Pacific Union Recorder - May 2014

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Honored by Riverside Mayor for

INNOVATION ... page 14

CONTENTS: 20-21 26-32 19 4-5 15-18 22 14 12-13 23 8-9 24 10-11 6-7 30 3, 25

Adventist Health Advertising Arizona Central California Conference Newsletters Hawaii La Sierra University Loma Linda Nevada-Utah Northern California Pacific Union College Southeastern California Southern California Sunsets Union News

John Thomas, dean of La Sierra University’s Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business was Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey’s Innovation Honoree for February. PHOTO BY NATAN VIGNA


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Pacific Press Publishing Association


The Recorder is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventhday Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

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2, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of SeventhNumber 5, day Adventists, and is published monthly. Editorial office is at 2686 Townsgate Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91361: 805-497-9457. Periodical postage paid at Thousand Oaks, CA, and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $12 per year in U.S.; $16 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $0.85. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359. 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.

Pacific Union


very movie star, every pop singer, every record producer, every millionaire in Malibu, Calif., just got a copy of The Great Controversy. The small Malibu Adventist church has jumped into the worldwide movement to distribute copies of The Great Controversy and The Great Hope, an abridged version of the The Great Controversy. Delbert Baker, General Conference vice president, say GC President Ted Wilson asked him to lead an effort to share The Great Controversy. They decided to set a goal of sharing 50 million copies of the book. “Then Elder Wilson shared with us at a meeting that his personal prayer goal for the project was 100 million,” recalls Baker. “We were still trying to wrap our arms around the 50 million number.” Baker says that what happened next was a small miracle. “Hundreds of thousands of Adventists sacrificed to distribute the book to their friends,” he says. This past October, the GC held a service to praise God that a total of 142 million copies have been shared. “I have not found a record of any denomination handing out these many books in a two-year period,” says Baker. “This has been an extremely blessed project.” When Judith Miranda, a member of the Malibu church, heard about The Great Controversy Project, she thought it would be would be a good way to reach the residents of their wealthy community, many of whom have gated properties that lock out visitors. She worked with the Review and Herald Publishing Association and found she could send books to everyone in the seaside town

Judith Miranda

for $10,000. “So I said, ‘I know what we’ll do. We’ll make a thermometer,’” recalls Miranda. “’We’ll fill in red marks for every $2,000 that we raise.’” One Sabbath morning, a resident of Malibu walked into the church and saw the new thermometer, which didn’t yet have one red mark. “What are you trying to do?” she asked. When Miranda explained the project, the woman wrote a check for the full amount. Mike Gamblin, who coordinates outreach mailings at the Review and Herald, says that the publishing company has sent out 2.2 million copies of the book. In some cases, churches sponsor the mailings. But many times it is an individual church member with a heart for evangelism. Leona Findley is one of those. She has lived in the same Sacramento suburb for 60 years and feels close to her neighbors. “When I see them, I tell them I pray for them and I love them,” she says. When she heard about The Great Controversy Project, she thought, this is what I ought to do for my neighbors. She had a little money tucked away for an emergency, so she called the Review and Herald to place an order. And she baked some persimmon drop cookies. Each neighbor got a personal visit, home-baked cookies, and a book. The visits went well, and now two of her long-time neighbors are taking Bible studies and attending the Carmichael church. The Puna church in Hawaii also sent the book to their neighbors. But they have kept expanding their neighborhood until they have sent books to 15,000 homes. “We’re a very humble house of God with 50 members,” says church clerk Ann Thompson. “But the people want to do God’s work.” In their area of the Big Island, homes are separated and often gated. Thompson says the church saw a mailing as the best way to share the Adventist message. “You see the Spirit moving on people’s hearts. We got a cashier’s check for $5,000. We don’t even know who gave it,” says Thompson. “We think a lot of our work here may be planting seeds. We trust in God. It is His work. We plant the seeds and leave it to Him.” Meanwhile, back in Malibu, Judith Miranda and other members of her church are checking on


Pacific Union Members Part of Massive Global Outreach

Leona Findley shared copies of The Great Controversy with her neighbors in her suburban community along with persimmon cookies.

the seeds. On Sabbath afternoons, they go from house to house and ask, “Did you get the book?” “I can’t wait to ring the street bell — not the door bell — the street bell,” says Miranda, referring to gated driveways in Malibu. “When you ask, ‘How did you like the book?’ that’s where it’s mind-blowing. The testimonies are tremendous.” She was amused by one man who said, “I made it to chapter six. I have a double Ph.D. and the woman who wrote this is so highly educated, I can hardly understand it.” “Okay,” said Miranda who drew the family together in a circle and prayed. After going home later that evening, Miranda flipped on the television. On the screen was the same man accepting an Oscar for best sound editing.

Kim Peckham May 2014


Central California Conference


Central California Conference

Sunnyside Church Helps Plant Seeds of Hope


hen Scott Lamm, principal at McLane High School in Fresno, Calif., was faced with the needs of a suddenly homeless student, he looked to his friends at the Sunnyside Seventh-day Adventist Church for help. “Our partnership with Sunnyside started last year as we were looking to support a student who was facing some interesting challenges due to changes in living conditions,” explains Lamm. “Because of my friendship with the Mitchell family, who attends Sunnyside, this partnership, which began with the intent of supporting one student, grew into a whole school approach.” McLane High School and Sunnyside Community Services now work together to provide clothing, shoes, hygiene products, towels, food, and anything else a student might need to get ready for school each day. A dedicated classroom, featuring a fitting room, houses these items, among others. Sunnyside Community Services volunteers, under the direction of Printess Schlist, include Schlist’s husband Larry, Barbara and Rollie Mitchell, Jodi Liu, David and Maxine Smith,

and Bud and Dianne Dickerson. The team keeps the room organized and stocked. It competes well with most teen clothing shops, and is appropriately called McLane Highlander Outfitters. McLane has a student enrollment of about 2,000. Eighty-five percent of McLane students live below the poverty level, some of whom are homeless. Both Schlist and Lamm see and feel the need to broaden tangible support within their community. On March 12, Lamm hosted an open house to which he invited representatives from 10 elementary and two middle schools within the McLane area. School representatives were given the opportunity to survey the resources that are available to this community and potentially to their schools. Schlist began to realize that this work, which she feels God has called her to, would be most successful if more local churches joined in the effort. “My dream is to see every school have a place where students can go to have these basic needs met,” says Schlist. “No child should be hungry, cold, without shoes or clothes, without a blanket, or toiletries to brush their teeth and shower. They

Printess Schlist, community services director, shares the vision of their program with open house guests.

Principal Scott Lamm (center) explains the program to invited guests from area schools.

need someone to show they care by providing these things.” Schlist is hoping that the success of the McLane-Sunnyside partnership will inspire other churches in the area to become involved in similar partnerships to provide much needed basic resources and, in the process, to plant seeds of hope within all communities.

Angela Reijnders

Retired Fresno State Professor Recognized for Service by U.S. Congress


ames E. Walton, Fresno State professor and chair emeritus of English and Africana studies, was recently honored by the U.S. Congress for more than two decades of dedication, leadership and success as a professor and community activist in the Central Valley. Walton, an elder in the Fresno Asian church, was the keynote speaker at the 30th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Memorial celebration. Prior to his address, he suddenly found himself in the spotlight. In a surprise appearance, Congressman Jim Costa, representing California’s 16th district, presented Walton with a commendation from the U.S. Senate, signed by Sen. Diane Feinstein. Costa also read a Certificate of Special Recognition from the U.S. House of Representatives, lauding Walton’s contributions and dedication to the community. Walton was recognized as a “practical

leader with experience, a factual knowledge base, positive attitude and a relentless drive” and for “improving and expanding opportunities that now, more than ever, are of vast importance to the State of California and our nation as a whole.” On Aug. 28, 1963, Walton, age 18, stood amid the crowd of more than 250,000 participating in the March on Washington. Hearing Dr. King deliver his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, he never imagined that he, too, could dream big. Raised in poverty in Canton, Ohio, Walton was in the nation’s capital for adventure rather than activism. Over the years, he faced many hurdles along the road to success, but his resilience paid off. Walton served at Fresno State for 23 years before retiring. He was the first tenured AfricanAmerican professor in his department, and held the chair position in both the English and ethnic studies departments. In 1998, he taught an

American literature course to students in Tokyo, Japan, via the Internet, which was the university’s first Internet course taught internationally. He speaks three languages and has served as an exchange professor in Dr. James E. Walton Japan and Korea. He has numerous awards, publications and professional presentations to his credit. Although proud of his accomplishments, Walton, prefers being remembered for his service — as commissioned by Christ in Matthew 25 — not for any awards and honors.

Nancy L. Reynolds May 2014


Southern California Conference

Valley Crossroads Church Welcomes 45 New Members


the three-week evangelistic series, resulting in 45 new church members. Ron C. Smith, D.Min., Ph.D., president of the Southern Union, was the evangelist. Smith, a clinical psychologist, revealed how God’s Word holds the true answers to both personal and global problems today. “To prepare for the meetings,” explained Harrison, “the church hosted evangelistic rallies and Bible-instructor training sessions, as well as mobilizing the members to distribute flyers on Sabbath afternoons and meet church neighbors.” Eight local Bible instructors trained each morning at the church and then began working in the community from 11 a.m. until lunchtime. They resumed their work of visiting and giving Bible studies from 3:30 p.m. until the evening meeting. “Through the Bible workers’ efforts, along with the 45 individuals who were baptized, more than 25 people graduated and received certificates of completion from their Bible studies, said Harrison. “We heard so many inspiring testimonies from individuals. They told us that they were either seeking God or a place to worship, and that our knock on their door was an answer to their prayers. Again and again, God


t 7:30 on a February evening, Eva Lafern Puzie, a Bible worker, knocked on a door in Pacoima, Calif., praying that someone in the home would be open to studying the Bible with her. Her goal also was to extend an invitation to “A System for Survival in the 21st Century,” an evangelistic series at nearby Valley Crossroads church. When Maria Cervantes opened her door, Puzie invited her to study the Bible with her and then was totally surprised by the woman’s reaction. “What church are you from?” the lady asked. A little bewildered by the urgency of the question, Puzie repied, “I’m from the Seventhday Adventist church.” “Come in, come in! Cervantes welcomed. “I’ve just been praying that some Adventist would come to my home! My son attends the Adventist church in another state, and I want to attend, too.” Though she lived fairly close to the church, she hadn’t seen it. Cervantes studied with Puzie, attended the meetings and was baptized at the close of the series. Under the leadership of Pastor Royal L. Harrison, the Valley Crossroads church conducted

Forty-five people were baptized following an evangelistic series at the Valley Crossroad church in February.


showed us that He was with us, that there were individuals and families in our community that He wanted us to reach.” Bible worker Nelson Jones praised God for the changed lives in the Pacoima community as a result of the outreach. “Elizabeth and Richard Rischer had only attended two of the meetings when I knocked on their door,” he said. “We studied together, and they made their decisions for baptism in their home. They and their children, Elissa, 9, and Andrew, 12, were baptized following a blessing service for Baby Ilori.” Capping the family’s joy, a church member who owns a business soon hired Richard, who had been unemployed. “From the opening song to the closing prayer, God’s presence was felt,” said Harrison. “Our church will never be the same. All glory and honor belong to God; we give Him all the credit,” Harrison acknowledged. “We know that these baptisms could never have been accomplished in our own power, but only through the power of the His Holy Spirit.”

Royal Harrison and Betty Cooney

Southern California Conference

New Cross Training Program Debuts at Glendale Filipino Church


ross Training is a new program offered by the SCC literature evangelism department,” explained Heidi Carpenter, literature evangelism director. “It offers churches a nine-month trainer instructing in a variety of skills: how to give Bible studies, make friends and minister to needs, learn effective literature evangelism and plan health events for the community.” Mary Thranow had given up on Christianity. Her last experience with a church wasn’t a good one, and she vowed to never return. Then, she says, God began speaking to her heart. It began when someone came to her door. “Hi, my name is Nestor Villanueva, and I’m from a church down the street,” he said. “I’ve come to invite you to some meetings.” “Sorry, I won’t be able to attend,” she replied. “I am too busy.”


“That’s all right,” he said with a smile. “I‘d like you to have an invitation anyway.” She took it, without paying much attention to it. Days later, while out on her routine walk, she was surprised to find another invitation. She picked it up, thinking it would make a great bookmark. During this time, Mary felt inspired to read her Bible. “I’ve been through this before, God,” she thought. “I don’t need to go through it again.” The conviction was strong, though, so she decided to start reading. Reading through Proverbs, Mary heard God’s voice quietly speaking to her. It seemed as if what she read described her life for the past five years. She called the number on the invitation, but couldn’t get through. The website wouldn’t let her RSVP, because the meetings had already begun. On the third night, she decided to show up at the meetings,

but arrived too early and found the door locked. Upset, she turned to leave. That’s when she met Shekinah Diel. As a student attending Souls West, the Pacific Union’s school of evangelism, Diel was completing her 10-week practicum as a Bible worker. By this time, she had been working in the community and praying for people to attend the meetings. Diel had been praying, “God, please send someone to our meetings who simply shows up!” The next day she encountered Mary at the locked church. After hearing her experiences with the flyers, Diel knew her prayer had been answered. Mary was baptized at the end of the series. Across from the church, Candice Napod, Diel’s practicum partner, met Paris LaSane, who had been looking for a church family to call her own and praying that God would lead her to the right one. After accepting Napod’s invitation, Paris attended almost every night of the meetings and then chose to be baptized. “These stories show what simple personal and public evangelism can do in a community,” said Carpenter. “Neither Shekinah or Candice expected such amazing answers to their prayers.” For more information on the SCC CROSS Trainer program, contact 818-546-8435.

David Fernandez and Heidi Carpenter

Pastoral staff, CROSS Trainers and newly baptized members: Shekinah Diel (front row, 3rd from the left), Mary Thranow (front row, 4th from the left), Bible workers Paris (front row, second from the right), Candice Napod (front row, far right). May 2014


Northern California Conference


Northern California Conference

NCC Takes Ownership of Local Adventist Book Centers


n April 1, the Northern California Conference took ownership of the two Adventist Book Centers in the conference territory, located in Pleasant Hill and Sacramento. The NCC executive committee had voted unanimously to acquire the stores’ inventory from Pacific Press Publishing Association, which operated the stores for 17 years. Adventist Book Center manager Ed


Sales associate Diane Leslie helps a customer at the Sacramento Adventist Book Center.


Sales associate Mary Ellen Dunavant works at the Pleasant Hill Adventist Book Center.

ABC sales associate Perry Rogers and ABC manager Ed Lindsay unload cases of Big Franks at the Sacramento Adventist Book Center.


Lindsay will continue in his long-time role. “As far as the customer is concerned, the new ownership will hardly be noticeable,” said Lindsay. For most of his career, Lindsay has managed Adventist Book Centers in various conferences around the country. The Pleasant Hill Adventist Book Center is located in the same He has served as store building as the Northern California Conference headquarters. manager for Pacific Press in Northern California since 2002. “Ed has worked at the Pleasant Hill store for 11 operates the stores with a very careful hand, years. and he is energized by the new challenge of the Those who prefer to buy books and literature transition,” said NCC President Jim Pedersen. online can visit www.adventistbookcenter. “We look forward to working with him to help com. Shoppers can arrange for their purchases the stores meet the needs of church members to be shipped to them, or they can pick them throughout our territory.” up at the NCC stores. All online purchases made Members in the East Bay and Sacramento by shoppers in the conference territory will be areas will continue to enjoy the convenience credited to the NCC Adventist Book Center. of the local stores. “My husband buys the Bible In addition to his duties as manager, Lindsay studies that the ABC has available. We also shop also drives the bookmobile, a trailer stocked for Sabbath school materials and food,” said with books, literature and vegetarian food Sacramento Woodside church member Glynes products. It makes about 170 stops per year Benfield. “The benefit for us is being able to get throughout the conference territory. “I think it’s what we need when we need it and not having neat that they come to us,” said Paradise church to order it.” member Charlie Rollo. “There are a lot of items Many people visit the stores to buy various that are available through the ABC that aren’t meat substitutes. “I’m glad for the ABC. When available locally.” you become a vegetarian, you need it!” said Visit to see a schedule Fairfield Community church member Vera White of upcoming bookmobile stops throughout the as she shopped at the Pleasant Hill store. On conference territory. Customers can request that that day, she was buying gravy and soup mixes, books, literature and food products be delivered “turkey” and Wham rolls, and canned vegeto their area via the bookmobile by calling meats. “Nobody else has this kind of variety,” 800-400-1844. she said. Lindsay appreciates the support of faithful Another popular reason to shop at the ABC customers, and he’s happy that he can continue is to buy witnessing literature — tracts on a interacting with them. “The best part of my job variety of subjects and a good selection of books is serving people,” he said. “It’s been a joy to do by Ellen White, designed to be purchased in it for most of my career!” bulk. “You can’t beat the prices. When you want something to pass out for sharing and outreach, Julie Lorenz it’s really great,” said Mary Ellen Dunavant, who May 2014


Southeastern California Conference

Inland Spanish Church Prison Ministry Reaches Behind Bars


rison ministry, a frequently overlooked outreach, is often a blessing not only for prison inmates, but also for those who volunteer. For some inmates, prison becomes a place where their hearts are opened to God for the first time, and for many church members, the experience of sharing their faith is eye-opening. Members of the Inland Spanish church in Colton have been active participants in prison ministry for several years. David Lemos, the prison ministries coordinator for the church at the California Rehabilitation Center (an institution for men in Norco), speaks enthusiastically about his involvement. Working alongside David Machado for 28 years, Lemos and his fellow volunteers say God has been working in the lives of the inmates. “[They] enjoy singing and are very engaged in Bible discussion,” said Lemos. “There are inmates who have gone through entire Bible study courses and who are ready for baptism, and many others who are learning about Jesus for the first time.” Lemos and a group of nine volunteers hold two services every Sabbath — the first at 8:30 a.m. and the second at 12:30 p.m. Each service begins with prayer, thanksgiving, testimonies and hymns. The attending inmates, who can vary in number from five to 25, then participate in the Sabbath school lesson and sermon.

Members of the Inland Spanish church in Colton have been active participants in prison ministry for several years.

Occasionally, the group will watch Doug Batchelor’s and Kenneth Cox’s sermons on DVD. Seminars are also given to help diversify subject matter and keep interest high. For example, David Lopez and Edelweiss Ramal, professors at Loma Linda University, recently volunteered to give lectures on health issues. Thanks to the efforts of the rehabilitation center’s new chaplain, Donald Warrick, as well as the new community resource manager, the volunteer group now has access to the chapel for weekly services, baptisms and communion. The volunteers also have private lockers in

The group of nine volunteers holds two services every Sabbath at the California Rehabilitation Center in Norco.


which to store the materials needed for Sabbath services. These items, as well as any funds needed to run the prison ministry, are being donated by members of the Inland Spanish church in the hopes that the ministry will continue to grow and touch the lives of those behind bars. “They know now how important it is to live a better life and become good community citizens,” said Lemos of those who attend the weekly services. “It’s a blessing when these men invite other inmates.” There was one inmate in particular who stood out to volunteers. After having been incarcerated for five years, he began attending the services. “He had friends who were Adventists and had seen the love and kindness that they produced,” explained Lemos. “He would always bring a group of five inmates or more to our services and was always willing to help those that didn’t have family.” Today the man is free, and is now an active part of the volunteer prison ministries group. Although the ministry at the California Rehabilitation Center has been successful, it always needs more volunteers. For more information, contact David Lemos or Pastor Hector Ramal at 909-824-1585.

David Lemos and Natalie Romero

Southeastern California Conference

ABC Management Transitions to SECC


territory, one in Loma Linda and the other in Riverside. After extensive review of the financial viability of both stores, the conference executive committee decided that SECC would take over the operation of only the Riverside store. Consequently, the Pacific Press closed the Loma Linda ABC on Feb. 28. SECC then established an ABC advisory committee. Members of the group had two goals: monitor the financial stability of the Riverside store, and explore ways to ensure that resources remain available to all church members in the conference territory. SECC hired Jonathan Davidson, formerly employed by Pacific Press to manage the two local ABCs, as the manager of the Riverside store. “I am excited to have the ABC under conference leadership and to have the chance to work with the various departments,” he said. “Having the partnership with the conference is an integral part of the success of the ABC because it is a ministry for the conference.” SECC now owns and operates the Riverside ABC. In conjunction with the second goal, resource availability, the advisory committee looked to regain a foothold in the Loma Linda community. After the closing of the store, many church members were concerned; some signed a petition to try to keep the store open. A few months ago, Arielle Gil, ABC clerk, helps a customer who has questions. Alex Lingas, president


dventist Book Centers in the Southeastern California Conference recently changed ownership, management and location. From the turn of the 19th century, church members have relied on Adventist Book Centers for resources such as Bibles, inspirational and theological books, devotionals, periodicals and general church resources. Originally, the ABCs were operated by local conferences, but in 1996, the operation of the majority of ABCs shifted to Pacific Press Publishing Association. Pacific Press continued to operate the stores throughout North America until, in September 2013, they announced that they would no longer do so. It was then up to the local conferences to determine the future and viability of the ABCs in their areas. SECC, therefore, had to decide what was going to happen with the two stores in its

Several changes took place under the new leadership of the Adventist Book Center in Riverside.

of Wholesome International and owner of the Loma Linda Market, approached Davidson about a partnership. After discussions by the ABC advisory committee and a vote by the SECC executive committee, an agreement was put into place. The market provides the ABC with 1,600 square feet of space in the store and oversees staffing and sales. Advertisements for the ABC are included in the biweekly flyer the market sends into the local community. The ABC’s responsibility is to stock the store and monitor inventory. Having the Adventist Book Center within the Loma Linda Market provides both vendors with new potential customers. “This venture is mutually beneficial for both entities,” explains Tim Rawson, conference associate treasurer and chair of the advisory committee. Conference administrators have made it clear that they are committed to serving all of the conference’s members and making sure that resources are available. “The ABC advisory committee and the conference are exploring ways in which to serve the members of our community and beyond,” said Jonathan Park, executive secretary for the conference.

Enno Müller and Chloe Jacqueline Vander Zwan May 2014


Loma Linda “Life on the Line,” Loma Linda University’s first national television show, features stories about courageous individuals such as Sebastien Lamothe, an 8-year-old boy who was trapped under earthquake rubble in Haiti for three days.

‘Life on the Line,’ Loma Linda University Health Television Show Airing Nationally


n April, Loma Linda University Health’s first national TV show was broadcast. “Life on the Line,” which features courageous individuals and turns their journeys into a moving documentary series, premiered on PBS’s WORLD Channel on April 4 at 6 p.m. ET/PT. The WORLD Channel reaches 72 million American households. According to Patricia Kelikani, director of advancement films, LLUH, in addition to the World Channel, “‘Life on the Line’ will be available to all PBS stations for broadcast this summer.” “Working on this series has been an amazing experience,” said Kelikani. “This show isn’t just about the doctors, but how real people find meaning in the midst of a tragedy. This is where the real story lives and their strength of spirit shines.” Narrated by celebrity host and journalist Lisa Ling, and produced by the 12-time Emmy Award winning team, Advancement Films, “Life on the Line” zeroes in on Loma Linda University


Health — which serves one-quarter of Southern California — and equips medical teams to travel around the world. The show follows patients from Southern California to the Amazon, Haiti, and Egypt as they all fight a similar battle: to stay alive. The series features six unique half-hour episodes: • Episode 1 – Heart to Heart tells the story of a family whose newborn baby desperately needs a heart transplant to survive. • Episode 2 – Out of the Rubble captures the life of an 8-year-old Haitian boy who was trapped under earthquake rubble for three days. • Episode 3 – End it Now follows three child abuse victims as they learn to move beyond the trauma and live their lives to the fullest. • Episode 4 – Baby Blue shows how doctors from opposite sides of the globe

collaborate to save Egyptian babies born with congenital heart disease. • Episode 5 – Armed for the Challenge features an athlete who sets out to prove that disability doesn’t mean inability. • Episode 6 – Anchoring Hope features a medical boat from Loma Linda University providing much needed health care services for people living in the underserved Amazon jungle. In April, “Life on the Line” aired Fridays with repeats throughout the week. During each viewing, two episodes appeared back-to-back. In addition to airing on the WORLD Channel in April, the show will air on PBS stations throughout the country in July. For the full schedule, episode previews and more information about “Life on the Line,” visit

Briana Pastorino

Loma Linda

Loma Linda University Health Empowers the Community to Live It Through Good Nutrition


Throughout the day, the kitchen staff at the on campus, patients, students, and staff benefit complements a menu created by Martin, the Riverside Convention Center had worked to from wellness options on cafeteria and catering center’s new executive chef. prepare food for a large banquet. “We’d received service menus. LLUH nutritional experts, including Chef Cory only 35 orders for the vegetarian option,” “We’re privileged,” says Fontoura, “to share Gheen, are working closely with the Convention remembers Brad Martin, the center’s executive our experience with vegetarian cuisine and our Center’s culinary staff to supervise their knowlchef, “but as dinner began and the dishes were message of healthy living with the 250,000 edge and techniques for proper preparation of served, guests began to change their minds.” guests of Riverside Convention Center each vegan and vegetarian meals recommended for While Martin’s kitchen accommodates many year.” inclusion on the specialized menu. dietary requests with appetizing dishes, “the Recently, the center, which closed July 2012 In addition to developing the menu and staff vegetarian option — grilled vegetarian chicken for renovations, held a special event to celebrate training, LLUH is involved in other aspects of served with asparagus, roasted kabocha squash, its grand reopening. More than 1,000 guests food service at the Convention Center including and Peruvian potatoes — turned 30 carnivores attended the welcome ceremony, enjoying conducting a nutritional assessment of all food into vegetarians for the evening.” vegetarian and vegan entree options included items on the menu. A recent partnership between Loma Linda among the hors d’oeuvres before touring the In addition, students from LLU’s nutrition and University Health and the Riverside Convention new facilities. dietetics programs will take part in internship Center to offer menu options designed by LLUH Special mention was made of the role LLUH opportunities at the center, and in other locais deepening the organization’s impact in the is playing to help select menu items cretions in the community, to meet their supercommunity. ated with seasonal specialties and healthful vised practice requirements to complete their That food can be so beautifully prepared ingredients, consistent with LLUH standards of advanced degrees. that guests are selecting it over non-vegetarian excellence and nutrition. The specialized menu Nancy Yuen options isn’t surprising to Daniel Fontoura, Loma Linda University Health chief wholeness officer. “LLUH is changing lives for the better,” he says, “by sharing our knowledge about healthy living, including knowledge about healthy eating, with the community.” LLUH has a long history of exploring the power of good nutrition. The Adventist Health Studies, funded by the National Institutes of Health, continue to Attending the special preview event for the reopening of the Riverside Convention Center were, from left to right: Danny examine how nutriFontoura, MBA, LLUH chief wholeness officer; Craig Jackson, JD, MSW, dean, School of Allied Health Professions; Chef Cory tion is linked to health Gheen, chef instructor, LLU School of Allied Health Professions; Chef Brad Martin, executive chef, RCC; Krystal Gheen, MPH, office of public health practice and workforce development, LLU; and Kelly Jackson, director of strategic alliances, LLUH. and longevity. While May 2014


La Sierra University


ohn Thomas, dean of La Sierra University’s Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business, defines innovation as thinking outside of the box, of seeing things that others miss. It is a mindset he strives to instill in students. Innovation defines Thomas’s own life, including his 15-year leadership of the business school which last fall moved into a $16 million, 60,200-square-foot facility recognized for its architectural design. On Feb. 11, Thomas was recognized for his creative thinking, integrity, compassion and entrepreneurship by Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey as the Mayor’s Innovation Honoree for that month. Thomas learned of the award by way of a letter from Bailey, who cited Thomas’“tireless work to challenge today’s business students to understand the importance of creativity, innovation, and leadership [as] a key element to strengthening our entrepreneurial ecosystem.” Thomas said he was “appreciative for the recognition and thankful to all those who help me think outside the box.” In a statement, the city described Thomas as an “effective administrator, teacher and scholar” who radically redefined the business school’s mission “to incorporate a focus on global service and entrepreneurial creativity and identifying distinctive market niches ideally suited to its NATAN VIGNA traditions, commitments, and capacities.” Thomas spearheaded fundraising efforts for the new business school over 10 years. The new, spacious building includes an Innovation Lab with Makerbot 3D printers, the Troesh Conference Center, which hosted a TEDxLaSierraUniversity event on April 24, and two Dr. Johnny Thomas in startup garages where front of the new home for the Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business.



School of Business Dean Receives Riverside Innovation Award

Dr. John Thomas (third from right), dean of La Sierra’s Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business, received the Mayor’s Innovation Honoree award in Riverside from Mayor Rusty Bailey (far right).

students can incubate their ideas and pursue new businesses. Thomas, who holds a doctorate in political economy from Claremont Graduate University, has been a member of La Sierra’s business faculty since 1988. He has taught courses in entrepreneurship, management, economics and finance. Presently, he serves as the Basshir Hasso Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and teaches a senior capstone class in entrepreneurship in which students start new ventures and seek funding. He also sits on the boards of at least 10 businesses and organizations, including Family Services of Riverside, Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, 89.7 KSGN Christian radio, and others. Thomas took leadership of the business school in 1999. Under his direction, the school’s mission emphasized entrepreneurial creativity and social change captured in the motto, “Create Value. Make a difference.” Thomas established centers in philanthropy, conflict resolution and finance, and led an increase in enrollment with off-campus delivery of the MBA program at multiple locations. Additionally, the school’s Students In Free Enterprise team

(now Enactus) captured four national titles and two world cups. The business school posted record enrollment in fall 2012 with more than 500 students in total. Over the next decade, Thomas foresees the Zapara School of Business achieving accreditation with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and an enrollment of about 1,000 students. Thomas’ own experiences in entrepreneurship took root in 1986 when he took over management of the local Cash & Carry, a failing drive thru, and turned it around to make a profit, allowing him to graduate debt-free. Thomas said he enjoys competition and “being an underdog and/or a misfit. It motivates me to try harder and work longer. I also enjoy inspiring possibility.” “My definition of innovation is doing things differently. I enjoy taking ideas to market, and most of the courses I teach are focused on helping students think about the possibilities,” he said. “Business students need to learn to create, collaborate and compete and not accept the world as it is.”

Darla Martin Tucker

Arizona Conference


Amazing Facts Speaker-Director Doug Batchelor will be keynote speaker for opening weekend.

Southern Adventist University President Gordon Bietz will be the closing weekend speaker.

Conference President Tony Anobile. “Come apart and rest awhile as you contemplate the enormous gift of salvation in Christ.”

Phil Draper

International recording artist Rudy Micelli will perform.


Before accepting the position as president at Southern Adventist University in 1997, Dr. Gordon Bietz pastored the Collegedale, Tenn., church and served as president of the GeorgiaCumberland Conference. He will speak the weekend of June 20-21. In December 2010, Dr. Carlton Byrd became speaker/director for Breath of Life. He is also the pastor of the Oakwood University church in Huntsville, Ala. He will be the weeknight speaker June 15-19. Dr. Greg King is dean of the School of Religion at Southern Adventist University. He also served as chair of the religion department at Pacific Union College, where he was chosen as Educator of the Year. He will host the 11 a.m. daily seminar. Mary Richards King considers it a blessing to have grown up as the daughter of Voice of Prophecy speaker H.M.S. Richards Jr., and his wife, Mary, and feels her early years laid a firm foundation for her own spiritual growth. She will have the daily 6:45 a.m. devotions. Dr. Sung Hyun Um, president of Family Building Ministries, will be hosting the 9:30 a.m. family seminars daily. Dr. Katia Reinert, North American Division health ministries director, will host the 4 p.m. health lectures daily. Guest musicians include Rudi Micelli and Gale Jones. Benjamin Lundquist will direct the young adult camp meeting, and will focus on building community, growing in Jesus, serving with significance and developing leaders. Guest speaker will be Jeremy Anderson, and Markis Zarate will provide special music. For “Adults 2” contemporary camp, Walt Groff, Gary Venden and John Schachinger will speak. Hispanic camp meeting will feature Florida Conference family life specialist Henry Barrios, M.D.; MOVEmentum President José V. Rojas; and Pastor Richard O’Ffill. “We invite members and guests from the Pacific Union to share the enormous blessings of our Spirit-filled camp meetings,” says Arizona

Dr. Greg King, dean of the School of Religion at Southern Adventist University, will hold morning seminars on the Life of Jesus. His wife, Mary Richards King, will be the early morning devotional speaker. BREATH OF LIFE


amp Yavapines near Prescott, Ariz., will echo with voices of young and old at the annual Arizona camp meeting June 13-21. Hispanic camp meeting follows June 23-28. A lineup of speakers, lecturers and musicians, plus carefully crafted programs for infants through adults, will provide something for everyone. In 1994, Doug Batchelor joined Amazing Facts as speaker-director. His fascinating life story of extremes includes privilege and poverty. He will be the opening speaker for the weekend of June 13-14.


June Camp Meetings Will Feature Batchelor, Bietz, Barrios and More

Breath of Life Speaker-Director Carlton Byrd will be the mid-week evening speaker. May 2014


Adventist Health

Couple Finds God’s Blessings through Cancer Journey


hen Melea met Brad Brown at Milo Adventist Academy in Milo, Ore., she never imagined that they would eventually be married and have two children. When they ran into each other again at Walla Walla University, she was not quickly wooed. “God has always had different plans for us than we did for ourselves,” she says. Brad pursued Melea relentlessly for three months in college with the encouragement he received from a friend who said, “She likes you; she just doesn’t know it yet.” Eventually, Melea

agreed to go on a date with Brad and that led to dating for two years and being married for 17 years. Brad also chose to abandon his physical therapy major and pursue pastoral ministry instead. “God has a great sense of humor,” says Melea. “When I was young, I swore that I would never marry a pastor, but that is exactly what happened.” Brad was pastoring the Billings, Mont., church when he received a call to be the

Brad and Melea Brown with 11-year-old son Jaorn and 8-year-old daughter Alina. The family took a break by vacationing in Maui, Hawaii, between Melea’s chemotherapy and her liver surgery.


chaplain at Feather River Hospital in Paradise, Calif. “Melea and I had always said that wherever God sends us, we will go — except for California,” says Brad, jokingly. “But again, God had different plans for us.” Three weeks after arriving in Paradise, Melea went to the hospital with what she believed was the flu. There, she learned that it was actually stage four colon cancer. The cancer had metastasized to her liver.

The Journey Through Cancer

Brad and Melea vividly remember the day when Melea received her diagnosis. They recall how the doctor walked in and gave Melea, a statistician, a piece of paper with statistics of her odds of beating cancer. “We couldn’t have been more shocked,” says Melea. “I was pretty sure they had the wrong chart,” Brady says. “Melea has always been healthy. We eat right and exercise. It made no sense.” One physician said Melea might only have a month to live. “Having two young kids and being concerned that your wife will not live for very long is one of the hardest things you can face,” says Brad. “You get stuck with the ‘why’ question.” Brad remembers finding hope in a passage from Testimonies to the Church: “All that has perplexed us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find explanation. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony. We shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying. As we realize the tender care of Him who makes all things work together for our good, we shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” (vol. 9, p. 298). The couple realized they would have to wait to understand the reasons for their suffering, but they understood there was a purpose to it all. They believed that even in their suffering, God was guiding them. “Montana is wonderful for a lot of things — recreation and big sky

Adventist Health

A recent picture of the Brown family after Melea’s surgery and recovery.

— but not for its medical services,” says Brad. “Being at Feather River Hospital got us in touch with the great services here and their sister program at Stanford Medical Center.” Moving to California also meant that Brad and Melea were now closer to their parents, who were a critical support to them through the ordeal. The Browns were also touched by how FRH and the Paradise church community both reached out and supported them through kind words, prayer and food. Someone even paid for house cleaning services. “I felt very humbled by all the support,” says Melea. “We have always been ministering to people, but to turn around and to be ministered to was very touching.” Melea went through six months of chemotherapy and two major surgeries. All throughout, the family maintained a steady relationship with God. Doctors established that they would have to surgically remove a portion Melea’s liver.

They also advised that only 65 percent of her liver could be removed without dire consequences. They were glad to find out that only 65 percent of her liver was affected by cancer. “This was clearly God’s leading,” says Brad. Doctors were able to remove the affected portion. Post-surgery scans in September and December 2013 revealed that Melea has no traces of cancer. “We were as elated as it gets,” says Brad. “It was a God moment for us.” The journey doesn’t end here, though; Melea must have five years of clean scans before she is considered cured.

wanted to bring God to others going through such circumstances.” The group of approximately 20 meets every other week; the members share their stories and eat lunch together. Brad and Melea say they can see the difference it is making in the community, and they believe God brought them to FRH not just to benefit from the support of the community, but also to give back. As the family looks to the future, they realize it is full of uncertainties. “Seeing what the Lord has done for us it a true testament,” says Brad. “He has done some amazing things. Maybe the cancer will come back; no one knows what The Journey Continues tomorrow will bring. But I know God has a plan The Browns wanted to give back to the com- for us, and we are happy to serve Him in any munity that so generously supported them dur- way He wants us to. I am not worried about the ing their journey through cancer, so they started future.” a cancer support group at FRH. “We realized that it was God that got us through,” says Brad. “We Divya Joseph May 2014


Hawaii Conference

Volunteers Ready Camp Waianae for Summer


or nearly 50 years, Camp Waianae has served the people of Hawaii. With just seven cabins, a cafeteria and a pool, the camp’s modest facility has not limited its ability to provide a venue to connect young and old to their Creator. Developed with mostly volunteer labor, the camp continues to fulfill its mission with supporters who believe that sharing life with kids out in nature and introducing them to Jesus is a transformational experience. In December 2013, 16 volunteers from the Florida Conference, led by Carol Barnett, traveled to Oahu. Pathfinder leaders and staff from Camp Kalaqua spent seven days constructing elements in the team building area: a trust fall platform, three islands, and logs for caterpillar

walks. They also built a permanent sound booth for the outdoor amphitheater and provided funds for a sound system that will be used for outdoor programming. “Not only did the Florida group come and help our camp,” said Darryl Roberts, the camp caretaker,” but they were a blessing to me and my family, inviting us to worship with them each morning and evening. They were such a great group of people.” On Sunday, March 30, after weeks of planning, members of the Hawaii Conference came to Camp Waianae to prepare for the summer camp season. More than 50 people cut down brush, hauled out old equipment, cleaned cabins, and built a stage and covered work area. While many worked

out in the hot sun, a team led by Kathleen Roberts cooked lunch. “This is a great turnout for a workbee,” said Gary Johnson, Hawaii Conference treasurer, as he hauled debris to a 20-foot dumpster. “It’s great to see all the support for our camp from all the different churches.” When the work was completed, volunteers used the pool, sat in the shade with old and new friends, and helped clean up. Before the end of the day, all the remaining volunteers gathered at the new stage to have a prayer of dedication for the new Tree Chapel. Each day this summer, young people will have a chance to hear the Gospel and respond to God’s call.

Jesse Seibel

Volunteers from Camp Kalaqua and Florida Pathfinders funded a sound system, a sound booth, and other elements.

Conference Treasurer Gary Johnson (left) and Neal Cochran (right) fill a 20 foot dumpster with camp collectibles.

While on vacation, Woody Coffey (center) leads a group of youth painting shower stalls.

(L. to r.) Guy Smith, Norman McGuire, Patrick Mcguire, Robert Lacquiao, and Rod Seibel work together to build the new Tree Chapel stage.


Nevada-Utah Conference

Elko Church Holds Investiture Ceremony for New Pathfinder, Adventurer Clubs



esponding to a growing and changing congregation, the Elko, Nev., church recently started new children’s ministries, including the Elko Gold Pathfinder Club and the Elko Silver Adventurer Club. Leaders and members participated in an investiture ceremony March 22. Four years ago, the Elko church had only a few children coming to Sabbath school and church. The ones who did attend came rarely as there were not many activities for them aside from Sabbath school. Most of the church’s ministries focused on the adults. As people come to Elko from around the country, even around the world, for employment in the gold mines, this small mountain community is changing from a rural area into a city. As a result, families with young children

Heidi, Broklyn, Jackson, Tyler and Richard Delbridge.

The Elko Pathfinders, Adventurers and Busy Beavers and their leaders were invested March 22.

have been trickling into the church and providing more diverse leadership. In addition, some of the newly baptized members have felt called to serve as leaders. Recently, the newly elected elder Santiago Garcia shared his concern for the church’s youngest members. “I need my children to have more activities in the church, or they will die spiritually.” Soon after, church members launched a Pathfinder club. Jeanie Jones, a member with previous Pathfinder leadership experience, volunteered to be the director. Getting organized initially was a challenge, as most of the members and parents

Elko Busy Beavers John Leon, Elizabeth Carter and GianFranco Garcia participate in the new Adventurer’s club.

Back, l. to r.: Instructors Jeanie Jones, Frank Miller, Santiago Garcia. Front, l. to r.: Members Santiago Javier Garcia, Tyler Delbridge, Shelly Miller, Stacy Lujan, Leonardo Garcia, and Frankie Miller.

had never been involved in Pathfinders, and even fewer had experience with Adventurers. Because the church members and parents chose to work together, the program is working. The clubs are named for the minerals abounding in the area. The Pathfinder

logo is a gold coin and a silver coin for the Adventurers, both with the Ruby Mountains as the background. The clubs meet every Sunday morning with 13 children participating. More have expressed interest in joining. “What a joy this has been so far,” said Heidi Delbridge-Christopherson. “I am so excited for the rest of the year camping and helping the children get their badges. Most of all, I am looking forward to watching these kids be servants of God and friends to man.”

Roselyne Leon May 2014


Pacific Union College

Wheelbarrows and Water Filters PUC Students Serve During Spring Break


Junior Moises Ramirez uses local methods to move dirt for the clinic’s foundation.


teaches at the school, works with short-term mission teams who come to work in the area, including the PUC group. The health clinic built by PUC will be used to benefit 32 communities in the area and will create a centralized location for emergency medical cases. Students made hundreds of wheelbarrow-trips with full loads of dirt, mud, and clay as they Chad Lattimer and two new friends serve with a smile. built a foundation and raised the level of the floor in order to protect the new clinic throughout the process, Maia would laugh, from annual flooding. Maia joined local villagers “English is so much easier to learn — there are braving the teetering heights of the loose frame only two forms for the verb ‘to swim’: ‘swim’ to lay down roofing so that the structure would and ‘swims’. Portuguese has six,” one for each be protected from the incessant rain. With tem- form. Children and elders alike came together peratures in the high 80s and humidity reaching to laugh at poor pronunciation and enjoy the up to 77 percent, dehydration was a serious prospects of learning a new skill. Bianca Tolan, concern; the daily siesta following lunch was a a junior at PUC, says, “The incredible thing was much-needed blessing and reprieve. that even though there was a language barrier, PUC also brought 30 water filters to Rosa we were all working on a project together and de Sáron in partnership with one of PUC’s found ways to communicate.” The Englishneighboring churches, St. Helena, Calif., Calvary Portuguese classes allowed for a third way for Christian Church. Maia taught both the students the group to bond with the community, as well and the community leaders how the filters are as better communication with the community assembled and used. Using just gravity and when working on the projects. a clean bucket, the filters are able to process The trip had a profound effect on several 1,800 gallons of water in a day, turning the students and only increased their desire to cloudy river into safe and potable drinking serve overseas. “I know I felt God and the joy water. “PUC is committed to making a differthat comes with experiencing Him. That was for ence in the Amazon by bringing clean water sure a spiritual high that we were able to share to the communities in partnership with ADRA, together,” shared PUC junior Moises Ramirez. Amazon,” Maia shared. After the trip, five of the students have decided Each evening, Maia, a native of Brazil, led to spend a year as student missionaries through English-Portuguese classes as PUC students PUC’s student missions program, and two want were given the opportunity learn some of the to dedicate their lives to working abroad. Brazilian national language alongside the people they had come to serve. Several times Madeline Miller and Cambria Wheeler FLOYD HAYES


pring vacation can be a much-needed rest for Pacific Union College students who have just completed final exams after a tough 10 weeks of winter quarter. Yet, each year, groups of students give up their opportunity to spend time with family and take a break. These students, motivated by the desire to give back and serve God, spend their time away from school having a mission-oriented adventure in places far and wide. From March 20-30, a group of 15 PUC students, joined by PUC service and missions coordinator Fabio Maia and professor of biology Floyd Hayes, flew to Manaus, Brazil, to work in Rosa de Sáron, found in the interior of Manaus Amazonas. The group traveled to this exotic location to build a health clinic, provide water filters and water education, and teach English classes. Some of the students also participated in a tropical biology course led by Dr. Hayes, giving them the opportunity to experience the wildlife of the Amazon first-hand on morning trips along the river and through the jungle. PUC partnered with the Adventist Development and Relief Agency for the service element of the trip. ADRA supports several projects in Rosa de Sáron — including a school, furniture business, church, and a metal and dental clinic run out of a boat by an ADRA-employed nurse, Thianne de Oliveira. Dr. Oliveira, who also

Pacific Union

Union Votes Evangelism Funds Asks GC for Recognition of SECC President


t its first meeting of 2013, on March 20, the Pacific Union executive committee voted $192,000 from the Evangelism Endowment Fund to support four evangelism projects. The projects included: $15,000 for CREATION health, a joint health education project conducted by the Southern California Conference and Glendale Adventist Medical Center; $18,000 for a summer educational camp conducted by the El Monte Vietnamese church in the SCC; $131,000 for the Asian/Pacific Refugee and Revelation Center in Arizona; and $28,000 for Speiro Media Ministries at the Visalia church in the Center California Conference. Additional funds, for seven projects that cost $10,000 or less, were voted one day earlier by the Evangelism Endowment Committee, bringing the total funding from the endowment fund to $250,000. According to Ted Benson, treasurer, the Evangelism Endowment Fund grew from $11 million in 2012 to $13.3 million dollars in 2013, even after granting $555,000 for various projects during the year. Since the fund was established in 1998, it has produced more than $5 million in grants for evangelism projects. Six ministers were approved for ordination, all from the Nevada-Utah Conference: Sheldon Bryan, Angel Cuenca, Ryan Hablitzel, Angel Heredia, Julio Juarez and Wayne O’Bannon. (At its Nov. 14 meeting, the executive committee approved three others for ordination: Godfrey Miranda and Errol Perilla, from CCC; and Jovan Ilijev, from Northern California.) In response to a request from the Southeastern California Conference executive committee, the Pacific Union executive committee voted to ask the union officers “in a spirit of graciousness, to request that the General Conference president ask the GC Archives staff to correct the [SDA] Yearbook, which currently shows that the SECC has no president.” It noted that the Yearbook is a list of personnel and institutions, not a book of theology or policy. Union President Ricardo Graham delivered this request in writing to the office of the GC president during GC Spring Meetings, April

7-9, in Silver Spring, Md. At press time, the GC had not yet responded. The committee also voted approval for three ministers to pursue Doctor of Ministry degrees: Manny Vitug, from SECC; and Simon Liversidge and Richard Roethler, from SCC. In addition, four ministerial scholarships were approved: Lindsey Pratt and Jon Tillay, from CCC; and Sara-May Julia Colon and Jerrold Thompson from SECC. Both Bradford Newton, union executive secretary, and Ted Benson, treasurer, reported on the state of the Pacific Union at the end of 2013. There were 226,000 members, who met in 792 churches, served by 667 pastors. New members joining the church by baptism totaled 6,187 during 2013,

unique to the Pacific Union, which employs fewer staff than most comparable unions, returns to the conferences and schools of higher education a large part of tithe income that is designated by church policy for union expenditure, and then, at the end of each year, returns budgeted but unspent funds to the conferences. Berit von Pohle, union education superintendent, reported on Common Core State Standards and on Transitional Kindergarten. On the first issue she explained that Common Core standards, which are intended to raise the educational competencies of American students, will not effect Adventist beliefs or practices. “Our textbooks will remain our own, our content will remain our

The committee voted, “to request that the General Conference president ask the GC Archives staff to correct the [SDA] Yearbook, which currently shows that the SECC has no president.” and both membership and tithe increased by one percent. The Education Endowment Fund recently hit the $10 million mark. That fund benefited 750 students during the most recent school year. During the last five years the fund issued scholarships totaling $2.5 million. Treasury also reported that SOULS West, the union’s evangelism training school headquartered in Arizona, had the largest number of students in its history, at 53. Revenue and expense was over $1 million, with a net loss for the year of $75,000. At the end of his report, Benson walked around the committee room, handing to each conference president a check for that conference’s portion of the 2012 year end gain of $700,000. Afterward he cautioned that there will be very little to distribute for at least the next two years. This process is

own, and our Adventist standards will always be distinctly Adventist,” she said. Transitional Kindergarten, von Pohle said, is a way for the state to provide pre-school for low income families. It is intended for children who turn five after Sept. 1 and before Dec. 1. “This goes against the DNA of Adventist thinking on education,” she said, “but just in case we find that we have to go this way, the NAD is developing a curriculum.” She reminded committee members that if families send their children to a public pre-school, they are much less likely to change the next year to a Christian school. The Pacific Union executive committee will meet next on May 21 at La Sierra University.

Gerry Chudleigh May 2014



C ALENDARS Central California AFRICAN AMERICAN Mr. & Mrs. Retreat (May 2-4) Camp Wawona. Info: African American Ministries, 559-347-3169. GLOW LEADERSHIP TRAINING (May 3) Central California Conference. Info: GLOW Ministries, 559-906-6460. K.I.D. UNIVERSITY (May 16-18) All are welcome! Info: Children’s Ministries, 559-347-3183. PATHFINDER FAIR (May 16-18) Central Valley Academy. Info: Youth Ministries, 559-347-3174. SENIOR CITIZEN’S RALLY (May 17) Area tbd. Info: Church Ministries, 559-347-3142. ADVENTURERS’ DAY (May 24) Fresno Central. Info: Youth Ministries, 559-347-3174.

Nevada-Utah NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE Constituency Session (May 4) 10 a.m., Paradise church, 4575 Sandhill Road, Las Vegas, Nev.


LAS VEGAS AREA PATHFINDER Leader- Gerard Babanezhad. “Spiritual Gifts of the ship Training (May 10-11) Paradise church, Church.” Info: Joel Magbanua, magjoelly@ 4575 Sandhill Road, Las Vegas, Nev., 925-698-8181. NUCA SUMMER CAMP (June 22-29) Wanship, Utah. LAKE TAHOE CAMP MEETING (July 28-Aug 2) Tahoe Valley Campground, South Lake Tahoe, Calif.

Northern California Conference

GRADUATION WEEKEND (May 30-June 1) Rio Lindo Adventist Academy, 3200 Rio Lindo Avenue, Healdsburg. Info: 707-431-5100. GRAND OPENING (June 7) 10 a.m. Sacramento Slavic Church, 4837 Marconi Avenue, Carmichael. Info: 925-603-5047.

40TH ANNIVERSARY (Oct. 11-13) Sacramento Woodside church, 3300 CHRISTIAN MEN’S RETREAT (May Eastern Avenue, Sacramento. We would be 2-4) Leoni Meadows. 26th annual event. honored to have all who have been part Speaker Herb Montgomery from Renewed of our family join us on this inspirational Heart Ministries. Info and registration weekend. Let us know if you’d like to parforms available at NCC churches and at ticipate in this memorable time together. Info:, 916-4826444, MAY MONTH OF PRAISE (April 30-May 31) Fairfield Community church, 1101 E. Tabor Avenue. April 30-May 3: Emil Peeler, Pacific Union College concert by Barron Peeler; May 10: Ena Hunter; May 16-17: John Lomacang; May MATT DE LA PENA (May 1) 10 a.m., 24: Iki Taimi; May 31: Trevor Barnes Jr. PUC church. Young adult author of five Weekly special features celebrating 29th critically-acclaimed young adult novels, MMoP. Info: 707-426-6720, fairfieldsda. de la Pena will speak for the College’s Colcom. loquy Speaker Series. Info: 707-965-6303 or NCC CONSTITUENCY SESSION (May 18) 9 a.m. Pacific Union College church, ONE CHURCH (May 17) 11:15 a.m., PUC Angwin. Info: 925-603-5007. church. The Angwin community of all ages gathers for a quarterly single service to FILIPINO CAMP MEETING (May hear a sermon by Mark Witas. Info: 70723-25) Leoni Meadows. Speaker, Dr. 965-7297 or

CHORAL CONCERT (May 17) 4 p.m., Paulin Hall. The PUC Chorale and I Cantori will perform a concert conducted by Professor Bruce Rasmussen. Info: 707-965-6201. VISUAL ARTS MAJORS Thesis Exhibition (May 17) 7 p.m., Opening Reception Rasmussen Art Gallery. Students from PUC’s department of visual arts display their thesis work in this art exhibition. The show runs through June 14. Info: 707-965-7362. SYMPHONIC WIND ENSEMBLE Concert (May 18) 4 p.m., Paulin Hall. PUC’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble will perform a concert under the direction of Asher Raboy. Info: 707-965-6201. SUMMER ART COURSES (July 6-11 and 13-18) Albion Retreat and Learning Center. Enjoy one or two-weeks of painting or digital photography in courses for artists of all levels and ages. Info: 707-937-5440 or FALL QUARTER REGISTRATION (Ongoing) Incoming and returning students can register for the ideal Fall quarter schedule as they prepare for career or graduate school. Info: 707-965-6336 or admissions.

Southeastern California CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP (every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month) 2:30-4

Advertisments p.m., Paradise Village, 2700 E. 4th Street, National City. In this group you will be able to share your feelings and hear from others as we explore together the unique challenges of caring for an aging or ill loved one. This group is ongoing and always open to new members. Info: 619-245-5845. LA SIERRA ACADEMY Alumni Weekend (May 2-3) Honored classes: 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, and 2004. Friday evening reception LSA Library; Sabbath morning alumni services; afternoon potluck; campus tours and class reunions. Info: 951-351-1445, ext. 244 or e-mail

Southern California Conference “ON HOLD...FOUR WINDS by Four Angels!” (May 2-4) annual mini camp meeting. 25 speakers, vegan food court; book/DVD sale, breakout sessions, panel discussions. (May 2-3) 9:00 a.m.; (May 4) 2 p.m., Central Filipino church, 777 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles 90041. Sponsored by CFC Women’s Ministry Prayer Line. Info: 323-255-7718. GLENDALE ADVENTIST ACADEMY Alumni Homecoming (May 3) 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Charles E. Watkins Auditorium at GAA, 700 Kimlin Dr. Lunch provided from 12-2 p.m., cafeteria by Chef Shomari Boulin. Info: 818-244-8671.

SECOND SATURDAY SERIES Choral Festival (May 10) 4 p.m. Sébastien Vallée, DMA, director. Dr. Vallée is the director of choral studies at California State University, Los Angeles. Meet-the-performers reception after concert. Donation at the door. Glendale City church, 610 E. California Ave. Info: www.glendalecitychurch. org, 818-244-7241. 2ND ANNUAL “Can U Hear Me Now?” Youth Conference (May 23-26) Inspiring sermons/seminars help remove barriers so youth can hear Jesus. Visit for details. Camp Cedar Falls, 39850 State Hwy 38, Angelus Oaks 92305. Co-sponsors, End Times Like These Ministries, Southern California Conference. Info: Registration/ Info: 805-298-0583.

AWR travels where missionaries cannot go

L.A. ADVENTIST FORUM (May 24) 3 p.m. “My Most Exciting Archeological Discoveries,” Larry T. Geraty, Ph.D., President Emeritus, LSU, professor of Archeology and Hebrew Bible. Chapel of the Good Shepherd at Glendale City church, 610 E. California Ave. Info: 818-244-724. 12TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL Kaleidoscope of Nations,”Out of Many — One Nation” (June 7) speaker, Calvin B. Rock, D.Min., Ph.D. Flags of 50 nations processional and international lunch; concert, 5:30 p.m.; Vespers, 7 p.m. Berean Church, 4211 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 90018. Info: Daphne Morgan, 323-2981189;

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May 2014


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Dean is working with filmmaker Terry L. Benedict and Sean McCulley, Mudturtle Productions; both are well known in the industry. God has truly blessed us for opening the doors to work with Terry & Sean on this project. If you have any questions or want to share your memories of Dr. Glover, please contact Thank you and God bless.

SUMMIT RIDGE RETIREMENT Village is an Adventist community in a rural Oklahoma setting but close to Oklahoma City medical facilities and shopping. Made up of mostly individual homes, the village has a fellowship you’ll enjoy. On-site church, independent living, nursing home and transportation NEW SATELLITE DISH and high defini- as needed. Website: www.sumtion receiver model HDVR1200 installed or call Bill Norman for only $199. Gas money accepted. Call 405-208-1289. Mel Hamp, 530-410-1199. THE WILDWOOD LIFESTYLE RELOCATING? APEX MOVING & CENTER can help you naturally treat Storage has a National Account Contract and reverse diseases such as diabetes, with the GC for your moving needs! Take heart disease, hypertension, obesity, advantage of a volume-rated discount. arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, Be assured you are moving with one of lupus, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, the best! Call Marcy at 800-766-1902. cancer, substance abuse, stress, anxiety, Visit us at depression and many more. Invest in adventist. your health and call 800-634-9355 for more information or visit www. SINGLE AND OVER 40? An interracial group exclusively for Adventist singles over 40. Stay at home and meet new friends in USA with a pen pal monthly Bulletin Board newsletter of members and album. For information send large, self-addressed, DR. AUDREY R. GLOVER Documenstamped envelope to ASO-40, 2747 tary. Chestene Dean is currently in Nonpareil, Sutherlin, OR 97479. the design & development phase on a documentary about Dr. Audrey R. Glover.

LOOKING FOR AUTHORS who have written a book on self-help for young adults (depression, suicide, eating disorders, dating, etc). Also accepting children’s books, mission stories, biographies, and inspirational/doctrinal topics. Call TEACH Services at 800-367-1844.

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THE ADVENT GOD Squad Needs You. Jesus told us “I was in prison and you visited me.” Through Paper Sunshine you may write an inmate risk free. You write through our address. We read their letters and forward to you. From the comfort and safety of your home you can share the love of Christ. With V.O.P. over the years over a million inmates have completed Bible studies. Become a Pen Friend ask friends and church members to join you. E-mail, Don & Yvonne McClure, or 260-387-7423. WANTED: 90 SDA commentary sets and books for all the prisons in Ghana;

Chapel records, tapes and memorbilia; H.M.S. Richards campmeeting sermon cassettes and reel-to-reel tapes. Wanted: lapidary equipment, rock cutting saws; blacksmith tools, anvils; high-end woodshop equipment and lathes. Text/call Doug, 909-224-4551. WANTED: THE WHITE ESTATE is looking for original photographs, personal items, or other artifacts relating to Ellen White for display in its new visitor center scheduled to open in 2015. All messages about your items will be answered. To discuss your item(s) please contact James Nix, 301-680-6557 or JimNix@

Employment ANDREWS UNIVERSITY seeks a faculty member for Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Education. Qualified person should have a doctorate Ed.D. or Ph.D. in Teacher Education. Must have at least three years teaching K-12 within the United States, public or private. For more information and to apply, visit www. BETTER LIFE TELEVISION is seeking broadcast engineer to maintain 20 TV stations and our Grants Pass, Ore. headquarters. Requires knowledge of RF

Advertisments broadcast engineering, FCC regulations; SDA member in good standing. Come enjoy the beautiful Pacific Northwest while helping to reach millions for Christ. Résumé: ContactBetterLife@ BLACK HILLS HEALTH & Education Center is adding a new program in Drug and Alcohol Recovery and is seeking to fill new positions and expand our existing Wellness Program with missionary-minded professionals: MD, PA or NP (with interest in preventative medicine), nurse, vegan chef, food service, housekeeping, massage therapists, LCSW. Applicants must be licensed professionals and able to come for an interview as part of the hiring process. E-mail résumé: JOB OPENING for Communication Specialist. The Geoscience Research Institute, located on the campus of Loma Linda University, California, is looking for a self-motivated person who is a member in regular standing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is committed to the Church’s message and mission. Skills in popular-level writing, social media, web management, organization, outsourcing and completing projects involving video production and graphic design are also necessary for this position. A background in science would be beneficial. The position is

full-time for one year, with an option of renewal for a second year. Interested persons should contact Jim Gibson, GRI Director, at MAJOR GIFTS OFFICER needed in Los Angeles area. Requires proven track record of securing $20,000+ gifts; expected to cold call, solicit, qualify, cultivate, lead to closure, and steward these very important donors. SDA in good standing. Travel, evenings, and weekends as needed. Send résumé to Better Life Broadcasting: MINISTRY POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Mentor/guide students, who have experienced abuse, neglect, trauma, rebellion. Training, stipend, housing/ meals benefits provided. Rewarding, challenging. Join an expanding committed team. Your experience/talents needed; variety of open positions. Miracle Meadows School, Salem, WV. 304-782-3630. NOW HIRING EARLY CHILDHOOD Teachers to be based in Chengdu, China. Competitive salary package based on competence and experience. Native English speaker, hold a Bachelor’s degree, preferably with early childhood teaching experiences. Education Center operated by Adventist professionals. Visit or

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e-mail for more details. UNION COLLEGE seeks chair of BS Nursing program. Responsibilities include strategic planning, curricular assessment, faculty development, and support of college activities. Nebraska state licensure, teaching experience, and doctoral degree or advanced coursework required. Submit cover letter and vitae to Dr. Malcolm Russell, VPAA, marussel@; 402-486-2501.

Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE, Trinity County, Calif. 1.6 acres, 4Bd./3Ba., 2-car attached garage, 20X30 outbuilding. City water & sewer. Built 2000. 15 miles to SDA church. Nice area to retire. Near river and lakes. For more info or pictures, 509365-3607 or rnpetersen@centurylink. net.

MANUFACTURED HOME in Paradise, Calif., near Lake Oroville/many recreation opportunities. Great retirement home. Turn-key ready, 1,223 square feet, Events in a 55+ senior park with low space rent. 2-bedrm/2-bath, dishwasher, gas BETTER LIFE BROADCASTING Camp stove, laundry room, electric wheelchair Meeting (June 13-14) Milo Adventist lift in carport, central air. Close to shopAcademy in Days Creek, Ore. The keynote ping, hospital, church/academy. Asking speaker will be Pastor Ken Cox. Several $49,900. Call 530-873-3016 or 530-413musical guests will also be featured. 3351 for more information/photos. Registration begins April 1st. For more information, visit or call NORTHERN CALIFORNIA beautiful 541-474-3089. remote valley. 1,000 sq. ft. comfortable, rustic home on 10 acre parcel, part of a IN THE BEGINNING: Returning to historic 40 acre ranch. The other thirty God’s Original Plan is the theme of our acres are Adventist owned. Nice climate, 6th Annual Secrets Unsealed Summit at good gardening area, forest, off the Tenaya Lodge near Yosemite National grid, abundant year around gravity flow Park (Oct. 30–Nov. 2). Come for a water, Pelton Wheel electricity. Small weekend of intense Bible study with Adventist church will welcome you and Dr. Neil Nedley, Pastor Randy Skeete & needs your help. Asking $175,000. Call Pastor Stephen Bohr to learn God’s plan 541-846-6021 or 541-499-2323. for marriage, the Sabbath, our health, & the biblical roles of men and women. SHOWCASE COUNTRY HAVEN on Register early for best price. Every 43 acres - $370,000. Exquisitely clean attendee must pre-register. Sabbath Scandinavian-style home, shop and only registration is available. Seating is ceramic art studio. A labor of exacting limited so call 559-264-2300, 888-738- love for beauty, detail, and efficiency, 1412, or visit Tell flooring includes honed slate, bamboo, a Friend. heated tile, birdseye maple (no carpets), four-zone heat pump (heat and AC), JOIN US FOR WORSHIP at Yellowstone balanced lush garden soil, 25 g.p.m. National Park every Sabbath from 156’ well to liberally water the garden Memorial Day through Labor Day. Seryet 50 mins. from Lewiston, Idaho. 24 vices led by Rocky Mountain Conference photos; pastors at 10 a.m. in Old Faithful Lodge. 208-476-9994.

Missing Members KIHEI. Contact: Nancy McMillan, church clerk, Kihei Seventh-day Adventist Church, P.O. Box 1296, Kihei, HI 96753, 808-875-0170, Joey Goette, Jimmy Prones, Benjamin Sagaysay. RIVERSIDE. Contact: Rita Carleton, Riverside Community church,4850 Jurupa Ave., Riverside, CA 92504, 951-686-1886, Linne Stonebreaker-Page, Melissa Strahle, Dolores Swan, Ruth Swan, Mary Swanbeck, Lisa Teran, Jennie Thomas, Rob D. Tomlin, Robert F. Tomlin, Fredy Torres, Sarah Uffindell, Becky Vasquez, John Vicaro, Kimberly Vicaro, Corey Virgilio, Janet Walker, Michael Weatherford, Linda Weaver, Carole Weeks, Sunshine Weeks, Yvonne Whitfield, Nafis Williams, Ray Williams, Brandon Winkler, Dan Winkler, Anna Wong, Ralph Young, Thomas Young, Erica Yow, Cachita Zaragoza. May 2014


Advertisments THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, property all electric on 4 3/4 acres. 2-car garage, well water, apple trees, grape arbor, small barn, with 1 room attached to garage with covered walk way to house. Six miles to Stayton and SDA church; 20 miles east of Salem, Ore. Asking price $275,000. Call 503-769-6026. THREE BEDROOM HOME, 1,300 sq. ft., 2-bath, 2-car attached garage on half acreage; 14 fruit trees, large garden area. East of Lodi in foothills in Valley Springs, Calif.; 10 miles to church. 209-772-3136.

Reunions OAKLAND IMMANUEL TEMPLE church (formerly called East Oakland SDA church), Oakland, Calif., 105th Anniversary (Sept. 6). Former members please submit contact information via e-mail, or mail to Immanuel Temple SDA Church, 2411 55th Ave., Oakland, CA 94605, Attn: L. Scott or call 510-436-4011. RENO JR. ACADEMY and Arlington St. church Sabbath School (1955-2000) Reunion (July 19) 2 p.m., Riverview Christian Academy gymnasium, 7125 West Fourth St., Reno, Nev. A fun program with music and pictures. Do you remember when? (bring some of your pictures and memories) Please come.



TO LEAD. TO LIVE. TO LOVE. How will you serve Him today? 30

We will miss you if you don’t come. Info: or Lorraine Stocke, 775-677-2436. LAKE UNION ACADEMIES 25th reunion potluck (May 3) 1 p.m., Loma Linda University School of Nursing West Hall, 11262 Campus Street (1/2 block north of Barton Road) Loma Linda, Calif. Questions: Call 909-748-5178 or 909-799-8039.

Vacations RELAXING MAUI VACATION. Only a 3-minute walk to the beach! 1-bdrm w/ king-size bed. Clean & well-maintained. Sleeps 4. Full kitchen, washer/dryer. FREE parking, Wi-Fi, & calls to U.S./ Canada! 20 minute drive to friendly Kahului SDA church. Affordable rates. Visit: or call Mark at 909-800-9841. SUNRIVER, CENTRAL OREGON. Four bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets, includes housekeeping. For rates, photos and reservations call: 541-279-9553, 541-475-6463, or e-mail schultz@

“Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” - Exodus 20:8


5/2 5/9 5/16 5/23 5/30 Alturas 8:02 8:09 8:16 8:23 8:28 Angwin 8:03 8:10 8:16 8:22 8:27 Calexico 7:25 7:30 7:35 7:40 7:44 Chico 8:03 8:10 8:17 8:23 8.28 Eureka 8:15 8:22 8:29 8:35 8:41 Fresno 7:49 7:55 8:01 8:06 8:11 Hilo 6:45 6:47 6:50 6:53 6:56 Honolulu 6:57 7:00 7:03 7:06 7:09 Las Vegas 7:29 7:35 7:41 7:47 7:51 Lodi 7:58 8:04 8:10 8:16 8:21 Loma Linda 7:34 7:39 7:45 7:50 7:54 Los Angeles 7:38 7:44 7:49 7:54 7:59 Moab 8:11 8:17 8:24 8:30 8:35 Oakland 8:01 8:07 8:13 8:19 8:24 Phoenix 7:12 7:17 7:22 7:27 7:32 Reno 7:55 8:01 8:08 8:14 8:19 Riverside 7:34 7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 Sacramento 7:59 8:06 8:12 8:18 8:23 Salt Lake City 8:25 8:32 8:39 8:46 8:51 San Diego 7:31 7:36 7:41 7:46 7:50 San Francisco 8:02 8:08 8:14 8:20 8:25 San Jose 7:58 8:05 8:11 8:16 8:21 Tucson 7:05 7:10 7:15 7:20 7:24


AT REST AAB, ALEXANDER – b. Dec. 28, 1919, Cymeric, Saskechewan, Canada; d. March 15, 2014, Corona, Calif. Survivors: wife, Elizabeth; sons, Derek, Allan; daughters, Lynne, Gayle; 11 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. BUCKWALTER, DOREEN H. (MATHER) – b. Jan. 10, 1925, London, England; d. March 5, 2014, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Yvonne Conner; one grandchild. BAKER, LILIA SANCHEZ (HERRERA) – b. Nov. 11, 1922, Los Angeles, Calif.; d. Feb. 18, 2014, Pacific, Wash. Survivors: sons, James, John, Gary, Benjamin; seven grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; sisters, Naomi Reese, Linda Martinez. Served as a literature evangelist. BATTIN, PEGGY JEAN – b. Feb. 3, 1950, Marysville, Calif.; d. March 13, 2014, Yuba City, Calif. Survivors: stepdaughter, Ashley Wheeler; mother, June; sister, Judy Clendenon; brother, Richard, II. CABANATAN, EDDIE – b. April 9, 1947, Guiuan Samar, Philipines; d. Jan. 17, 2014 San Bernardino, Calif. Survivors: wife, Antonia; son, Edward; daughters, Beverly Moretti, Ginger Ath; four grandchildren. CABRERA, GREGORY ALAN – b. Jan. 4, 1958, Mich.; d. March 12, 2014, Riverside, Calif. Survivors: son, Sammy; mother, Carmen; brother; Sidney; sisters, Priscilla Cook, Patty, Pelu. CARR, LARRY – b. Oct. 8, 1929, Palatine, Ill.; d. March 10, 2014, Troy, Idaho. Survivors: sons, Greg, William, Weston; daughters, Lorie, Alaine, Lyndi; 16 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren; brothers, Jim, Allan, David; sisters, Pauline Olson, Alice Hale, Dottie Payton. CLAUSEN, VENUS EE-SIRIPORN – b. March 25, 1942, Bangkok, Thailand; d. March 9, 2014, Zambia, South Africa. Survivors: husband, Conrad; brother, Joe Ee-siriporn. ELLINGTON, CHARLES SAMUEL – b. Jan. 7, 1924, Sabetha, Kan.; d. Sept. 5, 2013, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: son, Bruce; daughter, Debra Williams; daughter-in-law, Jill; three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren. ENGEN, VIRGINIA DRIESBACH – b. March 9, 1925, Indianapolis, Ind.; d. Feb. 1, 2014, Fullerton, Calif. Survivors: husband, Paul; son, Donald; seven grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren. HALLSTED, RUBY IRENE (BERGSTAD) – b. July 3, 1927, Clinton, Minn.;

d. Dec. 9, 2013, Sacramento, Calif. Survivors: husband, Robert; daughters, Karen Jackson, Linda McDonald; one grandchild. HENDERSON, ANNA M. (JILES) – b. July 11, 1926, Mobile, Ala.; d. Jan. 12, 2014, Vallejo, Calif. Survivors: sons, Robert, Kenneth, Gregory; daughters, Gail Peter, Greta; four grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; sisters, Lucille Aaron, Lelia Englis. HICKOK, RALPH “WESLEY” – Jan. 26, 1935, Chicago, Ill.; d. Feb. 25, 2014, Rancho Mirage, Calif. Survivors: wife, Donna Sjoren-Hickok; brother, Merle Hickok; sister-in-law, Jean. HIXSON, EMILY LOU – b. March 6, 1923, Portland, Ore.; d. March 18, 2014, Truckee, Calif. Survivors: husband, Ray; son, Ron; daughter, Ruth Rollo; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. HULL, CAROLE VIOLA (SINN) – b. Oct. 29, 1932, Dinuba, Calif; d. Jan. 26, 2014, Hemet, Calif. Survivors; husband, William; son, William Randall; daughter, Cheryl D. Foster; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; sister, Donelle Stoltz. Served as teacher of piano, organ and choir for Fresno, Rio Lindo, and Napa Jr. academies; and private; led Shepherdess and Woman’s Ministries, Northern California and Idaho conferences. JOHNSON, VEVERLY JEANNE – b. Jan 17, 1933, Boulder, Colo.; d. Dec 15, 2013, Fullerton, Calif. Survivors: sons, Donald Beltz, Edward Beltz; daughters, Christine Alvarado, Valerie Oswald, Laura Wiersema, Carolyn Canaday; stepson, Ken Johnson Jr.; 14 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren.

NAGRA, MOHINDER SINGH – b. 1934, Pakistan; d. March 6, 2014, Yuba City, Calif. Survivors: wife, Manjit Kaur Nagra; son, Lukhvinder Singh Nagra; daughters, Satinder Kaur Nagra-Mehta, Kuldeep Kaur Nagra; one grandchild. PERKINS, CHARLOTTE ANN – b. Aug. 5, 1955, Sacramento, Calif.; d. Dec. 22, 2013, Sacramento, Calif. Survivor: mother, Arlene M. PRICE, FLORENCE OPAL – b. March 24, 1923, Beaver County, Okla.; d. March 11, 2014, Glendale, Ariz. Survivors: sons, Haskell, Clark; daughters, Betty Nowaskey, Barbara Williams; eight grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren; sister, Elvadean Denton; brother, Clark Yates. RICKABY, GERALDINE ELIZABETH – b. March 13, 1926, Muse, Okla.; d. Feb. 28, 2014, Palermo, Calif. Survivors: son, Stan; daughter, Pam Fowler; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; brother, Doyle Pannell; sisters, Shirley Harris, Donna Wood. RISTER, PATRICIA GALE IONE – b. April 2, 1936, St. Paul, Minn.; d. March 8, 2014, Yuba City, Calif. Survivors: husband, Gerald; son, Clair; daughters, Artha Kuklok, Sandra Cochran, Peggy Gates. SCHABER, DOROTHY MAE (DANIELSON) – b. Jan. 10, 1921, Roberts, Montana; d. Feb. 27, 2014, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: foster son, Jerry Tam; sister, Carol Danielson. Served as a nurse at St. Helena Sanitarium. STRUTZ, PETER GEORGE – b. April 26, 1922, Saskachewan, Canada; d. March 21, 2014, Fallbrook, Calif. Survivors: son, Peter; daughter, Judy StrutzVanderwerff; three grandchildren.

KARCZEWSKI, VICTORIA – b. Dec. 12, 1949, Lincoln, Neb.; d. Jan. 2, 2014, Woodbridge, Calif. Survivors: husband, Thomas; son, Steven Hernandez; daugh- VAN NOTY, ELWOOD E. – b. Sept. 2, ter, Machelle Wallace; five grandchildren. 1922, Battle Creek, Mich.; d. February 7, 2014, Riverside, Calif. Survivors: LOMONACO, HELEN (WILEY) – b. Aug. daughters, Carole Sue Bowes, Pam Van 9, 1918, Santa Rosa, Calif.; d. Feb. 24, Noty; four grandchildren; brother-in2014, Napa, Calif. Survivors: sons, Paul, law, Norman Sims. Served as assistant Daniel, Timothy, Thomas, Mark, Matsecretary treasurer at Southeastern thew; daughters, Christine Conn, Nancy California Conference for over 27 years Tyler, Catherine Johnson, Virginia Jessup. and assistant treasurer and investments manager at Pacific Union Conference for MARSH, NORA (DUNN) GUILD – b. over 20 years. Sept. 1, 1910, Ind.; d. Feb. 11, 2014, St. Helena, Calif. Served as a missionary in WILLARD, NADINE ELMA – b. Jan. 9, pre-World War II China and then India 1936, Napa, Calif.; d. March 22, 2014, and Burma; worked as an editor for Santa Rosa, Calif. Survivors: husband, Southern Asia Tidings and for the Ellen G. Dudley; son, David; daughter, Cindy White Estate. Danner; two grandchildren; sister, Lolita Kennedy. MORRISON, KENNETH – b. July 21, 1931, Mandeville, Jamaica; d. Feb. 17, ZIRKLE, CAROL ELIZABETH – b. Sept. 2014, Oakland, Calif. Survivors: wife, 18, 1941, Spokane, Wash.; d. March 8, Shirley; son, Wesley; daughter, Kimberly 2014, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: sons, Doggette; two grandchildren. Served as Thomas, Jonathan; daughter, Karen; four Oakland Market Street church treasurer. grandchildren.

ADVERTISING Advertising is accepted as a service to Seventh-day Adventist Church members in the Pacific Union. The Recorder management reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, especially ads not related to the needs and practices of the Church membership. Acceptance of any advertising shall be considered a matter of accommodation and not a matter of right, nor shall it be construed to constitute approval of the product or service advertised. Payment — Payment in advance must accompany all classified advertisements or they will not be published. Display ads for known advertisers will be billed. To pay by credit card, please call 805-413-7280. How to Submit Advertising — Classified ads must be sent with payment to the Recorder office ( Display ads should be arranged with the editor ( Classified Rates — $65 for 50 words; 75 cents each additional word. Display Rates (Full Color Only) — Back cover, $3,950; full page, $3,650; 1/2-pg., $2,120; 1/4-pg., $1,150; 1/8-pg., $575; $135 per column inch. Information — Circulation is approximately 76,000 homes, and magazines are scheduled to arrive in homes by the last Thursday of the previous month. For more information about advertising, please click on the Advertising tab at, e-mail or call 805-413-7280. 2014 Deadlines —

Please note that these are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier.

June: April 29 July: May 27 August: July 1 September: August 5 ctober: September 2 November: September 30 December: October 28

CONTRIBUTIONS The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges and health care institutions, and all content comes through the communication directors in those organizations. If you have a news story/ idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication director. See page 2 for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See www.dailywritingtips. com/the-art-of-writing-news.

May 2014


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M ay 2 014

ArizonaNEWS O

Fr om the P resident…

Tony Anobile President

This newsletter is stitched into the Recorder and is only available to Arizona Conference members. Each conference within the Pacific Union provides a newsletter such as this in the Recorder every-other month.



ur family enjoys watching Christian DVD’s together. Often when I’m in a Christian bookstore, I look for titles I think the family would like. This past Christmas we watched a holiday DVD with one incredible line spoken by an actor who was portraying a pastor. A young man was asking the pastor how it seemed God was not answering his prayers. The pastor’s very profound answer was, “God speaks in the same tone of voice to all of us. It’s our hearing that determines the volume.” When I heard that, many thoughts rushed through my mind along with several Bible verses. I remembered Jesus’ words in Revelation, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20, NKJV) This is an important reality to consider. Jesus knocks on everyone’s door. If we hear His voice and open the door, He will come in. My question: Is your volume at the right level to be able to hear when the Savior speaks? Do you hear His voice? To me this is an extremely important issue. We were created to have a deep, personal and meaningful relationship with God. But this can’t happen if we aren’t intentional about listening carefully and hearing when He speaks. Many have written on the topic of how to hear when God speaks. While it is true God speaks or communicates in many ways to different people, here are three essential principles for all God’s children. 1. Prayer. Be still and listen when you pray. Psalm

46:10 reminds us we need to be still and know God is God. In this “life in the fast lane society” it is very easy to become so busy we don’t take the time to be still and allow God to communicate with us. This requires discipline. Prayer means talking with God and allowing Him to respond as well. Slow down and take time to listen. 2. Spend time in the Word each day. Paul wrote to Timothy, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Studying God’s Word, understanding the Bible and remembering Scripture allows us to be synchronized with God’s voice so we can hear when He speaks. 3. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. The author of Hebrews wrote, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) When we look to Jesus, our focus becomes clear and the things of this world lose their value. In other words, what is really vital becomes important! My prayer for all our Arizona Conference members is that we hear when God speaks. He is knocking on everyone’s door. May our volume be high enough to hear, and in so doing, may we enjoy all the blessings He has prepared for each of us.

Reaching Past

Prison Walls


by Shirley Chipman

His first impulse was to say no – but

rison ministry he knew in his heart as an elder and has been a big part of Jim Rickabaugh’s life a Christian he had a commission from for the past 20 years. Since Feb. 17 of this Matthew 25 to keep. year, he has been the chaplain on a part-time basis at the San Luis He looks forward to attending Rickabaugh’s Regional Detention and and participating in this year’s fourfirst experience Support Center, which day Convention, July 23-27, held in working with those is a contract prison in incarcerated had been Bloomington, Minn., hosted by the Arizona. Minnesota Conference of SDA. years earlier when Chaplain Jim Rickabaugh found the he was asked, as an At the time of his Twenty-one seminars will be presented best way to acquaint inmates with elder, to visit a young by Criminal Justice professionals interview for the position God’s word was to have them find man in jail. His first of chaplain, Rickabaugh from the USA and Canada. Seminar answers directly from their Bibles. impulse was to say no presenters include: Gary Council, Director/ shared his numerous – but he knew in his certificates of completion Ecclesiastical Endorser (Adventist heart as an elder and a Christian he had from APMOA prison ministry seminars Chaplaincy Ministries); Tony Hall, a commission from Matthew 25 to keep. he had attended over the years, which Director and Founder (TheXoffender stood as proof of his interest in improving As doors opened, and sometimes Network); Emily Baxter, Director of Public his participation in prison ministry. The Policy (Council on Crime and Justice, closed, Rickabaugh learned how to be an Board was positively impressed with his Minneapolis, MN.); and Mack Wilson, effective worker for those incarcerated. Lay Pastor’s Training from the Arizona Director and Founder (Life Change He would use a set of Bible studies, ask Conference. In addition, Yuma Pastor Ministries). The main speaker will be Midquestions, and have inmates read the George Boundey gave him a glowing America Union President Tom Lemon. answers right from the Bible. This often recommendation. lead to very productive conversations and “If you’ve never attended an APMOA increased his knowledge of the Bible and “When they asked what special Convention,” says Rickabaugh, “you will church history. education I had to qualify for the job, want to attend this one. It’s a great place I just said ‘experience,’” commented to rub elbows with other workers and gain Now a member of the the Alliance Rickabaugh. “They finished the interview knowledge from their experiences and of Prison Ministry Organizations and by asking if I had any questions. I asked talents.” Affiliates (APMOA) Board, which is an if I would be a respected member of international association for Seventh-day Registration is at www.AdventSource. the team or if I would be treated as a Adventist lay people involved in prison org. Rooms can be reserved by calling necessary evil. I was assured by Warden ministry, Rickabaugh looks at his ten952-854-2100; mention Alliance of Prison Allen Collins that I had a very important year experience with this group as a real Ministry to get the special rate. Email position and that if I was successful it break-through and highly recommends it or call 804-495would make their job a lot easier.” to anyone with an interest in this ministry. 5503 for further information.



Summer Camp Evangelism for Just



By Phil Draper

want to give all youth in this Conference a chance to go to summer camp,” expressed Erik VanDenburgh, “and money should not be an issue!” Remembering his own childhood when camp was out of the question due to a lack of money, he suggested to the Conference administration a radical plan that would give a week at Camp Yavapines — food, lodging, handpicked Christian counselors — all for just $100!

Camp Yavapines, located at Prescott, Arizona, will open for campers July 2014.

“This is our fifth year for the $100 Camp and my colleagues are talking about the success of the program throughout the country,” beams Arizona Conference President Tony Anobile. “They’ve never heard of such a deal; and when they learn how nearly 80 campers are baptized each season, they’re really interested!”

VanDenburgh visited many Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities recruiting his staff of workers and counselors. “We not only want our youth to experience God in nature,” he says, “but we want to offer them a chance to get to know Jesus and experience His gift of salvation.”

• Adventurer Camp, ages 6-9, July 6-13 • Junior Camp #1, ages 9-12, July 6-13 • Junior Camp #2, ages 9-12, July 13-20 • Tween Camp, ages 12-13, July 20-27 • Teen Camp, ages 14-17, July 27-August 3

For more information about the $100 Camp, visit www. Registration for is available online only at



It Was No Ordinary Night U

By Phil Draper

nder the direction of Chaplain Irene Bordersen, PhD, Chandler Seventh-day Adventist church members brought Christmas cheer to residents of the Arizona Desert Vista Behavioral Health Center. The program was entitled “It Was No Ordinary Night.” Personal Ministries Leader and Chaplain Trainee Veronica Woodards and Chandler’s Music Ministry Team presented a program of music, poetry, and storytelling highlighting the birth of Christ. “It’s a privilege to share our talents not only at Christmas, but all during the year,” said Woodards. “We went to bless, but returned blessed ourselves. Residents’ faces were radiant as they felt our love – and that was the best Christmas gift ever!”

Chandler Music Ministry Team: Teri Gray, Verda Mackey, Cheryl Campbell, Veronica Woodards, Ricardo Williams, Susi St. Rose, Anna Williams, Jay Williams, Michael Taylor, and Alex Gray.

Ten Commandments

Grace Clearview Church

By Phil Draper


beautiful new piece of art depicting the Ten Commandments graces the newly constructed Clearview Seventh-day Adventist Church in Surprise, Arizona. Clearview member Jane Turner was prompted to raise funds for the display after seeing a similar rendering in a church in California. Turner says, “The Lord provided a highly skilled carpenter, Al Lundquist, to create a stunning mounting on blue velvet encased in a wooden shadow box. It needs to be seen to be really appreciated!” Al Lundquist and his family are new members at Clearview. Pastor Murrell Tull comments, “The art work, skills and the original idea have brought God’s special message to the Clearview Church as a blessing to all who see it.”



Clearview members Jane Turner and Al Lundquist are pleased with the Ten Commandments artwork on display in their church lobby.

The 2014 city-wide evangelistic series in San Francisco! You are solemnly invited to help with this event even if you don’t live here. How can you help? You can pray, make phone calls or host simultaneous meetings at your church or home. Get started TODAY! • It takes less than two minutes to register on our website • Proven to accelerate your personal and church growth • We provide presentations, videos, books, study guides, flyers & more Pastor Ivor Myers Speaker



MAY 2014



PAGE 2 | Children’s and youth ministry leaders learn how to keep Eutycus from falling out the window. And did you know that Rhonda Nelson was elected superintendent of schools? Yep!

PAGE 3 | Six SOULS West Bible workers recently labored 10 weeks in Hawaii at the Japanese and Aiea churches in preparation for two, 16-night evangelistic series, one in each church..

PAGE 4 | Do you have questions about tithe and tithing? Check out page 4 for answers to common questions including why, how, where does the money go, and more.

Evangelism in Hawaii


One of my favorite parts of being the Hawaii Conference president is getting to visit the various churches and locations where evangelistic meetings are taking place. Recently, I attended the evangelistic series at the Japanese church where two youthful SOULS students led out. Daniel preached a powerful sermon on the Bible teaching of the 2,300 days. I also spent an evening with the Aiea church, where Michael Tuazon preached about what happens when people die. I deeply appreciate the dedication and commitment of our members who so enthusiastically support these efforts to reach the people of Hawaii for Christ. When Jesus commissioned his disciples to evangelize, He sent them out in groups of two (Mark 6:7). He also promised special power in corporate prayer: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Consider what can be accomplished for Christ when we work together in expanding His Kingdom here in Hawaii. Look at the Great Commission Christ gave the church: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). There are more than a million people living in Hawaii, and we have been called to bring the gospel to each one of them. Each one, reach one! That task is impossible for us alone, “but with God, all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Captain Timothy Stackpole, a New York firefighter, was severely burned in a 1998 fire.

After months of rehabilitation, he insisted on returning to active duty in the late summer of 2001. Many tried to encourage Timothy to take a desk job rather than again place himself in the front line of danger, but Timothy refused. “I have to rescue people. It’s my duty — it’s my calling,” he insisted. On Sept. 11, 2001, Timothy was driving home from work when he heard the call for rescue workers to the World Trade Center. He turned around and hurried to the twin towers. Immediately, he organized a group of rescuers and rushed into the burning building to help people to safety. Minutes later, the tower collapsed, and he gave his life. Is our commitment to God’s calling that strong? God has called us to make a difference for Him. Don’t give up when the discouraging times come.

Paul encouraged the Galatian believers: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). None of us have the physical, emotional, or spiritual resources to persevere through the most intense discouragement, but God does! And He has promised to renew our strength as we wait on Him: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). Let us continue to remain faithful to Christ and His calling. Because of Him, Ralph S. Watts III May 2014 -

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Feryl Harris, children’s ministries director for Hawaii Conference, taught the second session, “Different Strokes for Different Folks.” It focused on the various ways children learn

Jul y 4

Pathfinder Kailua Parade

Champions of children and youth gathered at the Kahului church on Sunday, March 23, for leadership workshops. Pastor Jesse Seibel, youth director for Hawaii Conference, began the day in a general session addressing how congregations respond to youth who leave the church. He related the story of the young man who fell asleep while sitting on a windowsill as he listened to the Apostle Paul speak. Acts 20:9 gives the accounting of his falling to his death from the window and how he was raised to life once again. An initiative called the “Eutycus Project” aims to train members how to respond when its young people “fall out” — the church must “Go Out, Get Down, Take Hold, and Behold” what God will do.


in Sabbath school, Pathfinders, or wherever they are in a learning situation. Harris reviewed the four major styles (innovative, analytical, common sense and dynamic), and stressed the importance of establishing the predominate learning style of a child so as to be better equipped to teach for maximum understanding. Participants were then divided into two groups; some for Pathfinder training and the rest for Vacation Bible School training on the 2014 “Galactic Quest,” developed by the North American Division. Both Pathfinders and Vacation Bible School are major evangelistic opportunities for youth and children of local congregations and their communities.

2014 Summer Camp “ Tr a n s f o r m e d ” Summer is coming fast! What are you going to do? Come to Camp Waianae and try archery, swimming, surfing, stand-up paddling, kayaking, movie making, carting, paintball (Extreme and Exodus camps only), and lots MORE!

• Adventure Camp: JULY 6-11 (Ages 8-12) • Extreme Camp: JULY 13-18 (Ages 12-14) • Camp Exodus: JULY 20-25 (Ages 14+) • Camp H50 in Hilo: June 22-29 (Ages 13+) For more information on our camp programs, call 808-595-7591 and ask for Pastor Jesse Seibel or Tracy McGuire.

August 11-17 Pathfinder International Camporee! This year’s camporee is based on the Daniel, who was not conformed by the civilization in which he lived, but was faithful to the God of creation. 45,000+ Pathfinders from all over the world will experience a wonderful time of community in Jesus Christ.

Hawaii Conference Elects Rhonda Nelson Superintendent of Schools BY DAVID A. ESCOBAR The Hawaii Conference personnel committee recently appointed Rhonda (Miki) Nelson as superintendent of schools. Her connection to Hawaii is “as good as it gets” as a native born Hawaiian and a graduate of Kamehameha schools and the University of Hawaii. Nelson holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education and school administration from UH and is currently certified with professional teacher and administrative certificates through the Pacific Union. Nelson is currently principal of HMA Ka Lama Iki (the school’s new name). She has also served as teacher for the HMA Windward Campus in Kailua, Maui Adventist School, and Galt Adventist School in the Northern California Conference. The North American Division recently utilized her talents developing uniquely Adventist curriculum for the 21st century. Nelson is married to Pastor Tim Nelson, who leads Kaneohe, Waiola and Hauula Churches. They are the parents of two daughters, Madison and Sophia, both students at HMA KLI. Miki enjoys coaching and playing

volleyball at HMA. After her family, her biggest passion is leading young people to Christ through Adventist education.

new leadership of Rhonda Nelson.

Nelson follows Dave Escobar, who is retiring in June. Escobar hired Nelson for her first Adventist teaching position in the Northern California Conference. He has served as interim superintendent since August 2012 after Teryl Loeffler accepted the position as associate director for secondary education for the Pacific Union. May God continue to bless the efforts of Adventist education in Hawaii through the

Tim and Rhonda Nelson hold their two daughters.

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Aloha, Hawaii Conference Ohana, Six Bible workers from SOULS West recently spent 10 weeks on Oahu as part of their internship program; two at Japanese church and four at Aiea church. These young people collectively visited thousands of homes, distributed literature, gave Bible studies, as well as assisted in distributing 20,000 fliers advertising evangelistic meetings. The above activities led up to a 16-night evangelistic series in each church. Daniel Fukuda lead the one in the Japanese church while Michael Tuazon, SOULS West director, spoke at Aiea church. Attendance averaged 155 nightly at Aiea with 40-50 in Japanese church. Many are presently preparing for baptism. Another well-received facet in both churches included member training. Members attended a class on how to write and share their personal testimonies. Other classes focused on developing Bible study interests, discipling and nurture, and visiting inactive members. Field training followed as learned concepts were applied in real-life settings. Bible workers say they experienced many divine appointments. Ipo Sarter-Sweden knocked on Desiree’s door one day. Tears of unbelief filled Desiree’s eyes. She had prayed the previous evening for God to send somebody to explain the Bible to her, and standing before her was a young woman offering to give her Bible studies. Desiree and two oth-

Bible workers (left to right): Robbie Bacolod, Hadasa Cisneros, Daphne Alvarado, Daniel Fukuda, Jocelle Espeleta, Ipo Sarter-Sweden.

ers began probing the Bible with Ipo. They attended Aiea’s evangelistic meetings and are now preparing for baptism.

he won an iPad loaded with Bible software. “I will use this software in my preaching,” he promised.

Then there were good friends Dovie and Robyn. Different Bible workers approached each of them; they independently started taking Bible studies without knowing what the other was doing. Dovie and Robyn were soon sharing with each other what they were learning from the Bible. The Bible lessons were the same, so they concluded that the Bible workers must know each other, which, of course, they did. Robyn, Dovie, and Dovie’s son, Devin, are preparing for baptism.

A widow sat dejectedly in her home one day. Her husband had recently died and her son has been in a vegetative state for 20 years due to a tragic accident. There were more tragedies in her life: a relative had recently cheated her by taking all the money from her bank account; she had heart problems and one eye was going blind. Feeling despondent with her emotional load, she contended with God one day: “Why, God? Why are You allowing all of this? If you are there....”

Pastor Jerry, from a neighboring church, also attended the nightly meetings at Aiea. He enjoyed one sermon so much that he invited Michael Tuazon to preach the same one at his church the following Sunday; he then invited his members to attend Tuazon’s presentations — even canceling a worship service so that they could attend. Pastor Jerry brought the most guests to the Aiea meetings. As a result,

At that moment, there was a knock on her door. Daniel Fukuda offered her personal Bible studies. “God sent you here,” the lady exclaimed. “I don’t understand why so many things happen in my life, but I at least know that God exists.” Sharing Bible truths is a God-commissioned work. It’s definitely partnering with angels! May 2014 -

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Donor’s Intent to Give Lives On


On the island of Hawaii lived a man by the name of Yozo Endo. Mr. Endo passed to his death many years ago, and his assets were distributed according to the trust documents he had responsibly prepared in advance. The three elementary church schools on the big island of Hawaii are benefitting from his generosity and good planning. The last remaining asset was recently sold, adding yet another blessing to that of previous distributions. Though the amount is small in comparison, it is a reminder of how one man’s gratefulness to the extent that God blessed him

financially has lived on long after his death. Yozo didn’t own “the cattle on a thousand hills,” but what God entrusted to his care grew, and was, in his mind, not his, but belonged to

the One who gave it. He wanted nothing more than to give it back. Were he alive today, he would be quick to agree that, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).


As the Hawaii Conference treasurer and stewardship director, I often receive questions about tithe and tithing from church members. In this article, I will address some of the frequently asked questions. What is tithe, and where did it come from? By definition, tithe means “tenth.” Seventhday Adventists believe in the biblical principal of tithing — returning one-tenth of our increase to the church to advance gospel ministry. Adventists believe that the tithe is holy, even as the Sabbath day is holy (see Leviticus 27:30). The tithing principal is divine in origin.

Why should we tithe? Tithe is a payment, but it is not a bill. I believe it all starts with recognizing that God is my Creator, Owner, Sustainer and Redeemer, and that God asks me to be a faithful manager or “steward” of all the material possessions He has entrusted me with on earth. Returning tithe is a form of worshiping God. By returning tithe, we acknowledge God as the owner of everything we possess and co-partner with Him in the work of salvation of souls. In summary, the motivation for tithing is love and gratitude to God.

Where to I pay tithe? In the familiar Bible text of Malachi 3:10, it states, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse.” Ancient Israel brought their tithes to the temple, where the Levites administered the tithes received. The Seventh-day Adventist church considers the local conference to be

the “storehouse;” local churches forward tithe there to be distributed.

How is the money spent? Based on biblical principles and the inspired counsel of Ellen G. White, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has developed sound principals on the use of tithe. Church policy allows tithe to be used for the following uses: support of pastors, evangelists and ministers; world missions; soul winning support personnel; conference mission operating expense; subsidies for programs such as youth and summer camp; subsidies for Bible/religion teaching in schools; and retired employee pensions. Church policy prohibits tithe to be used for capital expenditures for buildings and facilities, local church operating expenses and school operating expenses.

tests our loyalty and increases our faith. Plus, there is the satisfaction of taking part in sharing the gospel message to the whole world!

Summary Tithing is much more than just giving money to the church to advance the cause of God. It is an act of worship and brings many spiritual blessings to the giver. If you are a faithful tither, I’m sure you have experienced these blessings. If you are not returning tithe, I encourage you to do so. I’m sure you will find, as I and many others have, that it brings a train of blessings.

Unique to the Seventh-day Adventist system of tithing is that we share 16 percent of gross tithe to support the world church and another 9 percent of gross tithe to support the Pacific Union activities. Thus, God uses members in Hawaii who faithfully give their tithes to participate in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), which is to preach the gospel to all nations, tribes and people.

W h a t ’s i n i t f o r m e ? The blessings of tithing are not just temporal but spiritual, as well. It develops character,

Gary G. Johnson

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KINGDOM MATTERS N o r t h e r n

C a l i f o r n i a

C o n f e r e n c e

N e w s l e t t e r


Let no one look down on your youthfulness …” 1 Timothy 4:12

Invest in the Church’s Future I n

t h i s

i s s u e




Goal #7 Youth Involvement: Foster an atmosphere that helps young people understand and play a significant role in the Church’s mission.

NCC Hispanic Women’s Retreat Provides Inspiration and Refreshment

Visit our Adventist Book Centers today!

VOLUME 12 ISSUE 3 M ay 2014



grew up in a church-going home. Every week our family was in church. In fact, since my dad was the one who rang the church bell, we were always some of the first ones there! As a child I recognized the solemnity of the worship service. Each of the participants “up front” seemed to be very religious – and much older than I! Occasionally a young person would provide special music, but that was about the only time a youth was involved. But then I got to high school, and things began to change. Perhaps it was the era of the 60s. Perhaps I was just getting older. Perhaps the church was shifting its approach. But youth began to be involved in the life of the church. The first time the pastor asked me to have a part in the worship service, I was petrified! But he prayed with me and talked me through what needed to be done. Through the years, I’ve been thankful that there was support for youth in my home church. It kept me interested and involved. And I believe it helped prepare me for service on God’s behalf. When I think about biblical characters, many of them took on leadership roles in God’s work while still young. In the early days of our own denominational movement, most of the leaders were young adults. It’s imperative

that we keep our young people active and involved in the life of the church. How else will they learn? How else will they be prepared to lead the church into the future? Do you recall the advice that Paul gave to Timothy? “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe” (1 Timothy 4:12, New American Standard Bible). Paul is not just speaking to the youth; he’s also speaking to the rest of us. Goal #7 addresses youth involvement: “Foster an atmosphere that helps young people understand and play a significant role in the Church’s mission.” This includes all levels of church life. Give our youth opportunities to be active. Teach and mentor them so they can be prepared to take on new and larger responsibilities. And be willing to be patient – even forgiving – when things don’t go exactly the way we older ones might do them. What can you do to involve the youth in your church? Will you mentor a young person to take on a leadership role? Are you willing to turn some of the responsibilities of your church over to youth? Will you pray for all our young people, that God will pour out His Spirit and His blessing on them? Peace. _____________________________ By Jim Pedersen, who serves as the president of the Northern California Conference.

Northern California Conference OF


Strategic 2012-2016


Goal #7

Youth Involvement

Foster an atmosphere

that helps young people understand

and play a significant role in the Church’s mission.

(Above) Pathfinders excitedly wait for NCC Youth Director Eddie Heinrich to begin the annual bike-a-thon on April 6.

(Above) Older students participate in small group leader training for February’s Freshman/Sophomore Retreat at Leoni Meadows. (Below) Teens pray at the retreat. (Logo) The NCC Youth Department has a three-fold mission: Encounter, Mentor, Serve. (Photos by Anna McMillen and Megan Bush)

Northern California

Adventists in Action NorCalAdventistsinAction


ecently, the Northern California Conference unveiled its strategic plan for 2012-2016. The plan includes eight goals, along with strategies to achieve them. This issue focuses on the seventh of the eight goals and how it is being implemented in the conference. The next edition will feature the final goal. Eddie Heinrich, director of NCC Youth Ministries and Pathfinders, discusses some of his department’s plans to foster “Youth Involvement” in the conference. What is the youth department’s new mission? Last fall, the NCC youth pastors and I spent several days praying and studying God’s Word. One idea kept coming up: our kids are looking for a way to make Jesus real in their lives. We expressed our mission in three words— Encounter, Mentor, Serve. We want to provide opportunities for young people to begin a personal relationship with Jesus (Encounter), to share their faith (Mentor), and to help others (Serve). What are some of the strategies that your department plans to implement in order to achieve goal #7? “Increase youth involvement in local church ministries and leadership.” - We are working to develop a mentoring program in this conference, along with the union. [Heinrich also serves as Pacific Union Conference youth ministry coordinator.] Programs come and go, but relationships are long term. A mature Christian can come alongside and help a young person to grow, and hopefully that same youth will start mentoring someone else. We’re looking for the snowball effect. “Facilitate plans for inclusion of young people not connected to an Adventist school.” - Currently, we incorporate public school and home school students in our activities, such as the freshman/sophomore Bible retreat. And Pathfinder events attract the largest cross section of young people in

the conference! I am working to establish area coordinators so that every church in the conference will be connected to a youth pastor. We are also implementing the North American Division’s Mission Lifeguard program, in which one volunteer at each church tracks teen attendance, seeks out struggling young people, and keeps kids informed about conference youth activities. We’re also planning to study the youth demographics at each of our churches. When you look at today’s youth, are you hopeful about the future of Adventism? Absolutely! Our church was started by young people who were looking for relevant biblical truth that would lead them into a closer relationship with Jesus. I see the same spirit and passion in our young people today. Time and time again, I am blown away by their ability to see the love of Christ, the amazing messages of grace and salvation, and their energy and drive in sharing those with others. Many people wonder how you are doing since your accident. [Heinrich fell off a ladder in January and is continuing to recover from serious back surgery.] I have received cards, letters, phone calls, Facebook messages, posters, and a prayer quilt! Every place I go, people tell me that they are praying for me. This all means more to me than words can express! The doctors have told me that I should have a complete recovery. I’m doing well, but it’s going to be a long journey.


NCC Hispanic Women’s Retreat Provides Inspiration and Refreshment


he annual NCC Hispanic Women’s Retreat was not intended to be an educational conference or a theological seminar. “It’s like an oasis,” said Eneida Dena, who has planned the retreat for the past dozen years. “We’ve always tried to make it special for the women. We give them something that they can draw from when they leave.” Nearly 500 women and girls attended this year’s retreat, March 21-23, at Leoni Meadows. They came from churches across the conference, as well as the Central California and Nevada-Utah conferences. About 90 non-Adventists came, including one woman who traveled from Mexico to attend with friends. For the adults, the weekend presenter was Elizabeth Talbot, speaker and director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute. “To me, Elizabeth is probably the best speaker in the whole Church,” said Dena. “She is so Christ-centered.” All the retreat’s activities were designed to inspire and encourage the attendees. Vocalist and recording artist Marisol Monarrez provided special music and a Sabbath afternoon concert. Women celebrated communion together on Friday evening and enjoyed a Saturday night program based on the story of Esther. Four counselors were available for appointments, including one who specializes in helping children and young people. Each woman received a gift of five books published by Pacific Press. During the weekend, young women and girls attended separate meetings. Lizeth Hernández, a pastor from Texas, led meetings for those ages 15-21, and Napa Spanish church member Christina Dena led the younger girls, ages 9-14. Both women took their roles as mentors very seriously. “I wish that somebody had reached out to me,” said Hernández of her difficult childhood. “When I see these young girls, I see the opportunity to share

what life has taught me.” Hernández’s theme for the weekend was “I belong to Him” as she talked to the young women about finding their identity in Christ. She gave them concrete ideas for getting through difficult times. “At their age, they don’t reason like adults, so they need practical ideas and practical solutions,” she said. Christina Dena’s group of girls numbered almost 70. Their theme was “How to be a highly effective teen.” “We talked about different ways to make the right choices,” she said. “We are going to mess up, but there’s always a way to correct our mistakes.” Her favorite part of the weekend was watching the girls put on funny skits incorporating some of the lessons they had learned. Special surprise tributes were paid to Eneida Dena, as this is her last year organizing the retreat. (Her husband, NCC Hispanic Ministries Coordinator Richard Dena, is retiring.) The attendees thanked her with words, music, gifts, hugs and tears. “I’ve never seen someone care so much about the women,” said Hernández. “She really has their best interests in mind.” All of Dena’s children and grandchildren came to Leoni Meadows to pay tribute to her and her husband, as well. Eneida Dena is quick to acknowledge all the people who help her with the retreats, including Teresa Leal (pastor’s wife at Hayward Spanish/ Tracy Spanish district), her daughters Christina and Zilene, her husband, and the staff at Leoni Meadows. Planning the past dozen retreats was her gift to the NCC Hispanic women. “It’s been a beautiful experience!” she said. “I do it with lots of love.”

(Top) Lizeth Hernández helps the young women create Boxes of Affirmation containing reminders of God’s love. (Below) Organizer Eneida Dena (left) thanks the weekend’s counselors: Teresa Leal, Marcy Castillo-Rood, Ruth Collins and Wendy Collins. (Photos by Richard Dena)

(Below) The women celebrate the Lord’s supper on Friday evening. (Bottom) Younger girls attend their own meetings, led by Christina Dena. (Inset) Artist and Camino church pastor’s wife Judy Klatt displays the banner she made illustrating the weekend’s theme, which translates “Mega Joy: the Song of the Redeemed Soul.”

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The Northern California Conference looks forward to continuing the great ABC tradition in Northern California. Since the Conference took back ownership of the two ABCs in Pleasant Hill and Sacramento from Pacific Press, these

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stores have continued to provide wonderful service, yummy veggie food items and good books for you and your ministries. “The best part of my job is serving people!” Ed Lindsay, stores manager

Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

401 Taylor Boulevard, P.O. Box 23165, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 (925) 685-4300 • Fax (888) 635-6934 I Hours: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. I Mon-Thurs President, Jim Pedersen I Executive Secretary, Marc Woodson Treasurer, John Rasmussen

We invite you to stop by today! Jupiterimages/



We Are Not

Why? Ellen White clearly tells us the reason why. “Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of “Beloved, let us love one another: for Himself in His church. When the love is of God; and every one that loveth character of Christ shall be perfectly is born of God, and knoweth God. He reproduced in His people, then He that loveth not knoweth not God; for will come to claim them as His own” God is love” 1 John 4:7,8 KJV. (Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 69). As Seventh-day Adventists ne of my favorite scripture Larry Unterseher we say we are waiting and longing songs to sing during for Christ’s soon return. But according to this campfire at summer camp was these two passage it is Christ who is waiting and longing verses in 1 John. These verses expressed clearly to return. He is waiting for us to allow the Holy how the campers and staff were expected to Spirit to perfectly reproduce His character in act while at camp. Each evening, while singing us individually and as a church. What is that this song, staff and campers alike were placing character? Love, for God is love. scripture deep in their hearts and learning about My prayer for the people of the Nevada-Utah Christ’s character. Conference is that we truly reflect God’s love to us Knowing Jesus and His character should be by loving one another and in doing so, perfectly the theme of every person and every church in reproducing His character. this Conference and beyond. Our Conference May God richly bless each of you as we walk mission statement is “FOCUSED ON JESUS, together toward our Heavenly Home. WE WITNESS TO THE WORLD”. If we stay focused on Jesus and His character, we will love one another, and that love will be a tremendous witness to the world around us. While visiting our churches around this great Conference, often I am asked about the state of the Conference. Frequently I respond that everything is very good. We are now financially sound, we are growing, we have great pastors and teachers and we have plans to continue this upward trend. These things are true. But the fact is, we are not home yet. Our ultimate goal is to spend an eternity with our friend Jesus in our Heavenly home. And we are Focused on Jesus, we witness to the not there.


May 2014 In this issue...

Home Yet

by Larry Unterseher President, Nevada-Utah Conference

Focused on Jesus, we witness to the world!

We Are Not Home Yet

Six Pastors Approved for Ordination

Pastor Harold Rosales Heads to Andrews!

How to Increase Your Retirement Funds

“If we stay focused on Jesus and His character, we will love one another, and that love will be a tremendous witness to the world around us.”

Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock

Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 10475 Double R Boulevard, Reno NV 89521 Phone: 775-322-6929 • Fax: 775-322-9371


Nevada-Utah www.NUCadventist.comNevada-Utah

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Six Pastors Approved for Ordination At our recent Nevada-Utah Conference Executive Committee meeting, we were thrilled with the report that we have six young men approved for ordination — six pastors, with six extremely different life experiences. It was a delight to hear stories of their trials, accomplishments, joys and sorrows. However, the greatest joy of all was to hear their unified desire to do their utmost to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. Larry Unterseher • President, Nevada-Utah Conference In alphabetical order by last name

Sheldon Bryan

Pastor Sheldon R. Bryan is a proud native of Kingston, Jamaica. Married for the last 11 years to Terry Ann Brown-Bryan, they are the proud parents of Abigail Elizabeth Bryan (4 months), and guardians to their nephews Obrian (15) and Justin (10). Pastor Bryan and Terry are both graduates of Northern Caribbean University (NCU), the Seventh-day Adventist University in Mandeville, Jamaica. Terry is a trained researcher and graduate from Loma Linda University with a Ph.D. in microbiology and molecular genetics, while Pastor Bryan finished graduate work in religion and teaching at La Sierra University. Both have served as the pastoral couple for the Salt Lake City Central and Tala Ki Mamani (Tell the World) SDA Churches since May 2010. Before coming to the Nevada-Utah conference, they were active volunteers and then part-time ministers of the Imani Praise Fellowship SDA Church in Moreno Valley, Calif., for eight years, working in collaboration with Dr. David Richardson, Jr.; Pastor Marc Raphael, Sr.; and Dr. Roland Nwosu. Bryan began his professional ministry as a pastoral intern at the North Street SDA Church in Kingston, Jamaica with Pastor Glenville Carr. Pastor and Dr. Bryan’s motto for ministry is: “Glory to God; Service to Man.”

Angel Cuenca (Above) Pastor Sheldon Bryan with his wife Terry. (Below) Pastor Angel Cuenca with his wife Marigold and children Angel and Rosezette.

After high school, without being an Adventist, Cuenca decided to apply to Montemorelos University in Mexico, determined to be a pastor. It took some definite interventions from God in order for him to be accepted into the Adventist Theological Seminary. Soon after being there, he accepted Christ as his personal Savior through

Nevada-Utah Views

baptism on October 3, 1992, making him the first Adventist in his family. After graduating with his college B.A. degree, he decided to continue on to earn his Master in Divinity at Andrews University. He then returned to Ecuador to evangelize his family and serve as a pastor. Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit, Cuenca was able to baptize his mother, Rosa Sarango, who is now resting in Jesus. Currently, about 30 members of his family are committed Adventists and are even leading the church in Ecuador. His nephew later decided to study for his Master of Divinity degree, and is now working as a successful pastor in the Rocky Mountain Conference. Cuenca has been married for seven years to Marigold Suzette Manlangit, a Filipina and alumnus of the Adventist University of the Philippines with a B.S. in nursing. God blessed them with two wonderful children - Angel Adriel Cuenca (4) and Rosezette Marigold Cuenca (2). Cuenca plans to continue to work as a pastor, and desires to spread the gospel more through radio stations. He will also carry on the work with the few family members that are still unconverted. Finally, his greatest desire and overall focus is winning souls for Christ’s kingdom.

Ryan Hablitzel

Pastor Ryan Hablitzel and his wife René grew up in Northern California, graduating together from Sacramento Adventist Academy in 1998. A few years after high school, Ryan and René began dating and were married in 2005. Only three months after being married, Ryan felt the Lord’s call to ministry and shared his convictions with René. From day one, René has continually supported Ryan’s pursuit to serve the Lord full time. After attending the Amazing Facts Center of

(Left) Pastor Ryan Hablitzel with his wife René and children Reuben, Ryleigh, Roman and Remington. (Right) Pastor Angel Heredia with his wife Alexa. Evangelism in 2005, Ryan continued his pastoral education and received a degree in religious ministry from Weimar College in 2007. Ryan attended the seminary at Andrews University in 2008 and received a call to the Nevada-Utah Conference upon his graduation in 2011. Ryan and René have four children: Reuben, Ryleigh, Roman and Remington. Ryan now pastors his second district in the Nevada-Utah Conference, which includes the Ogden, Logan and Community Vineyard churches north of Salt Lake City, Utah. “My passion is the Church’s mission,” Ryan said. “My greatest desire is to see churches reach their full potential.”

Angel Heredia

Angel Heredia Cruz was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He grew up attending the SeventhDay Adventist Church where his mother Milda I. Cruz was a passionate Sabbath School teacher, church clerk and elder. His mother had a great influence on his early years and gave her son her devotion to the Lord and His church. From 1994 to 1998 he studied theology at Antillean Adventist University. After graduation, he served in various districts as an associate pastor and senior pastor for the Eastern SDA Conference in Puerto Rico. In 2001, Angel went to Andrews University to pursue his master’s degree in youth ministry and

Pastor Harold Rosales Heads to Andrews!




Nevada-Utah Conference 33rd Constituency Session May 4 Paradise Church 4575 Sandhill Road, Las Vegas, NV

later a master’s in business administration. In 2005, he graduated from Andrews Pathfinder Leadership Training and moved to Hawaii for May 11 Las Vegas, Nevada training in clinical pastor education. He then went N.U.C.A. Summer Camp back to Puerto Rico to work June 22-29 as a youth evangelist and professor for undergraduate theology students in Antillean University. He became an advisor for the mayor of the city of Vieques, Puerto Rico, as a result of his spiritual influence among the people of that city. In 2008, Angel was invited to speak at a youth rally in the Napa Valley, Calif., where Alexa Duenas was invited with her brothers to sing for the event. Immediately, their hearts were drawn to each other and after meeting again later, they were married and Angel accepted the invitation to be associate pastor at Mountain View Church in Las Vegas. Angel and Alexa have enjoyed serving together. They consider it their privilege to live the rest their lives serving God, because they know that they are merely undeserving sinners in desperate need of Jesus.

Julio Juarez

Pastor Julio Juarez was born in the country of Guatemala to a pastoral Continued family. At the age of four, his on the next page

fter considering the outstanding pastoral qualities of Harold Rosales, of the Red Cliffs/Cedar City, Utah district, the NevadaUtah Conference Executive Committee voted to grant him a seminary sponsorship to Andrews Theological Seminary beginning August 2014. Rosales began his journey in the Nevada-Utah Conference in April 2012 when he transferred here from the Oregon Conference. He is a 2011 graduate of Walla Walla University, with a B.A. degree in

religion and a minor in history. His gentle, but enthusiastic spirit is contagious and attracts others to the message of the Savior. His 10-year-old son Isaac is the joy of his life. Rosales said of himself: “Simply, I am honored to serve in the Nevada-Utah Conference and look forward to the day when I won’t have to serve in pastoral ministry anymore because that will mean our Lord and Savior has come for all of us. May the flag of heaven never stop flying in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The NEVADA-UTAH VIEWS is a newsletter stitched into the Recorder and is only available to Nevada-Utah Conference members. Each conference within the Pacific Union provides a newsletter such as this in the Recorder every other month.

Nevada-Utah Views

HOW TO INCREASE YOUR RETIREMENT FUNDS With the volatility in the economy, you may be charitable deduction for your gift this year. looking for better ways to secure and increase your The longer you wait to begin receiving payments, retirement funds. We can help you reach your goals the higher your potential payout. We can also be while furthering our mission with a deferred payment flexible about your payment date and begin paying charitable gift annuity. If you transfer cash, stock, or income as your needs change. other assets to us today, we can create a stream of Contact us to learn more payments for you. and request a free While you may wish to begin receiving payments illustration. upon retirement or at a future Life & Legacy Estate Planning Department date, you can take a 10475 Double R Boulevard • Reno, NV 89521 Phone: 775-322-6929 • Fax: 775-322-9371

“Call or Click!”

Continued from the previous page •

father received a call to teach in the theology department at the University of Costa Rica. After five years of service, the family moved to Chicago, Illinois, where he spent the rest of his childhood and teenage years. After high school he decided to enroll at Andrews University where he finished a double major in French and communication. In 2006 he entered the Andrews Theological Seminary where he obtained his Master of Divinity degree. Juarez also studied languages at the Adventist schools in France, Brazil, Austria and Italy. He is fluent in several languages. Juarez has served in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Truckee, Calif. He is currently serving as the youth pastor assisting Pastor Peter Neri at the Las Vegas Paradise Seventh-day Adventist Church. He will be married next year to his girlfriend Jessica Payet.

Pastor Wayne O’Bannon with his wife Sharon

Wayne O’Bannon

Pastor Wayne O’Bannon is currently serving as senior district pastor of the Centennial Hills/Pahrump

Nevada-Utah Views

three-church district in Las Vegas and Pahrump, Nevada, since 2012. Previously, he was the senior pastor of the St. George and Cedar City, Utah, church district since 2010. After he and Sharon relocated to Las Vegas in 2007, he served as associate pastor at the Abundant Life Church under the leadership of Pastor Calvin B. Rock. Prior to relocating to Las Vegas, O’Bannon served in various capacities at the Beacon Light Church in Phoenix, Arizona, which included head elder, Sabbath School teacher, choir director, pathfinder leader, etc. He has been involved in three mission trips to the Philippines, South Africa and Rwanda through Global Evangelism, now called ShareHim. He has been married to his wife Sharon for 33 years. She is currently a human resources business partner for Wells Fargo in Las Vegas. They are the proud parents of two adult children: Chane’ O’Bannon-Joseph, married to Wesley Joseph, and Devin O’Bannon. O’Bannon has a passion for encouraging others to build a relationship with Jesus and keep God center and first in their lives. As the O’Bannons look forward to His soon coming, their goal is for others to get excited about meeting Him when He comes.





You Have a Voice


s we prayerfully collaborate and seek to follow Jesus together as a conference, you have a voice. You are represented through the conference’s Executive Committee and Bylaws Committee. Along with the conference officers, both committees were elected at the constituency session, last held this past October. Members of these committees are recommended to the constituency, during the session, to reflect the geographical, ethnic and gender diversity of SECC. This best echoes the collective voice of our church members. Each committee has distinct roles and functions within SECC. The Bylaws Committee is an elected group of eight people and one ex officio that represent your voice as they carry out their work outlined in section 9.6 of the bylaws: • To consider issues, amendments and actions recorded at the previous constituency meetings • To consider proposals from area presession meetings • To receive and review written recommendations from church members • To consider any other issues deemed relevant by members of the Bylaws Committee This committee chooses a chair from among itself. Julihana Madison is currently chair, and the conference executive secretary, currently Jonathan Park, serves as an ex officio member. Bylaws Committee assists by listening to recommendations from members


(Above) The members and invitees of the 2014-2018 Executive Committee pose for a picture during the April 10 meeting. (Right) Pictured here is a sample agenda of the conference’s Executive Committee.

about changes or adaptations to the bylaws. If you are interested in making recommendations, you can email The bylaws govern how business is conducted within SECC. This means the Executive Committee functions by the rules of the bylaws. The Executive Committee is responsible for “all affairs pertaining to the conference” between constituency sessions, according to section 8.2 in the bylaws. In addition to the overall responsibility the bylaws address specific roles for the committee: • To establish and monitor job descriptions for all persons and offices and monitor the fulfillment of those descriptions (8.8) • To authorize all credentials and licenses of conference employees (8.9) • To appoint pastors to churches within the conference (8.10) • To appoint personnel and committees to carry out specialized conference functions (8.11) • To terminate conference officers or remove members of the Executive Committee (8.12) This committee meets almost monthly, and is subject to meeting quorum

• M AY 2 0 1 4

standards that ensure lay members cannot be outvoted by conference employees. This creates a need for careful collaborative work by all committee members to accomplish the overall work of the conference. It is a delightful mix of people that we get to work with at every meeting. The lay members generously give of their time to represent you on this committee. As officers of the conference, we report directly to the Executive Committee. I value each of the members as they bring careful deliberation, insight and wisdom to the oversight of our mission. Decisions made as a group are usually better than any one of us can make on our own. As the conference president, it is my privilege to chair this committee. Both committees’ meetings are held with open and honest discussion which is often vigorous, but always characterized with a spirit of mutual respect and a sense of responsibility to our mission. I invite you to keep these committees in your prayers as we work together to seek God’s guidance, listen carefully to your voice and make decisions that will position SECC to be unstoppable for the kingdom of God. By Sandra Roberts, SECC President

(Right) The Corona Main Street Spanish church participates in the soccer tournament with their own team. (Below) The Mendoza home is destroyed by the fire.

Church and University Partner to Aid Burned-out Family


embers of the Corona Main Street Spanish church and the La Sierra University soccer team recently joined forces on behalf of a family in need. Last December, tragedy befell the Mendoza family, members of the church. While most of the family was away at a birthday party, a fire broke out. Joel Mendoza, father of the family, was at home and called the fire department. The trucks arrived, and firefighters were able to extinguish the fire. But 15


minutes after the trucks disappeared, the fire broke out again and left the trailer home burned to the ground. All that remained for the Mendoza family was the clothes on their backs. Immediately their church family came together to ensure their well-being. Joel and Paula Mendoza and their two children, Joel Jr. and Angelica, have always been involved in their church. For instance, Paula Mendoza put on a benefit concert to raise funds for a widowed husband and child in order to pay for the funeral when a 23-year-old church member died of cancer. And last Corona Main Street summer Paula Spanish church organizes Mendoza and a soccer tournament Josefina Trevino, to raise funds for the also a Corona Main family. Pictured here is the Street Spanish invitation.


church member, partnered with the La Sierra University soccer team to raise money for the family of a former team player. They held a tournament in honor of the former student and gave the funds to the family. “Any time we have had major problems, Paula has been the first one there,” said Trevino. “We couldn’t bear not to be there for her.” With the church board’s backing, Trevino set up a committee to help the Mendoza family. Once the church leaders recognized the family’s need, the church members followed up by volunteering their time and resources. “To get the youth involved, we put on an event that they would all like,” said Trevino. The idea was to host a soccer tournament, just as Paula Mendoza and Trevino had done before. Joel Mendoza Jr. had played with the


In this new section, we will feature people within our conference that impact our churches, schools or communities.



any readers will recognize this name. Day worked in several SECC schools. Over his extensive education career he worked at Indio Palms Adventist school, Orangewood Academy, Mesa Grande Academy and at the end at Loma Linda Academy. He was known by his colleagues as a great educator and dedicated teacher.

and Adventist “Gordon was education known for being was evident in the first person in over 37 years to work and the that he served last one to leave. in the field of There was never a education. program that he Sadly, on was not present January 29, for. He was Day passedofaway due tochurch unexpected dedicated to his students and in(Left) turnGuests and members the Corona enjoy from a surgery. He is was loved by them,” said Don Dudley, conversations complications and food during the annual Christmas missed and leaves anCorona example conference superintendent. brunch. (Right)greatly Gary Taber, senior pastor of the church, talks with church members during the for guests many and to follow. His passion for students, colleagues annual Christmas lunch.


• M AY 2 0 1 4

availability of donated La Sierra Academy team items such as soccer balls, last year and was told by an iPad Air and another the coach that he would tablet. need to work harder Teams from Ontario to make the university Spanish, La Sierra Spanish team. and Corona Main Street “I told him what he Spanish churches made needed to work on, it to the event. The La and he made those Sierra University soccer improvements,” said team also helped with head coach Jesse the event, including Olivas. “He is a great A trophy and other awards refereeing the games kid who is always willing are ready to be given to the and making sure that to learn.” Not only did participating teams. everything ran smoothly. he make the team, but By the end of the event, more than he also received the Most Improved $5,000 had been raised, all of which was Player award for this past season. given to the family to help get them back While La Sierra provided the facilities, on their feet. In addition, other churches the church organized volunteers to that were unable to send members to help with the event. Deaconesses the tournament sent checks to be added helped by getting items to sell, deacons to the fund. In the meantime, the family volunteered to be in charge of setup has been staying at a church member’s and takedown and elders stepped in as house. security guards. “If we come together,” said Trevino, “we Word was spread to neighboring can do great things.” churches about the event and the By Mario A. Munoz

Redlands Adventist Academy Hosts Handbell Festival


n Friday, March 14 Redlands Adventist Academy hosted the 33rd Annual SECC High School Handbell Festival. Eighty-one participants from Escondido Adventist Academy, Mesa Grande Academy, Redlands Adventist Academy and Loma Linda University church gathered for a day of ringing together. During the summer, the bell choir directors from the schools met for planning. They agreed to invite Donavon Gray, associate dean and professor of the School of Music at Azusa Pacific University. Gray has been a guest conductor and lecturer throughout the States. He also teaches and conducts several groups at Azusa Pacific. The participants, or ringers, formed a mass choir to perform four pieces. They met early in the day and worked tirelessly to prepare for the evening concert. “It was a tiring day, but Mr. Gray always made sure our spirits were high and the joy level never went too low,” said Michelle Sabagan, a student

participating with RAA bell choir ensemble Bellisimo. “When we practiced a song, smiling was essential. He would walk up and down the aisles of bell choirs making us laugh and smile.” For his part, Gray was also very impressed with the work of the participants. “Seventh-day Adventist schools and churches have an excellent reputation for handbells,” he said. “I was not disappointed.” Gray enjoyed his time working with the participants and their directors. And as for the execution of the concert, he affirmed that the music was great and satisfying. “Having the concert that evening was the highlight,” he said. By the end of the night, the participants were tired, but proud of what they had done. “This year’s handbell festival was an experience that will be ringing in our ears for years to come,” said Sabagan. By Mario A. Munoz

Upcoming Events Caregiver Support Group (Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month) 2:30-4 p.m., Paradise Village 2700 E. 4th St., National City. Are you feeling overwhelmed with your role as a family caregiver and looking for more support? Then join for the Caregiver Support Group. In this group you will be able to share your feelings and hear from others as we explore together the unique challenges of caring for an aging or ill loved one. This group is ongoing and always open to new members. Info: 619-245-5845. La Sierra Academy Alumni Weekend (May 2-3) La Sierra

Academy 4900 Golden Ave., Riverside. Honored classes are: 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and classes that graduated over 50 years ago. Friday, May 2, there will be an evening reception in the library at 7 p.m. Sabbath, May 3, registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and is followed by the honored classes and alumni church service, afternoon potluck, campus tours and class reunions. For potluck please bring food to share. Info: Judith Nelson 951-351-1445 x244 or visit

One San Diego (May 3) 3 p.m. 1630 E Madison Ave, El Cajon. A musical extravaganza in the great outdoors. Bring lawn chairs or picnic blanket and a heart full of praise. Pathfinder Fair (May 18)

Conference grounds, 11330 Pierce St., Riverside. The Pathfinder Fair is held annually and is the biggest and busiest event of the Pathfinder year. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Pathfinder Fair. It is a time for parents and friends to see what the Pathfinders have done throughout the year. The day begins with a parade of all Pathfinders marching the streets of La Sierra. There are different events taking place throughout the day: demonstrations, participation, food booths and many other exciting activities as the day progresses. Info:

April 3, 2014

Pine Springs Ranch Update

From the desk of Carmen Ibañez, camp director

So much has happened in the last few weeks! The camp staff is happy to announce that we started welcoming back groups for their scheduled retreats as of March 14. Even though, at the time, we had not received all of the equipment that needed to be installed in the sewer plant, different government agencies gave us permission to open nevertheless. Before we got the approval, there were many details that had to be taken care of, but we are grateful to God that everything fell into place. We called it a soft opening, as we started with small groups and had to assess how well the system was handling it. Thankfully, things have gone well. We have not had to cancel any groups. The camp staff is very happy to be able to welcome guests back. It is amazing to hear guests still describe Pine Springs Ranch as beautiful, despite the

(Left) After significant damage to the surrounding landscape, volunteers clean up some of the residual debris. (Right) Volunteers help rebuild the fort at Pine Springs Ranch.

surrounding charred scenery. Many groups and individuals that have are moved as they witness how God blessed us with their hard work and provided protection. enthusiasm on this project. There is still a lot of work to be Our hearts are overflowing with done. All of the equipment for the de for the incredible support gratitu By sewer plant has been delivered. sity that we have received genero and the time this article is printed, we rters. We thank you suppo our from hope, everything will have been encouragement and of words the for In installed and be fully operational. We have been able s. prayer your for eers addition to this, staff and volunt hand in a powerful God’s s witnes to have been working on rebuilding weeks. few past these way the fort. Larry Boyer, a volunteer are many of there that know We contractor who helped build the you can how know to g wantin you original fort, generously offered dates eer volunt more have We help. the to donate his time to head-up fort: the rebuild to le availab reconstruction. He has been giving May 18 • 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. direction to the volunteers that came. June 1 • 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. We are so grateful to the church June 15 • 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. groups, youth groups, young adult

If you are available and would like to volunteer, please sign

up at



S E V E N T H - D AY A D V E N T I S T S

11330 PIERCE STREET • RIVERSIDE, CA 92505-3303 • 951.509.2200 •




• M AY 2 0 1 4

In This Issue May 2014 SCC Welcomes Two New Staff Members Ebenezer Spanish Company Honors Food Bank Leaders Evangelism

Camp Cedar Falls Bob Wong, director

—an Investment in SCC Youth

Junior Youth, Pathfinders & National Services Organization


urveys have shown that the average American child spends 270 minutes watching television, 82 minutes on the phone, 80 minutes playing electronic games, and 27 minutes on the computer every day. That is a total of 7.5 hours a day on electronic media. Some 5.4 million youth ages 4-17 are diagnosed with ADHD; 215,000 youth under the age of 20 have diabetes and less than 1/3 of the youth get enough exercise. Camp Cedar Falls is one of the ways in which the Southern California Conference invests in the interests of our youth. Our goal is for Camp Cedar Falls

to provide a safe haven in God’s second Bible—Nature. At camp, young people have the mental room to consider some of the most important issues of life. This break from the craziness of their regular routine allows campers to think about their future, to evaluate unhealthy patterns and discover the truth that God loves them and has an amazing plan for their lives.

when requested. One of the most important volunteers at camp is the nurse. Campers can come into the dispensary when feeling homesick or not up to par. This gives the nurses a great opportunity to talk with the campers; many of the children and youth feel comfortable talking with a nurse about their personal concerns.

Weekly, adult mentors serve as camp pastors or counselors who help campers with the challenges of life that campers face within each of their age groups. The counselors meet with all of the campers twice a day in a camp council and are available throughout each day for one-toone meetings

A staff member is with each camper 24 hours a day, so that a camper constantly has a counselor at his or her side. The staff is in accordance that the main goals of camp are as follows: Jesus first, safety second and third, that their attention is focused on the campers. The staff are challenged to emulate the character of Christ because many campers will have the opportunity to see Jesus through their counselors. Staff members are carefully chosen through thorough background checks. The camp serves three balanced vegetarian meals daily. Meals are evaluated every week so that the management is assured that the camper’s cont. on page 3

Southern California Conference •

In Transition

New Employees (Voted Mar. 12, 2014)

Connie Vandeman Jeffery Trust Services Officer/Asst. to President, as of Apr. 1, 2014

Michael Johnson

Half-time Stipend Pastor, Tamirand Ave., Church/New Hope Co., as of Apr. 1, 2014

David Zaid

Half-time Stipend Pastor, Philadelphian Church, as of Mar. 16, 2014

Roger Frazier

Changes within the Conference (Voted Feb. 26, 2014)

Vasco Brown

From Pastor, L. A. Central City/ Pomona churches; to Pastor, L. A. Central City Church/Interim Assoc. Pastor, Norwalk Church, as of Mar. 1, 2014 (Voted Mar. 12, 2014)

Morris Barnes

From Assoc. Pastor, Valley Crossroads Church; to Pastor, Bethel Church, as of Apr. 1, 2014

(Voted Mar. 26)

Manager, Adventist Book Center, as of Apr. 1, 2014

From Pastor, Bethel Church; to Pastor, Tamarind Ave. Church/New Hope Co.; as of Apr. 1, 2014

Courtney Ray

From Assoc. Pastor, Tamarind Ave. Church; to Assoc. Pastor, Breath of Life Church; as of Apr. 1, 2014

Andre Turner

Cherie Vendouris

From Administrative Secretary West Region/Educaiton; to Admin. Secretary to President/ Education; as of Apr. 1, 2014

Leaving Conference Employment (Voted Mar. 12, 2014)

Jin Yong Park

Pastor, Los Angeles Central Korean Churgh, as of Mar. 31, 2014

Two New Staff Members


onnie Vandeman Jeffery is serving as a Trust Development Officer and Assistant to the President for Special Projects. She served most recently as associate manager of the Adventist Media Center and associate speaker for Voice of Prophecy. Connie’s latest project was a new television series called Turning Point, which is part of the “Dan Jackson Specials” series which she co-hosted with the NAD president. She also produced and hosted the “Keeping the Faith” program, in which she speaks to her audience about issues that matter most to women. Both programs air on the Hope Channel. Connie is the youngest child of the late Nellie and George Vandeman, “It Is Written” founder and long-time speaker. She has been in front of television cameras since the age of five and is a vocalist and recording artist.

• Southern California Conference

Louis Petit-Frere

(Voted Mar. 26, 2014)

From Stipend Pastor, New Hope Co.; to Stipend Pastor, Valley Crossroads Church; as of Apr. 1, 2014

Irma Banuelos

SCC Welcomes

From Stipend Pastor, Breath of Life Church; to Stipend Pastor, Breath of Life/Berean Church, as of Mar. 16, 2014


ethania Diaz is the new SCC Undertreasurer, following the retirement of Nate Cabellero. Bethania served previously as the business manager for Orangewood Academy in Southeastern California Conference; and as controller of JustTheFax Enterprises in Irvine. She has had wide experience both professionally and in volunteer service in operational support, team management, profit optimization and budgeting, and nonprofit and for-profit specialization. She has expertise in California Labor Law, risk management and insurance, workers’ compensation and corporate financial analysis. Diaz has been a leader in numerous drives and projects that have benefited her community.

Erratum In the April 2014 issue of the Recorder, Denilson Reis was incorrectly identified as the pastor of the Portuguese and Pomona Valley Spanish churches. Reis is the pastor of the L. A. Portuguese and Highland Park Spanish churches. We regret the error.

Camp Cedar Falls, cont. from page 1

needs are not only nutritionally met but also enjoyable. Desserts are served only at the noon meal, and fresh fruit is provided at both breakfast and supper. Snacks are discouraged and goodies sent from campers’ loved ones may be eaten only with the lunch and supper meals; sharing is encouraged. Good friendships made with peers and adults through shared experiences can last a lifetime. The staff monitors

daily activities and periods of free time to provide the best Christian environment possible.

activities that spark their interest. From hiking to crafts, horseback riding to water skiing, campers will experience a week of challenges and be introduced to new things.

Camp Cedar Falls is situated in the San Bernardino National Forest with an elevation of 6000 feet. On the camp’s160 acres, activities are scheduled from the time a camper wakes up in the morning until bed time rolls around. Boredom is one thing that is not present at camp! Campers may choose from a variety of

For more information or an application, call the Youth Ministries Office at 818-546-8439 or go online at and download the information for your son’s or daughter’s summer encounter with Jesus.

Ebenezer Spanish Company

Honors Food Bank Leaders


Betty Cooney

n March 21, 2014, the Ebenezer Spanish Company focused on community service, featuring an enactment of the Good Samaritan parable and a message shared by James G. Lee, Jr., SCC Vice President and Community Services director. Guests were present from the Los Angeles Regional Food In his sermon, Lee expressed appreciation for the work being done by the Los Angeles Food Bank, represented that day by Elizabeth Cervantes, director of Agency Relations and Product Acquisitions, for the Food Bank, and her three assistants. “The good Samaritan exemplified the kind of work and the

Members enacted the Good Samaritan parable. Photo by Betty Cooney

Pastor Grant reads the inscription on the award for Elizabeth Cervantes, at his right.

Photo by Betty Cooney

attitude that the kind people from the Food Bank are doing,” he said. “May the Lord bless and continue to bless you and the volunteers who help you.” At the close of the service, Pastor Franklin Grant called Cervantes to the podium to publicly thank her and her staff and present them with awards for their dedicated service. “Every week, you serve food for millions,” he said. “We know that you work very hard, so the church decided they wanted to say thank you and give each of you a token of appreciation.” Cervantes expressed her

appreciation for the honor and underscored the extensive work that the Food Bank is accomplishing in Los Angeles. “During 2013, we distributed 63 million pounds of food,” she reported, to a chorus of amens and applause The Food Bank is affiliated with 24 Adventist churches in the Greater Los Angels area. “God takes note of what you do and gives you strength to do what you do,” Grant affirmed, and then sang to the honorees, “Jesus walks beside you. You’re sheltered safe within the arms of God. He walks with you.” The Ebenezer congregation worships at 1900 W. 48th St., Los Angeles 90062.

Southern California Conference •

SCC Evangelism James G. Lee, Jr. Evangelism director

We are excited that the Hollydale church in the Asian Pacific Region has scheduled a 13-day ShareHim event (May 30 – June 14) involving youth and adults. The first week’s presentations primarily will be conducted by Master Guide youth and young adults. Elder Sam Gaurino, who pastors the Hollydale church, will be the speaker during the second week of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday evenings.

The Hollydale church is located in South Gate in a neighborhood which currently has a chiefly second- and third-generation Hispanic population. In preparation, the church will be learning about the needs of the community and seeking to address needs such as health, job training and more. On April 13 Byron Dulan, Inner City director for the Washington Conference, spoke with SCC youth leaders and Adventist Community Service directors. Dulan shared ways the leaders can involve young people in evangelism and other community outreach. We know that any kind of evangelism begins with prayer. We urge every member, every church, to make plans in 2014 to do some type of outreach in the community. Churches need to be intentional about getting acquainted in the church neighborhoods, letting leaders and residents know that Adventists are there to be a light—and a help—in the community. We urge pastors and others on the church boards to be intentional about making contact with the mayor, local newspaper editor and the councilperson, developing small groups and inviting the community. Pray and prepare; work the ground, plant the seed—and pray again. God promises to bless our efforts! Please join us in praying for the Pathfinders and Master Guides as they lead out in ShareHim meetings at the end of this month.

West Region During the month of March, when “Noah,” a major Hollywood film release was being heavily promoted in the public press, the West Region’s Pastor Branden Stoltz conducted a sermon series on “Noah & the Coming Flood” at the Sylmar Richard Roethler church. This Scripture-focused series dove deep director into the account of the flood and was saturated with applications to our lives and times today. “The Bible has not lost its power,” Stoltz said. “We cannot be satisfied to skim the surface any longer.” Health ministry has been thriving at Sylmar as well. A band of nurses have presented weekly messages to the church and community on better living and eating. Delicious and nutritious food samples were also provided, with recipes for easy-to-make meals that foster health and energy. At the beginning of March, Health educator Reuben Hubbard launched a 10-week series titled, “Self-Improvement Seminars” at • Southern California Conference

the Tehachapi church. Meetings were held on Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m. The seminars were followed by a lifestyle seminar and will conclude with a series in the fall. For more information, please contact Pastor Erwin Joham, 661-822-1174. Members of the Santa Barbara church have been enthusiastically inviting area residents to study the Bible; half of the people contacted accepted the studies! Response from the community has been overwhelming, and the work is energizing the church. Close to 80 lessons were placed in the community. Members also have plans for canvassing their community in June through the SCC Literature Evangelism Department. The Santa Barbara church also participated in a community foot washing for the homeless in April, in addition to the church’s already active ministry to this often forgotten segment of society. Santa Barbara church’s outreach also includes “Operation Blueprint” and healthful eating events. Other churches reaching out with Bible studies include the Northridge church, which has a weekly class for fellowship and Bible study with students of California State University at Northridge. The classes meet at the church on Thursday. For details, call 818-349-8770. Members of the Ojai Valley church are engaged in door-to-door ministry, inviting people to take Bible lessons. A regular baptismal class is held by the Malibu group, as a result of the blessings of an ongoing Sabbath lunchtime Bible study class. The Camarillo church is again offering CHIP classes to the public as part of its current outreach.

Hispanic Region Starting April 13 and continuing for 10 days, 41 SCC Hispanic Region churches conducted evangelistic series. In November, the churches will again conduct 10-day evangelistic meetings. The Hispanic Women’s Ministry Department conducted a series for the family Mar. 1-8, with featured speaker, Adly Campos, at the Spanish American church.

Luis Peña, director

L. A. Metro Region The Russian American church in Glendale is reaching out through a variety of avenues: a television program that airs on an area Russian cable channel; Bible studies at a number of senior centers in the Hollywood, West and North Hollywood areas; and four small Bible-study Gerard Kiemeney director groups in members’ homes to which Russians from the area are invited. As many as 25 Russians from neighboring communities visit the church regularly, several of them Russian Jews.

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