The Packwoodian 2014-15

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Trips & Events

The Headmaster


Packwood Acorns


Boys’ boarding


Girls’ boarding


It’s been a year full of exciting educational visits and events both in school and off-site, from close to home in beautiful Shropshire to overseas in south west France.



Art, Music & Drama











Across the board, the arts at Packwood continue to flourish with spectacular work produced in the art room, in the music block and on the stage.















Girls’ Cricket/Rounders




Cross country










Old Packwoodians


Governors and Staff


Academics There was another good haul of scholarships for the Year 8s to round off a successful year in the classroom.

Clubs & Activities Our huge choice of extra-curricular activities means there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Sports There has been much to celebrate from the sporting year for both girls and boys.

The Packwoodian is on the web too Visit our website to view this and previous issues as full size interactive publications on your phone, tablet or desktop

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The Headmaster Life at Packwood has been as busy as ever this year, as you will see as you look through this latest edition of The Packwoodian. I hope you enjoy the new look and feel of the magazine, I thought it time we gave it a makeover to reflect the modern, forward-thinking attitude of the school. In conjunction with the regular news items posted on our website and shared via social media, I’m certain that you will have a comprehensive picture of the highlights of 2014/15. Contained in these pages are the stories from a year of incredible achievements by the children right across the spectrum of academic, sporting, creative, cultural and other activities. It takes a team of people to put together a publication like this: the many teachers who spend time on top of their other duties penning words for their areas of responsibility, Caron Lane who took most of the wonderful photographs, and in particular the magazine’s editor, Cath Hammond. My thanks to them all. The final week of the summer term was an emotional but also uplifting experience as we celebrated the successes of all the children, and especially those of our leavers. They go onto their senior schools of choice in good heart and having achieved some of the strongest examination results for many years. I wish them all well in their future years of education. At Packwood we have always been clear that it is the people who matter most and the quality of relationships between all members of our community that makes the school a very special place. I congratulate all who have made their contribution to the development of the school over the last year which is reflected in the articles in this magazine. My admiration for all our children, past and present, remains undiminished.

Clive Smith-Langridge Headmaster

Officials and Monitors Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy Deputy Head Girl

Edward Barry Sophia Bureau Jack Goodall Eliza Rosselli

Monitors Tom Baines Anna Cowan Freya Cox

Captain of Football Captain of Netball Captain of Hockey Captain of Lacrosse Captain of Rugby Captain of Boys’ Cricket

Toby Turpin Louisa Jarvis Zara Vickers Georgia Kannreuther Jonty Bright Jack Goodall

Captain of Rounders Captain of Fencing Captain of Boys’ Tennis Captain of Girls’ Tennis Heads of the Choir

Freya Cox Edward Don Toby Turpin Tallulah Pollock George Clowes Freya Cox

Captain of Girls’ Cricket

Eliza Rosselli

Leader of the Orchestra

Anna Cowan

Georgia Kannreuther Francis McLaughlin James Weir

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Busy little Acorns At the end of each year there is the traditional Acorns final assembly and the accompanying slideshow of photographs. The most rewarding aspect of looking at all the pictures again is seeing how much the children have grown over the past three terms, not just physically, but in many other ways too. In Acorns we seek to nurture the strengths of our pupils, whether it be in the classroom or out of it, wherever those abilities may lie. Our first major event of the year was Science Week, which was based on ‘Light and Sound’ and ‘I am a Scientist’. The children took part in lots of different experiments and investigations, inside and outside the classroom. Mr Herzog joined us for a special session down at Forest School, showing us signs of animal life that we could find in our local environment. We had our now annual visit from Mrs Weston, Science teacher at Shrewsbury School and Bertie’s mum. The children donned white coats and goggles, and she showed us some fantastic chemical reactions in test tubes. The week also incorporated our first trip out together, to the hands-on

Above: Safety first before conducting an experiment with the help of Mrs Weston during Science Week.

science centre at Techniquest in Wrexham where we were stimulated by the specially tailored sessions. At the end of term, we had a special visitor in the shape of Father Christmas bringing presents to all the good girls and boys. The Nativity play, Whoops-A-Daisy Angel, followed shortly

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ACORNS afterwards, with its dancing snowflakes and angelic choir. We parted for the holidays in a very Christmassy mood. The coming of spring brought Book Week and this became a theme that rippled out over the course of the term. We opened our Acorns Book Shop as a Bring and Buy book sale to raise funds for Comic Relief.


I know there are deciduous trees, but are the others called ‘ever after trees’?


The children also took part in Readathon by being sponsored to share their favourite books. Readathon supports a number of charities that supply seriously ill children and their siblings with books, so it was great to give the gift of reading to others. Our second trip of the year was to Mythstories in Wem, where we heard tales from far and near recounted by a pair of remarkable storytellers. Brian Moses, highly acclaimed children’s poet, visited the school and spent time working with the Acorns. The children were inspired to write some truly wonderful poems. We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters, having a special Open Assembly and having a Book Party with children from Happy Faces Nursery.

For the first time this year, children in Year 2 entered English Speaking Board examinations. Each of them worked very hard on learning and performing a poem, as well as preparing a short presentation. When examination day came around, they all did us proud and achieved an impressive set of results.

Above left: Mr Herzog’s smelly evidence of animal life at Forest School. Above: One giant leap for Oliver on Sports Day. Right: Acorns enjoy their summer Fun Day.


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ACORNS The summer term brought some more firsts for us. We had our first Open Morning on a Saturday for prospective children and their parents. This took the form of a Teddy Bears’ Picnic and involved music, craft, drama games, and, of course, a scrumptious picnic. Later in the term, we held a Dress Up and Dance Day to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. The children came to school in fancy dress and learnt some groovy moves with Mrs Parry. As anyone who knows the Acorns will tell you, we really enjoy dressing up and dancing, and giving to a charity makes it all the more worthwhile. Our History Day in the summer term gave us the opportunity to dress up again, this time as Ancient Romans. The entire day had links to life for children in the past through songs, writing, numerals, mosaics, jewellery, games and even our lunch. Our final trip of the year was to Attingham Park, one of our favourite places. The children had a magical trip on a tractor trailer and saw various animals in the grounds. Sports Day is the highlight for our athletic types, and the children once again


“When the expectors of the world have come can we take our work home?” or, in other words “Can we take our things home when the inspectors have been?”



showed us their skills in fine style. We were proud of the good sportsmanship on display and the positive atmosphere of the day. All too soon it was the end of the year and time for the children to move on to their new classes and new adventures. For some, their time in the Acorns is over and we will miss them. The rest will stay with us and I cannot wait for what next year will bring. A whole new group of Acorns will join our merry band, and share in all the experiences that only Packwood can provide. EM

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Right: Megan, Barney, Teddy, Joe and Millie about to make a splash. Below: Tree hugging at Forest School.

Our marvellous matrons Packwood’s matrons are a merry band of three led by Ali Banks, an ex-army nurse, well supported by Matron Caron, who is often seen carrying a camera, and Matron Sue – a demon on the tennis court! As a team we are invincible and can turn our hands to anything!

smile throughout the day. Temperatures are taken regularly and we try to make everyone as comfortable as possible. Accidents are inevitable and dealt with calmly. Matron Banks is very familiar with the Doctor’s surgery and local hospitals. However, most of the time a plaster or magic cream does the trick.

Much of our time is spent ensuring the children are happy and that they have all they need to enjoy boarding and are prepared for the school day. Uniform and games kit gets dirty, lost and outgrown and Nit checks are carried out regularly a good deal of our Nothing and treatments rarely cause a stir day is spent sorting is lost until in the boarding house. what is where and matrons Matrons are getting better at IT carrying baskets to can’t find requests and can set up Skype and and fro. We aren’t bad it! are dab hands at charging and at sewing and can recognising the difference between recognise whose underwear phones and iPods! is whose from a 100 yards! Nothing is lost until matrons can’t find it! Matrons are like carrier pigeons and deliver messages constantly Ill children are looked after in the throughout the day. The children’s san/hotel and although mornings can response is usually “I already know…” be rather dull with enforced rest and still, it keeps us fit! Hide and Seek is sleeping, the afternoons are fun with another way we keep fit, gosh videos and games. Matron’s toast is Packwood has lots of good hiding renowned and food delivered with a


places and it can take a while to track children down to deliver some pearl of wisdom or gather up a child for an appointment. Matrons have eyes in the back of their heads and nothing gets past us. We correct manners, sort squabbles and also have a good laugh with the children. We are proud of the children’s achievements as if they were our own and equally feel their pain when something doesn’t work out. We love it when, after leaving Packwood, they return for a visit and we can say, “Haven’t you grown?!”



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They came, they saw, they liked, they boarded! A regular boarding core of 65 boys have enjoyed all sorts of fun this year. Our numbers have also been swelled by the huge number of day boys who are tempted to sample the delights boarding life has to offer – games, movie nights, hot chocolate, time with friends, school breakfast...and so the list goes on. One of the highlights of the year comes very early on, in the shape of ‘Super Saturday’. It is great to see the boarders on their first Saturday back at school catching up with old friends, and meeting new ones, dressing up, having their faces painted, playing football, whizzing down a giant inflatable slide, or simply running off the hot dogs, chips and ice cream they have consumed al fresco style. It is a brilliant atmosphere and a splendid start to the boarding year! It has been so good to see this year’s house captains embracing their role keenly, the juniors really do enjoy their ‘big brothers’ coming to play, and both seniors and juniors get a lot out of it.

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I like boarding because I don’t have to go through the boring car journey EVERY day

The feel of the boarding house is relaxed, and family orientated, and this very much helps with that vibe.

We say goodbye to our Year 8s each one of whom brings something unique to the boarding house – Packwood won’t be the same without them (for a start, no one can work the TV without George Clowes on hand to help!) We wish you all the very best for your bright futures. And for those returning in September – let the adventures continue..! JO & AO

Above: Suguru and Paddy take the go-karts for a spin. Below: Numbers in the dorms are swelled by a cuddly multitude of soft toys.


It is fun having a party in our dorm.The time before lights out isn’t long, but we have enough time to play, and dance to our iPods (if it’s Gadget Night!)

Above: A water fight to mark the arrival of some good weather. Right: Boarders make the most of their free time.


Left: George gets up close and personal with an exotic friend during the Animal Man’s visit.


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Happy times in Park House 2014-15 was another very busy year in Park House, one in which the girls achieved so much and had lots of fun along the way, perhaps best encapsulated by their dedication to the rowing challenge they set themselves in the summer term to raise funds for charity. We were so impressed by their commitment, their resilience and their unfailing good humour – all special qualities you find in a Packwood boarder. Over the course of the year the girls have worked hard and played hard but also put a serious amount of effort into making the most of their ‘downtime’, not least their enthusiastic participation in Park House Talent Night towards the end of the summer term. Thank you to Mrs Mullock, Mr Webster and Matron Sue for judging this eclectic singing, dancing and acting extravaganza and congratulations to the winners, Riko and Anna for their cops and robbers sketch. And so many other good things... The girls have enjoyed pizza nights as a reward for boarding stars. They earn stars for all sorts of little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, for being helpful around the house and contributing to the lovely family atmosphere we all enjoy. Boarding captains help so much here too. These older girls support the younger ones in so many ways – reading stories, drying hair and just being a shoulder to lean on when that is what is needed.




I’ve made friends that I’ll stay in touch with forever

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At Christmas there was the hugely popular dorm decorating competition which saw the girls really enter into the festive spirit as always; each term we ran a Secret Boarder competition offering the chance to win rewards for their dorm; and later in the year, everyone had a go at growing the tallest sunflower – the winning plants belonged to Millie (Junior), Abi (Senior) and Mr Ford (Staff).



There’s always something going on and I never have time to get bored



Park House is our home from home

One of our favourite moments came at the very end of the summer term seeing the Year 8s enjoying their final night – down in the Spinney, toasting marshmallows over a roaring fire and sharing their Packwood memories. They and all of the other girls who have been part of the girls’ boarding house this year had plenty to say about Park House and the happy times we have all spent here. KLP


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In the classroom This was a year that punched above its weight academically. 8C achieved a large number of awards, including three academic scholarships to Shrewsbury – Anna Cowan (Butler), George Clowes and Louisa Jarvis (both Alingtons) – and Sophia Bureau one to Moreton Hall. Both Jake Reid and Edward Barry passed on the strength of their challenging papers to Eton and Tonbridge respectively. Year 4 Wrekin Maths Challenge boys

In terms of Common Entrance, all candidates enjoyed success to their first choice school, with an impressive 92% of grades awarded A-C, the highest for some years. 34% of papers were awarded a grade A, compared to an average of 28% from other schools to our most popular destination, Shrewsbury. Congratulations were in order to those hardworking high-fliers with strings of A grades across the full range of subjects: Paddy Barlow, Mollie Matthews and George Weston in particular.

speaking goes from strength to strength, with Year 2 Acorns entering English Speaking Board exams for the first time and a record number of distinctions all round. Something is going well in a prep school when an 11-year-old child can speak so confidently on subjects such as origami, Ebola or ash dieback disease! The elocution competition continues to thrive, and Phil Wood, Head of English at Concord College, expertly adjudicated, with Tom Thurstan (Year 4), James Lewis (Year 6) and Tallulah Pollock (Year 8) the winners.


Packwood’s strength continues to lie in its The Maths department was delighted with Riko The pupils’ broad, subject-based approach, taught Munakata’s well-deserved top mark in her Oundle public speaking Common Entrance papers. There are plenty of by enthusiastic subject specialists. The goes from English department enjoyed a trip out strong mathematicians ready to take on her mantle strength to to a psychedelic performance of the too, with UKMT Gold awards for three pupils in the strength popular children’s novel about an autistic year below: Shuntaro Chikamori, Euan Parr and Jacob boy: ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Jones, as well as 10 more silvers and nine bronzes. It has Night-time’. It was a good year for visiting been great to see such competition in the junior end of authors too, with the juniors enjoying Brian Moses’ wacky the school as well, with Lucy Mielczarek winning the Year 4 performance poetry and the seniors being entertained by Tables Challenge. Year 4 also excelled this year in the the multi-talented Frank Cottrell Boyce. The pupils’ public Wrekin Maths Challenge, with our combined A and B teams coming first on points.



In Science Nathan Mielczarek distinguished himself at the top of the school with the only alpha plus awarded on the Shrewsbury scholarship papers. Common Entrance results were as good as ever too, with ten candidates getting

Left: Year 2 English Speaking Board first timers with their props.

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Left: Year 7s pay close attention in Science. Below: Launching rockets in post-exam practical Science lesson.

grade As in all three papers. The practical side of science continues to stand out, with trips to an anaerobic digester and to an RSC lecture in Newtown. The most memorable event was surely the eclipse, enjoyed by the whole school one sunny spring morning. French continues to thrive at Packwood, with all the CE candidates being awarded grade C and above despite some late entrants with weaker French from other schools. Jerome Nogues masterfully organised a very enjoyable Year 8 French trip to Toulouse, with a return visit due this September. The French elocution competition is now established as a very impressive and enjoyable annual event as well. The pupils’ success in Latin similarly reflects the importance that Packwood places on a traditional, broad base of subjects. 18 out of 20 candidates achieved A and B grades in their CE papers, and our Classics results at scholarship (including Greek) continue to stand out as among the best. The pupils continue to enjoy trips to Wroxeter, as well as Greek and Roman days in school. The Geography department has been busy as well, gearing up for a more demanding syllabus and higher expectations of pupils’ global location skills (thank you Michael Gove!) Packwood children will be well prepared for this, with a very high number of A and B grades

achieved this year, and some excellent projects based on fieldwork at Carding Mill Valley. Geography is in evidence all through the school, with some superb competition photographs on display, Year 5 climate week and a fascinating mountaineering talk by Mr Freeman-Attwood. History is never far from us either, largely thanks to Mr Weston’s boundless enthusiasm. Highlights included a highly enjoyable trip for each year group, a Roman day for the Acorns and the annual 7H pantomime-assembly on the significance of centuries ending -15 (who knows what 2015 will be remembered for...?) Results were as strong as ever too, with Gus Ames earning a well-deserved prize for his Townsend Warner entry, and almost half the Common Entrance papers awarded grade A. All those rigorous test essays paid off!


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ACADEMICS Left: The Year 6 candidates spoke on a wide range of topics in their ESB exams including origami and Ebola. Below: Year 8 geography fieldwork in Carding Mill Valley.

Religious Studies is approached in a very firsthand way at Packwood as well. Year 6 visited the Manchester synagogue and held their own Passover meal. Year 5 enjoyed a visit from a Hindu priest and also visited a mosque and temple in Derby. At school the pupils have learnt new songs with the new local vicar, and welcomed the Bishop of Shrewsbury and chaplain of Shrewsbury school. The aim of all such experiences is to instil interest and empathy with those who hold religious beliefs. The school community also benefits greatly from Roz Edwards’ own wise words offered in assemblies. Elsewhere, Steve Rigby is introducing more programing in ICT to reflect a change of emphasis in the National Curriculum and the demands of employers. This is proving popular with pupils, and it is exciting to imagine where this kind of curriculum could take us.

The PE curriculum has been enriched this year by the arrival of Heidi Jones and more regular gymnastics, ever-popular with the girls! The children’s confidence and basic stage skills have been greatly helped by their regular Drama lessons and Richard Cowley’s highly entertaining open assemblies. CDT remains as popular as ever. In the workshop the emphasis is very much on learning through doing and making, and pupils relish the opportunity to explore their creative side. The department celebrates its first Design Technology scholarship to Shrewsbury this year. Very well done to Frankie McLaughlin. More widely, the academic side of the school has benefitted from some high profile events as well as some everyday improvements. All Year 6 and above now have their own pupil planners, and there is a ‘Work of the Week’ award to celebrate outstanding achievement. In terms of events, we had a memorable talk and exhibition match of wheelchair rugby. Former Packwood parent Dr Martin Deahl gave the boarders a frank and fascinating lecture on leading the fight against Ebola. Finally, the whole school came off timetable to take part in Democracy Day. In Sixes’ teams, the day encouraged teamwork, creativity and the core British value of democracy, and pupils and staff alike rose to the challenge. It seemed a fitting end to a busy and very successful academic year. RAC

Left: 2015 scholars, Robert Vick, Louisa Jarvis, Sophia Bureau, Suguru Gotoh, Francis McLaughlin, Anna Cowan, Freya Cox and George Clowes.

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From the Art room It has been another good year for the Art department, which has seen several changes in the syllabus coming into effect, and also the usual trips, awards and prizes as well as numerous displays around school of the children’s work which show more diversity, creativity and ability than ever. One of several stars this year has been Orlando Bayliss whose outstanding painting in acrylics of a frog based on the theme of ‘In the Jungle’ was the winning entry in the 2015 Millicent Kaye Art Competition. Highly Commended were Edward Forde-Johnston, Elsa Waterhouse and Will Tate who all painted and drew excellent pieces in their own styles. Sophia Bureau worked hard on her portfolio and won an art award to Moreton Hall as part of her All-Rounder scholarship, and Orlando Williams (there must be something intrinsically artistic in that first name!) won the school art prize for his many paintings done at Packwood and at home which have adorned the walls for most of the year.

Alex Barry

Hugo Mathias

Abi Anwyl

Above: Millicent Kaye Memorial Art Competition entrants with their paintings on the theme of ‘In the Jungle’: Will Tate, Edward Forde-Johnston, Orlando Bayliss (winner) and Elsa Waterhouse.


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Abraham Mosley

Victor Musselin

Edward Barry

Edward Scott

Wilbur Blackham

Bridget Merison

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Gorn Namchittai

Sophia Bureau


The numerous displays around school of the children’s work show more diversity, creativity and ability than ever

Genevieve Bright


The new displays around the school and in the art room have included the Casper David Friedrich carbon pencil landscapes, the ceramic horses based on Chinese art and the pottery hares based on Sophie Ryder’s art. Self-portraits featured on the Year 8 syllabus for the last time this year so it was fitting that we should have such good ones to display and appreciate, such as Louisa Jarvis’s dynamic characterful painting and Lily Freeman-Attwood’s colourfully composed contemplative one. Next year there will be more challenging and fascinating topics and themes for the children to get their artistic teeth into, but we will continue to underline and reinforce the core values of good drawing skills, imagination, creativity and personal development in the three pronged approach of colour, 3D and drawing. PRD


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Hitting the high notes Among the many musical highlights of 2014-15, the Summer Concert stands out as a particular favourite. The headmaster described it as ‘a la Glyndebourne’: the relaxed outdoor atmosphere in our beautiful grounds; the audience sitting in deckchairs with their picnics and Pimm’s; over a quarter of the school taking part, all looking smart in their summer dresses and colourful ties; wonderful playing and singing from soloists and ensembles. It was a real success in so many ways. But then I looked back over the events of the year and began to realise how many other musical high points there had been: the Sixes Music Competition which this year took the theme of ‘Beatlemania’ and was won, for the third year running, by Mannings/Sodens; the carol service at Shrewsbury Abbey and the solo singing of Freya Cox and Ed Bayliss, accompanied beautifully by Anna Cowan on the harp;

the Music Scholarship auditions, with all four hopefuls – George Clowes, Anna Cowan, Suguru Gotoh and Emily Keeling-Paglia – winning awards to their senior schools; the Junior Play, ‘Porky Pies’ (with particular thanks to Freja Bedell for her fine drumming); and the Royal School of Church Music Remembrance event with more than 100 local children, including our Junior Choir, coming together to sing in our theatre. Many children had an opportunity to give public performances on their instruments this year. As well as the Summer Concert, we held a successful Junior Concert and Christmas Concert. All children taking music exams this year performed at least one of their pieces to an audience of their parents and peers. Each exam session produced some excellent results with 100% pass rates – details can be found on the Music page of the school website. Children have also played frequently in assemblies and class music lessons, and some have helped the instrumental teachers to provide demonstrations of their instruments to younger forms. Looking back over the year, I also realised how much Packwood music had taken place out of school, involving many different children. Percussionists spent a day at a percussion workshop at Stowe School, and our Big Band joined many other prep school instrumentalists at Shrewsbury School to form a very Big Band – more than 80 players altogether! As well as their usual church services, the Boys’ and Girls’ Choirs sang at West Felton church’s carol service and also joined with the choir of Shrewsbury Abbey for a very enjoyable

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MUSIC Evensong at the abbey. Six choristers (George Clowes, Ed Bayliss, Jacob Jones, Anna Cowan, Freya Cox and Sophia Bureau) gained their external Royal School of Church Music Bronze awards, and the three girls took part in a presentation Evensong at Lichfield Cathedral. Our fine string quartet (Suguru Gotoh, Olivia Ryley, Eve Leslie and Honor Grigg), as well as Rowena Jones and Anna Cowan on their harps and Ed Bayliss singing, provided the music for a Packwood social event in the beautiful setting of Crogen Hall in North Wales. So, many high points this year, and no doubt many more to come next year and beyond. The motto of my old school was ‘Ad Summa’, aim to the highest – not dissimilar to our Packwood ‘Do your best to be your best’ – so very well done to the many Packwood musicians who have done just that this year. SB


Many high points this year, and no doubt many more to come next year and beyond



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What a performance! What a wonderful year of drama we had with the youngest to the eldest in the school all seen strutting the stage during the year! While the younger children in Years 3, 4 and 5, all produced their own class mini-plays, the Year 6s had the main parts in the junior production of ‘Porky Pies’. Year 7 and 8 took on the challenge of ‘What You Will’, an excellent revised version for this age group of Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ written by Ian Murchie. I was delighted with the Year 3 performance of ‘Thor’; all raised their performance on the day. At this young age we emphasise the importance of raising and projecting the voice. Fortunately we had Charlie Weston to set the standard. He took the advice to heart, and the theatre walls virtually shook!


The Year 4 classes had worked on a popular Old Testament story in RS, so we built on their studies in our drama lessons and each class produced their own ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ play with a couple of favourite songs from the famous musical. The performances were vibrant and the songs were sung with real gusto and enthusiasm! The Year 5s produced their version of ‘Heroes’, which involved some great dressing up as superstars from films. The children’s interaction was impressive and we saw an outstanding performance by Genevieve Bright as Wonder Woman.

There was a marvellous variety with some great comic moments


The junior production, ‘Porky Pies’, directed by Emma Middlemiss with Sam Hughes, proved to be an excellent choice. The script was both slick and funny.

Above: Jake Reid (Sir Toby Belch) and Orlando Williams (Sir Andrew Aguecheek) were just two of the outstanding actors in the senior production of ‘What You Will’.

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The Year 6s had the speaking parts, while all the junior classes were involved in a sumptuous production. There was a marvellous variety with some great comic moments. My favourite part was an excellent innovation, which I have never seen before on a school stage. The dastardly story of the pigs’ deception was played by the whole of Year 5 as projected shadow shapes knitting together and apart on a huge white screen; I was mesmerized! Producing the senior play ‘What You Will’ was a very rewarding experience


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and particular thanks to Mr Chambers and Mr Webster for their role as co-directors. It was fun to work with such a capable core of actors. Indeed we were most impressed with the vibrant interaction between the talented performers playing the comic parts. These five, Louisa Jarvis, Jake Reid, James Weir, Orlando Williams and Mollie Matthews, were able to go beyond themselves, react to others in their part and create tempo and real atmosphere together. As a comical group they were the best I’ve seen for many years. A big thank you to Mollie, who had some great

Top left: Tallulah Pollock as Olivia in deep mourning for her dead brother. Top right: Musical entertainment in ‘Porky Pies’ was provided by the chorus of Year 4 cowboys and cowgirls, joined by some of Bo Peep’s flock.

Above: Malvolio (James Weir) receives the letter that tricks him into thinking Olivia is in love with him. Right: Those responsible for the practical joke on Malvolio ‘hide’ in the garden.

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ideas of positioning and movement to bring scenes alive. She clearly has directing talents. Beyond the productions themselves, I have become more ambitious in our junior drama lessons. The classes have a fantastic theatre to work with, and this year the children were introduced to using lighting and sound, and even spotlights! A drama club ran all year, and LAMDA exams were taken. The Year 7s enjoyed making a Play-ina-Day and the annual Poetry Recital Competition was of a particularly high standard. We have some real talent to work with! RHC


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Beyond the classroom... There was a huge and diverse range of clubs and activities for the children to choose from over the course of the year. Cookery and shooting are two of the most recurrently over-subscribed activities on offer and pulled in the crowds as usual, but places are shared out fairly and everyone has the chance to do what they enjoy and to try their hand at something new. Who knew that y tying would become such a big hit with the Year 5s?!


Computer club

Fly tying






Mixed hockey

Stage lighting


Creative craft

Girls’ cricket

Mixed rounders

Sub aqua


Music ensembles

Swimming Tennis

Ball skills





Pop lacrosse

Board games


Indoor Olympics





International Film club

Quiz club

Touch rugby

Card games


Jewellery making


Touch typing




Sewing and knitting club




Clay pigeon shooting


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TRIPS Girls’ lea vers

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Out and about The famous and much-loved playwright, author and actor, Alan Bennett, once said, “The bits I most remember about my school days are those that took place outside the classroom, as we were taken on countless visits and trips to places of interest.” And it is true – many of the children’s richest experiences and fondest memories come from the great variety of school trips they enjoy at Packwood. This year they have had the chance to practise their French speaking skills buying patisseries in Toulouse; to go birdwatching at a nature reserve; to see a real Egyptian mummy; to hand feed alpacas; to test their nerve on a high ropes course; to see the work of world-famous artists; to try on mediaeval armour and practise a pike drill, and much, much more. They have all been educational experiences in the broadest sense and have enriched the children’s learning in innumerable ways.

Boys’ leave rs trip

Girls’ lea vers

s trip Girls’ leaver


The whole experience was fascinating and fun.


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RS trip to Derby

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trip Year 8 French

Mulberry Alpacas

High Ropes at Get Wet Outdoor Adventure Centre

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre

Enginuity Science Museum

Year 8 trip to France

Stowe School Percussion workshop

Boys’ leavers tri p

trip French Year 8

Chirk Castle

Year 8 F rench tr ip

The children traversed me through the forest, so o!) looking terrified (Rik em but all of th ed successfully complet the course and had a fantastic time.


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TRIPS Boys’ leaver s trip

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Chirk Castle

Manchester Jewish Museum

‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time’ at the theatre

Robbers, Ramparts and Roundheads walk

Montgomery Castle and civil war battlefield

Geography fieldwork at Carding Mill Valley

RS trip to Derby mosque and mandir

Pantomime trip to see Peter Pan

Manchester Museum and Dewa Roman Experience, Chester

Wasps v Saracens rugby match

Girls’ leavers trip, Pembrokeshire

Wroxeter Roman City

Boys’ leavers trip, North Wales

Shrewsbury School Big Band workshop

Wolverhampton Art Gallery

Birdwatching at Whixall NNR

We learnt to O pike, Advan rder our ce our pike and Charge our pike.

Chirk castle

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lery pton Art Gal Wolverham

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s trip Girls’ leaver

Girls’ leavers trip

Men wear the kippah to remind them that God is above them. Apparently women do not need to wear one because they always remember that God is above them!

Museum Manchester Jewish

High Ropes


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All together now! Among the highlights of the year at Packwood are those whole school events when everyone joins together for a particular occasion. A perennial favourite is the Christmas feast and hat competition and this year, as ever, some fine and ingenious festive millinery gave the judges a nearimpossible task. Congratulations to prize winners Freddie Barry, Florence Acton, Orlando Bayliss, Johnny Cunningham, Carolina Pueche Granados and Sophia Bureau. As has become customary, the feast was followed by the staff revue, that enduringly popular display of the teachers making fools of themselves for the entertainment of the children! And thanks to the magnificent efforts of Mr and Mrs Jones, Mr Herzog, and Matron Banks among many others, this year’s performance did not disappoint. The near total eclipse of the sun in March this year gave another opportunity for everyone to gather together. Equipped with safety viewers, and blessed with dry weather and a clear sky, all the children, from Acorns to Year 8, enjoyed a great view of this fantastic spectacle. Mr Herzog gave a scaled

down demonstration of what was happening using a globe (earth), a tennis ball (moon) and a desk light (sun) to explain how the three had come into alignment to cause the eclipse. Democracy Day in the summer term gave all the children in the main school the chance to work together in their Sixes. Mr Chambers, who organised the day, challenged them to imagine their ideal country, to come up with a name for it and to say what life is like for the people who live there. They discussed arrangements for their country’s parliament; produced flags, national anthems and tourism promotions

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(posters, website pages and adverts); invented a national sport; and came up with a charter of rights. As they worked, the groups from each Six were also judged on teamwork and co-operation. At the end of the afternoon, there was a presentation of all the children’s work and, as is only right in a democracy, everyone then had a chance to vote for the winning Six – after a rapid count up, the result was announced and the Democratic Republic of Harclarkia was pronounced the winner!

Summer finale The school year ended in spectacular style with the traditional Sixes’ sports competition. As well as the familiar tug of war, cricket bat races and magnificent Sixes’ relay, there was something new this time for the younger children. The Packwood Challenge took the form of an obstacle course, designed by Mr Jones, and seemed to be an instant classic. All those in Years 3-5 took part, scrambling under plastic sheets, jumping hurdles and over crash mats, tiptoeing through tyres and bouncing along in a sack. Great fun! Once all the events were over, the points were totted up and the winners announced. Mannings/ Sodens took the laurels this year, but their victory on Sports Day was not enough to overhaul the total Sixes’ points tally of McFerran/Wilsons who were awarded the Sixes Shield for the summer term.

Above: Year 3 boys tackle the Packwood Challenge obstacle course on Sports Day.


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Family fun The Packwood community stretches far beyond the staff and pupils who are here every day, and we are always delighted to welcome the children’s family members to join us at school for various events over the course of the year. It’s great to see parents on the touchline on match days, at the annual Bonfire Night and fireworks, joining the audience for plays and concerts, and also taking part in other ways.

This year there were two fiercely contested Dads v Boys football matches when the Dads, disappointed with their defeat in the first fixture, rallied themselves for a rematch. They won at the second attempt but with one victory apiece it was agreed that the final result should be decided on penalties…and this would prove to be the Dads’ downfall. They only managed to score twice and ultimate victory went to the Boys. Later in the school year there were more sporting challenges for both mothers and fathers. Rhys Williams (Orlando’s dad) was delighted to lead his Fathers’ team to victory over the Staff XI at cricket, but the Boys proved to be sterner opposition and won the match against their own fathers on Leavers’ Day. The girls also narrowly trumped their mothers at rounders despite there being some obvious talent among the more mature players. As Mrs Parry commented, “The Mums surprised me with their ability; their skill levels were not the sort of thing we see most years!” In the summer term we hosted another wonderful Grandparents Day, which needs no explanation, and was hugely enjoyed by all of those who attended the lunch and by the children who enthusiastically escorted their visitors on exhaustively comprehensive tours of the school and grounds.

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EVENTS There are many ways in which we have been proud to raise funds for charity this year and to support good causes both close to home and further afield. The Christmas Fair at the end of the autumn term raised the magnificent sum of £1500 which was divided between Hope House, Shropshire’s children’s hospice, and the Indochina Starfish Foundation (ISF), a charity that runs two schools

in the most impoverished areas of Phnom Penh. Packwood has supported ISF for the last six years and on her most recent visit to Cambodia Mrs Rigby ran some teacher training sessions and she also delighted the children by delivering a consignment of school uniform, kindly donated by Packwood parents.


Packwood gives back

term saw pupils undertake Thank you all The summer two big sporting challenges for very much for the generous charity. 25 children, from Acorns Back at home in Ruyton XI Towns, a group of Year 7 boys joined Mr Herzog to Year 8, took to the water for contributions you have at the village church to clear weeds and the ‘Nifty 50’ swim in aid of Hope made. Your money will House. They completed 50 cut back the grass in the graveyard as part of their Community Service activity, and each or as part of a team, be put to good use and it lengths up at school we hosted the fourth annual and five of them (encouraged by will make a huge Packwood Sporting Experience when loud vocal support poolside) kept we were delighted to welcome children from on swimming and managed an difference! the local community to share our wonderful sports


facilities. In the spring term, there was a very popular nonuniform day and pupils donated money to the Shropshire Deaf Children’s Society. This charity provides equipment for hearing impaired children and their families in Shropshire, and funds outings and activity days.

amazing 100 lengths. The Back Up Trust, a charity that supports people who have sustained lifechanging spinal injuries (including Packwood’s Tom Baines), was the beneficiary of the girl boarders’ epic rowing challenge that ran over the course of the summer term. The girls covered the distance from Park House to the Back Up Trust headquarters in London on an indoor rowing machine (184.4 miles) and raised a fantastic £620 for their Herculean efforts. The Acorns too have been busy fundraising in various ways. They raised money for Comic Relief through their Bring and Buy Book Sale; supported Readathon by being sponsored to read and share their favourite books; and took part in the Macmillan Cancer Support Dress Up and Dance Day. In total this merry band of four to seven year olds raised more than £400 over the course of the year.


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entertaining presentations and who patiently answered many, many questions and signed many, many books, all with personal dedications.

Throughout the course of this year we have been visited by some extraordinary guests with fascinating stories to tell and experiences to share. Old Packwoodian Alex Dew held his audience rapt as he told the children of his participation in the gruelling Marathon des Sables; GB international wheelchair rugby star, Ayaz Bhuta thrilled us with his speed and skills in exhibition matches alongside Tom Baines and his teammates; Olympic gold medal winning runner John Ngugi passed on tips to the cross country team; and there was a special rugby coaching session for the first XV with former international player, Billy McGinty. We enjoyed visits by acclaimed children’s authors Brian Moses and Frank Cottrell Boyce who both gave brilliantly

There were fascinating talks on the Mountains of the Southern Ocean from Mr FreemanAttwood (Lily’s dad); Habitat Management by Audrey Watson from BASC; and the Ebola epidemic by Dr Deahl (father of Old Packwoodian, Alfie) based on his own first-hand experiences working in West Africa. A special treat for the boarders was the visit of the Animal Man who brought along a selection of amazing exotic creatures which the children were able to handle, if they were feeling brave enough. The Year 5s were visited by a Hindu priest as part of their RS studies and Year 6 and 7 Classics lessons were enriched by Roman and Greek workshops, all of which allowed for much hands-on participation – and apparently, “Learning how to fight like a Spartan was so much fun there are no words to describe it!”

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It’s not often you get the opportunity to work with a world-class athlete


Packwood Baby Boom! We’ve seen our very own population explosion at school this year with the arrival of no fewer than seven babies. Our congratulations to all the parents – Mr and Mrs Chambers, Mr and Mrs Martin, Mr and Mrs Davies, Mr and Mrs Phillips, Mr and Mrs Mullock, Mr and Mrs Nogues and Mr and Mrs Shaw. And the warmest of welcomes to the newest members of the Packwood family – Jessica, Henry, Isla Rose, Martha, Otto, Luc and Freddie.


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Football focus 1st XI Both victories that the 1st XI secured Won 2 stand out for Drawn 0 different reasons. Lost 5 From the coach’s point of view the performance away at Shrewsbury School couldn’t have been more pleasing. After being convincingly beaten by two very good teams from Foremarke and Prestfelde in the first two weeks of term, the boys picked themselves up and fought hard against very physical opposition. Clinical finishing from Leo Walton and heroics from Jonty Bright in goal proved enough to get the first win. The boys then searched for a second, but didn’t quite manage it until the last game of term, when with more time on the ball, they were able to show the type of football they could play. They kept possession well and there was some great finishing, in particular from Oli Barlow who scored a hat-trick to bring the smiles back. It was a tough season in which every player showed a lot of character, not least our captain, Toby Turpin, who sustained a fracture in his foot at the very start of the season but stuck by his players through it all and was rewarded by scoring the last goal in his, and the team’s final game. Played


Squad: TobyTurpin(Capt), Jonty Bright, William Stanford-Davis, Alfred Hughes, Harry Bradshaw, Edward Bayliss, Joe Pattenden, Oli Barlow, Jack Goodall, Patrick Norman, Harry Waterworth, William Maunder, Jac Evans, Guy Macey, Leo Walton. JM





Above: Alfred Hughes in action against Prestfelde Opposite bottom: Joe Pattenden lines up a pass in the 1st XI match against Shrewsbury High School, closely watched by team captain, Toby Turpin.

2nd XI

This turned out to Drawn 1 be a tough season Lost 4 for the 2nd XI. Generally I was very pleased with the performances, but we lacked fire power in front of goal and were prone to the odd defensive error at crucial times in matches. From eight goals scored during the season, William Maunder scored three in four games which shows that we relied too heavily on our best attacking player not only to create the chances but to score as well. We also struggled to field a settled side with a few deserved promotions to the 1st XI squad and the fact that a number of schools are preferring the FA approved 9-a-side game rather than 11. On a more positive note Packwood played some excellent flowing football at times and all the boys improved technically and in their

decision making as the season progressed. Special mentions to Max Macey, Fred Stephens and Oliver Holcroft who worked incredibly hard for the team and improved significantly on the defensive and attacking aspects of their play. Our goalkeepers Javier Santos, Jacob Jones and Robert Vick also made important contributions to keep us in games. Jacob proved to be quite a versatile player – in the Prestfelde away game he played in goal for the first half and as Centre Forward in the second half to score a terrific individual goal. Squad: Javier Santos, Robert Vick, Jacob Jones, George Clowes, Edward Don, Edward Barry, Laurie Rathbone, Max Macey, Fred Stephens, Oliver Keeling-Paglia, Oliver Holcroft, Paddy Barlow, Francis McLaughlin, William Maunder, William Gardiner. PJP

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3rd XI The boys worked hard and with Won 0 enthusiasm in Drawn 0 practice sessions Lost 4 and carried this admirable approach into their matches too, despite coming up against some strong opposition. There was some impressive and skilful football from all members of the team, including Thomas’ goalkeeping, Henry and Dylan in midfield and Will up front. A few of them just need to grow a bit more in stature and strength, but the signs are promising for a more fruitful season next year!



Team: Thomas Dix, Nathan Mielczarek, Dylan Griffith, Ossie Visick, Gus Ames, Orlando Williams, Shuntaro Chikamori, Henry Dickson, Pablo Garcia, Will Shaw, Yuta Umetani. RAC

4th XI The statistics make for pretty Won 0 grim reading but Drawn 0 in fact they do not Lost 3 do justice to this group of boys. None of them would claim to be great practitioners with the spherical ball but they never gave up trying; and generally their performances and skill level continued to improve throughout the term. Special mention must be made of Jacob Jones who performed Herculean tasks in goal until that is,



he was poached for the Seconds! Many of these boys are Year 7 age group and I remain convinced that their time will come next season. Squad: Gus Ames, Hugo Compston, Henry Dong, Suguru Gotoh, Jacob Jones, Freddie Mathias, Tom Kiel, Abraham Mosley, Euan Parr, Jake Reid, Kit Warburton-Lee, George Weston, James Weir, Pablo Martinez. NRJ

Under 11A The Under 11s Played 10 have maintained a Won 3 fantastic attitude Drawn 2 throughout the Lost 5 season and they earned some very good wins. In defeat the boys fought hard against some excellent sides. Perhaps the most memorable game was against Birchfield; less than a minute into the match Birchfield played a fantastic ball into our goal area and finished the cross with a great shot, the worst possible start for Packwood. But, after some great skill and tenacious work the boys soon levelled the game and they went on to win comfortably. A 'champagne moment' came against Terra Nova when Ted Evans played an inch perfect corner into the area and, with great skill, Jack Yeoward headed it firmly into the back of the net, we won the game 1-0. Throughout the season the boys supported each other and worked tremendously hard. Orlando proved to be a skilful, brave keeper; his reactions were consistently quick. James Pickering and Louis Graham

were stoic in defence; Seb Marmont, Archie McParland and Freddie Cox all worked tremendously hard in defence and attack; and Jack Yeoward and Ted Evans frequently displayed their silky skills. I thoroughly enjoyed coaching them. Team: Orlando Bayliss, Freddie Cox, Ted Evans, Louis Graham, Sebastian Marmont, Archie McParland, James Pickering, Jack Yeoward. CL

Under 11B This team full of younger Won 4 players took a Drawn 1 while to catch Lost 6 on to the basics of playing 7-aside football. We had to concentrate on work rate, and the ability to recognise space and how to run into it. Everything began to fall into place at Terra Nova and, by the end of the season, the team was not only defending well but played some good passing football. A haul of 26 goals in the last five games reflected their pleasing improvement!



Garret and Wilbur both showed prowess as goalkeepers, and also as useful midfield players. Tom was a quick and skilful defender; George increasingly showed what a classy footballer he is, and will be a vital member of the As next year. Louis was the powerhouse, running his socks off and carving out great opportunities for the team. Edward, the most improved player from last year, was a cool and cultured left footed midfielder. Jago, once he upped his work rate, started to show real ability. Up front Will also took a while to learn his trade, but in the end, showed talent, and both laid on and scored, lots of goals. A shame the season had to end! Squad: Garret Healy (Capt), Wilbur Blackham, Johnny Cunningham, Tom Bright, George Hughes, Louis Graham, Edward Forde-Johnston, Jago Ainslie, William Goodall. RHC


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Under 11C

The Under 11C team had some good wins and made a Lost 5 great deal of progress in their skills as the season went on. They unified as a team, and were well led by their captain, George Stanford- Davis, who although lacking pace was a superb striker getting by far the greatest percentage of the goals in matches. Mr (Oliver) Brown helped out with coaching and was quick to recognise the defensive skills of Bobby Boyes and the good passing ability of Jack Gardiner and Morgan Matthews. With some convincing wins, their confidence grew and by the end of the season it was wonderful to see the nerves disappear and the team play with more fluidity. Team: George Stanford-Davis (Capt), Morgan Matthews, Bobby Boyes, Jack Gardiner, Freddie Greenwell, Johnny Cunningham, James Mainwaring, Angus Hill-Trevor. PRD

Under 11D/E Played








The D/E dynamo-eagles proved to be Packwood’s most successful football team this year! A great bunch of lads…

Solid defence with Alex Barry or Henry J-P goalkeeping; that penalty save versus Prestfelde a highlight. Callum was a ‘proper’ centre back, deadly and fast.

and Euan and William K occasionally foxed the most intrepid of defences with their power shots. Hugo, Gorn, Jamie, Henry, Ernie et al all played their jolly part. We didn’t win them all, but there were some very satisfying victories along the way. Team: Alex Barry, Henry Jones-Perrott, Callum Reid, James Miles, Dan Richardson, Edward Scott, William Waterhouse, Euan Montgomery, William Kimberley, Hugo Davies, Gorn Namchittai, Jamie Warburton-Lee, Henry Weir, Ernie Visick. NW Played Won


Under 9A


It’s been another interesting season for the Under 9A team. The boys have worked hard and Lost 3 improved their performances one match after the other. The magic happened in the last game in which they all played superbly. Everything fell into place, the passes were flowing and great football was played. Well done all. Drawn


Team: Freddie Timmis, Tom Thurstan, Finn Bowdler, Oliver Edwards, Rufus Farmer, Archie Harvey, Oliver Bing, Freddie Shute. JN Played








Prestfelde 6-a-side Trophy

Under 9B/Under 8


The highlight of the boys’ season, apart from their 4-2 win over Birchfield, was competing in the Prestfelde tournament. They enjoyed themselves enormously and their football certainly improved as the day went on!

James Miles hoofed the ball into the back of the stand whenever the opposition threatened our lines. Dan surprised himself with perfect corners, enjoyed the occasional match and even scored. Edward and William W were both prolific goal scorers (even on that enormous pitch at Moffats!)

Team: Joseph Bowdler, Hugo Mathias, Tom Kenyon, Charlie Weston, Hugo Rees-Pullman, Bertie Shute, James Lewis, Todd Rees-Pullman, Tom Williams, William Cornes, Archie Tulloch, Hal Cowan, Ollie Bing, Freddie Shute. SAR

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County players lead the way Played






Under 13

It was a big step up to Under 13 Lost 8 level this year as so many ‘regulars’ had moved on to their senior schools this season and the lack of experience showed in one or two of the earlier games. The season was a real mixture of games – some Under 13 and Under 12, others 1st VII and 2nd VII. We even played 11-a-side on one occasion so

County hockey team members

there was a lot of transience between the various formats. However, as the season progressed so did the quality of the hockey that we were producing. We also managed to enable every senior girl to represent the school on the hockey pitch at some stage! The girls were competitive, led by Zara Vickers who worked tirelessly in midfield as did Freya Cox. Georgia Kannreuther and Tallulah Pollock tackled tenaciously at the back and if the opposition did break through, then Louisa Jarvis (the player consistently picked out by the opposing coach as an outstanding goalkeeper) was not going to let them score easily. We perhaps lacked a natural finisher but Eliza Rosselli, Lily

Freeman-Attwood and Issy Morris proved to be a handful to the defence. Encouragingly, there were many girls starting to ‘show’ as names to watch for next season – the likes of Emily McParland, Georgiana Nicholas and Abi Anwyl. The statistics above are slightly misleading. Several games were lost by the odd goal. The improvement, not only in individual skill but also in hockey knowledge was vast and many of these girls are going to become very good hockey players indeed. Well done! A Squad: Zara Vickers* (Capt), Sophia Bureau, Louisa Jarvis, Lily FreemanAttwood, Tallulah Pollock, Eliza Rosselli, Freya Cox*, Georgia Kannreuther*, Georgiana Nicholas. B Squad: Sacha Sandbach (Capt), Anna Cowan, Mollie Matthews, Bridget Merison, Freja Bedell, Alice Hughes, Tommy Jarvis, Carolina Pueche Granados, Abi Anwyl, Rozzy Higgin. MAF *denotes colours awarded


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Under 11A

10s showed their great potential for the future in the tournaments where they did extremely well against some very strong teams.

This was a very young squad who, despite already having Won 0 impressive skills for their age Drawn 1 along with speed, stamina Lost 3 and match awareness, were simply outgunned by their older and more experienced opponents. However, they have gained valuable experience from this season and many will still be able to play in this age group again next year. I look forward to seeing their development and love for the game grow.

Team: Emily Keeling-Paglia (Capt), Mair Griffith, Zennor Harvey, Rowena Jones, Honor Grigg, Genevieve Bright, Beatrice Grigg, Elsa Waterhouse, Olivia Ryley, Memie Sripen, Georgina Kenyon, Eve Leslie. GW



Squad: Heath Rosselli, Genevieve Bright, Zennor Harvey, Liberty Clarke, Lucy Clarke, Flora Raichura, Poppy Stephens, Amelia Farmer, Lottie Waterhouse. KLP

Under 11B/Under 10

Played Won


Under 9/Under 8


Early days in their hockey careers for these girls but they all made progress during their first Lost 3 season, developing their skills and getting some match practice under their belts. Their superb team effort in matches was really encouraging and there were some great individual moments too. Well done all! Drawn


Team: Florence Acton, Lulu Bright, Imogen Macey, Lucy Mielczarek, Isabel Posnett, Claudia Tate, Millie Jones-Perrott, Meghan Sheppard, Catherine Morton-Willetts. KE

Boys’ Hockey









Moor Park U10 Tournament


Packwood U10 Tournament


It was a mixed season for the Under 11B/Under 10 team, but we had a certain amount of success and some very close games. Most impressive was every girl’s willingness to have a go and do their best regardless of their level of experience or ability – including the three of them who had never played hockey before. Every girl had a chance to play in several matches and all improved their technique, skills and match tactics during the term. The Under

Last year’s boys’ hockey report was the first of a kind for the magazine and I am pleased to report that the sport is going from strength to strength. At Packwood the hockey works around the rugby which takes priority during the spring term and because of this the team list is never the same. There are pros and cons to this system – the lack of consistency can prove tricky but it gives us a fantastic opportunity to involve more boys on any given match day and this can only be beneficial. We are very much in the developmental stage with our hockey and because of this we tend to treat fixtures as both competitive and educational, normally playing quarters as opposed to halves which gives the coaches more time to work upon game tactics and positional play. The result of each fixture has not really been significant, and in many case not recorded (or remembered!). It is a steep learning curve and the boys have certainly been bitten by the bug. There have been some real ‘finds’ during these matches/training sessions. Jac Evans, Oli Barlow, Will Maunder, Will Gardiner particularly spring to mind and there are many more to be added to that list. The future of hockey is bright at Packwood! MAF

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Grit, mud and glory Played






1st XV

The boys have played some excellent rugby this season, truly in the Lost 2 Packwood spirit. I will not easily forget the game against Prestfelde; I could barely see the pitch as snow raged horizontally across it, the boys’ character shone through as the backs still managed to move the ball skilfully through their hands, defying the severe cross winds. The pack played equally well, tackling ferociously; the boys beat an athletic Prestfelde side 39-0. Another memorable game occurred against St Mary’s Hall at home. We had beaten them convincingly 63-12 away but they arrived with an almost completely different side and proved to be very tough opponents. The boys had to fight hard under pressure to secure a 29-17 win. I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching the team this season, seldom have I witnessed such commitment in a squad before; all of the boys put so much effort into each training session and tremendous energy into their games as well. More than one visiting coach commented on their superb attitude on and off the field. Team: Oli Barlow, Edward Bayliss, Edward Barry, Jonty Bright, Edward Don, Jack Goodall, Alfred Hughes,

Guy Macey, Nathan Mielczarek, Patrick Norman, William Stanford-Davis, Fred Stephens, Toby Turpin, Robert Vick, Leo Walton, George Weston. CL Played






2nd XV

This was not the biggest or most skilful second XV I have ever taken, but in terms of their focus and Lost 3 commitment I can hardly remember a better bunch of lads. We received some whippings and we dished out a couple too; but whatever the result of a match, the next practice was always approached with enthusiasm and ambition. This was a season of rapid improvement culminating in a fantastic 29 all draw against St Bede’s first team. Squad: Gus Ames, Hugo Compston, Jake Reid, Kit Warburton-Lee, Max Macey, Shuntaro Chikamori, Toby Turpin, Harry Bradshaw, Oliver Holcroft, Jac Evans, William Shaw, Francis McLaughlin, Oliver Keeling-Paglia, Jacob Jones, George Clowes, Gus Ames, Joe Pattenden, Laurie Rathbone, Paddy Barlow, Yuta Umetani, Harry Waterworth. NRJ


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RUGBY Played






3rd XV

The third XV made excellent Lost 2 progress this season in all aspects of the game, highlighted by an impressive final victory against St Mary’s Hall after they had proved too strong in our very early encounter. In that first match, the boys showed tremendous spirit and the quality of their play was very good at times but the SMH team had a little more experience at that stage and we struggled to defend against the pace of their backs. After lots of work on the training pitches in December and January the boys seemed to grow in confidence and the uncertainty of the first match vanished as we prepared for the next stage of the season. This led to very impressive performances against Abberley, SMH again and a very strong Bromsgrove outfit. Credit must go to all the forwards for winning the ball very well at rucks and mauls. This gave our backs plenty of opportunity to pass the ball out and attack the opposition. Well done boys! Squad: George Compston, Patrick Crowe, Thomas Dix, Henry Dong,

William Gardiner, Suguru Gotoh, Dylan Griffith, Oliver Griffiths, Charlie Holt, Tom Kiel, Matthew Lloyd, Pablo Garcia, Abraham Mosley, Freddie Mathias, Euan Parr, Javier Santos, Yuta Umetani, Ossie Visick, Kit WarburtonLee, Orlando Williams, James Weir. PP Played






Under 11A XII

It was clear which type of game the Under 11As were going to play when the boys came into a huddle in the first session of the term. The modern type of team, all the same size – we weren’t going to bully other teams up front with sheer power so the game plan involved everyone doing a variety of jobs, wingers had to hit rucks and props had to move the ball into space. After a tough set of fixtures in the autumn against match-hardened teams the boys began to click and produced some fantastic running rugby. The opposing coach often said, “Your boys attacked and mine defended” and it was true, the boys would put together phase after phase of play and score some great team tries. It was just a shame the opposition were given a few easy ones along the way. Highlights included Prestfelde away when a second half assault led by Jack Yeoward secured the win; a gritty win at St Mary’s Hall, Lost


with James Pickering securing ball and bringing the physicality; a huge team effort against a strong Old Hall team where the young guns, Blackham, McParland, and Goodall came of age and gave us all something to be excited about for next year. Thank you to all the boys for their hard work and best of luck to the Year 6s next year! Squad: Garret Healy (Capt), Jack Yeoward, James Pickering, Freddie Cox, Angus Hill-Trevor, Jago Ainslie, William Goodall, Archie McParland, Wilbur Blackham, Louis Graham, George Hughes, Ted Evans, Orlando Bayliss. JM Played






Under 11B XII

A fantastic unbeaten season for the Under 11B team during which they won four of their matches to nil and scored more than 500 points in total, conceding a mere four tries against! This is a team with a bright future on the rugby pitch. Lost


Squad: Seb Marmont (Capt), Alex Barry, Edward Scott, George Stanford-Davis, James Mainwaring, William Kimberley, Johnny Cunningham, Edward Forde-Johnston, Callum Reid, Tom Bright, Will Tate, Bobby Boyes, Ted Evans, Henry Jones-Perrott. NW

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RUGBY devastating form in the Bromsgrove game giving us our most impressive win. Credit must also go to Fred Dollar and Daniel Richardson for providing the team with a solid kicking game for position and conversions. Well done! This season will live long in the memory. Team: Euan Montgomery (Capt), Dan Richardson, Fred Dollar, William Waterhouse, William Gardiner, Gorn Namchittai, James Miles, Jamie Warburton-Lee, Ernie Visick, Bobby Boyes, Henry Weir, Morgan Matthews, Ted Evans, Hugo Davies. PP Played

Under 11C XII This was a vintage season for a Colts Won 4 C team during Drawn 0 which, despite all Lost 0 the changes to the squad and formats of play, the boys adapted brilliantly to win every game with ease. All boys in Years 5 and 6 represented either the A, B and C teams during the season showing the strength in depth we have in rugby in the Under 11 age group. Played


Euan Montgomery led the team by example playing as our best ball winning forward. He was certainly responsible for setting up the platform for most of our tries with Hugo Davies, Gorn Namchittai and Jamie WarburtonLee also contributing well. The Scrum Half /Fly Half combination of Freddie Greenwell and Bobby Boyes must have been one of the best at C team level in the country. They were on






Under 9

Most notable about this season Lost 1 was the great team effort from the boys in every game. There was some spectacular tackling by Rufus, Freddie and Tom Thurstan, and some wonderful tries scored by all. A very successful season all round. Team: Joseph Bowdler, Freddie Timmis, Rufus Farmer, Archie Tulloch, Tom Williams, Hal Cowan, Tom Thurstan. SAR

Under 8 Played








Pownall Hall tournament

Joint winners

The highlight of the season was the Pownall Hall tag rugby tournament which saw the boys come away as joint winners in their first ever tournament! There were 12 schools represented so the team had a busy afternoon of competition. Despite starting with a loss in the group stages, they just got better and better as the day progressed. Ollie Edwards, Finn Bowdler and Freddie Shute were the main try scorers and a key tackle from Charlie Weston secured the team’s quarter-final place against Pownall Hall, who they defeated 35-20. A great performance in the semi-final against Rydal put them through to the final against St Ambrose. There was a higher standard of rugby in this game and St Ambrose had the advantage of one particularly strong runner. Both sides kept up a strong defence and limited each other to two tries apiece and so, at the final whistle, it was agreed to share the trophy for six months of the year each! The rest of the season continued in a similarly successful vein, with all members of the year group taking to the field in at least one match. Squad: Ollie Bing, Oliver Edwards, Finn Bowdler, Freddie Shute, Archie Harvey, Charlie Weston, William Cornes, Freddie Barry, Monty Pemberton, Finlay Montgomery, Hugo Dollar, Alexander Keeling-Paglia. RAC

Under 8 winners


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1st VII Packwood Tournament Ellesmere Tournament National Schools Sevens, Rosslyn Park

Quarter-finalists Lost in group stage Lost in group stage

The team supported each other tremendously this season and frequently demonstrated high levels of skill, incredible tenacity and a thorough understanding of the game. But matches were never going to be easy due to one factor that was out of their control; a lack of pace. In each tournament they faced certain opponents who were blessed with raw speed and were able to make use of the space out wide. However, the boys never failed to give their all and fought hard to achieve some memorable victories. They were a pleasure to coach. Team: Oli Barlow, Edward Barry, Jonty Bright, Ed Don, Jack Goodall, Jacob Jones, Nathan Mielczarek, William Stanford-Davis, Fred Stephens. CL

Under 11A VII Considering the tight schedule the boys have, combining the sevens with the 12-a-side game, they did fantastically well. They went toe to toe with some of the strongest prep schools in the country and battled hard. This year’s

Packwood Tournament


The Oratory Tournament

Bowl winners

The Downs Tournament

Plate winners

Caldicott Tournament

Plate semi-finalists

side had a good balance of pace and ability with ball in hand. Individuals who stood out were: Freddie Cox for his tireless defence, tackling anything that moved and ripping ball whenever he could; Archie McParland showed some serious dancing feet, changing direction so many times he put the opposition in a trance; William Goodall’s distributions skills really came on and he improved so much as a decision maker. Overall, the whole team developed and took part in some memorable performances. The highlight was at The Downs where the team had built up steam and brushed aside Summer Fields in the semis. They then went on to score a hat full of tries against Llandaff in the final who were on their knees by the end. A very enjoyable sevens season, lots of fun and many lessons learnt. Squad: James Pickering, Jack Yeoward, Freddie Cox, Louis Graham, Jago Ainslie, Garret Healy, Wilbur Blackham, Archie McParland, William Goodall, Orlando Bayliss. JM

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Onwards and upwards Played Won

6 1





1st VII It was a disappointing season and I must hold my hand up and take some responsibility for that. My return from maternity leave was shortlived as I seriously injured my knee (whilst playing the game myself) and so, as well as living in the shadow of last year’s exceptional 1st VII, this year’s squad had to spend some of the term without their coach. My apologies girls. The team was not without skill or determination and the statistics don’t offer a true reflection of how talented some of

this year’s players are. Whilst the results are not as good as in previous years, they should not detract from what was still an enjoyable season; one where the promise shown in training sadly failed to materialise in match situations. A special mention must be given to Louisa who fulfilled her role as captain with maturity and applied herself admirably on court as my key defender. Team: Louisa Jarvis (Capt)*, Sophia Bureau, Eliza Rosselli*, Georgie Nicholas, Georgia Kannreuther, Tallulah Pollock, Freya Cox.* LW * Denotes colours







2nd VII

The team really began to gel as the season progressed so despite a Lost 3 disappointing start with three losses from the first three matches, the girls turned their season round and ended on a high note beating teams from Moor Park, Ellesmere and Prestfelde. It was good to see the team improve during the term. Well done girls! Team: Lily Freeman-Attwood, Riko Munakata, Mollie Matthews, Anna Cowan, Isabel Morris, Abi Anwyl, Eliza Blackham, Alice Hughes, Emily McParland, Sacha Sandbach. GW


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Under 11 A/B

The bald statistics don’t tell the full story of the Under 11s’ season. Many of their Lost 5 games were end-to-end action and the girls always tried hard. There were encouraging signs for the future with passing, catching and shooting skills all improving as the term progressed. Netball is an exciting sport that relies on height in both end thirds – we need to grow a little next season! Squad: Zennor Harvey, Poppy Stephens, Liberty Clarke, Amelia Farmer, Lucy Clarke, Genevieve Bright, Heath Rosselli, Emily Keeling-Paglia, Beatrice Grigg, Mair Griffith, Memie Sripen, Lottie Waterhouse, Rowena Jones, Flora Raichura, Elsa Waterhouse, Isabelle Shannon, Olivia Ryley, Eve Leslie, Georgina Kenyon. KLP Played




3rd VII

The 3rd VII squad was an exceptionally Drawn 0 unique and spirited group of girls who Lost 2 had an abundance of enthusiasm and the fabulous desire to just go out there and give it their ‘best shot’! With 50% of the team having never played netball before, their progress was extraordinary, in fact, both Carolina and Blanca were awarded The Most Improved Player Award at the end of the spring term. The statistics are an unfair reflection of the team’s success as both fixtures were against our strongest opponents, Foremarke and Abberley. Team: Tommy Jarvis, Monica Moreta Martinez, Freja Bedell, Rozzy Higgin, Mollie Mathews, Blanca Pueche Granados, Bridget Merison, Carolina Pueche Granados, Lydia Gironda Llorens, Jenny Cheng. LW







Under 9/Under 8

The girls had a very good season during which their strong teamwork Lost 2 and friendship provided a great environment in which to improve their skills. They always tried hard, encouraged each other, and played some super netball in their very competitive matches. Well done to all the girls. Team: Florence Acton, Lulu Bright, Imogen Macey, Lucy Mielczarek, Isabel Posnett, Claudia Tate, Millie Jones-Perrott, Meghan Sheppard, Catherine Morton-Willetts. SW

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Another vintage year







Under 13

The girls’ individual and team play dramatically improved this season and Lost 2 the transformation of the squad was incredible. Just look at the statistics – and half of these matches were against Under 14 sides! During the matches before autumn half-term, the team (which included a handful of Year 7 girls and two complete beginners from Year 8) benefited from the leadership of our few experienced girls. However, the Under 14 girls from Shrewsbury School were a little too strong for us (hardly surprising as they had four ex-Packwood girls in their side!) We continued to challenge ourselves against Year 9 teams and had a good win away against Withington. Our confidence, strength and skill levels were rapidly improving. So much so that in the spring we shocked the Shrewsbury School girls by beating them 7-4! The following week though they had their revenge by knocking us out of the semi-finals at the Under 14 Northern Schools’ tournament. However, to have got that far by being winners of our section, beating Queen Margaret’s York and the other Year 9 teams, was a brilliant performance – very well done girls! Individual achievements have been great this year. Mollie Matthews, Tallulah Pollock, Anna Cowan, Georgie Nicholas and Alice Hughes, all ended the season confidently, as big contributors in match play. Congratulations to Georgia Kannreuther, Emily McParland, Eliza Rosselli, Sophia Bureau, Louisa Jarvis, Freya Cox, Mollie Matthews, (Sacha Sandbach and Anna Cowan as further reserves) were all selected to play for Shropshire at the first ever Under 13 Northern Counties Tournament. Finally, great praise indeed must go to Georgia, as she was nominated as Shropshire’s Player of the Tournament at this great event.

This was a fitting end to her many lacrosse-playing years at Packwood, and the icing on the cake, after a very successful season as the Captain of Lacrosse. Team: Georgia Kannreuther (Capt)*, Eliza Rosselli*, Emily McParland*, Sacha Sandbach, Anna Cowan, Louisa Jarvis, Mollie Matthews, Lily Freeman-Attwood, Isabel Morris, Freya Cox, Georgiana Nicholas, Alice Hughes, Abi Anwyl, Tallulah Pollock. SD * Denotes colours

Under 12 Played








Packwood U12 Tournament


Scoring goals at this level can be very challenging, especially if you’re a beginner or still only in Year 6, so scoring 80 in only 13 games was a clear indication of the fun and success that the Under 12s had. They also competed against older teams, where learning had to be done quickly! Moreton Hall’s squad gave us a good game. We drew the match but had learnt much about playing under pressure. Prestfelde’s older girls were stronger, and taught us that lacrosse is not a game for the delicate. We needed to toughen up and take control, especially in defence. This game was a good warm-up before the Packwood U12s tournament. Here our experience was very evident. Our girls were formidable and convincing winners, scoring 35 goals and only conceding 2. The Packwood B team (consisting most of U11s) played some flourishing and courageous lacrosse too on this day, almost winning several games. Both teams gave great performances to end the season on a very creditable and exciting note. Well done girls!


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LACROSSE Team: Bridget Merison, Freja Bedell, Tommy Jarvis, Poppy Stephens, Isabel Morris, Abi Anwyl, Emily McParland, Georgiana Nicholas, Amelia Farmer, Eliza Blackham, Alice Hughes, Emily Keeling-Paglia, Blanca Pueche Granados, Monica Moreta Martinez, Carolina Pueche Granados, Lidia Gironda Llorens, Riko Munakata, Rozzy Higgin, Heath Rosselli, Memie Sripen, Isabelle Shannon, Beatrice Grigg, Mair Griffith, Genevieve Bright, Lucy Clarke, Lottie Waterhouse, Flora Raichura, Olivia Ryley. SD Played






Under 11

The Under 11s played in many more matches than these results indicate as Lost 0 they played up with the Under 12s and gained invaluable experience. The first of these Under 11 games was a well-matched draw against Prestfelde. It was early in the season and it was their first opportunity to play with stick checking. It was also good to have to make decisions without the help of older girls. The second game was in November against Moreton Hall. Whilst the play around the goal was a little muddled, our girls were more skilled, confident and decisive and they had a strong win. By springtime, alongside a few Under 12B players, they were ready for the big stage at the Packwood Under 12 tournament. Thrillingly, they gave all their opponents close and competitive games. Memie Sripen must be praised for her great play in goal, which earned her the best goalkeeper of the tournament award! Unsurprisingly their motto was “You can if you think you can!” Team: Honor Grigg, Beatrice Grigg, Genevieve Bright, Poppy Stephens, Lucy Clarke, Amelia Farmer, Heath Rosselli, Liberty Clarke, Emily Keeling-Paglia, Flora Raichura, Lottie Waterhouse, Rowena Jones, Olivia Ryley, Mair Griffith, Georgina Kenyon, Eve Leslie, Memie Sripen, Elsa Waterhouse, Isabelle Shannon, Heath Rosselli. SD Played








Under 10 The Under 10s played up with the Under 11s in their games during the autumn term, and so it was hardly surprising that they were full of winning

confidence when they played on their own against Prestfelde and Moreton Hall in the spring term! There are some talented girls forming an excellent base within this age group. Three of them were also big contributors in the Under 12B squad at the Packwood tournament. Well done girls! Team: Elsa Waterhouse, Beatrice Grigg, Zennor Harvey, Genevieve Bright, Liberty Clarke, Lucy Clarke, Georgina Kenyon, Rowena Jones, Flora Raichura, Eve Leslie. SD Played






Under 9

In November we were well beaten by Prestfelde in the 5-a-side game of pop Lost 2 lacrosse. By January the girls’ skill level, confidence and understanding of the game had dramatically improved to reverse the result. They were delighted! Even the Under 9 Bs narrowly lost by only one goal to Prestfelde’s A team. We had some fun 9-a-side matches too, including a confident win against Adcote. Moreton gave us a good game, but with our speed onto the ground balls and our good defending we proved to be the better side. Well done to all the girls. They are definitely ready to play field lacrosse with a hard ball next year! Team: Florence Acton, Lulu Bright, Catherine Morton-Willetts, Imogen Macey, Lucy Mielczarek, Isabel Posnett, Claudia Tate, Claudia Barnfield, Millie Jones-Perrott, Meghan Sheppard. SD

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Triumph of teamwork







1st XI

We started the season with a heavy defeat against an excellent Abberley Lost 2 side, we finished it by, according to the Abberley coach, totally outplaying them. This final game underlined how hard the boys worked on their cricket this year. The team produced some memorable performances throughout the season: Jack Goodall's fantastic 97 against the very good Abberley bowling attack alongside William Stanford-Davis' 53 during the same game; Jack's superb bowling performance of six for 22 against Wrekin and William's 36 during the same match; Joe Pattenden's five wickets for three runs against Terra Nova and his 63 not out alongside Jack's 39, William's 35 and Harry Waterworth's 29 in the same game; Jac Evans' 31 retired and William's 31 retired against Ellesmere, and Joe's four wickets for 11 runs in the same match. It is also very much worth mentioning Toby Turpin and Thomas Dix's stoic defence against Prestfelde ensuring we secured an away draw. There has also been some excellent fielding: a fantastic, sharp caught and bowled from Alfred Hughes which helped turn the Ellesmere match our way; some great catches from Guy Macey; and Oliver Holcroft's tremendous direct hit from fine leg against Wrekin, resulting in a superb runout. Team: Oli Barlow, Thomas Dix, Jac Evans, Jack Goodall*, Oliver Holcroft, Alfred Hughes, Guy Macey, Max Macey, Joe Pattenden*, William Stanford-Davis*, Toby Turpin, Harry Waterworth. CL *denotes colours awarded

2nd XI



Won 3 The team’s early loss against Abberley Drawn 2 at the start of term was the only blip in a Lost 1 pleasing and enjoyable season for the 2nd XI. And it was particularly satisfying to reverse that result at the end of June, when George Clowes took five wickets for nine runs with his leg-spin to win the game against Abberley in his last ever match for the school, having been promoted from the 3rd XI. Team: George Weston, George Clowes, Toby Turpin, Will Shaw, Harry Bradshaw, William Maunder, Jacob Jones, Fred Stephens, Edward Bayliss, Patrick Norman, Leo Walton. RAC Played






3rd XI

The term got underway with a fixture versus Abberley before anyone had a Lost 1 chance to bowl a ball. For the first time senior girls were allowed to play for the third and fourth teams and thanks to some big hitting from Eliza Rosselli and Georgie Kannreuther the match was drawn and the boys’ opinion of girls’ cricket soon changed! Foremarke is always a great fixture at third XI level and this year’s contest didn’t disappoint. Even an intelligent innings from George Clowes (who was soon promoted to the second team) couldn’t quite set a high enough total and the visitors chased it down with a couple of wickets to spare. Prestfelde away taught the boys a lot, timed cricket at its best. Packwood were 17 for 7 at one point but posted a total of 189 thanks to great knocks from Frankie McLaughlin and both Edward Don and Harry Bradshaw who scored 50s.


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CRICKET The tight bowling restricted Prestfelde and Bradshaw took five wickets (we soon lost him back to the second team too). Finally the return fixture against Abberley, a classic, 25 overs, in which Packwood posted 206 with some big hitting from William Gardiner, Dylan Griffith and Laurie Rathbone, the target looked unreachable! But the Abberley batsmen attacked and helped by the boys’ slackest fielding all term soon motored on to a healthy run rate. The bowling tightened and fielding went up a few gears, it came down to the last over but Abberley just fell short finishing on 201 for 7. Squad: Edward Barry (Capt), William Gardiner, Laurie Rathbone, Dylan Griffith, Jonty Bright, Frankie McLaughlin, Orlando Williams, Patrick Crowe, Edward Don, Robert Vick, Shuntaro Chikamori. JM Played






4th XI

Although we only had three matches, they were all good games Lost 1 with some excellent cricket played. The team was made up of a core of regular players and a number of ‘guests’ who played in only one or two of the matches. This gave everyone who wanted to play an opportunity to do so and meant that nearly twenty children had the experience of playing for the school. Nathan Mielczarek was the stand out performer with the bat, keeping the scoreboard operators busy in all the games. The bowling was more of a team effort with everybody bowling at least one over and the wickets being divided fairly equally amongst them. I was particularly impressed by how much many of the players improved during the term, particularly those like Victor Musselin, Javier Santos and Shuntaro Chikamori who had not played before this term and who were all able to play like seasoned professionals by the last match of the season. Squad: Henry Dickson, Freddie Mathias, Nathan Mielczarek, Robert Vick, Edward Don, Charlie Holt, Oliver Griffiths, Victor Musselin, Oliver Keeling-Paglia, Abraham Mosley, Javier Santos, Gus Ames. FRH

Under 11A Played






Moor Park 8/8 Tournament Malvern College 8/8 Tournament

4 2 Runners-up Plate winners

Uppingham Prep School Tournament


Sedbergh Prep School Tournament


2015 was a season of incredible tournament success for the Under 11A squad. The wins at Sedbergh and Uppingham proved that this group could adapt to the different formats with ease. Even in the regular season I have been delighted with how the boys have developed. After a disappointing start in terms of results, they learned from any mistakes to become ruthless match winners as the season progressed. The final game against S. Anselm’s was our best performance in the field with a terrific all-round display. Spinners William Goodall and George Stanford-Davis changed the game taking important wickets; George saved his best spell for last with three wickets in his first over. My favourite performance with the bat was the run chase against a strong Shropshire XI. After losing early wickets, Jack Yeoward and Seb Marmont played superbly to win us the game with an over to spare. I must stress that the success the boys have had is down to terrific team effort. Jago Ainslie opened the bowling superbly all season; Freddie Cox, Louis Graham, Jack Yeoward and James Pickering all hit 50s; Jack and George Stanford-Davis took eight and six wickets apiece during the regular matches; and George Hughes was the star in all

formats with many important batting contributions and his excellent keeping. Jack topped the stats this year with a batting average of 67.5 and taking eight wickets costing seven runs each. All the boys have impressed me with their desire to learn about this complex game and improve, and I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching them. I hope they will look back on the 2015 season and feel they have made progress and more importantly enjoyed it. Well done! Squad: Freddie Cox (Capt), George Hughes, Louis Graham, Jack Yeoward, Sebastian Marmont, Ted Evans, Angus Hill-Trevor, Jago Ainslie, James Pickering, William Goodall, George Stanford-Davis. PJP

Under 11B A young, enthusiastic bunch with the majority of the team in Year 5; they were keen to take advice, and a lot of









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Team: Archie McParland (Capt), Orlando Bayliss, Wilbur Blackham, Freddie Timmis, Fred Dollar, Tom Bright, Garret Healy, Archie Barlow, Henry Jones-Perrott, Morgan Matthews, Will Tate, Bobby Boyes. RHC

Under 11C


There were only two fixtures for Won 1 the team but the Drawn 0 boys all worked Lost 1 hard during games sessions and everyone improved. They tried hard in both their matches losing early in the term to Foremarke’s Under 11 B team but, more importantly, scoring a close and exciting win over Prestfelde. Played


Team: Hugo Davies, Euan Montgomery, Edward Scott, Freddie Greenwell, Johnny Cunningham, Jack Gardiner, James Miles, Jamie Warburton-Lee, Eden Holt, Ernie Visick, Edward Forde-Johnston, James Mainwaring. SAR


I must stress that the success the boys have had is down to terrific team effort.


them spent hours in the nets in their spare time. Their general progress was very pleasing and I must say that the future of the Colts A team looks bright. The season’s highlight was defeating Prestfelde by just one run in a hugely exciting game, in which Henry J-P ran out four and took a catch! He was a marvellous fielder and the most improved player. Archie McParland was the captain, assured with the bat and ball, and looking increasingly like a class act. Of note was Freddie Timmis who scored a marvellous, undefeated 44 out of 52 runs hit off the bat, to defeat Ellesmere, while Fred Dollar’s fast and ferocious 25 against Prestfelde was absolutely vital when all looked lost. Memorable also was Archie Barlow and Garret Healy’s wonderful combined score of 28 in the last two overs against Old Hall. Well done to the whole team, for their wonderful progress!






Under 9

Another great season of cricket Lost 1 for the Under 9 boys. Their boundless enthusiasm, their eagerness to learn something new and their sense of fun is infectious! We play the pairs cricket format which has the advantage of involving every player – they will all bat and bowl which is great, but the downside is that batting technique can be forgotten as (with five runs being deducted for a wicket) it can, at times, become something of a ‘slog-fest’. Our bowling has been very good, our batting has occasionally been erratic but the older boys are now ready for the hard ball version of the game. Well done, one and all. Squad: Tom Kenyon, Tom Thurstan, Hugo Mathias, Archie Tulloch, Tom Williams, Hal Cowan, Rufus Farmer, Bertie Shute, Felix Barlow, Joseph Bowdler, Wilf Peers. MAF


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Pipped at the post

Team: Emily McParland, Georgie Nicholas, Alice Hughes, Mollie Matthews, Abi Anwyl, Eliza Blackham, Blanca Pueche Granados, Rozzy Higgin, Bridget Merison, Isabel Morris. LW Played






3rd IX

This was a positive season for the third team. Girls who had never played Lost 2 Rounders before learned the game quickly and more experienced players improved both their batting and fielding and led by example. It was great to see the girls helping and encouraging each other. Thank you to the captains, Riko and Freja, in particular. Well done all! Team: Freja Bedell (Capt), Riko Munakata (Capt), Lidia Gironda Llorens, Monica Moreta Martinez, Blanca Pueche Granados, Tommy Jarvis, Manon Scart, Jenny Cheng, Bridget Merison, Rozzy Higgin, Marta Banegas, Teresa Rodriguez. GW

Under 11A

1st IX









A combination of excellent batting and fielding, and wellhoned match tactics, resulted in an outstanding season with an unbeaten run. Every girl contributed to the team’s success and all acknowledge the outstanding contributions in particular from Lily who proved to be an excellent allrounder, Eliza who had the safest pair of hands on the team and Georgia who was the most consistent and strongest batter throughout the season. Squad: Freya Cox (Capt), Sophia Bureau, Tallulah Pollock, Louisa Jarvis, Lily Freeman-Attwood, Georgia Kannreuther, Eliza Rosselli, Anna Cowan, Sacha Sandbach, Carolina Pueche Granados. KLP

2nd IX Played








Shrewsbury High School Under 12 Tournament


I always look forward to and thoroughly enjoy the summer term, especially when the weather is kinder than usual and I have such a great squad of girls to work with. We started the term in style, winning the Under 12 Shrewsbury High School Rounders Tournament and we didn’t look back! Our most memorable game was against Moor Park, away. A real nailbiter which was determined by the last batsman; a thrilling draw and a great testament to the girls’ determination. Next season holds a great deal of promise!









Moor Park Tournament


Packwood Under 11 Tournament


The girls had a brilliant season putting new skills, tactics and team play learnt in training into excellent performances on the pitch, even when the results weren’t going their way. Consistent and developing batting from every single member of the team meant the girls scored many rounders, concluding with an astoundingly high scoring win of 20.5 rounders against Adcote. Over the season, the girls developed a great strength in their fielding, be it throwing with greater accuracy, backing each other up appropriately or catching any high ball. Special mention must go to Liberty Clarke and Isabel Morris for controlling the pace of the game with their reliable bowling and to Genevieve Bright who, much to our amusement, would often spend most of a game rolling around the base of a post in an effort to stump out any rival batter – thankfully with regular success! Indeed, each individual of the team has played an important role and their enthusiasm and enjoyment of the game has made them a pleasure to coach. Team: Emily Keeling-Paglia, Amelia Farmer, Heath Rosselli, Mair Griffith, Poppy Stephens, Genevieve Bright, Liberty Clarke, Lucy Clarke, Zennor Harvey, Memie Sripen. SL

Under 11B/Under 10 Played








Shrewsbury High School Under 10 Tournament Packwood Under 10 Tournament

Winners 3rd

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ROUNDERS/GIRLS’ CRICKET Keen enthusiasm and a positive attitude saw the Under 11B/Under 10 team make progress in every respect. Their understanding of the game, their batting and fielding skills and their decision making all improved greatly and, by the end of the term, the girls were working fluidly as a team, even against stronger opponents. The highlight of the season was the Under 10s victory in the Shrewsbury High School tournament, where they showed that they will make an excellent foundation of enthusiastic and skilful players for next year’s Under 11s.







Lady Taverners National Indoor Cricket Competition 5th 3rd Runners-up Winners

Team: Eliza Rosselli (Capt), Georgia Kannreuther, Tallulah Pollock, Freya Cox, Lily Freeman-Attwood, Mollie Matthews, Sophia Bureau, Sacha Sandbach, Isabel Morris, Alice Hughes, Louisa Jarvis. Played


















Under 13B

Team: Sophia Bureau (Capt), Alice Hughes (Capt), Georgiana Nicholas, Lost 2 Emily McParland, Eliza Blackham, Abi Anwyl, Rozzy Higgin, Monica Moreta Martinez, Louisa Jarvis, Bridget Merison, Anna Cowan.

Under 13C

Team: Riko Munakata (Capt), Blanca Pueche Granados, Carolina Pueche Lost 2 Granados, Lidia Gironda Llorens, Tommy Jarvis, Freja Bedell, Jenny Cheng, Marta Banegas, Teresa Rodriguez.




Under 11A Heath Rosselli (Capt), Amelia Farmer, Lucy Clarke, Liberty Clarke, Memie Sripen, Genevieve Bright, Lottie Waterhouse, Mair Griffith.

Under 9/Under 8

The improvement seen in all the girls this rounders season was incredible. Lost 3 The girls were so keen to learn and it really showed in their matches. Their strength was in their fielding, where their great throwing and catching skills often got people out. The girls were a pleasure to coach and I wish them luck for next year. Team: Florence Acton, Lulu Bright, Imogen Macey, Lucy Mielczarek, Isabel Posnett, Claudia Tate, Millie Jones-Perrott, Meghan Sheppard, Catherine Morton-Willetts. SW



Shrewsbury School U12 Tournament








Under 13A

Malvern College U13 Tournament



Girls’Cricket Abberley U13 Cricket Festival

Team: Isabelle Shannon, Lottie Waterhouse, Olivia Ryley, Honor Grigg, Eve Leslie, Elsa Waterhouse, Flora Raichura, Georgina Kenyon, Rowena Jones, Beatrice Grigg. SL

2 1 0 1

Under 11B/Under 10 Team: Emily Keeling-Paglia, Poppy Stephens, Honor Grigg, Olivia Ryley, Isabelle Shannon, Lottie Waterhouse, Lucy Clarke, Liberty Clarke.

It has been great to see so much cricket played by the girls this term and so many having a chance to represent the school. Indeed, every girl from the Under 11 age group upwards played in at least one match. There was mixed success but the highlights included the Under 13 Abberley Festival where the girls won four out of their five matches; the runners-up spot in the Malvern College Tournament; and winning the Under 12 Shrewsbury Tournament. Early in the season, the Under 13A team again set off for Lord’s to compete in the national finals of the Lady Taverners Indoor Competition. They qualified, for the second year running, by winning the district, county and Midlands and Wales regional rounds of the competition and ultimately finished in fifth place in the country. Building on that terrific achievement, the first team played some really pleasing cricket this summer. Stand out batters included Eliza Rosselli and Tallulah Pollock, and there was some superb bowling throughout the season from Georgia Kannreuther and Lily Freeman-Attwood. For the other teams this was much more of a development year but there is certainly some great potential amongst these younger players, notably Alice Hughes, Isabel Morris, Emily McParland and Georgiana Nicholas. The future of Packwood girls’ cricket looks bright. GW


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Riding high

It’s been another successful year for Packwood riders, starting off with an event on home soil. Early in the autumn term there was a mounted games competition for riders of all ages who enjoyed a thoroughly thrilling and speedy afternoon of bending races, apple bobbing, litter-picking and generally galloping about and having fun on their ponies. In September the equestrian team headed off to South View in Cheshire, a happy venue for Packwood, and we enjoyed great success again, coming away with three qualifications for the National School Equestrian Association Championships in October. Another qualification had already been secured,

Above: Bow House Grass Roots competition riders.

so Packwood was represented by four teams, and by Lily Freeman-Attwood as an individual in the 1.05m class. All put in excellent performances but the honours went to Lily, Seb Marmont, and (2014 leaver) Lottie Hill-Trevor who, despite competing against much older children, achieved a fantastic Bronze in the 85-90cm Jumping with Style competition. After the excitement of the National Championships we were eager to start again in the spring and see more riders out competing for Packwood. The squad has certainly grown with 13 new riders joining up and it’s good to see many youngsters amongst them. The Grass Roots competition at Bow House in May saw some great performances from Genevieve Bright and Rufus Farmer in particular, and at

Beaver Hall in June a team of new and young riders qualified for next year’s championships in the 80cm Jumping with Style class. There have been some notable individual successes this year too, with Eliza Rosselli competing in the Mounted Games at the world famous Horse of the Year Show, finishing second; Lily qualifying for the Show Jumping at the same event next year; and Paddy Barlow being part of a winning team at the Princethorpe College Two Day Event. What great achievements – well done to them, and to all of our riders this year! JB

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The Abberley Relays were also a highlight. The course is pretty brutal with a terribly long and steep hill to finish the lap. The Under 11 boys again finished second overall with Will Tate clocking the third fastest time of the day. The Under 13 boys, despite the help of new team member Ed Don, winner of the Sixes Cross Country, only managed fifth place – but Ed Bayliss ran like the wind and clocked the second fastest time of the day in his category! The final event of the year was at Shrewsbury High Prep.

Keep on running We had another very pleasing Cross Country season. The Under 11 boys’ team displayed stunning form in the Young Athletes XC Shropshire League in which they finished second overall – one place better than last year.

Once again the Under 11 boys ran very well, led home by Will Tate in second place and Freddie Cox in seventh. The team finished second (again!) and were fourth in the relay. The Under 13 boys put in some gritty performances to finish fifth overall and also fifth in the relay. Despite not going to many events, we had some talented girls too; congratulations in particular to Freya Cox for her victory at the Sixes Cross Country and some great performances during the season. Thanks also to Freya and Freddie’s family who have presented a Cross Country cup to Packwood to be awarded to the best senior boy and girl each year – the inaugural winners were Ed Don and Freya! JN


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Champions again!

It’s been another vintage year on the fencing piste including further individual and team success at national level. GB Teams

National Champions U13 Boys

GB Teams

National Runners up U13 Girls

GB U10 GB U12 IAPS U13 IAPS U13 Welsh U14

Bea Grigg Bronze Oliver Holcroft Bronze

Oliver Holcroft and Shuntaro Chikamori) competed brilliantly to win the national title, for the second year running! And in the Under 13 girls’ event, Packwood’s team (Louisa Jarvis, Tommy Jarvis, Freja Bedell and Emily McParland) weren’t far behind, ultimately finishing as runners-up.

Louisa Jarvis Champion Edward Don Bronze Edward Don Champion

Captain of Fencing, Ed Don retained the Under 14 Welsh national title that he won for the first time last year and was selected for the Welsh national team for the 2015 Sainsbury's School Games. At the GB Team Fencing Championships in March the Under 13 Boys’ team (Ed Don, George Weston,

There was individual success for Bea Grigg and Oliver Holcroft who both took Bronze at the British Youth Championships in early May and a week later, at the IAPS Fencing Championships, Ed Don also won Bronze in the Under 13 Boys’ event and Louisa Jarvis won the Under 13 Girls’ to become national prep school champion – a fantastic achievement! Fencing colours were awarded to Ed Don, George Weston, Oliver Holcroft, Shuntaro Chikamori and Louisa Jarvis.

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School records tumble The children have had a busy time in the pool this year. As well as the usual emphasis on stroke technique, stamina and plenty of racing, they’ve been trying to master the straddle jump (where your head stays above water), had a go at water polo and even had time to squeeze in a bit of synchronised swimming! At the start of the summer term we held a sponsored swim in aid of Hope House Children’s Hospice. Children from the Acorns upwards were invited to swim a ‘Nifty 50’ lengths of the pool, either individually or as a team, to raise money. The total distance, boosted by those hardy swimmers who covered 100 lengths each, equated to the mileage between Packwood and Hope

House, as the crow flies. All in all the children raised a fantastic £470. The swimming finals and relays at the end of term were the usual exciting affairs. The Bell Cup for swimming standards was won by Mannings/ Sodens, with school records being broken by Alfred Hughes in the Under 13 Breaststroke and Front crawl (distance), Morgan Matthews in the Under 10 Breaststroke and Front crawl (distance) and the super speedy Finn Bowdler in the Under 8 Front crawl (sprint). The Sixes’ relays were loud and exciting as always and there were plenty of close finishes in the heats. The overall

winners this year were McFerran/ Wilsons, who lifted the Prosser Cup for the second year running. AO

Sixes Aquathlon This year, another great number of enthusiastic all-round athletes entered the Aquathlon to represent their Six. They had to swim a few lengths, jump out of the pool as fast as possible to change into their running gear and quickly make their way to the Athletics track on the other side of the school to run a set number of laps according to their age group. It’s not for the fainthearted! Well done to all.

The winner of the Years 6-8 section was Will Tate (Year 6!) The winner in Year 5 was Archie McParland, and Finn Bowdler won the Years 3-4 age group. A big well done to Claudia Tate (second in her group) and Rowena Jones who competed superbly. The winning Six overall was Bradshaw Boyces who were awarded the McLaughlin Shield.


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Court action This year saw a brief tennis season condensed into the first five weeks of term owing to the very busy programme of activities and matches for cricket and rounders. The first match was against Birchfield who brought some good and experienced club players, but our boys battled hard. Alfred Hughes and Jac Evans excelled themselves to beat the first pair, proving that flashy shots do not always win matches! Our girls were definitely stronger than Birchfield, but the competition was good. The boys then played the older Year 9 boys at Shrewsbury School, and very nearly drew the match. The 3-5 result was reversed a week later at home when our boys were on flying form. They were terrific, particularly Victor Musselin Girls and Toby Turpin! The girls Played 2 did well that night to draw Won 1 overall in their contest against Under 14 girls; Tallulah Drawn 1 Pollock and Eliza Rosselli Lost 0 played especially well.

Boys Played Won

3 1





The Repton tournament came between the two Shrewsbury fixtures and we had some well-contested matches there, with several tiebreaks. Shuntaro Chikamori and Yuta Umetani were our top men, winning their section, and enjoying some great rallies in the semi-final. Congratulations also to Matron Sue Heath and Victor who won the parent and pupil school competition.

TEAMS Boys: Toby Turpin (Capt), Victor Musselin, Alfred Hughes, Jac Evans, Leo Walton, Shuntaro Chikamori, Yuta Umetani, William Maunder, Thomas Dix, Francis McLaughlin, Angus Hill-Trevor, Jago Ainslie, Freddie Cox, Jack Yeoward. Girls: Tallulah Pollock (Capt), Eliza Rosselli, Louisa Jarvis, Carolina Pueche Granados, Isabel Morris, Amelia Farmer. SD

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Salvete&Valete Salvete Autumn 2014 Abigail Anwyl Jonty Barber Oliver Barlow Patrick Barlow Freddie Barry Freddie Bedell Jenny Cheng Shuntaro Chikamori Luke Christensen Harry Cornes William Cornes Johnny Cunningham Hugo Dollar Henry Dong Elsie Downes Ted Evans Jack Gardiner Maddie Geary

Spring 2015 Lidia Gironda Llorens Mair Griffith Cai Harrison Archie Harvey Rozzy Higgin Charlie Holt Lily Jones Mathilda Jones-Perrott William Kimberley Eve Leslie Arthur Lewis James Mainwaring Pablo Martinez-Almeida Garcia Oliver Mee Monica Moreta Martinez Gorn Namchittai Euan Parr Barnaby Parry

Millie Parry Oscar Pemberton Isabel Posnett Blanca Pueche Granados Carolina Pueche Granados Isis Rendall Olivia Ryley Javier Santos Perez-Maura Clara Schneuwly Memie Sripen Henry Sussums-Lewis Ben Thurstan Lachlan Varady Ernie Visick Ossie Visick Henry Weir

Butler Academic Scholarship Alington Academic Scholarship Alington Academic Scholarship All-Rounder Scholarship Academic Scholarship All-Rounder Scholarship Sports Scholarship Music Scholarship Music Exhibition Music Exhibition Music Exhibition DT Exhibition Headmaster's Award

Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Moreton Hall Moreton Hall Moreton Hall Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Warwick School Shrewsbury Sedbergh

Claudia Barnfield Matthew Lloyd Isabelle Shannon

Summer 2015 Archie Barlow Felix Barlow Casper Buckley Eden Holt Robert Main Victor Musselin Wilfrid Peers David Shannon Oscar Whitthread

Valete Scholarships Anna Cowan George Clowes Louisa Jarvis Louisa Jarvis Sophia Bureau Sophia Bureau Freya Cox Anna Cowan George Clowes Suguru Gotoh Suguru Gotoh Francis McLaughlin Robert Vick

Passed on Scholarship Papers Tonbridge Monmouth Shrewsbury Eton

Non-CE Leavers

Common (or School) Entrance Exam Tom Baines, Patrick Crowe Paddy Barlow, Jac Evans, Lily Freeman-Attwood, Jack Goodall, Mollie Matthews, Francis McLaughlin, Harry Bradshaw, Georgia Kannreuther, Leo Walton, Harry Waterworth, James Weir Jonty Bright, Patrick Norman Edward Don Alfred Hughes Riko Munakata, Sacha Sandbach, Toby Turpin Tallulah Pollock Eliza Rosselli Robert Vick Freya Cox Suguru Gotoh George Weston

Edward Barry Oliver Keeling-Paglia Nathan Mielczarek Jake Reid

Concorde College

Shrewsbury Malvern College Stowe Millfield Oundle Uppingham Rugby Sedbergh Moreton Hall Warwick School Welshpool High School

Monica Moreta Martinez, Victor Musselin, Javier Santos Perez-Maura


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Prizes Subject prizes

Junior School

Middle School

Subject Prizes

Senior School

Mathematics English French

George Stanford-Davis Eve Leslie James Lewis

Shuntaro Chikamori Ossie Visick Georgiana Nicholas

Mathematics Wonnacott English Ollier French

Science Biology History Geography Religious Studies ICT Music Art Latin CDT PE Year 3 prize

Morgan Matthews – James Lewis George Stanford-Davis Georgina Kenyon Tom Bright Rowena Jones Orlando Bayliss Ernie Visick Elsa Waterhouse Rufus Farmer Charlie Weston

Euan Parr Jacob Jones Gus Ames Edward Bayliss Bridget Merison Tom Kiel Emily McParland Orlando Williams Freja Bedell Fred Stephens Carolina Pueche Granados

Science Harcourt Clarke Classics Headley Latin History Geography Religious Studies Biology Music ICT Daler-Rowney Cup for Art CDT PE

Riko Munakata Anna Cowan Oliver Keeling-Paglia, Anna Cowan Nathan Mielczarek Oliver Keeling-Paglia Sophia Bureau Riko Munakata Eliza Rosselli Eliza Rosselli Jake Reid Freya Cox Paddy Barlow Sophia Bureau Francis McLaughlin Alfred Hughes

Ormsby-Gore Drama

Jake Reid, Orlando Williams

Robertson Cup

Smith Drama

Mollie Matthews

(highest number of Greens)

Allan Cup for Character

Jonty Bright




Bruno Rugby Bowl

Under 11B

Ted Evans

Ted Evans

Ted Evans

Croydon Cup for Shooting

Laurie Rathbone

Antonia Lock Most Improved Netballer

Blanca Pueche Granados, Carolina Pueche Granados

Dunning Prize (Rugby candidates)

Eliza Rosselli

Oundle Prize for performance in Maths

Riko Munakata

Special Common Entrance Prize

Paddy Barlow

Old Boys’ Memorial English Prize

Lily Freeman-Attwood

Allott Cup

Robert Vick

Clarke Cup

Tom Baines

Justin Davies Memorial Prize

Edward Barry, Sophia Bureau

Allen Cup (highest number of Sixes points) Autumn



William Maunder Mollie Matthews Gorn Namchittai

Sixes Competitions Autumn Term Football Junior (Burnham Cup) Football Overall (Cooper Cup) Hockey (Barling Cup) Music Senior Fencing (Bibby Bowl) Junior Fencing (Holcroft Brothers Trophy) Cross-country Quellyn-Roberts Cup Sixes Shield

Summer Term Mannings/Sodens Mannings/Sodens McFerran/Wilsons Mannings/Sodens McFerran/Wilsons McFerran/Wilsons McFerran/Wilsons McFerran/Wilsons McFerran/Wilsons

Spring Term Rugby (Hannay Cup) Netball (Boyes Cup) Lacrosse (Morrey Shield) Quellyn-Roberts Cup Sixes Shield

Bradshaw/Boyces Bradshaw/Boyces McFerran/Wilsons Harcourt/Clarkes Bradshaw/Boyces

Cricket (Cowan Cup) Girls’ cricket (Wilkinson Cup) Rounders (Skempton Cup) Athletics (Miriam Heard Cup) Swimming (Prosser Cup) Aquathlon (McLaughlin Shield) Tennis Sports Quellyn-Roberts Cup Sixes Shield

Mannings/Sodens McFerran/Wilsons McFerran/Wilsons Mannings/Sodens McFerran/Wilsons Bradshaw/Boyces McFerran/Wilsons Mannings/Sodens McFerran/Wilsons McFerran/Wilsons

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Headmaster’s Prizes Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Lucy Mielczarek Morgan Matthews Garret Healy Hugo Compston Oliver Keeling-Paglia Riko Munakata

Millie Jones-Perrott James Mainwaring Freja Bedell Matthew Lloyd Ossie Visick Sacha Sandbach Toby Turpin

Finlay Montgomery Cai Harrison Poppy Stephens Oliver Barlow Alice Hughes Paddy Barlow

Industry Awards 3H 4C 4F 5M 5W 6R 6E 6L 7H 7W 7L 8C 8N 8W

Autumn Term

Spring/Summer Term

Oliver Edwards Lulu Bright Lucy Mielczarek Liberty Clarke, Georgina Kenyon Lucy Clarke Gorn Namchittai, Poppy Stephens Memie Sripen Lottie Waterhouse Edward Bayliss, Thomas Dix, Tom Kiel Alice Hughes Abi Anwyl Sophia Bureau Mollie Matthews, Eliza Rosselli Patrick Norman

William Cornes Joseph Bowdler, Lulu Bright, Tom Thurstan, Tom Williams Lucy Mielczarek, Claudia Tate William Goodall Lucy Clarke, George Hughes, Eve Leslie, Edward Scott, George Stanford-Davis Jago Ainslie, Gorn Namchittai Memie Sripen Freddie Cox, James Pickering Thomas Dix Alice Hughes, Tommy Jarvis, Fred Stephens Abi Anwyl Victor Musselin Paddy Barlow, Jack Goodall, Mollie Matthews, Eliza Rosselli Freya Cox, Georgia Kannreuther, Patrick Norman

Farewell At the end of the 2014-15 academic year we said a fond farewell to just three members of staff. Mr and Mrs Onions, who have run the boys’ boarding house at Packwood since 2011, are moving on to take up a new houseparenting role at St George’s School, Windsor. They have made a huge contribution to boys’ boarding, introducing new ideas and presiding over a happy, fun-filled four years in the dorms. In true Packwood style, they have done much, much more besides… As Head of Classics, Mr Onions has introduced many pupils to the wonders of Latin and Greek over the years, and Mrs Onions has taught swimming and been an invaluable Teaching Assistant in Packwood Acorns.

Our other staff leaver this year was Miss Wood who as our Graduate Assistant has been a vital cog in the Packwood machine for the last two years. She has done everything and anything that has been asked of her – from supporting pupils in lessons, coaching games, helping out in the girls’ boarding house to walking Mr Ford’s new puppy – and always with a smile on her face. Miss Wood leaves us to embark on a teacher training course so maybe her absence will prove to be only temporary…! Everyone in the school is immensely grateful to all three of these dedicated members of staff for everything they have done during their time at Packwood and we wish them all the very best of luck in their future ventures.


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Old Packwoodians Leavers of 2009 reunite 27 members of the year of 2009 made it back to Packwood for their reunion early in the autumn term. After drinks and a few words of welcome from Mr Jones they went into the theatre to watch a wonderful slide show of photographs from their time at Packwood. Happy memories were recalled as we saw groups dressed up for the Ball, Christmas hats at the feast, cooking activities and school plays and we relived some sporting

highs and lows from past years. Then on to the presentation room for dinner and a reminder of what Packwood food was like, or perhaps more to appreciate how much the food has improved in the last five years. A huge thank you to all the old boys and girls and the former and current staff who turned up, and of course to Fi Bridge for organising the whole thing. A great evening of catching up with old friends and happy memories.



To Emily Baker (nee Erskine, 1991) and Jonny, a son, Milo To Harriet Taylor (nee Erskine, 1993) and Steve, a daughter, Audrey

Simon Oliver Hargreave (1956) John Nicolson (1951) Jeremy Bretherton Anthony Brain (1950) Richard Brain (1942)

Engagements Andrew Erskine (1999) to Jennie Clough

News of Old Packwoodians 1953 We were delighted to have a visit from Christopher Pearce who left in 1953 and has lived for many years in New Zealand. We found several photos of him and his four brothers in the old photo albums and he told many tales of his time at Packwood. He was even able to name all the people in his dorm (now the library) during his final year. 2000 Rowan Lovegrove-Fielden is now working for Thomas Lloyd Private Equity investing in renewable energy. She is based in London but is travelling around the Far East. 2001 Grace Eardley is working at Congleton High School as Head of Media Studies and was shortlisted as one of six teachers for the TES ‘Inspirational Teacher of the Year’ award.

Rhiannon Evans is a doctor at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford and is hoping to specialise in paediatrics. 2002 Alys Brooks is a Welsh International hockey player and has been for the last nine years. She was selected for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow last year and was also selected for the Welsh Great Britain Aspire programme 2014-2015. Jos Lovegrove-Fielden has just completed his first year with PwC in London. 2003 Rhys Bevan graduated from the Oxford School of Drama in 2013 and has since found fame playing Toby Fairbrother in The Archers on BBC Radio 4. 2009 Katie Angus took English, Geography

and History A Levels at Fettes College. She passed Grade 6 flute and singing and was awarded a distinction in her BTEC in Music. She is now off to the University of Bath to study Sociology. Poppy Beckett took A Levels in Classical Civilisation, Business and RS at Shrewsbury School, having moved from Moreton Hall after GCSEs. At Shrewsbury she played in the first teams for netball, lacrosse, tennis and fives and won the Business Studies prize. She is now taking a gap year, including a ski season and travelling in Asia, before going to university to study fashion. Jess Bibby achieved an A* in Art, an A in Business Studies and a B in Geography at Rugby. She was Deputy Head of House and played hockey and netball for the school. She is going to Leeds to study Art and Design. Hugo Bland took Geography, Biology and Business Studies at A Level at Ellesmere College. He played 1st team

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OLD PACKWOODIANS rugby and football and was Captain of the 2nd XV. He got his Gold Duke of Edinburgh award and is now going to study Real Estate Management at Oxford Brookes University. Edward Bridge did GCSEs at Malvern College and is now studying agriculture at Reaseheath College in Nantwich. He is still playing a lot of rugby and cricket. Patrick Chambers went from Packwood to Winchester College and is now at Christ Church, Oxford reading Modern Languages. Charlie Clarke took Physics, Business Studies, Biology and Maths in the sixth form at Shrewsbury and rowed for the 1st VIII at Henley. He also rowed for Wales. He is now reading Accounting and Finance at Oxford Brookes and hoping to continue rowing there. James Eardley is now in his second year at Harper Adams University where he is doing a Foundation Degree in Agriculture. Ella Edwards took A Levels in Drama, Art and Classical Civilisation at Moreton Hall. She played 1st team hockey and lacrosse and got a distinction at Grade 8 in Musical Theatre. After a gap year she is going to study Drama at university. Rufus Holt took Geography, Classical Civilisation and Business Studies A Levels at Rugby and is now having a gap year in which he is doing a ski season before going to Reading University. Ben Hughes took A Levels in Geography, Economics and Business Studies at Adams’ Grammar School and after a gap year is going to study Business Management at university.

in Percussion. He is going on to study Chartered Engineering at the University of Leeds. Louis Lees-Jones is going to L’École Hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland to take a four year degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management after leaving Uppingham this summer with A levels in Maths (A), Chemistry (B) and Economics (B). He was captain of cross country running in his last year and was awarded the ‘Friends of Uppingham Award’ which is given every year to two people in their last year, a boy and a girl, of the headmaster’s choice who have been exemplary in providing outstanding benefits to Uppingham life. James London left Shrewsbury School after GCSEs to study Physics, Chemistry, Biology (inspired by Mr Jones, he says) and Computer Science at Bishop Heber High School. He was a member of the 2:2 shooting team, and is now off to study Mechanical Engineering at Southampton. Brooke Lovegrove-Fielden took Geography, History and Russian A Levels at Eton and played for the 1st VII rugby team. He spent his gap year travelling, initially in Pakistan at Langlands School in Chitral before travelling to Australia and New Zealand with Theo Price and where he met up with Ollie Brown. After that he worked in Botswana and on an impala and sable breeding ranch in South Africa. He is going to Edinburgh to read Geography.

Rada Kathuria got straight As in her A Levels at Cheltenham Ladies’ College in English, Economics and Classical Civilisation. She went to South Africa on netball tour and was a Charity Representative and Event Planner for the International Society at school. She is going to study Law at Leeds University.

Alex Lye left Shrewsbury School after GCSEs and took Business Studies, Economics and Spanish at Shrewsbury Sixth Form College. While at school he had a school Commendation in Cricket and went to the Nationals to play fives. He is now going to study Business Management with Economics at university.

John Leadbeater took Physics, Chemistry and Maths A Level at Ellesmere College. He gained his Gold Duke of Edinburgh award and Grade 8

William Lye took a Level 3 BTEC in Music Technology and is going to the BIMM in Manchester to study Music Events Management.

William Mackereth got straight As in his A Levels at Adams’ Grammar and is taking a gap year before applying to do Medicine at university. He also played rugby for Wales. Josie Mason had a very successful year as Head Girl at Moreton Hall and is now going to the University of Bath to study International Management and Modern Languages (Spanish). Z Midwinter took Geography, History and English at Newcastle under Lyme Grammar School and is now going to study Geography at the University of Leeds. Sophie Tennant excelled in her A Levels getting As in English, French and Latin and an A* in her Extended Project. She was head of her house at Rugby and after a gap year is going to study French at Edinburgh University. James Thorn took Pre-U Physics, Maths, Biology and Engineering in the sixth form at Rugby. Harry Tomkinson took A Levels at Shrewsbury and has moved to London to follow a career in art. Henry Young took Biology, Economics, History and Geography in the sixth form at Shrewsbury. He played rugby for the 1st XV and ran for the RSSH. He is hoping to gain a Commission in the Royal Marines.

Above: Michael Roe, a much-loved Maths teacher at Packwood from 1963-1992, cooking eggs over a Calor Gas stove for his young charges, during a canoeing trip from Llangollen to Chester in July 1968.


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Adrian Hall recalls his first dayat Packwood About a month after my eighth birthday, in September 1963, I got up as usual, and dressed for the first time in the light grey and dark green uniform that was to become so familiar. I remember thinking that this was going to be a momentous day that would change my life forever; life would never be the same again. We lived in Highgate, North London. There had been elaborate preparations for my journey to school: my trunk and tuck box had already been picked up for transport and delivery to Packwood, using a scheme termed ‘PLA’: Passengers’ Luggage in Advance. I remember that in my tuck box were many packets of sweets (such as ‘acid drops’), to last me through the term... At Paddington Station, we met several boys dressed in similar uniforms. I approached one boy, introduced myself as Adrian, and asked him what his name was. When he replied “Ferguson” I thought that was a very funny name, forgetting that from now on we had to address each other by our surnames, and not our Christian names. After travelling for what seemed like most of the day, we arrived at Shrewsbury station, and boarded a decrepit old bus. Presently we rattled through the village of Baschurch and caught our first glimpse of Packwood’s main school building, rising clear on a hilltop in the distance. Soon we reached Ruyton XI Towns, passed the old red sandstone church, the Talbot Inn, turned right at the village pump, and then up the hill, past the dairy, then past the main gates with round stone balls on the pillars, and turned right into the secondary entrance which led straight to the Yard. Later that evening I wandered around the school grounds, including the Headmaster's garden and the 'mushrooms' (topiary trees, still there more than 50 years later) at the far end of the garden, beyond which a field dropped away to the village of Ruyton in the valley below. I suddenly felt very homesick, as the truth sank in that I was now a long, long way from home, and mother, and family, and all that was dear and familiar. My reverie was interrupted by Mr Roe, the Senior Master, who was rounding up the 'train boys' for tea, asking me if I would like a boiled egg: “Yea, or Nay?” I was embarrassed, as I did not know what this meant, and was yet to learn that this was part of his somewhat eccentric sense of humour. (He was in charge of ringing the electric bell at the end of each lesson, a task he frequently delegated to a student, with the instruction “Watson, go and tinkle the tintabulum”). Anyway, back to that first day: “Yes, or No?” he explained. I do not remember what answer I gave, but in any case I was too upset to eat much.

Later that evening, Mr Roe ran the roll call in the Covered Courts, our main meeting hall next to the Yard. I was amazed, and momentarily confused, by the postscripts ‘ma’ (pronounced ‘may’, short for major) and ‘mi’ (short for minor), for brothers when their names were called out, as in Barton ma, Barton mi, Talbot ma, Talbot mi. I remember a similar beginning of year roll call a year or two later when Mr Roe, anxious that all the boys on his list were accounted for, asked, “Does anyone know where Boville is?” One bright new boy piped up, “Sir, Sir! Is it in Africa?” I was in 2 Dorm, with several other new boys, including Emery, Tonkins, Robertson and Wakefield. Ridley, who had been at the school for a couple of terms, was Dorm Captain. Once we were all in bed, Matron said “Goodnight” and turned the lights out. A stunned silence, then Tonkins exclaimed,”It's jolly dark!” whereupon Ridley told him to “Shhhhh!” There was a rule of strict silence after lights out. The next morning, we were allowed to lie in until 07:45, which was the rule for the first day of term (normally we got up at 07:15). The Headmaster, Mr PeaseWatkin, led us up to the top bathroom, where we each had a cold bath (quick in and out), then dried ourselves, put our dressing gowns back on, then back to the dormitory to dress. Breakfast was porridge with 'sand' sugar... Sometime later, a second year student, (Robert) Cowling, who would later become my best friend, took me on a rudimentary guided tour of the school. He took me to a classroom, pointed randomly to a desk, and mumbled “This is LM.” I had no idea what he meant, as I thought he had said, “This is Helen”! Anyway, I learned later that ‘LM’ stood for ‘Lower Middle’, a class that was to become my home when I was promoted from ‘LS’ (Lower School) after about two weeks at Packwood. On the first morning of the new term we were introduced to our teachers including Mr Bevan for Latin, and Mr Edwards for French, and it was somewhat heart-warming to meet people who welcomed me to the school because they remembered my brother, Nicholas, who had left at the end of 1962 – notably Gardiner, an older boy, and Mr Harrison, who would later teach me English and History.

Don’t lose touch! We are always delighted to receive news and photos from Old Packwoodians. Please email us at with any news and don’t forget to visit the Old Packwoodian Facebook page. Please do also take a look at the OP area of the school website which now includes our First World War archive giving many details of the 23 former pupils who died in the War. If you have any further information, or any photos of those involved, we would be very pleased to hear from you.

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Governors and Staff Governors Mrs E M Lewis – Chair of Governors Mrs F J Humphreys W A Johnston

R C Morris D R Stacey R G Tovey

Teaching Staff Clive Smith-Langridge BA, QTS – Headmaster Sally Smith-Langridge BSc, Dip RSA – Headmaster’s Wife Nick Jones BEd, Cert Ed – Deputy Head, Science Sue Rigby BA, PGCE, Dip SpLD – Deputy Head, Head of LS, Latin, Designated Safeguarding Lead Sarah Boutwood BA, PGCE – Head of Music Jenny Bright MA, BSc, PGCE – Packwood Acorns Roy Chambers MEd, BA, PGCE – Director of Studies, Head of English Richard Cowley BA, PGCE – Head of Drama, Maths, RS Elspeth Cumpston BSc, PGCE – Head of Maths Paul Dougan MA – Head of Art Roz Edwards BEd – Head of RS Martin Ford BEd – Maths, i/c New Children Sylvia Grace BA – Teaching Assistant Catherine Hammond BA – History, Librarian, Teaching Assistant Jean Herzog BA, PGCE, Dip SpLD – Year 3, LS Richard Herzog BEd – Head of Science Sam Hughes MA, BEd – English Heidi Jones BSc – Assistant Girls’ Houseparent, Teaching Assistant Jo Lambkin BA, MCIL – French Christopher Leese BA, PGCE – English, Maths Emma Middlemiss BEd – Acting Head of Packwood Acorns James Mullock BA, PGCE – Geography, PSHE Beth Mullock – Girls’ Games Helen Nogues BA, PGCE – Head of CDT Jerome Nogues BA, Cert Ed, QTS – Head of Modern Foreign Languages, i/c Day and Overseas Pupils Allison Onions BSc – Boys’ Houseparent, Swimming Teaching Assistant Jonathan Onions MEd, BA, PCGE – Head of Classics, Boys’ Houseparent Kate Parry BEd – Head of PE, Girls’ Houseparent Paul Phillips BSc, PGCE – Director of Sport, Science Sir Anthony Rigby – CDT Stephen Rigby BA, PGCE – Head of IT, i/c Timetables Nicola Tomlins BEd – Packwood Acorns Ken Webster Cert Ed – English Nick Weston MA, PGCE – Head of History Gail Wilkinson BA, PGCE – Head of Geography Leanne Willis – PE, Games, Teaching Assistant Matrons Ali Banks RGN – School Nurse Sue Heath Caron Lane – Deputy Head Matron, Photographer

Dr C Morton J M Ollier M Turner

Mrs S A Rosser Mrs A Mackeson-Sandbach R W Jebb

Learning Support Staff Jane Cooke BA, RSA Cert SpLD Jean Herzog BA, PGCE, Dip SpLD Jo Kapella BSc, PGCE, Dip SpLD Etsuko Koshika BA, JFL Tina Simms BA, PGCE, RSA Cert SpLD Visiting Staff John Arran – Guitar Duncan Boutwood – Singing Natalie Clifton-Griffith – Singing Roselinde Glossop – Piano Jane Hadwick – Piano Roy Johnson – Saxophone Katherine Joyce – Percussion Olga Lewis – Piano Jan Lumley – Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Oboe Jane Magee – Cello, Double Bass Elizabeth McEntee – Violin, Piano, Theory Harry Percy – Percussion Bethan Roberts – Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon Edward Roberts-Malpass – Trumpet, Trombone, Tenor Horn Jayne Robinson – Violin Darrell Corfield – Cricket Rosie Curran – Acorns’ volunteer James Davies – Golf Sue Draper – Tennis, Girls’ Games Charlie Goode – Tennis David Gregory – Fencing Dick Hilton – Archery Roger Houston – Judo Eve Jones – Girls’ Cricket Martine Jones – Drama Sarah Lloyd – Acorns’ volunteer Sarah Lowe – Girls’ Games Mike Markham – Tennis Barney Martin – Mandarin Annie Moody – Ballet Faith Page – Yoga Mike Pearce – Judo Steve Welti – Tennis Administrative and Support Staff Natalie Shaw FCCA – Bursar Emma Downes – Assistant Bursar Linda Champion – Bursary Assistant Jeremy Bayliss – IT Technician Fiona Bridge – Assistant Secretary, OP Society Secretary Helen Cooper – Assistant Secretary, Second-hand uniform Caroline Dougan – Headmaster’s Secretary Jane Jones – School uniform, Pastoral Steve Parry – Girls’ Houseparent Sarah Wood – Graduate Gap Student


Front row: Tom Baines, Eliza Rosselli, Edward Barry, Mrs Smith-Langridge, Mr Smith-Langridge, Sophia Bureau, Jack Goodall, Freya Cox

Row 4: Lily Freeman-Attwood, Sacha Sandbach, Mollie Matthews, Anna Cowan, James Weir, Francis McLaughlin, Paddy Barlow, Riko Munakata, Patrick Norman

Row 3: Leo Walton, Edward Don, Alfred Hughes, Nathan Mielczarek, Patrick Crowe, Toby Turpin, Tallulah Pollock

Row 2: Harry Bradshaw, Jonty Bright, Victor Musselin, George Weston, Suguru Gotoh, Louisa Jarvis, Robert Vick, George Clowes

Back row: Jac Evans, Oliver Keeling-Paglia, Jake Reid, Harry Waterworth

The 2015 Leavers

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