Pacific Union Recorder—October 2023

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“Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands” (Isaiah 49:16).



“I choose to work at PUC in Adventist higher education because it is an opportunity for me to use the talents and gifts God has given me to serve. I want to be a leader who clearly shows my students, faculty, and staff that I am leading a spiritual department. I attempt to lead in a way so others see Jesus. That means being approachable, building good relationships, and promoting a spiritual learning environment.”

Christ claims every individual in this world as His. He died just as much for the sinner who does not accept Him as for those who do. By creation and redemption we are His; our minds, our reason, our strength belongs to Him; all that we are and have is His. What are you doing with the power God has given you? You may say, This is a big world, and I can do so little. But let each one do what he can. His duty is right where he is. It may look to you that it does not amount to much, but in the books of heaven it is written, He has done his best, and I can trust him with heavenly treasure.

—Ellen G. White, Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 10 (1895), ms. 24, par. 12


The Recorder is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

Publisher Ray Tetz

Editor Alberto Valenzuela

Assistant Editor Connie Jeffery


Stephanie Leal • Alberto Valenzuela


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PACIFIC UNION OCTOBER 2023 “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands” (Isaiah 49:16). What’s inside
Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381), Volume 123, Number 10, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference
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the Church Invests: The Value of Student Leadership Conference
The One Who Had Mercy 20 The Big Question 23 Newsdesk 28 Arizona Conference 30 Central California Conference 32 Hawaii Conference 34 Holbrook Indian School 36 Adventist Health 37 La Sierra University 38 Loma Linda University Health 39 Pacific Union College 40 Nevada-Utah Conference 42 Northern California Conference 44 Southeastern California Conference 46 Southern California Conference 48 Community & Marketplace 51 Sunset Calendar
office Editorial Correspondents 4 We Are His Treasure 8 Fill My Cup,
12 When

We Are HisTreasure


What is your most loved treasure? We all have something. And I don’t mean something costly like a car, a painting, a sculpture, or gold and silver possessions. I mean those things that tug at our heart: a childhood photo or toy, baby’s first shoe, a graduation memento, a postcard from a loved one. (Remember when we used to send/receive those?) Or maybe it’s a voice message on your phone from someone who has passed away, or a CD of a favorite song. Maybe it’s a vinyl album that takes you back to a certain memory. Something that does or does not have any monetary value in and of itself but still is extremely precious to you.

I’ve heard of an Adventist pastor whose treasure was his stamp collection. The first place he visited when he was overseas was the post office. He had to add to his collection of stamps! Elder Vasquez, who

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used to work at our union office, always made sure to receive the stamp from a different country in his passport. I’m told he used to ask other people how many countries they had visited and if they had their passport stamped. That was his most valuable treasure. Alberto, the editor of this magazine, shared with me that he has a book of Catalan poetry that he has treasured since he was 12 years old! That’s more than 56 years! And I have a box of vintage Matchbox cars that were my go-to toy when I was a young boy; they are filled with positive memories that only the mind of a young boy can dream up.

Sometimes I like to think that that’s the way God values us. Not because we are great speakers, fantastic writers, successful businesspeople, or the best at everything we try. I like to think that He loves me in spite of myself—that He laughs with me when I try my best but clumsily come up short. I like to think that He takes time to admire that special thing about me—and about each one of us—and lovingly smiles. Because He has seen something special in me. Because in His love we are more than valuable. Because He chooses to consider and admire what’s in our hearts and not what others see. Because He understands that even when we fail, we mean well. We want to be worthy of His love. And we don’t need to be perfect. Just like my box of well-used Matchbox cars, there have been dents, damage, and neglect along the way, but to this day I couldn’t throw them out or get rid of them. They are precious and valuable despite their condition—just as the Lord sees me, just as the Lord sees you.

When I travel, I like to read random news

articles—or maybe I was just scrolling on a media platform and somehow this story found me, and it resonated with me.

On a hot, July summer day in 2021, a man discovered some 158 bowling balls in his backyard during an outdoor renovation. It was during the demolition, around the back steps of his house, that Olson discovered a black sphere buried in the sand behind some cinder blocks.

"That was one of the bowling balls," he said. "I didn't think a whole lot of it. I was kind of assuming maybe there were just a couple in there just to fill in. The deeper I got into it, the more I realized it was just basically an entire gridwork of them making up the weight in there."

As Olson continued digging, he uncovered ball after ball. It finally clicked how this treasure of rusted, cracked, dirty balls got there. There used to be a bowling ball manufacturing plant nearby in Muskegon, Michigan.

The balls were from the 1950s.… Although useless as bowling balls, they still had value to some. Olson plans to use the balls as edging for his landscaping or to make sculptures. He has also donated eight balls for use by a church in a bowling ball cannon at a corn roast. His stepfather also plans to use them as custom furniture legs.1

What I like about this story is the oddity of what was found: 158 bowling balls! Furthermore, there is the fact that, with the right person, they can still

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I want to invite you to look at yourself the way God looks at you. I want you to consider yourself as valuable because God considers you to be valuable.

be used. They were not just old, rusty, cracked, useless bowling balls—they had potential! They could be used; there would be a renewed purpose for their existence.

I like to think that that’s the way God considers me. He doesn’t see my imperfections, my faults, my poor accomplishments, my below average performance. He sees the potential in me. I have always found the words of Isaiah reassuring, “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 49:16, KJV). Have you ever thought of that? He has my name, He has your name, engraved on His hands!

I am not forgotten, for the Lord knows my name. I am counted. He has numbered the hairs on my head. I am engraved on His hand. The Lord is intimately aware of our circumstances and cares

I also find this quote from Ellen White very comforting:

“Think you not that Christ values those who live wholly for Him? Think you not that He visits those who, like the beloved John in exile, are for His sake in hard and trying places? God will not suffer one of His truehearted workers to be left alone, to struggle against great odds and be overcome. He preserves as a precious jewel everyone whose life is hid with Christ in Him. Of every such one He says: ‘I...will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee’ (Haggai 2:23)” ( The Ministry of Healing , p. 488).

Do you get it? We are engraved on God’s hands, and we are His precious jewels! The same way some wear a wedding ring as an indication of their commitment to a spouse, God has your name, He has my name, engraved on His hands. Not because He might forget about me, or because He might forget about you, but because we are

I want to invite you to look at yourself the way God looks at you. I want you to consider yourself as valuable because God considers you to be valuable. He has your name written on His hands! I want you to consider yourself worthy and to commit your life to His service. His promise is

“I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah

Stephen Mayer is the treasurer of the Pacific Union Conference.
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Fill My Cup, Lord

8 Pacific Union Recorder

Iam on a self-care journey that has had its hills and valleys, its highs and lows, over the years. When I discussed how I was trying to better take care of myself with my girlfriend over dinner some time ago, she said, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Her words were transformational for me.

My cup was nearly empty, and every time there was an ounce or two of water in my cup, I’d pour it into someone else’s cup. I am a born caregiver. I don’t say that in an arrogant way. I do believe it’s one of the gifts God gave to me. I like to take care of other people and make sure they have what they need to thrive. From my child to my elderly parents to my late spouse, I was the designated caregiver, and I still look back on those very different caregiving roles with gratitude.

But somewhere along the way, I forgot to take care of me. I poured myself into my work, family, and friends until my cup ran dry.

I have learned a few helpful things that work for me along the way, some of which I have put into practice only recently and two very important bullet points about self-care.

First, self-care is not selfish. It was counterintuitive for me to believe that taking time just for me—to read, to take a walk at the beach, to get a massage or pedicure, to schedule alone time—wasn’t selfish. I have a to-do list a mile long. I have responsibilities. But I can’t pour from an empty cup. And taking care of me, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually, truly fills my cup. I no longer feel selfish when I block out a few hours of me time or take an actual vacation or unplug from all my devices.

Secondly, self-care is biblical. While the exact term “self-care” is not used in the Bible, God’s Word is clear that we are to take time for

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ourselves in order to draw near to Him and take care of ourselves. Jesus practiced self-care. “But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray” (Luke 5:16, ESV). Jesus understood the power of having alone time to talk to His Father. He understood the need for rest, for taking care of our physical bodies, for the practice of gratitude, and the list goes on.

When I took on the task of learning all I could about self-care, I read everything I could find online about mental health and the importance of self-care. Mornings would find me scrolling my news feeds and gathering articles like “10 self-care activities that help reduce stress—and cost little to no money”1 and “23 Tiny Ways to Improve your Mental Health in 2023.”2 I am very comfortable with lists, although remembering 23 things or even 10 things seemed like too much work.

“Taking a Mental-Health Day? There’s a Right Way to Do It”3 was a good article. So was “3 morning habits to help you be happier and more productive at work, according to psychologists.”4 It’s not hard to remember three things. One of my favorite articles was by Dr. Phil McGraw and Dr. John Whyte: “Living on a prayer? How attending worship can improve your physical and mental health.” The premise, backed by science, is that people who attend worship services regularly tend to have more close friendships, which can in turn lead to better health outcomes. The article concludes with this statement:

“You don't have to join your nearest house of worship to enjoy good health. Your faith or sense of purpose, if any, is on you. But health is as much a matter of the soul as of the body. If you have a sense of faith, cultivate it. If you don't, seek out places or situations that bring you a sense of connection and hope through meaningful relationships.”5

Much of what I read confirmed what I already knew but was struggling to practice in my own life.

After conducting my own informal survey of how several of my friends, family, and co-workers practice self-care, I came up with a list of way more

than 23 things to practice for a meaningful self-care journey. Here’s a sampling of a just a few of them from men, women, and children I know and love, from ages eight to eighty:

• Get a cat or a dog—there’s nothing like a pet to reduce stress.

• Take naps.

• Daily walks (and if you can walk at a beach, that’s the best).

• Listen to audio books.

• Build things; breathe; listen to your body.

• Work in the dirt! There's something about weeding, pruning, watering, or replanting that grounds us to what God gave at creation. (Gardening was a theme that was repeated by men and women.)

• Staying engaged mentally-socially-physicallyspiritually (from an 80-year-old retired church administrator).

• My self-care therapies are music and gardening. I sing praises in my head until I’m at peace.

• I try to keep stimulating my mind on a regular basis to be a lifelong learner. I take a class or attend a seminar.

• Talking with my children and grandchildren is good for my soul.

• Playing word games helps me relax.

• Getting enough sleep and getting a massage every other week—it’s how I can do my very physical job and keep doing it (from a court reporter for a superior court judge).

• I don’t rush. I take my time on stuff I enjoy, like eating, doing homework so I do it right, and doing fun stuff like building Legos. I take my time to get each piece perfect so I don’t have to go back and rebuild. I try to eat healthy so I can be strong like my mom when I grow up. I love to read to grow my brain (from my 9-year-old granddaughter).

This list and these individuals inspire me. I asked for their “Top Three” self-care practices and received way more than I had asked for. My own personal

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list grew to 14 items by the time I wrote everything down that I was currently doing and added the items I wanted to incorporate into my self-care routine.

My top three?

Practicing gratitude—every day! A powerful antidote to grief is gratitude, and grieving has been part of my journey these past two years. Expressing gratitude has helped ease some of the pain. I try to list five things each day I am grateful for. Today, it was my juicy fresh peach at breakfast, the birds singing in the backyard early this morning, a photo on the fridge of my granddaughters, my daily walk with my neighbor and her dog, and the Scrabble game I played this evening with my daughter-in-law. Simple pleasures that I’ve become more intentional about noticing and being thankful for.

Rest—getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night is essential for my well-being. No phone screens or TV an hour before bedtime. (Well, that’s the goal!)

I practice breathing and quieting my often “busy” mind.

Music—playing guitar and piano, singing praise songs and old hymns, heals my soul. Words and phrases of hymns pop into my head at the right moment, just as I need them. “Was blind, but now I

see.” “In times like these you need a Savior, in times like these you need an anchor” and “O Thou who changest not, abide with me.”

Music has always been there for me—during times of joy and times of great sorrow. It is a huge part of my self-care journey. I cannot remember the last time my cup has been empty in recent months, but I know what to do and what to sing when it is.

Fill my cup, Lord.

I lift it up, Lord.

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven, feed me 'til I want no more. Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.






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Connie Vandeman Jeffery is associate director of communication and community engagement of the Pacific Union Conference.

WHEN THE CHURCH INVESTS: The Value of Student Leadership Conference

12 Pacific Union Recorder

When Marc Woodson, president of Northern California Conference, was in high school, the faculty yearbook sponsor gave him an opportunity that perhaps solidified his life’s trajectory to land him as a leader in the church: He sent Woodson to the union’s Student Leadership Conference.

“At the time, it was really only open to student association presidents and vice presidents,” Woodson recalled. “But Mr. Quinn, the yearbook sponsor, told me, ‘You’re a leader. You need to go.’ My experience at that conference made a huge impact on me.”

That was 40 years ago, and the event still serves as a bolstering and exciting opportunity for student leaders across the Pacific Union.

“You have the cream of the crop at this event,” Woodson pointed out. “The participation level is high because you have students there who are passionate about what they do and because they want to be there.”

Of the 250 to 300 attendees, one of the largest groups is the religious vice presidents. When they break into groups by leadership role—what they call Birds of a Feather—this is the group Bettesue Constanzo, history

teacher at La Sierra Academy, typically works with, as she has done for more than 25 years.

“During Birds of a Feather, we as group mentors help the students develop curriculum so they have tangible tools to use throughout the year,” Constanzo explained.

This includes ice breakers, activities, spiritual applications, worship formats, and more. The first time they meet, the RVPs learn they will be running the early-morning worships.

“They plan it and run it; I’m just there to support,” she said. “It’s really cool to see kids who don’t know each other working together, and it helps them practice what their job entails.”

Later, Constanzo helps them debrief so they can learn from each other and make adjustments for next time.

Additionally, they talk through successful religious activities on their campuses, as well as challenges. Since everyone handles challenges in different ways, the conversation is an opportunity to help each other.

“A lot of times my role at this conference is just trying to help the student leaders problem-solve and see things in a different light so maybe they can do their job even better and feel more supported,” Constanzo said.

One such student several years ago was Aren Rennacker, director of youth and young adult ministries for the Southeastern California Conference. As RVP, Rennacker attended during his senior year at Sacramento Adventist Academy.

“It’s scary to step into a leadership role as a young person,” he recalled. “What made the conference meaningful to me was to be with so many other kids in the same boat as me—wondering what we’d gotten ourselves into. The community and solidarity of that space was special.”

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Rennacker recalled that there was meaningful worship, a great speaker, fun games, and— everyone’s favorite part of the conference—Birds of a Feather.

“Birds of a Feather shifts you from feeling unqualified and afraid to feeling qualified and excited,” Rennacker said.

Even 40 years ago they were doing Birds of a Feather, and Woodson expressed fond memories of the fellowship, the education, the inspiration, and,

most of all, the deep connections with other student leaders.

Those connections are not only confidencebuilding, they also are a crucial component to keeping young people invested in their church.

“This conference made being part of the Adventist church and school system so interesting and so valuable,” Woodson recalled. “We realized during that weekend that this is our church. These leaders are investing in us, building our skills as spiritual leaders. The creativity and effort endeared me to the church and certainly played a role in me becoming a leader in the church as an adult.”

An important philosophy behind the student leadership conference is that young people are not just tomorrow’s leaders—they are leaders today. The goal is to equip them for continued leadership so when the time comes for them to tackle professional leadership, they’re ready.

All kids, Rennacker said, have leadership qualities within them; they just have to find their unique potential and have the confidence to use it and the skills to use it well.

“Leadership doesn’t happen accidentally,” he added. “When we are intentional about helping these young people see they are better leaders than they realize, the payoff is tenfold.”

Though the conference lasts only a couple of days, the mentoring continues. Many group leaders, like Constanzo, provide students with their contact information so they can reach out during the year with questions or for encouragement.

Constanzo also puts together a Google Doc all attending students can access throughout the year, including Bible verses, websites, ideas, and lists. They often exchange contact information with each other and reconnect at academy events for sports and music.

“We give them connections for added support throughout the year,” Constanzo said. “It’s a thankless job, really, to be a student leader, and we want to encourage and lift them up in any way we can.”

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The conference isn’t, Rennacker emphasized, “a factory to make pastors.” Rather, it is an opportunity to show students how to use gifts they already have to make a positive impact not only on their own lives but on the lives of those around them—in whatever career they choose.

Woodson knows many people in leadership positions both within and outside of the church who attended the conference as students. “We want students to leave this conference contemplating how they can use their leadership skills for God in whatever they do in life,” he said.

Though, yes, the student leadership conference is a definite benefit to the future of the church, the main focus is to shine a spotlight on the students’ desire to improve their skills, gain confidence and understanding, and do their best at what they feel called to do.

“I hope they leave the conference with the realization that within them is the ability to make a difference,” Rennacker said. “We need them to show us how to be a better church.”

Woodson, Rennacker, and so many others who have dedicated their lives not just to the church but to the young people within it are living proof that investing in young leaders is an investment in the future of our church, our community, and the world.

“The leadership conference helped me find my voice for leadership,” Rennacker said. “Nine years later I used that voice to speak for the conference. It’s a neat thing for the church to invest in leadership this way, and it really does work.”

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Becky St. Clair is a freelance writer from Angwin, California.

The One Who Had Mercy

In Deborah Stone’s book, The Samaritan’s Dilemma, the issue of a panhandler in her hometown of Henniker, New Hampshire, was brought up at a town hall meeting, highlighting the current state of our society.

Sixty years ago…he would have been taken to the jail if there was one, to an inn or a private home if there wasn’t, and there he’d be fed. Thirty years ago, a local official might even have helped him sign up for food stamps or welfare. But now, feeding a hungry man would seem to be trouble waiting to happen, for one of the other selectmen advised the townspeople, “The best way to avoid the problem is not to give out free food.”1

She was not referring to a criminal. She wasn't referring to a sex offender. She was writing about a person who was out of work and asking for help. The reason for this man's situation is unknown to us. The man, it appears, was not from the area. It is possible that he was homeless. He


might or might not have had a family. There is no way to know if he was sick and unable to work. There's no way to tell. What we do know is that he was in need. The town’s reaction was to avoid him. To not help him. To ignore him and hope he’d go to some other town.

This story reminds me of the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). In this parable, a man is in distress, and we learn of the reaction of two representatives of the religious society of the day as compared to the actions of someone they regard as an outcast. The parable was told by Jesus in response to a question raised by someone we today would call a lawyer,2 who asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 10:25).

This phraseology is not from the Old Testament. The Old Testament says, “Do this and live.” The

lawyer is using Jesus’ terminology. He is really asking, “What is the essence of your teaching?” We are told that the lawyer asked this question to test Jesus. His motive wasn’t to learn but to put Jesus on the spot, to prove that He was a false teacher.

It was a valid question: How do I secure a place for myself in heaven? His question assumes that eternal life is something we earn rather than something we receive from God. He was saying, “We know that we must earn our entrance into eternal life; what kind of works and how many do we have to perform to get our ticket?” Evidently the lawyer was thinking of something to check off his to-do list: recite a prayer, offer a sacrifice, drop off a box of macaroni at the food drive, put a twenty in the collection plate.

The lawyer is asking a “works-mentality” question.

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And he receives a works-mentality answer from Jesus, who refers him back to the Old Testament: “What does the law of Moses say?” The lawyer’s answer quotes two commandments: perfect love for God and for my neighbor. And Jesus says to him, “That’s it! That’s the ticket!”

But in the next verse, we find these words: “But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbor?’” (Luke 10:29). Notice that Luke says that “he wanted to justify himself.” In other words, there was an “uh-oh” on the horizon. The lawyer realized that, if he was to be saved by the law, maybe he should widen the definition of salvation to make sure he got his ticket. So he proceeded to do what all works-mentality people do. He began to dilute the law. By asking, “Who is my neighbor?” he was introducing a rabbinic method of diluting God’s law. Alfred Edersheim, in his wonderful opus The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, writes:

The rabbis taught that idolaters are not to be delivered when in imminent danger, and heretics and apostates are to be led into imminent danger.… They also taught that a burden is only to be unloaded from a lost beast if it belongs to an Israelite, not if it belongs to a non-Jewish person.3

But Jesus is not about to play a game of legalistic tag. Instead, He tells a story designed to keep the standard where God wanted it—and to show the lawyer that he fell way short of God’s mark. Ellen White, in what I consider to be her best book, The Desire of Ages, says:

The way to dispel darkness is to admit light. The best way to deal with error is to present truth. It is the revelation of God's love that makes manifest the deformity and sin of the heart centered in self (p. 498).

Jesus proceeded to describe a situation in which “loving your neighbor as yourself” clearly demands personal involvement. He started by saying: ‘A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers” (Luke 10:30). You know the rest of the story—it’s what we call the parable of the Good Samaritan.

According to his own world view, the lawyer’s neighbor was the man who got mugged. It wasn’t hard for him to put himself in the mugged man’s place. Jesus had to break the lawyer out of his works mentality by destroying his confidence that he was fulfilling God’s law.

Therefore, who is the hero in the story? A Samaritan!

The Samaritans were often taunted by the Jews, who rejected the Samaritan version of the law and denied that Samaritans were of Jewish birth (John 4:12). Samaritans were publicly cursed in the synagogues, could not serve as witnesses in the Jewish courts, and could not convert to Judaism.

The hero of this story, who exemplifies what it means to fulfill God’s law, is a Samaritan, whom the lawyer would not have regarded as fully human, let alone a neighbor. Notice in verse 37 that the lawyer refuses even to say the word “Samaritan.” God forbid! He simply refers to him as “the one who had mercy on him.”

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God’s law is designed to make us aware of our moral guilt before God so that we personally realize our need for His mercy.

The lawyer’s question was, “Who do I have to love in order to get my ticket to heaven?” Jesus’ answer was, “Everyone, no matter their racial or religious background.” The lawyer was thinking in terms of a single action rather than a life of righteousness. He thinks of “eternal life” as a commodity to be inherited or acquired rather than a gift freely given.

Jesus was not telling the lawyer that he should go to the highways and byways and look for people to help. That wasn’t the point of the parable. The point of the parable was that the lawyer was not keeping God’s law. He could not pass go and collect $200.

We can say that Jesus taught two ways to go to heaven. He sometimes taught that eternal life was a free gift from God that was received by faith.4 And sometimes He taught that you have to earn your way to heaven by doing good works. He wasn’t contradicting Himself or trying to confuse His followers. He tailored His message for different kinds of people.

When Jesus talks about earning your way to heaven, He’s talking to people who think they can, like this lawyer.5 Jesus wants them to realize that they just can’t earn it, that it’s impossible, and that they must humble themselves to receive it as a free gift.

What is it He is saying to this lawyer? So you think you’re so good that you’ve got your pie in the sky? Before you place any bets on your eternal destiny, you’d better take a closer look at yourself and at God’s standard for salvation. Do you love all people all the time with all your being? Are you more concerned with your own salvation or with loving God and neighbor, honoring parents, eschewing stealing, and so on. The divine is thus manifested only through our actions.

God’s law is designed to make us aware of our moral guilt before God so that we personally realize our need for His mercy.

On the other hand, when Jesus talks about salvation as a free gift, He’s talking to people who realize they can’t earn it. 6 There’s no need to convince them of their situation and how far away

from God they are. To them He gives only the good news.

It’s when you are ready to admit that you are not worthy of earning a ticket to heaven, and that you will never be, that Jesus says you qualify for His gift. Because it’s a gift, not a payment for your accomplishments. It’s not earned; it’s given freely to you and me.

I think that Amy-Jill Levine explains the meaning of the parable well:

Can we finally agree that it is better to acknowledge the humanity and the potential to do good in the enemy, rather than to choose death? Will we be able to care for our enemies, who are also our neighbors? Will we be able to bind up their wounds rather than blow up their cities? And can we imagine that they might do the same for us? Can we put into practice that inauguration promise of not leaving the wounded traveler on the road? The biblical text—and concern for humanity’s future— tell us we must.7

When we go out of our comfort zone and behave like the Samaritan, we can hear the words of Jesus, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).

Alberto Valenzuela is associate director of communication & community engagement of the Pacific Union Conference and the Recorder editor.

1. Deborah Stone, The Samaritan’s Dilemma (New York: Nation Books, 2008), p. 7.

2. “An expert in the law” (Luke 10:25). All Scripture quotations are from the New International Version.

3. Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, vol. 2 (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1977), p. 237.

4. See, for example, John 3:16; 6:29.

5. See Matthew 5:17-48; Mark 10:17-22.

6. The woman at the well, the thief on the cross, Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, etc.

7. Amy-Jill Levine, Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi (New York: HarperCollins, 2014), p. 106.

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The Big Question

The Lord Jesus had spent several days with His disciples by the Sea of Galilee. While they were there, the Pharisees and Sadducees came to tempt Him by demanding that He show some sign to authenticate His claim to be the Messiah. Jesus did not give them any sign; instead, He told them that they would only be given the sign of Jonah the prophet. This incident affected the spirit of the disciples.

They themselves had difficulty understanding Jesus' words and attitudes. Why not perform the miracle the Jewish leaders had asked for to satisfy their curiosity and perhaps thereby gain their respect and support? Instead, Jesus took the disciples across the Jordan and admonished them to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

In their confusion, the disciples did not grasp what Jesus meant to tell them, so He tenderly reproached them as "men of little faith" (Matthew 16:8, NASB). It was then that He decided to take them away from that region of intrigue and suspicion and go north, to the region of Caesarea Philippi.

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The disciples were disheartened. They had noticed growing hostility toward Jesus on the part of the religious leaders. Many people had already abandoned Him. They themselves felt insecure. It was precisely then, when they were going through this situation, that Jesus confronted them with a question of unparalleled transcendence, something they had to solve before other things could be solved: "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" (Matthew 16:13, NIV).

The question was apparently easy to answer. The disciples listened daily to the questions and opinions of the people about Jesus. So they answered, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets” (Matthew 16:14, NKJV). It is remarkable that the disciples were careful in their response. They also had heard very negative comments about Jesus—that He was gluttonous, a drinker of wine, a friend of sinners—but they didn’t mentioned any of that, or at least they didn't care to talk about it.

After listening for a moment to what they were saying, Jesus asked them another question, no longer so easy to answer. He asked them the question of the ages: "And you, who do you say I am?" After a moment of silence Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16, NKJV). His response was surprising. More in tune with his mood would have been: "We don't know; we're not sure. Why don't you tell us clearly?"

But when Peter articulated those memorable words, Jesus remarked, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven" (Matthew 16:17, NIV). This incident is very significant, and we would like to dwell on three fundamental aspects that emerge from it.

First, it is not enough, and at the same time it is unsafe, to depend on what others say about Jesus. The truth about who He is is not found in the comments of the people, nor is it in the scholarly

expressions of theologians. Two thousand years later, if we asked the same question Jesus asked, "Who do people say I am?" we would get very varied answers again.

Some would say today that He was a good man, an ideal teacher, a religious genius; others, would say that He was a misguided fanatic; and lately we hear it said that Jesus was a revolutionary—that if the conditions had been more favorable, He would certainly have sparked a revolution in Palestine for the rights of the poor and oppressed.

Second, Jesus confronted the disciples with the question personally: "Who do you say I am?" In the same way, every human being must answer that question for themselves, and the only answer that corresponds to reality is that given by Simon Peter: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." No concept of Jesus inferior to this can be valid. What people say is not true unless this fundamental truth is recognized.

And not just recognized theoretically— personally, deep down in the soul, every human being must answer the question, "And you, who do you say He is, who is He to you?" It is an eminently personal matter, not a matter for a group, church, or community.

Third, how do you know that Jesus is the Son of God? How did Peter know? Jesus told Peter that this is a matter of revelation. “This was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven." This disciple's confession was not based on his own reasoning or speculation; it had been a revelation from God. This is very critical. The only place we can find the truth about Jesus is in revelation, in Holy Scripture, in "thus saith the Lord."

In the face of the revelation we find in Scripture, there are commonly three possible attitudes. Some deny it. There are those who do not believe that the supernatural occurs. It is all due to the common process of the laws of nature, they say. The Bible is a book like any other book. It contains a lot of good, a lot of value, but it is not qualitatively superior to

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other good books that have been written. So the Bible should be studied like any other book, pruning it of anything that suggests something miraculous or supernatural.

On the other hand, there are those who accept the Bible as the Word of God but question it; they study it through the filter of their own human reasoning, of human competence, and that leads them to select those things that fit with their reasoning; they are very selective in their use of Scripture.

Another possible attitude is to accept it because it comes from God and then try to understand it by submitting our judgments to His criteria. Accepting the Bible as the Word of God, as the revelation of His will, and being willing to submit to its verdicts, is not a popular viewpoint today, even in the so-called Christian world.

In the last two centuries there has been a visible shift from faith in the supernatural to the natural, from faith to reason. Contemporary theologian David Wells puts it very well when he says:

It used to be that the role of the theologian was to clarify, expound, and defend the Christian truth. No longer is this the case. What is much more common is the theologian in the role of questioning, doubting, and denying parts of what has been traditionally thought of as the substance of faith.1

Today there is much interest in the truth—not in the truth of revelation but in truth that can be discovered, tested, and handled by man, truth that harmonizes with science and culture. We confess our undivided trust in Scripture as the inspired Word of God, as His revelation.

The task of the Bible student is not easy; it is actually difficult to contend with the Almighty, aware that the thoughts of God are not our thoughts. Our task is to try to explain the inexplicable, to penetrate the impenetrable, the mysteries of God. It is a

unique experience, a struggle like no other.

It is an experience similar to that of Jacob, told in Genesis 32, on that memorable night before he was to meet Esau, when he wrestled with the divine messenger. Alone, Jacob sought God. He needed to find answers to the questions of his soul. In these circumstances, a heavenly messenger appeared and a struggle ensued.

Although we do not know all the details of that struggle, we do know that Jacob lost. As a result of that encounter he was wounded, and when he asked the heavenly messenger what his name was, to know about him, he was denied.

But as Thomas Aquinas said many centuries ago, in that struggle Jacob felt weakness—a weakness that was at the same time painful and delightful, because to be thus defeated was in reality the proof that the combat had been divine.2

That is why in trying to wrestle with revelation, with the message that comes from God, we are going to be wounded—perhaps our pride, our ambition to understand everything, our need to have the last word in everything. We will not be able to comprehend God in His entirety. If we could do it, we would lose it; we would have built an idol the size of our mind.

It is quite possible that Jacob, after that encounter with the divine messenger, knew in one sense as much about God as before. But now he knew Him in another dimension—not theological, but personal— and that knowledge filled his soul and transformed his heart. Only then could he face his brother and the possibility of a peaceful life.

He had been touched by the hand of the Lord. May that also be our experience.

22 Pacific Union Recorder
Elder Dupertuis, a retired professor of theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, writes from Southern California. 1. David F. Wells, The Person of Christ: A Biblical and Historical Analysis of the Incarnation (Westchester, Il: Crossway Books, 1984), p. 2. 2

Reflecting on Fritz Guy, an Adventist Visionary

Gary Chartier, associate dean of the Zapara School of Business at La Sierra University, describes Fritz Guy as physically small but intellectually giant.

“He was capable of intense focus, but he also had a wry sense of humor,” Chartier added.

Guy, renowned scholar and La Sierra’s founding president, passed away on July 25, 2023, following an acute cardiovascular event. He had led La Sierra for three years as president, from 1990 to 1993.

In 2002, La Sierra awarded Fritz an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree, and in 2012, he was given the school’s Alumnus of the Year Award.

By the time Chartier met Guy in 1986, he’d known for years what an “imposing, impressive, and

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FAR LEFT: A portrait of Dr. Fritz Guy taken in the mid1970s. LEFT: A portrait of Dr. Fritz Guy taken at La Sierra University in 2015. Left to right, La Sierra University founding president Dr. Fritz Guy poses with former presidents Larry Geraty and Randal Wisbey and current president Joy Fehr in February 2022.

remarkable figure” he was. “Fritz was definitely the sort of person people talked about,” he said.

Guy’s history with La Sierra goes back to 1948, when he enrolled as a student. He graduated in 1952 and became a faculty member in 1961. After a stint in divinity school in Chicago, he became a member of the faculty, associate dean, and then dean of Loma Linda University’s College of Arts and Sciences. After several years on the faculty at Andrews University, Guy returned to California in 1984 as associate pastor of Loma Linda University church. He maintained this role until his appointment as president of La Sierra.

“Something Fritz did really well was articulating a vision for the kind of place La Sierra needed to become,” Chartier said—“a place that could exhibit intellectual and spiritual vitality.”

Guy was a strong supporter of women’s ordination and regularly encouraged and created opportunities for women’s professional development and advancement. He was also one of three official church representatives to the first SDA Kinship Kampmeeting, and throughout his career he remained strongly supportive of the Adventist LGBTQ+ community.

Though Guy was instrumental in many scholarly efforts—such as the drafting of the church’s 1980

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Fritz Guy, pictured in the June 27, 1951, College Criterion newspaper, traveled as a junior theology major and official La Sierra representative to the Paris Youth Congress, during which he also appeared on the Faith for Today television broadcast. The university’s current president and former presidents gather in prayer in June 2019. PHOTO: COURTESY LA SIERRA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ARCHIVES

Statement of Fundamental Beliefs, founding the Association of Adventist Forums, and authoring/co-authoring multiple books—writing and being part of committees weren’t all he considered important in his life and career.

He was particularly proud of those he met in the classroom. Guy once said, “The part of my professional life I find most satisfying is the success of my students.”

Though Guy was, according to Chartier, “unapologetically progressive,” he was also very happy

to be Adventist.

“It was a community that had nourished him and offered him things of real value,” added Chartier. “He was invested in the future of the Adventist community, and he really wanted it to thrive.”

Remembering Humberto Rasi: A ‘Mighty Oak’ in Adventist Education

Humberto Rasi, a Seventh-day Adventist educator and scholar who was General Conference (GC) director of education, died after a long illness on June 28. He was 88. A dedicated supporter and promoter of Adventist education, Rasi served the Adventist Church in various roles during his long and productive life.

He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1935, on a Sabbath morning on the upper residential level of the Palermo church—while his father led out in Sabbath School several floors below!

Rasi married Julieta Cuchma Cayrus in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1957. He taught at the Adventist church school in Buenos Aires while both he and his wife studied. After earning a degree in Spanish language and literature, he worked as a translator and editor at the Adventist publishing house in Argentina.

The couple moved to the United States in 1962. Both served at the Pacific Press Publishing

Association (then in Mountain View, California). Rasi participated in editing and translating into Spanish the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, several of Ellen G. White’s writings, and Arthur Maxwell’s collections of Bible Stories and Bedtime Stories. During those years, they also welcomed a son, Leroy, and a daughter, Sylvia.

Those who knew Humberto Rasi list among his many attributes his vast intellect, integrity,

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For a full account of Guy’s life and career, scan the QR code to read La Sierra University’s article on his passing.

faith, organization, punctuality, and his incredible teaching, speaking, translating, and writing skills.

“He was a Renaissance man of literature, music, theology, the arts, and sciences,” commented Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, GC director of education, in her homily during Rasi’s memorial service in July at Loma Linda University church.

Rasi’s smile was warm and approachable; his eyes “sparkled with a sense of humor,” as BeardsleyHardy pointed out. His passion for Christ, people, and education were evident in everything he did.

“He took people, their ideas, their questions, and the mission of Adventist education seriously,” Beardsley-Hardy continued. That being said, Rasi also knew how to have fun.

“During our Michigan winters, to my mother’s horror and our joy, Dad would tie our toboggans to the car and tow us down the snow-covered streets,” remembered Sylvia Rasi Gregorutti, professor of world languages at Pacific Union College. “He once helped my brother, Leroy, set up a huge train set in the living room, then approved his requests for a skateboard ramp and a dirt bike.”

Gregorutti also recalled family camping trips during her childhood, during which Rasi made sure to pull over and read every roadside historical marker aloud.

Rasi always made time for his family and still

managed to become a prolific writer, editor, and speaker. He earned a doctoral degree from Stanford University, taught and was dean of graduate studies at Andrews University—during which time he helped found the Spanish church in Berrien Springs—and received five honorary doctorates, as well as the church’s Education Medallion of Distinction. Rasi inaugurated the Institute for Christian Teaching, served as director of the Foundation for Adventist Education, and established Adventist Professionals Network.

“Dr. Rasi was a great man and a strong Christian leader in the worldwide Adventist Church,” wrote GC President Ted N.C. Wilson in a tribute read at Rasi’s memorial service. “The Lord worked through him during his many remarkable years of faithful and dedicated service.”

The list of Rasi’s ministries and accomplishments are many, but it remained clear throughout his life that what he did was not for personal honor or glory but for the Lord. He always looked to mentor and support young people, including using proceeds from his two-volume devotional to fund scholarships for students in three Adventist universities in Latin America.

“Humberto was a mighty oak,” Beardsley-Hardy commented in her homily. “The thick limbs of his intellect stretched out with their leafy green, providing dappled sunlight in which others could flourish.”

John Fowler, editor of College and University Dialogue—a journal that Rasi launched—said, “Dr. Rasi lifted Adventist education to new heights. He will be remembered for his unwavering commitment to Christian education as the harmonious development of the mind, body, and soul.”

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Remembering It Matters How We Tell the Sabbath Story

New from

The fourth commandment in Exodus calls us to “Remember the Sabbath day” (Exodus 20:8). In the world of the Hebrew Bible, to remember the Sabbath is first and foremost a sacred invitation to retell the story of slavery and deliverance, again and again, every seventh day. This is evident in the Deuteronomy version of the commandment: “Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 5:15, NKJV).

If the exodus was to be memorialized to such a great extent, then the Sabbath could become a meaning-making moment, giving language and voice to a traumatized people whose memories could have otherwise left them speechless and numb. To retell the story is to actively reengage that memory, to relive the trauma, and to begin to hope that tyranny has lost its power.

In service of this hope, the Sabbath pushes us to see injustice in our world, to be concerned for those who cry out in hunger around us, to mourn the loss of our natural resources, and to rage against the forces of oppression and injustice that plague humanity. The Sabbath is at the core of the meaning-giving component of life, and, for that reason, it is universal. It gives all of us hope that none of us is a prisoner of the past; we can all find deliverance from tyranny and enjoy a new, restful, and flourishing life.

This volume publishes selected papers on the topic of Sabbath that were presented at two scholarly societies: the 2020 conference of the Adventist Society for Religious Studies with the theme “Sabbath: Roots, Rest, and Resistance,” and the Society of Biblical Literature’s “Sabbath in Text, Tradition, and Theology” program units between 2008 and 2016. The papers have been updated and organized under four sub-headings and are made available for academic readership and for all those interested in current research on the topic of the Sabbath.

Available through Amazon

Literature Evangelism and the ABC: A Passion for Ministry

Ibelieve the strengths that we have brought together can enhance the ministries in our church,” said Sandi Bowman, literature ministries director for the Arizona Conference. “If we are better at equipping our members to give Bible studies and better at equipping them with materials of our unique message to share and pass on to others, it will be powerful for our church.”

The “we” that Bowman refers to are the Adventist Book Center (ABC) and the Literature Ministries Department of the Arizona Conference. It is no secret that the long-term viability of the brick-and-mortar Adventist Book Center store has been debated for the last decade. Across the North American Division, one ABC store after another has been shuttered. At the center of the discussion is the ABC’s role in ministry versus being an income-generating business.

Literature evangelism is another ministry that has come under scrutiny as financial resources and manpower have been allocated to areas of evangelism. In part due to societal and demographic changes, doorto-door evangelism is not seen as having the same impact it once did. Literature evangelism in the Arizona Conference has been relegated to the summer Youth Rush program each year.

In late 2022, the Arizona Conference administration and Executive Committee grappled with how to better support these two departments and decided to expand the ministry footprint of the ABC and incorporate literature evangelism ministry under the umbrella of a new department called Literature Ministries. The manager of the Arizona Conference ABC store, Sandi

Bowman, was made the director of the department. Dina Mojica, the Youth Rush Coordinator for the Arizona Conference, was added to the team, and they began to work together with the objective of expanding literature ministry in Arizona.

Both are passionate about literature. “It is so easy for everybody to share the gospel through literature,” said Mojica. “You don’t have to be a preacher or singer. Simply having a small booklet and having it at the right place and the right time and giving it to somebody—that is something that anybody can do.”

Bowman concurred, “Literature is literally involved in every ministry in our church. Our schools use literature, our churches use literature, our evangelistic series use literature, our summer camp uses literature. There is always an element of literature, whether it is for Bible studies or some material to share to introduce someone to the gospel.”

With the two literature leaders in place, they set about doing something that hasn’t been tried before. After nearly a year of some trial and error, both have seen the possibility that exists in keeping this initiative going. The strength of supporting each other provides opportunities to reach into homes and keep that connection ongoing. One of the benefits noted by Bowman is that with the ABC combined with Youth Rush and literature evangelists, “they can work with church members one-on-one on a very personal level using the Bible studies, and it is a huge strength to the overall literature ministries.”

The ABC can assist with having a breadth of inventory

28 Pacific Union Recorder Arizona Conference
The Youth Rush team at the Arizona Conference Office.

that a single literature evangelist doesn’t normally carry around. Having the inventory of the ABC and the knowledge and training of Bible workers enhances both areas of the ministry. Logistically, there are internal things that make the two elements of the department work together better. Bowman identifies that inventory controls, availability of materials, and cash flow all help support the literature evangelism teams. The ABC store can be a training center and a base from which the literature evangelists can work. The additional materials being sold and distributed can help the ABC maintain a stronger financial footing.

Using the ABC store location as a venue, Mojica conducted a training seminar this past spring. “She went through some of the material that we have in the store and trained them on how to use it in their ministry,” said Bowman. “So not only are we providing the literature, but we are equipping members how to use it when they go out to do ministry in their local areas and churches.”

But taking the ministry out to the public is what literature evangelists strive to do. Mojica notes how the partnership could look in the future. “I envision having a team of literature evangelists that specifically go along with the ABC where they go to sell books, like the bookmobile. The Bible workers go to the different churches, giving training to church members and equipping them, and the materials are right there. You teach them how to fight and then the sword is right there available once they know how to fight.”

Since the Youth Rush program only takes place during the summer, the ABC can also serve as a permanent location for people to find the products that were presented to them. “The ABC is a landing place that is open year-round that allows the opportunity to keep connections,” Bowman noted. “The Youth Rush teams open the doors to people, and the ABC gives a place for people to come once that connection is made.”

Bowman sees the ministry of the ABC as similar to what happens in the door-to-door ministry. She recounts many times that people walked into the store who were struggling, upset, and sad and looking for answers. This gives the staff at the ABC the opportunity to pray with them, to listen to their situations, and to maybe offer some materials that can provide some answers—much

like what happens when the teams encounter people as they go house to house. They find opportunities to pray with people as well as share resources to help them.

“I went out with the Youth Rush group one day, and it did give me a refreshed opinion of how important our literature is and the importance of getting it into the hands of people,” Bowman said. “They definitely have a more challenging job in coldcalling people’s homes.”

Mojica sees another advantage to the new ministry team. “Sometimes literature evangelists are looked at as that group of people who are fanatics,” she joked. “The Literature Ministries Department helps them merge with the mission of the conference. It provides balance, and they can be seen as something that is supported specifically by the conference.”

What remains to be seen are the long-term impacts on conference growth and future decision-making by leadership. Bowman and Mojica are hopeful that this initiative can become a model that other conferences can follow to strengthen their literature evangelism and ABC stores.

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Dina Mojica conducts a Bible study workshop in the Arizona Conference ABC store. A member of the Youth Rush team prays with a contact from their door-to-door evangelism.

When Prayer Meets Technology

Central California Conference’s Digital Evangelism Initiative

The advances in technology in our society continue to benefit the purpose of the Adventist Church in many ways. The goal to spread Christ to every person has been at the center of the Adventist message since the church was founded, but how that is accomplished continues to change.

Beginning July 2023, the Central California Conference (CCC) implemented a digital evangelism campaign that combines the benefits of digital evangelism with the benefits of in-person outreach. This uses multiple methods to connect the church with the local community, including prayer ads, online pastoral care, community involvement, Bible study, and public evangelism meetings.

Offering prayer to the local community

“Marketing is the secular term—present an item and get people to take it,” explained

Justin Kim, director of Digital Evangelism for the CCC. “However, in the context of the church, we say evangelism. We present the gospel and get people to take it. We utilize digital marketing strategies to target local communities within a 10-mile radius. Specifically, we focus on our own church community and emphasize prayer in our campaigns, as research from the General Conference has shown that prayer-based advertisements are most effective.”

Two months ago, CCC initiated its outreach strategy with the collaboration and mentorship of the Adventist Information Ministry (AIM) from the North American Division (NAD) and the communication department of the General Conference (GC). In April and August of 2023, four digital evangelism training seminars took place at Fresno Central church, Sunnyvale church,

30 Pacific Union Recorder Central California Conference
CCC Digital Missionaries Training at Milpitas (ABOVE) and Sunnyvale (OPPOSITE PAGE BELOW).

Clovis church, and Milpitas church, facilitated by experts from the GC and NAD.

The results have been outstanding. We now have 1,358 contacts from the community who are engaging daily with an online pastoral care team from AIM. They are in constant daily contact, offering love, care, and spiritual guidance alongside meaningful conversations. They send prayers enriched with pertinent Bible verses, aiming to uplift and spiritually nourish those they connect with day after day.

We've seen a week-over-week increase in the number of visits to our churches. Seventeen of these contacts have started attending church services without any direct invitation, and one has been baptized—on August 19, Joel Mayol was baptized at the Milpitas church.

Expanding the project

“We are now going to phase two,” said Kim. “In phase one we had six churches, and in phase two we now have 30 churches.” The primary objective of phase two is to equip local churches with the tools and methodologies they need to take the lead in implementing the digital evangelism initiative. “We are mobilizing digital missionaries from local churches,” added Kim. “We have around 200 digital missionaries who will engage and pray for seekers as a part of this project.”

Pastor Daniel Gouveia from Fresno Central church,

one of the participating congregations, shared his own experience: “Our church has made contact with over 400 individuals through this project. What's even more exciting is that many of these people are voluntarily stepping forward to be part of our community.”

Pastor Mark Ferrell from San Francisco Central church, another participant in the project, said, “During my ministry I've tried various methods of evangelism, but I've found the digital and community-oriented approach to be the most effective way to reach our community in these modern times.”

Kim added that in phase two, the main goal is to train local churches how to run this digital evangelism by themselves. “Phase two is a six-month plan, and after six months, the churches can do it again by themselves,” he explained. This can continue reaching people in their area and make the program an ongoing piece of the church’s outreach.

The project's potential impact is vast, especially given its strategic testing ground in Silicon Valley, part of the Central California Conference. “We’re excited about this approach, which we see as the future for the church’s digital strategies. When prayer meets technology, we can truly save souls,” said Kim. The initiative aligns with the Adventist Church's broader mission of bringing Christ to every individual.

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If you wish to learn more about this project, visit or scan QR code.

Qualifying the Called: NAD Ministerial Bootcamp

Hawaii Conference President Erik VanDenburgh envisioned a training event that would empower local lay leaders and pastors in proclaiming the gospel on the Hawaiian Islands. Last October, VanDenburgh had a meeting with the associate director of the North American Division (NAD) Ministerial Association, Jose Cortez Jr. As a result of this meeting, leaders from across the NAD came together in Hawaii for a week of pastoral bootcamp.

Running from Sept. 9 to 17, this event provided training for the pastors, elders, and church leaders in attendance. Also in attendance was this year’s team of intern ministry leaders, who were able to learn crucial skills that will help them begin their own ministries in the Adventist church.

This week of training wouldn’t have been possible without its amazing facilitators: Ivan Williams, Gerardo Oudri, Esther Knott, and Jose Cortes Jr. These wonderful

people came together and created a week of incredible learning opportunities for dozens of church leaders from around North America.

Training officially began on Monday the 11th at Honolulu Central church with an orientation and pastoral bootcamp. The first session was about how to thrive and grow as a pastor. With topics ranging from how to take care of your own mental health and finances to how to chair a board meeting, there was something for everyone to learn.

Tuesday offered courses on pastoral evangelism. Pastor Jose Cortes Jr. said that “evangelism is showing and telling,” and that is exactly what the speakers for this session did. Not only did they explain the importance of things such as evangelism to younger generations and proclamation preparations, they also gave concrete examples of how these things should be accomplished in the church.

Planting and growing churches was the topic for

32 Pacific Union Recorder Hawaii Conference

Wednesday. Sessions for this day covered the crucial before, middle, and after stages one must navigate when starting a church. There were also tactics on how to deal with all the challenges that arise during this process.

Thursday was the final day of bootcamp training, and it covered the important topic of church revitalization. Church leaders in attendance learned how to recognize when a church needs to be revitalized, how to start that revitalization, and how to keep it going. This particular bootcamp session was also presented to the members of local churches on Friday the 15th.

These bootcamp meetings at Honolulu Central church not only provided church leaders with the opportunity to learn better ministry tactics, they also bolstered the Adventist church as a whole. In the words of Mark Batterson, “God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” This week of training provided the opportunity for those who are called to become qualified for the work of Christ.

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Rebuilding for a New Academic Year

Anticipation always hovers on the horizon just before the beginning of each new school year here at HIS. Staff members come to terms with the end of their summer break and then quickly switch gears as they eagerly begin planning lessons and preparing their classrooms for the return of our dear students. As with each new year, registration day is top of the list, followed by the start of school, which includes icebreakers, community-building activities, and the first few tasks and events of the year. This year was our largest enrollment that we’ve seen in quite a while. We had 80 students register, which means that our dorms and classrooms are bursting with new excitement and energy! With that in mind, faculty and staff were preemptively planning how to improve

efforts to live out our mission: “A safe place to learn, grow, and thrive.” We do our best to remain aware of our students’ emotional and mental health needs and make efforts to anticipate those needs.

For example, a sensitive task that lay before us at the beginning of our third week was remembering our beloved Kiarra, who died in the tragic bus accident last year. As a way of honoring her memory, HIS students and staff, together with her mother, grandmother, auntie, and three brothers, planted a tree on campus in dedication to her life here with us and the impact that she had on the students and staff. As we made efforts to remember Kiarra, our counseling staff also extended their schedules to allow students time to process whatever emotions came up for them throughout the

A Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy Serving Native American Youth Since 1946
34 Pacific Union Recorder Holbrook Indian School
LEFT: Staff members hug students as they reconnect during the first school assembly of the year. RIGHT: Staff and students participate in the “handshake” community-building exercise during the first day of school.

day. It was a beautiful ceremony filled with hope, tears, love, and a little bit of laughter. A temporary plaque created by her coach and volleyball teammates was placed to identify her tree. It reads:

“Sometimes it only takes one act of kindness to change a person’s life and she was the kindest of all to all things big and small.” Enjoy the little things. Laugh often. “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31

As a way of implementing our core values, faculty and staff have been working hard to focus more on respect, kindness, and gratitude instead of focusing on correcting negative behaviors. The purpose behind this initiative is to encourage our students to aim for a more positive way of relating to each other and to staff. As with any developing child, there will be growing pains and character challenges. We love and care for our students through a whole person perspective, which includes their emotional well-being.

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfthgrade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. HIS also manages a first- through eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty-seven percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve. Thank you for your support.


P.O. Box 910 • Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910 (928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109) •

With our minds set on fostering more positive interactions among our students, we are also gearing up for the start of faculty families again. Faculty families help to create a more home-like environment for our students on campus. Our upperclassmen also have Outdoor School to look forward to, and the younger students have Elementary Experience to anticipate and prepare for. Both take place in October.

It is thanks to the generous friends of HIS that we are able to maintain our counseling program and offer educational experiences that give our students a well-rounded academic year. As God continues to guide us, we look forward to fostering community building among our students. To learn more about our programs and services, please visit our website:

Holbrook Indian School October 2023 35
ABOVE LEFT: Mr. Hubbard, who was driving the bus when they were hit, pours dirt on the base of Kiarra's tree. ABOVE RIGHT: Kiarra's plaque stands in front of a Navajo globe willow planted in honor of her memory. RIGHT: Kiarra's mother, grandmother, and auntie join students and staff for her tree-planting ceremony.

Supporting a Loved One with Cancer

When a friend or family member has cancer, you may feel helpless. Knowing what to say or do is hard, but when someone with cancer receives support from their loved ones it helps their physical and emotional well-being. Staying connected during this time is an important part of their recovery.

Studies show active support from friends and family members makes a real difference for people with cancer. It helps them adjust to changes in their lives and have a more positive outlook.

Here are seven tips for helping your loved one on a cancer journey.

Call or write. This is especially important for friends and relatives who don’t live nearby. A simple call or text can remind your loved one that they aren’t alone. Send brief notes or texts or make short calls. Share silly cards, photos, kids’ drawings, or anything that might brighten your loved one’s day. Ask questions and return messages right away.

Be understanding. Listen to your loved one and provide emotional support through your presence. Be flexible and understand that sometimes your loved one’s need for independence can impact their ability to accept help when it’s offered.

Give useful presents. An occasional gift can be a welcome distraction from everything your loved one is dealing with. Choose small, practical things that are useful during treatment, such as pajamas, stamped postcards, or a heating pad. Don’t overlook items that will bring joy—a funny movie, silly socks, or favorite foods can be very welcome too.

Help them feel good. Cancer patients often feel self-conscious about the physical changes caused by treatment. Encourage your loved one to explore solutions for coping, but don’t insist that they always stay chipper. Cancer patients should be encouraged to feel all of their feelings.

Respect their decisions. Cancer treatment is full of choices. Remember that the person with cancer makes the decisions. This includes deciding how friends and family can help. Keep in mind that advice and comparisons may not be helpful. Many variables impact recommended treatment. Comparisons may only serve to frighten and intimidate a new cancer patient. Be present for medical matters. Volunteer to take your loved one to medical appointments. Having someone else in the room to take notes can be valuable. It might also be useful for someone else to keep a calendar of appointments. Ask your loved one how you can make their life easier. It is encouraging to the patient when their support person shows interest in their cancer. Even when you don’t know what to say, you can show supportive interest. Take care of yourself. This is especially important if you’re the spouse or primary caregiver. No matter how much you love them, being the main pillar of support for someone undergoing cancer treatment can be emotionally taxing. Plan a few moments each day to do something for yourself. It might be as simple as taking a walk around the block. Joining a support group or seeing a professional counselor may be invaluable for maintaining your mental health during this time.

Remember, no one expects you to be a cancer expert. Most of all, your loved one just needs you to be there. That might mean offering a listening ear or honoring their treatment decisions. Ask them, “How can I be there for you?” Supporting a loved one who has cancer may include simply being available for them in their own specified way.

36 Pacific Union
Adventist Health

15th Archaeology Weekend to Feature Dead Sea Scrolls, Family Events

This November, a long-standing archaeology event at La Sierra University—designed for scholars, theologians, interested lay persons, and families alike—will celebrate its 15th anniversary with unique insights into one of the world’s foremost historical discoveries, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

On Saturday, Nov. 11, and Sunday, Nov. 12, La Sierra’s 15th Annual Archaeology Discovery Weekend, themed “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible,” will feature lectures and panels by noted scholars from around the United States and the Middle East. Presentations will include a talk by a descendant of a Jordanian who played an instrumental role in the discovery of the scrolls. Family activities will include a simulated archaeological dig for children ages 6 to 12, a Bedouin hospitality tent, and Dead Sea Scroll-themed activities and displays.

“Discovered more than 75 years ago in caves along the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea, the 900-plus scrolls provided the world with one of the greatest caches of inscriptions ever found,” said Doug Clark, noted Jordan archaeologist and director of the Center for Near Eastern Archaeology, which organizes the archaeology discovery events.

The 2,000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls, written on leather parchment and papyrus, were first discovered in caves around 1947 by teenage Bedouin shepherds near the ancient settlement of Khirbet Qumran in an area that is now Israel’s West Bank. Approximately 950 reconstructed scroll manuscripts are currently housed in the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Archaeology Discovery Weekend’s keynote speakers include one of the world’s leading experts on the Qumran scrolls, Emanuel Tov, professor of Bible at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who served as editorin-chief of the Dead Sea Scrolls Publication Project for 13 years. In addition, Jodi Magness, a renowned archaeologist whose interviews have appeared in National Geographic documentaries, will discuss the archaeology of Qumran.

Other noted scholars and scrolls experts will include John J. Collins, emeritus professor with Yale University; Sidnie White Crawford, emerita professor of Hebrew Bible at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; and Alex P.

Jassen of New York University, widely published author on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Guest speaker Sabal Al-Zaben will share a littleknown story connected with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, that of her father, Akash Zaben, a former Jordanian military commander, who led a small team to the location of Cave 1 at Qumran where scrolls were found.

Archaeology Discovery Weekend will be held in person and online. For further information and to register, please visit; call 951-785-2632; or email archaeology@ All events are free.

La Sierra University October 2023 37
To read more, go to
Site of the Khirbet Qumran caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

Loma Linda University Health Received $85 Million in Grants Previous Fiscal Year—Its Highest Ever

Loma Linda University Health this past fiscal year was awarded more than $85 million in grants, the highest annual amount the organization has ever received.

The grants, across a total of 100 awarded projects, will fund research, service programs, infrastructure projects, and training initiatives for faculty and caregivers, said Michael Samardzija, PhD, JD, vice president of Research Affairs.

“There’s a lot of enthusiasm on campus for how these programs are going to be bolstered, which will help us as we work to fulfill our mission here in the Inland Empire,” Samardzija said.

More departments are receiving grants than in years past, and the rate of award per submission continues to climb, Samardzija said.

Awarding agencies included the National Institutes of Health, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Association, and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

More than $44 million in grants will fund service projects.

Two grants will help supplement student tuition—$2.6 million for students at the School of Public Health and $3 million for students at Loma Linda University’s San Manuel Gateway College, a healthcare tech school located in San Bernardino.

Other major grants included funding for research on oral cancer and increasing technology for student connectivity access.

See the latest news and Health & Wellness stories from Loma Linda University Health at 38 Pacific Union Recorder Loma Linda University Health

PUC Forest Helps Sustain Habitat for California’s Rare and Threatened State Butterfly

Biology professor Aimee Wyrick always knew the PUC Forest was a special place. But until recently, she didn’t know just how special it was.

Wyrick, a longtime Pacific Union College educator and dean of the school of sciences, was walking with her father through the forest this past spring, where she has spent countless hours studying plants and wildlife. They spotted something she’d never seen before—a black and yellow butterfly with a peach silhouette on both wings.

It was a California dogface butterfly. Not only is it rare, but in 1972, it was officially named the California state insect.

The butterfly wasn’t alone. Several other bright females and males quickly flitted about the wooded area, only pausing briefly to alight on dark purple blossoms with orange-tipped stamens.

Wyrick had been surveying the PUC Forest, documenting rare native plants as part of a state-funded grant program. In the process of forest thinning, it’s important to preserve certain trees and plants that may be threatened.

One of these rare plants was the Napa false indigo. It was one of the plants she wanted to show her visiting father on that spring walk. Growing only in a few coastal woodland or chaparral areas around San Francisco, the Napa false indigo is officially ranked 1B.2 — “a California plant that is rare, endangered, and fairly threatened in the state.”

Wyrick later learned that mature California dogface butterflies rely on the nectar of the Napa false indigo blossoms and exclusively use the plant to lay their eggs. It’s dependent on the plant’s leaves to nurture its larva.

“Ironically,” Wyrick said, “the Napa false indigo is protected on the federal and state level, but the California dogface butterfly is not.”

Providing a habitat for these plants was never intentional, she said. But because PUC has left the wildlands intact, the plants have found a home.

“We have this special area where the Napa false indigo thrives,” Wyrick said. “It’s not throughout the property but in certain locations. Because the property is accessible, people can come and see not only a rare plant but an even more rare species—the last of its kind.”

On her walks and in her work, Wyrick is reminded of the natural beauty of California and the uniqueness of the PUC Forest. There’s a trifecta, of sorts, for rare and endangered species here: Napa false indigo, northern spotted owls, and some of the easternmost coastal redwoods in the state.

“It makes me appreciate that there are still these places like this,” she said, “and thank God for PUC.”

Pacific Union College October 2023 39

Something Better

The North American Division's 2023 Teachers’ Convention in Phoenix, Arizona

From August 7 to 10, educators, administrators, and leaders from Seventh-day Adventist schools across North America came together in Phoenix, Arizona, for the highly anticipated North American Division (NAD) Teachers' Convention. Themed "Something Better," the event was a celebration of education, collaboration, and inspiration aimed at empowering teachers to elevate their teaching practices and provide a wholistic learning experience for their students.

The convention was marked by its exceptional speakers, thought-provoking sessions, and the

vibrant community of educators gathered under one roof. Attendees were greeted with enthusiasm and camaraderie, rekindling connections with old colleagues and forging new bonds with fellow educators who share the same passion for creating impactful learning environments.

Erin Rodriguez, an experienced teacher with two decades of service, expressed her sentiments, saying, "I wish my daughter was here. This event would have inspired her. I’m so lucky to have been working for the church for 20 years." Her words echoed the emotions shared by many, as the convention provided a platform for educators to reflect on their journey and find renewed purpose in their mission to guide and inspire young minds.

Carol Ramirez, the new director of Rainbow Connection Preschool in Bishop, captured the essence of the event, describing it as "inspiring." She highlighted the joy of reconnecting with colleagues who had moved on to other schools, emphasizing the convention's role in fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among educators.

Sarah Willard, a dedicated convention attendee from Salt Lake City’s Summit Christian Academy (SCA), added, "I have been to every single teacher’s convention. This one has had the best keynote speakers, and the Ed Talks were some of the best speakers I have heard." The

40 Pacific Union Recorder Nevada-Utah Conference
Left to right: NUC President Carlos Camacho with Riverview Adventist Academy teachers Samantha Camacho (his wife), Taryn Goulard, Hayley Hamel, and Glen Bentjen. Former Nevada-Utah Conference Education Superintendent Eileen White enjoys some time with her husband, O.C. White, as they break for lunch.

convention showcased a lineup of distinguished keynote speakers who not only shared their expertise but also their faith and reliance on God's guidance.

Nichola Dok, another enthusiastic participant from SCA, commended the convention's focus on leadership, remarking, "The focus on leadership has been really inspirational. Ed Talks and other breakout sessions were very applicable to what we are actually doing." This sentiment underscored the practical approach the convention took, ensuring that educators were left with actionable strategies to enhance their teaching methods and leadership skills.

A notable highlight of the event was the inclusion of speakers from diverse backgrounds, reflecting the convention's commitment to wholistic education. Tom Roy, who appreciates Dr. Carlton Byrd, the former speaker from Breath of Life Ministry and current Southwest Region Conference President, highlighted the

significance of integrating spiritual growth and personal development into the educational journey as well as the importance of knowing your “Why.”

As the convention ended, participants left with hearts full of inspiration, minds buzzing with new ideas, and a strengthened sense of purpose. The "Something Better" theme resonated not only as a call to improve teaching practices but also as a reminder that continuous growth and dedication to the mission of nurturing young minds are essential for a brighter future.

In a world where education plays a pivotal role in shaping societies, the NAD Teachers’ Convention in Phoenix stood as a beacon of hope, a platform for collaboration, and a testament to the transformative power of dedicated educators coming together for a common cause.

Sparks Youth Share God’s Love and Raise Funds for Travel

The youth ministries team at Sparks church, under the leadership of Belle Pedro, voted to attend the West Coast Influencers in Arizona. With 25 youth wanting to attend, it was time to raise money to cover the cost. Along with funds donated by the church, the kids decided to put on a car wash.

Josh Pieters Jr., commenting on the event, was heard saying, “It was great being out there with my church family supporting our community.” Another excited worker, 10-year-old Tonga Manu, remarked, “I liked it because we got to get wet while washing the cars, got to dry cars, and talk to people who came to wash their cars. We also got to clean a cool car with fire painted on it. The best part is that everyone was there working.”

Elder Tevita Valele expressed his delight in the success of the event. “First and foremost, I want to praise God for a successful youth and young adult fundraising event. To watch the young people in action advertising with their signs, washing people’s cars, and offering them food and drinks, definitely brings joy to my heart. We appreciate all the supporters who

came out to encourage our young people. Thank you to all the parents attending, and for all the donations of food, snacks, and drinks that contributed to the success of the event. For the blessings received, we give all glory and praise to God and God alone.”

The church members rallied together and helped the youth raise over $1,000. This car wash showed the kids that with hard work and the help of God, anything is possible.

As we read in Hebrews 13:16 “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God” (NLT).

We pray that our youth will have a wonderful experience at the conference.

Nevada-Utah Conference October 2023 41
RIGHT: Advertising in the busy intersection across from the Sparks church brought many people into the youth car wash. FAR RIGHT: Young and old alike work together to contribute to the success of the fundraising car wash for the Sparks youth.

Living With Cancer Creates a Mission

Pam Ramsey, a Roseville church member, shares her journey: “In October of 2014, I went for my yearly mammogram. A few days later, I got a call from my doctor saying I had breast cancer. I had just retired from teaching a year before and was enjoying a good life with my children and grandchildren. It was a tough blow, and I was angry with God for letting this happen. If this meant that my life was ending, I would accept that. But this end was not what God had in store for me. Instead, He blessed me tremendously, opening a mission door to help others.”

Ramsey is fulfilling acts of service with the Cancer, Care, and Compassion group. This team meets twice a month to evaluate how they can serve cancer patients more effectively. One of their projects is making care packages for cancer patients. "We made blankets and gave them to friends and family battling cancer,” Ramsey said. “But we wanted to do more. The team decided to make blessing bags filled with inspirational and comforting gifts. We took them to the infusion center in Auburn and another center in Roseville."

The web of recipients has continued to grow through the group’s efforts. There was a chance meeting with a store manager who was wearing a cancer ribbon for his mother-in-law, and a cancer nurse navigator from Sutter was thrilled to take 24

blessing bags for their children’s cancer center.

“The group has received a stack of thank you letters for the bags they have given,” said Pastor David Resendes. “This has become a very rewarding mission, helping many different people. Jesus said that when we help others, we help Him. That is the goal of the Cancer, Care, and Compassion ministry.”

Northern Contributes $25,000 to Hawaii Conference Maui Disaster Fund

The tragedy on Maui has filled the news and left our members with a familiar sense of grief and dismay.

As one of the NCC Disaster Response Team members having worked through many disasters, Laurie Trujillo, director of communication and development, explained, "Disaster recovery falls into four phases. The first 24 to 48 hours are the most critical and the most difficult for disaster response teams because the information is limited. However, Hawaii Conference President, Erik VanDenburgh, was able to get cash and support to the shell-shocked victims immediately."

The Hawaii Conference reported that the Kahului

42 Pacific Union Recorder Northern California Conference

church provided emergency shelter to many displaced church members and community residents within a short time. In addition to shelter, they ensured people had essential supplies and nutritious meals in collaboration with other nonprofits. Mark Tamaleaa, ACS response team leader, reported, "The compassion and selflessness of the Kahului church members was extraordinary."

VanDenburgh wrote, "We are dedicated to providing care and avenues for spiritual rejuvenation and moments of joy. As we navigate this challenging and uncertain time, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing compassionate, comprehensive support."

NCC contributed $25,000 to the Hawaii Conference to assist with the immediate, emergent, and long-term needs of members and those connected to churches and schools. Marc Woodson, NCC president, stated, "We understand the pain, trauma, and challenges our

499 Years of Wedded Bliss

On Sabbath, August 5, the Camino church family honored eight couples celebrating 50 or more years of marriage. The worship service continued by inviting each couple to share their counsel and wisdom on having a successful lifelong marriage, which included:

Take one day at a time

Pull the cart together

Make God your partner

Keep the eternal destination in mind

Promise to stick by one another

Experience life together

Keep forgiveness in the heart

Always be there for each other Husbands: listen; don’t be thinking of a solution

Be life partners

Immediately following, some elders and deacons were invited to place a hand, containing a drop of olive oil, on each couple’s clasped hands while a prayer of thanks, commitment, and blessing was offered. It was noted that when all the years are combined, they equal 499 years of marriage!

LEFT TO RIGHT: Gene and Bertie Larsen (73 years), Roswell and Betty Larsen (66 years), John and Linda Bethke (65 years), Howard and Marge Miller (64 years), Craig and Judy Klatt (63 years), Richard and Janet Moore (61 years), Jerry and Elayne Zappia (56 years), and David and Wanda Silva (51 years).

Northern California Conference October 2023 43
sister conference in Hawaii is facing and the difficult road to recovery."

Media U Equips Church Media Teams for Ministry

The internet is a treasure of resources for anyone looking to learn, and the media industry is no exception. However, Southeastern California Conference (SECC) wanted to craft an online resource that would be specifically tailored for churches and their growing media teams. Thus, Media U was born!

This past March, which is media month in SECC, the communication and media department launched Media U, an online school for church media team members and anyone interested in media ministries. The school offered four courses: social media, videography, website design, and graphic design. SECC brought in experts from across the nation and our very own conference, including Ernesto Hernandez, creative media director and strategist at Washington Conference; Taji Saleem, SECC assistant youth director of media ministries; Pono Lopez, associate chaplain at La Sierra University; and O’livia Woodard, design editor at Southern Union Conference.

Pastors, media team members, and church members registered for the classes of their choosing and were able to complete them in their own time. Designed for anyone to understand regardless of their media expertise level, the courses tackled the basics of their craft with a church perspective and Christ-centered approach. With digestible 15-minute video lessons and review quizzes, students easily soaked in the knowledge. “I originally registered for one course,” one

student said. “But it was so interesting and informative that I signed up for a second course, and [then] I finished all four!”

Media U students also had the opportunity to engage with their fellow peers in the Media U community, where they introduced themselves, asked questions, and participated in weekly discussions. Based on their completion of registered courses and community participation, students had the chance to win prizes too. Elizabeth Nyarangi from SDA Fellowship of Rancho Cucamonga was the top student of Media U, and she was awarded a DJI Osmo Mobile 6, a phone gimbal. Other stellar students were also rewarded with Media U hoodies and Amazon gift cards.

Overall, Media U’s first launch was a great success, creating a solid foundation for its students to continue to build on. “One of [my] biggest takeaways from Media U is that different platforms require different expertise,” Nyarangi said. “Media as a whole continues to evolve, but there are key components that, once learned, can continue to be applied.”

SECC is excited to see how our churches will use their newfound knowledge to grow their media ministries, and we’re even more excited to announce that Media U is opening for its fall semester on October 1, 2023! Visit to register and learn more. See you in class!

44 Pacific Union Recorder Southeastern California Conference
Ernesto Hernandez sparks ideas for church social media strategies. LEFT: Elizabeth Nyarangi shows off her Media U prizes.

West Coast Youth Congress Hosts Influencers

Almost 1,000 people gathered in Phoenix, Arizona, during its August heat wave for the West Coast Youth Congress (WCYC). Every five years, youth and young adults join pastors and their families from the Pacific Union and North Pacific Union for this exciting congress. This event aims to empower, develop, and disciple urban youth and young adults to be leaders for Christ in both their churches and communities.

This year’s theme was “Influencer.” Youth and young adults were encouraged and equipped to become an influencer for Christ, which is “a modern-day disciple who loves Christ, leads culture, and influences others to follow,” said Michael Jenkins, pastor of Las Vegas Abundant Life church and one of the event organizers.

The general sessions were hosted by the Onyx family, social media influencers in their own right. They have 3.8 million subscribers and well over 2.5 billion views on YouTube. They shared their testimony of being influencers for Christ in social media spaces.

The young people of Southeastern California Conference (SECC) had the opportunity to partner with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), a Christian nonprofit that provides hope through food. SECC youth packed 121 boxes of food. Those boxes will provide 26,000 meals and will feed 71 kids for a whole year.

The community service project was impactful to the young people. “The highlight of WCYC to me was the community service project because it was fun, and we were able to help kids in need,” said Kevin Henry, one of the attendees.

“I experienced God while helping pack food for the kids,” said Jonathan Howard, another participant. There were seminars on Christian content creation,

launching tech startups, influencing in social media spaces, and leadership. On Saturday afternoon, there was a seminar on worship. The Holy Spirit moved, and as the young people worshipped together, they spontaneously began to write a song. They shared it a few hours later at the closing vespers.

The lyrics they wrote captured the experience of attendees:

Something happened here. Something made me change. In the atmosphere–Never be the same.

Over 100 people responded to the appeals, and 25 people made decisions for baptism. “Several of my youth made decisions for baptism while attending. Kids connecting to God could be seen everywhere,” said Eric Penick, pastor of Valley church and one of the organizers for the event.

Southeastern California Conference October 2023 45
LEFT: The mass choir sings their original song. RIGHT: SECC youth pack food during a community service project. The Onyx family hosts a general session.

The Better Living Center at Haven Company Encourages Participants to “Choose Life Better”

Millions of people suffer from illness each year,” said Shane Nicole Quitania, health ministries director at the Haven company.

“Many of these diseases are a result of their lifestyle. Fortunately, there is a way to reverse or cure these diseases. There is a choice to better living.”

With this in mind, the Better Living Center (BLC), a ministry of the Haven congregation in Hawaiian Gardens, Calif., was created. The BLC was conceptualized by Terence Tay, who envisioned a place for the community to learn and make lifestyle changes by adapting Hans Diehl's research and principles in lifestyle medicine.

The YOU-TURN Wellness Program (originally CHIP, or Complete Health Improvement Program) is a communitybased program designed to arrest and reverse society’s most common chronic diseases and has been conducted at the BLC since 2022. For six to eight weeks, participants are taught to take charge of their eating habits and other lifestyle choices, and many see lasting results of weight loss, lowered cholesterol, reversed diabetes, and even medication changes.

The program begins with a blood draw, followed by an evaluation of their health. Working closely with Diehl and the rest of the group, participants learn new principles and concepts that meet their personal needs for success.

Participants were individually monitored as well as motivated with the support of other attendees who were on the same journey to wellness. Attendees also learned how to prepare healthy foods through the enjoyment of three cooking demonstrations.

“Diet has a significant effect on our life, and changing it is a matter of life and death,” said Quitania, who is also the project director for the YOU-TURN program. “Whether it was through increasing exercise or eating

more whole grains, each person reaped the benefits of a different life. Through the BLC, they approached a new outlook of health for themselves.”

“The reversal of chronic diseases has been the highlight of my experience,” said participant Phyllis McNeal, who experienced a reversal for congestive heart failure and kidney failure, as well as improved vision and hearing—and more. “I was at 25 medications at the beginning of the program, and now I am down to one medication. Because of this program, I was able to meet medical professionals who are now serving as my primary doctors.”

Further, the program highlighted the connection between spiritual and physical health. Diehl and Tay gave worship talks sharing that living healthy lives is God’s purpose and that natural, plant-grown food is by His intelligent design. It is their goal to encourage participants to choose life better.

Visit to take a peek into the program.

46 Pacific Union Recorder Southern California Conference
Participants and volunteers gather during the health risk assessment event. Diehl conducts a one-on-one health evaluation with a participant during the 2023 health risk assessment. A participant receives health monitoring and screening at the BLC during a health risk assessment in 2022.

“More Prayer, More Power”: Youth Rush Student Evangelists Plant Seeds in SCC

When Djael returned to the Youth Rush program this summer, his prayer came in the form of a question: “Does this work actually make a difference?”

“Literature evangelism is a very important seedplanting work that captures the interest of people,” Lizelle Oreño, Southern California Conference (SCC) Literature Ministries assistant coordinator, said. “You always wonder what’s going happen with our books, and then there are those glimpses of experiences God gives where you get to see it play out.”

While in Oxnard, Djael realized he had been dropped off on the same street from the previous year. The man behind one of the doors he knocked on recognized him, too. He told Djael he became plant-based because of the cookbook he bought from Djael last year, and Djael saw that the man had annotated his two other books: The Great Controversy and The Answer Book. Through Djael’s answered prayer, he saw how God used him to reach someone and he witnessed their growth from just one year.

Specific prayers, such as Djael’s, were prevalent during the summer. Students prayed to meet someone who wanted a Bible study, to reach a certain book goal, to pass out a specific book, or in Jacob’s case, to meet someone wearing a red sweater.

Jacob wanted to see God work through him, and so he prayed for other specifics such as the person would be wearing blue pants, Jacob would give them

• 7,377 books distributed

• 60 requests for Bible studies and community services

• 17 student evangelists

• $63,000 in scholarship money earned for students

• More than 17 cities visited

• Partnered with six local churches for worship

• Three students made decisions for baptism

• Four students chose to attend SOULS West Bible College

Peace Above the Storm, and he would receive exactly $20. When talking to a woman in Sylmar, she was initially interested in a different book. Since she’d been struggling with anger, she decided on Peace Above the Storm. Her daughter handed Jacob $20, and at that moment, he noticed the woman was wearing a red sweater and blue pants. After sharing his prayer with her, she told him she wanted to pursue Christianity.

“It might sound random or silly to us,” said Andy Villanueva, SCC Literature Ministries director, “but to them, it’s not, because they realize that when they pray, God shows up.”

Many prayers were answered this summer: a woman who’s had influences of Adventism throughout her life decided to visit an Adventist church; a Salvadorian canvasser was able to connect with and give The Great Controversy to a Salvadorian family; another woman brought her kids to Vacation Bible School and started studying with the pastor at that church; and many more.

“No matter how niche,” Oreño added, “if it glorifies God, He’ll make it happen.”

Villanueva and Oreño are inspired to build on this momentum between now and next year’s program.

“I want to make sure schools and churches know our department exists at the conference as a resource for them so we can partner together,” Villanueva said. “It’s a seed-sowing ministry. The Holy Spirit helps the seed to grow, but God calls us, the church, to nurture that seed.”

Southern California Conference October 2023 47
Student literature evangelists canvass both homes and businesses. PHOTO: MICHELLE NOLAND

Calendar La Sierra University

Lifetime Achievement Award Gala. The Zapara School of Business will host the inaugural Lifetime


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Achievement Award Gala on October 26 at the Riverside Convention Center. The event will honor Gillian and Larry Geraty for their transformative work within Adventist higher education. Proceeds will seed a student endowment. Info and registration: lasierra. edu/zsbgala;; 951-785-2500.

Chasing the Sun Exhibit. Art+Design Professor

Tim Musso will unveil his woodcut-illustrated book “Chasing the Sun” in an exhibit of his artwork from the book at Brandstater Gallery Oct. 2-26. A book signing will be held Oct. 8, 6-8 p.m. The book documents the awe-inspiring migratory experiences of the Arctic tern.

Archaeology Discovery Weekend. The Center for Near Eastern Archaeology will host its 15th annual Archaeology Discovery Weekend on Nov. 11-12. The event, themed “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible,” will feature in-person and online lectures and activities. For information, visit

The La Sierra Report. Stay in the know and sign up to receive The La Sierra Report, an e-newsletter of the university’s interesting news and events. To subscribe, send your email address and subscription request to

Pacific Union College

The Pacific Union Recorder is published

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The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and healthcare institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See

Recorder Membership

The Pacific Union Recorder is provided as a free service to members of the conferences that are part of the Pacific Union Conference (Arizona, Hawaii, Northern California, Central California, Southern California, Southeastern California, and Nevada-Utah). Each conference maintains the list of members, based on the reports from their churches. If you would like to make a change to your subscription (name, address, cancellation), please contact your local conference. The staff of the Recorder does not have access to the circulation lists, other than the paid subscriptions.

PUC Fall College Days, Friday, Nov. 3 to Monday, Nov. 6. Pacific Union College is looking forward to welcoming academies to College Days from Nov. 3-6. Through worship, outdoor activities, and experiencing dorm life, high school students will get a glimpse of PUC life. For more information, email

PUC Fall Fest. Pacific Union College's annual Fall Festival will be on Sunday, Nov. 5 at the Pacific Auditorium. Students and families are welcome to enjoy food and entertainment.

PUC PCA Fall Recital. Paulin Center for the Arts, based in the department of music at Pacific Union College, invites the community to their fall recital on Sunday, Nov. 5, at 2 p.m. in Paulin Recital Hall. Students of all studios will present on various instruments what they have been working on since the start of the year— and will cheer each other on. PCA is a non-profit, community-focused program offering affordable private and group instruction in the arts. For more information, visit or email

Connect Ministries is a group of Pacific Union College students passionate about Jesus and sharing through music and worship. The bilingual team leads worship services, retreats, youth events, and any programs where they can inspire other young people to become worship leaders. Any school or church interested in having them visit, please email

48 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

Subscribe to PUC Now Newsletter. Stay up to date with Pacific Union College by subscribing to their monthly newsletter at From campus stories and alumni features to student interviews, you’ll be in the know with PUC Now.

Southern California Conference

Week of Prayer: The Heart of the Matter (Sept. 30Oct. 7) weekdays 7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. Join Rolling Hills church for a week of prayer. Guest speaker Lucas Rodor will share on the theme “The Heart of the Matter.” Rolling Hills church, 28340 Highridge Road, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274.

Children’s Ministries Training (Oct. 13-14) Friday 7-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. This two-day hands-on workshop is for Children's Ministries leaders looking to upgrade their teaching, discipling, and leadership skills. Lectures and Sabbath School master classes will be in English and Spanish. Keynote speakers: Dr. Sherri Uhrig and Pastor Gerry Lopez from NAD. Registration and info: San Gabriel Academy, 8827 East Broadway, San Gabriel, CA 91776.

Adventists Doing Justice: Religious Liberty Workshop (Oct. 14) 3-6 p.m. Speakers Dennis Seaton, Patti Lawrence, Alan Reinach, and James Lee will share on topics such as protective traffic stop, community engagement, Christian nationalism, and how to energize your religious liberty program. Southern California Conference, Committee Room, 1535 E. Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale, CA 91206.

Spanish-American Church Blood Drive (Nov. 11) 8 a.m. Give the gift of life! Info: 323-222-7063. SpanishAmerican church, 1815 Bridge Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033.

Classified Employment

Holbrook Indian School is currently in need of a Registrar/Administrative Assistant, Food Service Assistant, Maintenance Associate, Grounds/ Maintenance Assistant, and a Horsemanship/Farm Assistant. These are paid positions. In addition, there is an opening for a volunteer married couple to fill the role of House Deans in an off-campus housing capacity at the Eagle's Nest. If you or someone you know are mission-minded and would like to serve Native American children, please see or share our jobs page at

Pacific Union College is seeking faculty positions for the 2023-2024 academic year in the areas of History and Music. Major duties include the responsibilities of assessment, planning,

development, and implementation of classroom experiences and course objectives. We desire those who will be committed to a collaborative working environment, as well as those who possess dedication in furthering the goals of excellence in student success and critical thinking skills. Most importantly, we desire those interested in bringing students closer to Christ by nurturing the whole person and embracing concepts for lifelong learning. If you are interested, please contact Human Resources at HR@ or call 707-965-6231.

Room/Work Exchange offer in SoCal for female. Busy professional needs your help with 15 hours of housekeeping/week in exchange for rent. Located 2 hrs drive from LLU. Must be able-bodied, English speaking, SDA, and not allergic to my cat. Background check and interview. More info:

Evangelism Projects Coordinator needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to assist in developing and implementing and reporting for various mission projects. This is a full-time (32 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, Calif., with potential for international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Marketing Director needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to plan and direct successful fundraising and marketing through a variety of methods. This is a full-time (38 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, Calif., and includes some national and international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Real Estate

PUC Commercial Space for Rent. Pacific Union College has commercial real estate space available for lease. The spaces are in various sizes and functionality and are available for inquiries. For additional information, please email Sam Heier at

Community & Marketplace I October 2023 49

For Sale

Retiring SDA optometrist in NW Calif. selling a very profitable practice. There are no other optometry, ophthalmology, or optician practices in this city or county. Local Adventist church and K-8 school. The office is 5 blocks from an amazing coastline with surrounding beautiful forests, beaches, and rivers. 1250 sq. ft. office with a wonderful staff. If interested, please contact

Outpatient Physical Therapy and Aquatic Therapy in the foothills above Sacramento, California. Turn-key practice, in business for over 30 years. Great referral base and solid practice. Lots of potential for growth. Great opportunity for someone wanting to establish a medical mission outpost or wellness center as well. 5400-sq-ft facility. $450,000. Flexible options to the right party. Contact (mailto:levi2000@ or leave message at 209-304-7455.

Thirty-eight beautiful acres for sale next to forestry land in Forbestown, Calif. Elevation 2800’, two small streams, views, beautiful timber, divided into four parcels. Many building sites with water and power next door—or be off the grid. Paved to property with small roads throughout. Quiet end-of-road paradise. 40 minutes to Oroville; 55 to Sacramento. $6,500/acre for entire property. Call/text Byron 423-987-3935.

Dental practice for sale in Siskiyou County, Calif. Profitable practice, 4 ops, practice refers out ortho, endo, and some oral surgery. Great study club and specialists to refer to. Get out of the city and come to God's country, a 4-season area filled with hiking, mt. biking, skiing, and water sports. If interested, please contact

Vacation Opportunities

Travel on a faith-based tour to Israel, Egypt, Turkey,

Rome, or Vietnam on a special cultural discovery tour with Dr. Carl Cosaert, New Testament Professor at Walla Walla University. To learn more about these inspirational tours that renew your faith, visit or email info@adventtours. org.

Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens, one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations, call: 541- 279-9553, or email:

Save the Date

Sunnydale Adventist Academy Alumni Weekend, Oct. 6-7, 2023. All alumni, former faculty and staff are invited to attend "Let's Gather Together" Alumni Weekend. Sunnydale Adventist Academy, 6818 Audrain Rd 9139, Centralia, MO 65240 For more information, please contact or 573-682-2164 x200.

At Rest

Adams, Nancy Carol – b. May 15, 1948; d. March 4, 2023, Paradise, Calif. Survivors: husband, Tom; sons, Jeremy, Chad; five grandchildren. She and her husband served as a pastoral couple in the Northern California, Washington, and Southeastern conferences for more than 40 years. Known as "Ms. Hospitality," she was a deaconness, a children's Sabbath School leader, a great cook, and she was very active in church potlucks. She was a registered nurse at Feather River Hospital as well.

Cao, Jeffrey – b. Nov. 17, 1944, San Francisco, Calif.; d. Aug. 20, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Donna Carlson; sons, Chris Cao, Kurt D. Cao; sibling, Kurt Cao; five grandchildren.

Carritte, James – b. May 22, 1956, Lawrence, Ill.; d. Aug. 28, 2023, Redlands, Calif. Survivors: wife, Debbie; daughter, Maddie.

Davidson, Nancy – b. May 11, 1934; d. July 27, 2023,

50 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

National City, Calif. Survivors: nephew, Paul Davidson.

Diehl, Hans – b. Jan. 25, 1946, Solingen, Germany; d. Aug. 2, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Lily; son, Byron; daughter, Carmen Thieszen; four grandchildren.

Garcia, Bennie – b. July 9, 1931, Loma Linda, Calif.; d. Aug. 7, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Rachel; sons, Raul, Jerry, Henry; daughter, Dina Preston; seven grandchildren, five great-grandchildren. Pastor Bennie Garcia was a pastor for 30+ years and a Korean War medic.

Hodge, Isidore Bernard – b. May 27, 1922, Cul de Sac, St. Martin; d. Aug. 3, 2023, Redlands, Calif. Survivors: son, Tony; daughters, Neville, Jacqueline, Linda; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren.

James, William – b. March 14, 1929, Alhambra, Calif.; d. July 31, 2023, Dalton, Calif. Survivors: wife, Irma James; three daughters; six grandchildren; 14 greatgrandchildren.

Logan, G. Irving – b. April 21, 1937, Chico, Calif.; d. March 27, 2023, Groveland, Calif. Survivors: wife, Sharon; sons, Trent, Troy, Todd, Tyler; daughters, Tara Pruett, Tamara;

October 2023 Sunset Calendar

11 grandchildren. Dedicated professor of prosthodontics at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry for 18 years.

Rockwell-Hayden, Anita – b. Nov. 30, 1935, Los Angeles, Calif.; d. Aug. 6, 2023, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: son, Steve Campbell; daughters, Jill Campbell, Janell Ehrler; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Anita started working as a secretary for the Department of Community Relations at Loma Linda University Medical Center in 1973. She was promoted to assistant director several years later. The position of spokesperson for the Medical Center was created for and designated to Anita. She continued to fill the role of spokesperson while advancing to director of Community Relations. Anita’s career spanned 28 years before her retirement in 2001.

Taylor, Robert W. – b. June 7, 1930, Lubec, Maine; d. Oct. 5, 2021, Sacramento, Calif. Survivors: wife, Erika; daughters, Sharon Taylor, Bonnie Anderson; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Robert served as a pastor and evangelist in Canada and in several conferences in the eastern and southern United States and in the Pacific Union Conference. He served as a missionary to Brazil, ministerial director of the Afro-Mideast Division, and president of the Tanzania Union.

November 2023 Sunset Calendar

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

City/Location NOV 3 NOV 10 NOV 17 NOV 24 Alturas (Mt. Shasta) 6:01 4:53 4:47 4:42 Angwin 6:07 5:00 4:55 4:51 Bakersfield 5:59 4:53 4:48 4:45 Calexico 5:49 4:44 4:39 4:37 Chico 6:03 4:55 4:50 4:45 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 5:48 4:42 4:37 4:34 Eureka 6:10 5:02 4:56 4:52 Four Corners [E] 6:16 5:10 5:05 5:01 Fresno 6:00 4:53 4:48 4:45 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 5:30 5:24 5:19 5:16 Half Dome 5:57 4:50 4:45 4:41 Hilo 5:45 5:42 5:40 5:39 Holbrook (Joseph City) 5:25 5:19 5:14 5:11 Honolulu 5:54 5:51 5:49 5:48 Joshua Tree 5:50 4:44 4:40 4:37 Lake Tahoe 5:57 4:50 4:44 4:40 Las Vegas 5:42 4:36 4:31 4:28 Lodi-Stockton 6:03 4:56 4:51 4:47 Loma Linda 5:54 4:48 4:44 4:41 Los Angeles 5:58 4:52 4:48 4:45 McDermitt [N] 5:42 4:34 4:28 4:23 Moab 6:16 5:09 5:03 4:59 Monterey 6:08 5:02 4:57 4:53 Mt. Whitney 5:55 4:49 4:45 4:42 Napa 6:07 5:00 4:55 4:51 Nogales [S] (Los) 5:56 4:50 4:46 4:43 Oakland 6:08 5:01 4:56 4:52 Paradise, CA 6:02 4:55 4:49 4:45 Phoenix 5:34 5:29 5:24 5:21 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 5:48 5:45 5:43 5:42 Reno 5:55 4:48 4:42 4:38 Riverside 5:55 4:49 4:44 4:41 Sacramento 6:03 4:56 4:51 4:47 Salt Lake City 6:21 5:14 5:07 5:03 San Diego 5:56 4:50 4:46 4:43 San Francisco 6:08 5:02 4:56 4:53 San Jose 6:07 5:01 4:55 4:52 Santa Rosa 6:08 5:02 4:56 4:52 Sunset Beach 6:08 5:01 4:56 4:52 Thousand Oaks 6:00 4:54 4:50 4:47 Tucson 5:31 5:26 5:22 5:19 [N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union !
City/Location OCT 6 OCT 13 OCT 20 OCT 27 Alturas (Mt. Shasta) 6:42 6:31 6:20 6:10 Angwin 6:44 6:34 6:24 6:15 Bakersfield 6:32 6:23 6:14 6:06 Calexico 6:20 6:11 6:03 5:55 Chico 6:41 6:31 6:20 6:11 Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 6:23 6:14 6:04 5:56 Eureka 6:50 6:39 6:28 6:19 Four Corners [E] 6:52 6:42 6:32 6:24 Fresno 6:35 6:25 6:16 6:07 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 6:05 5:55 5:46 5:38 Half Dome 6:33 6:23 6:14 6:05 Hilo 6:04 5:58 5:53 5:48 Holbrook (Joseph City) 5:58 5:49 5:40 5:32 Honolulu 6:14 6:08 6:03 5:58 Joshua Tree 6:22 6:13 6:05 5:57 Lake Tahoe 6:34 6:24 6:14 6:05 Las Vegas 6:17 6:07 5:58 5:50 Lodi-Stockton 6:40 6:30 6:20 6:11 Loma Linda 6:26 6:17 6:09 6:01 Los Angeles 6:30 6:21 6:12 6:05 McDermitt [N] 6:24 6:12 6:01 5:51 Moab 6:53 6:43 6:33 6:24 Monterey 6:43 6:34 6:24 6:16 Mt. Whitney 6:26 6:17 6:09 6:02 Napa 6:44 6:34 6:24 6:15 Nogales [S] (Los) 6:03 5:55 5:48 5:42 Oakland 6:44 6:34 6:24 6:16 Paradise, CA 6:41 6:30 6:20 6:10 Phoenix 6:06 5:57 5:48 5:41 Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 6:05 5:59 5:54 5:50 Reno 6:33 6:23 6:13 6:03 Riverside 6:27 6:18 6:09 6:01 Sacramento 6:41 6:30 6:20 6:11 Salt Lake City 7:01 6:50 6:39 6:30 San Diego 6:26 6:18 6:09 6:02 San Francisco 6:45 6:35 6:25 6:16 San Jose 6:43 6:33 6:23 6:15 Santa Rosa 6:46 6:35 6:25 6:16 Sunset Beach 6:43 6:33 6:24 6:15 Thousand Oaks 6:32 6:23 6:15 6:07 Tucson 6:02 5:53 5:45 5:38 [N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union ! Community & Marketplace I October 2023 51


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