Packaging Europe Issue 12.4

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VOLUME 12.4 – 2017




VOLUME 12.4 – 2017

The cover of this edition has been laminated with a BOPP-based velvet lamination film supplied by Cosmo Films Ltd., the world’s largest manufacturer of thermal lamination films. The flagship product of the premium lamination films range, as the name indicates, lends a rich velvet finish to the printed surface. Engineered on a special matte base, this film is ideal for post laminating procedures and gives a premium finish to premium/luxury liquor, perfume, watches and jewellery packs/boxes. The film can also be used for laminating coffee table books, high end magazines, brochures, manuals etc. For further info, write to


Editorial Tim Sykes

Sustainability Awards 4 Best Sustainable Packaging Innovation 6 Best Practice 8 Circular Economy 9 Machinery 10 Eco packaging: Made from leaves 11 Weight reduction 12 Cutting food waste 13 Bio-Based 14 20 22 24 26

Industry Analysis Recyclability Building the circular economy Mass Customisation Unique connections Augmented Reality Stepping into the unknown? Coating The ins and outs of the coatings market Corrugated Beyond the box

28 34 36 38

interpack Review Retrospective Dow Collaboration milestone Smart Manufacturing Future Machines at interpack Bilwinco Compact revolution

40 42 44 44 45 46 48 52 53

Emerson Advanced welding solutions for packaging Heat and Control Hygienic design drives next generation of FastBack® solutions Serac A new, high speed capping machine for pump bottles HSM Fully automatic channel baling press for waste management Regal Beloit Regal focuses on innovation and reliability Loma Systems® Behind the scenes WL Gore New standards in safety and versatility MOCON Europe A/S New dansensor map headspace gas analyser Bemis How Bemis OvenRite® helped Chipsters get new products listed

54 56 58 60 64 67 68 70 72 74 78 80

Industry Profiles Ferag Seamless fashion logistics SP Group 100% biodegradable packaging, now with SP Group Sukano Sukano overturns tradition in partnership with NatureWorks Systech The key to successful serialisation implementation Schur Flexibles Films A leading specialist in film production PPMA PPMA show 2017 returns to reveal the best of manufacturing innovation bio!PAC Bio-based future Tipa Corp Every end is a new beginning Airopack Major expansion at Airopack supports revolutionary solutions Herti Capping it all Valco Melton Modern industrial gluing machinery, collaboration, and ecostitch Fefco Corrugated packaging: The natural sustainability champion



Assan Alüminyum


B Bericap Bilwinco

Outside back cover

S 12 Inside front cover

C Constellium Cosmo Films

77 17


Saxoprint Schur Flexibles SP Group Squid Ink Stratis Pallets Sukano

57 39 56 63 55 59


Dow drinktec

35 15


Tipa Corp TSC Auto ID Technology

71 39


EasyFairs EFI Emerson

32 19 41

Valco Melton

Inside back cover 55

H Heat and Control




L Luxury Packaging


M MagneMotion (Rockwell Automation) 31 Manjushree Technopack Limited 7 MOCON Europe A/S 52

N Natural Handmade Nissei ASB Machine

11 5

O OCSiAl Europe


P Packaging Innovations Packit PakTech PTT Polymer Marketing Company

32 41 15 77


W WL Gore

F Fefco Ferag



Z Zünd


Editor Tim Sykes

Art Director Gareth Harrey

News Editor Elisabeth Skoda

Art Editor Paul Holden-Abbott

Journalist Libby White

IT Support Andrew Wood Levi Gant Syed Hassan

Profile Writers Emma-Jane Batey Alessandra Lacaita Felicity Landon Romana Moares Barbara Rossi Piotr Sadowski Abigail Saltmarsh Marco Siebel Julia Snow Vanja Svacko Philip Yorke Production Manager Tania Balderson

Administration Amber Dawson Kayleigh Harvey Senior Account Managers Kevin Gambrill Jesse Roberts Account Managers Dominic Kurkowski Colin Osbaldstone Ryan Camsey

Packaging Europe Ltd

Packaging Europe Ltd is part of the Rapid News Communications Group Alkmaar House, Alkmaar Way, Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 6BF, UK Registered Office: Carlton House, Sandpiper Way, Chester Business Park, Chester, CH4 9QE. Company No: 10531302. Registered in England. VAT Registration No. GB 265 4148 96 Telephone: +44 (0)1603 414444 Fax: +44 (0)1603 779850 Email: Editorial: Studio: Advertising: Website: Facebook: Twitter:

Tim Sykes



elcome to our summer issue of Packaging Europe magazine, and to the third edition of our annual Sustainability Awards. Since their inception the Awards have grown to unwieldy proportions: this year we received, and sifted through, 328 nominations from OEMs, brands, retailers and a few members of the public. As in previous years the reward for this Herculean task was an inspirational encounter with the breadth and depth of innovation in packaging and the seriousness with which stakeholders across the value chain approach the environmental challenge. We hope you will take similar inspiration from our final selections, which aim to spotlight projects and solutions representative of the most significant advances, and the greatest (realised or potential) impacts and creativity that should inspire the whole industry. Chiming with the green theme, we explore how packaging is answering the call for a circular economy. What is being done on the technological side? How far does Europe’s recycling infrastructure need to adapt to facilitate higher collection and processing rates? And is it right to fixate on recycling alone? We also take a final retrospective look at interpack 2017, which by our calculations was probably the largest packaging event in history. Packaging Europe sent its whole team to Düsseldorf, complete with two camera crews. We couldn’t cover everything but did our best to report and film the most important developments and ground-breaking innovations. The biggest talking point of the show was surely the extent to which Industry 4.0 solutions had moved on since the last interpack. Companies that were presenting concepts in 2014 are now selling systems harnessing smart technologies to deliver value, security, flexibility and simplicity to the market. We explore some of these innovations, including the winners of Rockwell Automation’s ‘Best Future Machine’ award, announced at the show. In addition, we profile Dow’s presentation of the fruits of its venture into collaboration – another example of giant strides made from interpack to interpack. Elsewhere in this edition we look at the latest trends across the market, from mass customisation and Augmented Reality to coatings and corrugated. We hope you enjoy the magazine, and look forward to seeing you at the fast approaching, interpack-sized cluster of autumn events. Tim Sykes @PackEuropeTim

© Packaging Europe Ltd 2017 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for any purpose, other than short sections for the purpose of review, without prior consent of the publisher.

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Best Sustainable Packaging Innovation



ackaging continually exceeds expectations thanks to a combination of creative, risk-taking attitude to sustainable innovation, exemplified by the winner of our overall prize, and incremental improvements throughout the value chain. For the second year running we award ‘Best Sustainable Packaging Innovation’ to a solution representing R&D with transformative potential, rather than commercial impact at large volumes – though we expect to see it taken up enthusiastically by the market. Papierfabrik Scheufelen, based in Baden Württemberg, Germany, has launched ‘Grass Paper’ – a range of packaging-grade papers containing sun dried grass. The paper offers premium printing and folding capability typical for high end SBS boards. The breakthrough enables a reduction in water use and corresponding massive energy savings through the introduction of up to 50 per cent fibre material made from grass feedstocks. The ground-breaking technological aspect of this development is the production of an economical fresh fibre pulp minimising environmental impact. This involves dramatically reduced demands on industrial water processing – less than one litre per ton of grass fibre pulp, compared to a few thousand litres per ton wood fibre pulp – accompanied by massive energy savings (136 kw/h per ton of fresh fibre material compared of up to 6000 kw/h per ton wood fibre pulp). The process also completely dispenses with the use of processing chemicals. This significantly reduces the environmental impact of products packaged with grass paper, reinforcing the ecological advantages of renewable packaging. It also facilitates a new marketing approach. Moreover, fresh fibre packaging solutions based on grass paper fulfil all requirements that will arise from the anticipated German mineral oil regulation for packaging material for improved consumer protection. The suitability of the material for

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food packaging has been certified by ISEGA, and it is recyclable, compostable and FSC-Mix certified (FSC® C009951). Suitable for offset printing, Grass Paper is available for the production of containerboard, liners and folding box containers, as well as for graphical applications. Multiple product examples have already been developed under a cooperation between Scheufelen and the Hochschule für Medien, Stuttgart, by a group of students in the new Lenningen Packaging Campus, demonstrating potential for diverse market segments. Grass Paper is distributed by Scheufelen in different grades under the brand names ‘greenliner’ for container board and liner, ‘Scheufelen graspapier’ for graphic applications, ‘phoenogras’ in a combination of grass paper with high white fresh fibre board, and ‘phoenolux’ for high-end packaging solutions. At present greenliner is available in grammages ranging from 80, 90, 105, 130 to 200 gsm, Scheufelen graspapier in 95 and 130 gsm and phoenogras in 360 gsm. The material is produced using grass harvested near Scheufelen’s plant in the Schwäbische Alb Bio Sphere Region from perennial plants. It will be processed in an integrated production site in its paper factory in Lenningen.

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late 2016 Swedish grocery chain ICA tried out a new method for marking fruits and vegetables. Instead of using stickers or packaging products in trays and cellophane wrap, the products were marked directly on their skin using a laser. Having successfully pioneered this new method, ICA has set a precedent which looks set to spread laser marking internationally. In June 2017 the UK retailer Marks & Spencer (known for its own innovative approach to sustainability) reported that it is trialling the process on its avocados, and expects to extend the laser labelling to more of its fruits and vegetables. According to the business, the method is more sustainable and results in better traceability. “We decided to look for alternatives to conventional methods because we realised that a high percentage of consumers base their buying choices on how a product is packaged. Buying products with the least amount of packaging possible was important to them. French retailer Carrefour previously used laser marking technology as a gimmick to attract the eye, and we decided to test it for the purpose of saving on packaging materials,” Peter Hägg, head of Fruits and Vegetables at ICA Sweden, told Packaging Europe’s Elisabeth Skoda.

Suitable for a range of products ICA first started testing the new marking method on organic avocados and sweet potatoes. The fruit’s skin is marked directly using a laser that changes the pigment on the skin, so that the product’s name, country of origin and PLU code are seen clearly. The laser only alters the pigment in the outer skin of the fruit or vegetable. The method has no effect on | 6 | Packaging Europe

the product itself. Thanks to this process, the marking follows the fruit or vegetable through the entire supply chain in a secure manner. “It’s great that we can now use new technology to get better marking from an environmental perspective,” said Mr Hägg. “This way, organic products do not need to be kept separate from others. Since the marking is on each item, there is no need for stickers, trays or cellophane wrap around the product. We estimate that we will save more than 200 kilometres of cellophane wrap per year just by marking our avocados in this way. The energy consumption of the machines used is similar to the one of conventional packaging/labelling methods, but of course there is an energy saving due to not having to use additional materials.”

Consumer appeal ICA’s laser marking pilot project has since been adopted as permanent practice and is being expanded to more organic fruit and vegetable products, including organic melons and butternut squash. “Customers have shown keen interest, and the new marking method has also gained international attention as a noteworthy sustainability project,” Mr Hägg revealed. “We believe that in a couple of years the marking method will be commonplace in Europe, since interest in more environment-friendly packaging has only intensified during our trial period. We are also looking into methods to expand this technology to fruits which aren’t suitable for laser marking as their skin repairs itself, such as citrus fruits, using edible ink.”



he sustainability of plastics packaging has traditionally presented challenges in terms of its ability to contribute to a circular economy. Up until recently, some of the most effective solutions when it comes to preserving food and reducing food waste – such as multilayer packaging – have proved to be among the more difficult to recycle. The onus is therefore on multiple stakeholders, including industry, governments and civil society, to work together on solutions that can harness the full potential of packaging to contribute toward sustainable development. The Virtuous Circle initiative wins in our ‘Circular Economy’ category thanks to the considerable efforts it invested in approaching the problem holistically. The pilot project, launched in October 2016, has used a three pillar approach that addresses the challenge of sustainability of multilayer packaging while simultaneously tackling broader societal issues around child nutrition in South Africa and sustainable development education. These three pillars consist in: 1. Providing schoolchildren in South Africa with meals packed in multilayer pouches designed to provide optimum nutrition at the start of the school day while minimising food waste. 2. Recycling the waste packaging from the multilayer pouches into school desks and other high value materials using ground-breaking technology involving compatibilisers. 3. Educating the school children about the importance of recycling and equipping local communities with the tools to make a lasting commitment to sustainable development in their everyday activities. The pilot project, coordinated by DuPont, has brought together a number of different partners from industry and civil society who have each contributed in different ways to

one or more of the three pillars, and in the process generated important data illuminating potential new business models under which the recycling of multilayer film can make economic as well as environmental sense.



omposite materials often deliver exceptional performance in environmentally important contexts such as food preservation, while posing challenges for recycling. An ideal packaging solution prevents waste from packing to consumption, and doesn’t turn into waste at end of life. As with the winner in this category, our runner-up represents an approach at solving the vexed question of the recyclability of composites. Unlike Virtuous Circle, Easy Split (the result of a long-lasting collaboration between B-Pack and Dow) is an example of pure packaging development. The solution consists in a novel packaging design combining excellent food preservation, resource efficiency and customer appeal. It is based on high quality printed paperboard, laminated with high barrier film, and is suitable for a variety of food such as meat, cheese, fish and pasta. This barrier paperboard can be used as bottom for skin packaging trays, in combination with standard skin films and machinery. After usage, the consumer can easily separate the two components, paperboard and barrier film / skin film, and recycle them in their respective waste streams. | 8 | Packaging Europe

A telling detail in any green innovation is whether the product actually delivers improved sustainability in the marketplace. Easy Split has already performed well in commercial applications and is being used by several retailers, including Migros. It has proved popular with consumers, who appreciate the high visibility of the packaging content, standing out from the high-quality printed paperboard, and being able to conveniently open the pack by peeling off the skin film. Easy Split, easy to recycle. It’s a creative answer to the needs of our growing society, preserving food fresh to the table with ever higher efficiency in resources used.




MC Cartonpack, winner in our ‘Sustainable Machinery Innovations’ category, is a fine example of the way smart production technologies can combine serving the customised needs of the multichannel marketplace at optimised environmental efficiency. It was developed by CMC in response to increasing demand from both B2B and B2C e-commerce companies to dynamically pack multiple items of different shapes and sizes in a perfect size box. IT’S worth taking the time to describe how this ingenious system functions. The heart of the system is the Vary-Tote, a CMC designed and patented transport tote featuring two inner adjustable guides used to compact the selected items to the minimum possible volume. The Vary-Totes move on a carousel which brings full totes to the machine induct section and, once empty, conveys the totes to the picking area for refilling. The original Vary-Tote design enables an operator to easily and quickly adapt the inner guides to each individual consignment. A 3D Scanner placed in the CMC VaryTote induct area reads the dimensions of the order set by the adjustable guides. Data about the order dimension is sent to the CMC CartonPack, which creates the exact size flat blank for each consignment. The corrugated board required to create the boxes is fed from a dedicated star-shaped device that smoothly unwinds the fanfold and keeps the cardboard flat to avoid creasing. Flats are dynamically scored and cut. A dedicated Pick and Place mounted in the picking area then places the VaryTote above the flat cut on demand. The bottom of the VaryTote automatically slides and items are accurately placed on the preformed blank while the box

panels erects and wraps the items. The on-demand box is now formed, closed and sealed with hot melt glue. The entire process is fully controlled by a dedicated PC Carton controller, which guarantees for 100 per cent data integrity and data exchange with client’s WMS. Meanwhile, integrated Packvertizing technology combines on demand packaging with 1:1 full colour printing – making it possible to personalise each box with tailored logos, marketing messages and AR. Mounted in the CMC Cartonpack output, it features a module to align the finished boxes. The belt for the transportation of the boxes is spring loaded to compensate for the box shapes if not perfectly squared. A CMC Packjet full colour print head is mounted on a lifting module equipped with a servo motor which optimises the distance between the printer and the carton surface. CMC developed controller can resize every image based on the size of the Cartonpack box and print a 1600x800 DPI image without affecting the machine throughput of up to 700 boxes/hour. The significance of this innovation reflects the growth of multi-item orders – now up to 60 per cent of online purchases. Collecting, consolidating and packing items of different size and shape it is a challenge and many retailers still rely on manual packing and use packaging materials inefficiently. CMC Cartonpack right size boxes save 30 per cent of the corrugated board, and eliminate the need for the standard void fillers, and in the process reducing the package volume by up to 60 per cent, thus reducing DIM charges. Disruptive technology reducing carbon footprint, reduced cost and better consumer experience make this a worth category winner.



-mould labelling technology is a rapidly growing decoration technology offering quality packaging at reduced cost per unit. Although two of the three required elements for IML – labels and robots – have been optimised in recent years, moulds have continued using almost the same technology for decades. A push to improve this process led to the development of iMould, the first intelligent mould. It features predictive maintenance giving moulders total control of their systems first time, with a ‘digital expert’ running in their plants 24/7 and providing necessary warnings in any connected device. iMould therefore represents a significant breakthrough for the IML industry in terms of efficiency. The environmental benefits of this advance are significant. Leading global moulders record scrap rates of around per cent scrap for a technically challenging piece of packaging. In the case of yoghurt cup could result in 1.05 tons of plastic waste per year due to mould malfunctions. With predictive maintenance iMould can reduce those unexpected malfunctions, and therefore the scrap, by as much as a 65 per cent. Following

the case of study, total plastic waste would be down to 0.34 tons. Reducing unexpected malfunctions also means lower energy consumption. Units installed at customers’ facilities have diagnosed problems within 20 minutes while a human operator traditionally needed up to an hour to stop the production. That means 40 minutes of energy no longer wasted per malfunction.

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ECO PACKAGING: MADE FROM LEAVES Natural Handmade, based in Tamil Nadu, India, was born out of the desire to stem the usage of non-biodegradable items. Nalini Singh and Pagdala John, partners and brains behind the operation, started the company as a quest to find an alternative to less environmentally friendly products on the market, which are causing irreparable damage to our environment.


alini comments, “After using plastics, paper and other products for packaging, for so many decades, we have come to understand the harm they have caused our environment in the long run. For manufacturing paper, we have cut down not only trees but even huge rain forests have been raised to the ground slowly but surely. Global warming, and the absence of rain and snow from the earth is an effect of deforestation. “Undoubtedly governments of all countries have woken up and have started putting curbs on cutting trees and destroying the environment, and have started initiatives such as planting trees and a horde of other measures. The products that we have been using, namely plastic, paper, and thermocol, will continue to be used, perhaps in restricted quantities (still a huge amount by any standards), unless we find alternatives.” In order to totally stop the usage of paper and plastics etc., Natural Handmade aims to provide a substitute which will give the same type of benefits without causing any harm to nature. Its offering: packaging made from areca nut leaves. The areca nut is the seed of the areca palm, which grows in coastal areas in much of the tropical Pacific (Melanesia and Micronesia), Southeast and South Asia, and parts of east Africa. It is a seed which is used for eating purpose in Asian countries. The upper | 10 | Packaging Europe

bark of this tree consists of big strong leaves. When the areca nut is ripe and taken out, the upper bark dries and falls to the ground or is ripped off the tree, as it dries off. This bark is used for making tableware and in many cases packaging. Miss Singh shares, “Currently we use this bark to make packaging for our natural handmade soaps. We would like to bring this solution to the world as a packaging material, from which we can make sustainable and beautiful packages for your products which can replace wood, paper, plastic, and other harmful products.” This product is very eco-friendly as it contains no chemical, and is very sturdy. Also, this material can be disposed of very easily and is bio-degradable. When disposed of in the soil, this material releases enriching nutrients to the soil. Miss Singh concludes, “We would like the support of the packaging companies and industries to join us in our endeavour to use this product extensively and stop the harm being caused to our environment. We are ready to discuss any types of packaging that can be made from this product which we are able to supply in huge quantities.” Phone: 0091-7045382211 Email: Website:



indal Films Europe scoops wins the ‘Weight Reduction’ category thanks to its sustained and broad efforts at downgauging. Over the past year several initiatives have been undertaken in both flexible packaging and labelling segments, resulting in reduction worthy of celebration. Label-Lyte™ LLC films combine the properties of polyethylene and biaxially oriented polypropylene. These bi-oriented hybrid polyolefin films offer significant weight reduction opportunities versus traditional PE labels used in self-adhesive technology. PE self-adhesive labels are commonly used in the personal care and food market segments because they conform to complex shapes and can potentially be squeezed without the labels wrinkling or darting. Label-Lyte™ LLC films offer brand owners a new solution to replace PE labels with the additional benefits of the clarity and stiffness inherent to OPP. The Label-Lyte™ LLC 52 micron film is an excellent example of the sustainability contributions that can be achieved. It can reduce plastic label weight by 40 per cent compared to a traditional 85 micron PE film. Because it is a polyolefin material, it can also be recycled with other polyolefin containers or separated by density for PET containers. A second recent project has seen Jindal Films improve seal performance with BICOR™ SUP films, which provide improved seal strength and integrity. This effectively bridges the gap between conventional OPP films and cast PP or blown PE films. The high TD Modulus, compared to PE or PP films, enables the sealant to be downgauged 20-30 per cent while maintaining good seal performance and machinability. Most recently, Jindal Films introduced SealTOUGH™ films, which are designed as a substitute for PE films in general packaging applications on most pack formats. The range of biaxially oriented polyolefin films provides the equivalent seal performance of PE blown films but with the added benefits typically only associated with oriented films. Outstanding puncture resistance, good elongation resistance and high clarity are benefits enjoyed by customers in all kinds of markets ranging from frozen foods to cheese,

Weight Reduction

from dry snacks to dehydrated food and beverages. SealTOUGH™ XE400 can be used to downgauge PE films by up to 40 per cent to lightweight the packaging structure. The latest developments include white and metallised aspects that deliver a barrier to light, gases and moisture for structure simplification. “Our sustainability strategy is built on a thorough understanding of the impact of our business and a short- to long-term commitment to making positive contributions to the reduction of our carbon footprint,” Jindal commented. “We achieve this in various ways. As well as our relentless effort to reduce waste and energy consumption at all our facilities, our Technology team is continuously developing lighter and easier to recycle materials.”



he Optys bottle, aimed at the food, homecare and personal care markets, reduces packaging materials and weight, and simultaneously reduces transportation and energy. It achieves this by eliminating the label or sleeve, and instead simply using a pre-printed polypropylene sheet that is thermoformed on-site with a patented technology developed by Serac. This technology allows precise calibration of a sheet’s thickness and ensures a minimal amount of plastic is used, which gives Optys, according to Coveris, the best packaging to volume weight ratio on the market (9 g for 195 ml in the case of Turkish customer Eker). Precision was a key to the feasibility of this innovation. It was essential that the PP, rotogravure printed, accurately anticipated the distortions occurring during thermoforming. In the manufacturing process the artwork is coupled with an indexing spot that ensures the setting of the PP sheet on the Agami machine. The carbon footprint of the Optys bottle is low thanks to entirely on-site manufacturing and application of artwork directly to the extruded polypropylene plastic sheet, eliminating transportation and production of preforms, labels, and sleeves. Moreover, the plastic sheets are delivered in reels that require far less volume for transportation than empty bottles or preforms. Further benefits for the environment include the good level of hygiene and closed neck of the bottle, which makes use of chemical decontamination unnecessary and eliminates use of water and chemical products harmful to the environment. Packaging Europe | 11 |

Cutting Food Waste



ood waste is acknowledged as a major environmental, as well as social, problem. A significant cause of large volumes of waste is food that becomes inedible or unusable before it is ready to be eaten. This issue is exacerbated in the Western world by the drive for convenience and changing shopping habits, which has led many consumers to buy in bulk. This in turn can lead to product deteriorating before it is consumed. Potatoes, for example, can develop green discolouration due to a build-up of solanine, a naturally occurring chemical triggered by too much light. When they turn green, they develop a bitter taste and become unsuitable for consumption due to a build-up of harmful toxins. This has contributed to potatoes being one of the most commonly wasted vegetables, with an estimated 730,000 tonnes (5.8 million individual potatoes) binned by households each year in the UK alone. This age-old problem is now being tackled with a new film developed by RPC bpi protec that is able to protect and preserve the potatoes throughout the supply chain and in the home. Winning in our ‘Cutting Food Waste’ category, the X-Hance film is 100 per cent opaque but is still a

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breathable film, designed to protect, preserve and also promote a wide range of fresh produce. By eliminating light rays it conserves the product inside to deliver extended shelf life of at least one more week. The high impact film – which can be printed in up to ten colours to enhance brand image and on-shelf presence – performs well and consistently on VFFS packing machines, with excellent seal strength integrity. Additional perforations can be included to improve air flow within the pack, without affecting the aesthetics or performance of the packaging. X-Hance, which has already been adopted by a leading retailer for some of its potato ranges, delivers three benefits essential for retail applications. The film protects the product during transit from field to retailer to the end-consumer; preserves its freshness and quality over an extended period; and delivers effective point-of-sale promotion in the retail environment. In this way it provides an excellent example of a solution that meets both commercial and sustainable packaging requirements. In addition, the film is recyclable in the LDPE waste stream.




ur ‘Bio-Based’ category marks significant innovations that help shift towards the use of renewable feedstocks. This year’s winner is a sealed paper packaging concept developed by Bosch Packaging Technology and BillerudKorsnäs. Instead of using polymer film, a new solution enables production of dust-tight packaging for dry products such as sugar, grains, flour or powders using sustainable mono-material paper, which contains no additional polymer fractions. As a result, retailers and consumers profit from clean shelves, high product protection and improved product quality. The paper packaging is produced on the first VFFS with a so-called ZAP-Module. The module enables coating with the sealing agent on a minimal surface area, preserving the paper’s mono-material character. The solution is based on the proven SVE machine concept from Bosch. The new solution combines this technology with the Axello®ZAP paper from BillerudKorsnäs. Compared to conventional paper, Axello®ZAP is substantially more durable, while retaining its natural paper characteristics and advantages from source to recycling. The sustainable characteristics of the material increase its appeal to eco-conscious consumers. With the Axello®ZAP paper, BillerudKorsnäs has developed a new, better packaging material which reliably withstands the stronger mechanical requirements in processing. Until now, the production of mono-material paper packaging was only possible with glued pre-made bags or formed paper bags on mandrel wheel technology. The VFFS

concept is more flexible regarding formats and pack styles and thus popular on the market. Previously, it only allowed bag production using polymer film or fully coated paper. With the ZAP-Module from Bosch it is now possible to process mono-material paper on continuous VFFS technology with dust-tight sealing. The secret lies in the characteristics of the Axello®ZAP paper, which was specially developed for this application, as well as in the ZAP-Module, which applies a minimal amount of the sealing agent during the packaging process to enable heat sealing of the paper on the VFFS machine. Additionally, from 2017 this new packaging is also available for the mandrel wheel technology to improve the traditional paper bags produced on this type of machines by making them dust-tight. As a result, retailers and consumers profit from clean shelves, enhanced product protection from contamination and thus improved product quality. The solution meets the growing demand for sustainable packaging for dry foods such as sugar, flour, grains and powders. Moreover, the machine is user-friendly and allows versatile pack styles, including pillow, gusseted and block bottom bags. “We are positive that our solution, supported by several years of development, not only addresses today’s challenges for our customers but also gives them the possibility to enter completely new markets and areas of application using sustainable packaging,” commented Marcus Velezmoro, sales responsible for the VFFS ZAP portfolio at Bosch Packaging Technology.



hat if food packaging was just like an orange peel and returned to nature immediately after its use? Leading packaging solutions provider Parkside has tapped into that concept and developed a flexible resource efficient compostable pack just like the orange peel. Parkside worked recently with ethical food brand Rhythm 108 to produce a compostable share bag for biscuits. The Rhythm 108 pack includes a paper / metallised Natureflex® / bio polymer sealant web. The cellulose layers have a filmic appearance but are made from sustainable sources including eucalyptus trees or corn waste, including the adhesive that bonds the layers together. The multi-layer structure offers a high barrier for biscuits, providing excellent moisture and oxygen barrier, extending product shelf life. It includes a metallised layer delivering increased moisture barrier to prevent the contents from going soft, helping both retailers and consumers minimise food waste.

The barrier laminate has completed rigorous disintegration and eco-toxicity testing for home composting with recognised European laboratory, OWS. The duplex and triplex laminate structures have attained full accreditation under Vincotte’s OK Compost Home and Seedling certification after achieving a high degree of compostability, even at ambient temperatures. In addition, the lightweight flexible design offers a lower carbon footprint solution compared to other heavier packaging formats. As the Rhythm 108 packs can be composted there is no requirement for local authorities to collect and no charge for landfilling. From a sustainability perspective, Parkside is utilising sustainable materials to develop the pack instead of oil based polymers. In addition, this reduces the burden on landfill. An important element of this product is that the packer can use their existing assets to use the Rhythm 108 materials. The packer does not need to invest in new equipment to make and offer this advanced compostable solution to end-users. Packaging Europe | 13 |

Paul Vanston, Head of INCPEN

Sarah Perreard, Virtuous Circle project leader

BUILDING THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY The market is well aware that packaging prevents more waste than in creates. Nevertheless, few dispute the merits of the circular economy principle, nor that of reducing packaging waste without damaging its functionality – a goal which has driven huge advances in recent years. Tim Sykes spoke to some of the industry’s leading thinkers about the state of play in waste and recycling.


he unavoidable word in every conversation on recycling is ‘infrastructure’. However recyclable we make our packaging, we still depend on other stakeholders to effect reliable collection and processing. European Environment Agency figures show that the volume of municipal waste going to landfill in the 32 EEA member countries fell from 49 per cent in 2004 to 34 per cent in 2014. However, rates differ dramatically across Europe, with Austria and Germany recycling double the proportion of waste that Portugal manages and four times as much as Romania. There are also notable disparities between collection rates of different packaging materials, with plastics lagging behind. “The issue at hand for many EU member states is defining what action should be taken so that the recycling rate nudges up to, and beyond, 50 per cent in the coming years on a planned basis as agreed by governments, whole value chains, and with citizen support,” commented Paul Vanston, head of INCPEN. | 14 | Packaging Europe

Mark Greenwood, Group Health, Safety and Environment director at DS Smith, agreed on the importance of consistency across EU member states. “The European Institutions must be alert to the potential negative impact of imposing even more stretching targets on countries that are already struggling from a recycling perspective,” he told Packaging Europe. “It’s so important that the process for recycling is consistent across the EU, but the reality is that currently we’re not even consistent within individual countries. It’s not unusual for recycling processes to differ from region to region. It does nothing to advance recycling, and indeed the reputation of recycling, to offer different recycling capabilities to residents who share exactly the same waste production patterns. We must address this inconsistency and ensure that every country in the EU has the required infrastructure and resources to properly implement recycling.”


Meanwhile, industry is putting its R&D resources behind initiatives to simplify recyclability. Packaging Europe has reported over recent years, for instance, on Dow’s work to develop simpler structures retaining the properties of laminates. Meanwhile, the Easy Split solution (which pops up in our Sustainability Awards) created in collaboration with B-Pack enables the consumer to easily separate the paperboard and barrier film layers after use and recycle them in their respective waste streams.

Creating business models

Another concern is the danger that pushing arbitrary targets could impact on the quality of recycling. “Poor quality recycling has many detrimental effects,” Mr Greenwood observed. “Apart from increasing waste and cost in the manufacturing process, materials intended for recycling actually end up being burnt or even landfilled if they are heavily contaminated. The key to keeping quality high is proper segregation of recyclables. Better segregation means less contamination, and materials that are segregated as soon as consumers and business discard them, provide the highest quality recycling.”

Flexible approaches Packaging films have been at the forefront of the effort to reduce material and energy consumption through downgauging. At the same time, flexibles tend to encounter the biggest challenges in recycling, deriving both from inadequate collection and the technical challenges posed by the variety of polymers and complexity of structures used in packaging. Earlier this year the European consortium CEFLEX, including big hitters such as Unilever, PepsiCo and Nestlé, was set up to address the handling of hard-to-recycle waste streams such as multilayer laminates. CEFLEX hopes to deliver results by 2020, with more flexible packaging collected and recycled across European countries. By 2025 it hopes to have developed a coherent infrastructure for the collection, sorting and reprocessing of postconsumer flexible packaging across Europe. “Earlier studies identified technical solutions for successfully sorting and recycling more than 50 per cent of flexible packaging, using state of the art technologies,” explained project coordinator Graham Houlder. “We are moving forward from this excellent work. We expect more flexible packaging to be collected and recycled in an increasing number of European countries. Also there will be recognition of the significant value this packaging format adds to the circular economy through measurable resource efficiency, waste prevention and recycling benefits.” | 16 | Packaging Europe

While sections of the industry have been looking to simplify materials in order to simplify recycling, DuPont, leading light in multilayer films, has been exploring the scope to fit complex structures into the circular economy ethos. The Virtuous Circle project (also featured in our awards) created a microcosmic value chain to test and study: delivering nutrition in a dual-compartment multilayer pouch to remote South African schools that lacked kitchens and refrigeration, collecting the waste, and recycling them with the addition of compatibilisers into desks supplied to the same schools. The field test generated numerous insights into nutrition and education, but in the present article the most significant finding was that it can be economically viable to recycle multilayer films. “Multilayer structures can’t always be recycled back into new packaging materials, especially for food packaging, but we’ve shown that they can be turned into materials for uses such as construction and furniture,” said Sarah Perreard, Virtuous Circle project leader. “In the South African project, demand and funding for affordable desks for schools made the collection and recycling viable. More broadly, however, there’s


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strong economic potential for recycling multilayer packaging into building materials. An additional advantage of doing so is that houses made from such recyclate can themselves be recycled, remoulded for another life, extending their environmental and economic value.” So the idea is to illuminate new business models around the recycling of multilayer films – models that will require adaption based on regional market conditions and regulatory climates. “There’s no demand for plastic houses in Europe,” Ms Perreard remarked. “However, construction materials can be exported. We can certainly imagine a model whereby European waste is turned into a resource.” The key is to have the conditions in place for the model to flourish. “For one thing, the processing technology used needs to be simple enough that ROI isn’t too far off,” Ms Perreard concluded. “Even more importantly, government would have to be talked into supporting changes in waste collection and recycling infrastructure.”

The bigger picture Of course, in the broader goal of increased resource efficiency, it’s important to look at any supply chain holistically rather than fetishise one particular aspect of sustainability. Can there be contexts where landfill has a lighter environmental impact than recycling? “We have an agreed ‘waste hierarchy’,” Paul Vanston observed. “Alongside that we have tools for digging deep down into assessments of environmental impacts across many aspects – energy, waster, materials use – not solely recyclability at any cost. Our belief is that recyclability, and recycled content, are good things to aspire towards. But, by way of a cautionary note, if recyclability is achieved at a greater environmental cost than originally | 18 | Packaging Europe

thought (even setting aside financial cost for one small moment), then we have a duty to scrutinise our actions in accord with sustainable ‘One Planet Living’.” Mark Greenwood placed the emphasis on ensuring quality within a closed loop system. “One of the principal roles of packaging is to protect the product. If we don’t use enough material, and products become damaged, it has a negative environmental impact,” he said. “This is especially relevant in the context of the significant growth of e-commerce, with more complex supply chains and higher return rate of goods. Better, smarter packaging is the key to enabling a circular economy. A circular economy should be our overall goal, and corrugated packaging is an essential part of a closed loop recycling process that minimises waste. In fact, we can go from box-to-box within 14 days with our closed loop model. In this timeframe, our cardboard boxes are made, used, collected, recycled, pulped, pressed and made back into cardboard boxes again.” Mr Vanston concluded: “To quote WRAP’s Recycle Now campaign from ten years ago, ‘the possibilities are endless’ when it comes to managing how humankind chooses to live in a more sustainable way. Whether citizens are prepared to pay for enhanced environmental goals through either taxes or prices is less clear. I am hopeful that an upside from the current focus on the US President’s actions relating to the Paris Climate Agreement will be to embolden nations and citizens globally to act purposefully, speedily and with resolve on environmental issues – including sustainable consumption. To those ends, many global brands are leading the way with their delivered actions and commitments to do more.”

WELCOME TO THE AGE OF MASS CUSTOMISATION In the past the goal of most manufacturers was to achieve high volume performance with high efficiency, paying attention to a kind of product standardisation. When change was required, switching the set-up to meet the new needs generated long periods of downtime or could even result in another piece of equipment being added to the line. While this increased flexibility, it came at the cost of efficiency. Today’s challenge is to combine high flexibility with efficiency and versatility in order to meet consumers’ demands for greater personalisation, which are often driven by changing purchasing habits such as marketing campaigns and e-commerce. Packaging Europe’s Libby White caught up with the industry leaders offering technological advances and setting trends in this field.


onsumer behaviour has changed, and as such, marketers continue to look for ways to win at the shelf and truly connect with their audiences. The package has become another way for brands to connect emotionally with EACH consumer - both offline and online, as today’s consumers demand. Digital printing has become a way to communicate and enable brands to respond to the market quickly and remain relevant.

Unique connections Monique Cohen, labels segment manager, HP Inc. points to the shining example of mass customisation, Coca-Cola’s ‘Share a Coke’ campaign, which is regarded as a watershed moment in branding – when design and advertising collided; when personalisation became mainstream; when a global Goliath became nimble and quick-footed simply by embracing a new and agile technology. “The campaign, which has resulted in more than 500 billion labels worldwide, led to a four per cent rise in sales globally across the markets where it appeared. And this was just the start. Since their initial ‘Share a Coke’ campaign, Coca-Cola has adopted digital printing as part of their global marketing strategy, leveraging HP Indigo technology for various other campaigns like ‘Coke Extraordinary’ and ‘Share a Coke and a Song’.” All HP Indigo digital presses enable the printing of ‘each copy different’, allowing brands and retailers to engage with consumers on an individual basis through customised | 20 | Packaging Europe

labels and packaging. Technology like HP’s SmartStream Mosaic software allows brands to create truly one-of-a-kind designs. As a result, the brand can produce limitless unique designs for their packaging for great shelf appeal. “HP Indigo digital printing technology also enables brands to print exactly what they want when they want it while reducing their time to market. Print on demand dramatically reduces inventory and waste, and helps optimise supply chain, which has become very complex in today’s dynamic market,” adds Monique Cohen.

Complex challenges In addition to being able to produce an increasing number of product types to meet this demand for personalisation, the modern manufacturer also has to produce a variety of stock keeping units (SKUs), such as rainbow packs, promotional packaging or smaller cases. Traditionally repacking has been the answer to this need. This is often outsourced to contract packaging companies at different locations leaving manufacturers with only an approximate idea of the process and the costs. In fact, industry experts estimate that around five to ten per cent of beverage products that leave a production plant are repacked at a later date, while the figure for home and personal care products is 30-50 per cent. Figures like this clearly show that flexibility has reached its limit and that agility is required in less predictable environments, when volume is low and variability requirements high.


“The trend for bigger production plants has so far been to build high-speed, high-efficiency lines. However, once the product leaves the lines, the pallets are often dismantled and then repacked in promotional packs – often by hand! With little visibility, around how this takes place, there is a real need for an easier way to repack into mixed packs or personalised packs,” comments Benjamin Delesalle, key market director, Home, Personal & Health Care, Gebo Cermex. Another approach that is gaining ground is to use more flexible solutions that combine, for example one dedicated line for a standard SKU and a second line with high flexibility for mixed flavours, rainbow pallets and mixed packing. By having two lines, one for standard products and one for personalisation, a manufacturer can meet the need for customisation but without compromising on quantity for mainstream products. However, while introducing smaller pieces of equipment increases flexibility, it also increases complexity – and the challenges that accompany it. E-commerce has been a driving force in the need for flexible packaging sizes. Internet retailers want single containers that they can repackage in their own cartons. This enables them to decrease costs while offering consumers the product formats they want. However, the challenge for producers is to create a stable pallet with individual containers that can be shipped to the big e-commerce retailers. This has led to the development of so-called intralogistics and dematerialised connections that allow manufacturers to produce a single container, store it in the warehouse and then return it to the production floor for final packing or personalisation. For big brand owners, this is a way to create rainbow packs or promotional items in a timely and cost-efficient way.

Indispensable solutions Digital printing especially in labels has become mainstream and indispensable to brands of all sizes – large global brands and small local ones. This trend is now beginning to make its mark on the flexible packaging and folding carton segments as well. More and more companies are discovering the advantages that digital production can offer like getting to the market quicker, reduced waste and inventory by just in time production and, and all this with almost unlimited creativity and ways to connect with their audience in new and innovative ways. Monique Cohen comments, “One trend we’re seeing more at HP is the work brands are doing to support causes. For example, Smirnoff ’s Love Wins campaign which promoted equality through the printing of 500 unique limited-edition bottles.” Another example is what US Frito-Lay did to speak out against drunk driving. Partnering with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), they created a limited edition “Party Safe” Tostitos chip bag that doubles as a Breathalyzer. On each bag was variable data which provided a discount code for an Uber home after the Superbowl. Nescafé launched a 100 per cent integrated campaign that begins with the package and covers all customer touchpoints. The campaign labels included 300 of the

top Mexican New Year resolutions. On the back of the label, consumers could scan the jar and using the app Shazam, track the progress of their resolution (learn English, lose weight, smile more often, help others, make more money, etc.); The results of the campaign included ten per cent year over year sales increase, over 20,000 interactions with Shazam app, 45 million TV views and 14 million labels produced. Launching a campaign such as this one, in which time-to-market was critical and the entire campaign was based on mass-customised units, was only possible through digital print.

Connectivity throughout the value chain In addition to digitising the production line, Industry 4.0 solutions are making it possible to digitise the entire value chain and make use of connectivity for production on demand. Manufacturers can now connect upstream to supply of materials and ingredients and downstream to logistics. The line knows when it is short of ingredients or if a spare part is showing signs of wear and tear. Likewise, the downstream logistics and distribution chain can be managed in real-time. The introduction of this type of connectivity and data will enable value chains to be optimised and restructured to make it easier, faster and more efficient to get products to consumers. When consumer needs change, the line is ready to adjust. The advent of data produced by the line also enables other developments, such as serialisation and traceability. This technological advance can be used to protect against counterfeit products and guarantee safety in liquid packaging. For example, traceability technology is increasingly in demand by manufacturers working with aseptic production of sensitive products. Systems of this kind provide global end-to-end documentation of food safety and compliance, a must-have for businesses operating in this environment with ever-increasing legislative demands. “In the pharma industry, they use serialisation in the fight against copy products. This is something we’re starting to see in food and beverage manufacturing. In the growing category of health science, in the cross-field of food and pharmaceuticals, making sure that bottle content is genuine is a must. This is where a track and trace system that makes use of production data can help to secure authenticity,” says Herve Bour, key market director, Food, Gebo Cermex.

Packaging evolution According to a Smithers Pira report, digital printing is the fastest growing segment in packaging with a projected annual growth of 17 per cent in a market expected to be worth $19bn by 2019. Monique Cohen concludes, “At HP, we don’t see this trend slowing down anytime soon – in fact, packaging printing is HP GSB’s fastest growing segment. Consumers continue to demand more engagement from brands, and one way this is coming to life is in packaging.” Packaging Europe | 21 |


STEPPING INTO THE UNKNOWN? Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging technology that has arrived. But hands up who actually understands what it is, what potential is holds for the packaging industry, or has actually used it? Joe Ashton, creative director of Exhibit Interactive, guides us through this relatively untapped opportunity.


irst things first, what is AR? Augmented reality is described as an information overlay in real time. Put simply this means being able to view an object or a product which you don’t have in physical form, as a something which can appear to be real in the setting you’re in. You might be standing in a shop, facing an empty shelf and wondering how your product would look – AR enables you to position it there without having a sample in your hands.

AR ≠ VR AR shouldn’t be confused with virtual reality (VR). It’s often the case, particularly with new technologies, that references become muddled if people don’t really understand what they’re talking about. We regularly find VR and AR being interchanged in the same sentence. The difference is quite simple – VR enables you to physically feel like you’ve stepped into a virtual world. By using current technology such as the Oculus Rift for example, you’re able to walk around and explore a new environment without leaving the comfort of the one you’re in. It could be of absolutely anything – a beach, a penthouse apartment, the moon even…or in this industry, it could enable you to explore the layout of a new shop floor, a factory production line or packaging distribution centre, perhaps seeing how you could much space you could save with the installation of new machinery. So, while VR enables you to walk around and experience a virtual environment, AR is more about exploring a specific object and can be extremely effective in problem-solving scenarios. In the packaging design process, without AR the development stage has to jump straight from a CAD model on a screen, to a physical product sample. This process involves some degree of production cost and then there’s the question of how many samples do you make and how are you going to distribute them to potential customers? And, depending on its size, your sample might even need to be scaled down – providing an overall poor representation to your customers. This process involves cost and waste, and if it isn’t right, you’ve got to run the whole process again…and again. AR gets around all of this. From a CAD model you can create an AR demonstration model of your product which, through the development of an app, can be viewed from all angles by anyone you choose, without them having to leave their screens. And it’s affordable.

Take our client Manitowoc Beverage Systems. They chose to use AR to launch their new ALBI drinks dispenser as it meant customers could essentially take a sample product away with them after seeing it at a trade event. They could then ‘try it for size’ on counter tops in their own food and beverage venues with the aid of a simple drinks coaster printed with an AR ‘marker’. We designed this as a graphic of a smart phone featuring the ALBI logo with the accompanying tagline ‘Thirsty to know more?’. By using our free-to-download | 22 | Packaging Europe

‘Captivate’ app, users could simply hold their smart phone or tablet over the marker and a 3D model of the dispenser would appear in front of them – seemingly in mid-air. By tilting their device they could rotate the model to see detailed features and ‘virtually’ slot it into place at their outlet. The Manitowoc example was developed to help customers visualise the new product on their counter tops, trying it for size – so held enormous sales potential. In fact, we’re now developing a new AR app for them, reflecting the success they’ve experienced using this technology to date. In another scenario, AR could change how planograms are developed, enabling merchandisers to experiment with different layouts by manipulating them using virtual products – gaining a much clearer idea of how displays might work. Like many technologies which are now becoming more mainstream, AR has been around for a while. It hit the headlines last year with the launch of the phenomenally popular ‘Pokémon Go’ which, even for the non-gamers among us, opened the eyes of an extremely broad audience to the opportunity it presented. That said, the potential of AR isn’t really yet appreciated – in any industry. The technology behind it hasn’t really moved on that much in recent years – development has been more around educating industry on its relevance. We could however start to see some significant changes to AR following a partnership which was announced in November 2016 between gaming development platform, Unity and leading AR development platform, Vuforia. This could mean an extremely exciting future for AR - not only for the gaming world, but in moving the possibilities forward for any industry. The beauty of AR is it makes something which might not exist in real life accessible, available to almost touch and experience. You can explore the intricacies of new models and new designs, without even needing to build a prototype. It sounds like a cliché, but we’re only limited by what we don’t yet know. AR made a hit in the gaming industry, VR is proving its worth across widespread applications, but it’s in the development of products – designing and reviewing prototype samples and problem-solving, which is where I think the potential lies for AR, and we’ve barely scratched the surface.

Joe Ashton, creative director and co-founder

THE INS AND OUTS OF THE COATINGS MARKET According to the recent Transparency market research ‘packaging coatings market’ report, the increasing need for maintaining original quality and taste and keeping a check on contamination are driving use of packaging coatings, especially in the food and beverages market. Growth opportunity for players operating in the global packaging coatings market lies in the usage of sustainable materials. Meanwhile, the direction of innovation has been driven by global concern about the side effects of chemicals (particularly BPA) and an increased emphasis on the aesthetic and haptic properties of packaging. Libby White spoke with the industry’s authorities about the state of the global packaging coatings market about the keys to forward-thinking R&D.


he international coatings community gathered in April at The European Coatings Show, held in Nuremberg, the largest show to date. Its organisers highlight sustainability and functionality as the main talking points driving the industry. On show were products for manufacturing water-based paints and low-VOC formulations, bio-based materials and sustainable raw materials. Solutions for antimicrobial coatings and technologies for manufacturing functional products were also in demand. From the exhibition floor, the coatings industry considers itself well prepared for the future, as a survey by a market research institute showed: two-thirds of the exhibitors rated the prospects for the industry as positive. About 20 per cent expect developments to remain constant, with only three percent expecting any weakening. Acclaimed international experts brought the audience of the European Coatings Show conference up to date on scientific and research developments in a total of 24 sessions, including two on sustainable products in the form of waterborne coatings and bio-based coatings. For example, Renaud Nicolaÿ from the ESPCI (École Supérieure de Physiques et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris) showed how highly resistant vitrimers with novel properties can be generated: they are ductile, self-repairing and recyclable, and do not lose their properties when recycled. The European Coatings Show Award for the best conference submission went to Bas Tuijtelaars of DSM Coating Resins. His award was for research into the production of amine-free resins. In his paper, he illustrated the development of a water-based polyurethane dispersion to replace triethylamine as a neutralising agent. The jury was won over by the potential of achieving a balance between health protection requirements and efforts to achieve outstanding performance.

Aesthetic and haptic appeal When it comes to the decision to purchase, the way a product looks is important. However, whether the packaging is pleasant to touch is also increasingly becoming a decisive factor. Besides this, consumers are attracted by products that are packaged in a way that promises sustainability or suggests a return to traditional materials. An impressive example in this field is from Schur with its recent development Papertouch, plastic films characterised by a special coating such that they feel like paper to the touch. Waxed paper packaging solutions add a trendy homemade look to sweets and feel surprisingly soft and pleasant to touch. The Schur Flexibles Waxed Paper solutions are based on a technology that uses natural, untreated wax to coat the paper, which is more biodegradable than paraffin-based solutions, for example. The base waxes can also be modified with polymers and additives to increase the shine of the paper’s surface and to optimise its sealability. The material’s special wood fibre composites and various surface | 24 | Packaging Europe

sealants make it possible to refine the papers further. Sweet packaging made from Schur Flexibles wax-coated materials is easy to open and reseal and can also be printed on with up to eight colours without any difficulties. The paper surface is particularly hard-wearing and does not scratch. Flawlessly packaged candy drops & co. are a highlight on the sweet shelves. For example, the Schur Flexibles Waxed paper range is perfect for packaging sticky sweets as the waxed paper makes them easy to take out of the pack. Paper Look packaging – meaning packaging films that feel and also look like paper – are a real trend in the industry. Consumers are attracted by products with packaging that looks like ‘real paper’. Schur Flexibles’ Paper Look range includes two- or three-layered paper laminates. Various very different materials are combined by means of a solvent-free technique. This makes it possible to manufacture customised packaging that looks and feels like paper for a specific product. At the same time, it fully meets all of the requirements with regard to barrier, gloss, durability and sealing properties and therefore protects the product perfectly. The Paper Look solutions are easy to process and can be HD flexo-printed with up to ten colours – which creates a really eye-catching display at retail.

Breaking with tradition The light metal packaging industry is moving away from traditional BPA-based coatings due to regulatory demands, and consumer and NGO preferences. Flavio Marchi, global marketing director, Valspar Packaging explains that the company has been doing a great deal of innovative product development to address these concerns. He comments, “Valspar has the broadest portfolio of coating solutions, including non-BPA offerings, providing the can makers and brand owners with choices. Our newest innovation, using our Safety by Design development protocol based on the pharmaceutical model, is the valPure® V70 series of coatings for food and beverage containers. valPure V70 was recently awarded the Bronze METPACK 2017 Innovation award during the show in Essen, Germany.” valPure® V70 is a next-generation non-BPA coating that gives can makers and brands the performance and protection they have come to expect from traditional epoxy-based coatings. V70 was designed to achieve the strongest performance while meeting the highest safety standards – even beyond those required by regulatory agencies, as supported by leading academic toxicologists and validated by the toughest critics, including NGOs. Researchers at leading universities including Tufts, Baylor, and Colorado State University studied this molecule and results are now being published.

COATING “With the strides we’re making in non-BPA innovation, it’s an exciting time to be in the metal packaging coatings industry,” Mr Marchi enthuses. “We’re pushing the boundaries of technology, expanding our product line and gaining the trust of key industry stakeholders to further strengthen our position as the leader in next-generation non-BPA coatings.” V70 for two-piece beverage can and end applications offers drop-in solutions for epoxylike performance while maintaining current line efficiencies on the same equipment. V70 for food can applications offers epoxy-like performance in solvent- or water-based formulations for exteriors on sheet or coil and for D&I can interiors. Major customers and brand owners are converting to valPure V70 products to meet their non-BPA conversion requirements. Valspar is very proud of this innovation in non-BPA technology and pleased by its market acceptance and expansion into the industry. “We will continue developing, reviewing, and refining new technologies to meet the needs of our customers today and in the future,” adds Mr Marchi.

Driving a revolution Next generation, award-winning technology from Dow Coating Materials could drive a revolution in can coatings, by facilitating health-conscious food and drink producers to turn away from epoxy coatings using bisphenol A (BPA) and other materials of concern. Whilst cans offer great consumer convenience, coatings are needed to protect containers from corrosion, and the contents from contact with metal, helping preservation, flavour quality and consumer safety. Yet with traditional epoxy coatings using BPA – a material that has raised health concerns – alternatives are in demand from progressive brand owners wanting to address evolving consumer demands. Now, technological developments at Dow have facilitated a tried and tested option for flexible and rigid plastic food packaging to be applied to can coatings too: thermoplastic polyolefins, with a specially designed mix of functionalised and non-functionalised polyethylene or polypropylene in an aqueous dispersion. Without materials such as styrene, epoxides and phenolic crosslinkers, breakthrough CANVERA™ Polyolefin Dispersions from Dow offer a water-borne, spray-applied replacement for epoxy coating systems, eliminating BPA use and delivering brand owners a new approach to safe, sustainable can coating that will appeal to health-conscious consumers. Powered by patented BLUEWAVE™ Technology, which facilitates creation of ultra-thin, thermoplastic film coatings, CANVERA™ Polyolefin Dispersions can be spray-applied from water-borne formulations to the inside of cans, protecting contents from changes in colour, taste or appearance. With cost effectiveness and seamless manufacturing productivity high on the agenda, producers also benefit from drop-in performance: the technology can be used on existing lines and applied directly to metal surfaces by the same equipment used for current epoxy coatings. Dow’s CANVERA™ Polyolefin Dispersions for metal can coating received a bronze 2017 Edison award. “Dow Coating Materials has been working on this progressive technology for several years, and it is really exciting to finally see it being adopted by the market place,” remarks Neil Carr, business president, Dow Coating Materials, Performance Monomers and Plastic Additives. “CANVERA™ Polyolefin Dispersions offer a genuine breakthrough in can coatings, and are a great testimony of our business’s ability to deliver science-based, sustainable solutions that aim to improve people’s lives.”

“Our objective was to develop a solution with barrier performance better than Epoxy technologies while eliminating materials of concern, including of course BPA,” says Luc Viardot, global segment manager, Food, at AkzoNobel Metal Coatings. “We aimed to provide our customers with a stronger platform in terms of chemical resistance for many types of food via a solution which can be used in multiple regions across the globe. This technology already has a proven track record in terms of application and chemical resistance in different regions. The metal can industry has faced many challenges over the last few years. However, challenges stimulate AkzoNobel to bring our customers the right answer in a timely manner. Our customer requirements are very different across the food metal can business and we strive to bring global solutions which can be adapted to meet regional and local needs. The product is designed to be applied in a 1- or 2-coat system depending on the properties of the food which is to be contained. The coating can be applied at low film weight and has excellent powder side stripe adhesion. We developed this platform together with our customers; we value their input at each stage of the project and we see the results now!” “We are anticipating future legislation and aim to lead the market in terms of sustainability,” adds Dominique Fort, marketing director, AkzoNobel Metal Coatings. “We believe that not only our customers but also consumers will benefit from new technologies which will drive the market toward more sustainable solutions. With our 40 years of experience in the metal packaging business, billions of food and beverage cans coated with our products and a wide coating portfolio in many different segments, we are best positioned to provide our customers with solutions which meet the needs of today and tomorrow.” It is apparent that coatings are bringing advanced solutions to both the inside and outside of packaging. On the one hand, the coatings market is driving forward sustainable and safer materials for inner protective layers, and there is also a trend in the market towards using coatings on the outer surface of packaging to boost shelf appeal and attract consumers. Coatings address an abundance of concerns in the market and held by consumers today: health, sustainability, environmental, shelf appeal, corrosion resistance, and protection, ultimately leading to innovation and the development of forward-thinking materials for tomorrow’s generation.

Eliminating concern AkzoNobel strengthens its position in the food coatings segment by introducing Vitalure™ G2 10 – a new generation of polyester coatings for the internal protection of three-piece food cans and ends. The new internal coating for three-piece food cans from AkzoNobel combines key features–excellent barrier performance, strong sulphur resistance, and sustainability–delivering a global platform which meets regional requirements across all geographical areas. Packaging Europe | 25 |

BEYOND THE BOX According to a report from Smithers Pira, the corrugated packaging industry is growing rapidly. Demand for corrugated packaging material is expected to increase by an average of more than four per cent annually over the next five years. Elisabeth Skoda explores some of the recent areas of innovation that demonstrate the potential of corrugated.


orrugated has many benefits as a packaging material when protecting goods, especially fresh produce. According to reports from the corrugated packaging association FEFCO, research has proven that corrugated reduces the risk of microbiological contamination compared with reusable plastic crates – prolonging shelf life by up to three days. Corrugated is also made from up to 88 per cent recycled materials. Corrugated packaging offers optimal protection to products. It can be easily stacked, can be customised for easy opening and handling without damaging the product in store. It also offers good retail appeal. Advanced printing methods turn corrugated into an attractive shelf ready packaging and an effective marketing tool.

Extending shelf life Nathalie Schneegans, communications director at FEFCO, highlights Bestack, a non-profit consortium among the main Italian firms that produce packaging for fruit and vegetables (International Paper, Fustelpack, SmurfiKappa, Ghelfi Ondulati, DS Smith, Ondulor, Mauro Benedetti, Scatolificio Sandra e Trevikart), which carries out research to innovate in the area of cardboard packaging for fruit and vegetables. As a result of an ongoing cooperation between Bestack and a research group at Bologna University, packaging was developed which increases the shelf life of products thanks to controlling the proliferation of microbiological organisms. Bestack active corrugated cardboard packaging uses the same essential oils present in nature which are already in use in the food industry, as approved by the legislative framework. This is in order to control the ripening process and to slow it down in a natural way. “In 2016, Bestack active packaging has been tested directly at selling points producing exciting results. Product shelf life was increased by 1.6 days in comparison with traditional packaging, the ripening process was regulated, allowing for the fruit to be picked up as near as possible to the time of optimal ripening, The likelihood of product waste is reduced, allowing for less energy consuming preservation processes, improving retailers’ and consumers’ satisfaction and consolidating rapports within the supply chain,” Ms Schneegans explains. | 26 | Packaging Europe

Printability Luis Christophe, EMEA Corrugated Segment Marketing Manager at HP, explains how advances in print technology have turned corrugated into a viable option for attracting attention on the shelf. Brands are increasingly competing at the shelf, and HP argues that it is clear the corrugated packaging market is ready for a digital transformation. “The use of digital print has been a prominent feature in labels and flexible packaging for over two decades, and while we continue to see that trend climb, the spotlight is shifting to the corrugated packaging market,” Mr Christophe explains. Corrugated is an important market for HP. As a more than $226 billion industry enjoying impressive growth, it is forecast to hit $269 billion in 2021, according to a Smithers Pira report on the future of global packaging. The HP addressable market is estimated at $3.4 billion according to an internal study by HP in April 2014.

Attractive at POS As a material, the primary purpose of corrugated is simple: to protect products. Historically it was secondary packaging with low value added. However, the shift in consumer behavior puts much more weight now at the final steps of purchasing. Savvy marketers and brand managers have discovered that while the intent of corrugated packaging is protection, there’s a huge opportunity to use that same packaging to win at the shelf. The product box has evolved from just protection to a tool for brands to differentiate from competition. Additionally, there’s a trend in using corrugated for economical retail purposes, where corrugated pallets are replacing shelves, often seen in supermarkets and grocery stores. That said, shelf-ready packaging is quickly picking up steam, serving the dual purpose of a box and a display. “Today consumers want more interaction with their brands and that places corrugated boxes in a unique position to add value through digital printing,” Mr Christophe points out. “A recent example of this is a project co-founded by Melinda, the market leader for apples, and Ghelfi Ondulati, an integrated box producer, both located in Italy. The


project consisted of producing apple trays with messages from consumers to support people who were impacted by the 2016 earthquakes in Italy. Each box was digitally printed by the HP PageWide T1100S press by Ghelfi Ondulati. The campaign became so successful that consumers are buying larger trays of apples to take it home, therefore becoming the primary packaging in this context, because the larger trays carries the personalised messages.”

Mr Christophe praises corrugated’s unique properties. “Corrugated is economical, delivers great value from protection to conveying messages, and contributes to environmentally friendly packaging efforts given many corrugated boards are made of recycled paper. Additionally, due to its light weight, corrugated is an affordable packaging option as it often saves on transportation and shipping costs.” The full range of corrugated packaging and displays are covered by HP Solutions – from high volume, high speed basic corrugated applications on uncoated media to improved graphics for merchandise displays and high value, large format boxes. The newfound versatility in the corrugated packaging market is displayed within two HP product ranges: HP PageWide Web Presses and HP Scitex Presses. The portfolio of HP presses – including both pre- and post-print solutions – offers speed, quality, and versatility. Mr Christophe is keen to highlight the latest advancements announced by HP for the packaging markets: “The HP PageWide C500, powered by HP PageWide Thermal Inkjet Technology. A direct-to-board digital corrugated solution, the HP PageWide C500 prints on 1.3 metre-wide boards using an innovative corrugated media handling solution with a virtual belt. Announced at drupa 2016, customer beta testing is scheduled to begin at the end of this year, with commercial availability planned for 2018. Additionally, the HP Scitex 17000 Press enables printers to produce displays and short-run boxes with high-quality printing at a fast production speed.”

Spatial efficiency Chiara Covone, Divisional Innovation Director at DS Smith highlights the important role corrugated can play to help retailers and manufacturers stay ahead and target growth.

She talks about two recent innovations by DS Smith which the company believes will drive down costs, reduce return rates and ultimately help our customers be more efficient when shipping online products. “One particularly big challenge for the industry is the issue of void space. On average 55 per cent of each box shipped is empty because of the infinite combination of products purchased online and the finite number of packaging solutions. Shipping air is a waste of money that no company can afford. In light of this, DS Smith has pioneered Made2fit, a technological solution which creates right size packaging. The manual Made2fit solution is designed to work for lower volume orders, creating 39 possible box size combinations from just three blank sizes. Whereas the automated version of Made2fit is for larger volume orders, with the capability to manufacture more than 10 million box size combinations, in a process that is omnichannelready,” Ms Covone explains. “Made2fit could revolutionise the industry as it will save warehouse space, reduce order administration and significantly cut assembly and packing times. It should also significantly reduce product movement, helping to reduce damage.”

Protecting what’s in the box Ms Covone highlgihts a second industry first by DS Smith – DISCS, which offers comprehensive testing for the kind of stresses a pack could be subjected to during transport. Named after the different types of testing (Drop Impact Shock Crush Shake), it consists of five pieces of equipment, each replicating a part of the product journey and therefore providing real world testing. “The e-commerce supply chain is extremely complex, with up to 50 possible touch points and it is vital that packaging can survive the journey and guarantee protection of a product. DISCS will ensure that every pack we develop can endure the rigours of the e-commerce supply chain and will assure our customers that all products will arrive safely with the end consumer, even if the pack has fallen off a conveyor belt, been knocked over in a vehicle or taken two or three attempts to be delivered,” she concludes. Packaging Europe | 27 |


INTERPACK RETROSPECTIVE The Packaging Europe team decamped to Düsseldorf Messe in May, bringing along a camera crew and a generous stock of footcare products. The depth and breadth of innovation was as overwhelming as ever. However, one particular trend stood out: 2017 was the year that Industry 4.0 truly arrived at interpack. Tim Sykes reports.


nterpack 2017 was the biggest ever edition of the world’s biggest packaging fair, with a record attendance of 2865 companies. Of the 170,500 visitors, 74 per cent came from abroad – another record. The high percentage of experts from a total of 168 countries made for highly satisfied faces among exhibitors, who delighted at promising business contacts and even concrete deals concluded in the seven-digit range. Visitors in turn benefitted from an internationally unrivalled multitude of innovations on display and a unique market overview. Hans Werner Reinhard, managing director at Messe Düsseldorf, remarked: “interpack has again impressively confirmed its claim of being the world’s most important event and innovation platform for the industry every three years. Due to the concept of the newly created global ‘interpack alliance’, interpack as its flagship has also obtained more exposure in the growth markets abroad thereby attracting even more high-calibre experts to Düsseldorf.”

Smart manufacturing interpack often serves, among other things, as a snapshot of the industry’s progress. Comparing conversations we had and exhibits we saw in 2017 with their counterparts in 2014, it’s clear that discussion of the fourth industrial revolution has shifted from largely the future tense to largely the present. Across interpack Industry 4.0 applications were on show – in commercialised, user-friendly solutions that deliver considerable efficiencies, manage personalisation and guarantee traceability across the supply chain. Rockwell Automation’s Best Future Machine awards underlined the range of possibilities being realised by an ecosystem of technologies implementing smart sensors and automation products. Many of these are featured across the pages of this magazine. Meanwhile, interpack saw a number of significant product launches. Schneider Electric introduced its EcoStruxureTM Machine, representing a significant step forward in its ability to help | 28 | Packaging Europe

its packaging machine builders design machine solutions that are ready for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). EcoStruxure delivers Schneider Electric’s smart machine solutions, which are built on its IIoT-enabled open and interoperable EcoStruxure system architecture and platform. Siemens revealed further Industry 4.0 feats, including a collaboration with Bausch & Ströbel, with digitisation in machine building set to achieve efficiencies of 30 per cent by 2020. A particular highlight of the Siemens booth, featuring complete line planning tools, was the new MindSphere cloud based IoT operating system. Bosch Packaging Technology gave practical demonstrations of how Industry 4.0 solutions can help achieve higher process safety and product quality in industries such as pharma and food. Detailed information about each machine, line or process status is provided by the Bosch’s Condition Monitoring platform, which records data in real-time, enabling maintenance staff to react before cost-intensive process deviations or downtime occur. An example shown at interpack was the monitoring of filters, which ensure the consistent sterility of production processes. Special sensors within the machine control the sterilisation status of these filters. In case predefined parameters are infringed, operators receive a notification. This enables them to initiate maintenance activities quickly, and to prevent product loss due to non-sterile processes. Meanwhile, Gebo Cermex displayed a number of world premieres relating to their ‘Agility 4.0’ concept - tailoring the possibilities of Industry 4.0 to facilitate efficient and agile supply chains in an age of urbanisation, customisation and e-commerce. The business is rolling out a host of solutions to realise the connected factory, with the iTRACK-powered Care Select feeding system (winner of Rockwell’s ‘Best Modular Machine’ award), fenceless, laser guided robotics and the container handling technology AQFlex. Gebo Cermex also demonstrated its virtual factory simulation tools, which are bringing efficiencies in line design and training.


More broadly, interpack underlined how modular design of packaging and process lines and optimised digital operating concepts are playing an ever more pivotal role in reducing complexity in manufacturing and increasing flexibility in change-over. ‘Digital twins’ were much in evidence and several exhibits focused on virtual reality applications that allow machines or equipment to be experienced holistically to manage complexity better.

SAVE FOOD Six years after the launch of SAVE FOOD at interpack 2011 the initiative has grown into a broad-based alliance of over 850 international members from industry, associations, NGOs and research institutes. One of the milestones of the Initiative is the SAVE FOOD Congress at interpack, the third edition of which was held on 4 May. The Congress pursued a multi-dimensional approach to address the issue of food losses and waste comprehensively. Participants included high-ranking political representatives as speakers such as Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, and Gargi Kaul, Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser at the Indian Ministry for Food Processing Industries, as well as committed NGOs activists and representatives from business. Over the course of the Congress the perspective changed, focusing either on global views or national details and conditions – with India as a focal theme this time. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presented results of a study in India funded by the Initiative; it had been carried out with the aim of identifying the mechanisms involved in losses of important base foodstuffs and of finding approaches for solutions. As part of the congress the SAVE FOOD partners Messe Düsseldorf and FAO also signed a memorandum of understanding, in order to fix the cooperation for the coming four years. “It is an absolute hallmark of interpack to focus on attention-grabbing special | 30 | Packaging Europe

topics,” explained Werner Matthias Dornscheidt, president & CEO of Messe Düsseldorf. “We are therefore delighted to be able to also fight food losses and waste with our partner, the FAO, and in cooperation with the industry and other supporters in future, too. This means we are committed to a good cause and communicate the potential that the packaging industry and related process industries hold in this context at the same time.” innovationparc, the special show organised as part of interpack 2017, also addressed the theme of SAVE FOOD and presented very practical solutions for minimising food losses and waste. These also included the finalists and winners of the WorldStar Awards of the World Packaging Organisation (WPO). Awards went, for instance, to plastic bags for fruit that can enormously prolong shelf life thanks to built-in ripening-gas absorbers.


COLLABORATION MILESTONES In 2014 Dow made a first appearance at interpack to share with the industry the new approach it had been developing. Returning in 2017, the global business was able to speak in much more concrete terms about its strategic vision of value chain collaboration. Tim Sykes met Javier Constante (VP Packaging & Speciality Plastics EMEA) on the first morning of the fair to assess the extent to which this concept has been realised and to discover how it continues to evolve.


he Pack Studios process began six years ago. From the beginning we were very clear that the whole value chain needed to be involved in order to achieve the sort of joined-up innovation the market required,” Javier Constante reflected. “This meant we couldn’t bypass converters, although frankly some brand owners would initially have preferred to do so. Each link in the value chain provides its unique expertise and without bringing them all together, there’s no chance of accelerating the process of bringing viable new solutions to market. We had been trying to foster these kinds of collaborations for some time but Pack Studios proved to be the catalyst.” Thanks to the platform provided by the Pack Studios facilities, boosted by high-profile successes such as the early partnership with Nordmeccanica as well as by good existing relationships with major brand owners, more and more stakeholders began to approach Dow to help facilitate collaborative projects. Often the initial point of contact would be a converter, at marketing director level, who brought a more nuanced understanding of specific needs of brand owners. Recurrently, this reflected a desire to develop packaging solutions that respond to core pressures on packaging within the narrow requirements of specific market segments. “The central challenge for packaging is perhaps delivering increased sustainability,” remarked Mr Constante. “We need to design the sustainable packaging of the future. For flexible packaging, which sometimes gets a bad press, this particularly means thinking about end of life. So a lot of R&D is going into thinking about making flexible packaging compatible with recycling. However, shelf impact is another major driver. This is also considered through the lens of specific market applications. For instance, in the pet food segment (where of course the human ‘consumer’ rarely tastes the product!) appearance and convenience are key to purchase decisions. We are therefore having long conversations with converters about the kinds of innovations we can introduce that can make a difference.” The fruits of such efforts were there for all to see at interpack 2017, where the shift from talking about collaboration in 2014 to presenting a range of solutions born in Pack Studios illustrated the exponential growth of the project. Perhaps the most significant of these was the ADCOTETM L86-500 Barrier Adhesive – a key enabler of the all-polyolefin package. Designed for medium barrier applications, it provides additional protection against oxygen and moisture. The

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Javier Constante, VP Packaging & Speciality Plastics EMEA

adhesive enables the development of a packaging that is recyclable in standard schemes, while replicating the shelf-life performance of PET-based packaging. All-polyolefin packages enabled by this new adhesive were showcased at interpack for aroma- and barrier-sensitive applications, including a coffee pouch produced in collaboration with Bosch and Mondi, as well as cereal pouches, snack and dry pet food packs and wet wipe packages. Other products featured in Dow’s interpack ‘Boutique’ included INNATE™ the result of an agile collaboration with ITP, enabling high abuse resistance for tough frozen food applications, and EasySplit, a separable carton/film concept deriving from a partnership with B-Pack. Meanwhile, Dow took the opportunity of the interpack stage to announce a global Pack Studios collaboration programme with HP Indigo to accelerate innovation in flexible packaging. The programme will accelerate flexible packaging development through shared resources to understand final package appearance and shelf appeal. The collaboration grants HP Indigo access to the Dow Pack Studios network and technical facilities, while simultaneously expanding Pack Studios’ capabilities through access to HP’s digital-printing resources and expertise. While the kind of collaboration Dow has pioneered and refined since interpack 2014 benefits the whole value chain, the commercial advantages are clear. “The idea of a company like Dow selling solutions rather than raw material by the kilo was a foreign idea ten years ago,” Mr Constante remarked. “However, the market is far more receptive to the idea today. This is of course reinforced by external market pressures such as the need to reduce packaging materials.” Despite this significant progress, however, the collaborative adventure can still be regarded as a work in progress. Mr Constante concluded by hinting at shift in direction that could make for radically different results by 2020: “Collaborative innovation is a continuing journey. Our approach is evolving as we learn about both the possibilities and the barriers. For instance, we have found that small scale projects and prototyping can be problematic for brand owners. It can be an obstacle to getting large brand owners on board. Therefore, as a next step we intend to work more with co-packers, who are in a position to create the bridge between prototyping and large scale production.”

FUTURE MACHINES AT INTERPACK Rockwell Automation, a global pioneer in harnessing the potential of the IIOT with ever more sophisticated industrial automation technologies, chose interpack as the stage for its inaugural Best Future Machine competition. Tim Sykes attended the award ceremony to get the winners’ insights into the unfolding capabilities of Industry 4.0 in packaging applications.


nterpack 2017 featured a vast array of smart manufacturing solutions, from the special exhibition hosted by VDMA to key product launches by names such as Bosch, Siemens and Schneider Electric. A significant chapter of this story belongs to Rockwell, whose technologies appeared as components of countless innovations across the halls of Messe Düsseldorf. Tonejet’s ground-breaking digital can decorating machine, for instance, relies on Rockwell’s iTRAK intelligent track system to accurately transport the cans during the print process and ensure a high-quality finish. Underscoring the impact of this ecosystem of technologies was the Best Future Machine award. The competition was split into five categories, reflecting key areas in which smart manufacturing has disruptive potential: ease of use, modular machines, smart machines, sustainability, and traceability and product safety.

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Overall winner was Cama Group, which rated highly in several categories and won in ‘Best Ease of Use’. The award-winning machine was he new IF318 robotised monoblock loading unit. The solution introduces Cama’s innovative ‘pitch-less’ platform for the robotic forming, loading and closing of cartons from corrugated or paperboard materials. Incorporating many of the features that make Cama’s machines stand out, including cabinet-free technology, ergonomics and friendly use, the machine also leverages iTRAK technology. Meanwhile, Cama developed a Digital Twin for the machine, together with a Pack ML compliant user interface incorporating both condition based maintenance and predictive maintenance capability. According to the jury members, the Cama machine ticked a lot of boxes and showed how an integrated, modular design concept can be incredibly flexible and suit multiple applications.


Sustainability Winner in the ‘Sustainability’ category was CMC Machinery for its CartonPack solution. Fittingly, the same solution won in the ‘Machinery’ category in Packaging Europe’s Sustainability Awards. As described in the award citation article, the CMC CartonPack is an essential solution for the e-commerce age. It processes multi-item orders of different sizes and odd shapes, saving 30 per cent corrugated and reducing up to 60 per cent volume in a standard folded carton. Core of the CMC CartonPack is the ‘Vary-Tote’, a CMC-designed-and-patented transport tote system, featuring two inner adjustable guides, which are used to compact the picked items to the minimum possible volume and to define orders dimensions. The Vary Totes move on a carousel, which brings full totes to the machine-induct section and, once empty, conveys the totes to the picking area for refilling. During the process, a consolidated multiple-item order is initially placed in a Vary Tote and enters the machine. A 3D Scanner placed in the CMC Vary Tote induct area reads the three dimensions of the order set by the adjustable guides. Data is sent to the CMC CartonPack, which creates the exact size flat blank. The necessary corrugated sheet comes from a dedicated star-shaped device that smoothly unwinds the fanfold and keeps the cardboard flat to avoid creasing. Flats are dynamically scored and cut. A dedicated pick & place mounted in the picking area then places the Vary Tote above the flat cut on demand. The bottom of the Vary Tote automatically slides and items are accurately placed on the pre-formed blank, while the box panels erect and wrap the items. The on-demand box is formed, closed and sealed with hot melt glue. “Our business has a history in designing on-demand packaging solutions for food and confectionery industries, later diversifying into envelope-inserting systems and film-wrapping systems,” Tania Torcolacci, CMC’s marketing manager, told Packaging Europe. “In 2013, combining these different areas of technological expertise – pioneering systems featuring up to 30,000 envelopes/hour – we introduced our new Box on Demand Machines, the CMC CartonWrap and the CMC CartonPack, to dynamically pack single or multiple items fixed together, in perfect size boxes. In the latest three years, we have been heavily investing in R&D activities to engineer innovative solutions for these markets, particularly for e-commerce fulfilment, where our customers are experiencing highly-increasing order volumes (about +30 percent year by year) and multiitem order variability. When it comes to consolidating and packing different size and shape items for shipment it is a hard challenge. CMC worked also to boost the machines’ cycling speed, from 500 boxes/ hour using cardboard from a reel, to 700/1,000 boxes/hour, using fanfold fed corrugated.”

Smart Machines Meanwhile, Goglio scooped the ‘Smart Machines’ category thanks to its GCap6, displaying its deep knowledge in the coffee sector. This is a filling machine for aluminium capsules that consists of several modules: a loading system for stacked capsule, a double Auger

filling system, a checkweigher, a tamping and cleanup device, a cut and seal group of the top lid, a camera for optical control, and an exit pick-and-place device. Goglio designed the GCap6 automation system carefully selecting solutions and control systems and choosing a particularly user-friendly programming environment, for an easier software development. Furthermore the reduction of installation and start-up training time, the easier identification of problems, testing and validation are some of the advantages that characterize GCap6. All devices are connected via Ethernet/IP by facilitating communication within the control network. The machine can also be accessed remotely and production data (such as recipes, batch numbers and production quantities) can be directly sent to the machine. The customer can potentially collect an infinite number of parameters and analog/digital data that can be used to implement predictive maintenance.

Modularity Gebo Cermex took home the prize in the ‘Modular’ category, thanks to its patented CareSelect™ universal and modular shaped-bottle infeed and collating system for robotic or traditional case packers. Once again powered by Rockwell Automation’s iTRAK® technology, CareSelect™ can achieve speeds of up to 400 products per minute depending on package size, shape and weight, easily surpassing traditional ‘endless screw’ collation systems in terms of bottle integrity and protection. The system delivers shaped bottles to the packing machine with precision and care in the correct orientation and pitch, turning each bottle 90°. Even unstable products are smoothly and individually handled via independent movers. To eliminate contact between products, flow is managed without accumulation at the infeed and ‘friction time’ between the bottle and the system - when the bottles come into contact with machine parts - is dramatically reduced (by at least 20 times) compared to traditional infeed systems. It also offers fully automatic changeovers in less than one minute, with no need for mechanical adjustments. Commenting on the win, Marc Aury, president and MD of Gebo Cermex, said: “We are naturally delighted to receive this global recognition by a jury comprising some of the world’s leading brands. This demonstrates we are rightfully placing our emphasis where it matters most: to bring Smart Factories to life, to create a world of greater choice and unique consumer experience driven by packaging mass customization and product diversity.” The final category of ‘Traceability and Product Safety’ was awarded to SN Maschinenbau’s FM 200 pouch packaging machine, whose communication capabilities was designed with Industry 4.0 in mind and offers data-capture possibilities for traceability. Commenting on the judging process, one jury member explained, “This was an incredibly tough competition to judge as some of the machines impressed us across multiple areas. It is obvious to see that innovation is alive in the packaging industry. I am convinced that some of these machines will quickly establish themselves as class leaders.” Packaging Europe | 37 |


Bilwinco has been a market leader in the weighing and packaging industry since 1955. At its company headquarters in Denmark, it develops and build custom-made solutions for its customers worldwide. The company introduces its new revolution weigher- compact to the market. The Series of the new compact revolution multihead scale (C Series) ensures • Smaller footprint - higher speeds and performance • Higher reliability such as unbreakable load cells • Lower costs of ownership • Gasket free direct weighing with 25 per cent less giveaway versus traditional multihead weighers.


combination of hygienic design and great functionality is achieved through full and easy access to the main scale control, and a small detail, like the waterproof cabinet door closes protected under an angled roof, makes a big difference in the daily sanitation process. The scale is self-draining and built on a fully welded and sleek body, with no unhygienic edges or overlapping seams. The Revolution Compact Series comes with the largest touch screen HMI on the market for multihead scales, and features operating equipment efficiency readings, statistical data, help and troubleshooting menus and more. A useful optional feature is the operator time-saving camera, making it possible to survey the top of the multihead from floor level – and from there even direct the cam and zoom in if required. An overall compact design with new advanced self-tuning vibratory pans control ensures high speed weighing at unbeatable accuracy. The new control operates with higher resolution and three times faster processing speed. The design offers smooth and accurate product flow to the double gate buckets at low drop heights. | 38 | Packaging Europe

The new series offers gasket free direct weighing with a robust 300% overload protection in all directions. Replacing load cells is history. All this keeps uptime high while giveaway and cost of ownership is kept at the lowest ever. The stainless steel made buckets can be cleaned in place or can be removed for sanitation purposes. They are therefore interchangeable and operated by stepper motor actuators. Each channel has its own pre-charge bucket and weighing bucket. At the end of the day it gives less product build up, less buckets to keep clean and less product damage – compared to machines with additional combination buckets. Bilwinco’s ambition is to maintain its position as world leaders in its niche of multihead weigher solutions primarily for the wet and frozen food industry, which will surely be supported by this latest offering to the market. Visit:

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ADVANCED WELDING SOLUTIONS FOR PACKAGING Emerson is an industry leader in the design, development, manufacturing and marketing of plastic joining, ultrasonic processing and ultrasonic metal welding equipment. Sales engineer Matthias Poth talks about the company’s strengths and its appearance at interpack.


merson’s focus lies with joining plastics for a wide range of industries that use plastic materials, such as the automotive, appliance, business and consumer electronics, textile, nonwovens, medical and packaging industries. “Emerson’s plastics joining business started with the development of ultrasonic welding in the late 1960s under the Branson brand. Our core technology today still focuses on ultrasonic welding, but our technology portfolio now contains other joining technologies such as vibration welding, infrared welding and laser welding which are mainly used for larger plastic parts,” Mr Poth explains.

Strength in experience He highlights ultrasonic expertise, highly developed equipment and robust and reliable technology performance as the main advantage for customers. “Our packaging focus started in the early 1980s and we built up a global team of packaging specialists in sales and applications development to provide an industry focused service for the packaging world. A further point is our global strength based on a global presence in over 70 counties worldwide,” Mr Poth adds. He explains how customers can benefit from Emerson’s unique expertise. “Our welding technology is one part of our application solutions; another part is the know-how and experience in the way to use the technology. This is the point where customers can especially benefit from working with Emerson. We are not only providing the technology, we also support our customers in choosing a material, in part design and in machine design. The early stage of a new packaging project is the moment to integrate the supplier of the welding technology as part of the project, this partnership approach for developing a new application solution is the key for a successful application.”

interpack success Emerson exhibited its broad portfolio of packaging solutions at interpack 2017 in Düsseldorf, with a focus on its Branson ultrasonic applications, under the theme of ‘Everything begins with your application’. | 40 | Packaging Europe

At the stand at interpack, the company demonstrated a live welding of a ‘life top’ cap on a Branson 2000x bench top welding system. Another example showed an ultrasonic welding module from Bosch Packaging Technology for the welding of aroma valves. “A wide range of ultrasonically welded packaging examples was displayed in a vitrine with different examples of flexible and rigid packaging applications. On a wall we showed the integration of our Branson DCX ultrasonic generators into a machine control environment by field bus technology. This technology allows to control our generator and to record information of the welding process through the machine control of the packaging machine,” Mr Poth explains.

Looking to the future Mr Poth concludes by explaining that the packaging Industry is moving fast, with new applications, Industry 4.0, globalisation and environmental protection being the biggest challenges today and also in the near future. “Our objective is to support the packaging Industry with solutions and technology to meet their goals.” Visit:

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HYGIENIC DESIGN DRIVES NEXT GENERATION OF ® FASTBACK SOLUTIONS Heat and Control announces the next generation of FastBack solutions to meet industry sanitation requirements; FastBack 260E G3, Revolution Gate 3.0 and Cartridge open channel support system.


ith headlines such as “plant shuts down due to Listeria”, and “E- Coli effects multiple states” Heat and Control brings hygienic design into play where it counts for the food industry. Continuous product development based on industry need has resulted in the development of the next generation of FastBack solutions. “As the leading supplier of sanitary food conveying equipment across the globe, we wanted to make sure our clients were several steps ahead of the food safety issues that are making headlines,” says Blake Svejkovsky, General Manager - Product Handling Systems, Heat and Control Inc. “Food processing sanitation requirements have increasingly become a number one priority so the design team incorporated sanitary design as a standard feature of the G3. Now processors can easily meet hygiene standards while taking advantage of FastBack benefits.” Heat and Control has released new models for FastBack; 260E G3 and Revolution Gate 3.0; and for the first time, the Cartridge open channel support system. Key design features

Heat and Control releases the FastBack 260E G3 Cartridge open channel support system.

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like IP65 cabinets with flush doors assist cleaning in both wet and dry applications. Threadless feet, Open channel support structures (no closed tubes), sloped tops and easy access drawer control panels all contribute to sanitation and ease of use. “These technologies combine the latest thinking in true sanitary design providing a level of comfort for processors that simultaneously saves time and money at each and every sanitation window,” says Svejkovsky. These distinct improvements come with the legendary reliability (five times the design life of the competition) and rugged capability (the highest travel rates and throughputs), gentle motion with near zero product breakage and seasoning loss/build-up that has made the FastBack famous while also having the highest resale value in the market. “Heat and Control is once again proud to lead the industry in providing the most advanced and reliable equipment on the market – and it is a reinforcement of why our clients say ‘No one ever went wrong choosing Heat and Control’”, says Svejkovsky. Visit:

FULLY AUTOMATIC CHANNEL BALING PRESS FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT HSM GmbH + Co. KG, the South German manufacturer of baling presses, PET solutions and document shredders provides economical solutions for professional waste disposers and industrial applications. The baling presses of the manufacturer from Lake Constance are always specialists when it comes to compressing waste materials by up to 95 per cent and pressing them into unmixed and optimally transportable bales.


he latest addition to the extensive product portfolio is the fully automatic channel baling press HSM VK 6215. It is particularly suitable for professional waste management or larger industrial applications – with high throughput capacity. With an extremely high pressing force of 620 kN, the HSM VK 6215 is suitable for a wide range of materials such as cardboard, paper and film, as well as DSD goods and PET bottles. Thanks to the large filling opening of 1500 x 970 mm, bulky material is also no problem for the channel baling press. The bottom of the compaction chamber, as well as the bottom and side panels of the baling chamber are made of high wear-resistant steel and stand for durability and quality “Made in Germany”. Depending on the material, the highly compressed bales reach a weight of up to 550 kg, have a bale mass of 1100 x 750 x max. 1200 mm and are held together by a fully automatic, five-fold wire strapping. The optimal bale sizes and bale weights guarantee efficient use of the truck. The optimally coordinated software for the respective material types guarantees a high bale quality, even with frequent material changes. The HSM VK 6215 with frequency-controlled drive is available as an option. This innovative drive makes a significant contribution to environmental protection and efficiency, making it possible to save up to 40 per cent of energy costs compared to conventional drive technology – with the same performance. Visit:



erac presents its eMC capper, which has been designed to meet the ramp-up need of manufacturers who decide to operate less industrial sites and thus concentrate their production. Configured with 12 heads, the eMC capper reaches an output of 420 pump bottles per minute. It thus ranks at the highest productivity level of its category. The eMC capper can handle nearly all the closing systems of the market: oriented, non-oriented, screw and push-on caps, screw or push-on finger pump sprayers and pump dispensers, push-on trigger sprayers. Hence, this machine can be considered for production lines having to deal with a wide variety of packs, or as a scalable solution, allowing to anticipate a shift from conventional caps to pumps. With all functions gathered in one single turret and mechanical cams replaced by servomotors, the capping unit is more compact and less high, integrating more easily on existing lines. The eMC capper will be released for sale in September 2017 as stand-alone equipment or to be integrated in single block Combox lines. Visit

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The fully automatic channel baling press HSM VK 6215 is the economical solution for professional waste disposers and industrial applications.

REGAL FOCUSES ON INNOVATION AND RELIABILITY Regal Power Transmission Solutions™, one of Regal Beloit Corporation’s business segments, is much more than an array of well-respected product brands. Its focus is to provide solutions that deliver superior performance, blending the latest in technology with its years of experience and expertise. At interpack 2017, Regal Power Transmission Solutions introduced new System Plast® products with a focus on innovation and reliability.


he System Plast products maintain leadership in efficiency, noise reduction, hygiene, total cost of ownership, and lubrication reduction. The new TopTrac™ curve design provides high speed and load performance in dry applications. This innovative design allows the user to replace only the high-performance Nolu®-SR wear strips so the entire curve assembly can remain intact. Replacement can be accomplished with the curve in position on the conveyor, which drastically reduces downtime and maintenance. The more homogeneous magnetic field results in a quieter chain operation and less energy consumption. System Plast’s new machined sprockets with bushings instead of nuts, combine a userfriendly design with optimum performance. They feature a reduced number of holes, providing better hygiene and easier access, as well as zero nut rotation and optimum absorption of shear forces resulting in increased strength. The Heavy Duty sprockets and idlers’ robust design absorbs high forces and allows them to perform well in harsh environments. Dirt is moved away from contact surfaces resulting in longer wear life of chain and sprocket (available with Z12 and 40mm bore). Idler is available with plastic bushings or stainless steel bearings. System Plast’s new Roller Flow belts are a lightweight, low backline pressure solution. The 2120 version offers the shortest transfer possible, smooth product handling of boxes or trays, and improved safety due to its closed surface. It fits regular

conveyor constructions and runs on standard sprockets making it well suited for the corrugated and food and beverage industry, as well as logistic and distribution centres and general material handling. The innovative Silent Nose Bar offers noise reduction when used at idler side of conveyor; up to a 5dB reduction compared to conventional nose bars or round shafts. This results in an important improvement of the line operator’s working environment. Its low coefficient of friction and short transfer possibilities also address other customer issues such as line efficiency and cost savings. The 2253 vacuum belt is specially designed for can making applications. It offers stable, and even vertical, conveying of empty cans. Hole design provides optimum vacuum effect. The 2253 offers lower friction, less noise and dust and higher speed without lubrication. In the beverage industry it can be used at vacuum transfers to eliminate down cans from the flow. Regal Power Transmission Solutions also exhibited a SealMaster® maintenance free high phosphorous nickel plated bearing insert that requires no re-greasing. The land riding design ensures that the H1 Food Grade grease is in the ball path and a High Performance (triple) Seal keeps dirt and moisture out. The Skwezloc® shaft locking collar ensures near perfect concentricity. For more information, go to Packaging Europe | 45 |


Established in the UK in 1969, Loma Systems® is today one of the leading global suppliers of in-line check and detect inspection systems for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Present in 100 countries around the world, it works alongside brands and manufacturers on a global scale. Its products are uniquely engineered to facilitate compliance with international product safety standards, weight legislation and retailers’ codes of practice, whilst identifying product defects and eliminating contaminants for consistent quality.


ibby White spoke with Toby Kemp, global marketing manager, about the support that goes on behind the scenes for the food and pharmaceutical industry to ensure quality and safety reach the consumer at the end of the process.

Loma®’s leading role The company holds a crucial role of product inspection, providing peace of mind for consumers, retailers, and manufacturers within the supply chain. Toby explains, “As a consumer, you will have heard of the retailers and supermarkets that you buy from but you would not necessarily be aware of the huge network of manufacturers and suppliers behind the scenes. The reality is that there is a huge food supply chain, and Loma®’s role is to help these manufacturers ensure safety and quality. We also work alongside retailers and professional bodies to help develop codes of practise, defining the standards that manufacturers must adhere to.” Loma® prides itself as one of the only companies that supplies a complete line of metal detectors, X-ray inspection, checkweighing and combination systems. Its equipment detects the smallest foreign bodies, ensuring products are free from contaminants such as metal, glass, stones, plastic, and rubber, whilst also dynamically checking products in-line to ensure quality standards are met, such as for weight legislation. Loma®’s checkweighers can check that consumers do not receive underfilled products, whilst also saving companies money by checking for overfilled products.

A challenging act Codes of practice, standards, and legislation make up a formidable field for Loma® to face. Toby highlights, “There is constant evolution in these topics, and on a global scale little is harmonised. We aim to work with major retailers to help support global manufacturers in complying with the latest standards, which is a challenging feat. Also, our goal is to offer the best lead times and we aim to stay on top of challenges alongside our customers.” Secondly, Toby underlines that in his experience, inspection solutions are not the first piece of equipment considered when implementing a production line, although they are some of the most important in terms of safety and quality. “It is in fact, usually the last,” he stresses. This entails additional challenges such as space restrictions, and complex product handling. Every factory is different, and Toby underlines that check and detect equipment needs to be considered earlier within the process.

Developing character Loma® holds over 40 years of experience and expertise. The company was recently present at interpack 2017, showcasing an array of new solutions, such as its next generation LOCK-PH pharmaceutical metal detector. A focus of Loma® at the moment is its next generation IQ4 metal detector series, which was launched as a highlight on its impressive interpack stand. “This series is designed for future proofing and Loma® is upping the game with this innovation,” Toby comments. It offers more reliable detection performance, and provides many customer benefits based around reliability, robustness, performance, usability, quality and flexibility. Users can benefit from an improved touch screen, designed for ease-of-use. It can also withstand a wash-down cleaning regime, as standard from Loma Systems®. Manufacturing processes and industry 4.0 are key topics within the industry at the moment. “Loma® is introducing software for centralised data reporting and management to help monitor multiple lines,” says Toby. TRACS 2 is an advanced data management and reporting tool. Introduced at interpack, it helps plants better understand product inspection performance and trends.

An X-pert cast “We are witnessing a rise of interest in X-ray inspection within the food industry as a whole, and here at Loma®,” Toby shares. “This is technology we have offered for nearly 20 years now for a range of food products, which also includes a big rise in the convenience food market.” It is hard to detect metal contaminants in metal packaging such as aluminium trays. Loma®’s X-ray solutions overcome this challenge as they can detect all types of metal (stainless steel, ferrous and non-ferrous) in foil trays and metallised packaging. Loma®’s equipment can also be used to inspect product quality, i.e. with a box of chocolates it can reject a pack if one is found missing, or it can reject multipacks if they are underfilled. | 46 | Packaging Europe

The X5C Compact X-ray inspection system was launched in 2016 by Loma®, “aimed at manufacturers that have not made the journey into X-ray technology yet,” says Toby. It holds a number of benefits, such as its compact size, and easy implementation. A key reason for its success: “This system has a low power consumption. X-ray is traditionally perceived as an expensive investment; however, the benefits of enhanced food safety far outweigh the cost.” Toby shares that Loma Systems® has just realised its complete X-ray series across the board of packaged goods, processed meats, and bulk and loose flowing products.

Winning technique Loma® relies on tool-box methodologies designed to augment manufacturing and enhance quality. Toby explains, “We have had a strong focus in this area within the last few years, and have won a number of awards due to this. We will continue to do what we do best, and the awards we have won recently indicate that we are performing to a high standard.” Further emphasising Loma®’s quality and expertise, the company is constantly increasing its production capability in order to keep up with demand. “We will continue to help protect both brand reputations and consumers,” Toby concludes. “Being part of Loma® has opened up a whole new perspective on what goes on behind the scenes in the food industry in order to bring a product to the supermarket shelf. Food and pharmaceutical products have been through a significant production process and the need for quality and safety is key.” More info: Packaging Europe | 47 |

NEW STANDARDS IN SAFETY AND VERSATILITY Best-known for its waterproof, breathable GORE-TEX® fabric, W. L. Gore & Associates has taken its expertise to the packaging market in its Packaging Vents division. Elisabeth Skoda spoke to Ralf Knoellinger, global product manager, about the company’s innovative display at the interpack trade fair, and what makes Gore’s vents stand apart from the rest.


eyond its innovative GORE-TEX® brand for textiles, the company offers a wide range of products across its consumer products, cable assembly, electronic components, fabrics, fibers, filtration, medical, pharmaceutical, sealants and venting divisions. Its creative solutions deliver performance for various applications, from fabrics and implantable medical devices to industrial manufacturing components and aerospace electronics. Founded in 1958, Gore is proud of its international presence and employs around 10,000 associates in 30 countries worldwide.

Innovative solutions for packaging GORE® Packaging Vents have been tried and tested for more than 20 years, and benefit from the vast experience of the Gore venting division, which also includes automotive vents, protective vents for outdoor electronics and portable electronic vents. “These vents serve a number of purposes. They equalize internal pressure, build a barrier to contaminants, manage moisture and condensation, preserve sound quality in acoustic components, enable electronic devices to survive in rugged environments, ensure the integrity of dangerous goods packaging, avoid leakage and enable fluid dispensing without container deformation,” Mr Knoellinger explains. Gore is able to leverage this technology for its packaging applications. Packaging Vents are available as plug-in vents or liners. Plug-in vents can easily be installed via press-fit or snap-fit. They are available for container sizes from 0.2 to 1,500 litres and can be integrated into the closures of industrial drums, jerry cans and IBCs as well as consumer containers. Plug-in vents are designed to withstand harsh chemicals and rugged use. | 48 | Packaging Europe

Liners, on the other hand, offer an easy way to transform an existing non-vented package into a well-vented package – without modifying an existing cap or closure. All liners are available in single- and multi-up roll goods, as well as in various widths. Cut parts are also available. Gore offers two styles of Liners: foam liners and pulp induction liners.

Gore’s Pulp Induction Liners and Foam Liners

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Ralf Knoellinger, Product Manager

interpack showcase Gore values interpack as a major packaging show with visitors from all over the world. Gore’s trade show booth was turned into a “Membrane University,” so potential customers could experience the features and benefits of products like a packaging vent first-hand. Different test stations focusing on airflow, liquid entry pressure and roll-off behaviour enabled the visitors to explore the technology for themselves and to understand how GORE® Vents differentiate from the competition. Visitors from all over the world were able to witness Gore’s membrane technology at several test stations, as Mr Knoellinger explains. “At one station, there was a liquid repellency test set up with two different membranes. Visitors could place drops of a representative liquid, which required venting, on these membranes. While the drop placed on a membrane without high roll-off capabilities moved more slowly and left a visible trace, the other moved faster without leaving a trace. The new membrane’s ability to quickly drain liquids means the vent is less likely to block if liquids splash onto the membrane during transport. And, ultimately, this means that dangerous leaks and spills are less likely.” Visitors experienced another ‘aha moment’ when they pumped air into a container, simulating what could happen if the container fell over during transport. When the vent became blocked by liquid, the pressure couldn’t escape. However, when the container was put upright again and the vent was no longer blocked, the pressure was able to escape, as was demonstrated by an inflating balloon fixed to the vent. “The response was very positive, and we raised customers’ awareness for more safety,” Mr Knoellinger points out. Thanks to the intuitive tasks of Gore’s “Membrane University” our visitors immediately understood the features of our vent and – even more importantly – its overall significance when transporting hazardous chemicals that represent a potential threat to the environment. Through this hands-on experience, they got to know our worry-free venting solutions, which give them much greater peace of mind about safety all along the supply chain.”

New products At interpack, Gore presented not only its existing plug-in vent and liner product portfolio, but also launched two new breathable foam liners which are designed to replace non-vented liners. “What sets these liners apart is that they have a full-surface construction. This means they ‘breathe’ across the whole surface of the liner. Our High Roll-Off Series has unprecedented roll-off properties that ensure exceptionally high residual airflow after repeated contact with the most challenging formulations. Also, the High Roll-Off Series has been extensively tested and proven effective at resisting leaks with the most aggressive chemicals, with highly-viscous formulations and with low surface-tension liquids that defeat other vent materials,” Mr Knoellinger points out. These foam liners set new standards for safety and versatility in packaging hazardous chemicals, agrochemicals, institutional cleaners and household chemicals, incorporating proprietary advances in venting technology. “Cap and container manufacturers will benefit, as these two versatile vents are drop-in replacements that satisfy a full range of packaging requirements. Chemical companies will enjoy more safety for their extremely hazardous chemicals and anything less chal| 50 | Packaging Europe

lenging as well. Gore’s newest membrane technology enables the High Roll-Off Series (3FL-363G) to set new standards in both airflow and liquid resistance. This offers an unrivalled level of safety and peace of mind when the most hazardous or challenging formulations are exposed to the most demanding conditions – like repeatable splashes, temperature or altitude changes,” Mr Knoellinger explains.

Fit for any purpose Since their introduction 25 years ago, Gore has continuously refined its packaging vents. “Our product range can be applied to containers holding 200 ml up to 1500 litres. We are able to cover the entire spectrum for a vast range of components.” Mr Knoellinger adds that even more important than size is the liquid inside the container which requires a vent solution. The industry faces two challenges – on the one hand, they want to make sure that the liquid is not leaking even if the container is dropped or has fallen over, so the membrane has to be tight to avoid leaks. When a container is upright, there is no liquid contact, but when the liquid splashes on the membrane during transport and handling, there needs to be sufficient breathability after the liquid drains off. Therefore, the right balance between leak-tightness of the membrane and residual airflow after liquid contact has to be found. “GORE® Packaging Vents are integrated in the cap or closure of the packaging, are able to deal with the most challenging chemicals and can meet almost every packaging application need.” At the heart of this technology is the principle behind the success of GORE-TEX® fabric, as Mr Knoellinger explains: “Vapour has smaller molecules, so it will pass the microporous structure of the ePTFE membrane, which enables breathability. Liquid molecules, which are larger, cannot pass. This enables reliable barrier protection.” Mr Knoellinger is keen to underline the importance of longevity for vents. “While the initial performance of a vent is important, it is even more important to see what the performance is like after thousands of liquid splashes, and how much pressure of a specific liquid the vent can withstand. We are educating our customers to ensure they know that they need to have the right product in order to be safe now and in the future. At our global lab facilities, we have the capability to test not just with water, but a huge variety of hazardous chemicals.”

Standing out in the marketplace Gore follows a practice called ‘Fitness for Use’, which means that a product should always keep the promises it makes. In conclusion, Mr Knoellinger highlights Gore’s dedication to providing their customers with long lasting solutions, by delivering products that always perform as promised. “We share our expertise in how venting enables packaging integrity. We offer our data from performance testing. We also check thoroughly along the supply chain, to understand what situations our product might find itself in. We make tremendous efforts to avoid risks in our customers’ applications. Our customers know that we offer the highest quality standards and product performance – this makes us successful and sustainable.” Visit:


Food companies who market their products in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) will now be able to significantly improve testing accuracy, as well as reduce the time needed to analyse oxygen and carbon dioxide headspace gas.


he Dansensor® CheckPoint 3 features the latest solid-state sensor technology which enables improved accuracy at twice the speed when compared to the previous model. CheckPoint 3 offers improved measurement stability. It is ideal for a wide variety of food products in MAP including meat, seafood, cheese, snack foods, salads, vegetables, powdered milk and coffee. “Its accuracy capabilities are particularly meaningful when the food product requires a low oxygen concentration. The more accurate your data is, the better able you will be to meet your shelf life goals,” said Nick Markussen, Area Sales Manager, MOCON Europe A/S - Dansensor. “Regarding its capability to provide results in less than ten seconds, if you are running more than 100 tests per day, this improved capability benefit operating efficiencies.” Another key aspect is that the oxygen sensor on the CheckPoint 3 is expected to deliver more than a two-year sensor ‘life’, which means a reduction in total cost of ownership. The CheckPoint 3 features a dramatic aesthetic departure from the visual appearance of traditional industrial equipment. The red arch that is part of MOCON’s visual branding, has become a structural part of the analyser. The hollow section under the arch provides an ergonomic resting spot so that the user’s hand can cradle the unit. “The new structural design also enabled us to position the sensor so that it is easier to store and use,” said Markussen. Additionally, the CheckPoint 3 features an intuitive graphic interface and depending on the unit selected data can be accessed or settings can be altered via a web browser or a smartphone. Further information: | 52 | Packaging Europe

Ab Chipsters Food Oy: Hyvä Apaja Oven-ready, boneless rainbow trout fillet 550 g in a cooking bag, salted / pepper


According to surveys, 76 percent of consumers want to eat more fish but 38 percent find preparation difficult.


ecent food trends in Finland have shown that consumers want products that are healthy, promote wellbeing and are convenient. With that in mind, Chipsters, a fish and seafood producer in Finland, decided to offer the retail market a fish product (see image) that consumers can find in the chilled section, eliminating the need to line up at the fish service counter. “Delivering a healthy meal that is effortless to make was the starting point for developing our product Hyvä Apaja boneless rainbow trout fillet. We also wanted to make sure that it catered to both, busy inexperienced food lovers and home cooks who want their meal to taste good, even when they are in a hurry,” said Anneli Lehtinen, Marketing Manager, Chipsters Food Oy in a recent interview. Chipsters Food Oy, delivers high-quality products that embrace the flavours of pure and beautiful Finnish archipelago. They carry a broad range of marine delicacies that meet the highest quality criteria. Most of the catch is locally sourced and processing begins on the boat to ensure fresh, tasty and pure product. Chipsters Food Ltd has been honouring the Åland Island’s long fishing tradition since 1934.

Selling a great product starts with a great partnership Initially Chipsters wanted to use the same old aluminium packaging used by many in Finland. But then Ari Nykänen, Sales Manager, Bemis introduced them to OvenRite® dual-ovenable films, an easy solution to adapt as it runs on traditional equipment. “This ground-breaking packaging technology is new for fish products in Finland and has provided itself as an excellent opportunity for brand differentiation. Our retail buyers received better value for the product after we decided to use this new kind of packaging. We already have plans to use the same packaging for future product development,” said Mrs Lehtinen. Since the fish product’s introduction in September 2016, consumers have voted it as the winner in the Gold Pepper 2016 contest in the “convenience for everyday” category. In mid-March, the product was a finalist in the Brussels Seafood Excellence Global Awards new product competition. In April, the product was a finalist for Finland’s best new food product in 2017. One of the Seafood Excellence Global Awards judges called it like it is, “an attractive packaging, very convenient because you don’t have to touch the fish.”

Want to know more? Contact us at Packaging Europe | 53 |

SEAMLESS FASHION LOGISTICS US fashion retail chain Stage Stores used a Skyfall solution to modernise its regional distribution centre in Jacksonville, TX. It boasts impressively high efficiency and reliability, with 12 sortation lines and over 5,000 transport pouches it is the first system of its kind that Swiss company Ferag AG has supplied to North America.


tage Stores called on the expertise and know-how of SDI Systems to develop and implement the requisite concept. “We were very pleased that SDI Systems chose our Skyfall system as the best and most efficient solution for Stage Stores, having thoroughly examined several alternatives,” Ferag CEO, Jürg Möckli, says. “A smoothly functioning logistics system, where everything from warehousing, to sorting and order picking to transporting, runs without a hitch, is vital to every modern trading company. A disturbance in the supply chain can often have disastrous consequences that can result in lost sales, and can seriously tarnish the company’s image. Speed, a certain degree of flexibility and reliability are rightly considered the decisive factors in order fulfilment for consumer goods.” The Skyfall variant in Jacksonville, TX, carries goods such as garments, shoes and other fashion items; and it can also selectively accumulate, single and re-sequence them. While goods can either be suspended or laid flat, the US chain uses only pouches for transport, which can carry up to 6 kg and accept products up to a maximum size of 14 × 17 × 6.7 inches. There is even the possibility to transport multiple items in one pouch, for example those belonging to one and the same order. Krish Nathan, CEO of SDI Systems, sees the innovative sortation and overhead conveyor technology from the Zürcher Oberland scoring on several fronts. The Ferag system is modular from the ground up and from the outset he was impressed by how well it integrates with existing buildings. Fulfilling this requirement was an absolute must for Jacksonville, TX,: 6 pre-buffer and 12 sorting lines as well as the 500-metre long circula| 54 | Packaging Europe

tion conveyor needed accommodating above the building tract in use as a staff restaurant and administration area. This was where the Skyfall product systems could fully show off its advantages in terms of three-dimensional layout and maximum compactness. Basically, this allows a very flexible layout that makes the most of available hall space. Subsequent adjustments and expansion are also achievable with little effort. No other system similarly satisfied SDI Systems’ expectations regarding speed, reliability and efficiency. One benefit of the Swiss system stood out as a particularly unique selling point in the intralogistics market: all the Skyfall variants developed by Ferag operate without drives on downhill stretches. Gravity alone suffices to set individual shuttles and hangers in motion. Like this, even systems with larger layouts get by with comparatively few motors. Despite the gradients built-in to the Stage Stores system to distribute pouches over four virtual levels, just 16 drives suffice to power almost one and a half kilometres of Skyfall profile. “Skyfall is unbeatable in terms of energy savings and ease of maintenance. Both of these aspects are hugely helpful in reducing operating costs for the customer,” points out Möckli of Ferag. More than 5,000 transport pouches, two buffer zones with a near-infinitely versatile combination of sortation algorithms (primary buffer plus secondary buffer), and a 3D buffer store for empty pouches make the Skyfall solution implemented in Jacksonville, TX, the largest goods distribution system that Ferag has supplied anywhere in the world to date. Visit:

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SUKANO OVERTURNS TRADITION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH NATUREWORKS Two market leaders in bioplastics join forces to help create a high-performance, renewable, biobased, drinking straw. From reeds to metal to rye to paper to oil-based plastic, materials for straws or “drinking tubes” have evolved since humans first began using them over 7000 years ago.


only in the last 150 years that we’ve seen the significant performance innovations that brought us the modern straw. In the 1880’s, the use of paper for straws meant they were dependable and wouldn’t shred into grassy fragments like their rye-based predecessors. The 1930’s saw the invention of the bendable straw – a performance feature with its own patent now often taken for granted. With introduction of straws made from traditional oil-based plastics in the 1960’s, your straw could sit in a drink all day without becoming soggy. Now in 2017 it’s time to rethink materials for straws and look to the next generation of functional performance features.

Rethinking plastics The last decade has seen the advent of plastics made from renewable resources (or bioplastics) entering the mainstream for packaging. Until now, they have been defined as either biobased, biodegradable, or both. However, there’s an opportunity to broaden the perspective on bioplastic materials for packaging, driven by the recent Circular Economy guidelines which further shape the way the entire plastics value chain operates and innovates. When introducing a new material or packaging application, there are four sustainability dimensions to consider as defined by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition following the circular economy principles: sourcing (what it’s made from), manufacture (how it’s made and its impact), use (performance or functionality), and after-use (method of disposal).

A variety of technical challenges for new materials Bioplastics like polylactic acid (PLA) have been viewed as sustainable in sourcing, manufacture, and after-use, but they are unable to meet the market’s criteria for performance in an application. Straws, today mostly made from polypropylene, present a variety of technical challenges for new materials. Narrow U-shaped straws for juice boxes must be articulated and have a high flexibility modulus. As straws are manufactured, edges must be cut smoothly to prevent unsafe sharp or rough edges. And these are just a few of the many specifications new materials must meet for market adoption. Solving this problem required a unique combination of innovation and expertise.

Strong partnership

When two global market leaders in PLA – and its modification for optimal product performance – got together, a new, broad market opportunity was born. Using Sukano’s additive masterbatches portfolio for NatureWorks’ Ingeo PLA bioplastic, it is possible to have a material for straws that achieves the expected performance attributes, is renewably-sourced, and manufactured cleanly – yet still provides after-use options such as compostability. Sukano masterbatches used in this application reduce the brittleness of PLA, which allows precise cutting during production and avoids splintering and rough edges. Combining melt enhancer additives in Ingeo based PLA masterbatches promotes dimensional stability and greater flexibility without cracking at temperatures of 110° to 120°C. Visual aesthetics are also critical in this application, and the additive masterbatches formulations are designed to maintain the high transparency required in straws. The demand for disposable straws is expected to keep rising, driven in part by the continuing consumer desire for convenience, meals on the go, and consumption of more specialty drinks. So, as the number of straws in the market grows, there is a place for materials that provide a complete, responsible lifecycle solutions while providing the functionality consumers expect. | 58 | Packaging Europe

“We are thrilled that this collaboration between key players in the value chain allows us to bring an innovative alternative to the market. Using our combined experience, we are able to modify Ingeo PLA to customise its performance for a new end market – providing benefits to consumers and companies,” comments Alessandra Funcia, Head of Marketing at Sukano. “At NatureWorks, we’re committed to rethinking bioplastics and broadening their use. The replacement of conventional oil-based polypropylene by Ingeo in drinking straws is just one example of how bioplastics can help address sustainability, while still providing the high performance material required for this application,” concludes Steve Davis, Director of Marketing & Public Affairs at NatureWorks. Visit: and

Definition of Sustainable Packaging SOURCING Optimizes the use of renewable or recycled source materials;


Is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices; Meets market criteria for both performance and cost;

Is sourced, manufactured, transported, and recycled using renewable energy;


Is beneficial, safe & healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle;


Is made from materials healthy in all probably end of life scenarios;

Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy;

Is effectively recovered and utilized in biological and/or industrial closed loop cycles;

Together, these criteria characterize the Sustainable Packaging Coalition’s vision of sustainable packaging. No ranking is implied in the order of definition criteria.

THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL SERIALISATION IMPLEMENTATION As the global technology leader in anti-counterfeiting, product safety, and consumer and brand protection, serialisation pioneer Systech is shaping the future of authentication. Andy McLaughlin, Systech’s Director of Global Services Europe, shares his experiences in developing strategies and creating and implementing serialisation solutions in the European market and talks about how the company can help businesses get ready for the EU Falsified Medicines Directive, ensuring patient safety every step of the way. | 60 | Packaging Europe

Andy McLaughlin, Director of Global Services Europe


ystech has more than 30 years of experience in protecting brands, from unifying and optimising authentication to providing enterprise serialisation and trackand-trace technologies that ensure regulatory compliance, mitigate risk, and drive efficiency and profitability. The company’s innovations have led best practices for key brands across consumer packaged goods, food and beverage, aviation, automotive and life sciences. A particular focus for Systech lies with the pharmaceutical industry, where the company works with pharmaceutical companies, CMOs, and CPOs of all sizes around the globe. Mr McLaughlin is proud to point out the scale of Systech’s serialisation solutions: “To date, our solutions have been deployed on almost 1,600 packaging lines, which is 65 per cent more lines than our nearest competitor.” As a serialisation innovator, Systech is trusted by top pharmaceutical companies worldwide, and the company is instrumental in guiding product and brand protection officers in their quest to improve patient and consumer safety, increase engagement, decrease counterfeiting, avoid diversion, and reduce harm to brands. “Systech has provided the core vision capabilities for serialisation, aggregation and anti-counterfeiting solutions for decades, and this is of particular importance for the pharmaceutical industry. One of our key focus areas is to help companies comply with the numerous industry regulations, notably the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (EU FMD) here in Europe,” Mr McLaughlin says.

What does EU FMD entail? EU FMD was enacted in 2011 as an anti-counterfeiting measure and demands the introduction of two safety features on each drug package, as well as an authentication system implemented by the pharma industry. “An FMD Unique Identifier must be placed on each drug package or saleable unit in a machine-readable 2D code and in human-readable format. It contains the product code,

a random serial number, the batch number, the expiration date, and in some EU member states, a national reimbursement number. This unique identifier must be applied to the outer packaging or the ‘immediate packaging’ in machine and human readable forms,” Mr McLaughlin explains. It is not just about what is on the pack, the supply chain has to be tightly monitored too: “In addition, the data for each package introduced into the market must be transmitted to the ‘European Hub’ via the European Medicines Verification Organization (EMVO). The EMVO will then transmit a copy of your data into the national repositories where you intend to distribute your product. Whenever drugs leave the supply chain for any reason other than dispensing to a patient, the unique identifiers on their packages must be decommissioned.”

Getting ready for EU FMD These measures need to be in place by February 2019, and not all companies are ready, as Mr McLaughlin points out. “Companies are most likely aware of the new regulation, but the challenge for most companies comes when they realise there are two parts to the solution – hardware and software. There is significant work to do to be compliant, and we have helped thousands of companies to get ready, but if businesses don’t act soon enough, they might be caught short especially on the hardware front, as some hardware suppliers might not be able to supply at short notice.” Mr McLaughlin describes Systech as a ‘hardware agnostic’ solution provider, helping their customers based on their unique packaging requirements without any bias towards a specific type of hardware. “At Systech, we are here to help, and we can either work with the customer’s current hardware vendors or help find different OEMs to match client needs.”

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Support and testing EU FMD is an important step forward in assuring patient safety but poses challenges to companies in the industry. Systech is in an ideal position to support these companies every step of the way, as Mr McLaughlin highlights: “We pioneered serialisation, we have expanded our expertise over the past 30 years and benefit from the tried and tested methodology behind us. Our customers range from the largest pharma manufacturers in the world who have 200+ production lines running to smaller, specialised players. Our solutions can be configured to any size company, anywhere, with little to no downtime and full compliance to the specific regulation.” He highlights the importance of data. “Data is complex but crucial, and cooperation is key to get the different facets right, such as packaging information, inspection with a camera, dimension, and packaging types right at the very outset.” Vendor management and preplanning are also key. From the OEMs, the customer’s production, packaging, brand, legal and executive teams, and other providers, all parties involved need to work together continuously, and the Systech serialisation solution allows for this interaction. Testing following a foundational methodology is crucial to adhere to regulation. Systech utilises project management best practices based on GAMP guidelines to ensure client success. Customers can leverage Systech’s extensive documentation to make life easier for them, and the project will ultimately be more successful.

Best Practices for a successful project At an early stage of a project, it is important to identify overall requirements – not just what product information should be supplied, but also markets the product will be shipped to and which regulations will apply. “Understanding the issues at hand is key. For serialisation novices, this is new territory. Pre-planning and training are vital, so everybody understands what is happening and how to proceed throughout all phases of a project. We are a trusted partner to our customers as we are able to support and advise through every step of the process,” Mr McLaughlin is happy to report.

“We stand at the ready to help companies enact compliance regulation, based on time frame and individual unique needs. We are able to deliver custom solutions using our library of serialisation modules, so there is no need to create a solution from scratch every time. Partners can hook in their services with ours and vice versa. Systech provides a solution that is highly configurable and offers robust deployment to meet client needs. Our core serialisation product, UniSeries™, is agile enough to adjust to future regulations.” Project management and communication, sharing information, and being transparent is important. A strong project manager is assigned to each Systech client that makes sure that the right activities happen at the right time. Our core serialisation product, UniSeries™, is agile enough to adjust to future regulations.” Project management and communication, sharing information, and being transparent is important. A strong project manager is assigned to each Systech client that makes sure that the right activities happen at the right time. Systech offers a scalable compliance solution and can meet future regulations with ease. A partner programme provides training and support to companies in the fields of track and trace and serialisation. Post implementation, customers aren’t left out in the cold – support is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Working from the heart of Europe Mr McLaughlin is based at Systech’s European headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, from which work specific to EU FMD is managed. “Besides our office in Brussels, we have an additional Systech office in Hull in the UK, and our partner organisations stretch from Scandinavia to Spain, and the UK to Germany, which provides us with a local perspective all over Europe, and puts us in close proximity to help our customers.” Asked about Brexit and its potential implications for the industry, Mr McLaughlin says in conclusion: “Brexit is most likely a long way away from having an impact on how companies should prepare for and address becoming compliant with the FMD. The UK will probably at the very earliest point follow EU regulation. Regardless of other political happenings, our mission is to help pharmaceutical companies ensure patient safety.” Visit:

Systech’s Timeline to EU FMD Serialisation Success:

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Schur Flexibles Fims, Finland

SCHUR FLEXIBLES FILMS - A LEADING SPECIALIST IN FILM PRODUCTION Schur Flexibles is an international packaging group formed from 12 packaging industry companies, offering a large selection of packaging materials and applications. Three group factories– located in Finland, Denmark and Germany - form the Schur Flexibles Films division, focusing on high quality film production.

With MDO technique you can have a straight tear when opening the pouches. No more spots on the floor.

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ogether, we can offer our customers a truly comprehensive and diverse range of products. Our Finnish factory in Pietarsaari is a specialist in CPP films and MDO technology, we have an excellent product development department and we produce top-quality plain films, the properties of which we can customize to suit our customers’ needs. The Danish and German factories produce blown PE films, whilst the German factory also specializes in the production of barrier films that significantly improve the shelf life of products. In Pietarsaari, we can also add this same feature to the films,” says Annika Sundell, managing director of Schur Flexibles Films. Sales Director Lutz Becker and Managing Director Sundell note that some of the production is being processed into flexible packaging solutions at the other factories within the Schur Flexibles Group, but the vast majority is delivered to external customers.

A full selection from one provider The Schur Flexibles Films co-operation is designed to make it easy for customers to carry out their own business. All of the services and films that are required, from one end of the spectrum to the other, will be available through the same contact. “Regardless of the country in which the films required by the customer are made, one contact will be sufficient. Our team will do their utmost to ensure that everything from introduction of the products to delivery is running smoothly,” Becker underlines. The one-stop service concept naturally harmonizes open and close cooperation with customers.

“We always maintain close contact with our customers and we are there to help them in optimizing their processes. We have a strong service concept where we constantly provide information on where we are in the production process. Our objective is always to create strong co-operation and long-term partnerships,” explains Magnus Lundén, Commercial Manager.

Strong product development The world of packaging materials is abundant and diverse. The packaging material combination of the product is always selected according to the properties required of the packaging. Managing director Annika Sundell states that Schur Flexibles Films has invested heavily in product development. “We have excellent laboratories, as well as strong knowledge of materials. Furthermore, there is also a pilot line, where we can test new recipes as well as new materials to speed up the product development. Our opportunities for product development, as well as the finding and testing of new solutions, are great! The more complicated and challenging a solution sought by the customer, the greater the benefit of our expertise and our equipment. We make customized product development processes for our customers, and, since we can also test the functionality of the product on a pilot line, the customer can get their hands on the production as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. Of course, the introduction of new packaging materials always requires full

IWS (Individually Wrapped Slices) is a perfect example of how the

You can rely on that a SecurityPeel film will be securely closed but still

product development respond to customers’ requirements. The film is

be easy to open.

very thin, but at the same time very strong and specially designed to suite the special cheese machines. It seals very well but is still easy to open without the cheese sticking to the film’s surface.

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Commercial Manager Magnus Lundén presents a lidding film made with the

Schur Flexibles Films can in many cases tailor make the cast film properties

SecurityPeel solution from Schur Flexibles.

according to the customers’ needs.

production-scale testing, but, due to our pilot lines, the process is made more efficient and easier!”

“We are constantly striving for increasingly thinner, less material-rich products, however, which are more durable and functional than the thicker materials. A well designed and correctly selected flexible packaging can also significantly increase the resource efficiency of the product. Food loss is another challenge modern societies are facing. Flexible packaging can help to significantly reduce it for example, if a barrier feature has been added to a food packaging film, it increases the shelf life of the product by several days,” managing director Sundell illuminates the matter from a new perspective.

New properties of packaging Schur Flexibles Films is constantly investing in the development of the products offered to their customers. The properties of good flexible packaging are often such that when they function well, they are hardly noticed, but poor packaging can be a great nuisance to the user. “The lid films for different packages are a large and important product group. We have developed a durable anti-fog feature, through which no fog forms on the inner surface of the package during temperature changes. Another valued feature is SecurityPeel. A packaging that closes tightly and reliably, whilst also being easy to open. Another example, resealable packages are used a great deal with cold cuts and cheeses. We can provide these with polyethylene seals. If clients desire an increased shelf life, we can also add oxygen barrier properties to the film,” Lundén reveals. “We can also provide the dairy industry with a special film for individually wrapped slices. A thin film for cheese slices is an excellent example of all the properties that must be taken into account in the production of films. The soft film for cheese slices must be easy to open, it must not stick to the cheese, it must be thin and durable and also suitable for running through a packing machine,” he adds. Of course, every one of us has surely experienced packaging that has opened in an uncontrolled manner through tearing, whereupon the contents, sweets, cat food, peppers, or the like, have been spread everywhere. “Product development can also influence the way in which the packaging is opened. Through MDO technology, the opening can be made even more straight,” Lundén promises.

Biodegradable materials are also coming. “We have tested film production with biodegradable materials and we see the markets for this developing and gaining pace, so whenever our clients come up with biodegradable requirements we are there to supply We are following the situation closely and we are ready,” he adds.

About the Schur Flexibles Group

Thinner and better packaging

The Schur Flexibles Group, with its headquarters in Baden near Vienna and with around 1,400 employees, specializes in innovative, high quality and made-to-measure highbarrier packaging solutions for the food, tobacco and pharmaceutical industries. With its integrated chain of value added, from extrusion via print and laminating to extensive bag-making, the Group, which was founded in 2012, recorded an overall turnover of 350 million euros, making it one of the top 10 European companies in the industry. Schur Flexibles encompasses 12 companies with 14 production plants in Germany, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Greece and Russia, all of them highly specialized and each of them enjoying technology-leadership status in its own field. This centre-of-excellence concept makes the Group an attractive and expert partner for client companies in selected branches.

The environmental impact of flexible packaging is something that is talked about a great deal. Product development is once again a key factor.


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PPMA SHOW 2017 RETURNS TO REVEAL THE BEST OF MANUFACTURING INNOVATION The PPMA Show, the UK’s free-to-attend, processing and packaging machinery exhibition, returns to the NEC from 26-28 September to provide manufacturers with insights into the latest machinery products, technologies and materials. Registration is now open and easier than ever before.


he PPMA Show is organised by the Processing and Packaging Machinery Association (PPMA) which comprises the PPMA, British Automation & Robot Association (BARA) and the UK Industrial Vision Association (UKIVA). Serving manufacturers within the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care and FMCG industries to contract packers and more, the show will offer visitors a chance to see new machinery in action, find inspiration, new ideas and solutions, gain access to potential new suppliers and evaluate and purchase the latest technology as well as talk face-to-face with the industry’s leading technical experts. Building on its reputation as a best-in-class exhibition, the PPMA Show 2017 will feature a new and improved Learning Hub, providing visitors and exhibitors with insights from leading industry experts as well as influential opinion leaders from the wider business world. A full speaker programme will be announced in the coming months but early confirmations include popular TED speaker and Chartered Engineer Peter Anderton. Peter, who previously worked as Production Manager for United Biscuits (UB), will inform and inspire visitors in two sessions. The first session will introduce visitors to his two-rule approach to great leadership before revealing helpful insights into how to build a successful team. Along with insights on leadership skills, the new Learning Hub will also shine a light on a wide range of issues and trends facing the manufacturing sectors. Topics currently under discussion include how businesses are evolving to meet changing market

demands, embracing the future of Industry 4.0; the challenges of coding and labelling with details on need-to-know information; and the future of the retail landscape, with experts sharing their views on expected changes and how this will impact the processing and packaging industries. By expanding the focus of the new Learning Hub beyond the traditional manufacturing industries, organisers hope to inspire visitors by providing a new perspective on relevant trends and issues, as well as skills applicable across all industries. The PPMA Show 2017 will also feature all-new entertainment and interactive features, including a computer-controller goalkeeper, known as RoboKeeper. Described as the World’s Best Goalie, the RoboKeeper has already taken on the likes of footballers Lionel Messi and Neymar and will challenge visitors and exhibitors to try and score a goal live at the show. The RoboKeeper uses cutting-edge robotics and vision technology, reacting within fractions of a second, making it almost impossible to score. Speaking about the exhibition, Valerio Del Vecchio, Head of Marketing, PPMA Group of Associations, said: “Over the past 30 years, the PPMA Show has united buyers and suppliers at one of the UK’s most visually dynamic exhibitions. It enables manufacturing professionals to come together, network, discuss future trends, find inspiration and gain invaluable insights from thought leaders”. Register for a free pass: More information:

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BIO-BASED FUTURE With increasing focus on environmentally friendly solutions across all industries, there are several interesting opportunities to be explored in the packaging sector. Romana Moares spoke to Dr. Michael Thielen, the founder and managing director of bioplastics MAGAZINE, the organiser of the bio!PAC 2017 conference, about bio-based plastics and their increasing packaging potential.


ioplastics MAGAZINE is the only special interest magazine specifically dedicated to bioplastics, namely plastics from renewable sources and biodegradable plastics. Established in 2006, the magazine aims at providing sector-specific information and educating its growing global readership on new research in bioplastics, market surveys and data from industrial associations and politicians alike. In cooperation with Green Serendipity, the magazine now organises the second bio!PAC conference on packaging made from bio-based materials, i.e. from renewable resources, with experts from all areas of bio-based materials presenting their latest developments. The conference will not only cover bio-based materials and application examples from suppliers and brand owners: different disposal options (end-of-life scenarios) will also be discussed, alongside the availability of agricultural land for material use versus food and feed.

Bio-based versus bio-degradable “The aim of the conference is to inform the packaging industry that alternatives from renewable resources are available,” stresses Michael Thielen. “That is why we are organising bio!PAC in parallel with interpack this time. Packaging does not necessarily have to

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be made from petroleum-based plastics. Petroleum resources are limited, its price will eventually rise again and we all know that incinerating petroleum-based products creates green house gases. Bio-based products could be the solution to all of these problems.” He further explains the common misunderstanding of bio-based versus bio-degradable. Not all bio-based materials are bio-degradable as well – the focus with bio-based plastics is on the use of renewable materials rather than the end of the product life. “Of course we also support bio-degradability but only where it provides added value, for example in agriculture. In packaging, the aspect of bio-degradability has limited value – at least in certain countries. The use of bio-based materials, such as bio-based polyethylene, bio PET and bio PEF is of far greater importance,” he says.

Growing potential While a lot of packaging companies appreciate the new alternatives and agree on the need to reduce greenhouse gases, the full potential of bio-based plastics is yet to be exploited. Some are not convinced that the new materials will have the same, proven mechanical and thermal properties, while others are worried about higher cost.

However, Michael Thielen is convinced that the interest in using bio-based plastics for packaging is on the rise globally. “I can imagine that industries producing more expensive goods, such as pharmaceuticals or cosmetics, where the cost of packaging represents a smaller percentage of overall cost than, say, mineral waters, will look at this option more readily. However, the use of bio-based packaging is increasing overall,” he says. He adds that this is precisely the area where his magazine can make a difference – informing the industry of the advantages of bio-based materials by means of newsletters, B2B communication and conferences like bio!PAC2017. There are examples of companies that are already focusing on the bio-based alternative: Coca Cola is working on a solution for 100 per cent bio-based bottles, Ikea announced that by 2020 all of its packaging will be either recycled or bio-based and, most recently, multi-national food company Danone has teamed up with the bottled water division of the Nestlé Group and a Californian start-up company to launch a new alliance aimed at commercialising 100 per cent bio-based plastic bottles made from non-food crops.

it makes sense to make bioplastics from the most effective part of the plant, which is in many cases the same part used for animal and human food, and use less land, than use non-edible, the least effective parts, which would require larger areas of land,” he points out. “This is not about agricultural waste streams”, he adds, “which of course is a very good approach.” Whatever side of the argument one may be on, the fact remains that bioplastics is the material of the future. According to the latest market data compiled by various surveys, global production capacity of bioplastics is predicted to grow by 50 per cent in the medium term, from around 4.2 million tonnes in 2016 to approximately 6.1 million tonnes in 2021. Packaging remains the largest field of application and, supported by events like bio!PAC2017, it is a safe bet to predict that the use of bioplastics in this sector will further increase. Visit:

Food or bioplastics? In this respect, Mr Thielen points out that consensus is yet to be reached on whether the same crops should be used for making food as well as bioplastics and on whether bio-mass should be used for materials as opposed to energy generation only. “Contrary to biofuels, there are currently no strong, comprehensive policy frameworks in place to support bio-based materials (such as mandatory targets, tax incentives, etc.). As a result, these products are hindered by a lack of a stable raw material supply as well as low investment security. There is still a lot to be done to increase the awareness that using biomass for making bio-based materials is just as important as for making energy,” he says. Similar debate is still open on whether the same crops should be used for bio-based plastics as for food. Mr Thielen supports the argument that differentiating the end result is not justified. “In the end, it is the question of availability of land. From the total available arable land on this planet, bioplastics today use less than 0.02 per cent. On the other hand, 30 per cent of total arable land is used for producing food that is wasted. I believe

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EVERY END IS A NEW BEGINNING Tipa Corporation holds a strong stance that flexible plastic packaging will have the same end of life as organic waste, whilst also offering consumers and brands the same properties and shelf life they have come to expect of ordinary plastics. Yifat Bareket Ph.D, CTO, opened up discussions in this field further at the bio!PAC conference held at interpack 2017, sharing with Libby White the focus and details of her presentation.


ifat Bareket’s presentation ‘the holistic approach: from compostable towards bio-based’ garnered strong interest at the bio!PAC conference, and she was approached by listeners after the talk about potential collaborations and with further questions. She shares, “There were a lot of interesting conversations held during the lectures and also the coffee breaks. We wanted to be part of this conference as it was held at the huge interpack exhibition, and our own stand received a lot of attention throughout the week at the show.”

From compostable towards bio-based “I aim to emphasis during my presentation that when people use the term bio-plastic, they can confuse between the terms beginning of life versus the end of life. It does not matter whether the plastic starts its life as green or synthetic based, it can either end its life in a green manner or resulting in hundreds of years of waste,” underlines Yifat Bareket. Tipa focuses firstly on the end of life, ensuring that its products are fully compostable (both at home and industrial). It then works backwards and looks at the beginning of life by increasing the amount of bio-based material in the building blocks of the material, choosing the smartest combination for added value and the optimum amount of biobased ingredients.

themselves as ‘green moms’ and 75 per cent of millennials worldwide declare they will pay a premium for sustainable products.” She shares research from NGO’s such as The Ellen McArthur Foundation which states that 30 percent (by weight) or 50 per cent (by items) of plastic packaging would need fundamental redesign in order to be more sustainable solutions, and takes a look at regulations driving progression throughout the world such as that Germany has introduced a packaging tax reduction for bio-based packaging, and the EU’s zero-waste goal. Again, these points add fuel to the need for compostable packaging and Tipa’s motivation. “Compostable is the most sustainable solution when compared with the alternatives of landfill, conversions, recycling, and degradation,” Yifat Bareket emphasises.

An innovative collaboration

Market drivers

At interpack, Tipa also revealed a collaboration with Jindal Films to create an original, bio-based compostable high-barrier film. The two companies are united and inspired by nature and the partnership will focus on the development of new, state of the art solution to meet the food packaging industry’s needs for high barrier film that is both disposable and an organically recyclable end of life solution.

Yifat Bareket points out that the industry is motivated by end users. “2.5 billion global consumers desire responsible consumption, 68 per cent of females in the US consider


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MAJOR EXPANSION AT AIROPACK SUPPORTS REVOLUTIONARY SOLUTIONS Born from thoughtful determination to address the global issue of pollutants and chemicals harmful to our atmosphere, Airopack’s ground-breaking solution, an aerosol driven purely by air, has elevated into the forefront of the industry with a clean design, advanced technology and environmental benefits. Airopack Technology Group is driven by innovation since the 1970s.


ackaging Europe was given special access to the company’s new stateof-the-art and impressive facility and headquarters based in Waalwijk, The Netherlands, which outlines Airopack’s status as a forward-thinking company. Two members of the dedicated Airopack team: Quint Kelders, CEO (and lead motivator), and Sandy Goes, marketing and communications manager, discuss the accomplishment of the new facilities, which will support the company on the cusp of further major expansion. It is apparent that a strong ethos runs deep throughout the DNA of Airopack. Quint Kelders, alongside Airopack’s staff, carries on the Kelders Group’s passion for innovation, in an open and responsible manner. A sustainable focus runs throughout the core of the company’s solutions, is entrenched in the daily operations of the facility, and is shared globally with its planet friendly product.

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Purposeful progression The 18 000m² modern facility has the capacity to initially produce 80 million Airopack units per year. Mr Kelders is proud to share, “We built this manufacturing facility in 168 days. It has been validated and operational with full production since the week of November 28 2016. This is a fully integrated manufacturing site from cradle to cradle.” It features a fully automated production process of PET resin handling, assembly of RTF Parts, as well as automatic warehouse storage. It is here that Airopack will manufacture the many different sizes and volumes of Airopacks, in strict accordance with the highest quality and performance standards. The company has the ambition and capability to meet an anticipated rise in demand and will be implementing its plans of producing 160 000 000

Airopack’s per year, provisionally scheduled for the second half of 2017, essentially doubling its capacity.

Attention to detail Sustainability is not only important in the packaging itself on offer, but also in this plant. For example, all production waste is recycled, either back into its manufacturing process, or into another production stream. The plant is also strategically positioned next to a river which it uses to provide clean energy for operations. A sleek and imaginative design of the facility reflects the surrounding Dutch vista, with indoor vantage points (punctuated by model cows grazing on grass) overlooking the productive floor below. The R&D department is positioned at the heart of the facility, as it is in the company. Mr Kelders underlines, “Our research and development has been operational for more than 25 years, initiated by my parents. Innovation is what we are, and what we do.” Ultimately, this has led to the Airopack engineer’s commitment in developing the new planet friendly aerosol, together with global customers.

From home to health, hair and beauty to food and pharmaceutical, Airopack offers a packaging alternative for almost every product that would be dispensed by an HFC butane or propane powered aerosol.

An extended reach Mr Kelders poses the question: “So what is next? “We will of course focus on expanding our reach within the aerosol industry by offering our replacement solution, and we also aim to implement our pressure control device technology into a broader range of applications. We will be introducing new launches to the market later this year.” Airopack has certainly cemented its status as a forward-thinking company in 2017 with its new facilities and innovative technology, and is set on a winning course to evolve the aerosol market further. With a widening focus on new applications, and supported by the upgrade in facilities: it’s time for Airopack. Visit:

Good for you and good for our planet Airopack contains no propellants, just the cream, lotion or spray and pure, clean air. Its unique pressure control device is a far superior delivery system to petrol propellants or pumps. All of the content is used resulting in zero waste, as Mr Kelders highlights, “From the first to the last drop.” He continues, “Our patented technology is able to continuously maintain the same pressure and controlled dispensing around the globe, regardless of the environment or atmospherical pressure. It provides a smooth, uniterrupted flow from the ski resorts in the Alps, to the deserts in Africa.” Airopack requires fewer raw materials in manufacture, and consumes less energy in production and transportation. Sandy Goes explains, “This results in much lower CO2 emissions. Each transparent Airopack container is created from transparent plastics only, which in turn makes every Airopack aerosol completely different from any other aerosol system. The CO2 emissions can be reduced by as much as 32 per cent compared to common aluminum aerosol cans.” A broad range of applicators and nozzles have been purposely designed for every kind of aerosol application and content. Whether it’s a fine particulate spray or a rich, viscous cream. “Airopack is not a pump spray. There is no priming or stop/ start delivery, just as much or as little of the spray, cream or gel as the user requires,” Sandy Goes shares. Packaging Europe | 73 |

CAPPING IT ALL What started as a small business producing two dimensions of aluminium screw caps with one machine some 25 years ago, has developed into a market leader of today – Bulgarian Herti now annually manufactures more than a billion closures for almost any kind of bottle and looks at further expansion into new markets.


stablished back in 1993, Herti has become one of the leading European manufacturers of roll-on pilfer proof closures, plastic closures and articles and composite closures. The company, now employing over 450 people, offers almost any possible dimension of aluminium closures for clients producing various kinds of beverages, olive oil and pharmaceuticals. “Herti is a rapidly developing company,” says Zahari Zahariev, the CEO and company owner. He stresses that the growth is continuously supported by investment in both technology and new product development. “In the last few years we renewed our lacquering and printing machines and increased production capacity. We have launched two new products - the innovative Vinstar Smart wine closure and the composite Dorado closure for mineral waters, both with unique properties.” | 74 | Packaging Europe

For all kinds Located 80 km from the Bulgarian port of Varna, the company’s premises - with 22 acres of land and 10,000 square metres of production halls - are large enough to allow for further expansion. Recently, in view of environmental considerations, the company has built its own water treatment plant and is now in the process of constructing a new warehouse. “We manufacture more than 40 different sizes of aluminium, plastic and composite closures for all kinds of bottles and beverages,” Mr Zahariev summarises the core business, explaining that the largest part of the output constitutes aluminium screw caps for spirits and wine. The standard closures (also known as short or small closures), where the diameter is bigger than the height, are the most widely spread type due to their relatively low prices,

cost-effective transportation and usually shorter lead times. These caps find worldwide application in various beverage industries. Aluminium closures, sold mostly to the spirits and wine sectors, represent the modern way of closing bottles. They are important for preserving the quality of wine, its branding and visual impact, but also for reducing environmental footprint. Herti offers a variety of decoration options and liners, and continuously invest in product improvement.

Aluminium future “Our R&D department is devoted to ensuring functionality and convenience to every client. We try to perfect our composite closures and work with our customers on joint projects. Every client is important to us because each teaches us something new and gives

us incentive to improve,” stresses the CEO and adds that the company has clients, big and small, in more than 50 countries, some of which have been valued partners for 25 years, from the very beginning. The latest innovative product that the company has introduced is the Vinstar Smart wine screw cap, the first of its kind in the market. It has a special PVDC compound gasket, which Herti developed in partnership with German Actega DS. “The liner is called Vintellox and represents a perfect barrier to oxidation. It is suitable for pasteurisation and keeps the internal pressure up to 10 bars. It may be used for bottling sparkling wines, such as frizzante, pétillant wines, perlwein, and cider and is available in two sizes, PP30x60 mm and PP28x44 mm,” Mr Zahariev explains. Since its introduction, the closure has been successfully used in Germany and is

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now promoted in other wine making countries, not just in Europe but also the USA and Australia. Mr Zahariev stresses the important of reliable, trusted suppliers without whom growth and success would not be possible. “Long lasting partnerships are very important for the business. We have worked with some of our suppliers, such as Constellium Singen, Akzo Nobel and Valspar, for more than 20 years. With some of them we work on developing new materials, as has been the case with Actega for Vintellox, and Renania for inks and lacquers.” When asked what the future may hold for his sector, Mr Zahariev says: “I think that aluminium will continue to be the most preferred material for closures not only for spirits but increasingly also for wine closures. Aluminium closures have a very good environmental performance as they protect and preserve the product, thus reducing product wastage. On top of this, they are 100 per cent recyclable, indefinitely.”

Promising future Herti sells its products worldwide to more than 50 countries on five continents. The company has subsidiaries in the growing markets of France and Germany and plans to strengthen its position in the US market.

In Europe, Herti will have a strong presence at this year’s Drinktec, the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry, held in Munich in September. For the first time, the show will be organised jointly with SIMEI, the world’s leading trade fair for wine technology, exhibiting machinery for wine-making, wine treatment and wine packaging. “The joint event is great news for us. Herti has exhibited both at Drinktec and at SIMEI and now we will have the unique opportunity to be at both trade shows at the same time,” says the CEO. He explains that the company will exhibit the full range of products, which are expected to meet the expectations of visitors interested in packaging of high and low alcoholic drinks, wine, mineral waters and other beverages. “We expect to draw attention with our unique closures for all kinds of bottles,” Mr Zahariev hopes. Backed by investment in technology as well as in new product development, Herti is fully committed to continue growth. Although production capability is to stay in Bulgaria, the management is planning to open new subsidiaries in various countries, to be as close to customers as possible. This will support the company’s long term vision - to become one of the top five manufacturers of screw caps and closures in Europe. Visit:

Zahari Zahariev, CEO and company owner

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“Herti is a rapidly developing company. In the last few years we renewed our lacquering and printing machines and increased production capacity. We have launched two new products - the innovative Vinstar Smart wine closure and the composite Dorado closure for mineral waters, both with unique properties.�

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MODERN INDUSTRIAL GLUING MACHINERY, COLLABORATION, AND ECOSTITCH Companies that once ignored conversation surrounding “green-initiatives,” thought efforts in this direction would ultimately hurt the bottom line; Maybe they did, after new, eco-focused companies began taking market share. A strong determination with the collaboration of forward-thinking, key-players in the industry made it possible to couple “what can be better for others,” with “what can cost us less.”


the quest to find a better solution, following a painful, global recession, Valco Melton worked with end-users like InterBev and PepsiCo to determine how this could be made possible. From over 60 years of work in adhesive dispensing, Valco Melton knew that pneumatic glue systems heavily relied on the use of air solenoids and valve technology with dynamic seals, which meant costly spare parts changes and heavy adhesive usage. With much thought, dedication, and teamwork, EcoStitch™ was made. Andy Stamp, Product Director of Hot Melt Systems at Valco Melton explains, “The cost is not just in the parts themselves, but the downtime and troubleshooting that occurs with the changing of these parts. A plugged nozzle that costs 26 British Pounds (29 Euro), for instance, can produce up to an hour of downtime depending on whether it’s a compounded issue.” The all-electric EcoStitch hot melt dispensing system innovation eliminated the additional requirement for spare parts changes, which therefore removed 99 per cent of the downtime associated with hot melt gluing on packaging applications; This translated into maximised uptime for production and overall equipment efficiencies. What’s more,

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the benefit could be transferred to the end-user, as the cost of the product was lessened, but improved. Today, companies no longer need to supply costly and dirty compressed air or worry about consumable spare parts and the downtime that comes with the parts changes. Changing plugged nozzles, glue modules, and solenoids are not required with the EcoStitch gluing system. The TCO (total cost of ownership) of the EcoStitch system is far lower than any comparable pneumatic glue system due to the elimination of spares, parts changes, and adhesive usage reduction that comes from using the EcoStitch technology. Companies that implement the evolutionary system see immediate results of up to 80 per cent in the reduction of adhesive usage, while providing a more superior product to end-users. The trend toward innovation for the sake of survival is nothing new, but the solution to reduce costs, simplify long-standing processes, and minimise the environmental footprint by the industrial world is. If a company wants to improve its bottom line, it must learn from the past and push itself toward something greater. Read more about the innovative EcoStitch gluing system at:


THE NATURAL SUSTAINABILITY CHAMPION Brands and consumers are increasingly concerned about protecting the environment and preserving natural resources. The European Commission is leading the transition towards a more circular economy with a package including legislative proposals on waste, with long term targets to reduce landfilling and increase recycling and reuse. new every time and, as such, always clean and hygienic, corrugated packaging prevents contamination and spoilage of fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, corrugated packaging’s unique structure makes it lightweight yet strong, preventing damage and loss of all types of goods along production and supply chains.

Adaptable, offering endless smart possibilities Highly adaptable and easily shaped to precisely fit almost any shape and size, corrugated packaging’s versatility means it can be designed to be entirely fit for purpose. Take delicate fruit and vegetables, for instance. Corrugated packaging can cushion, carry and protect them throughout their journeys to give growers and retailers assurance that their fresh produce will arrive in store in optimum condition. Furthermore, corrugated packaging opens up endless smart design possibilities. It offers infinite print possibilities, which are ideal for assisting consumers confronted with an enormous number of products to choose from in the supermarket. High-quality, eye-catching multi-coloured printing can be designed to attract and inform consumers at the point of sale – which is where they make 70 per cent of all their purchasing decisions.


Continuous innovation

orrugated packaging has a major role to play because it is circular by nature, preserving natural resources while providing a high level of performance, responding to retailers’ growing demand for quality, environment and efficiency. Easy-to-recycle, hygienic and highly adaptable, corrugated packaging is adding value across retailers’ entire supply chains. What does corrugated bring to retailers looking for a sustainable packaging solution?

Today, the corrugated packaging industry is innovating continuously, developing innovative solutions: from corrugated packaging containing water repellent to corrugated pallets. Other innovations include active packaging such as boxes with antimicrobial properties; light-weight packaging maintains protection and strength while using fewer resources; and digital printing techniques that increase personalisation.

Bio-based, renewable and easy to recycle


Corrugated packaging is bio-based, made almost entirely from natural materials: recycled and virgin fibres, along with natural starch-based glue. Recycled fibres make up to 88 per cent of the raw material for new corrugated packaging. Any new fibres used are harvested from renewable sources – sustainably managed forests – which helps to preserve natural resources for current and future generations. Used corrugated packaging can be recycled easily and has been recycled effectively for decades.


Adding value after use Corrugated packaging continues to add value at the end of its use. Effective separate collection and sorting systems in many EU countries ensure a secure supply of high-quality raw material for the paper mills and, in turn, first-rate recycled paper for corrugated manufacturers. High recycling rates support the EU’s well-established market for recycled paper as a secondary raw material and protect our natural resources by reducing the need for new fibre.

Preventing loss and waste during use Corrugated packaging also cuts food loss and waste by ensuring a longer shelf life for fresh produce and eliminating damage and loss of all types of goods. Guaranteed to be | 80 | Packaging Europe








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