Loma Linda University.

Nelson, Kenneth – b. Dec. 21, 1951, Loma Linda, Calif.; d. July 8, 2023, Gold River, Calif. Survivors: wife, Terri Zytkoskee-Nelson; sons, Stanley Nelson II, Bryan Nelson; daughter, Melissa Nelson-Trafficante; sibling, Genie Sample; four grandchildren.

Numbers, Ron – b. June 3, 1942; d. July 24, 2023, Madison, Wis. Survivors: daughter, Lesley Numbers.

Rasi, Humberto Mario – b. March 23, 1935, Buenos Aires, Argentina; d. June 28, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Julieta; son, Leroy; daughter, Sylvia Rasi Gregorutti; three grandchildren.

Robison, Stanley – b. May 25, 1926, Kansas City, Mo.; d. June 6, 2023, Redlands, Calif. Survivors: wife, Luella; sons, Charles, Jim; four grandchildren, five great-grandchildren.

Rockwell-Hayden, Anita – b. Nov. 30, 1935, Los Angeles, Calif.; d. Aug. 6, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: son, Steven Campbell; daughters, Jill Campbell, Janell Ehrler; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Anita worked for Loma Linda University Medical Center for 27 years. She started in 1973 as the secretary of Community Relations and concluded her career as director of Community Relations before retiring in 2000.

Seltzer, Julie (May) – b. Feb. 4, 1950; d. May 2, 2023. Survivors: daughter, Karen Carpenter; five grandchildren. She worked in the Pacific Union in many positions for decades, ending her work in Glendale Adventist Medical Center and White Memorial Hospital in medical records, Sisk, Primrose – b. Jan. 26, 1938, Sydney, Australia; d. June 26, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif.

Taylor, Robert W. – b. June 7, 1930, Lubec, Maine; d. Oct. 5, 2021, Sacramento, Calif. Survivors: wife, Erika; daughters, Sharon Taylor, Bonnie Anderson; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. He served as a pastor and evangelist in Canada, in several conferences in the eastern and southern United States, and in the Pacific Union Conference. He served as a missionary to Brazil, ministerial director of the Afro-Mideast division, and president of the Tanzania Union.

Tribhuwan, Shashikala – b. Jan. 10, 1948, Jammu, India; d. July 9, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Monica Nowrangi, Nicole Sihotang; sibling, Kishor Singh; five grandchildren.

Community & Marketplace I September 2023 71
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